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B: British Government; L: Colonial Government; C: Canadian Government; M: Métis; F: First Nations

Social Study 10 Time Line Rearranged

Date Event Ch. C.

1670 Founding of the HBC. 4 B

1752 The country’s first newspaper Halifax Gazette founded. 2

1776-83 Black Loyalists immigrate to Canada. 1 B

1783 Founding of the NWC.

1791 Constitutional Act Creates Upper & Lower Canada. 1 B

1810 Lower Canada governor: James Craig (anti-French). 1 L

Métis community thrives in the Red River Valley.

1812 Founding of the Selkirk Settlement in the Red River Valley. 4

1814 Pemmican Proclamation. 4

1815 Almost 50% of all farmland in western Upper Canada was owned by speculators. 1 L

1816 Cuthbert Grant raids an HBC pemmican supply. 4

1817 Selkirk’s treaty with Cree and Ojibwa nations. (100 pounds of tobacco a year) 4

1821 HBC and NWC merge. 4 L

George Simpson became in charge of the HBC.

1821 - Simpson criss-crossed Rupert’s Land. 4

1829 left for England (1829).

1825 Montreal fur partners sold back their shares to the HBC. 4

1826 Simpson becames the governor of HBC. 6 L

1827 Fort Lanley was established. 6 L

1830 - Railways and steamship helped to build the infrastructure of Ca. 2 L

1832 Papineau and other Assembly reformers: “Ninety-two Resolutions” 1 L

Lord John Russell (Colonial office) replied “Ten Resolutions” deny the rights.

1833 Slavery was abolished in British Empire. 1 B

B: British Government; L: Colonial Government; C: Canadian Government; M: Métis; F: First Nations

Date Event Ch. C.

1836 Sir Francis Bond Head as Upper Canada governor. 1 L

1836 Canada’s first railway: Champlain Saint Lawrence Railroad, from LaPrairie, a 2 L
suburb of Montreal, to Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, 40 km SE of Montreal.

1837 - Queen Victoria’s reign. 2 B


1837.11 Battle of St. Charles. 1 L

1837.12 Battle of Montgomery. 1 L

Most rebel leaders and supporters had been arrested.

spring John Lambton (the Earl of Lord Durham) as governor. 1 L


Lord Sydenham. 1 L

1839 HBC and Russians agreed that Russians ceased operations south of the 45˚40’
N, HBC supply Alaska posts with food.

1840 the Act of Union combines Upper and Lower Canada. 1 L

1840s The Métis started fighting for the right to trade furs. 4 M

1841 Became United Canada. 1 L

Simpson closed all the coastal posts exp Fort Simpson and Beaver. 6 L

1840s The dailies began in Montreal. 2 L

-1843 French-Canadian rep. were denied a voice. 1 L

1843 James Douglas arrives in Fort Victoria. 6 L

1844 James Polk: “54˚40’ or fight”. 6

1844-1885 Louis Riel. 4 L


1845 US gets British Territory south of 49˚.

John McLoughlin died.

B: British Government; L: Colonial Government; C: Canadian Government; M: Métis; F: First Nations

Date Event Ch. C.

1846 The British government repealed the Corn Law, which had given trading 2 B
privileges to the British colonies.

1847 James Bruce (the eighth earl of Elgin, Lord Durham’s son-in-law) as governor of 2 B
the Canadas.

1848 the Crown colony of Vancouver Island is created. 6 B

Gold discovered along the Sacramento River in central California. 6

1849 The elected and reformist -- government of Canada passed a bill giving financial 2 L
compensation to anyone.

California Gold Rush begins. 6

1850 Regularly scheduled trains moved goods and people at 80 km/h. 2 L

Anne Pelly accused Sarah Ballenden and Captain Christopher Foss... in the Red 4 M
River Valley.

1854 Reciprocity Treaty with US. 2 L

James Douglas negotiated with aboriginal peoples. 210 shillings per family 6 L

1856 First Legislative Assembly on Vancouver Island. 6 L

1857 Louis Pasteur discovered the bacilli. 2

1858 Colony of British Columbia is created. 2t L

Miners moved north to the Thompson River. 6 L

1860 George Simpson died. 2

Cariboo Gold Rush begins. 6 L

1860 - Science and technology dominate the Western World. 2

Canadians move west into the Red River Valley. 4 L

Protestants and members of the Orange Order. anti-French, anti Catholic.

1860s Britain’s Marquis of Queensbury issued his famous rules for boxing. 2

B: British Government; L: Colonial Government; C: Canadian Government; M: Métis; F: First Nations

Date Event Ch. C.

Economic problems at Red River. Crop failures bisons disappearing, HBC losing 4 L

1861 - American Civil War. 2t


1862 - Construction of Cariboo Road. cost of $750,000. 6 L


1864 James Douglas retires as both governors, Frederick Seymour>BC, Arther 6 L


1864.9 Charlottetown Conference: NS, PEI, NB and Canadas; discussed Atlantic Union, 2 L
why, promised railway; decided to work towards, to meet at Oct in Quebec.

1864.10 Quebec Conference: reps from PC, NS, PEI, NB & NFL; 72 Resolutions, 2 L
rejected by PEI & NFL.

1865 Hasting Sawmill opened on the south side of the inlet. north: Sewell Moody,
Moody’s Mill.

1866 London Conference: 16 delegates from NS, NB & PC sailed to London, NB 2 B

assured intercolonial Railroad, increased provincial subsides; BNA Act(contains
72..), Queen Victoria declared Canada-Dominion on 1867.7.1, JAM-PM.

The US planned to end its Reciprocity Treaty which allows goods to pass into the 2
US duty-free.

1866.8.6 Vancouver Island and BC are joined. (debt: VI$300,000; BC1m), (governor: 6 L
Seymour) (Legislative Council: 9/23>elected).

1867.7.1 Canada became a Dominion. 2 C

1868 Dominion surveyors had arrived in the Red River area to begin laying out the 4 C
grids of townships.

Victoria becomes the capital of BC. 6 L

“Gassy Jack” Deighton opend a saloon. 6 L

B: British Government; L: Colonial Government; C: Canadian Government; M: Métis; F: First Nations

Date Event Ch. C.

1869.11 HBC sold the Rupert’s Land to the Canadian government. payment of $750,000, 4 C
2.8 million hectares of prairie farmland, right continue fur trade.

1869 Red River Rebellion. 4 M

Métis list of rights and freedoms. 4 M

Seymour died suddenly, Anthony Musgrave succeeded. 6 L

1869 - Louis Riel exiled in the United States. 4 M


1870 Execution of Thomas Scott 4 M

Manitoba enters Confederation. 4 C

early Bison were beginning to disappear. 5 M


American fur traders are getting trouble. principal trading: Fort Whoop-Up. 5 F

1870s Germs were first seen. 2

Louis Riel worked as a school teacher. 5 M

“Battle of the Routes”. 6 C

1871 BC joins Confederation. 6 C

1871 - 7 treaties with the Native peoples. 5 CF


1872 Macdonald called a general election. 5 C

“Pacific Scandal”

1873 The North West Mount Police was established. 5 CF

The resignation of Macdonald’s government. 5 C

1873 - The Liberals came to power under Alexander Mackenzie. 5 C


B: British Government; L: Colonial Government; C: Canadian Government; M: Métis; F: First Nations

Date Event Ch. C.

spring The Cypress Hills Massacre: 30 Assiniboin. NWMP: 300 to end lawlessness. 5 F

1875 Clarke was paying the Métis in trade goods rather than cash. 5 M

spring The Hunt of 1875: invalidated the Métis’s Laws of St. Laurent, extended Ottawa’s 5 M
1875 power to control the Métis.

1876 The Canadian gov introduced the Indian Act. on reserve,residential school. 5 F

Macdonald developed the National Policy. 5 C

1881 - The building of CPR. 5 C


1883 2000 gold miners left inBC, 1500 were Chinese 6 C

1884 Louis Riel came back. collaborate on a Métis Bill of Rights with a sympathetic 5 M
European farmer.

Vancouver becomes the terminus of the CPR. 6 C

1885 $50 head tax on Chinese immigrant. 6 C

1885.3.19 Louis Riel addressed the Métis at St.Laurent. peaceful resolution was impossible. 5 M

1885.4.24 The Battle of Fish Creek, 1600:<60(Dumont). 5 M

1885.5.9 - The battle of Batoche, 725:175, Riel was captured on May 15, Dumont escaped to 5 M
5.12 the US.

1885.6 Trial of Louis Riel in Regina. 5 M

1890 $100 head tax. 6 C

1890 - BC’s economy growth. 6 C

1893 $500 head tax and eventually forbid all the Chinese immigrant. 6 C

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