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by: Carrie Joy Decalan
The village of Bokod Benguet is in silence,peace and free from chaos. It was Sunday noon when a group of 3rd year level nursing students from UC (University of the Cordilleras) came for their community immersion duty. It was already evening at around 7:50 pm, these students are very noisy they make fun of each other as if they were the only people living there. An assigned student to cook their meal whos name is Eva said Ill should go to the kitchen to cook,its almost late while she was cooking suddenly, she heard a wishper of a girl like she was asking for help, she says are you trying to scare,ugh..Im not scared she thought that it was her co-classmates who wants to scare her, so she didnt mind it. Meanwhile, she again heard the same voice a while ago wisphering at her, whos that? she says, then she quickly go out from the kichen to look for that girl but she didnt saw anyone. At that moment she felt terrified, frightened and goosebumps came after her. Due to that horrible experience, she rushed going inside the house and immediately told the group of what happened to her you know what, since I went to the kitchen to cook I have always heared a wishper of a girl , so I go out and see who is it but I didnt see anything, is anyone of you planned this? but everybody ignore that I wasnt their plan. Everyone was scared and alarmed due to that, Cameron says to their instroctor Maam I want to go home as soon as possible, it was not only Cameron who wants to go home but everyone wanted also to go home as early as possible, but Maam Amei says I apologize, I cant do that because if I will allow you to go home early, the school might suspense or spell me out because everyone knows the tragedy happened in their area way back during the Japanese period. After they ate their meals they went directly to sleep. Cameron begged to her closest friends Ema and Eva may I ask a favor? Please.., they repplied Yes what is it?, I want to void, and would you mind to accompany me to go out Cameron says as she was sheivering. Ema and Eva was scared and dont want to accompany her, bu t they decided to accompany her since they were bestfrriends, while she is urinating, she saw a white lady infront of her,so she screamed loudly and quickly run to her companions. All of them were scared and go back to the staff house and layed down to sleep shivering with intense fear. On the following day, as the sun rises they went to continue their house to house visiting. One of the group member speak and says we must go now, its almost 3:15 pm and we have a lots of work yet to do, and we must also finish these as early as possible, so that we may able to sleep early all of the group members agreed and so they rush to go at the staff house. When they were already at the staff house, they do immedietly their requirements as well as their house hol d chores and thats why they slept early. On the third day of staying at the village at around 8:00 am, each members already prepared their things and is ready to go home. Along the way, while they are walking going down to the Municipal Office where their van is waiting for them to come, each of them shared their own shocking experiences about encountering ghosts. The nursing students learned the culture and tradition of the community people and their way of living, they have also learned how to cope up with them. When they arrived at the Municipal Office they rode the van, slept and rested because they walked for about 4 hours and they were exhausted on their 2 days of duty.




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