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Physics Exam Paper 2008 SECTION "A" Q.1 (a) Derive the equation 2aS = Vf2 - Vi2. (05) (b) Write the contribution of each of the following in the field of Physics. (04) i. Al-Beruni ii. Yaqoob Al-Kandi (c) A mass of 10 kg at the end of a string is being whirled in a circle of radius 5 cm with a speed of 4 m/s. What will be the centripetal force? (03) Data Mass of Body = M = 10 kg Radius of Circle = r = 5m Velocity of object = V = 4 m/s Centripetal force = Fc = ? Solution .. Fc = mV2/r --> Fc = 10 x (4)2 / 5 --> Fc = 10 x 16 / 5 --> Fc = 2 x 16 --> Fc = 32 N Centripetal Force = 32N Ans. (d) One milliampere = 10-3 (01)

Q.2 (a) State Pascal's Law and explain the working of a hydraulic brake system with the help of a diagram. (05) (b) Write two points of difference between the following (04) i. Scalar and Vector Quantities
ii. 'g' and 'G' (c) A car moving with a velocity of 36 km/hr is brought to ret in 5 seconds, find its deceleration. (03) Data Initial Velocity of car = Vi = 36 km/hr 36 x 1000 / 60 x 60 = 10 m/s Find Velocity of car = Vf = O m/s Time = t = 5 seconds Decleration = a = ? Solution .. Vf - Vi + at --> a = Vf - Vi / t --> a = 0 - 10 / 5 --> a = -10 / 5 --> a = -2 m/s2 Decleration of Car = 2 m/s2 Ans. (d) The point at which the whole weight of a body appears to act is called center of gravity (01)

Q.3 (a) Define Newton's Law of Gravitation and find the equation for the mass of earth with the help of F = G m1m2 / r2 (5) (b) A 100 kg car is accelerated from rest at 4 m/s2 for 10 seconds calculate the work done. (04) Data Mass of Car = m = 100 kg Acceleration of car = a = 4 m/s2 Time = t = 10 seconds Force = F = ?
Initial velocity of car = Vi = 0 m/s Final velocity of car = Vf = ? Distance covered = S = ? Word done = w = ? Solution .. F = ma --> F = 100 x 4 --> F = 400N .. Vf = Vi + at --> Vf = 0 + 4 x 10 --> Vf = 40 m /s .. 2aS = Vf2 - Vi2 --> S = Vf2 - Vi2 / 2a --> S = (40)2 - o2 / 2 x 4 --> S = 1600 / 8 --> S = 200 m --> W = 400 x 200 --> W = 80,000J Word done = 8 x 104 J Ans (c) State the following Laws (03) i. Hooke's Law ii. Law of Inertia iii. Law of Conservation of Energy (d) Steam produces more severe burns on the body than the hot water. (Give the Scientific Reason) (01)
Q.4 (a) Draw a labelled diagram of a refrigerator and describe the working of its main parts. (05) (b) Write two points of difference between the following. (04) i. Distance and Displacement ii. Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy (c) Define the following terms (03) i. Elasticity ii. Newton (unit) iii. Force (d) The fundamental unit of length is S.I. System is metre.

Q.5 (a) Define Evaporation and write any four factors on which the rate of evaporation depends. (05) (b) What is the kinetic energy of a 200 kg car which is travelling with a velocity of 36 km/hr? (04) Data Mass of Car = m = 200 kg Velocity of car = V = 36 km / hr = 36 x 1000 / 60 x 60 = 10 m/s Kinetic Energy = K.E = ? Solution .. K.E = 1/2 mV2 --> K.E = 1/2 x 200 x (16)2 --> K.E = 1/2 x 200 x 100 ==> K.E = 10,000J ANS (c) Write three methods of reducing friction. ( 03) (d) Mechanical advantage of a screwjack (M.A) = 2nd / h.
SECTION "B" Q.6 (a) With the help of a labelled diagram, explain the working of an Electric Bell. (04) (b) A body is kept at a distance of 10 cm form a concave mirror. The radius of curvature of the mirror is 10 cm, find the position and nature of the image. (04) Data Distance of object = P = 10 cm Radius of curvature = R = 10 Focal length = f = ? Position of image = q = ? Nature of image = ? Solution .. f = R/2 --> f = 10 /2 --> f = 5 cm .. 1/f = 1/p + 1/q --> 1/q = 1/f - 1/p --> 1/q = 1/5 - 1/10 --> 1/q = 2-1/10 --> 1/q = 1/10 --> q = 10 cm Position of Image = 10 cm Nature of Image = Real, equal in size ANS (c) Define the following (03) i. Focal length
ii. Farad iii. Critical angle (d) The device which collects the charge is called Capacitor (01)

Q.7 (a) Explain the working of a compound microscope with the help of a ray diagram. (04) (b) Write two points of difference between the following. (04) i. Direct Current and Alternating Current ii. Real Image and Virtual Image (c) Define Coulumb's Law and derive its formula. (03) (d) The substance used as a medium between the two plates of a capacitor is called insulator (01)

Q.8 (a) With the help of a ray diagram show the nature size and position of the image formed in a concave mirror when (04) i. the object is placed beyond 'C' ii. the object is placed between 'C' and 'F' (b) Find the current passing through the heater which has a resistance of 20 ohms and a potential difference of 220 V is supplied to it. Data Current Passing = I = ? Resistance = P = 20 Potential Difference = V = 220 vatts Solution .. V = IR --> I = V/R --> I = 220/20 --> I = 11A
Current Passing 11 ampere ANS (c) Define Photon & write of its characteristics (03) (d) It a low resistance is connected parallel to a galvanometer it is converted into Ammeter (01)

SECTION "C" Q.9 (a) Define Loudness of sound. Give any three factors on which it depends. (04) (b) Write two points of difference between the following (04) i. Alpha Rays and Beta Rays ii. Fission Reaction and Fusion Reaction (c) Write three advantage of a Transistor (03) (d) The number of protons in a nucleus is called Mass Number (01) Q.10 (a) Define Radio-Isotopes and write any three uses of radio-isotopes in Industry. (04) (b) When a sound wave of frequency 200Hz and wave length 3m passes through a medium calculate the velocity of the wave in that medium. Data Wave Requency = f = 200Hz Wave length = h = 3m velocity of wave = V = ? Solution .. V = fh --> V = 200 3 --> V = 600 m/s Velocity of the Wave = 600 ms ANS (c) Define the following (03)
i. Time Period ii. Amplitude iii. Doping (d) The sound of explosion on the sun is no theard on the earth (Give the scientific reason) (01) Physics Exam Paper 2007 SECTION "A" Q.1 (a) Derive the equation S = Vit + 1/2 at2. (05) (b) Write two points of difference between the following (04) i. Mass and Weight ii. Heat and Temperature (c) A force of 100 N rotates a body about its axis. If the arm of force is 25 cm, find the magnitude of the torgue. ( 03) (d) The value of G = 6.67 x 10-11 _________. (fill in the blanks) (01)

Q.2 (a) Define Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy and derive the relation K.E. = 1/2 mv2 (05) (b) State the following Laws (04) i. Law of conservation of Momentum ii. Pascal's Law iii. Law of Heat Exchange iv. Law of Gravitation (c) Write the S.I. Units of the following (03) i. Pressure ii. Stress iii. Work iv. Mementum
v. Volume vi. Latent Heat (d) Why is it difficult to drive a motor cycle on an oily road. (Give the scientific reason) (01) Q.3 (a) What is a Machine? Define its Mechanical Advantage. Draw the diagrams of an inclined plane and Wheel and Axle and write the formula for their mechanical advantage. (05) (b) Define the following (04) i. Plasma Physics ii. Addition of Vectors iii. Retardation iv. Specific Heat (c) A roller tied to a string is dragged on a floor making an angle of 60o with the floor. If the tension in the string is 20 N find the force by which the roller is dragged. (cos 60o = 0.5 and sin 60o = 0.866) (03) (d) The distance covered per second by a moving body in a particular direction is called ________. (fill in the blank) (01)

Q.4 (a) Define Friction. Write its two advantages and two disadvantages. (05) (b) Define Centripetal Force, Centripetal Acceleration and write their formula and units. (04) (c) Find the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 100 gm of water from 10oC to 60oC. (Sp. Heat of water = 4200 J/kgoC. (03) (d) Why has a person to bend down while carrying a load on his back? (Give the scientific reason) (01)

Q.5 (a) Write the effect of pressure on the boiling point of a liquid and the melting point of a solid. Explain one of these with the help of an example (05) (b) Write two contributions of each of the following (04) i. Al-Beruni ii. Ibn-ul-Haithem
(c) State Hooke's Law and find the formula of Young's Modulus with the help of this law (03) (d) Zero error is a kind of _______ error (fill in the blanks) (01)

Section "B" Q.6 (a) Write four points on the similarities between Magnetism and static Electricity. (04) (b) Define the following (04) i. Focal length ii. Ampere iii. Spectrum iv. Fuse (c) An object is placed at a distance of 15 cm from a concave mirror of focal length 10 cm find the position and nature of the image formed. (03) (d) Joule/Coulumb is the unit of _______. (fill in the blanks) (01)

Q.7 (a) Define a Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection. Write two necassary conditions for total internal reflections. (04) (b) Write two points of difference between the following (04) i. Real Image and Virtual Image ii. Alternating Current and Direct Current (c) Find the potential difference between the two ends of a conductor if its resistance is 5 ohms and a current of 500 milliamperes is passing through it. (03) (d) The direction of the magnetic lines of force change if an iron-piece is placed in its field. (Give the scientific reason)

Q.8 (a) What is an Electric Motor? Write the factors on which the speed of an electric motor depends. (04) (b) Name two main defects of human Eye. Show the defects and their corrective devices with the help of ray diagrams (04)
(c) With the help of a ray diagram show the working of a simple Microscope (magnifying glass) and write the formula for its magnification. (d) The wavelength of red light is _____ than the wavelength of violet light. (Fill in the blanks) (01)

SECTION "C" Q.9 (a) Define Wavelength and Frequency and derive the relation f = v/h, where V is the wave velocity. (04) (b) Define the following (04) i. Pitch ii. Periodic Motion iii. Rectification iv. Half-Life of an Element. (c) Find the length of a simple pendulum whose time period is 2 seconds. (d) The charge on an electron is ______ coloumb (01) Q.10 (a) Name four Radio Isotopes and write their uses in the field of medicine. (04) (b) Write two points of difference between the following (04) i. P-type substances and N-type substances ii. Fission Reaction and Fusion Reaction (c) Write three characteristics of Alpha Rays (03) (d) The sound of a thunder in the sky is heard later than the lightning although they are produced at the same time. (Give the Scientific reason) (01) Physics Exam Paper 2006 SECTION "A" Q.1 (a) Derive the equation 2aS=vt2 - vi2 (b) Define the following i. Random Error
ii. Scalars iii. Specific Heat iv. Speed (c) A bullet of mass 0.1 kg is fired with a velocity of 60m/s calculate the momentum of the bullet. (d) In S.I. System the unit of work is Joule (J)

Q.2 (a) State Newton's Laws of Motion and give one example of each of the First and the Third Laws (b) Define Equilibrium and describe those states of equilibrium. (c) What is the mass of an object whose weight is 294 N at the surface of the earth? (d) The pin-hole camera was invented by Ibn-al-Haitham

Q.3 (a) State the law of Universal, Gravitation and prove that Me = gR2 / G (b) Define the resultant of a vector and describe the addition of vectors by head to tail rule. (c) Write down any three contribution of Muhammad-bin-Musa Khwarzni. (d) Why should a liquid used in a thermometer be a good conductor of heat? Q.4 (a) State Pascal's Principle and describe the construction and working of a Hydraulic Press with a diagram. (b) Define Energy, Kinetic Energy and derive K.E = 1/2 mv2. (c) A ball is dropped down from a height of 176.4m. How much time will it take to reach the ground? (d) The speed in a given direction is called velocity

Q.5 (a) Explain the working of the main parts of a refrigerator with the help of a diagram. (b) Define a Wheel and Axle and determine its Mechanical Advantage. (c) Write the following as the powers of 10
i. Deca ii. Mega iii. Giga iv. Decl v. Pico vi. Micro (d) The heat energy involved in the change of state is called latentheat.

SECTION "B" Q.6 (a) Draw the ray diagram of the image formed by a plane mirror and write its characteristics. (b) Define the following i. Short-Sightedness ii. Critical Angle iii. Farad iv. Magnetic Field (c) What is the current through a conductor with a resistance of 19 ohms when the potential difference across it is 120 V? (d) The commercial unit of electrical energy is Kilowatt-hour (kwh)

Q.7 (a) Describe the construction of a Compound Microscope with the help of a ray diagam. (b) Define Spectrum and describe the waves of which an electro-magnetic spectrum consists. (c) What is Galvanometer? How is it converted to an Ammeter and a Voltmeter? (d) The image of formed by a convex mirror is always virtual, erect and smaller than the object itself. (Fill in the blank)
Q.8 (a) Draw & neat and labelled diagram of an Electric Bell and write its working. (b) State the following laws i. Snell's Law ii. Ohm's Law iii. Columb's Law iv. Joule's Law (c) The focal length of a concave mirror is 10cm. Where should an object be placed so as to get its real image magnified twice. (d) The index of refraction of ruby is less than the index of refraction of diamond. Why? (Give Scientific Reason)

SECTION "C" Q.9 (a) Write the characteristics of Transverse Waves and Longitudinal Waves. (b) Write down two points of difference between each of the following. i. Musical Sound and Noice ii. Ptype and ntype substances. (c) How much energy is released due to conversion of 10 kg of mass into energy when the speed of light is 3 x 10 m/s? (d) Why is radioactive substance placed in a lead box with the lid made of lead? (Give the scientific reason) Q.10 (a) What is Radar? Write three uses of Radar (b) Write down four properties of Alpha Rays (c) 40 waves pass through a point on the surface of a pond in 2 seconds. Calculate the wave length if the velocity of the wave is 3.5 m/s (d) In fusion reaction two lighter nuclei are combined to form a havy nucleus. (Fill in the blanks) Physics Exam Paper 2005
Note:Attempt six questions in all,selecting Three questions from Section 'A'.Two questions from Section 'B' and One question from Section 'C'. SECTION 'A' 1.(a) Derive the equation s = vit+1/2at^2 ( 5 ) (b) Write down two points of difference between each of the following: ( 4 ) (i) Mass and Weight (ii) Heat and Temperature (c) A shell is fired vertically upward with s velocity of 98m/s;find the maximum height reached by the shell. ( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: The name of the famous book of Al-beruni is ______________ . ( Qanoon-al Masoodi ). ( 1 ) 2.(a) Define the following : ( 5 ) (i) Resolution of a vector (ii) Acceleration (iii) Torque or Moment of Force (iv) Center of Gravity (v) Coefficient of Friction. (b) Define work.Write down its two formula and S.I unit.( 4 ) (c) Define Physics and name any two of its branches.( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) The second condition if equilibrium is mathematically expressed formula????= ______.( 0 ) 3.(a) Define Lever and describe its principles and kinds.( 5 ) (b) State the following Laws/Principle.( 4 )
(i) Newton's Second law of Motion. (ii) Hookes Law (iii) Law of Conservation of Momentum. (iv) Archimedes Principle. (c) A body weighting 25N is placed on a wooden plank.How much forces is required to set it in motion if the coefficient of friction between the plank and the body is 0.47. ( 3 ) (d) Why does a nail sink in water but a ship having a huge mass floats on water?( Give the scientific reason . ) ( 1 ) 4.(a) State Newton's Law of Gravitation and derive F = __________ .( formula???? )(5) (b) Write three fundamental and three derived units with their symbols. ( 4 ) How much heat energy will be required to raise the temperature of 100gm of iron through 10 formula???? The specific heat of iron is 499.8 j/kg formula??. ( 3 ) (d) Why does an acrobat hold a rod while walking on a rope?(Give the scientific reason ). ( 1 ) 5.(a) State Boyle's Law and Charles' Law and General Gas Equation.( 5 ) (b) Define Scalar and Vector quantities and give two examples of each.( 4 ) (c) Calculate the tension in a string 50 m long when it is tied at its end to a mass of 0.2kg and whirled in a circle with a speed of 100m/s.( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) The speed in a given direction is called ________ .( velocity ) SECTION 'B' 6.(a) Draw the image formed by a convex mirror and describe its characteristic .( The object may be
placed at any point. ) ( 4 ) (b) Write down any two points of difference between the following : ( 4 ) (i) Regular and irregular Reflection of light . (ii) Insulator and conductor. (c) The focal length of a convex lens is one meter.An object is placed at a distance of 2m before it.Determine the position nature and magnification of the image.( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) The relation between the electric current and the magnetic field was discovered by __________ .( Christian Oersted ) 7.(a) Define Total Internal Reflection of light with the help of a ray diagram and write down the conditions necessary for it.( 4 ) (b) Draw a diagram of series and parallel combinations of resistances and write down two characteristic of the resistances connected in parallel. ( 4 ) (c) Describe the Quantum Theory of light. ( 3 ) (d) Why are concave mirrors used in the headlights of an automobile? ( Give the scientific reason ) ( 1) 8.(a) Define the following: ( 4 ) (i) Pole (ii) Magnification (iii) Rainbow (iv) Magnetic Field (b) Write down four similarities between magnetism and static electricity. ( 4 )
(c) Find the resistance of an electric bulb if a 0.6A current is passing through it and the potential difference across the bulb is 90 v.( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank:( 1 ) An ammeter is always connected in __________ to measure the current in a circuit.( series ) SECTION 'C' 9.(a)Define Wavelength and Frequency and derive V = formula???.( 4 ) (b) What is Transistor?Describe two types of a transistor with the help of a diagram.( 4) (c) Write down three properties of Gamma(Y) Rays.( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank:( 1 ) Holes are the charge carriers on the ____ type of material.( P ) 10.(a) Define a Radio isotope and write one use of radio-isotopes in the following fields: ( 4 ) (i) Industry (ii) Agriculture (iii) Medicine (b) Define the following : ( 4 ) (i) Loudness of Sound (ii) Nuclear Fusion (iii) Radar (iv) Half life of an Element (c) A sitar string vibrates at 400 Hz.What is the time period of the vibration? ( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) The maximum best frequency that a human ear can detect is ______ beats per second.( 7 )
Physics Exam Paper 2004 Note:Attempt Six questions in all -Selecting three questions from Section 'A'.Two question from Section 'B' and one question from Section 'C'. SECTION 'A' 1.(a) Drive the equation formula??? ( 5 ) (b) Write down two points of difference between each of the following respect to definition and formula: ( 4 ) (c) Write down any three contributions of Al-Beruni. ( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) Physical balance is used for the measurement of ________ .( mass ) 2.(a) Define a Machine and name six simple machines.Prove that the mechanical advantage of an inclined plan is h/l = sin0.( 5 ) (b) Define equilibrium and describe the two conditions of equilibrium.( 4 ) (c) An object of mass 20 kg is moving with an acceleration of 3 formula.Find the force acting on it.( 3 ) (d) How do fish and other aquatic animals survive in extremely cold water in rivers,lakes and seas?( give the scientific reason. ) ( 1 ) 3.(a)Define evaporation and describe the factors on which evaporation depends. ( 5 ) (b) Define the following : ( 4 ) (i) Kinematics (ii) Displacement (iii) Negative of a vector (iv) Centripetal Force
(c) If 117.6 Joules of heat are required to raise the temperature of 10 gm of silver through 50 degree centigrade.Calculate the specific heat of silver. ( 3 ) (d) The magnitude of centripetal acceleration,ac = v^/1. ( 1 ) 4.(a) Derive the equation Me = gr^/G to determine the mass of earth,by applying the Law of Gravitation. ( 5 ) (b) State Pascal's Principle and write its three applications. ( 4 ) (c) Calculate the kinetic energy of an object of mass 4 kg moving with a velocity of 10 m/s. ( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) The angle between the rectangular components of a vector is __________ .( 90 degree ) 5.(a) Define Momentum and write down its S.I unit.State and explain the Law of Conservation of Momentum. ( 5 ) (b) Identify the following as fundamental and derived units and name their physical quantities: ( 4 ) (i) Meter (m) (ii) Kilogram (kg) (iii) Newton (N) (iv) Ampere (m) (v) Pascal ( N/m^ ) (vi) Kelvin( K ) (vii) Coulomb ( C ) (viii) Meter per second per second ( m/s^ ) (c) A force of 100 N acts at an angle of 30 degree with the horizontal.Find its horizontal and
vertical components when sin 30 degree = 0.5 and cos 30 degree = 0.866. ( 3 ) (d) The weight of a body at the Equator is less then that at the pole.( Give the scientific reason ) (1) SECTION 'B' 6.(a) Define Regular and Irregular Reflection of light and write down two advantages of irregular reflection of light in practical life. ( 4 ) (b) Define th following : ( 4 ) (i) Coulomb (ii) Electric Field (iii) Electric Motor (iv) Solenoid (c) What is Capacitor ? Write the factors om which its capacity depends.( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) 1 microfarad = _________ . ( 10^farad ) 7.(a) Draw a ray diagram of a Compound Microscopes and write down its working.( 4 ) (b) Describe the Wave Theory of light.( 4 ) (c) A 100 watt bulb operates in a 220 volt circuit ; find the current passing through the circuit.( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) like poles of magnet _________ each other. ( repel ) 8.(a) How can a galvanometer be converted into an ammeter and voltmeter? give one use of each. ( 4 ) (b) Write four uses of spherical mirrors. ( 4 )
(c) The focal length of a concave mirror is 20 cm.where should an object be placed so as to get its real image magnified four times? ( 3 ) (d) Why is a concave lens of suitable focal length used to remove shaort sightedness of the eye? ( Give the scientific reason )( 1 ) SECTION 'C' 9.(a) define simple Harmonic Motion and explain it with an example.( 4 ) (b) Write down any two points of difference between the following:( 4 ) (i) Forward Bias and Reverse Bias (ii) a - Rays and formula?? (c) What is Radar?Write down its two uses. ( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) A human ear cannot hear a sound of frequency more than ___________ hertzs. ( 20000 ) 10.(a) Define Nuclear Fission and describe the chain reaction.( 4 ) (b) Define the following:( 4 ) (i) Half life of an Element (ii) Radioactive Isotopes (iii) Nuclear Reactor (iv) Loudness of Sound. (c) Calculate the length of a second pendulum taking g = 9.8 m/s^ ( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) The Semi conductors doped with pentavalent elements are called _____________ substances.( N-type ) Physics Exam Paper 2003
Note:Attempt six questions in all,selecting Three questions from Section 'A'.Two questions from Section 'B' and One question from Section 'C'. SECTION 'A' 1.(a) Derive the equation S = Vit+i/2 at^ ( 5 ) (b) Write down any two points of difference between each of the following : ( 4 ) (i) Heat and Temperature (ii) Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy (c) An aeroplane flying at a velocity of 600 km/h dives making an angle of 30 degree with the vertical direction.Find the velocity of its shadow on the ground if the sun is vertically above the plane.( Take sin 30 degree = 0.5 ) ( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) Torque is a __________ quantity. ( vector ) 2.(a) Define the following : ( 5 ) (i) Random Error (ii) Pulley (iii) Centripetal Force (iv) Coefficient of Friction (b) Write down any three contributions of Yaqoob Kindi in the field of science. ( 4 ) (c) A car is moving on a straight road at 5 m/s.It is accelerated at 3 m/s^ . Calculate its velocity after 4 seconds. ( 3 ) (d) Why does a nail sink but a ship having ahuge mass floats on water? ( Give scientific reason)(1) 3.(a) State the following laws: ( 5 )
(i) Newton's Second Law of Motion (ii)Law of Conservation of Momentum (iii) Law of Universal Gravitation (iv) Hooke's Law (v) Pressure Law (b) Show with the help of a neat diagram the important parts of a Refrigerator and write down the working of any one of them. ( 4 ) (c) The coefficient of linear thermal expansion of aluminum is 26x10^ degree c^.An aluminum rod is 2 m long at 25 degree c.What will be its length at 75 degree c? ( 3 ) (d)Fill in the blank:( 1 ) If the speed of a body is doubled ,its kinetic energy becomes ___________ times. ( four ) length at 75 degree c? 4.(a) Define a lever. Write down its kinds and give one example of each. ( 5 ) (b) State the Law of Conservation of Energy and prove it with the help of an example. ( 4 ) (c) An object of mass 100 kg is raised 2m above the ground using an inclined plane of length 10 m; calculate the effort applied parallel to the inclined plane. ( 5 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) One nano second is equal to ______ second. ( 10^ ) 5.(a) State Boyle's law and Charles law and derive the general gas equation PV = nRT ( 5 ) (b) Write down two advantages and two disadvantages of Friction. ( 4 ) (c) A force of 20 N is applied at the edge of a wheel of radius 40 cm;find the Torque acting on the
wheel. ( 3 ) (d) A body thrown upwards always falls to the ground.Why? ( Give scientific reason ) (1) SECTION 'B' 6.(a) Write down any two points of difference between each of the following : ( 5 ) (i) Direct current and Alternating current (ii) Real Image and Virtual Image (b) Show the position,nature and size of the image with the help of ray diagrams when an object is placed in front of a concave mirror : ( 4 ) (i) At center of curvature (ii) Between the center of curvature and the principal focus (c) Find the potential difference between two ends of a conductor if it offers a resistance of 5 ohms when a current of 5 amperes passes through it. ( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) ______________ is a surer test of magnetism. ( Repulsion ) ______________ is a surer test of magnetism. ( Repulsion ) ______________ is a surer test of magnetism. ( Repulsion )

7.(a) What is a Galvanometer ? How is it converted into an Ammeter and a Voltmeter? (4 ) (b) Describe shortsightedness and longsightedness. How are these defects removed? Show with the help of ray diagrams. ( 4 ) (C) Define the following: ( 3 )
(i) Ampere (ii) Farad (iii) Critical Angle (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) The speed of light in air is __________. ( 3x10^.m/sec ) 8.(a) Draw a neat and labeled diagram of an electric bell and show the path of current through it. ( 4) (b) Write down the four characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror. ( 4 ) (c) Find the focal length of a concave lens if p = 5 cm,q = 10 cm and the image is virtual. ( 3 ) (d) Fill in the blank: ( 1 ) The charge flowing through a conductor in unit time is called ___________. ( Current ) SECTION 'C' 9.(a) Write down the construction of a transistor and describe its function as an amplifier. ( 4 ) (b) Define the following : ( 4 ) (i) Frequency (ii) Amplitude (iii) Moderation (iv) Fusion Reaction (c) Write down any three uses of Radar. ( 3 ) (d) Why is lightning seen earlier than the sound of thunder? ( Give scientific reason ) (1) 10.(a) Write down any two points of difference between each of the following : ( 4 ) (i) Longitudinal Wave and Transverse Wave
(ii) Alpha Particles and Beta Particles (b) Define the following : ( 4 ) (i) Constructive Interference of Transverse Waves (ii) Doping (iii) n-Type and p-Type Substances (iv) Resonance (c) Write down any two uses each of Radio Isotopes in the field of agriculture. ( 4 ) Physics Exam Paper 2002 Note: Attempt six questions in all,selecting Three questions from section 'A',Two questions from section 'B' and One question from section 'C'. SECTION 'A' 1-(a) Derive the equation 2aS = v^f__v^i. ( 5 ) (b) Write down two points of difference between each of the following with respect to definition and S.I Units. (i) Stress and strain (ii) Mass and Weight (c) A motorcyclist is travelling along a circular path of radius 30m at a speed of 5ms^,If the total mass of the motorcycle and the rider is 360 kg.Find the magnitude of the centripetal force acting on him. ( 3 ) (d) See-saw is an example of the lever of _______ kind. ( 1st ) ( 1 ) 2-(a) Define the following : ( 5 ) (i) Momentum (ii) Pulley
(iii) Variable Velocity (iv) Power (v) Inclined Plane (b) Define Physical and name its six branches.( 4 ) (c) A body is projected upward with a velocity of 30ms^.How high would it rise? ( 3 ) (d) Small gaps are left between two adjacent pieces of rails.(Give the scientific reason.) ( 1 ) 3-(a) State Newton's Law of Gravitation and derive the relation F = G formula???? ( 5) (b) Derive the relation K.E,= I/2 mv^ ( 4 ) (c) At 16 degree Centigrade the length of an iron rod is 510cm.How long is it an 99degree centigrade if the co-efficient of liner expansion of iron formula???? ( 3 ) (d) The mechanical advantage of a screw jack = formula??? ( 1 ) 4-(a) State the following Laws/Principles: ( 5 ) (i) Law of Inertia (ii) Newton's Third Law of Motion (iii) Hooke's Law (iv) Archimedes Principle (v) Boyle's Law (b) What is the importance of standard units in Physics? Write down three fundamental and three derived units with their symbols? ( 4 ) (c) A force of 10 N is required to move one part of a machine over another.If the weight of the upper part of 50 N,find the co-efficient of friction between the two parts. ( 3 ) (d) A body thrown upward always falls to the ground.( Give the reason ) ( 1 )
5-(a) Define Scalar and Vector quantities and explain the rule of the addition of two or more vectors. ( 5 ) (b) Define Anomalous Expansion of water and describe its three examples from practical life. ( 4 ) (c) A force of 20N is applied at the edge of a wheel of radius 40cm:find the torque acting on the wheel. ( 3 ) (d) How is a heavy boy balanced by a lighter boy on a see-saw? ( Give the scientific reason ) ( 1 ) SECTION 'B' 6-(a) Describe the construction and working of a compound microscope with the help of a ray diagram. ( 4) (b) State Ohm's Law.Snell's Law and Maxwell's Right-Hand Rule. ( 3 ) (c) The radius of curvature of a concave mirror is 40cm.Where should an object be placed so as to get its real image magnified four times? ( 3 ) (d) Write down any two characteristics of the resistances connected in series. ( 2 ) 7-(a) Describe the construction and working of an electric bell and draw its labelled diagram. ( 4 ) (b) Write down the Quantum Theory and the Dual nature of light. ( 3 ) (c) A electric bulb with a current of 0.06A is left lighted for 15 minutes.How much electric charge passes through the filament of the bulb? ( 3 ) (d) It is not possible to measure the alternating with the help of a moving coil galvanometer.( Give the scientific reason ) ( 2 ) 8-(a) Write down any two points of difference between the following: ( 4 )
(i) Real Image and Virtual Image (ii) Direct Current and Alternating Current (b) Write down any two methods of demagnetization ( 3 ) (c) Define the following : ( 3 ) (i) Regular Reflection of Light (ii) Rainbow (iii) Principal Focus (d) Fill in the blanks with the correct answers: ( 2 ) (i) One milliampere is equal to __________ ampere. ( 10 ^ ) (ii) The ratio of the size of the image to the size of the object is called ______________ . ( Linear Magnification ) SECTION 'C' 9-(a) Define Wavelength and Frequency and derive v = formula?? (b) Write down any two points of difference between the following : ( 4 ) (i) Musical Sound and Noise. (ii) P Type And N Type Substances. (c) A Sound wave of frequency 400 Hz and wavelength 3m passes through a certain medium.Calculate the velocity of the wave in the medium. ( 3 ) (d) fill in the blank with the correct answer: ( 1 ) __________ Rays are not deflected by an electric or magnetic field. ( Gama ) 10-(a) Define the following: ( 4 ) (i) defination of doping (ii) Rectifier (iii) Nuclear Reactor
(iv) Nuclear Fusion (b) Write two uses of (i) Satellite and (ii) Radio isotope. ( 4 ) (c) Half -life of radon is 382 days.How much of a 100 gram sample of radon would be left after 764 days? ( 3 ) (d) Einstein proposed the Theory of Intercovertibility of matter and energy according to the equation E = ______. ( mc^) ( complete it ) ( 1 )

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