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Persuade Your Pain, Beat the Pain:

6 Timeless Persuasion Techniques to Feel Better Faster

By Ruthi Backenroth

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Table of Contents
Weapons of Inuence (WOI).......................................................... 1 Reciprocity .................................................................................... 3 Commitment and Consistency ......................................................... 4 Social Proof .................................................................................. 5 Liking ............................................................................................6 Authority ...................................................................................... 7 Scarcity ........................................................................................ 8 Bio ............................................................................................... 9

Persuade Your Pain, Beat the Pain:

6 Timeless Persuasion Techniques to Feel Better Faster
If you have back pain or other chronic pain, borrow a few golden sales nuggets from the marketplace to get relief. These six persuasive strategies have brought fame and fortune to marketers for thousands of years. Use these same strategies to help you to lose your chronic pain. Robert Cialdini, a psychology professor, recognized and tested these six universal strategies. Marketing professionals read his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion and learn it well. Cialdini refers to these techniques as weapons of influence.

Weapons of Inuence (WOI)

Reciprocity Commitment and Consistency Social Proof Authority Liking Scarcity We all use these powerful techniques to get people to listen or to act. Its a human instinct to use these weapons of influence because they are a natural part of our

All Rights Reserved EFT-ACTION LLC / Ruthi Backenroth, MBA / 845-368-4524 /

psychology. Thats why we sometimes agree to do something, or buy something that we wouldnt ordinarily have wanted. As natural forces they are ethically neutral, good or evil, depending on how you use them. So how can the psychology of persuasion help with your chronic pain? Just like the ancient art of jujitsu, use the strength of your opponent to your own advantage. Imagine your sub-conscious as part of your brain, a childlike part, in charge of the pain, desire, fear and the stuff you cant control. The Weapons of Influence work their magic in this sub-conscious brain. The sub-conscious brain then says, yes to the sale. The conscious brain is in charge of thinking and understanding. Think of the conscious brain as the salesman who uses the Weapons of Influence to persuade the childlike part of you to say, yes to losing the pain. In other words, you will talk to yourself using powerful persuasion techniques. Use these strategies with the action steps to get pain relief. Persuade your childlike brain to let go of the negativity and start thinking differently. Learn the Weapons of Influence and make them a habit in your daily life. Start talking to yourself using the action steps.

Action Steps
1. Stay alert. Each of the following WOIs is deceptively simple. 2. Study each WOI individually and think deeply about how it affects you personally. 3. Choose only one WOI to start with, and follow the action steps to change the way you talk to yourself. 4. Deal with only one WOI at a time and master you self-talk before going on to the next one. 5. As you follow the action steps, notice the benefits in your health and well being.

All Rights Reserved EFT-ACTION LLC / Ruthi Backenroth, MBA / 845-368-4524 /

Returning a favor. It is basic human nature to want to give back more than we got when somebody does a favor for us.
Companies provide free samples, complimentary gifts and introductory offers because they know it will influence the customer to buy something. If you are upset with yourself, give yourself a break. You need to develop rapport with yourself and accept the way you are now, before the healing process can begin.Just give yourself a break.

Action Steps:
Do something nice for yourselfa favor such as allowing yourself a guilt free treat, words of self-encouragement or kindness. Thank yourself for being who are you and for doing what you do. Appreciate yourself, even though you have pain.

All Rights Reserved EFT-ACTION LLC / Ruthi Backenroth, MBA / 845-368-4524 /


Sticking to what you say. Once you make a public statement or choice, you want to stick with it. Going back on something you have committed to takes you out of your comfort zone.
Consumers tend to stick with certain brands, even when they end up paying more. Studies show that people like to give to the same charities over and over again, and dieters lose more weight on a paid program. Unfortunately commitment and consistency can make chronic pain problems worse. Chronic pain is often an unconscious comfort zone. Its uncomfortable, but familiar. Are you committed to being the center of attention, not taking responsibility because of pain, maybe even getting disability checks? This commitment to staying with the pain is often outside you awareness.

Action Steps:
Establish rapport with yourself. Show understanding to the part of you that wants to hold on to your pain. Its a natural and strong feeling to want to stay the same. Do this even if it doesnt feel true. Remind yourself that by staying in your comfort zone you are actually following painful patterns of behavior. Consider that there are easier and more effective ways of dealing with your issues.

All Rights Reserved EFT-ACTION LLC / Ruthi Backenroth, MBA / 845-368-4524 /

Following the crowd. Human beings will naturally imitate the behavior of the others who they like or who they can relate to.
This is why product manufacturers create advertisements showing people using their product. Another example is teenagers all dressing in a similar way. You do what everyone else is doing. Take whiplash for example. In most Western countries people suffer whiplash after a car accident, and even buy insurance against it. However, in Greece or Lithuania whiplash is not expected, and it rarely ever happens!

Action Steps:
Question yourself more. Are you doing something or behaving in a particular way because you think you should, or because people expect you to? Are you acting a certain way because everyone else acts that way? Think about your pain and analyze whether you want to act, think or talk in a different way. Try to let go of the anger, grief or frustration that you share with family or colleagues. Ask yourself; do these strong thoughts really make sense now?

All Rights Reserved EFT-ACTION LLC / Ruthi Backenroth, MBA / 845-368-4524 /

Accepting and following the advice or instructions of people you like and admire.
Humans are drawn to people similar to themselves, in background, in lifestyle and in personality traits and opinions. The more like you another person is, the more you will like them, and the more you feel uncomfortable saying no to them. Marketers find ways to build a trust relationship so you will like them, say yes and buy their product.

Action Steps:
Take the first step to gaining rapport with yourself by accepting yourself for who you are right now. Respect yourself. Let your self-talk be honest and non-confrontational. Dont be hard on yourself. Instead try to be kind and compassionate always. Take time to feel yourself breath and enjoy each breath you take. Even when you have pain and negativity in your life, accept it as the present situation. Remember that you are not the pain and the pain is not you.

All Rights Reserved EFT-ACTION LLC / Ruthi Backenroth, MBA / 845-368-4524 /

Having titles or important positions and wearing expensive clothing or uniforms.
Our natural reaction is to trust and believe them. When we want to impress somebody we put on our most expensive suit. Sports stars promote cereals, and actors wear white coats to promote headache tablets.

Action Steps:
Start seeing yourself as an authority figure on yourself. You often know what is best for you and what you really need to do. Read some self help books as if you are the authority figure talking to yourself. Look after your appearance, stand tall and hold your head high. In other words, believe in yourself and your body will start believing in you as the authority.

All Rights Reserved EFT-ACTION LLC / Ruthi Backenroth, MBA / 845-368-4524 /

People always want things they either cant have or nd hard to get. If something is limited in availability it seems more valuable.
It is a standard marketing ploy to use scarcity tactics to encourage people to buy now, buy sooner, before its too late. Fear of losing something or not being able to have something is a more powerful motivator than the prospect of gaining something.

Action Steps:
Think about everything you are losing if nothing changes. Remember that life is too shortto spend it in pain. Use the scare in scarcity to really think about what is at risk if you do nothing.

All Rights Reserved EFT-ACTION LLC / Ruthi Backenroth, MBA / 845-368-4524 /

Ruthi Backenroth works with men and women who suffer with chronic back pain, are frustrated with traditional approaches and are committed to getting lasting results. Clients get breakthrough back relief so they can move with ease and return to their active lifestyles. Ruthi learned a new technique to achieve lasting relief while searching for a solution for her own back pain. After decades of pain, her back is perfectly comfortable now. As an added bonus, she finds herself easily facing work deadlines as well as family and social interactions with a newfound sense of openness, serenity, and creativity. She offers a guarantee to help people make the decision to try it. You will get measurable results within 3 months, or your money back.

All Rights Reserved EFT-ACTION LLC / Ruthi Backenroth, MBA / 845-368-4524 /

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