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How to do Time Study for garment operations?






Apparel Industry






How to do Time Study for garment opera ons?


Deni on of Time Study: Time study is a method of measuring work for recording the mes of performing a certain specic task or its elements carried out under specied condi ons. An operator does same opera on (task) throughout the day. Time study help to dene how much me is necessary for an operator to carry out the task at a dened rate of performance. Follow US

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Time study tools: A stop watch Time study format One pen or pencil How to conduct Time Study? An opera on cycle consists of material handling, posi oning and aligning parts, sewing, trimming threads and tying and untying a bundle. So in the me study format, divide whole task into various elements according to the mo on sequences of the opera on. For example, in opera on collar run s tch, task elements may be i) pick up panel to sew rst seam, ii) turn collar to sew second seam, iii) turn collar to sew third seam iv) check work and dispose and v) wai ng for next pieces. Step 1: Prepara on Ready with sta oneries like me study format, stop watch (digital one) and pencil Select one opera on for Time study Tell the operator that you are going measure me he/she taking to do the job. Observe the opera on carefully and break down opera on into elements. Fill the basic informa on in the me study format. Like machine category, guide or a achment used. Step 2: Time capturing Now measure the me taken for comple ng each elements of the opera on cycle by the operator. Time should be captured in seconds. Similarly, capture element ming for consecu ve 5 opera on cycles. During data capturing only note down reading (see following table-1) of the stop watch and later calculate element ming. If you found any abnormal me in any elements record me during me study and later discard that
About The Author

Prasanta Sarkar (@clothingstudy) is a blogger and founder of Online Clothing Study, a widely read blog on Apparel Manufacturing, Industrial Engineering and how to do guides for apparel industry professionals since 2011. He is associated with this industry for more than eight years. Email: prasanta[at]

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12-Aug-13 2:30 PM

How to do Time Study for garment operations?

reading. Or you capture me for one more cycle. Abnormal me may be occurred due to bobbin change, thread break, power cut or quality issues. Table -1

Step 3: Calcula on of Basic me From the Reading (R) calculate me taken for each element for all ve cycles just by deduc ng previous Reading from elemental reading. Sum up mes of ve cycles for each element. Note, if you discard any reading than in that case no. of cycles will be four. Calculate average element mes. This average me is called basic me. (in the following table-2 it is noted as average me) Table-2

Step 4: Calcula on of Standard me To convert basic me to normal you have to mul ply it with operator performance ra ng. Here for example, ra ng has been considered as 100%. Now add allowances for machine allowances, fa gue and personal needs etc. Add machine allowance only to those elements where machine is running and fa gue and personal needs to all elements (approx 20%). Now we got standard me for each element in seconds. Sum up all elemental me and convert seconds into minutes. This is standard minutes or SAM.

Related Topics: How to calculate SAM for a garment? Garment CM cost es ma on using SAM or SMV The Concept of Operator's Performance Ra ng How to calculate eciency of a batch or line? How to calculate operator eciency at work? ..... More ar cles
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How to do Time Study for garment operations?

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How to do Time Study for garment operations?

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