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14 theSun | WEDNESDAY JUNE 10 2009

media & marketing

21 students get Taylor's

special scholarship MAS to introduce new
cell phone service

Khaled (right) congratulating some

of the scholarship recipients

by Jonathan Mah Also present was Higher Educa- tion Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Khaled
Nordin, who praised Taylor’s for
TAYLOR’s University College, in con- taking the initiative to offer such
junction with 19 multinational com- scholarships.
panies, awarded the Taylor’s World "The choice of ‘world class’ in
Class Scholarships (TWCS) 2009 to 21 the scholarships is a bold move and
students on Monday. augurs well for Taylor’s vision in con-
The students, who are enrolled in tributing towards the development of
various Taylor’s schools, will receive Malaysia’s human capital who have
full tuition fee waivers and given a passion for learning and are eager
opportunities to undergo industrial to excel and contribute towards the
training with the partner companies nation’s success,” he said.
during the course of their studies. “The TWCS award is unique in that
Upon graduation, they will also be it is in line with the government’s aim by Meena L. Ramadas The passenger would then flash the bar code
enrolled into 12- to 24-month man- of encouraging closer collaboration Abdul Mutalib to be scanned by a Sita machine at the airport,
agement trainee programmes at the between industries and institutions (left) and which will then issue a paper slip containing the
discretion of the partner companies. of higher learning,” he added. Amin Khan MALAYSIA AIRLINES (MAS) will introduce seat number and other flight details.
“The TWCS, when launched in Since its inception, the scholarship show off the a new mobile phone technology which will The airports that will first be equipped with
2006, was the first of its kind in Ma- has attracted an increasing number special MAS enhance its Passenger Services Systems (PSS) the Sita scanners are Penang, Kota Kinabalu and
laysia and represented a milestone of multinationals. Mobile Suite from October this year. KL International Airport (KLIA).
in our nation’s education landscape," This year, the scholarships are that will soon The MAS Mobile Suite, jointly developed with “We have been developing this mobile
said Taylor’s Education Group manag- offered jointly with corporate bodies be available. airline IT specialists Sita, promises to be a boon technology with Sita for 10 years,” said Abdul
ing director Datuk Loy Teik Ngan. that include the BMW Group Malaysia, for travellers. Mutalib, adding that the aim was to simplify
"It offered students not only the Foetus International, Dell, KPMG, Sie- It will ease travelling procedures by allowing travelling.
benefits of financial aid, but also mens, Leo Burnett, Air France-KLM, users to access information concerning flight “This was a real fun project to develop.
L’Oreal, Deloitte, General Electric bookings, check-ins, flight status updates, flight It’s very user-friendly and will offer simplified
provided an avenue for world-class
International, HSBC Bank, Sodexho, schedules and directions on mobile phones. options to airline passengers,” said Sita lab in-
internship training at top-notch mul-
“Among other things, it will enable travellers novation manager Stephane Cheikh.
tinationals.” he added. Universal McCann, Weber Shandwick,
to book flights and check-in at airports using Meanwhile, MAS network, revenue manage-
The recipients were shortlisted The Nielsen Company, Mandarin Ori-
their mobile phones,” said MAS distribution ment and distribution senior general manager
based on academic results, extra-cur- ental, Crowne Plaza Mutiara, Sheraton
assistant general manager Abdul Mutalib Ishak Amin Khan said the new product for mobile
ricular activities, leadership qualities Imperial and Le Meridien. commerce would also enable the airline to run
when giving the media a sneak preview of the
and a written essay on their expecta- “The continued support of world MAS Mobile Suite. MAS flight ads through mobile phones.
tions of a TWCS recipient. renowned partners each year augurs He said once a flight has been booked and The MAS Mobile Suite which is set to debut
They were then jointly interviewed well for the TWCS as it reflects the paid for by contacting the MAS call centre or by in early October and will enhance the Passenger
and selected by both Taylor’s and the growing acceptance and support accessing the nearest MAS ticket office, a 2D Services Systems (PSS) currently applied by
respective partner company. among industry leaders,” said Loy. bar code will be sent to the mobile phone. MAS.

Lunar Year celebration live in China

SEVERAL hundred million TV viewers in MDeC CEO Datuk Badlisham Ghazali said
southern China will get to see specially-cre- the forthcoming transmission was under the
ated Malaysian content to be aired live on prime auspices of MDeC’s MSC Malaysia creative
time over two major networks during the 2010 multimedia and content initiative.
Chinese lunar new year celebrations. MDeC, he said, was giving a lot of attention to
This follows an agreement between Jia further developing Malaysia’s creative talent.
Yu Home Entertainment Sdn Bhd, which is Leong said exposure was extremely impor-
associated with the Multimedia Development tant for artistes as they had to create a huge
Corporation (MDeC), and the two TV networks, fan base for sales of their CDs or for them to be
Nanning and Chengsa TV stations. invited for singing or acting engagements.
Jia Yu Home Entertainment CEO Damien He said Jia Yu was pleased with this
Leong said the agreement would open up a breakthrough as it meant an extra avenue
host of opportunties and spin-offs for Malay- and opportunity for Malaysians in the creative
sian artistes, musicians, graphic designers and industry.
other creative skills associated with the content “There are many talented Malaysian artistes
industry. and we would like to provide them with a plat-
“The live transmission will also provide a form for greater exposure,” he added.
platform for Malaysian artistes to break into Jia Yu, he said, felt it was time for Malaysian
the big China market as a result of the prime artistes and content to reach out to a more
time screening,” he told Bernama in Beijing global audience.
after exchanging documents with the two TV This was especially so when Malaysian TV
stations in the presence of Prime Minister Datuk shows for the Chinese New Year celebrations
Seri Najib Abdul Razak during the latter’s recent had been noted for their variety and creativity,
visit. he said. – Bernama

Final week for HSBC happy deals

THOSE on the lookout for savings and offers for difficult times,” said HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd
banking and financial products should quickly personal financial services general manager Lim
check out the ‘HSBC Happy Deals’ campaign, Eng Seong.
which ends on June 15. Lim said the campaign had garnered positive
The campaign offers customers special response, with April sales figures growing by
savings and promotions on a variety of HSBC’s about 40% against previous months.
consumer banking products. The products include home loans, personal
“I urge customers to take this opportu- loans, Takaful products as well as foreign cur-
nity and reap the benefits and savings from rency deposits.
the HSBC Happy Deals campaign as it provides For more details on the ‘HSBC Happy Deals’
financial solutions to help them during these campaign, log on to

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