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She screamed and screamed in agony the sounds mimicking those heard in torture c hambers long ago.

Her skin was burning her blood was boiling her heart labored, her lungs seared, her eyes wept bloody tears. Her anguished cries echoed in the small room and she writhed and thrashed as she literally felt her body being bur ned alive from the inside out. How long she screamed and cried in misery she did n't know, but finally she passed out. She awoke again in the dark, but strangely it wasn't all that dark; it seemed al most like a gray dawn. The thought didn't register. It was pitch black; she shou ldn't be able to see the outline of the small cot and the bricks in the wall, bu t she did. Curious she tried to sit up. It was then she discovered that she coul d barely move; she was exhausted, weak and the idea of sitting up left her gaspi ng. She wondered at this. Why was it dark? What was happening to her? She tried to move again, but she just didn't have the strength. She moaned a lit tle miserably. Had she been sick? That must be it. She must have been sick for a long time and was now weak. She c losed her eyes. She just needed rest. Then she'd be strong again. **************** Mara pulled her beat-up SUV about a hundred yards away from the gates of the mas sive property. She couldn't imagine that they'd cut off security, so she made su re her approach wouldn't be noticed from any cameras on the walls. Rumors of wha t had happened at the place were still running rampant in town. They were saying that the Ancient One put down an uprising here; brutally. She didn't care eithe r way. The house was opulent, and from what she'd heard, they'd just boarded it up leaving all the little treasures inside. She smiled. Getting through the security would be worth it if this place paid of f the way she hoped. She could take the stuff she collected from the mansion and start over in a new town; somewhere no one knew who she was, who her creator wa s, and what she'd done. She made her way through the woods towards the gate keep ing her eye out for cameras and other forms of deterrents. That had always been her 'gift' which was why she'd been turned in the first pla ce. Obviously her creator hadn't turned her for her beauty or her stunning intel lect. No, he wanted her because she had an supernatural ability to outsmart ever y security system on the market. As a human, the talent was uncanny, and when sh e became a vampire, that ability only got better. What he'd made her do with those abilities... she shuddered as she thought about it. He wasn't interested in stealing, he was interested in real crime; violent, murderous crime. There had been nights Mara had cried herself to sleep as she r elived her creator brutalizing his enemies, using her abilities to get to them w hen they were comfortable, in their homes, unaware. He'd even murdered children. She'd been on the run from that bastard for nearly 2 years, now, and she thought she'd finally eluded him. Get far enough away and even a Little One could hide from her creator. Mara wasn't young or foolish anymore and she was determined to make something of herself. Tonight would be it. Tonight she'd be able to steal

enough to start over; a new city, a new life, hell- maybe even a new name. This was her chance. She felt for the security; cameras, electrified gate...that was it? Impossible. She swept the area visually, trying to find out what else was protecting this ri ch treasure trove, but... there was nothing. The perimeter's security was pathet ic; any imbecile could just walk into the place. Maybe it was a sign. She easily avoided the cameras and leapt the fence. After searching around for a bout ten minutes, she found a control box that linked all the cameras and the fe nce on the interior. It was easily disarmed. She didn't dare bring her vehicle i n, though. The house would most likely have a security system, too. She made her way across the grass noting that there was a strong smell of blood in the place. Even though it had been nearly a week since she'd heard it was aba ndoned and it had rained twice, she could smell it. So the rumors were true. A lot of dying happened here. Mara had seen more death than she cared to think about. The house was boarded up and upon closer inspection, there was no power; nothing to support the type of security system needed to protect the place. She looked at the boarded up windows and doors; it looked like someone had literally blown up the front of the house. For the first time in a long time, Mara's skin crawle d. This place looked like it had been at the gates of hell. She swallowed and re membered her purpose. Supposedly it was loaded. It had to be. She needed it to be. She dashed back out to her SUV and pulled it to the front of the house. In it sh e had all the necessary tools to get into the place: a crowbar and hammer. She d ecided that the front doors looked like the easiest way to gain entrance, so she began to work on them. When she finally opened the door she was overwhelmed by the smell of rancid bloo d. Sometimes she hated being a vampire with extra sensitive senses, especially r ight then. She wanted to gag at what she smell and saw. The walls were splattere d with it, the carpet was soaked in places with it, and it wasn't human blood; i t was vampire blood. Obviously the bodies had been disposed of, but the place ha dn't been cleaned, and it smelled awful. For several moments she stared in horro r. She couldn't imagine so many vampires dying in one place; they weren't an eas y race to kill. Finally though, her eyes saw past all that to... Holy shit! Look at all of this. Mara's eyes gleamed with triumph! She'd hit the jackpot! She picked her way through the house taking the paintings, silver, precious ston es, anything of value and loaded it into her vehicle. Some places were more tras hed than others. She wormed her way into a living room that was formally decorat ed with...fuck...was that really a Renoir? She took the painting off the wall an d looked at the signature in disbelief. Not that Mara knew much about art, but s he'd heard of the big names. This painting alone could be worth hundreds of thou sands of dollars for the right buyer. As she pulled the painting off the gorgeou

s wood paneled wall, she noticed a strange imperfection in the wood. Curiously s he pushed it and to her surprise the wall behind made a click as though it was a cabinet door and then came forward a few inches. Mara's hands trembled and she pushed on the hidden door a little more. It opened to a small room with an elegant spiral staircase leading down below the house. Her skin crawled as she thought about what might be down there, but her heart al so pounded. This could be the jackpot. Putting down the Renoir she made her way cautiously down the stairs and found herself in an extravagant wine cellar. She looked at the ancient brandies and wines and smiled. Some of these were quite va luable, too. She pulled the ones off the shelves that she knew were worth large sums of money and then turned to make her way up the stairs again. She saw another door. She put down the bottles and opened it, her hands tremblin g. **************** How long had it been? She couldn't move, the world was getting darker and she wa s getting weaker every time she awoke. What was happening? Was she dead? Dying? The thought made her shudder. Perhaps she really was dying? She refused to belie ve it. No. She wasn't ready to die. It was time to move! It was time to get out of this place! Fight! A voice in her mind seemed to scream it at her. Taking a deep breath she tried to move one last time. With all of her mental and physical strength she rolled and managed to roll and fall right out of the cot. She fell to the ground with a thud and panted miserably. "Who's there?" called a voice sharply outside her small room. She couldn't say anything. She found she was too weak to speak. There was a sound of steps and then a fumbling with a knob. "The door is locked," said the voice. "Is someone in here?" She didn't know what to do. She could barely breathe. "Yes!" she whispered on her breath, knowing the sound wouldn't travel through th e wall. "Help me!" "I can hear you, barely," said the voice. "Who are you?" She thought about it. Who was she? Oh God! She didn't know. She didn't know her own name! "Help me," she whispered in despair. There was a pause. "I'm going to open this door," said the voice. It was obvious ly female. "I've got a gun here. If you attack me I'll blow your head off."

"Please," she whispered weakly. She heard more noise outside and then something scratching the lock. After the s ound of fumbling for what seemed like forever, the door opened. More darkness po ured inside the room. There was no light, and her world had been growing darker. She could barely see the silhouette of a body, but it was female and she had a gun. "Hello?" the woman asked cautiously. "Oh my God," she gasped. "Help," she mouthed to the woman. The woman rushed to her side and rolled her on her back. "Good god, kid," she said. "Your clothes are covered in blood." She shook her head. She didn't know why. "I think you were turned," the woman said quietly, "but why would they just leav e you here? Why would they just turn you and then lock you up, leave you to star ve?" She shook her head. She couldn't remember her own name. "It's okay, Little One," said the woman gently. "I'm going to help you." **************** Mara lifted the blood-covered woman and carried her out of the vault and up to t he living room. There wasn't much blood there, so she laid the girl on the couch . "I'm going to get you some blood, Little One," she said. "I'll be right back, I promise." Mara dashed out to her car and opened the small chest she always carried with he r when she traveled. It had a few blood bags she'd managed to pilfer from the lo cal blood bank just in case she needed sustenance while she was away from town. Grabbing one of the bags, she carried it inside and back to the living room wher e the bloodied woman lay. When she returned the girl's eyes were closed and she seemed barely alive. Mara approached her cautiously. A starving vampire was dangerous, especially a L ittle One just turned. They couldn't control the frenzy when they were weak, but she had the feeling that this delicate woman was almost dead and that she might actually have to force the blood down her throat at first. "Little One," Mara called. The woman's eyes opened and Mara froze. They were incredible; sky blue, like she remembered the sky during the bright noon when she was a human. She couldn't he lp but to stare at her for a moment, but then she paid attention to the task at hand. "I have something that should make you better," she said gently. "I'm going to p ut it against your lips, and I need you to bite down to puncture the bag. After that you should be okay."

The woman blinked wearily. Mara figured that was about all she could manage in her half-starved state. Care fully she put the blood bag against her lips and the woman obediently bit into i t. Nothing happened. Mara swore to herself. Of course she probably didn't know she had fangs yet. She was newly turned. "I'll help you," she said taking the bag away from her mouth. She extended her fangs and punctured two holes in it, then turned the bag so the blood poured into the girl's mouth. Those blue eyes widened in amazement and su ddenly she moaned into the bag sucking against the holes for all she was worth. Mara fed her the entire bag making sure she drained it. Finally when there was n othing left she pulled it from the woman's lips and cast it aside. "Feeling better?" she asked. The woman nodded. "My name is Mara," she said. "Mara," the woman said in a tiny voice, "what's happening?" "I don't know if you're ready for that yet, Little One," she replied. "I'm almos t finished here. Let me do what I need to do, then I'll get you out of here. You 're still weak, and it will probably take a few nights and a few more feedings b efore you're strong." She stood. "You lay here and rest. I'll be back for you in a little bit." The woman nodded. "Thank you." Mara finished looting the house and loading up her vehicle with as much booty sh e could possibly cram in. Then she went back for the woman on the couch. She'd p assed out again, so Mara simply lifted her up again and carried her out of the b lood-filled mansion that could have ended up being her tomb. She looked at the h eavens and wondered...was there really such a thing as fate? **************** God the pain! Her body ached with it. Her stomach seemed to be churning with agony. Her eyes s hot open. She needed something. Her body was screaming for it. GOD! "I was wondering when you'd awake," said a female's voice. She looked at the woman who stood over her. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and a rather square frame, but she smiled kindly. She searched her mind trying to remember her. It was like a dark dream; shadows, exhaustion and a name... "Mara?" she asked.

"I'm surprised you remember," she commented. "You were almost dead." "Mara," she gasped curling into a ball. "Oh God! I hurt. I hurt so badly." "You need to feed," she said. "You're getting better; last time you couldn't eve n feel the pain." "Do you have anything to eat?" "Yes, and no. You won't eat like you used to anymore Little One, unless you choo se to, but it won't sustain you. The only thing that will sustain you is this." She held up a bag full of crimson fluid. "That's a blood bag," she said in horror. "Little One," replied Mara. "You are a vampire now. This is what you need." She screeched and backed away from the woman huddling in the far corner of the b ed. "Don't you fuck with me!" she cried. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Mara smiled then, and it wasn't a pleasant smile. "You don't believe me?" she as ked moving closer. She tried to pull away, but those brown eyes held her absolutely still. Mara took the blood bag and simply held it under her nose. Her body screamed in need the moment she scented it, but it didn't smell like sh e knew it should; coppery, metallic. It smelled sweet, desirable, like the most addictive potent thing she could imagine. Her body responded without her control . She snatched the bag from Mara, felt a tingling in her gums and bit into it hu ngrily. OH GLORY! OH GOD! Her entire being throbbed in pleasure with the first splash of the liquid on her tongue. She drank deeply consuming all the bag had to offer, desperately, hungr ily, moaning in pleasure and in need. When she drained the bag and the vicious h unger in her belly seemed satiated, her sanity seemed to return. Her eyes filled with tears. "Oh my God," she wailed tossing the plastic bag away from her. She buried her fa ce in her hands sobbing brokenly. It was true. She was a monster. She was completely overwhelmed. Her world spun, she took panting, panicky breath s, she couldn't see. A sense of absolute horror, desolation, confusion, repulsio n all of them pounded into her, making her heart ache unbearably. It was like an incapacitating panic attack, but so much more; agonizing, horrifying, guilt, in sanity. She began to sob hysterically even as she curled up into a tiny ball gas ping for breaths her body and soul aching. "Shh," said Mara's voice gently invading the overwhelming cloud of despair. "It' s okay, Little One. You're going to be okay." How long she'd been repeating it, she couldn't tell, but finally she took hiccou ghing breaths in efforts to calm herself.

"Are you okay?" Mara asked quietly. "No," she cried, the tears she thought she'd managed to stop filling her eyes ag ain. "It'll never be okay. I don't know my name, and...I'm a monster!" "I thought the same thing at first," said Mara. "Most of us who are turned witho ut consent do." "Turned?" she sniffed. "The only way to become a vampire is to be turned into one by another vampire. I 'm not sure if it was to save you or to harm you, though. You were locked in a p rison cell, but you surely don't act like a criminal, and your body was covered in blood; human blood." Mara put her finger on her lips thoughtfully. "I think s omeone tried to turn you, but it didn't work, and yet...somehow it did." "Why don't I remember?" Mara sighed. "The change process isn't easy. Vampirism isn't what people think. It's like an infection that spreads rapidly through your body and as it speeds t hrough your system it erases many of the things that make you human and mutates them into what makes us vampire. Think of everywhere your blood flows; your limb s, your heart and your brain. A change like that is hard on the body; it's like an invasion and your antibodies as a human can't fight it. You might even rememb er a moment of absolute searing pain and tortured when you were in that dark cel l. You probably thought you were burning alive." She nodded. It had felt just like that. "Well, anything that violent, changing and consuming has some rather drastic sid e-effects. It's not uncommon for newly made Little Ones to have memory loss at f irst until their bodies adjust to being vampire. Which is why a creator usually keeps the ones they turn close in order to guide them through the first few diff icult weeks. It should come back to you in time." "I don't even remember my own name," she sobbed. "If it's any consolation, I didn't know mine for two weeks." She sniffed and thought about it. Even though she didn't really know her, this w oman comforted her. There was something about her that was gruffly tender. "Besides, res never know it, y of your it's probably best for us that we don't know our names at first. Vampi reveal their true names to each other. If I had been your creator, I'd but..." Mara sighed and shrugged. "You'll have to wait until the memor life as a human comes back to you. Until then, I'll name you."

She didn't know what to say. She felt indignant that someone other than her moth er would name her something, but...she didn't really have a choice. Just like be ing a vampire. Nothing seemed to be her choice anymore. Finally she simply nodde d. After all, she couldn't go about nameless. "I think I'll name you Angel," said Mara thoughtfully. "You remind me of one; an angel that has fallen into darkness." For some reason the minute she heard the name a face flashed before her eyes. St unning jade eyes, golden hair, and from those sensuous lips was whispered that v ery word...Angel. ***************

Alexander sat in the Judge's chair, his advisors flanking him at their own desks and looked at the traitors assembled coldly. He did everything coldly anymore. He didn't have any compassion left, and looking at the vampires before him, they didn't deserve it. How many other than his Anna had died because of them? Since he'd returned to his opulent home in New York, the emptiness had grown. On e day he awoke in horrible agony, feeling like his body was burning alive from t he inside, and now the silence in his mind was unbearable . The feeling of her p resence that had warmed his existence now left a gaping hole of aching emptiness . There were times he could still smell her hair, and in his dreams he saw her f ace. She haunted him, and yet she was gone for eternity. "The council has decided that the evidence of your treachery is sound," he said, giving the verdict after their deliberation. In his frame of mind, he just wanted to brutally slaughter every suspect, but th e members of his council, those that remained loyal to him, had begged that each case be examined. Even Kieran had pleaded with him, and though he was impatient for justice, the little voice that remained of his conscience told him they wer e right; it needed to be determined whether there was appropriate evidence of tr eachery to warrant death. He looked at the fifteen vampires in chains before him , two of whom had been sitting on this very council, the evidence against them w as overwhelming. He felt nothing for them except...rage.

"It seems that my gentle hand in ruling our people in America has made you think I am weak," he continued. He looked over the assembled vampires and the crimina ls. "Do not mistake compassion for weakness, for you will find yourselves in the same fate as the vampires before you. Your treachery has resulted in the death of hundreds of our kind. Therefore you and all those we determine afterwards wil l suffer the ultimate execution. You will be staked in the sun until you die." A gasp rippled through the crowd. It had been rumored for the past few days he m ight, but no one believed he'd really do it again. He watched bitterly as two of the women among the traitors began to weep brokenly. He clenched his jaw. He'd wept brokenly just like them. He had no pity. "Your sentence will be carried out today at dawn." He turned to the soldiers in his guard. "Take them." The courtroom was silent. Alexander hadn't ordered someone to be staked in the s un in over a century. As the world had changed, so had the sentiments of vampire s; many believed that the punishment was cruel. "Cruel and Unusual Punishment," they claimed quoting the human law. Of course it was cruel. That was the point; such atrocious actions deserved equa lly atrocious reaction and a strong deterrant. He hadn't lived 2500 years to sim ply ignore such blatant treachery and let the massive death toll go unpunished. He'd been a king in one form or another for a thousand years, and had accepted l eadership in the budding United States because he knew this country would be dif ferent and challenging to rule. Different as it was, he intended to make sure no one would ever again dare to ch allenge his throne again. Some in attendance looked at Alexander with horror, so me with satisfaction, and several with the same rage he had in his eyes. Kaiden had destroyed so much. He rose and left the courtroom.

Back in his own office, he put his head in his hands. He heard his door open but he didn't look up. Only two people could walk in his office without knocking. "You're still feeling it," Darian observed. He nodded. "It takes time," his friend said gently. There was a long moment of silence between them. "I've been doing some more dream walking," Darian said. "And?" "There are more involved than just those you executed today." Once again he only nodded. "I shall make a list for you." "Thank you." "Are you going to watch?" Alexander sighed resolutely. "I want to see it finished." "I thought you would. As do I." He rose. "Let's go then." He turned to walk out of the office when he was suddenly overwhelmed by a torren t of emotions; horror, agony, confusion, guilt, hysteria. He gasped in surprise and clutched his heart. It seemed to ache and labor in what felt like a panic at tack. "Alexander?" Darian asked questioningly. For a moment he couldn't answer. All he could do was let the powerful emotions o verwhelm him. Then as quickly as they overwhelmed him they faded away until he f elt only a dull sense of confusion and grief. "What happened?" Darian asked him as he came back to reality. He shook his head. He wasn't sure. Perhaps he was having panic attacks? Strangel y, he didn't think the emotions were really his... "Brother?" Darian repeated. "It was nothing," he finally replied. "I just need to feed before I rest today." Darian looked right at him, those strange, silver eyes glowing knowingly. "Or at least you hope that was it?" Alexander nodded. "Otherwise, I don't know what the hell it was." "Well. Shall we?" Alexander led the way to the lawns where the fifteen traitors were shackled to t

he ground. The shackles had to been replaced two days ago; they hadn't been used in over a century. He stared at the traitors and almost growled again. They had contributed to her death. They had contributed to the deaths of nearly 200 vamp ires by their treachery, and yet, the revenge was bitter and empty. "Alexander," Kieran's voice pulled him from his reverie. There was something in his tone, it was urgent. "What's wrong?" he asked at once. Kieran motioned him and Darian away from the others who had come to watch the st aking. "The house in Minnesota was robbed," Kieran began. The rage he'd been trying to fight overwhelmed him, and his fangs elongated with his fury. "When?" he snarled angrily. "About three days ago, or so they think," Kieran said. "It was obviously a thief ; they stole some very valuable pieces." Alexander nodded and paced in anger. "Do we have any idea who did it?" Kieran shook his head. "We're still working on it," he admitted. He paused brief ly as though he was gauging his words. "There's more." Alexander froze. Of all the horrible things they'd done... "What happened to her ?" "We don't know. The body is gone." **************** "How do you feel today?" Mara asked her. Angel shrugged. It had been almost a week since she'd been rescued. She still di dn't know who she was, what happened at that mansion, and who had turned her int o a vampire. That was the worst part of it all; somewhere out there someone chan ged her and then locked her away to die. She'd been having strange dreams lately ; that handsome face with jade eyes kept floating in and out of them. God, how s he wished she knew him; those eyes looked at her tenderly in her dreams, his lip s kissed her passionately, his voice was smooth and sensual. "Angel?" Mara started her from her reverie. "Better I guess." "It will come back," Mara said gently. "And if it doesn't?" Angel asked quietly. "Then you continue on as though you never were anything before, but don't worry. It always comes back." Angel sighed and stared out into the moonlight. Night wasn't the same anymore. N one of the scary shadows humans feared. She smiled sarcastically. She remembered that much of being a human; how the dark was hard to see in. But now, it was li ke a bright dusk. The sky was bluer, the stars twinkled brighter and the moon...

it was like a silver sun. "We need to move on," said Mara. "We need to get out of Minnesota." "Where do you want to go?" Angel asked curiously. "I was thinking New York," Mara replied. "I figured two girls like us could do a ll right there." Angel thought about it. "I don't know if I've been to New York." "I haven't," Mara admitted. "Most of my life was spent on the West Coast. Maybe New York will be different enough that I can start over." She smiled. "And maybe it will be new enough for you to begin." Angel smiled. "I guess I don't have anything too pressing on my agenda for the r est of eternity," she said sarcastically. Mara chuckled. "Don't try to plan for eternity; it's a lot longer than you think ." Angel smiled a little. "Well, since eternity's out how about tomorrow? How are w e going to get to New York?" "We'll drive," said Mara. "I'll teach you about vampires along the way." Angel nodded. "I guess it's time I started learning how to do this." ************** "The prints at the house match a woman named Laura Jones," said Kieran. "Or at l east that's her true name. She's a vampire now by the name of Mara. We believe s he was turned during the late 80's or early 90's. Up until two years ago, her pr ints were showing up at the scenes of some very brutal murders in California." "She's a murderer?" Alexander asked. "Actually, we don't think so. We think she has certain abilities with security s ystems and that she was being used by Francisco Paola." Alexander nodded. Paola had been another problem child in America. A complete ps ychopath turned serial killer and he was old; maybe a thousand years old. He sig hed. Some vampires didn't handle the passing of time well; it seemed that Paola was one of them. "So was she working with Paola this time?" Alexander asked. "That we don't know. From the inventory, she stole approximately $500,000 worth of valuables from the place. If Paola was with her then it would explain taking Anna's body. Otherwise," he paused shrugging. Alexander rose and paced. He was doing some house cleaning in America right now anyway. He might as well put Paola and this Mara woman on his list. "Put them both on a wanted list. If they are seen; apprehend them." "It will probably take a team to apprehend someone like Paola," said Kieran thou ghtfully. "Whatever it takes. If you can get Mara by herself, bring her to me. Perhaps she

'll be willing to sell Paola out if we offer her protection." Kieran nodded. ************* Beautiful jade eyes looked lovingly into hers. They glittered with power and wit h passion as they surveyed her naked body lying in a bed of satin and yet they w ere strangely sad. He reached out and caressed her with his strong hands, his fi ngers running down her arms stroking her stomach, thighs, cupping her breasts. S he moaned as his caresses sent a wave of desire through her veins. Sensual lips met hers in a tender kiss, their touch like soft velvet against her skin; so loving and gentle. His kisses left her lips slipping along her cheek t o her jaw to the sensitive skin on her neck their soft brushes sending shivers d own her spine. God! It was amazing. Every kiss sent little shockwaves through he r, and she felt her body yearn for him in a way she couldn't understand. She wan ted him to fill her, to quench the ache between her legs that his kisses were fl aming even hotter. She almost opened her mouth to beg him, but she closed it. She didn't know him. How could she? She remembered nothing. He seemed to sense it and lifted his head so he could look into her eyes once again. He stroked her gently and the way he looked at her with those glowing yet aching eyes reassured her. Angel reached out for him and brushed a golden lock behind his ear, stroking his face tenderly as she went. He smiled sadly at her and kissed her lips again, bu t this time it was consuming, dominating, passionate. Hands that had been tender ly caressing her, stroked her wantonly making her forget any fears, drowning her reason with hazy passion. To hell with it! It was just a dream. She wanted him. She needed him. "Please," she gasped when he released his mouth. "I love you, Angel," he whispered to her. "I never told you. I love you." It was like she was the wrong person in this dream. The gorgeous man lying above her, looking at her with his heart in his eyes was a complete stranger. Perhaps he was a memory from when she was a human? Perhaps he was a love she had lost? Angel wanted to cry with frustration. Even in her dreams she couldn't recall the details of her past, except for this face; this man. He looked at her so loving ly. She looked into his eyes. She needed to be loved. "Please," she begged him again. She felt him take his cock in hand and position at her entrance rubbing it again st her clit and coating it in her moisture. God, everything this man did to her was incredible! With a quick thrust he filled her aching body, and somehow she f elt absolutely complete. It wasn't just a physical melding, but something else d eeper, like a piece of her soul that was missing was now right again. He began t o thrust slowly his hand still between them rubbing her clit and caressing her s oft folds sending shivers up her spine, making it impossible for her to breathe other than in needy gasps. She ran her fingers along his muscled arms; the feel of his hot skin was like warm satin against hers. He shivered from her caress an d suddenly he bent his golden head and latched upon her nipple devouring it with his mouth. Her head thrashed on the satin pillows and she cried out incoherentl y as he worked her into a aching frenzy of need. "That's it Angel," he whispered in a sexy voice.

God, even his voice was incredible! She couldn't bring herself to do anything else other than clutch to his shoulder s as he worshiped her. Her hips met his thrusts her and her back arched in pleas ure, even as her head tossed back and forth in agony. She could feel the slickne ss of their moisture and sweat between their bodies, she could even smell the mu sk of their arousal, she couldn't believe the dream was this intense. Suddenly he released her nipple and closed his mouth over hers. At the same time he pinched her clit unmercifully and thrust. She squealed into his mouth as her orgasm washed over her. Her world went black, every inch of her body throbbed w ith electrified pleasure. He released her mouth and thrust several more times gr inding his pelvis into hers, his body jerking above her and within her at his ow n climax. She lay in his arms panting, her body sated, her thighs damp, listening to their gasps. She couldn't bring herself to open her eyes into the dream anymore; she was drifting away from it. As she passed back into sleep she felt him kiss her g ently once more. "I love you, Anna. God how I miss you," he whispered. *************** Her eyes shot open as she started from her dream. Anna! Her name was Anna! No... Elianna... Elianna Kennan! With recognition of the name it was like a floodgate opened. She remembered her childhood, her older brother tormenting her as a toddler. She saw the two of the m running through the forest playing ninjas as they grew into kids, then his wed ding, his son, her nephew. All of it came back to her. She saw her mother once a gain in the hospital bed, dying from cancer. It was like watching a movie: Elian na Kennan, This is Your Life. Then she saw herself sitting at a caf reading a novel. A handsome businessman wal ked up to her and stood in front of her blocking the sunlight. "You're a Grisham fan too?" he asked. "Yeah," she replied. "Most of his stuff is good for a light read." He chuckled. "Perhaps I could buy you a coffee and we could discuss what you mea n by 'light read'?" he asked in a smooth voice. He was gorgeous; brown hair, baby blue eyes. He was dressed in an expensive suit and had styled his hair in the 'I'm a handsome businessman in my thirties' way that made him seem reliable, yet cool. She almost said yes, but something in the back of her mind stopped her. NO! The little voice that had never steered her wrong literally screamed it. She looked in his eyes and for a moment she couldn't look away. Her soul nearly cried out in horror as she looked at him. There was something...wrong in his sta re.

She found herself swallowing. "Wow," she said awkwardly. "I'm flattered, really, but..." she shrugged. "Not to day. Maybe some other time?" "What?" he asked, the smooth silkiness leaving his voice. "You have a boyfriend? " "No..." "You're a lesbian?" "No," she returned getting angry now. "I just don't want to have coffee, okay?" "Your loss," he snarled and then walked away. She'd tried to read in her book, but he'd upset her. She decided to pack up and go. She was supposed to visit her brother anyway. She made her way down the stre et and to the parking lot where she usually parked her car, in the business dist rict those were always in garages or behind buildings. She turned the corner and walked along the street towards her car. The little voice in the back of her he ad noted it was empty, but she didn't listen to it. She made ready to cross the street when she heard a car turn the corner. She wai ted for it so she could cross, but it stopped right next to her. The door opened and the guy hopped out. She froze. Run! The voice in her head screamed again. She turned to do so but it was too late. She felt his powerful arms grab her; on e around her mouth with a strange smelling cloth to keep her from screaming and one around her arms to restrain her. Still she kicked and she flailed and she st ruggled. However, as she struggled, she became weaker, and the smell in the clot h overpowered her. Her world went black. She awoke to find her hands bound behind her back by duct tape, and she was lyin g naked on a bed. The man with brown hair stood over his, his baby blue eyes glo wing wickedly. Oh GOD! She went through every second of her torture, remembering the agony, the horribl e words he screamed at her as he ravaged her. Her body ached even now as she rec alled how he'd abused her. Then she was in a rancid smelling trunk and listening to the sound of the highway even as she struggled to breathe in the stifling tr unk and then ...nothing. She remembered nothing more. None of the man who she'd just had mind-blowing sex with in her dreams leaving her thighs still moist with arousal when she was awa ke. It was just...darkness. She buried her head in her hands and sobbed. *************** Alexander sat up in bed shaking. It was so real! It was almost like she had real ly been there in his arms. His body still trembled and he wasn't surprised to se e his boxers soaked. He couldn't remember ever having a dream so powerful and so ...heartbreaking. His Anna had looked at him, her beautiful blue eyes so confused, so hurt. It was

like looking at a wounded child as she lay beneath him. And yet her touches wer e so passionate, her little sounds, her pleas; it was like she was there for tha t brief moment. Her body had felt as incredible as he remembered, firmer even, m ore muscular; not the half-starved frame he'd known her to have as she'd been re covering from her abuse. He sighed. And like his time with her, the dream had be en too short. He buried his head in his hands. ************** See! She's not dead. You guys cracked me up with your comments. I guess it's a g ood sign when you give me a 0 because I've upset you so much. I suppose it means I did my job as a writer and moved you. But jeez guys!;) Well, I hope you still like my story. Like I said; 3 more chapters, maybe. -E

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