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: Discuss a character of the story The Inheritance by Karim Roslan and say why you like or dislike the character between 600 to 700 words.


The Inheritance is a Malaysian short story. This story was written by author Karim Raslan. This story tells about the heir to the Usman Khalids property which he did not had sons but had four sons-in-law. There are some main characters in this story, but the character that I admired the most is Tajuddeen. There are some characteristics that I like in Tajuddeen.

The main character that I admire in Tajuddeen is, he is a trustful person. Tajuddeen was the most trusted person by his father in law than the other sons-in-law. This is because the way Tajuddeen acts give trust to his father-in-law. This is written in paragraph 3, he was the most able and trusted of the sons-in-law. In my opinion, trust between people makes any jobs to be done easily. So, being trustworthy makes us to be reliable.

In addition, Tajuddeen was described as a responsible person. Tajuddeen first profession was an accountant. Due to certain reasons he stopped his work and managed his father-in-laws business. This is highlighted in paragraph 3, an accountant by training he had left the profession in the mid 80s in order to steer the deceased mans many companies through the economic squalls of those years . I like this characteristic because I like the person who is responsible towards family, friends and people around him or her. By being responsible we will be able to transform our life by setting new goals for ourselves and following them to achieve success.

The next characteristic I like about Tajuddeen is self discipline. Personally, Tajuddeen was a much better dressed man compared to Mahmud. Similarly, self-

discipline is important to lead our life successfully. And this is stated in paragraph 3, in matters of business he applied the same enduring principles of self discipline . When we lack self discipline in our life, it can cause thousand over problems. As a young lady I would like to apply the principles self discipline like Tajuddeen in my life and become a good example to my family.

On the other hand, Tajuddeen is also a thirfty person. Tajuddeen was very thrifty in all aspects. Although he lived in the city, he never spent a single cent out of the way. His morning breakfast was just a packet of nasi lemak and warm water. Only on special occasion he would eat something special. This is expressed in paragraph 4, it was a measure of parsimony that was applied to all. Even after all these years when others breakfasted on croissants and cappuccino. Being thrifty helps us get the most out of our money. So, it allows us to grow savings and use it for emergencies. Thriftiness also teaches us how to be responsible and plan our life. Besides that, I also like Tajuddeens character of respecting other people. In paragraph 10, the writer stated that Tajuddeen disapproved of the disrespect which was shown by his brother-in-law, Mahmud towards Usman Khalids business enemy, Tengku Kamil who was present for the funeral. I think that there is a value to respect which money can't buy. In my opinion, problems could be solved easily when there is respect between people. Next, I really admire Tajuddeens great leadership. This characteristic is shown when he managed to steer Usman Khalids business through the economic downfall during the mid 80s as stated in paragraph 3. In life, leadership quality is important to acknowledge the problems and find the way to solve them. So, the ability to solve a problem with leadership is essential not only in our life, but also in other matters such as business. Finally I like Tajuddeen because he had been dutiful and correct in all things. He took his mother-in-law for her umrahs over the years and also accompanied his fatherin-law in the hospital during his final moments of life. I would firmly tell that all these

points from the story are proving the unassailable truth that Tajuddeen indeed is a dutiful person. These characteristic is important because I believe that it is something that sets us apart from others. Being dutiful and correct in our life helps us to avoid any unnecessary conflicts in our life. Procrastination could also be avoided by having this good characteristic in our life. In conclusion, it is shown in the story that we must be content with what we have in our life. That is why I really admired Tajuddeens character. Through this, I learned that we must practice good characteristics in our daily life.

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