Lies, Cheats and Corruption: Murder, All That Bad?

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Now with Bifidus Digestivum

Issue 2, 10/07/2008

Editor: Mr. S
DISCLAIMER: The events and people depicted herein are fictitious, any similarity to real places or people, living or dead is en-
tirely coincidental. By reading this paper or looking at any images held therein, you are forfeiting your right to criticise or take of-
fense at it. The Anglo Week and all its contributors hold no responsibility nor interest in any of your petty minded complaints.

Lies, Cheats and Corruption Murder, all that bad?

I don’t think that I would be sounding too
The Anglo Week is causing a stir anti-liberal to declare that I am against mur-
with its hardcore journalism and its der. I would imagine that all the readers,
highly skilled writers. with the exception of a few pervs and psychos
This is just an example of the sort of share this view. Yet it would seem that the
lies that can be found in the newspa- sixth form ‘team’ disagree. They channel
per. As a reader I managed to ob- their hatred for human life through strange,
serve some of the atrocities in the hot air balloon thought experiments.
first issue of the paper. How was I to know that when I went into a
They start out with what they think citizenship lesson, ready to be engulfed by
is a joke. I found the whole endeav- the exciting group work of moving an egg
our was misguided and ill advised, over a ravine, that I would be ambushed and
no amount of disgust really ex- told to throw someone from a hot air bal-
presses how much I hate the scum loon to certain death.
who created this and those avid So, this is what it has come to. You are in-
readers. structed to decide who has the right to live.
Articles about communism would Perhaps this is similar to triage where a doc-
not have been out of place in the tor must decide who deserves treatment first.
Sun, the cheapest alternative to this Of course this isn’t based on someone's per-
comparative trash. Misinformed sonality or their life achievements but the
views about the valiant N.U.T. were severity of their condition. Would a doctor
particularly a plague on this paper. refuse treatment on patient because they
never learned to play the piano? I sincerely
Sadistic cartoons and racist cross- “Rumours have been spread that Mrs. hope not. Should I throw 23 year old Steve
words were among the things poi- Jones has increased her prices to £2.50 from the balloon because he isn’t an active
soning the minds of this paper’s sad an hour.” member of the community? Who does have
little readers. the right to live and die? Should we be the
I only hope they don’t make another one’s to choose? Are we playing God? I don’t
one. know the answer to these questions and I
resent being asked them.
Quote Wars All this exercise is doing is teaching the
You must youth of today to decide in ten minutes how
be the How fortunate people rank in society and if they had to be,
change for leaders that who could be cut out of it. I do not wish to
you want men do not take an almighty Daily Mail style view of the
to see in think. ‘sick things that get taught today’ so I will
end with a question, ‘Who would you kill
first?’. I hope your answer is ‘I don’t know’.
Page 2 The Anglo Week

Editorial: No fine, we’re not a weekly paper.

Here goes my first editorial, an attempt comes you will happily shrug when
for me to dispel some of the rumours asked by the mob of angry vigilantes
surrounding this newsletter. First of all where I just ran off to. For this I thank
it is NOT being funded by the govern- you in advance and in the next issue I
ment nor is it ‘Britain’s best selling will be publishing Mr. Van Hakag’s
paper’ as most other papers claim. Address, NI number, his bank details
It would seem that most readers now and his mother’s maiden name.
know the identity of the editor thanks Another issue that has come to my
to someone who, for anonymities sake, attention is the dispute over the name
I will merely refer to as Mr. J. Van of the newspaper. To those who kindly
Hakag (anagram)—Chief contributor. suggested that it be renamed ‘The An-
This may be a problem for me, but I’m glo Weekly’, please read the disclaimer
sure as loyal readers, when the time on the front page and then f*ck off.

Readers’ letter: Submit your own

This week we invited readers to write in Dear Anglo Week,
about their misinformed views on speed Look at it, its slender and beauty how can any-
cameras. one dislike such a sexy yellow beast. I often
stroke them at night and polish their filthy lens
Dear Anglo Week, cap with my arse. I make my many deformed
I am a great fan of speed cameras. I children maypole around it naked as it takes
believe our roads would be empty with- pictures..
out them. I drive a Lotus Elise and Yours sincerely,
sometimes when I’m powering around
those country bends it’s good to get an Sylvia ‘Soggy Face’ Ophidapele
action shot or two sent to me in the
post. This one time I rebounded of a
Dear Anglo Week,
wall and narrowly missed an old lady
and man that was cool. These phallic shaped obtrusions into our lives
make me regurgitate my cheap food onto police-
Also those average speed cameras make
men, after a relaxing evening of drinking and
for really great drag races on the M25.
child beating. Oh, I despair for the state of the
Yours Sincerely, World when speed cameras prevent me from
Nitchard Esponias driving at 130mph at the pensioners.
Yours insincerely, Gertrude Bryant

Mr. F’s big questions in little words

Which came first the chicken or the egg? The meaning of life
It is a question that has plagued mankind from the The meaning of life is many things to every one however
beginning if no god existed and no Noah and his ark some people in live closely associate the meaning of live with
were did the common fowl we associate food with the number 42, love and happiness. However more impor-
come from. The chicken was most likely a evolution tantly Monty python made a film about it which I think every
thing but if this did not happen, as in the eyes of one should watch to help direct them in life and to make
religion how did it come around, did god send a egg them a better person. Life can also be many other things like
to the ground or did he send to chickens to mate food, cars, women or men doing something or alcohol or
and produce eggs. I truly believe that know one will drugs. But what is important is that each person finds out
truly know unless a tie machine is built and then what hits there spot and so you better start now!
this question will finally be solved.
Issue 2, 10/07/2008 Page 3

Britain: Suffering from Angst or Enjoying Immorality?

By Mr. P
The elderly are often characterised species and take a shit on that normally disgusting, urges.
by expressions such as “Get off my pesky neighbour’s lawn. So next time someone tells you it
lawn!”, “They didn’t make them However, who’s to say we don’t would be an honour to die for his
like that in my day”, “All kids are like this type of sinful, slutty life? country, make sure you say the
stupid nowadays!” and the famous Why confess to crimes if it lands truth thus reminding him his man-
“Can’t… breathe…help!” But are you in jail; why shouldn’t you steal gled and decaying corpse won’t
these complaints usual for the eld- when shop assistants are either too look so glorious when his non-
erly; has every generation com- old, stupid or stoned to notice you; existent soul can’t see it. In fact,
plained about the next since civili- why shouldn’t you f*ck that dog shout it to him because we’re now
sation began? when you just know it’s asking for all used to nutters roaming our
it; why shouldn’t you shit on a streets, either happy slapping peo-
Or are our nans and granddads lawn when it belongs to that ple or handing out leaflets reading
actually onto something this time? neighbour who accidentally hosed “Dianetics can cure you!”
They could be trying to warn us your grass the other day?
that we’re losing touch with the And next time that selfish, lazy,
social conventions and romantic The answer seems to be, since Ib- frail, old woman asks you to help
ideals that act as pillars for society sen condemned social values as her across the road, make sure you
(honesty, loyalty, virtue, etc.) and mental (and the 60s happened), shout “F*ck off!” loud enough. Be-
we’re moving towards a dirty cess- nobody gives a toss anymore and so cause, well hell, there’s nothing in
pit of a world where it’s acceptable we all act on our most primal, and it for you, is there?
to steal, lie, have sex with other

A pleonastic look at the world of art Book Review: The Scottish Play Game review: Grand Theft
Writing plays back in Shakespeare’s day
By our Arts Correspondent in Milan, Charlie Richardens. Auto IV
wasn’t an easy task. For instance since Not since Grand Theft Auto 3
Queen Elizabeth’s temperament was at has a game caused so much con-
See the colourful, verdant, green fields. The
times changeable (no treason intended), the troversy. And with damn good
water glistening so realistically off the ripples of
plays tended to go indefinitely, explaining reason, I played it for 16 seconds
the waves. See how perfectly the artist has en-
why Macbeth lasts FOREVER and has a and immediately beat up an old
capsulated the trials of life in the swaying of the
crap twist at the end. lady. Such disgusting filth should
breeze. Truly the best art I have ever seen.
The play starts with three old witches, who not be allowed in our country
I’m almost certain were originally the pro- especially not allowed to pollute
tagonists, being approached by a couple of the minds of our under 18 year
Scottish twats. I can’t really remember the olds, to whom it is so obviously
middle of the play, but I’m almost positive marketed with its big shiny 18
that it was long and that Macbeth became logo on it.
king or a ‘thane’. Macbeth was later guaran- The plot follows a Russian gentle-
teed that he would not be harmed by any ‘of man who arrives in a new city
woman born’, but good old Shakey found a and shows how cool it is to jack
way around that and decided that being cars and blow bitches’ heads off.
born by Caesarean was not ‘of woman’… Well kids, yes it is quite cool to
yeah, clever. do all of that but if you feel the
So thanks Bill for your contribution to the desire, read some Shakespeare
World of literature with your hastily fin- instead, featured in the previous
Image not available due to copyright claim by artist.
ished and absurdly iambic shite. review.
Page 4 The Anglo Week

Baka by Jam

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If Achilles is chasing a turtle which is travelling ten times
slower than he is but starts one hundred metres in front,
is this a productive discussion for one hour of A level
Physics lesson?


Issue 2, 10/07/2008 Page 5

Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer
This is an impor- No. 6 at Chester- The next week will be You’ve always cared You’ve always You’re an ambitious
tant time in your field is a sure testing for you, but about the environ- been an outspo- individual but this
life, no pressure thing. But be wise
don’t lose your ment, or if not cared,
ken person, but
week, don’t forget the As part of our 'space-filler' series we
temper until the end you’ve at least people around you.
but if you mess it and only bet half of the week, then the thought about it. for this week just They might get in the bring you our new weekly segment, in
up you are royally your salary. There shut up and
screwed. are just so many
first person who
starts on you, have
This week, you can
make a difference, maybe people will
way, if so, deal with
them...dump the
which we present the unfiltered, un-
more races. them. don’t drink water like you. body in a river. abashed opinion of those around us.
and kill an orphan.
If anything we were worried that peo-
Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn ple would be so informed and expres-
Suicide is painless, I Something you did Don’t flee from You have reached a Some people’s I read once that sive we'd have great trouble fitting in
know this is true last week will ruin the challenges of crossroads in your lives flow serenely Capricorns are
because I heard it in this week for you,
this week. Unless
life, but who hasn’t?
down an amber gay, not saying for
all the pearls of wisdom, and we were-
a song. Of course if
you’re that rubbish at
which in turn, will
ruin next week, there’s a chance
Should you take the
easy road or the hard rive, occasionally certain but just n't disappointed. So without further
life, you’ll probably leading to an infinite you’ll mess them road? Take the easy experiencing bear it in mind. ado or self aggrandisement we lay our
screw it up anyway. downward spiral, up, then you run one and sponge off rapids. You’re in a Your big GAY
consider previous. like the wind. the idiot who took bucket used to mind. pearls before you swine:
the hard one. flush a toilet.

*Disclaimer: The Anglo Week, including its editors and writers, accept no responsibility if the above events do, or do not, occur to you for we regard it as complete bullshit
Daddy's with the hell.

Karma, it’s me again - T. Kaczynski in lower Sixth.

It's natural in the instinct of people to search for patterns and a symmetric balance. We
assume that nature tends to a mean and abhors extremes, anything greatly deviating will Yo mama so ugly that the judge of the
be pushed back towards the centre ground. In our economics, in our natural science ugly competition banned her for us-
and now its insinuating its way into people's day to day philosophy. In no more irritat- ing performance enhancers.
ing way than with karma. The assumption that for every, somehow universally defined, - J. Nash upper Sixth.
evil deed the universe will launch a vendetta against you (at least with deism its the as-
sumption of some guy - or female guy - whose hunting you down) is quite simply, spittle.
Take me as a case in point, I'm rotten to everyone and in return the universe George Bush is to mass media what
gives me a lovely wife and three beautiful children (well the middle one's a bit of a dog, the frog is to the blender.
but I'm going by averages). As a - L. Domitius in lower Sixth.
more definitive test this evening
home from my well paid job I
punched a hobo in the throat. And I’m not pro-Nazism, but it was alright
what did the universe do to me in at the time
return? Zip, nada. So I bought an - N. Coleman
ice cream.
Admittedly this evidence is
anecdotal, so I did some research If you don’t stop following me, I’m
using a £10,000 research grant I had going to shove that note book up…
lying around. I collated the evi- - Anonymous fat boy
dence of people gaining past, pre-
sent and future happiness based on
their trend of behaviour. The re-
sults are shown here:

H@cI<3rz W/-\π73d Personal Statements

Golf Ball Transportation Solutions
/-\ny1 vvh0 (4π u~|)3r574nd d15 Have you got a bit of a crap referee? Want
104d 0|= (r4p |-|4z 0ff1(14lly 34r~3|) your application to UCAS overseen by some-
For those so inclined, Angloship inc. one who got a job in a proper school? We will
my |-|47r3|). 4150 u 4r3 a |*r1(k.
has a full line in golf ball transportation happily fictionalise, exaggerate and generally
solutions fully tested over a ravine and just ‘big you up’. We have no scruples , no
guaranteed to nearly work. No technical formal training and no reason to be trusted,
use. but we are suspiciously cheap.
Page 6 The Anglo Week

Sport More accurate than the truth

Spain cheat to World domination

Spain have done it again, blasted their way monster and that sissy boy Beckham to Of course, we won Wimbledon as well,
to glory and conquered the World subtly deal with ‘at the end of the day’. and with a fourteen year old girl no less.
on the back pages. Apparently though we failed to qualify, Pretty humiliating for Nadal if you ask me.
They won Wimbledon just a week after whatever that means. You would think She did only get a small trophy and proba-
flying through Euro 2008. For those un- that England would command enough bly about 70p for winning since that’s the
aware Wimbledon refers to a tennis cham- respect for creating all forms of sport (so way Wimbledon works for women. Justi-
pionship not the little known calligraphy my unreliable sources tell me) and bring- fied in my opinion, we gave women the
competition hosted in the same suburb ing civilisation to the entire World (so my vote but it'll be a cold day in hell before
and Euro 2008 is one of those football even less reliable sources tell me) that we they get their hands on our tennis money.
ones, I know, there are more than would at least be allowed to play with the I’m not saying for definite that Spain
enough. other countries. But no just like the cheated but they weren’t exactly playing
It probably helped the Spanish football school nerd who invented football is not fair when they slaughtered the Aztecs.
team that we chose to sit Euro 2008 out welcome to play nor so are England. The People don’t change.
and let the others have a go. If we hadn’t Croatians however, who aren’t even mem- So for all those interested a holiday in
then they would have had the Rooney bers of the EU, are. Spain will quickly yield some free steroids.

Olympic Dream
On the 8th August this year the Bei-
jing Olympics will commence as mil-
lions of Tibetan activists simultane-
ously sigh. My editor reminds me to
say that the Tibetans are a peace lov-
ing people and therefore such a domi-
nant World power. But that’s not why
your reading this article, so in sport
terms, the Olympics is typically built
of four events which only Greeks are
allowed to participate in. They are, in
order of the funniest sounding, sta-
dion, diaulos, dolichos and hoplito- Motorsport Fencing
dromos. Each of these will typically be
run naked as athletes cannot afford
clothes since their job is essentially Lewis Hamilton has won it for us, an With knife crime at an all time high it
just moving quickly. opportunity for national pride. The fuel would be really insensitive to joke about
The entire games should last several consumption of a Mclaren is quite high impalements and accidental beheadings,
weeks or until Zeus becomes bored and many eco-Nazis are eager for the the so I shall leave it to you to imagine with
and strikes someone down. The image congestion zone to be extended to Silver- only these words as stimuli: Ouch, splat,
to the right shows the five interlock- stone (unconfirmed rumour). thump.
ing rings that represent the World
coming together for peaceful competi-
tion, unlike the London 2012 logo Cricket Rape
which make people physically sick.
But the spirit of the Olympics still I don’t like cricket. Ran out of ideas. I’m quite sure some-
withstands as a unifying competition, I won’t write about cricket. where it’s a sport but I doubt there are
of course that doesn’t mean we any rules as such. Might not be a good
Cricket is boring. idea to Google that though, just best not
shouldn’t cheat just to humiliate
France. There, a haiku. to know.

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