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) DURA MATER the outmost layer grayish, though, thick, inelastic, fibrous layer 4 extensions of the dura o Falx Cerebi- separates the 2 hemisphere in a longitudinal plane. o Tentorium Cerebilli- an infolding of the dura that forms a membranous shelf - this supports the cerebral hemisphere s and separates it from the lower parts of the brain - displacement of this brought by increase ICP may cause Tentorial Herniation o Falx Cerebelli separates the cerebellar hemisphere o Diaphragm Sella provides a roof for the sella turnica, the area that houses the pituitary gland 2.) ARACHNOID MATER middle meningeal layer dorsally resembles a spider web appears white because it has no blood supply. contains fingerlike projection called Arachnoid Villi that reabsorbs CSF in a normal adult, about 500ml of CSF is produced / day but only 125- 150ml is reabsorbed when blood enters the system, the villi, may become obstructed and cause hydrocephalus ( increase size of ventricles ) between the dura and the arachnoid is the SUBDURAL SPACE, a potential space.

between the arachnoid and pia mater is the SUBARACHNOID SPACE which contains the CSF

between the skull and the dura in the cranium, to between the peristeum and the dura in the vertebral column is the EPIDURAL SPACE, a potential space. 3.) PIA MATER inner most layer clings tightly to the surface of the spinal cord. FLOW OF CSF Choroids Plexus Lateral Ventricle Foramen of Monroe (space bet. Lateral and 3rd ventricle) rd 3 ventricle Aqueduct of Sylvius th 4 Ventricle Foramen of Magendie (middle) and Luschka (L & R) -3 Subarachnoid space (space bet. arachnoidsd and pia mater) Arachnoid villi Dural sinuses

Venous system (internal jugular vein)

MAJOR NEUROTRANSMITTERS Usually Excitatory, Parasympathetic effort, sometimes inhibitory (stimulation of the heart by vagal nerve) Inhibitory, helps to control mood and sleep , inhibits pain pathways Usually inhibits affect behavior (attention, motion) Fine movement Usually excitatory, affects mood and over all activity

Acetylcholine (major transmitter of PNS)

Substantia Nigra and Basal Ganglia


Brain stem , hypothalamus, dorsal horn of the spinal cord


Many areas of the brain ANS

Norepinephrine ( major transmitter of SNS )

Brainstem , hypothalamus, postganglionic neurons of SNS Spinal cord, cerebellum, basal ganglia Nerve terminals in the spines, brainstem , thalamus and hypothalamus, pituitary gland

Gamma aminobutyric Acid


Enkephalins and Endorphins

Excitatory, pleasurable sensation, inhibitory pain transmission

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