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a partnership of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger, Hunger Action Network, and Just Food
1.2 / JUNE 10 2009

T H I S W E E K ’ S E AT S :
spring greens!
Most likely some variation on last
week’s! Our farmer was too busy pick-
ing to send me a note -- !

Flatbush Farm Share recieves

a Citizens Committee of New
Yo r k G r a n t ! ! Flatbush Farm Share was
given a Spring 2009 New Yorkers for Better
Neighborhoods award in recognition of our
efforts to build community in Brooklyn! We
were honored at the Neighborhood Awards
Reception on June 8, along with lots of other
organizations doing good work across the city.
We pulled off our first distribution!! Congratulations and
some notes from our Site Coordinator, Brooke:
J U N E 1 7 : M E E T Y O U R FA R M E R
at the Long Island City CSA Distribution Site! * Many, many people did NOT bring a bag to carry home their goodies. Please re-
member to bring your bags this week. We core group members can’t provide them
Meet Chris and Katie, our CSA’s primary farm
every week! If you’re feeling ambitious, bring some extra used plastic bags in case
partner, at our sister site in Long Island City.
other members still forget!
More details to come.


* We don’t think anyone got hopelessly lost, but, just in case, our distribution site
might most accurately be described as 2103 Kenmore Terrace, shown here:
The core group is meeting this Thursday, June
11, but due to space and time considerations,
we are only meeting as a small group. Our
next core group meeting will include all those
of you who expressed interest in participating.
etary church
Thanks for your interest, and we will definitely
find work for everyone!
Q train site!!!

Not able to make it to pick up

y o u r s h a r e ? Unfortunately, we cannot
make arrangements with individuals to pick * We finally got the lowdown on our fruit shares from Breezy Hill. It will include
strawberries, rhubarb, black berries, sweet cherries, sour cherries, goose berries, red
up late or elsewhere -- but fortunately we are currants, raspberries, plums, apples, pears, and peaches-- not just apples!
already set up to donate leftover shares to the
foodbank, so you can always be sure your share * Breezy Hill had major transportation problems and didn’t get their eggs to us. This
week they are going to offer members a double share of eggs or a portion of fresh-
is going where it is needed.
made pasta to make up for the missing eggs last week (that is, if you were signed up
for an egg share you didn’t get last week).
Fresh food initiatives around the country aim to reach people of all
Chipotle Shrimp with Radish and Jicama Salad income levels!
submitted by FFS member Sarah Mirza, courtesy of Real Simple Magazine

1 small jicama, peeled & cut into 2-inch matchsticks Whole Foods isn’t lovingly referred to by many a fan as Whole
1 large bunch radishes (about 8), cut into thin half-moons Paycheck for nothing. It costs money to eat fresh food, which makes
1/2 red onion, thinly sliced it difficult for those without a large disposable income and/or the ac-
1/2 cup fresh cilantro cess to eat healthy produce. And though Whole Foods has worked in
1/3 cup golden raisins the past to provide healthy alternatives for kids in California Schools,
1/4 cup fresh lime juice (2-3 limes) there are still many Americans who lack healthy food options. Luck-
3 tbsp olive oil
ily, folks across the country are working to make it easier for people
salt and black pepper to taste
1.5 pounds large peeled & de-veined shrimp of all income ranges to enjoy fresh food. Here are a few initiatives
1/2 t ground chipotle chilies or chili powder that we think really stand out.
Combine jicama, radishes, onion, cilantro, raisins, lime juice, Grocery stores in ne-
2 tbsp oil, 1/2 t salt, 1/4 t pepper; set aside. In separate bowl, glected neighborhoods:
toss shrimp, ground chilies, remaining oil and 1/2 t salt. Similar to the success-
Heat large skillet over medium-high heat. Cook shrimp until ful Food Trust plan in
opaque throughout, 2-3 mins per side. Serve with salad.
Philadelphia, NYC’s
FRESH (Food Retail
Lemony Chickpeas with Greens Expansion to Support
submitted by FFS member Sarah Mirza - her own concoction!
Health) and Illinois’
1 15 oz. can chickpeas, drained Fresh Food Fund are
1/2 bunch greens (spinach, kale, collards, etc.) two new government last week’s share! courtesy of Brooke Sleazak
1 small white onion, chopped initiatives which focus
1 clove garlic, chopped (optional) on the development of grocery stores in underserved areas in New
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp olive oil York City’s five boroughs, and Illinois, respectively. The new retail-
salt & pepper to taste ers plan to both provide fresh and healthy food options and also
to infuse the communities with job opportunities. The hope is that
Chop the greens. If desired, blanch greens in boiling water while providing alternative eating options, they will also stimulate
for 3-5 minutes until just tender. Mix greens with chickpeas,
onion and garlic, if desired. In small bowl, whisk lemon juice, the surrounding economies.
oil, salt and pepper. Combine with salad and mix well. SNAP for CSAs: Community supported agriculture shares (known
as CSAs) are a great way to get boxes of fresh seasonal produce, as
Orange & Radish Salad serves 4 well as meat, dairy, and eggs. But, buying a season-long share of a
from our farmer Katie CSA can often cost upwards of 300 dollars. And until now, many
1 cup grated radish low income families might have found this beyond their means.
2 cups orange sections These days a growing number of CSAs offer payment plans for
1 tbsp. cilantro, minced shares or accept SNAP - aka food stamps. One such CSA is the
2 tbsp. orange juice Flatbush Farm Share in Brooklyn which like the Uprising Organics
1 tsp. confectioners sugar Farm CSA in Bellingham, Washington invites members to pay with
1/4 tsp. salt SNAP. Additionally, the Flatbush Farm Share even allows consum-
Combine all in bowl, cover & set aside at least 30 min. Serve ers to trade hours of volunteer work for boxes of fresh food. Mak-
room temp. ing a push for affordable CSAs, NYC’s non-profit Just Food has a
training program which helps communities create CSAs with a focus
Portugese Collards serves 6 on accessibility at all income levels.
from Couve à Mineira
Double Value Coupons at Farmers Markets: Wholesome Wave
1&1/2 bunches collards, washed & stemmed Foundation’s mission is to provide access to fresh, healthy, local and
2 Tbsp. olive oil affordable food for people of all income ranges; and their Double
2 Tbsp. butter
Value Coupon Program certainly does just that. Part of their
1-2 cloves garlic, mince
1 chix (or veggie) boullion cube Nourishing Neighborhood campaign, this initiative allows families
white pepper to use government aid programs like SNAP, WIC, and EBT to make
purchases at participating farmers markets and retailers around the
Stack collard leaves, rollup the longway tightly, cut crossways in
1” strips. Cook in big pot boiling water til tender, still bright country with “double coupons.” Not only providing a better diet for
green, 3-5min. Drain. Heat oil, butter in big skillet on med. their families, consumers who participate in this program also help
Add garlic, bouillon, cook, mash cube, til garlic soft, 1-2. Add out local farmers with their purchases.
green, sauté 3-5. Pepper.
(reprinted from article written for Trend Central by FFS member
Jillian Hertzman)

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