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Things learned at MYP conference: Sport is a language every one of us can speak. (Ban Ki Moon- UN Gen.

Sec) Not content driven, but concept driven. Out of our minds- Ken Robinson- Shift Happens The single most important aim of MYP assessment is to support and encourage student learning Principals into Practice pg 43 General: Physical and Health Education in 2014 -need for parent education; not the way they did PE -all subjects will be 4 criteria and evenly weighted grades- all subjects will have 4 bands -best fit for each criteria is never done by math; you can achieve a level - cant change level 5 (MYP 5) descriptors but need to interpret other levels. The new guide will have descriptors for yr 1, 3, and 5 which you wont be able to change. - MYP Yr 1,3,5 will have determined objectives that you cant change (only YR 5 now) - Unit planners help focus theme of unit and AOIs are the lens we teach the unit through - Feedback for learning, not feedback for grades -hit on all AOI at some point over the year

Criteria A: Be sure to have unfamiliar situations for the highest achievement band (7-8) Put the MYP highest achievement band on the actual test paper. Kids make the questions based on what they learned? Use Command words (taken from DP) to get the best responses in tests. Words like analyze, compare or differentiate appeal to the higher order thinking skills. The document is available on OCC.

Can be an oral commentary- record them talking while refereeing or grade on how they apply the rules. Watch a video of your class and have kids write or analyze the rules broken. A criteria A fitness plan assignment will be a criteria B APLICATION of PLANNING assignment in the future. Fitness plan A but gOal setting and PEP can be D Criteria B: Inquiring and planning- it must be performed. Variety and creativity are needed. There was a great idea presented about skipping and fitness/ movement one as well. *** Bollywood- STOMP- Hop Hop- AerobicsKickboxing- Zumba- Parcor- Powder Puff performances- Swimming How we apply ours is fine but they should do a process reflection ongoing (who did what). B plan can be awesome but C could still be terrible in the same activity Vera will be able to try her Yoga one and how we (Razvan/ Carla) did the Basketball is good for 2014 but not really for how it should be done now. Criteria C Apply skills to a performance small game situation All 3 strands for dance only. Only the 2 strands in sport performanace (not precision-energy) If one strand is weak they can only get the lower part of the band (5-6)

Criteria D: Should never be effort and changed type of grades. D is going even more reflective in the future. We may need to discuss reflection booklets in our classes for next year. Applied process- how you are learning- who did what- taking responsibilityenthusiasm-commitment- setting goals-communication and relationships-respect and sensitivity Beat sheet- Getsures Wording- use command terms like in DP (on OCC as well)

The MYP is reviewing their curriculum and will publish new guides in 2014 which we will have to start using in August, 2014.

The details are in the attachment but I have summarized some of the points you may be interested in below: 1. Each subject will have 4 criteria which will be equally weighted and assessed on a 0 to 8 scale with four mark bands. 2. The AOIs will likely change to global contexts which will be further explained by the MYP at a future date. 3. There will be an electronic optional exam for grade 10 students. The exam will be based on concept understanding of a discipline and interdisciplinary understandings. The exam will not be based on specific content. Two other points 1. If you are interested in being an MYP moderator or you recommend someone in your department, please let me know. 2. There are MYP taskbanks available for many subjects and coming soon French (Jan 2012) and English, Humanities, Language B (May 2012). Please share this information with members of your department.

Thanks, John

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