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Results CreatingFringeResultsLecture CreatingFringeResults.


Creating Fringe Results

The Fringe options displays your results as a series of filled color regions.
Each color region represents a range of values for the quantity you are viewing. Display Options tab has several options:

Continuous Tone Averaged Legend Levels Contour Deformed Show Element Edges Show Loads Show Constraints Show Bonding Elements Animate

A Fringe Plot


The Fringe Display Type The Fringe display is used to display results as a series of filled color regions on the model. The different colors represent different ranges of values for whatever quantity you are viewing. For example, you might want to review the maximum von Mises stress of the model, as shown in the figure above. Display Options Tab To create a fringe plot, you select Fringe from the Display Type drop down list. To control the display, you use the Display Options tab. Depending on the design study and quantity you are using, the Display options tab has some or all of the following options available:

Continuous Tone Displays fringes in continuous color tones, which establishes a smooth transition between colors. Averaged Displays quantities as values that are averaged where two elements meet. This is the default option, and can only be cleared for flux and temperature gradient. Legend Levels Sets the number of different color ranges to display on the model (minimum of 2, maximum of 16). Contour Displays the model with contour lines or isosurfaces. This option cannot be used in conjunction with continuous tone. Deformed Displays the model in its deformed state. Show Element Edges Displays the edges of the elements in the model. The edges are not displayed by default. Show Loads Displays the load icons on the model. Show Constraints Displays the constraint icons on the model. Show Bonding Elements Displays the bonding elements on the model. Animate Animates the results in the result window.

Best Practices If you have a large number of elements in your model, look at your results on a contour plot before reviewing a fringe plot. You will save time if you use a contour plot to view results data because drawing fringe plots for large models can be time consuming. If you want to display fringe and contour result windows with matching legends, enter one less number of contour levels than fringe levels. CreatingFringeResultsDemonstration

CreatingFringeResults_demo.mp4 CreatingFringeResultsProcedure

Procedure: Creating Fringe Results

Display a Fringe Result Window. fringe rod_fringe.prt

Task 1. Select a design study for use in the result window.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica. 2. Click Results . . 3. Click Result Window

4. Select rod_static and click Open. Click Working Directory from the Common Folders list if rod_static is not shown in the Design Study for Result Window dialog box.

Task 2. Define a result window.

1. Type rod_max as the window name. 2. Type Maximum von Mises Stress as the title. 3. Ensure the Display type is set to Fringe. 4. Ensure the Quantity is set to Stress. 5. Select the Display Options tab.

Click Continuous Tone.

6. Click OK and Show.

Task 3. Create a second window to display an animation of the displacement of the model.
1. Click Copy to copy the result window.

2. Type rod_disp as the name of the window. 3. Type Rod Displacement as the title. 4. Select the Quantity tab. 5. Set the quantity to display Displacement.

Ensure the Component to display is Magnitude.

6. Select the Display Options tab and select the Deformed check box. 7. Select the Overlay Undeformed check box. 8. Select the Animate option to enable it and set the Frames to 16.

Ensure that the Auto Start and Repeat

options are enabled.

9. Click OK and Show to finish the definition and display the result window.

10. Click File > Exit Results > No to close the result window without saving it. This completes the procedure.

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