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to the Certification of Completion neer. And that was before CCC missions responsible by the

Wait for audit report and Compliance (CCC) because as

in more developed countries, demo-
lition works, especially for highrises,
is a specialist site preparation trade
that precedes the CCC process.
The CCC was introduced by
was introduced. Before CCC,
it was always the submitting
person who was responsible for
the building from start to finish.
After CCC was introduced, the
responsibility of the submitting
civil and structural engineers;
sanitary, plumbing, lifts and
Fire Department submissions,
by the mechanical and electrical
engineers, and needless to say,
the demolition submission and

on building collapse
the Housing and Local Govern- person remains unchanged. works responsible by specialist
ment Ministry in 2007 to expedite Unlike Australia or the UK, by demolition engineers, etc.
the delivery system so as to make law, our local authorities were Once works begin, the site
Malaysia more competitive. CCC never made responsible for the would be handed over to the
was formulated taking into consid- buildings. contractor who is responsible for
eration the many parties involved in The fact is, even if we were it. There are environmental and
the delivery system. to revert to the old ways of hav- safety measures to be observed
I REFER to “Consultant solely responsi- and developers work closely together One of the biggest improvements ing the local council issuing and all construction sites are
ble” (June 2). to regain the public’s confidence in the under CCC was to allow contractors certificates of fitness (CF), the supposed to be covered by public
First, let me, on behalf of Pertubuhan building industry instead of making con- (including trade contractors) to be local council would still not be liability and other insurances to
Akitek Malaysia (PAM), convey our fusing statements and creating further held accountable, over 21 stages, responsible for the buildings, safeguard the health and safety of
heartfelt condolences to the loved ones of fears. Under the 1Malaysia policy, public instead of solely by the submitting because that’s the law, nor could both the workers and the public,
the seven victims of the construction site safety is paramount. Full investigations person. As seen in the Highland that prevent buildings from col- including possible damages to
accident at the former Jaya Supermarket. and audit of the incident must be made in Towers incident, the court had lapsing before, during, or after surrounding properties. At times,
We concur with MTUC that the families a transparent manner, the lessons learnt absolved the local authority of any construction. the demolition could have been
should be compensated. must be made public, and our priorities responsibility over the collapse, and The implementation of CCC awarded to a specialist demoli-
PAM believes it is important that the must be to ensure such incidents will had apportioned the responsibilities does not take away the rights of tion contractor who may not be
government, professional bodies, Con- never recur. to a number of parties, including the the local authority to inspect the the main contractor for the new
struction Industry Development Board PAM strongly believes that it is inappro- submitting person, ie the registered site during construction. In fact, building. In such a situation, the
(CIDB), contractors, local authorities priate and confusing to relate the tragedy draftsperson, and structural engi- the intention of the CCC is also demolition contractor would be
to allow the local authority more held responsible.
time to carry out enforcement. The demolition of a multi-sto-
However, local councils are rey structure is a specialised as-
never involved in monitoring pect of engineering consultancy
the structural soundness of the with its own rules and safety
demolition of existing works, nor measures by the Department of
the construction of new build- Occupational Safety and Health
ings, post or pre-CCC. to protect both the workers and
Site safety during erection is the public.
already covered by other laws. There are several ways to pull
So, the old CF system will not down a building, each requiring
prevent an unfortunate collapse different methods and implica-
similar to the former Jaya Super- tions. Each option requires
market. analysis of the structural system
The erection of a build- before a “method statement” is
ing from site preparation, to agreed upon. PAM would leave
construction, to completion is this specialist area for comments
a complex process. While the by our engineering colleagues.
submitting person is generally In addition, according to the
the architect who is responsible Uniform Building By-Laws,
for the general health and safety in the event of a failure to a
aspects of the building, there building, the submitting person
are many other professionals should inform the local authority
and government departments within one week of such failure
who are responsible for various explaining the cause and stating
aspects of the building before, the remedial action/s taken.
during and after construction. PAM urges the public, media,
For example, when a planning and the local council to be patient
permission or development order in waiting for the full audit report
is required for a development, on the accident to be completed
the submitting person could be by the parties concerned before
either a planner or an architect issuing any statements that could
who would be responsible only further create confusion and fear
for the planning aspects such as in the public’s collective psyche.
plot ratio, car parking, height, And until any party is found
compliance, etc. guilty by the findings through
When it comes to a building due process, we strongly believe
plan, the submitting person it is wrong to summarily imply
could be an architect, a regis- and implicate any party or firm,
tered draftsperson or an engineer and unjustly affect their reputa-
depending on the type and size tion as well as the image and
of building. integrity of the architectural
Assuming the redevelopment profession.
of the former Jaya Supermar-
ket site had an architect as Ar Lee Chor Wah
the submitting person, there President
would still be infrastructural Pertubuhan Akitek
and structural engineering sub- Malaysia

We’re on the right track

to national unity
I REFER to reports on the as a cosmopolitan nation.
prime minister’s call for racial It is heart warming to note
acceptance. that of late senior government
As a loyal senior citizen, leaders have been stressing the
I welcome, appreciate and point that the key to the con-
thank Datuk Seri Najib Abdul tinued progress and prosperity
Razak for urging Malaysians to of our beloved nation and the
move from racial tolerance to people is entirely dependent on
acceptance because he says it national unity.
can strengthen the country. He Having noted that, I must
has said “the move was neces- hasten to add that the master
sary so that no race would feel key to all these achievements
it only needed to be tolerant of and more importantly, the
others when it actually needed goals of 1Malaysia is none
to accept other races.” other than the policy decisions
Such a vital and meaningful made by the executive arm of
statement could not have come the government at the cabinet
from a better person than our level. In this connection, I’m
prime minister himself at this convinced that we are on the
crucial time when the need right track to that much desired
for national unity takes centre goal.
stage in our earnest efforts to
bring the country to a greater S. Ragunathan
level of progress and prosperity Petaling Jaya

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