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GENERAL ERROR: A NetBackup client restore fails with Status Code 52: Message: timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume.

Message: timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume

Overview: A client restore fails with Status Code 5. However the actual failure is a Status Code 52: Message: timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume. Job Details: This is the job details from an example restore. A media mount timeout occurred before obtaining the requested resource. In this example the timeout value is 5 minutes. 9/29/2008 9:40:14 AM - begin Restore 9/29/2008 9:40:16 AM - 1 images required 9/29/2008 9:40:16 AM - media SDLT06 required 9/29/2008 9:40:16 AM - media SDLT05 required 9/29/2008 9:40:16 AM - media SDLT07 required 9/29/2008 9:40:20 AM - restoring image nbu_1222442554 9/29/2008 9:40:22 AM - connecting 9/29/2008 9:40:24 AM - requesting resource SDLT06 9/29/2008 9:40:24 AM - awaiting resource SDLT06 Reason: Drives are in use., Media Server: nbu, Robot Number: 0, Robot Type: TLD, Media ID: N/A, Drive Name: N/A, Volume Pool: N/A, Storage Unit: N/A, Drive Scan Host: N/A 9/29/2008 9:40:30 AM - connected; connect time: 00:00:08 9/29/2008 9:45:40 AM - restored image nbu_1222442554 - (timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume(52)); restore time 00:05:20 9/29/2008 9:45:41 AM - Warning bprd(pid=3388) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on 10/10/2008 11:22:34 AM 9/29/2008 9:45:42 AM - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:05:28 the restore failed to recover the requested files(5) To check the media mount timeout value execute bpconfig:
# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd # ./bpconfig -L

Example: Media Mnt Timeout:

5 minutes

In this example the system is working as designed. The media mount timeout is set to 5 minutes and the correct error messages is displayed when the media was not obtained and the timeout exceeded. Corrective Action: 1. Increase the media mount timeout to allow ample time to obtain the resource. Example: # ./bpconfig -to 0 Media Mnt Timeout: 0 minutes (unlimited) Note: The default setting is 0 minutes (unlimited) 2. Manually restart the job when the resource is available but before the job is moved to Done state. By default the property to "Move restore job from incomplete state to done state" is set to a default value of 7 days. The maximum setting is 365 days. This property indicates the number of days that a failed restore job can remain in an Incomplete state. After that time, the Activity Monitor shows the job as Done.

STATUS CODE 52: Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) successfully restores a backup piece and then ends with a NetBackup Status Code 52 (timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume) and an ORA-27192 message is written by RMAN.

timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume

Overview: Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) successfully restores a backup piece and then ends with a NetBackup Status Code 52 (timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume) and an ORA-27192 message is written by RMAN. Troubleshooting: Enable the dbclient log file on the Oracle server.

Log files: Examination of the dbclient log shows a long delay (approximately 26 minutes) between the completion of the restore of the Oracle piece by NetBackup and the acknowledgement by Oracle that the piece was successfully restored. For this configuration, media mount timeout was set to 15 minutes (900 seconds).
15:39:25.119 [24640] <2> xbsa_GetData: INF - leaving (18) 15:39:25.131 [24640] <2> int_ReadData: INF - Got end-of-file 15:39:25.131 [24640] <2> xbsa_SetEnv: INF - entering 15:39:25.131 [24640] <4> VxBSASetEnv: INF - entering SetEnv NBBSA_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT 15:39:25.131 [24640] <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - entering GetEnv NBBSA_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT 15:39:25.131 [24640] <4> VxBSAGetEnv: INF - returning - 10800 15:39:25.136 [24640] <2> writeToServer: bytesToSend = 29 bytes 15:39:25.137 [24640] <2> writeToServer: start send -- try=1 15:39:25.137 [24640] <2> writeToServer: bytesSent = 29 bytes 15:39:25.137 [24640] <4> dbc_SetClientReadTimeout: INF - sending client read timeout 15:39:25.137 [24640] <2> xbsa_SetEnv: INF - leaving (0) 15:39:25.137 [24640] <8> int_ReadData: WRN - Failed to set client read timeout. 15:39:25.137 [24640] <2> int_ReadData: INF - leaving 15:39:25.137 [24640] <2> sbterror: INF - entering 15:39:25.137 [24640] <2> sbterror: INF - Error=7504: Got end-of-file 15:39:25.137 [24640] <2> sbterror: INF - leaving

NOTE: At this point, all data in image restored to Oracle. NetBackup waiting for Oracle to close or request a new image for restore
16:05:04.835 [24640] <2> sbtclose2: INF - entering

NOTE: sbtclose2 indicates that Oracle begins the closing process

16:05:04.846 [24640] <2> int_CloseImage: INF - entering 16:05:04.853 [24640] <2> int_CloseImage: INF - Restore - closing <backup_piece_name> 16:05:04.853 [24640] <2> xbsa_EndData: INF - entering 16:05:04.853 [24640] <4> VxBSAEndData: INF - entering EndData. 16:05:04.860 [24640] <4> readFromServer: entering readFromServer. 16:05:04.860 [24640] <4> readFromServer: INF - reading 512 bytes 16:05:04.860 [24640] <2> CopyFromShM: BytesToCopy <512>, BufHandle <0>, Buf <0xffffffff7fff4db0>, ActiveBuf <0> 16:05:04.860 [24640] <4> CopyFromShM: Copying 512 bytes from ShM to 0xffffffff7fff4db0, input lgth is 512 16:05:04.860 [24640] <4> CopyFromShM: Copied 512 bytes from shared memory 16:05:04.860 [24640] <2> CleanUpShMforRestore: MediaShMRestoreInfo.curr_buf <3> 16:05:04.861 [24640] <4> closeApi: entering closeApi. 16:05:04.870 [24640] <4> closeApi: INF - EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed

NOTE: Data was successfully restored by Oracle and this is reported to NetBackup in the closeAPI function
16:05:04.870 [24640] <2> writeToServer: bytesToSend = 72 bytes 16:05:04.870 [24640] <2> writeToServer: start send -- try=1 16:05:04.873 [24640] <2> writeToServer: bytesSent = 72 bytes 16:05:04.873 [24640] <4> closeApi: INF - closing commSock 18 16:05:04.873 [24640] <4> closeApi: INF - close of commSock returned <0> errno is <48> 16:05:04.873 [24640] <4> closeApi: INF - closing nameSock 19 16:05:04.873 [24640] <4> closeApi: INF - close of nameSock returned <0> errno is <48> 16:05:04.874 [24640] <4> serverExitStatus: entering serverExitStatus. 16:05:04.874 [24640] <4> readCommMessages: Entering readCommMessages 16:05:09.886 [24640] <4> serverExitStatus: read from comm file:<15:59:25 (1608160.001) ERR - Timed out waiting for the media to be mounted and positioned.> 16:05:09.886 [24640] <4> serverExitStatus: read from comm file:<15:59:25 (1608160.001) ERR - Timed out waiting for the media to be mounted and positioned.> 16:05:09.886 [24640] <4> serverExitStatus: read from comm file:<15:59:58 (1608160.001) Status of restore from image created Tue Jun 12 17:59:49 2007 = timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume> 16:05:09.886 [24640] <4> serverExitStatus: read from comm file:<16:00:01 INF - Server status = 5> 16:05:09.886 [24640] <4> closeApi: INF - server EXIT STATUS = 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files

NOTE: At 15:59:25, the media manager timed out after 900 seconds due to the setting of the media mount timeout configuration and recorded this error message into the client's progress log NetBackup then reports to Oracle that a media manager error occurred resulting in the ORA-27192 message by RMAN. Resolution: This problem may occur if Oracle takes longer than the configured NetBackup media mount timeout to process the restored piece. Either improve Oracle performance so that large backup pieces may be processed by Oracle before the NetBackup media mount timeout expires or increase the NetBackup media mount timeout.


STATUS CODE 52: Backups to one or more tape drives end with media mount timeout failures(NetBackup Status Code 52 - timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume), or the backups hang, and the final message in activity monitor is "mounting tape ABC123"

timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume

Overview: By default, NetBackup waits indefinitely for tapes to mount. Changing the media mount timeout value modifies this behavior. If the media mount timeout value is reached without the mount of a tape, the backup fails with a NetBackup Status Code 52 (timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume). Setting the media mount timeout to a value of less than 20 can cause backups to fail needlessly. Backups failing with a NetBackup Status Code 52 can be caused by incorrect mapping between the robotic drive number and the SCSI data path on the media server. Troubleshooting: Attempt to mount a tape in a drive and verify that the path referenced for the robotic drive responds to OS level commands on the SCSI data path. The recommended test is to use the operating system command /usr/bin/mt with the "rewind" argument. For example:
mt -f /dev/rmt/16cbn rewind

Be aware that using /usr/bin/mt with a "status" argument is inconclusive in some operating systems. Log Files: N/A Resolution: The recommended resolution is to use the NetBackup Device Configuration Wizard. This does not work if the robotic library does not report the expected serial numbers of its tape drives when requested. Libraries which do report this information are referred to as "serialized". Most robotic libraries support this feature but not all libraries have the feature turned on. If necessary, contact the library vendor and perform the steps necessary to activate serialization, then run the Device Configuration Wizard. If serialization is not an option, the only alternative is trial and error. When no backups are running and all the tape drives are empty, mount a single tape in a single drive. Then use the "mt rewind" command to interrogate each SCSI data path. Results vary by operating system but all operating systems will simply return to a prompt without errors or output of any kind if the rewind command is successful. Once the SCSI path is determined for a successful rewind command, move the tape to the next drive and repeat the interrogations with the remaining SCSI

paths until you have identified every SCSI data path and its associated robotic drive number. Use this information to configure the tape drives in NetBackup.

GENERAL ERROR: A NetBackup client restore fails with Status Code 52: Message: timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume.

Message: timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume

Overview: A client restore fails with Status Code 5. However the actual failure is a Status Code 52: Message: timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume. Job Details: This is the job details from an example restore. A media mount timeout occurred before obtaining the requested resource. In this example the timeout value is 5 minutes. 9/29/2008 9:40:14 AM - begin Restore 9/29/2008 9:40:16 AM - 1 images required 9/29/2008 9:40:16 AM - media SDLT06 required 9/29/2008 9:40:16 AM - media SDLT05 required 9/29/2008 9:40:16 AM - media SDLT07 required 9/29/2008 9:40:20 AM - restoring image nbu_1222442554 9/29/2008 9:40:22 AM - connecting 9/29/2008 9:40:24 AM - requesting resource SDLT06 9/29/2008 9:40:24 AM - awaiting resource SDLT06 Reason: Drives are in use., Media Server: nbu, Robot Number: 0, Robot Type: TLD, Media ID: N/A, Drive Name: N/A, Volume Pool: N/A, Storage Unit: N/A, Drive Scan Host: N/A 9/29/2008 9:40:30 AM - connected; connect time: 00:00:08 9/29/2008 9:45:40 AM - restored image nbu_1222442554 - (timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume(52)); restore time 00:05:20 9/29/2008 9:45:41 AM - Warning bprd(pid=3388) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on 10/10/2008 11:22:34 AM 9/29/2008 9:45:42 AM - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:05:28

the restore failed to recover the requested files(5) To check the media mount timeout value execute bpconfig:
# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd # ./bpconfig -L

Example: Media Mnt Timeout:

5 minutes

In this example the system is working as designed. The media mount timeout is set to 5 minutes and the correct error messages is displayed when the media was not obtained and the timeout exceeded. Corrective Action: 1. Increase the media mount timeout to allow ample time to obtain the resource. Example: # ./bpconfig -to 0 Media Mnt Timeout: 0 minutes (unlimited) Note: The default setting is 0 minutes (unlimited) 2. Manually restart the job when the resource is available but before the job is moved to Done state. By default the property to "Move restore job from incomplete state to done state" is set to a default value of 7 days. The maximum setting is 365 days. This property indicates the number of days that a failed restore job can remain in an Incomplete state. After that time, the Activity Monitor shows the job as Done.

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