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BUG REPORT: During backups performed with the collection of True Image Restore (TIR) information - including NDMP backups - if the TIR file grows to exceed 2GB in size, future attempts to read the image for restore, duplication or import may result in failure and status code 85 (media read error) reported.

<16> parse_tir_header: TIR header has invalid file size data: file_size_bytes(432389277), file_size_gigabytes(-2) <32> bp_sts_read_image_meta: seeking to offset 0 <32> read_data_tir: image read failed: error 2060001: <2> bpdm: EXITING with status 85

Bug: 2063646 Symptoms: A critical issue has been discovered in NetBackup Enterprise Server 7.0 GA when performing backups with True Image Restore (TIR) enabled and written to a disk based storage unit. This issue will also affect NDMP backups as those images create TIR fragments. In a large backup if the TIR file grows to exceed 2 GB in size there is a potential issue in that this image can not be read for a restore, duplication, or import. NDMP backups require that TIR be enabled; other backups do support TIR and will need to be checked. The size of TIR fragments can be verified for backups to disk by examining files containing TIR located in the path of the DSU. Log Files: In the Activity Monitor the following items may be seen in the detail status of the job:
Critical bpdm(pid=3052) image read failed: error 2060001: one or more invalid arguments Error bptm(pid=7432) socket operation failed - 10054 (at bptm.c.29307) read failed, media read error (85).

Failures with status code 85 (media read error) reported may also be seen for restore or duplication jobs. Messages indicating status code 85 may also be found in bpdm and/or bpduplicate logs. These

messages may also be accompanied by status code 23 (socket read failed) messages in bptm and/or bpduplicate logs. Workaround: Deselect the option to gather TIR information in the policy. If this option is unfeasible - for example, if using NDMP backups where TIR cannot be disabled, or if existing images have already been written and will be affected by this issue - please contact Symantec technical support, referencing this document ID and Etrack 2074944 to receive a fix for this issue. ETA of Fix: Symantec has acknowledged that the above mentioned issue (Etrack 2063646) is present in the current version(s) of the product(s) mentioned at the end of this article. Symantec is committed to product quality and satisfied customers. This issue was scheduled to be addressed in the following release: NetBackup 7.0 Release Update 1 (7.0.1) When NetBackup 7.0.1 is available, please visit the following link for download and readme information: Please note that Symantec Corporation reserves the right to remove any fix from the targeted release if it does not pass quality assurance tests or introduces new risks to overall code stability. Symantec's plans are subject to change and any action taken by you based on the above information or your reliance upon the above information is made at your own risk.

Phase 2 import fails with a media read error, Status Code 85.

Cannot read image from media ID

The Windows media server that wrote the backup image to tape media, wrote the backup using a 128 K size data block.

The Windows Media server performing the import is not the same media server that performed the backup, however does contain the same SCSI card for the tape device. Solution: Set the Windows Registry for the SCSI card to read and write in 128 K blocks. Set the MaximumSGList entry under the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<SCSI_CARD>\Para meters\Device. This is set to a decimal value of 33. Procedure: Warning: Incorrect use of the Windows registry editor may prevent the operating system from functioning properly. Great care should be taken when making changes to a Windows registry. Registry modifications should only be carried-out by persons experienced in the use of the registry editor application. It is recommended that a complete backup of the registry and workstation be made prior to making any registry changes. 1. Click Start | Run and type regedit and click OK 2. In regedit go to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<SCSI_CARD>\Para meters. The <SCSI_CARD> entry will depend on the type of SCSI card that is in the server. 3. Create the Device key if it does not already exist under Parameters. If the Device key exists go to step 6. 4. Highlight Parameters then right-click and select New | Key 5. Name the new key as Device 6. Highlight the Device key then right-click and select New | DWORD Value 7. Give the DWORD Value the name MaximumSGList 8. Double-click on MaximumSGList and enter a decimal value of 33 9. Close regedit A reboot of the server will be required to enable the changes.

Tapes are failing with a Status Code 85 (media read error) on Phase 2 of the import process.

Overview: Tapes are failing with a Status Code 85 (media read error) on Phase 2 of the import process. Troubleshooting: Review the block_size value of the media being imported, by using the bpmedialist command. For media ID "BACK01", run the following command (block_size value shown in bold for clarity):
#bpmedialist -mcontents -m BACK01 -L backup_id = davetest_1101204634, version = 2 creation = 11/23/2004 10:48:26 (1101206906) expiration = 12/07/2004 10:10:34 (1102414234) retention_level = 1, fragment = 1, file_num = 1 block_size = 131072, status = 0x0 media_id = BACK01, size = 0, data_start = 0 client_type = 0, copy_num = 2 sched_type = 0, flags = 0x0 policy = elma_test sched_label = whatever opt_extra = 0, mpx_headers = 0, res1 = 0

Media Server Log Files: In the bptm log file, the following error message is seen:
08:54:06.970 [5532.560] <4> read_backup: begin reading backup id lnad28_1093937348 (import), copy 1, fragment 1 from media id E00687 on drive index 0 08:54:06.970 [5532.560] <2> read_data: last_frag = 1, opt_bytes_left = 0, tape_Kbytes_left = 0, opt_remainder = 0 08:54:06.970 [5532.560] <2> get_tape_position_for_read: absolute block position prior to reading is 10200 08:54:07.189 [5532.560] <2> read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, More data is available. (234);bytes = 122880 08:54:07.189 [5532.560] <2> is_possible_recoverable_error: not attempting error recovery, errno = 234 08:54:07.955 [5532.560] <16> read_data: cannot read image from media id E00687, drive index 0, err = 234 08:54:07.955 [5532.560] <2> log_media_error: successfully wrote to error file - 09/01/05 08:54:07 E00687 0 READ_ERROR 08:55:32.437 [5532.560] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 85 <----------

Resolution: The original backups were written to tape using 128K block size. The machine on which the tapes are being imported is limited to reading 64K block sizes. This issue can be resolved by: 1. Installing HBA capable of setting scatter/gather settings, allowing the hardware to process larger block sizes. 2. Bringing the tape back to the original media server, duplicate the tape using 64K block size, and then importing on the new machine. 3. Using a media server capable of reading 128K block size to import the media. NOTE: 1. A restore can be affected in the same way if a library or drives are moved from one media server to another (of a different operating system), or, in the case of a piece of media, put in a different media server than the one which did the original backup. 2. The block size limitation is due to the SCSI adapter and driver, not a limitation of the operating system. 3. If the hardware doesn't support block sizes higher than 64K, it may not be noticed until imports or restores are attempted. 4. The registry setting MaximumSGList is dependent on the hardware used. Some vendors may support scatter/gather settings which "trick" the server and the SCSI subsystem into reading larger block sizes. Not all vendors, however, support this with their drivers.

STATUS CODE: 5 and 85 - Oracle restore fails with Status Code 5 (restore failed to recover files) and bptm log file shows Status Code 85 (media read error)

Troubleshooting: Media Server Log Files: In the bptm log file, the following messages were recorded:
16:25:09.924 [28106] <16> mpx_read_data: cannot read image from media id BDZ507, drive index 0, I/O error 16:25:10.124 [28106] <2> check_error_history: called from bptm line 928,

EXIT_Status = 85 16:25:18.917 [28106] <2> send_brm_msg: ERROR 85

A review of the syslog on the media server shows the following errors which coincide with the errors in the bptm log file:
Aug 12 16:25:09 hostname genunix: [ID 408822] NOTICE: mpt1: fault detected in device; service still available Aug 12 16:25:09 hostname genunix: [ID 611667] NOTICE: mpt1: Disconnected command timeout for Target 5 Aug 12 16:25:09 hostname scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: /pci@1f,700000/scsi@2,1/st@5,0 (st26): Aug 12 16:25:09 hostname SCSI transport failed: reason 'reset': giving up

Client Log Files: Rman output:

ORA-27190: skgfrd: sbtread2 returned error ORA-19511: Can't read a tape block from a backup file. RMAN-10031: ORA-19624 occurred during call to DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.RESTOREBACKUPPIECE

Dbclient log:
16:25:18.913 [28077] <16> readFromServer: ERR - recv() returned 0 while reading 65536 bytes on 18 socket 16:25:18.913 [28077] <16> dbc_get: ERR - failed reading data from server, bytes read = -1 16:25:18.913 [28077] <4> closeApi: entering closeApi. 16:25:18.913 [28077] <4> closeApi: INF - EXIT STATUS 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files

Resolution: This error is caused by hardware issues, in this case the host bus adapter (HBA). Contact the appropriate hardware manufacturer for assistance with the errors recorded in the syslog of the media server

A restore on a Windows 2003 operating system fails with status code 85 media read error.

Media read error.


When restoring to a Windows 2003 operating system, the restore will fail with status code 85. A possible cause of this failure is the driver for the Qlogic Host Bus Adapter (HBA) card on Windows 2003. Make sure that the driver is not installed as a STOR Mini port driver. Re-install the HBA driver and use SCSI Mini port or SCSI full port driver for the Qlogic HBA card on Windows 2003. Here is an example of the error in the bptm log: 11:46:56.527 [5044.2112] <2> tape_error_rec: attempting error recovery, delay 3 minutes before next attempt, tries left = 5 11:49:56.602 [5044.2112] <2> tape_error_rec: absolute block position after error is 7252696 11:49:56.602 [5044.2112] <2> tape_error_rec: locating to absolute block number 7252695 for error recovery 11:49:56.602 [5044.2112] <2> send_brm_msg: MEDIA READY 11:49:56.602 [5044.2112] <2> mpx_read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error. (1117);bytes = 0 Here is an example of the error in the tar log: 12:01:58.209 PM: [3312.4892] <4> tar_restore_shm::V_ExitSHM: INF - [5044] shared memory restore exit status = 40 12:01:58.240 PM: [3312.4892] <2> dtcp_read: TCP - success: recv socket (1844), 4 of 4 bytes Note: To check the Qlogic Driver version you will need to open device manager in Windows and click on SCSI and Raid controllers, then right-click on the Qlogic card and click on the Driver tab.

Check the driver version: *STOR Mini port driver version is *SCSI Mini port driver version is *SCSI full port driver version is 8.01.12 Make sure that the driver version that you see in the device manager is not a STOR Mini port driver. If the driver is a STOR Mini port driver then uninstall the driver by right-clicking the Qlogic card in the device manger and select Uninstall. Reboot the server and download the correct driver by going to and install the new driver.

STATUS CODE 85: A "media read error" message is encountered when performing an import of a backup tape created on a media server running MSEO (Media Server Encryption Option). The import job fails with Status 191.

<16> read_data: cannot read image from media id HM4000, drive index 10, Device busy <2> bptm: EXITING with status 85

Overview: A media import fails with status code 191 after bptm reports a stats 85 condition reading the tape: "Cannot read image from media id ABC123, drive index 12". The original data was backed up using an MSEO enabled media server. Troubleshooting: This error is commonly encountered when the corrected SSL key is not installed on the destination media server. Run the following command to verify this: # <install path>/vormetric/mseo/server/bin/cgadmin show key (UNIX) > <install path>\Vormetric\cgsb\server\bin\cgadmin show key (Windows) Verify the installed keys with the keys on the original media server. See resolution below. Resolution: First export the keys from the original media server: # <install path>/vormetric/mseo/server/bin/cgadmin export keys (UNIX) > <install path>\Vormetric\cgsb\server\bin\cgadmin export keys (Windows) You will be prompted for a password. The password must be a minimum of 8 characters. The keys will be stored in the following location: <install path>/vormetric/mseo/server/export (UNIX) <install path>\Vormetric\cgsb\server\bin\cgadmin (Windows) Make sure you copy ALL of the files in this folder. Finally, import the keys into the destination media server: 1. Copy the files you into the following folder: <install path>/vormetric/mseo/server/export (UNIX) <install path>\Vormetric\cgsb\server\bin\cgadmin (Windows)

2. Import the keys: # <install path>/vormetric/mseo/server/bin/cgadmin import keys (UNIX) > <install path>\Vormetric\cgsb\server\bin\cgadmin import keys (Windows) You will be prompted for the same password you entered previously.

Status Code 85: Restore failing with "media read error" when using tapes from another environment.

restore failed to recover the requested files media read error

Overview: Restore failing with "media read error" when using tapes from another environment.

Media Server Log Files: bptm

17:36:26.312 [5548.4912] mpx_issue_begin_msg: begin reading backup id <host>_1210395667 (restore), copy 2, fragment 1 from media id <media_id> on drive index 1 17:36:27.406 [5548.4912] mpx_read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, More data is available. (234);bytes = 65536 17:36:28.281 [5548.4912] mpx_read_data: cannot read image from media id <media_id>, drive index 1, err = 234 17:36:59.890 [5548.4912] mpx_terminate_exit: EXITING with status 85

Resolution: This has been encountered when the original environment has had the tape buffer (SIZE_DATA_BUFFER) set to 256KB If current library is SCSI connected, reference technote 270178 in the Related Documents section. This advises on how to modify MaximumSGList within Windows Registry for the SCSI card

If current library is fibre connected, upgrading the HBA driver (at least to the version at the original server) may assist in reading the media.

STATUS CODE 85: A "media read error" message is reported when restoring data from a backup using MSEO (media server encryption option).

<16> mpx_read_data: cannot read image from media id ABC123, drive index 6, err = 234 <2> mpx_terminate_exit: EXITING with status 85

Overview: Attempted restore results in status 85 - "The system device driver returned an I/O error while NetBackup reads from tape". This can result when attempting to do a restore of data encrypted using the NetBackup add-on feature called Media Server Encryption Option (MSEO). Troubleshooting: Was the SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS file in place when the backup occurred? Was MSEO being used by the media server when the backup occurred? Log Files: The bptm log may show entries similar to the following:
<4> mpx_issue_begin_msg: begin reading backup id test_1220824929 (restore), copy 1, fragment 7 from media id ABC123 on drive index 6 <2> mpx_read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, More data is available. (234);bytes = 0 <2> is_possible_recoverable_error: not attempting error recovery, errno = 234 <16> mpx_read_data: cannot read image from media id ABC123, drive index 6, err = 234 <2> check_error_history: just tpunmount: called from bptm line 876, EXIT_Status = 85

The value of SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS can be determined by examining the value stored in the file found at the following locations: Windows: <install_path>\NetBackup\db\config\SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS If this file is not present, the default value of 65536 (64 kilobytes) is used. Resolution:

This is a common error encountered after initial implementation of MSEO. It is common practice to tune NetBackup Media Servers using the SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS file up to the highest performing buffer size for a media server. On Windows media servers, this parameter is commonly equal to 262144 (256 kilobytes). It is important to understand that MSEO adds encryption overhead to each buffer sent to tape. The amount of encryption overhead starts at around 3072 bytes and increases depending on the amount of configured keys and policy data configured within MSEO. NetBackup sends the full SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS to the operating system. The OS then sends the data buffer to the tape device driver. MSEO performs driverlevel encryption and adds its encryption overhead to the data buffer, then sending the data buffer to the tape drive. When a subsequent read operation is performed, the combined value of SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS plus the encryption overhead exceeds an environmental threshold greater than what the media server can process. The environmental threshold is a combination of operating system limitations, tape device driver limitations, HBA/SCSI card hardware and driver limitations, and tape drive hardware limitations. It is documented within the MSEO Administration Guide in the Troubleshooting section that when creating the SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS file, the value should be reduced from the maximum buffer size for the environment by a factor of no less then 3072 bytes. If the SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS file does not exist, then the media server is using the default buffer value of 65536 (64 KB). It is recommended to create the SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS file and set the value to 59392 (58 KB), thereby reducing the value below the default. Note: It is critically important to test both backups and restores after configuring MSEO before encrypting critical production data. If the restore job fails as described above, tune the SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS file downward and re-test the backup and restore until a successful value is discovered. It is important to understand that the backup must be re-run using the new buffer size, as the buffer size used during the backup is enforced during the restore. If a situation has occurred where production data was successfully backed up using MSEO and the restore is failing as documented above, it may still be possible to restore the data. These are several suggestions for restoring the data: 1. Create the MaximumSGList registry key as documented in TechNote 270178 (linked below) 2. Find the bottleneck and fix it. This can be one or more of the following: Upgrade the Tape Device Driver to the most current version. Upgrade the HBA/SCSI Card Driver to the most current version. Bypass any older SCSI Fabric Switches or Bridges which might have lower buffer limitations (direct attach tape drives) In the case of a Windows media server, although Windows Operating Systems have a 1 MB threshold, other peripheral dependencies (Windows Tape Device Drivers, Windows HBA drivers, etc...) might be the limiting factor. It is frequently possible to use a Unix based media server to successfully perform the restore as Unix pass-through drivers have a much higher maximum buffer size threshold.

Status Code 85 (media read error) on NBU Hot Catalog restore job using media written with a 256 KB Block Size

Status Code 85 (media read error)

Issue: When the "Recover the Catalog" wizard is run on the master-media server, the catalog restore fails with Status Code 85 (media read error). This issue occurs with multiple catalog backup copies. This may be seen when initially testing catalog recovery in a DR environment.

Cause: This issue can be caused by a hardware limitation due regarding the Fiber Host Bus Adapters (or "HBA") in use on the Windows servers involved.

Resolution: It is possible that upgrading the Fiber Host Bus Adapter or its drivers can resolve this issue. Contact the hardware vendor for the Fiber HBA's for the vendor's recommendation on which HBA can support read/writes to tape using a 256 KB block size) then attempt the Hot Catalog restore from the current media that was written to with the 256 KB block size. Otherwise, it may be necessary to remove the 'SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS' file = 262144' file on the media server that is performing the backups. This will instate the default block size of 64k. Run a new Hot Catalog backup (using the default 64 KB block size); then send the new media to the Disaster Recovery site and run the Hot Catalog recovery with the new media. Note: If the block size is changed, this will affect all tapes that the media server writes. If a given media server is unable to restore a catalog backup written by another server, this will apply to restores of normal server backups as well. Bear this in mind if there are a multitude of backup media written at a larger block size that cannot be read by the desired alternate media server.

STATUS CODE 85: Status Code 85 "media read error" when reading or writing to IBM LTO3 on HP/UX

Overview: Older versions of atdd driver for HPUX did not provide support for IBM LTO3 tape drives. See IBM fixlist for details on what model tape drives are supported at which atdd level: Troubleshooting: Check swlist output for version of atdd driver. Log files: N/A Resolution: The status 85 can be resolved by applying the latest atdd update to your server. You can find it at:

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