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Module 2 - Force & Energy

Answer all questions. Every question is followed by four answer A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. Then, blacken your answer on the answer sheet provided. The suggested time for this section is 45 minutes. If you are unable to answer a question, proceed to the next question.

Diagram shows a cube and a measuring cylinder filled with 45 cm of water.

Measuring cylinder

1 cm

Water Cube

How many cubes must be put into the measuring cylinder to make the reading of water level 55 cm? A B C D 1 3 4 10

2 Diagram shows the mass of a watermelon


Compression balance

If two more watermelon were added, what is the total mass? A B C D 3 2 kg 4 kg 6 kg 8 kg

Which of the following is NOT use to measure time? A B

Calculate the area of the diagram shown 12 cm

3 cm


9 cm 12 cm 34 cm 36 cm

The diagram shows the tools used to measure

A B C D 6

mass area length volume

Which of the following statement is true about the mass of an object? A B C D Smaller objects have more mass The mass of an object is not related to the size. The mass of an object is not affected by the gravity. The mass of an object is measured in gram or kilogram.

Which of following pairs are true about the type of measurement and their units? I II III IV A B Measurement Volume Length Mass Area I and II only II and III only Unit Milliliter Centimeter Cubic meter Square meter C D I, II, and IV only I, II, III and IV

The diagram shows the length of a pencil.

What is the length of the pencil? A B C D 7 match sticks. 6 match sticks. 5 match sticks. 4 match sticks.


Which of the following shows the correct eye position to read the volume of the


Which is the correct formula to calculate the area? A B C D Area = Length Width Area = Width Height Area = Length Height Area = Length Height Width


Diagram below shows a square. The area of the square is 35 cm2.

35 cm2 5cm

What is meant by area? A B C D 12 Size of a space. Size of a surface Distance between two spots The measurement of the length, width and height of an object

The picture below shows two boys, P and Q playing see-saw at the play ground.


Which of the following is true. A B C D The boy P has less mass than boy Q The boy P has same mass than boy Q The boy Q has more mass than boy P The boy Q has less mass than boy P

13 The information below shows the volumes of three cuboids of different sizes. The volume of J is greater than K The volume of L is equal to K Which of the following represent the information above? J K LJ


Study the statement below. Tina has the fastest time in a 100 metres race.

Which of the following tool can be used to measure time in the race? A B C D Hourglass Stopwatch Wristwatch Digital watch

15 Diagram shows the different ways to measure time.

Which of the following is a process that repeats uniformly? A B C D 16 R only P and Q only P and R only P, Q and R

Diagram shows the shaded region on a graph paper

2 cm 3 cm
What is the area of the shaded region? A B C D 17 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm

Diagram below shows the measurement of length for two pens of the same type.

22 cm What is the measurement for four pens of the same type? A 11 cm B 22 cm C 33 cm D 44 cm Which of the following tool is used to measure length?





What is the standard unit for length? I II III A B C D Millilitre Millimetre Centimetre I only I and II only II and III only I, II and III only


Diagram below shows a lever balance. The total mass on the left is equal to the total mass on the right. X X

Which of the following statement is true? I II III A B C D 21 Four pieces of X equals to two pieces of Y X and Y have equals mass Y is two times the mass of X I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III.

Among the following, which has the biggest surface area ?

A Tennis court B Netball field C Football field D Badminton court 22 Which answer below shows the correct arrangement from the smallest to the biggest length ? A B C D 23 metre, millimeter, centimeter, kilometer kilometre, metre, centimeter, millimetre centimeter, metre, kilometer, millimeter millimeter, centimeter, metre, kilometre

If each glass has a volume of 200 ml, what is the total volume of the bottle? Water was poured into a bottle until half full. Then, all the water In the bottle was poured into three glasses until each glass is full A 200ml B 400ml C 600ml D 1200ml


What is the length of the pencil shown in the diagram?

A 10 cm B 5 cm C 4 cm D 2 cm 25 Arrange the shapes P, Q, R and S as shown in Figure 6 according to their surface area starting from the smallest

A B C D 26 P, R, Q, S Q, P, R, S P, Q, R, S Q, R, P, S

Which of the following are units for measuring length using parts of the body?


Metre Span pinch Arm span I and II only I, II and III only III and IV only II, III and IV only

Among the pendulums P, Q, R and S shown in figure below, which will take the longest time to make 10 complete oscillations?

P Q A B C D 28 P Q R S S R bob

Among the following hollow boxes, which has the biggest space? A 6 cm 1 cm B 2 cm 2 cm 2 cm

7 cm C 2 cm 1 cm

3 cm D 5 cm 1 cm



Azrin arrives at school at 7.10 a.m. If he takes 15 minutes to walk to school, what time did he leave his house? A B C D 6.55 am 7.00 am 7.10 am 7.15 am


Which of the following unit used to measure a mass of light object? A B C D Centigram Gram Milligram Kilogram

Section B

Answer all questions. 1. Ali carried out a fair test to find the relationship between length of string and the number of swings in 30 seconds. He used the same type of pendulum throughout the fair test.The table shows the result of the fair test. Pendulum W X Y Z Length of string (cm) 10 15 25 Number of swings in 30 seconds 45 39 34 30

W X Y Z a) In this fair test, state i) ii) ii) b)



What to change: ____________________________________ [1 mark] What to measure: ___________________________________ [1mark] What is kept the same? _______________________________ [1 mark]

State the pattern/trend of the number of swings in 30 seconds. __________________________________________________________ [1 mark]


Predict the length of string if the number of swings is 34?

[1 mark]

Diagram shows the result of an investigation carried out by Ali on object X and Y when placed in the salt solution.


Object X

800 ml Salt solution

Object Y


Why does object Y can float higher than object X? _____________________________________________________ [1 mark]


What to measure(observe)? _____________________________________________________ [1 mark] What to keep the same? _____________________________________________________ [1 mark]



What is the aim of the fair test? To find the relationship between _______________________ and ______________________________ [1 mark]


What is the relationship between mass of object and ability to float? If the mass of object ___________________, the ability to float __________________________ [1 Mark]


Match the words to the tools correctly






[4 marks]


Name the tools correctly


[4 marks]

5. Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Metric system Stop watch Measuring cyclinder


Repeat uniformly


Exercise book





1. Length is the distance between two____________. 2. _______________is the region of a surface. 3. The area of the ________________ can be measured by using pieces of stamps. 4. Volume of liquid can be measured by using____________________ 5. The processes that___________________ can be used to measure time. 6. Kilometer, kilogram and second are standard units in the _________________ 7. The Standard unit of mass in the metric system is the_____________________ 8. ___________________ are usually used to measure activities that take a short time.

[8 marks]


Tick [ ] for the true statement, tick [ ] for false statement. 1. Length is the distance between two moments. [ ]


2. The area of an object is the total surface covered by the object. 3. Stopwatch can be used to measure time in the race. 4. Volume is the total circumference of an object.

[ [ [

] ] ]

[4 marks]

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