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CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN MEDIA AND CULTURAL STUDIES JOURNALISM Critical concepts in media and cultural studies Edited by Howard Tumber Volume IE a First pubtished 2008 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 SRN, UK Simuttancously published in the USA. and Canada by Routledge 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 Routledge is an imprint ofthe Taylor & Francis Group, aman tea Editorial material and selection © 2008 Howard Tumber; individual owners retain copyright in their own materia ‘Typeset in Times New Roman by Keyword Group Lid Printed and bound in Great Britain by TL Digital, Padstow, Cornwall All ights reserved. No part ofthis book may be reprinted or reproduced or {ilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, nove Photocopying and recording, or in British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data ‘A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library brary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data ‘A catalog record for this book has been requested ISBN 10: 0-415-38087-1 (Set) ISBN 10; 0-415-38089-8 (Volume Il) ISBN 13: 978-0-415-38087-4 (Set) ISBN 13: 978-0-415-38089-8 (Volume If) Publisher's Note References within each chapter ae as compete wer Soran ei CONTENTS VOLUME It Acknowledgements x PART 4 ‘Theories and models 1 22. Introduction to four theories of the press 3 FRED SIEBERT, THEODORE PETERSON AND WILBUR SCHRAM 23. The four theories of the press four and a half decades later: a retrospect ° JOHN MERRILL AND JOHN NERONE 24) Comparing media systems £ 15 DANIEL , HALLIN AND PAOLO MANCINI 25 The “gate keeper”: a case study in the selection of news 36 DAVID a. WHITE 26 Professional models in journalism: the gatekeeper and 45 the advocate MORRIS JANOWITZ, a 27 Four approaches to the sociology of news MICHAEL SCHUDSON 28 A propaganda model EDWARD S. HERMAN AND NOAM CHOMSKY CONTENTS lered 29 ‘The nature of news reco 30) Field theory in comparative context: a new paradigm for ‘media studies RODNEY BENSON 31 Media routines and political crises Topp GitLN 32 Has communication explained journalism? BARBIE ZELIZER 33 ‘The agenda-setting function of mass media MAXWELL F. MeCOMMS AND DONALD L. SHAW 34 Framing: toward clarification of a fractured paradigm ROBERT M. ENTMAN 35 Popular journalism: theories and practice COLIN SPARKS ‘%6 Modernization, marginalization, and emancipation: toward a hormative model of journalism and national development MEMANT Hau ‘ 3) The hes yeni athe ~ THEODORE L. GLASSER PART 5 Journalist-source models 44 Channels and sources of news LEON v. siGaL CONTENTS 40 The social production of news Me STUART HALL, CHAS CRITCHER, TONY JEFFERSON, JOHN CLARKE AND. BRIAN ROBERTS 41 News sources and news med 334 PHILIP SCHLESINGER AND HOWARD TUMBER 42. Negotiating the news 350 RICHARD V. ERICSON, PATRICIA M. BARANEK AND JANET B.L, CHAN 43. The “Uncensored War,” 1965-1967 358 DANIEL ©, HALLIN a. eae a ia iN ec cee ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Routledge would like to thank the following for their permission to use their material in Journalism: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson, and Wilbur Schram, pages 1-7 from Four Theories of the Press: The Authoritarian, Libertarian, Social Responsibility and Communist Concepts of What the Press Should Be and Do. Copyright 196, 1984 by Mary Derieg, Andrew W. Siebert, Theodore Peterson and Wilbur Schramm, Used with permission of the University of Illinois Press. Taylor & Francis Ltd, for permission to reprint Merrill, John, and Nerone, John, “The Four Theories of the Press Four and a Half Decades Later: A Retrospective”, Journalism Studies, 3(1), 2002, pp. 133-136. The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication for permission to reprint White, David M., ‘The “Gate Keeper”: A Case Study in the Selection of News’, Journalism Quarterly, 27, 1950, pp. 383-390, The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication for Permission to reprint Janowitz, Morris, ‘Professional Models in Journalism: The Gatekeeper and the Advocate’, Journalism Quarterly, 5, 1975, pp. 618-626, 662. ‘A Propaganda Model’ from Manufacturing Consent; The Political Economy of the Mass Media by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky, published by Vintage. Reprinted by permission of the Random House Group. Also used by permission of Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc. MeManus, John H., “The Nature of News Reconsidered’, in Market Driven Journalism: Let the Citizen Beware (Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage, 1994), Pp. 17-39. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Ine. ‘The University of California Press for permission to reprint Gitlin, Todd, * Routines and Politeal Crises", The Whole World is Watching: Mass Media. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Making and the Unmaking of the New Left (Berkeley: University of Press, 1980), pp. 249-282, munication Explained Journalism?", Journal of Communication, 43(4), 1993, 1993, pp. 51-8. Sparks, Colin, “Popular Journalism: Theories and Practice’, Reproduced by permission of Sage Publications, London, Los Angeles, New Delhi and Singapore. from P. Dahlgren and C. Sparks eds. Journalism and Popular Culture (Copyright © Sage Publications 1992). Blackwell Publishing for permission to reprint Shah, Hemant, “Modernization, Marginalization, and Emancipation: Toward a Normative Model of Journalism and National Development’, Communication Theory, 6(2), 1996, pp. 143-166. Guilford Publications, Inc. for permission to reprint Glasser, Theodore L., “The Idea of Public Journalism’, in T. Glasser ed. The Idea of Public Journalism (New York: Guilford Press, 1999), pp, 3-18. Lexington Books for permission to reprint Sigal, Leon V., ‘Channels and Sourees of News’ in Reporters and Officials: The Organisation & Politics of Ne (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath 1973), pp. 119-130, Macmillan Publishers for permission to reprint Hall, Stuart, Criteher, Che Jefferson, Tony, Clarke, John and Roberts, Brian, “The Social Production of News in Policing the Crisis (London: Macmillan, 1978), pp. 53-60. ae Prllip Schlesinger and Howard Tumber for permission to reprint ee, S umber, Howard, ‘News Sources and News Media’, ime: The Media Politics of Cri I: ogee itics of Criminal Justice (Oxford: Clarendon The University of California’ Press for petal on War,” 1965-1967, in The Pp. 114-126, 1 CO Kegs ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Disclaimer The publishers have made every effort to contact authors/copyright holders of works reprinted in Journalism: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies. This has not been possible in every case, however, and we would welcome correspondence from those individuals/companies whom we have been unable to trace. Part 4 THEORIES AND MODELS 2 INTRODUCTION TO FOUR THEORIES OF THE PRESS Sater Theodore Petervane amet Willer Schiraie > me Pom Poe rhea Bi Nila Mie: da whe Pane Mt Ta a eH a 't Soy a tee ed, oe Hn a Me mee of Maks CoNmmantCatiCR, Along Ok eens he promis! snmatte otiomer hae start beoadcast oe Slee Neem cent meh are ohiier arnt Rave gathered stent theme mmm of the therry and stony of mas cmmnieatin. > eopteat severe te quarriers ties Sed, sty ther pee pi ia Wy sos cpnaraney serve dhfleroae perpesen and spear wit diffevet form i sore wneres' Why Rat gusta. the peewee Serva Umm waren Seas atthe prow of Argentinas 0 fener that of Creat Ri? 4 conrae tne difference retest tbe shiny of @ cone wo. cement ated the ean Aegret ot atbmniscinen whicd walter the 22 INTRODUCTION TO FOUR THEORIES OF THE PRESS Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson and Wilbur Schram Source: Four Theories of the Press: The Authoritarian Libertarian, Social Respomsbiiy and Communist Concept of What Press Should Be and Do, 1986, pp. 1-7. By press in this book, we mean all the media of mass communication, although \ve shall talk about the printed media oftener than about broadcast or film because tie printed media are older and have gathered about them more of the theory and philosophy of mass communication. In simplest terms the question behind this book is, why is the press as itis? Why does it apparently serve different purposes and appear in widely different forms in different countries? Why, for example, is the press of the Soviet Union so different from our own, and the press of Argentina so different from that of Great Britain? Partly, of course, these differences reflect the ability of a country to pay for its press, the mechanical ingemuity and resources that can be put behind mass communication, and the relative degree of urbanization which makes the circulation of mass media at once easier and more necessary. Partly, the differences in the press of different countries reflect simply what people do in different places and what their experience leads them to want to read about. But there is a more basic and important reason for these differences, The thesis of this volume is that the press always takes on the form and coloration of the social and political structures within which it operates. Especially, it reflects the system of social control whereby the relations of individuals and institutions are ‘djusted. We believe that an understanding of these aspects of society is basic ‘ny systematic understanding of the press. To see the differences between press systems in full perspective, then, one must ‘ook atthe social systems in which the press functions. To see the socials Toe ror ter eerste lative psn a na dhe fie hth oi ig cones oa eg being be nn ree. rater aca nal bigs osha Sind en ton Hone aha, whee a Seung eve an heratnechas Th lenge poe cpr fpme Rahs ph ahr ho oe feral hs fmm Ad whee th rf che Sten arms eh oh bs kata they, te res stument of gvermen | A dove pteg cr moet otial aa ss eves and agus othe ess of wb te Ss eck ovenmes and mae pet minha teegy Miortetat vlan the sarong, must have access mea “scent roa Je: hated yas he Une Sts and Cre Beta ave Siskind fp alm wily te fp ‘serveas 9 “Fourth Estate” inthe poverni ns ada re mart plc of ew. tind by Mil and es. he Camm on Fredan ofthe Pre sad “prectonapimeyoverme bt ca ‘© puree that aman wha Nason slave cane ay Th ‘soars an marge ofthe pres detemine whic Pn, wh at wich “eons of thee fs rch the pie” Thi amano he base oF {be developing Soc! Resp tory fa the power a tear mene ‘postion a the meds pone e hema clip be scaly eps {Se tharall sds are ay preset nl a te pia enone ‘cde and thatthe md So i taken hve ache ty fe nccury for same ter agen of he pubic enforce ‘et wy agin hat he Socal Resp thoy sad te tag of 1 an baracton produced by the group of cols who made pte Hah Commsson. The hear hs boo 0 Ree by sme facto he pes th Suhich the Hutchins Commission was im bl oor Bat ll the wea i Chosey were eee by respemble cu and pubis Tong ble the (Commimson. and hive bet safe ote esponsble eics ad pubiter Since and uit independ of he Condon tend nt an eee ‘Whe the Literanan theory has bos sig wth ts ove pels sd fro rode Mart eins hah plea ace Sinn he pla scendiny fs pry whch ete sn en pcm tuys ppl te Soviet pros oes kf ean foc jt cle le urn. et pte IE state thn psy ome Ths pete hn neon td Concept png bs er bu ar sep ne bey. Phos sore in yofiwaiar et in igh ole wl pee ‘Sennen ek fp es ec esa ea ‘site ap este The Aen pos ot ee Sv ‘Sete int Fr he an a Tha fie to sens ie w alo aera pote — ‘Sec ie ec ee a at bing. rps sone ie earth for uh Sa Somes pais a nas Sint We : SC al a ee ah : ‘Satin arcinas etgearel nsf xaos ; atcha the Sov tt sets up the met mp i infomation, We bed ve backward wae sare hat frm ee ‘empty bee oer acksardso make sr tht nly tae deca poe ‘il ow trough the Soviet chars We ay att preset es ay ‘hats pos 04 a an + 4 | i oa Bi icosicnen inane oral se aan Sa eee arena eae ordeal 23 THE FOUR THEORIES OF THE PRESS FOUR AND A HALF DECADES LATER A retrospective -Joln Meritt and John Nerone Seu mai Sade 3,208: 16 1 cms tht his friable ae tak wil ere shows ss a en fang aay. Why this? His etl nt dw sk oct ‘i eimocetic perspeces, ts caste re gurl ply ‘nd probleme mumps. I peony Bae eter sen # Bok ne ‘Sramatctons fl hat hap Bsn wo casey clas pe ue vate and lack falc igh Ab hs at Bc ee thc tingid ato emptor pba inp eo ‘soul hat when they il iets bey has nin Maye ths the way do 2 Boks Keep she Keep spe: Kap scrpne Keep toy aie Lbs yim grinning Sera Tay co fn er in lal all teen rein in on cal pes al a Sic ie er eersen ofa rats ham she moss ral frets Te US coma masini: coy I Spe SS estos Claw Ch re USSR wee in So mag ee si is se Coury 6 rn ra ll Caney 12 tech nada esate pons Pores Soa Sse We lps oar temo alice Tepe ce Nanya Pt we ere nt os a ‘cig eterna oy ciate Mant pes we een ose. Dit i the storia pe yom it fre Nera sod oe waa pos incom Nt ta ca psn ry, lth exe epaea ‘at deat oduct. And hee a Acie ect ts ms Does ts ye lad ape Serco Tet el ck 1974 ny Imperato Fredo, wh 1d a see gh wth Fo Ths at no geal cosas a ‘since: pig ny n'a sacred ten I wos eel tered fhe ac ft socal gna A te a a ‘eh ser we Bat yond hs iy. fs sora of ‘ein sin mig evs agosbiy ty to he ey Pascotel Woony coon wear! Matos: a oposite rsp and emer pen ten The Pee fer one. i epee he form and Sonate he ses Te Mes Commision, bck in 194, grotaly pened i grote taps a ‘hing nso ang tty US te poe For Thora ba ben eat scan ayo bgt he | once ths pened nmmenbe etre ces sbew tants ‘sem. Perhaps os inp thas ada patente fea ai ea tte eh ec ay. ‘hs shied the tog of tents ad fh) an spe say of them 46 ig eeper ino phlsopical and pla pe of he pra) So. in sie of the favs that many cis he plated oe md a sil roving ot, this ite books «see ple fa te of ao Iisa welewsten, cone edcaton! peer fer the ses end aly ‘sho dee simple, highly severed dscoune ina ay when few ele ‘tomo delve to the compli and neces f di pliee Sad Soe JOMN C. NERONE ‘ee sod ak Tal Pena tuning ae Fear hws the ‘res how the wk hl como be tanh eer we pS iy san Wat Scan eng oo pein No Cota of Chasen an be a ae nme i He er a 1 aus tot an ctor ne cer a ee Hal ne ‘Cin caper They wet Ps Sete rad ppd othe bn Ste ape tages na was ate ee pn sone ded mr ehh i connie of sa ake th wk So oes wo haps from his een finshed Freedon of e Prak 1 England, 1476-1776, Schramm’s sketch of the Soviet commune theory ‘Tmt cp fh Soviet ts, wa uma it Rosa ‘Ses tee Eoepe Dee spn heme 1 ooh ses ea steer nee pro ved eon Tecan ose ny he bk wa aly socom Ws shi tesa pgp in ett logs very coo! ecu a ‘is cee abet pues, Bathe boc 50 uh 4 cetne afi ‘nc tt at expla why contin 0 Be evn ae a tins hn used. an why sneer ben oped ve wren reer tag ‘Socal ve be ea uth hs protic, i Tiered Uln's "four Theses” oun, “Mats Communication in Demo cote Ste" 193. Cong fm cute te Bell of joa aad enmmuncsnasrecarh ino anlatiy with tons at bd ‘oar Theta gig 1 beac te aden of lan aaa ‘cad sah wo de Osean Pern’ chapter, the book tends tory ‘ered canon of pincl ply, Aten deences twee ie ‘hiker care no-brainer, and crete specially eae ‘eft hater hiserclychncrcal totes thereetng soc ews the Pope ad Hier” Between Pas and hares af Eapecs ‘Do Lxke wd Htc ely bol lamerillyoppood xin ofthe soe of mand este osc)" thre rely sacha thing as“ THEauteinay era caso, schoo ccs. ihe’ etme is ar mre seas, mcd and seen ke something you'd am in high the Engh background was puto shate by sea account a recom of the Pret the bok's ene rmewors wos pn ly teu ily ey PT a ine te ar Then geen arate ‘te enn ey ca eae ae a rch cresting meen seer eee Tit Scomwtonatag ateeurgenae ee ee Sine meee oer aa Sab cee tee Tira on oe ee Sept eitng nadatro iy epee Soro oe ee ang Sor mnie 0 oe pete eee ea Se tong ed wos cg Sa me a cto oq ton ee eee Orb cud no cores ls nc cae mcs tion te weap of eh ee Se ‘ait mse foe shales caren ae {he weld coy ots natin ae aaa era ‘eqencaty nt berate ences pee tea hye cs etwas ee sae ec Sretiauned tends eivciecnbereioct epee Caden soca Rape Maat “yt es es em Gods a ne ta ttn Ascend ety seen 2 cosatg mute tte a ge hr ee oor et Zan we ret Or wwe rs es ror Ta, reyes eg anni ‘Son smn ln ia yoy tres bao ees Wha ‘Sitemeter geen eso wea SSO eco Sov cies none tae tr CC Scroie oa aaa ea ee a “ensayo Tr "hour Por Tensei endo onocg sal tng const sete, Toy he oe et Siommncysence rd Weisman ay Siem re nl smi ‘Sms gop en ote ‘lyse promi nea pr aw scam andy ‘ A “er thay Pa lah en ment 2 an aera oii hat ely seat isin ‘nthe big thier an ose Hem ah 2 way wel woul! be eat scoring yan ah is tthor o i ha sis erate alr ine tat ee Joe har ni nd the new mus eda of th 4 COMPARING MEDIA SYSTEMS Daniel C. Hallinan Pao’ Mancini Int cate we rope fone cng aes Wp ‘scl se dems mg oo ee Scop so Nos hse cn wal cans Soria Scere ‘Si cross pot Gps ppt a ota ints beeen da an lel pe ey a ee sikh he masa cee ma pal Ss De Sint turn patina ete scence mesa yam Ne thet oe ‘Sacra sage, gunn ees That eae RSA Chi ores cad nea eee iat a ‘sc mension Baw ll i tnt fe eas epi cy mee ne eli eee ee a ‘nas cna me See ay a ol a ee nrc sang chi yy On ac ‘casein fs tract tenas Wehner “erent hed on ng ae wn pute ‘si a name ce onli aces oy ll pce sees Se Panclatycn our owt Beal nd Goer ch pop oy or dr (Doge a ean Gite ies. doesn vt tes ehh res Sea ere eo ts neo ead aps sion sete fhe mn vows direc anoag medi ses bas do With he ‘Scoot chen reve Comes mas ecg scvngapr celpedin he ne tenth an cry tency, Te thee ‘ey ame That hora dierence reddy in shar een ra Saponance to students of mass somemnications In his last article bone tine death, De: Lewon pied out that the lingo news hem ough Seneca ghwrerigrnaperigyee | futons as ates.” Caryng the analogy futher, Levin a gover ithe by impr rlesor by “pate seer" ine aad or pop power" oman the don Bet “ire nay mid fn pep a amulets Hon eee ee ae Sioawes tae ae “hn atte pce Ang ely Seema aaa ‘sions ripe nem eae ee oer te nie tthe Seance eta cist soc el en wy pethtne tem a Oe Dict ne ery oe! eee april bobeargonetndcpeate Coarse besa ‘un saponin Se sees apy aaa ‘a west city of 100,000 hi is job to seleet from the avalanche of wire copy daily rosie bythe “e300 ans il alone See ph a eae ep Ne slo comy-edts and writes the Beans for this ten Hej la ‘tht which newspapermen thoughout the oust bli bunds of ame ‘esopoias newspapers Aad in my respects be te kt peat "pe espa” ofall fri he ets a sor the work fal tac who peed be ‘spring an transiting the soy iegatd inden of couse, tate sai ee ene aia ise ain ‘ofthe previous "gts" But assuming the soy “eae obvious hat this wre ir aed wih ‘to decisions o make rand the nied amber ‘ur purpose inthis ty was 10 “ns pacar wie editor selected "te gm some diagnostic nto ‘ae es of mus communicaiogs 1 hs end we received the fill se. Gemepm of in svg cch meringue see egal fipocmed wih the copy that dt mot et ito the pape So fore Sy “SA AM ee dg Feary teh 3, Gs ned ne aha a {amet his deo. Intend of twig tne input i he waste beng 5 Mea Reena Roegpega Sods a te a a pe ot Nev Wha Te eg ‘ Cant NS eR ok wh is pgs nema wp nd Ws igh’ werk tag ne 2 at se tenth rey cso say a be ae why he ha inal rejected | I ‘vung hat he could rel nicole wt all of the “omg ‘anor Noe tn home en peer iran oc calle of cn ea ewe he a ee Schnee" peel aan hee eg Pp ee ‘hs gc become ed te lad A se ‘get be ot page a7 se mace orn ry ‘jen mide 2 mort of erring | ze See ae Resear eee ean eer iaiberae iar cor cr aace sone cwehcoaclgetnae Seng eer fe ame odie neo ete gt Speier ae wchop ya Rector ge a tere sere aa ry cing Tena wn (8 wating fr ‘Soret adap sy orm fee pattems vag are a pen ce pei howe secede «in San pee aed Fale y ‘ics snemet, “No pace pore proper” tne i a (Sapte poke fod vie x pay Saw Be time atoning an Tcrtions News Src pee he at fete asearpatoaniny antenna Oo aca wer ore svn! a ry Ho gl ‘adicaton of preference, as political news ranked only fifth im the %s {ren i sa tc alo! tench en cl pola ay ‘Wile al of 33 crime it was recived. only ve eal ime append he oat Jog” page of Me Gates” pape Thy Snel sth cite aes as ich, des ra appl thi wie Shou te td that 2 “crime sre broke tha day. ‘Asan examines the whole wok performance of Me Gates a the tes he eos, coi ad ptm beccme appre What da fi example, abot te kindof stores tht he seca in prefect ‘om these ctepory? Wat tess of net mate and may “Me Gates sem opp? n alos cer cas ware he fad sme Sag mpeg pes cation srs MI Gas refered the “conserva this exesion nc oly terms fs pita comets, betas hese of wring. Sensational and insinution seemed to be ‘Sipesasntt MT Cae partcipation nthe pet dete he “eas” ‘ch come unr the pseu Working ih “oun ot eeting wie tos drag 4 wees he ws ted oer at jpn bur gustoos which we belted is swe othe eins lo “ir Cate patel they ae clad ie pera Does he catgey of er afc or chores rg?” ego of definitely eterno ny ae of Aine ‘sy wiley waringas willan eden ry Hime eens ie spay and could cmp obo. gil False a theese bat ie fo ‘avs The apo of news sags pps tsa he ree oa yh ce es pei Pe ce \escrce reports ca Reepastcd bance rece “cull a" attempt For the st pa te ame king apis 1 eco shor altng some ite erate {Ques 2. "Do you el thar you have ay pies ich may ce of nes ore ao "ave few prejudices. alin o otherwise peice eston3:“What io at pleas the (tres voting ei thinking ad activi ctanvemocet pnt nuance : ‘Quctio 4"Do you have mpc te of ject mar ra 26 spor elastase bese ‘The ooty seat of bjt mane ar vay of hing | am pa PROFESSIONAL MODELS IN faxderntnlgnereyrr fc ec bet orms wrt ss ered fa cope JOURNALISM Siena oii ee a “The gatekeeper andthe advoate Say neniay ei ote ave toe 2 ee A Linphett ny tenth tartrate ow beanly dnedettie toate oe Ment este 111s wll known fact in individ! psychology that poole tw pea cn ri Qe 5 8 x rv aly the happenings which cir own bls concern ig likey to happen begins appa GM. Cates a sia hatin his poston a gate Lepr” the newspaper eter tr te Bagg may never be conccus aware of hat he commun shal ‘ecu ete ee ny ‘Nis ely hose evens which he newsman, a the reresetatve oti (Cs anemia of awh oe the cae sad of ge “ste hope," one Who ike ‘scmoer in ary particular profession ol ifing cones i sh pres of communication. Through staying bi ove Sorts Thedferece between the "pbc el doce andthe nts toes fom the pres associations we sce how highly sting icici that hard og pac heap owmsetof experiences, aids tne uta. has ben observed hatte abe news ell || ssa” ecordng to te ing notion ofthe elie ie {| Alateot ce in meron toate e ; “samc soko present 0 aoa models wich are pensive mang ‘oseporay wockingjouraliss—the “gateeeper” ie Seetrat Sone Pe act oxi hd nic wie 1s professioaal conception. In particular, journalists dit not have st « Sonar oe teeta eatery Se re Pace pone a SS ee ey sa loo sl a ae method with he concep ofthe yur a erica epee ‘waren vanous inlet qurers Outspoken aeademie socal became doubt about thera tbe bev and claimed that oi that object in reporting was i ‘brat lest dowland thatthe tsk ofthe journalist war to ‘empoins al nee of comping groups, especially those of. Seo _ aun ct nahn asep il 7s cae menage ntl ean re aa ‘cn ans eae pean eee oan hewn ae eae eee nde nine tee eee eee on ea a eee cheer eae eee es aca aa cata a No a co a ee eee sat ee a eee oe cane i er a eae eae et oe ee i ee caiaa ieee oe aa eee ri ee a ee ae -ascrious eriminal charge? Soe a inact aaa ane on ee ate iene _ coords of mcome taxes, social secunnty and criminal behavior should be eptcondl- “Jornal to ensure wndividual privacy. However, singe they believe that =e ioe ney tong eon ee [Lie oe aia {ne has the obligation o peor os bel, regardless of the cen lokage is weak Deca of th eas Moreover ma democratic socket ras he, : "atthe sues ove complex The ‘os panicular india. He "le temelve. ‘he jour hyper ta denian! ree the Sevens mid so ad hugh proces he he eg The nen of te ptckerper eon ol! dere! Concept tou manips th puto sonst he cng Sears abiny toe tr own simcren, The tak OF hg rcs infer dt comma in ot 0 pace lnfeonsdea Sane ponente no sare stn screndg Sect recon in hon. io xine Ths mq Jou poe the ct wth tara Se uysenam snd wich he ha» power eadency Yo mee i pec“ represen sac reopen ae ‘one nal nom. The poeeona cent atone tere menor hve be plo fen that ths aca Dermatinind rsh or aon of snare cana stl cot. In conr h advcat conceptions wofesonaomalian | teres chp cnage comtemporary ey a thei eramsegne ofthe sce hve macig the eine el fesepmisto achieve er pate bette tne neve “Alvoajuaits tave came 1 ik of tenses st oft gl profesio, concer peak on bhal of be ms ca The mune eur sing mode? Wear coe eating wth ‘sain aw. reaching Soin ene st ye ‘ttcona asa bee Fem tm ery eof tmp ou em ‘Grvedeown The bone mow ic inuecefere a antece at ine tose outok could be found inthe trwer w te gees ar ‘ puma thot tee were tn few cena the cae Sao ‘iether hnd he roe shapet eeu ef advocate “ingests endothe tvs truer ear vincne ae {hay 11s bel ths wewpoim te song advoene mation 3) mens ofa cal of em, hoe dings eer” em the ark” mali, andthe ess coi he espns oar sah te, (Or hs spe, 43% were pedueinandy prtcpnts mould, aet ns ‘cil prin ad, 3 hel ted 3826 ‘tc madetly neural and 9.7% were predomi pata To Sang indie the colin thatthe Buk of he pesdon hold "made ese {nical smal minty ae plac a each en of he ond Toston preset some dt that enable wo mas Geran ness seat ‘esi and educational background fos tht fashion juras he hoot mods. The dif toward he avr perasion does mt ely ‘cise ssioeonomie hekground or miody-aragy pnt baer 2 pce lca in tapi Mead appt he are ‘xaaon”—that sage cabin and are eNpeince—and undo vols lent of seca pesonaity. I his ash, bestest ‘nsfjoulisi esponsibility woul spencer toon expen "igs suction, while neural wales re 8 padi of appre Spe psc, of earer Hes n which one eas tobe osm i he oe of ‘muta sil, and conte teutines ater ha abvrac pcp and ren ‘sda cps tb importance of youth and of reece lange mtopion Estomac eins maniac ag fess i sey pois ht oid nee rween 25 and 34 sea st tl ae Since he mith 19605, apa 9 me tthe ote entation have nthe Youn ral as schools an sate universities: They here na diet tine of cnsiouty econ he mar he ‘set cancer with developmen ine the 1920s, whe he rf ‘youl were cong Me expt ad wma 2m, when Wale Lip wt Pac Open, he we fly ve snton betwen the ehcp nd the doa jolt ‘he amigas iva i rlessionaing the exe an ning Bite carvers of ons poaral even sw Us aap dheveitsofctoc. Ute eres ary 1 oe-t-onehalnge Soong Brite eaty reno an fess ara, he advocates appear be coe a {Wine et ofthe lial peer ha he gateherper. Tho wh os (mine calue of furan have repel poted the rfog Si ett meta Hoe ki ing hh tes mote men and women eter he eld This ra ihe anon le ee a ig sd ros nin ines ty om ure to exec power tat by dee wy on port oo espa ot By oe a <1 acre ea an a ee Ss ee 2: irc apie ee se & -racen nes and “the truth” But this distinction did ot, in his view, relieve Gaia brestelin tether sedencered ty to mead Cal of profesional ira Sah DaR SOE ponies ry bo Cod pel eet Pee mt de sonora One ac eye ea 3°00 < cosks eeanng ee een 2 canpeed us oe ota ane ‘Background of professionalism There of be mocap wil ot andro if "nn et er athe Camino he endo f Pm ste Gt ret of the apiaton and ues ofthe 1960, sts apr hich sought explicate nd extend the dete aout he le {be campuses isan cverimplicuon to conclude that (Cs numa I main pact wan nena Report” dated 10 Deseber moved of campus and into publi Ms including postions inthe nasa = fu. wch ected governmental intervention and seed the eed or sel faking wth them the notion of advocate journo, The stent }scasustin™ Ths theme came to dominate dacanton abot the mace med “elem eric of the mass mea and lend to demands fr ‘ches of journalism and professional associations. Coniered i resp vse Conmest appears 10 ave Been commited io puekeoper conception Ince exposed 10 the student movement of the " youmslan-— ike many sich etc inllectl eadewvrsbt had he in the ake Ss ding this pvod ha ine ews | anit of ating the uo le un coma such movements in The vommson erie extensively the absence of appropri standards yes petormanee and the nefecvenes ofthe mass med in solving the Whe Commis he adocate positon, the Goligs an st ‘fe tage race row of tr TOtou ave eaplon supa ton Ramet Uses cinched @r mcée Gx Sieg gfe Ca teite plight ef mice an for ther eters cota apa seca nd politcal champs” The commendation ofthe Keret ‘tse te empleymen of sdstonal minor srp members tsa. nore purest the mort pnt of vew wou Be trys, These recuramcndaions eptomined the edvocns tes of his spec of adhocay jour hol hat poring de ‘moony group canbe done ugh an eect ptckeope oon ‘sh objeto muna oly neiy-grop members cag fancton to police rere the profession, Then hve wo a6 hee fan indepen at et ape aly fe meee ane een er pa Th ast lvl the goog uma ton oak on dependent ut of re prem: Ba te dyna prey en e ‘tai haing the mos cetveandptonl omnes eee os [ath dou the effective of sudan ante Tae alee dae ae scent olen a ls Me ane ay {ho ols ao iy ke wp ch ak: Terre te Mee thr malems whou ese krowlege ofthe ee weld beam toe in edie nl and mesh ‘inthe ocr hand, the voce oul indent or openly bam o so caters. Because bs lacks commisnent w jaye ee Im tds at 2 device of poesioalsomwene Te scone pena pendvoclysc the compete poses ate bas ofsclerpne sane Sree nts the seope and ten of deer! poms fice ‘Py ea meda oul. In aditon, in ent yas, the Scapular ‘Raced vows jours eviews-—oeal agains dened compe it sd coumetalnce the existing ews tataen aor an 80 he “nisinon of epee res au Th th canbe no dot hat he etdogy of the pres eens nul rrblemsandrequies considerable resouees. Basal adc ne nade ete the eae sy aprach which eases on a ees of “esti tm, an.a Broader analy appa, which sconce with ne nd of performance. Given th development spiro the soa ‘soses the United Stats, it is undettandate tat there woud be extensive ‘ons spy guantitve and systematic conta nap oth eaution oi mas media perfomance. The objet i to fos ot specie tems Bt "chat pes and tends. The els sah eos ve uformatly ace Soothe sae coe aerate ‘seh task, hay ot filed ts promise Be ‘cash procedure In eee year ter has ease nee i nee te ua of and imagination of coment analy sen But sysomais ‘ot aay fps prormanee has ot pred aray ai "ut could eomanand both academe ae jouraie ateton. It paicla, ‘boing categories which ot oly describe media Slate crea and can be felaly api he proved Be ely, i 'nescce the movement toward am is ‘eon weaker inthe Unto Stats ha "vce read in the emergence of "ova hasbeen es in the dita a suds of peroomane tot fet Und Staten noise etn te fi ce sy ay i hs led the yng stemmed fauna soppor feed the Melle Fund fora Free and Resp {960 for rpeningvch ven ik communties* A national tea snp! 1972 bt rogram bs bee hw in evolving Pa Cnorseschet ape prepare fer more verbal support of these fon Impey pubes odors Moreover, thre acme cmpicalen the kcal ro coun ve a postive if ited. However jamais nthe United States have besa more concerned ei wofonal stony than th mechanisms or auditing th ‘ewe iv that ey have mde progres nth respect Sura are suttiosconstat eam of xtra press Pui ‘tier and pu relations agents sk 10 have ther orpniation and ‘mento i he mass mek Profesional jours take nach (gamidand witht recnimen mak oe of the provided material w hy Thay a, af coune, more deeply concerned wih pressure and {he top level of he exoative Branch of government and with cout mao sen neste {tn profes ethic in ving he performance ‘ue von could ed wouldve bom gre ie abate ot tyr nor: Tarot ull soa deren seas uh weakened he eat eagne pleats ‘Sythe onerig nae ne pfs emi se in scan soposng the ons ud tne fe fe ein {SSEN"Ihceaeceer canbe consdted rhe el of he ghee ot in pub te tv, he Mea of he tye a ne aa ype wt iis the ghee ml, atte an inert ty yu oa The pofonl a st a an deeo the ent ‘itch he ihe search free tha lake ee ste “td. The gtekeaer i fom of pb evan. However te Eaeepet mul is ae ofthe ecoci ealtesthat pov he rere ft “Semors sa ht cn ve to tea dst he impulse oad eben ic Gu oy Gana hts oid a re aot ft he incr nas media hat const eafrethe penal sm of “Stn In pata, th Joule minor fo rsa ‘tn ergeneasaudenes. To bul and Wort me dens, jor “en uted o prods out at wile viewed y sich eeogecous "isc nrchely oe These aun rep wala om Shc ich dure hat part ecient ih wih ey ae ie {ar and ptt dtr ra hei ote f pei sues Tie omparison ofthe gather andthe avec models iis the snp ofthe advocate’s rl. He snot the equivalent fa lawyer beans te asence fa analogy o eal reads. coxa ies. eve ofthe jaan he appeals Proved fr example Nove in & ssoean type ofan jamal bcs rouliberaran ic and ect he opposes excenne os ape te ‘ssh advocate jority iti ena x i oe ‘srtssenal ndpendces Th reuemenr perfec ableton ‘etm ck toward thegthegper eal ‘The rslton of the dot fewest the tena, \ Sia eeed Oost ete cra rae on Copano (Nee Up hw ne ata sl ea Ca ting. amy 13 ai ne iS see 7 ene ora So Ase Nene Neos (ee ira Sato Wala ier Somme oth Yr Taped fee Roe SeRcE tty sma ene ce festa ees oe Tac,“ Set Rt: An ener tae re ge 4 Metin rene dey hs Empl Sata ‘NMe228-84 (December 1971), eee ‘AIL Winer "Te Newnan he OT ater {Bee png a 4 Safran. ac Opin New York: Maclin. 92) 3 on he Fedo of he Pes. 4 Fre and Reps ty ef Chess Pee 1947) ‘aby ran Ry 27 FOUR APPROACHES TO THE SOCIOLOGY OF NEWS Michael Scudion = sue 1nd el Mal ty iat eho Tetroduction ‘hex. ial 1989 appear en sv bli veto ince hat he a tee dtc approche ean bow see ‘ected plteal ccm, socdopl an sar eopestv Ts ‘Stree ai ible ie te. bt ey at eae rae ‘Sater my ence Thee oe plone aT fin pu i gy ob eal amy” obsewes mote an even an ve at shred ting op npr cos fend pole apr “oh of moti “Pllcl coon” mea je se “ty aelecta! ead which he ody of ome wanted ‘om moral philosophy. om practice bas been» term adopted by He-lening ‘trascrtcalofanrclaseal comics They secede ay cme ‘Sova the mah if rt mechan xt a Pin “cin wares or noe y pla mad teal een Tae “opus few However the pial ean commana {itor dal net simply recognize thateevaomic and politica spheres are imsrreiaed ‘Ss smuggled in the Marxist theorem that " soars secondary. aapceateaeloeint : seas of Set maa toons ~ eee ei her pt ‘rth a de pa . “ates Hay tse fs ena a 1 or scale 1 ater the alates peocipaton wit dis ost echan he cana Save ewe Understand ow the tis eae cunning 1 erat wth ‘event shoul be leading challenger esoagy onomi atorsparsey a te cla, conor opal . ‘in at arte news prodcion. Bua hey de not produce news atone The) ate something the Weld. The “something” they work on ‘he production of news goes back at eso Max Weber J te sho wrote of the social sanding othe fur ane plinat een ss, ober Pak (922,192), an ecoerhinttnte o happens cccuremes inh ord ha pes uly ad thee ~ihmsat press and news iter of knw ed Fe ta wrth ter inporane or mirth emerabetsn, the mete fa 1940 bo Wah ely sy of ame eet Cee The ces of ual atom ten tings bat doa (ocean page ‘oi nh 1980 ook te net tp Socal pelt Rat Lene oe thn. ram car andes re steer chen apes iS satehecper and evel scholars (WE 1050 Cite, et ope Interviews and 30 for Tes ae dic created by Journ or by ‘So jemalno David Manning We sade miseaged wie sora ple sing wth ura n mind. Coprations, oer , “oun ows Fore ee MG (cae de ferment an sia ovement fen at with he eon of making ‘Mice he esearhe every poe of wie copy, bth hos bend and {nd one might sy that jour invest ‘oafacure evens aig fone ected print in the pape. He ten wee down ese or eect {toe pups. But rats dont cre humcans or trades cea soe tue down, Sore of these rans wet not ey ening = more They oot rote Cision oe ck concerts ot te Oba "eon pace’ Othes weretechaical or peofestona- "dl wring or as ‘They shape them, but tey Jo nt shape them usa they choose, Micaela ouch Sites were exp politcal ~roagid or Hse Re tet ‘Davi nd here apa, ecoime, sil Sa eatr totg Thc i get aunced White's conanon ha Be pana pec and ‘nn hep exam how he hd o-But Michelangelo ded ot eet he aan rece of guckepets make te gu alka ME Ga patel oes ssf wang He made ot of marie. And even hough be cals ‘Tuned 18 out of 429 of he nev as eed tric male to we, he as in some mess he Sera of tt mal a [Ficus udgement ca be abate peal abe, we shoul 4 disicnefars The mac's own popes placed liming css vation among wie ets ine sample Wale ice nd hat he i cold oan 5 ace nesta ways Wa ‘eet sty of 16 te editors in Wisconsin All he edie cece moved es “som th sme way They woe nt ding polis in eleing eno. ‘We pas. oie’ neal aller social scietts who say the “ey redoing a task, The Spl eor was ‘coceed With gol a ‘inpeking of bow jurist ‘comic he news mae mow et rvs, arena oui and ienpeona eons wii th neem? ui ety’. "New what aopupcen make “ Vs 6175) Cieber saris, ones oF We ewsore “cio gatekcpersilinuse lprovde ahd meta orhe aon Fshan 19504) News ean repens a es a 1973:97) inthe wor fe hi. “rows svotogieally untae Who ges eager and why? Who ‘soe ews math eachthegalkeepers? Unde wha consis and wih “statespectatons? The gatekeeper meth isto ix nemeamaking ato point shia crit of rach and does ot examine the ici 8 whe "hn sha approaches might week beter? Fou peepee 08 news-miking se commonly empayed. The Bt two ralons we tbe cco of te ns ces the satire of the economy ante sae respecte. The ‘hr appreech comes pinay eu of SoS ‘Gieber 1964: 173). "News isthe rest of the methods even ate open res ei a oe re ca hema oa STI a en ere ce wc he Se hte et nic scathing Seu mnrdoea a ‘ict ems end sctres” Why news so ely doped on SELEY ire en ln vr send he a SS Seeteperer tnt on am rea Tihs arte uae an ith to : ‘The economic organization of wens ‘The ink ete he rs sce of ate, marke an sche and dy tices nil Gram Murdock hs observed “gue Mat Tors 188) Eren elk etocen owneahip of ws ose ad vege kpc of perce tren. cot ey 1 determine aa ‘cab ty a ui andconmerci stm ofounerhip am fd toner (Nou 991 Ta sme case, pers of ownership ca be Specie ate of reporting Curt af 1080) ak why eli a ‘eveyone nck erent fe even hough eae TS lenocianzation, “Song control, Censorship, and manipalatioe of the mans re yhoo of Amencam prison guard bratality at Alba Gibb prison mg ia % tl corner ey a ep Siuseingtming seeds the ‘fc domi thenens ans at SS oe te pn fa i ae sauna voor when they have an ye fed 0 » senate sxolapal ecarehin "eta case stain of ewan hora erento (Choma, 1973: 166 "si in Danish newspapers Sp tos of newman fn he ee ea ‘ctl ew feat on th ed Sypnee nnn i el *riewc ieanences 2 ecsneepe gah acc roy hed eof oul 9 fem of paid eine Toh th We my py pee cl mins mond Cae ee ee Oe ae coat cin than oe oe eee ae Snead or Satine feo aed ier enti ay een a aloe ape egat aes cet na tog he ie mah me eed sv on eo eo z iat ‘owen rel te poo es a a ss has potions ey ae oping (Gan, 98). Ame ‘hr than th courte in Gt te elf “yun ism of proenonaliey {Donbach, 1995). They have a professional ons ca aecaeaia ‘rel lone ere fd ead Amare ama ‘or rate ase (Gs, 19791 He ‘Sean ae US ete malo nme iki ps htt en Nc rT (Spee rarer rconra tes Oka 2 Setters toner mon (209) hy oe Spasetes bes ov ctrect te orev npn ange Scarpetis pers ong tomun) wow vive on a Coie an acini ho ane he ring me women inshoacexrm dare te etion of Rohan an the ier nna vlc onic ing ther wl sew the ne ag Wise hss ro an ily he USA, ha we conse shot he wepenntatens of acwam chee ‘chig'sScumenatn of te snence of Dalia aneacae) mpi: fe, 201), Ne sg pret develo tepesnave of th ost by gener a ty sul ont, tote repes ror bo he USA an rac suggest that ews hve nt damatially changed Bessey. 1993 129-30: Lavi ‘Wing, 203) the USA flan af mation journals, who repr by fa and poor and ‘cs fhm ther compute, il spate journals rom de ‘escaroties ho iv in plces peasant it ta thre has ‘moreminoes sd women the bewsoom wil mak the pes {oa bweder smemeny ns ccna is vet Thi egal ee whee a spots al atack anes compete and reo] hoes portray hemes ape ‘monty mre Wha nt et (ad ead ol) os ature of such erties a8 wel athe higemenaaiy x command vc a ye th ae ae a a ‘sora peoemae J oa aaa « ssa mode focuses thi itagaiyof wea ad sete meetin ‘os al power eal er “sow the goverment nd om ‘sso the pb The even ot tral de te "soci. oar wea an pa ‘yh aera py ‘sof the mela oa "pe fd ad ("a o's means of daeplinng * a lion and eat etc oc wot The maa of ws mat pe fat icvng rye cared rsd pt Ty fhe [Rie no ce exon bn lepers of hat sat ‘Te cn domino he ea a homes et ty shone and ert te news “ojo” a ‘Sur of ptoemal pews saloc, Wart ote of he Al, [yor a sectve te consis aes power, alae bal ‘Sue mach» fant way tt akomaive bse of nee ee oy inate tr eseming the newsmertanes of te US tite com of shipment of EGS te Nicaraguan on November 8, 198 1, Sie, ownership, and profit orientation of he mass. media, The frst ter he hte tet mse Seco at sie Fatlowing tere oh poet on topper = deka oo te SM a ashes ‘hence conta. ln aaa he vl al ly So per che ‘lkine nc coats op he intent oan ih SL cacuion of 6 20 copes. By UST the esi eb eos of re ys $0.00 pound The Sunde apres auch in 1 oC mina pounds bere Ghee WH 4 uo a Net a rocenes meet ok ithe Uta Sas vee he tacos on TUNE Vo cy in 851 was $6000 he pase te Las "10 elle 9456000, an ty peppers wee ling fe won the 1920 The cos cine lon ve ey al Ns many decades rn tte handed of bands f Sn seabed ta" Even malleempeper ping bie oe de take up ii evn fh a aia canbe alah does ss ‘oats fete icon o ese of ed wh ay see tea bythe ui large so of estas appeal a eyo ‘pa ha cme ein erie ns 1 ee "Ses 30 day wpe 1:00 ag an | 50 octet dn i “sine alate a sac pees were ery eal ean pc ad war sere oral at oa 6 5 rwhp somes en Magia ses the fat that sie largest media ystems ‘eves and mea of he sls ab ‘os movin He cen tht tee "ato ad Cale hata 5 Acryl saggy 4 rahe oe cmon ‘calames a tomer at weber tb cna Sas enon a Seem ie Toc. apain ss ay be andcnsig te dep ef ee {mes rant hs fog ben td tt eee {hey oon mrad y Peg, Sr Sa oe ncap ‘Be pmerwnct sod wie serves ta dens the ‘are aot ‘noch oto tv ad real nc lone ta a os peep Contato within te tp tra ‘nue pst Word Wari i fern nd Be aa ‘fons mya dium Pres incn sees wea ‘dent onthe he ter sad marow vt of souets er Iecraton! news he newark provide srl and nce see a te aaimal mars an evince we ppls ee sepa Te macing fale esr bs i ‘Sivan atin’ ow con of the mere se ead poe swe ae “Tal 1 provider ome bs ani dt te tempor me as (orb cewotig pr, compa) tht make pe tape of Seayanes he Unto Snes Th compli nde (1 he ices" ADC sgh pre Cael Ces CBS an {ap imate et, Genre cc {GE 2) he eng eae fares NewYork mes fase args a Mall Sree down (ow kes). Keight Riser Gaon. He aowar New-inve Advance Publication) an the Tine ‘mao ns and gral ntoret magarns” Time, New ashing Past Rear Diet, TVGuide (Trangleh snd US Neer ‘Repo Aomori McGrane caer ten Rey Fb gu we a (nate "Set ea ema ge vienna eee “a SASS ii [seat aba citar nw Sern oe ee mei Ili se ppetTen romans ince igen tts hay bevane market rare end Ss ‘ mesgaper: sod icin propartcs have fod pose ah SSmwed mts ne mt ahenig weve meg ‘ch agree ey ‘Suncenedte pree andoepatin fxine eae Famiy owners nove bem neatly dived brome thas Sean _vetage of he new opportin a thoe Jena coun Sul andthe spits tae on pote rs leading ai ‘etary nr “Tis ed toward gree itegaion of the mai othe tu Ker ait yt leg rk ing Ae Coot te aay te Comes ney hs se {SSRI hums 8K ada Pain USI emare yn er iy fans ‘em he Comma na Tae) 3 Wan 1S Mem Carper Cina Corte Powe ew Yo Cabs i el mer nw compan maa ad» ih nous en natn yh FEC tt spi by tren he Soa ce SoA en pet br snd ABB ck a Syriac laos Beeps cH ‘ach neat naan eg 2S howe ga Sprson mT ‘one mean GE ‘nang arn ae Ar’ WH ey Maer” ting pn abet) wate ge evoph cr pbc wi mse i ene ct er ana eae erate sin tage Arg ere a aa "Roig RP ee ia tnt ese ‘gs oer Gants ass i a egy “Th witb 0 sca nyo propane wich wey ferent Sih sd kn al ssn ime Te ee ly Wemey eal Geno oete NRC ne Me {tm di by fended by ath oe mes ot pods. On {elim of he ma avd cen vera psec ee yey syns om cee ete cg tan he ‘atl w pve sey. get te mor a made ale he ce be yrs, Te tpt spominip of bard Maron: and TT's so cv a pemeran The Bi Be Mes Bao Sitar dp S188 8-86 ame aw ee ew ego Tne fa eed ng Be pe TT pe 1 Beno: Pe Sumer 150. Tan Mating ee Neus Ai eT Pe 98, ie Taka Onna See Riad: An amino Neen ‘tu cis arcane Sada Tom ETE a SD SOA fr ar Sha The Una Sy A ce mat ‘gan Mach (ewe Rar Oe a Ye” Rew 1 Fah Pog Papen Mine er Yk HL 7, uw i ide i et Sone Enters tae SiR ag gma Sera Oem Ama ou aS a Tit - i on age Ue ee scr Td ae Sean i Fate in pt ay he Gein neo, the ep eS i 1 Br cre Pres (Conbrge Mia elgg Lt aay te eee mR a aa! {F tuased lex Carey, “Managing blac Opinion: The. Caeporse Ofemsive” % ey ot New oa Waa ‘ne mpi oo ease eee * [Cacching, und ouvech programs, ee Soma Omimae Pais, Cauer 8 oy Novem Brea uri Caen. 2595 red ani Geng eer 1 SC oe em aaa co Tn Serine's quifcaions a6 an expen, ee Hema and Bee, Belge Ser ene Beer ia a eS oo a ee Degen on oe DS ee cap airtime fe Sis herr Deer, 1p 2 Gs Mec edesp ‘enter Mang rb Liesl Ree erin eran ms mn fee SEER Eee cece abe en fw iwaeccre ee > See "theDaonn Cag Agi “Tea by TV" ans ee ‘7s am be Yang Habre Mee a Peat oie eae eer token nase a (on faced clay domed ty Unind Testo Cpe, ad “eas ioe on Ps bd on Me t's sly al to Socom, 7 nan Domos Cuare (eng Min i iy VO5 See tae Lr Stes Ran ab Line ished ‘ML Aaa Ader in fora god dren of he hay nw ‘sande Coun “Acs and sn" Tow Taal $3 40 Lis Walt "Acura Maio Rewies News Hit Goran for Pade Bioastg ven eed fd hs Ben's 1 snes co Vena ay to pet he yu of fe New ‘uae, shea extents ain of tesa ‘ert ncn ts ene ae pte [SMC Ret ane ry ern, O82) pp. 6-10.18 “ et e's i ny Ml lect smpmes ae pened ye Une Sn ny te ce cr at ‘ ‘sin an gan meen tee Eo Sarai eae alta aoe a, fo eee me en bok fer documentation 29 THE NATURE OF NEWS RECONSIDERED JohnH. MeManus See ete Des ri Lt Cv: Toad a, ot ag 4 199, Witur Schram, the gale ofthe acm lo ‘bled ao aril called “The Natur of News” He ded tow Senscally as "in amp wo reconstrtthe ewan rework ah is dfntonscms ety inadequate to dese wht goes inte ‘newaroom Come this cases of ews reuton a levis le tio rene. ae (Case study: am attempt to reconstruct the essential framework of the event? va sh yenle moking bik by ik dingo ae he inne noma bow eeeee ers ae ciice aareroC US many er emg str i ee tr le ar me ‘tin iv ow tow eae ag engene ccna Manoa me SINC sen wes Nera en eb noma Ba “hint Galo perigee a cer oreag paves {Ro spe uidhcogoedae pant Reg “Sect mt ing, The Uy ee eae ae iil ote w contact the EMLN goer be pve wp. ‘iene tw eB Sedo a oe ee “imate crn peat te pee “tne don gs sl te sae ed a In Seer an epee! ener png rab {stuns ware i te Ba ee ea tee ‘Tees detrei he wl Sa wich Sh US ply ber ah hate aye as ‘ws Kichonl S@yvolteping somes homo he besto Bat ne the es dec exese le seinen haa ie 1 go ema ah ee “vee poe shat a aang ‘eae! Americana i otal "clo" stata fr Be son be eptied We Be se ne ‘escent Und Stat, ne tl % ‘cpg: cen a at Und Sn st ura son ote Be rn oo the news dirctors insistence. the writer’ ‘we on the eanthguake's devastation ad Dane frst meine te pcp ads. Sh as pad of come te petal mg of sey, ee Cone rt hn cer Aang witht nee tus Wee Fit fh ry i fan (Te ces cers we ae treo ak «pel ro Sands. Thy wt al en he ea To produc Hopi nd he's ton de Belo His ea don't hee tem Weta fe hs. So| Dal og oa, That we ent he wean mld he whip oe soya one on the ery Depo ha vis poe Neen dt seg ang een fo said ave one at forse my ses. Busine Pay rears sh clic Sao ‘be wy, The 4 dor Diag wp eps froma) che eh Pe "Tse on coy oe re kaw gh ‘whe we Mow ome ig soya sew abot “Patel he gen gle Mat oe ae (Inet ou seuhban none pacdoun ta ees i te hl igre ‘Senor wen doeb a asi eae eda anh athena Sia cma Rete ‘that wee sae ere pogoerne He ipa ‘Site was ina Bout byhe ono ob deco et dcr anton ha cafe te ove “Stns what wa the tae é Bh peat rier eplome fen eb mgt hw bw Bu wa rte a). sch os roving ma ure Cun wd ese! jt Sod RS eb lt Nese rope Te cpr ae testo wheter US. apo of he “Con” ese eg Ze rut Cm ian er ot go ‘8 ponea sat 10 Nismo was oot so tnd, Ne wan a ea ne ofthe best in he ews dmc estaton. And te Us ao ovted the sory Resi? at the ston eens, spentig, § Nira 2 xfcse bth pzlemes and appoint with ie shes "2 Thee wasn Se n,n be had et expensed cm «seen enc tars ene tan : ‘oe sympatci o he Marc Sdnits poem Big stevia coumy he press he bake Be ho a | al seme apes y some pra st Set ae 1 oy ne tn et mci er gos ose me a a “sf 1 ig ao hy i ig ly scoeans aban the fl the 'spttmaking bane, ct the concep of markets. AD ‘aren in ween The preset feet pe ocean Sse See \Bpomecn ose i rpttonsodadioun? Terre eaoel Sanaa thee ple mines hry al roe depen” se SS este en See ae Eee Sn ae ee iene ena ae nn eee Sadler ‘entire en nd ach wen a cee ae ee Boers rn ee pe oe ee en volrgelfyemetemetin Set nett oa Seen Seen ee ee a ee cratic ee ee teense “eegernl pant pereem ete Sencar rene rasa oem Revie ce ee peace tae velar pay. andy eg slaty te Weg Te one of he ma fe uta i og tal tone por one vote Sine 1 ees vote Weg SRSEEGr Ac pose proprin of company owed by REE pron trevor Bo of ecto ios ie oe nc a =e ania tl 2 % oon sd ove hr i Tey coer atic we The comer Conn erp oem Soop aa diy sewn, er! bedening sens Sine.amu hagas mt hepa Mirteweoinesos Onc orm op exes oSSiy nerd mene of th ard of dito, by Flot The pent capes’ op anager are e tet Eri mann ow cos a td wpm cea New DS Ae pate trues may abo beens seal aoc ion aca ea ‘el pertrmmcs Cac Thaw cuted be open ‘purine pb sua ney : ‘re: aig poly so linge op ogee =. nroaica el seemere!t me See ipl norm of Surnlin—wtae the mt erg =o ee Mela fem ‘The mdi firm he los branch of he parent coporation, 8 ingle evap directa by x geal manage i elvion ao sewsppen, Ths che lol escus ar esponble o ‘tamper and sore thy pease. ‘The mei Bm inlod ‘perce prion saben adhering sales oews, ‘tes, and fort he sg nora fun roel by ives who Sek Sima “mse and bayou, AMEN ow a hi the ld ih ate otf we i ict and Scents engage in symbole rodcan. The elf ual oh oa SS sn wala a es ce all Bs Wil ed ee curt apa oe aia ees we ta eal dad mee he ld fran ssn pda tot poe aon of ea a {Co Ss hy a tna te Sooke naa Soca ee ° ieee erent a Seka aoe ete Sac ee eae Enea emer Sesh see tein eis emsertrrtns a spot atone == = ‘Bae i mc ry me Seen ane gererpee ees Scere eo ome Sy tere eee Ea ‘Seganany inet ho Ainoses ton he a oe dene 5 ane hacen wine corascton boda ae ‘Sri a Res Dr malty Pl Sf mc oS, sw a Ie oy Prone (P Eis amy eee a aga dete Temhen, Wren, crt: The i cal of Maen Pr iy an Sts ma a ag Sposa” Lr Fay moar sob en ge adc Ui ged oe ae ‘oan Se a as Wena me ey de ora alia 1 veut Poles of Nemalng Canon 112i Manan Newt Pane Bear Ont Se "acm, Sean al Kane? on SENSE rep ews fom Molar Ten an te Now en So Hai Hone, 1073 and Ma Peta, Maar he New ui 1h Yea Pe 10M ey Mit ets: Mer Sri The [nny evtgn Cored or Yo and eo Ras 15) ‘api ntl appa eset tte eh “aac ib: tytn Cee rn ees {nC Nw Yate & Mo ae ‘cam, inl Maal tay reyes Pa “ih tn Dot Pi Tg iT 383 a he Uae Mae sot a “a Ue ee, 0) oh See ‘heen thes oe al sas bee PS rt COANE eee ore ae Cie Se Change Cat Sa ah Sat Ha Dk ee, sa wns estonia tice eta i in oa man See bea von ere “Gen weer “hs Maraed gama ‘Section “tt bet per en pe’ (hs 29, henge SESS [See rnc lil Ste Secs tv tans! mateo eed ha sea he dyed pee ee : Serer ing we Fe Ct te ee CT CST eee ee +s son da” and Boudin, “Reinking tS 48, “ha ‘Rehan the Sine” 3 ane apetiind fe ovo veka "rm Le Ned 7 Set ce mr ee rs, ae 6 ayant Was, fare ioe You Soon Bs 979) 16 Bearden Chang pate 2 17 Beare: rf Yd ‘he Sat Ss Campane 31 MEDIA ROUTINES AND 99 POLITICAL CRISES coe ote Todd Gittn ‘ = te ey at nd ga Theories of the news Where nw fanes come fo? Howse they edit the stable natural the ake organi? Aadhow, dpe te ann frames ispuedand changed? How at wetounderand etm New Let — tbr Gas as eet put forward sof here ta papa ey tom cori tris are seleced as news, ist tat wil kane eo oi Fin, thr ate ona comer 4 pa of profesna ews gets Juris is «profess with td prone, serving te ‘rast ae, ugh be tenemos cetera fr tag, Public intrest by followings Ov cancer chet. Like ny ther poe the ithe in thought sow he pofanons \sehing fo recommend and ac els she 0c onal deal eam td pela Dep once constitute, fom the trace of evens inthe wil, images of SA'S lie nde sas te ed eh 1s or mk the infaton atl for tr aes Because news has Seamer an enya Sun ee ge ee so cc oninon ele en a |v oven” These "gs a 9 a i then Yea =o ee. amg te hing en Pll Seg he cit oon eae ‘orton ee sca — a ee ia =a “yet nond 2c on eo = ies sah ey oon ‘sneha wee a =onc eae Seno ong a ees sep nin te tn Se ee ee Eo ee ta dcologica hegemony a ee or ag Sie Sane ole a Sats S Sane ree a Sire tyne conn dae aaa Soe caee meas eee Sie al Soe svar esac mova ear no aetna a Cie statin aces ean ree Specter: irae Reergccmestsctn ase Se See ies on ee = er | ea eon i when te weeking cas oat ‘omcepon of plac Gram concep canbe dened sian) deninton of cere nd pence of wcloy ides and evcyday pte the 9 ete) enciceng fas his way: hepemony is 2 ing cau’ op ase and groups Ugh tae ‘nd acsmpions) ins the coca a emai bu ot ness een, cana the estas ond No fad an fag forse of coeson ove the dominated both pespyons and vento Sf trumony? In any seen soy, hegemony an cron ate ieee, Rescly Raymond Willams and Swan Hall! have cubated soe a [gen sewn to wet in the analy of popular ule In als med tenioaagy ome cnet me nineteenth hordes sepa tn depend oes rane = Bat~Gramsl agen hens ee | {Sate tema oe oop eee ea, 1 hh, poethat entra byt dois "28 ans Hoalarsand led dee nchlgelsatemne ete {on tcontrmingand ecenkimng het meg Tastee “ise ep cated epee "2 ipulst sot, no nin val Regn san rn «wk nly. Battisti ct dey suo a ast bere species the rato, wg hegemonic ely The mda thc ne) tole by members fw sopra wl peal cli ak "he aemp ih varying See) ong in tn sxe “is Ae se ing the rig coats of “ae fats” lca dependent ase aston (1) icons oft own ny and (2) cei he si ch | any piven momen hee ht sua Roig lng alae of power up i seach ending ba sauna the pric eget Meogs wl be snp sav exalt ology wil ee is comple tera oma of he mn sg wi be sng ar depres an in soon an ro eee ‘arena oi pd an a epee a em tt ncowner of aia emg mbt of Senn, "fs acon ne tee saan" By cant ie commande ee “norte past ods sone be ve oid dee to oar st ata ne ea ae -singevlued opie re man tea “Their eas politica ecomomy layered as anseosamy amd PY Wal Genin cohesion te ideation of paelace eae seh thn b evened, naats mata he er ee isenaiahaieirneen cages lata Sas gnc aa cae SERRE paces SSL Tepe Sctvlienen) dlfwmuted ies Jeclopaeaure aoe Priel tereenarepreioneeenn starry afta sn Seeders lane eran ca Tiersen cghe mea oa Serene ‘The fact thet power and culture ia a modem social system ae 49 ce mn cr Seeehamrneancriens cao een epee tay ae Faun oo npn nto te ae ‘oi tthe econ lie now bec epee on ther see thealegunc ofthe whole acy Specially ‘ea samen pil inporance 1 symbi eect ich the iter of thew dre sci ta iay be trough te staring of ite several domi st are abled ‘smpable gone hung socal cond 114 ROUTINES AND ROLRTICAL enisns. pias ct nn the dona ag “tacts Vigemetcaaenaetes steal era pal gy, ely. er sf coca ge : tomes a inn he ees "ar moet the donut eaaghta aeaet anes ye nes fo ead aes a Th inn heen ae iss whch challenge andar tow iam ame dependent an inet car cei began omen ne ldo vals of ily eral ‘np nt ea ee proces cua hat Dail ‘he radio of hi a ‘cis nd ma te ge ‘umn ea taal poe ‘sisted onerotery ‘Siar mcsie a ‘uly ee wed re woninaly ealleng and ‘Soa ames ken tal pt of orig th pic) Ya en sen Pa Sewn me ppt New Uc er ss nee hea tome iss Spee tow ware re How, ome ‘pemeny ke pre orion yo ecg shamom ‘The workings of hegemony in journals se aphnin us nw ue aren lye ‘gern edt (ty a cane dee ats cera ee tad aa Setar ote eesorray een) =) Stoseueg a se econ Crean ee SS ee aoe ee sei Pian i ated Sneeeeeemes ee Pane ence nine Se cre Soe on oe ‘teapa commited sat weary Sts cme eo Soltis ofthe mr! cove ph selene scion y Sta onmated wo appovng ind scene win sot “Tbe media elie watt honor the plie-cunomie apt hc vey omer an resi deeply pears ta ser At he |e, incurporating the eampetne feces a such 8 way a suns nd has profs pu. an ate Klam egy tari Pol show 1 news to beth mo ere of elma fnew pn ex eon aii "of loc Th ade et cat ust ran a certain amount and "pi asi set in mp ye on eet “ning ees ta ee eg pore Teounse ime for amtenesti but aot al ~ neo Cone re Commi viel Ty er FO rps eS Sot ngs cestay of wren dopant ia So ae Pate cpen ech nee sy? Prt ot sry mck: CSA ACen cpm bs tents te Fan occ ow Seow an jn my he raed Sepia : te FCC hn ed ety he he ba on ogres rpg ‘matt co the pst ro sn broadcatig. Foal he onde ag tcp, Oe FOC hs teve lit sao toon for vos of a Doct. slcomtaued slats ave oly ce pane « pa fn ewan Tantei corms rebly e ae {2 pony of cnpeasnalveaipatns an ons aw baa (etree ad encase abut Gc prt fn Sa Prec a abv agus cp feu ae eres ina Fue (One tp CBS prosacerecamed ome m vember (6 oot deci. face ptmate sors, and theresa al eed ‘eespaper oman anne Fares Dacre ape tee Inthe fee fd inerectng politica reste —fom the oh he econo and the olga see Of es, These nares, a, wil of cous ae ino acount larger ‘crane ce and dios wil be made amply sme ao damp hen. With the atwerks mass akc metalt, cover” ds is dco rede ryhing of poll sane ae Forevample, CBs S014 ROUTINES 480 PoRETCAL Ene hor ent aaa aoe er tray ete hve bate pds ves abi ye soot ta pon v= are shows | te he deine stn osm at (cheval lvsion om at ne, ha bet ae ‘rence nt theo fads Age tego “te lo ster ein fom theses sen sat ons nee Hes and aed dt ets aed od pater. ‘Specll am Washing) on ho hey depend Por see They “sts eo ofthe poner They maya “wae ee ne nec disputes another (tb General Asconming Of it | 10h nthe yore Env rounenal Pretacton Agency apa te Dope! vcr when yee aa nace oe eae wr poms and cen sty eee "ste hy ee amon po ee th ‘gehen estar pions Fete RES ee shea hoe ae cont ple between pris an source cota and or, eas and pba foe "hn ldo tr and premies Wi ee “a Several asumponsabout camp tn newpaper "peas who ae thei ! 8 peo alt nena "diet pli presi «sccm af the ceo weanase 0 in te pt oangs cr Sones unt ceupes (lana ona maa — pone Ere ror cohen song Om coroner eee SS [Sec tetieresrcc agement Sra eem ear capa Son cogended nt De ctu covenny ma te ow sag Soa tent net coin rea omefenaetieien acpi Sor st cocoa Sitetiae teem ts peer ne rag Ste hee nn Sts oc Soepeanaiteens poe none aaa Satopia nce tp ae Feo eennyrace crete Tatiateermes owcr ness joerc Serene Tee ayo pepe Pepritgeancsancecotcust snore Sieeretebea veminartnoarts oh eee sieses yun tats ope = os Seteeegetemere on creriany ene aaa tasarey tana fr tae cca ecprorsacan eae (Stet cteei nes ao pcos: oma ‘Sicess saree pay od soos an Pepe oererernie ns ey cara ea oti oany acne ch areapeaga Rosle teecrcieta nora teens loca feet treme erent oedema Sate compe socio ka ms come Resaccemp vince corp ape hones ga prem vecraractgnraeesectir sca Poa AO fe er ply by creat roe ae ers yaa te ow to nn ye facets tnt Gnas tre bu eee So pane evening: hat a set conmer ie "Chica Bot ereppog de ou io pee sol wasting sd manip bs fee as “ob ely tochangble ed aly edie at 1 cli ta wal rdie ledn eese ceo the Sry th we oer ape “lvoe 0 ht hey can pol eed ea {een even lng ue ba ea at as | Spe ee hore ath vente ses ag OI SoS natal oe eae ch eel Sepa 3) (pss nding "Bd pcos (lle eon ath cto enh of ayo ah ar ed he ay ni “se oats neta hlgialy demioe erese “scary. What speed tie pene aly fom pCa et athe aves sees ned CBS pes SS cord em iy foie rt inne The ate ce tat teat stealer «eR ene ual getaways one teeta ohne ey ay lo tes etn 7 ND {We ecklins of eertnet sa a eater escent 197 analouh hemor ale {oy svogrummed he-word conditions and i pay reeedione ec Pelee mss and sce of eo “yee aernews of aca dae sew media fame was “Tea sr Som ri Hao Dean fh he acho a The Mle od foumainbends of wuhceanve moral and chai! excellent, ‘umn: whan ie ada = See — = Se eee eee epee ocean ee — a nemerenenata i : ase ae (nea cmt Seance 2 le ena and indiffereace. Abstractions of market and auchence explain bite 1 ceed dee a eee re re Spiteepeennstan coe le ee oe Semone oy nae Roca se ae pean reac eee apnoea emer on ee 2 Seen arora ns ofthe sey Joust has ‘Choul ens nomena tino ses of the hegemony ‘news ate nein at of fas Anything coud ‘ews what newer wvking in Ne proces Sg emai 1 raorat methods of i ‘apes. Therefore ts hstrcal and cecal deep sea in pics make fr “ee ‘confine wh is wens, Despite the widespread lan tha ‘ soscatone develop aad sR AS sews i poral ei ety 1 clic vague references to wha i pena” i nporne ineesig” “wet i new” As ji ss ray be fence ee a8 Ss et way, Tel “ pease specie * lope permis inte chs very al vst wh thew actus wa ‘smote rong aug “Js management on "movement bel He » sce the commodity shoe rapport with ei “ip tae, fo ‘ses ut fig ‘ray wil a eaens mi tes, eerste ple i he ty ter shrain or sppnonal world views. Now tea j ingen Laparpeyspeire yengifenlisrcs ‘rane Remap coop irons stncee aaa ut ater ace bree emt ewer. reps ene Seiwa ne hy my ee ita (ron tr neck hom etn! dampening Ofte whew ope a caepeting epee ey ven 030 fo Joan he cin cr That in 17, Ea Cale ofthe New fr oe enh pens ay bis rom te Back. Pte Party sng 2h ca ey tobe oof coreg tom cecil {Sol so fm For atggh th ma source of mews ae ofa he ly So et cer soto ty tet wey er sca So ge a Sy om peter ate tome ot en yo elena ‘mang som of sna! poope Dscouse the ca of “ohjetvg aad ‘Be snd of “ncwrwotine” ae lone. the gene retin of ea ‘Serge vulantle tthe demande of oppstina! snd devin apes ‘Trp te every wring furan, peace ol one iat Ino the news ton ad repel there” rpradied, home a fev from he domina sesogy Dera strc aeu realty ‘choowidged bu male, steed bared, pment, domestic th That the vl ofthe nevs sem ot ural, The news tgs te skewed tard reesening demand, inva, ab frames whe at fancy conta he daminan hegemonic prints he psa cond of comme practi the legacy ofthe waa scan Suc the inary of echrat expert the right ond eb af ailara! spon Yo manage cont and make the neces reform he leona the cal rer ced and died by he domi ei ed the ral of ndviuaion asthe ease of social exsene. The news rings -o.atealy spre demands movemens ad faes Wich ae cha (ite; st moat dpy saver of the core princpen Pll sews ‘Stoned a6 & we ce sews at went Wrong. Oey, ot Wha poh ‘ning ety yA denon i eae ons psc ata dio ot leshinae ere 01a» siement about the word. These assumptions ‘stomacaly diver uinerage aay tom ciel wennent of he iste - IN at eyay woking of propery and he Stes 977 ‘the New York Tunes : 11 DIA ROUTINES AND FOUITIEAL cnisais | tenes clone i wing meta pada cir comma room So Set pone Wie "an win hon. he aa way eo SIA! nrc of poll and poe soma pe Victine ways m whith the evden he gowns sc ik Ths pe a Ol ges eRe “9 ahs eng eee so eee hee “A cre doen Vewam net epon tate Papereetnes °c aco ha Bem yng agar wa fr ow Ea ‘com aa eee ‘ciistihdn aoa hbo pon vate oy pene power ptt gee Tem ee nti te ia ements Sa i the Yeats «Tange OF ves tal Same pe atone A ol racist and criminally targeted on the len poplin: bat th <7 vc tn a oe iy. 1971 orice othe Times endars the weld view ofthe 1 postin, evo seonetively, The solution to these unfortunate waters ooh th a ly oe aah ener tn conenons Spied sone a 1 ike Dan ate nate ep a FE aren "Nine hn dma aia en ote we nay i i "ruc an legal witelas for forty yank the sony Tes lepine C8 oh on ok a ‘Tes cine, popula enenea— ea | hed ti as ways oF keeping the FE in kine Or, by the same token, 8 report woe landing of the first tw Congonde a ot bath CBS a “Now Ny 249 ome Oa ow ight ny wha i are eptimate ground fo ses. nt by mapa ann se king the mai oF "evil space: ba tei “ch whine seriousness can be eetifed on | Seth tenes aga Sia cates coe ene re alec wen muons and ora Tene Aca aps aa Sri cape ty oo acinar eae SE percoes nce orem oe epee Tr epee cm oping ene Seg scureatnce pear 2 eam Riana ot paed SURE falc eta cont eval et they at hes cs (pemosc tons eo cme cx ops oath el soar stein orca cam on cts oaianan perc teers acre set Ieee fome prs Tssn ch cin ee Te caer cbt ey epmuoe nved rept odo ‘Stuy: Te Terao heed fal sone tt a heel {omed eee Hae sty fs bu ine The eed a Krot Teuton somncanaonsovn eine Glamsvacad erected tons rin fe ithe a Stn epeencd ar com sn poll the fg aly ei {sit postions the wor Bot the political eis ae ekcandot proces ftwec sealed eles: he les experienced ‘fas rca hecme of the pweling of eppotion beth se ee ee me Gr mina ay Fame | ose es. ie and reper why wi ee a ‘sna it he ata fe Changed te forma ‘sof pombe suthories. otra movements _ ome presented problems forthe mein the Ste, ad T\s ineneuemoni outins had bee mpiing—and detain ~ ‘em Leite athonties we mt coping soul it "a ana pola ess; willl they wen ii oposite idly sens incompetent ss and reproducing hemo became frm thepoint a iewof “eve nreiabe Oppoaneemed te demi he news “management ofthe ames fr wa ndantiar news Top edit ‘hy date normal esas fbegemenie rote therefore a 1968 7S ar especaly (bat ot nly ander presse fe the New Wi ros word mote det the © oon are bar o smoke ait They ae singly finn thy “1 ouone) they say be Monet and NEWS 1 sho ay he face ofthe eemeani ci 0prfesional ir ow examples of xs a ry a oa i hcalamce co ona aaa see or cet ee a os mre kyo nervene ibe Ui precsly hace te maa ‘os op politica may reve domed, em ‘pans nt aay ‘sn aeration ‘ses and weiter th HMEORIES AND MODELS ies | io 7 ei aso ane ee ae Se ne en ieee ene eee | So en ielpcebeeleyeperee Se ren eee Serer ae eer ee SSenpopepye reer reece ace ater eee ae acre eaten te ee otc ee Resear ea ea aera en eae ribet nan Se See See re Soar ena ce eee renee for aresponsible repornng.** Bet eee en ee Senna ae Gaee cco ee peepee fo Se ee eee eee “ ree emote Nat Sag mem my of enon ob resivecommanty Ech provides an alicoutive Fase al alg tps aback, 1950190; Kameen, 19) Hayden Whi Scare TE ted tt vr ie rrr man mys Le ng teeter or ove JF “Satin rected comtdclesteton fem cmmarization scholars “utd Fer, 1987 Locate & Cond, 1985) News sebaship “Aitced dhcusons of common arse frames and themes Babe & ow eet & Edelman, 196: Campbell Rens, 980 Caages ‘aad saving sees (Bid & Daremne, 1988; Mant, 1087 ‘Shab 1982) Aner of the oun Conon oem on te hee “ess il aatie” (Carey & ror 198, Recent meet elie ay hn genera neret i are, whereby een nace cicena oflering speaker sway te compet fora lace pa dacourne ‘ate pst Scho. 1982: Zl. 19820 ‘irate tlw spain joualsm by sessing cements that are fom, mei ye able ever Ue tha seme news a mative offen [Rojas way count fo change within pedctabl nd tied yates of ‘eos pesution Not only doe hi focus on how srates ae repent | SSnuncon wath era vee, ut ao suggests ha mais change a Soy af he omer of i aay, he oust Jourmai e ituat etm wy of viewing jours i though the me fia Taken rom snopes resem a feng" pre restate of hrs whch people pcr elke mut cat ther tobe ‘my Lind of coer social if" (Tarr, 196, p. 6 Rial rosie mes frwivsalsoguetion aunty an coal themes cotmuties ‘er pove across vary oar t See ee me eercitict | (Siac ae spate owen 18.0 put ee ‘Sips ages « way of exataing porordtxha\or er eae Sarna mae tment nh depen ae SEELSS teh hamtuy eee ‘pe farsa (198p. 171) Scholar hve cumin : ‘some sh ap ene ova tare apn ee a ees Son S&T 1) Ear mass sc th ptr of cater ded df the conmunaton oP ae Seema re | } | | “he Ht ot nese cami sul ol aloes of no Alternative explanations sons fe noi ae igi ec eam This a eccoay conve to our common held ces caliper Ter. e es samine oor a nary dite ways. considering, rt oe er ang paral case aan ete a aig ojeraliem Bat adresse bathhow as fenctions or ours mes a hepaeas ea San eT Cae oo aceasta kaa sa eer Fein grastiniarate fiery mapeteye nt uae re erento ff ner jaar Bh mete ota ned eau pocer iene ernie Cee ee alee ean eee eae te alee annie Cee aaaie Notes * tune 2a a de comauninin aa bye wo have sehr Sah Serna a References Aatany B1977) Toward an ester ctteed oyoffoll aW,R. Bascom (Cal Fons ffir 9-12) Bala CO: Wesviee Po. ‘cam, (76), Oto nl exturdiay expense I V. Tan & EB {Gis} The auropl of prince pp. 45-72) Us Unveny of Mae Pee ‘ci 8. reich N (87) Out oak aa oe se Telenor ‘ecepiymar. rce! Stle in nComoancton 1-20 seta (7? adn ect ofthe ma ma (gp 79-120 New Yor Hl and Wang rds R199) rom woo tent a ar) Teel ge p 73-8 Thats NY: Cone Unesy se ‘cra (980) Sy, petrmance and ant. Cambie, Ean Cambridge (0985, Toward 2 new politi marae Joma af } SSeS Sheers mae | eee FA | pe ceen on an torte ee a ee | ie ance See errea | Pie ia corn cee Scones | | i = rears hacen eee eer kia oa sre Be keane cg Seichnennmecececeenn ha SoS aeo omen oe eeag Benlencerser nis aoa aM Seri see at Ey {chew can yey ou ‘Sage taro Sharon eh oc te he Glass. T. L hisema tS (989) vesstve journalism andthe mort onder, Ce tay fh paeeentell eat i it ecg NY mgm ta cleaner Sota nee ey nai ’ Ne ey, ei, 7, Naive nein te news Oamsomes pany sd ee Ce (106) eg he es, New ork Pate roe non ty. Jelena 150.315 2 geste, Teas enum. aration Monee 88 Cer ets rm of tole, Anions Sora of Scola 45 Se 9s) Rape Mur nd he Ss cn td) eda mand nae aot Be odie romance: Cae ie of Noth Carin res Le, M900 Thr ore Lara om linn Ii naming Chaps UnriyofC ey Shai ed) Bal 2 oamcnon comp, ent saree SH, Bre aon erpley. Paeti reiy Scag (9, Reining sly of jai: Sou sate nd “rf msm Men (a Pe Come Te erate pp 61-3) nd Spe SILA tn Teper me oe Tr meet em iene die Boas NO. 97-1 into mre Th ptr of pb jal Sst (1988) Wha earner: The pio fie of pb STA ary) Ma mtr nara Teton cd pro. 8-3) Bovey iin: Sg cf rosa aie ast eet Lone ean aetias pt EE eects ore See SS St came mremnemceat ‘simu. 197, Making ewe. le: Fie Pes "ee the da ape cd ag Chen Pt ‘Tan V(90) The al can cs NYS CU Br, Las (80, Fama ee, NewYork Perinat ara Pion, SEA.EA CN Nom a dicorse Mil, Ni Cae Eee, sperfoci. R198) The More meray pay, Caraga, Unmet of Ching we t au cr ge Cane a tan or ‘Wg. (es Re soe acre ene I ra ined oh Ce yo ge =o Stree mean 5 seen jee Bee . om als (98) CON. te Wa joa Be Someone yO mae, 3 i or 8 Oo) Cor et = gun year may. Cap nro Cop Pr ace 18 ‘ore to cre eerie : THE AGENDA-SETTING 3 FUNCTION OF MASS MEDIA* Maxwell E. MeCombs and Donald. Shaw ee i Quarry 8 lncowsing ant dpaying news, ers, newsroom sia, and broadcasters play nena prin shaping plea! ety. Readers ea ot aly bouts ven ‘So cakes how mnch importance to atch to tht ue fon the amount of “Nornsoninanews str atdispostionInreeting what candies ae yg eng acamgaen the mussmedia may well ermine be porta ses that ‘sth min uy et be “age ofthe campaign. nour dy. more th ver befor, anaes go before the people through he ‘nm eda rather tan ern The nfrmation in heme media becomes ‘heal ont many have wth plies. The pledges, poms, and vnc ‘ciple esses colmns, and edule come mach of he ‘sonata pan shich 2 voting Seco has wo be made, Most of what pepe or somethin oe ema et ‘Ahoogh the evidence hat mas media deeply change tude in a campaign | ‘rf cons. the erence i mach ener ‘se immense gua of infomation avalble during sf suse, vary grey in thes ation 1 mas ‘Soe, sly the eee eda ee ey = ‘he appr efter ait propontion othe, ac aig hans the te ei, Specialy focnng we Suing nce ema Lang ud Lan See: imager of politcal Sees. They te cons preening ‘Spiny what nis hc ma shoul tk shout kw ae veg abo etal nodes ton of ht i src andy Cen wh a a be ren y eb sa a stimae s cbgpeyt ir ac et Cason omen mam tetera ser Wir armas onan aa ‘= een ony stn, psn a ea Ra lc open nt ele a ' = See | oward pial sas to caps sey, nes bes we cde a evrpentng the ky tes ad ther kinds ofc ners Med penal coue ‘Smet of be us Sauer hn wget th he salen te ‘audience at te ager mumbo of ster enc ‘eo cope cetaion So sete sia ied aps {rg te shee et traps pended us oat ‘x nes md mcs Some von Sn ees dams ‘cafes unten wee mich te mater Ech pene ‘eres nud by car ma see at onan he ‘lu mina" all Reggae ocr ent acon so ting lel int ey pan ‘el sore le ae tures par fem sig, "cewing Gl mpage mio ae eases, epee ey tant often wil insole diet te Comet tase as a/p Tie tena oma tet es verge maja he etn, Pl. asm iin Mees Fg CE sete Sena (as pt Otani | Vase dd pen he as edn. ut adi and skein trough anew tiny tage eis 4 mys Engel Lang. “Te Maas Mia nd Vat” erard Berens a9 od mee ey mPa Opn a Comment oF ae a Ste a en a vf ta ee Eat en ee ano aca EEA rns ten ne Ea ie ome utero 1st ct denne eee ‘notte nl ti eon nt ered pach araseereton tenes ‘eta nd argh enponae wo ihe party tev benassi sco oecetcaaremcena SSoeralenmcant ont sam ome eg a eine i See Se eee aun mma eon mete eee ae este nition of he sion between sense of aft and hi of ea esen, tuion aad pola sre, showed rman The nkyntet elec polis ces nd sales taf Se mae ae demtoared n Table 6. Alo demons he eco ‘Stic ft en reco media ine epetly ong peng ‘Serge a Bod sence allt an maa oe Table 6 ate bse on th et ‘penis designates hema impoan thn personaly, Sale ofa ‘ried i dcsion of yh te wa spar: Use fh ‘Wise ce nun ng wor you tak he oem wl core 08 ‘EESe euaby above 90 fr oes als bh “aj” and nine ‘Dt earn we decree thal eet fe re A cnr trois oe fl eps hr ray oY th nt i tee wr ni Tier ieh pth Ou Stee ee ee Peep erp Somer a iearaetarted haa eee cartoon Son 5 Pn Ses Preerree uly erat Qa Se Sas ieee mmo ta Soya en er eer ne eee tbe coed Rie ess waco fee New Yr hte Pal Ske, Te Amana, See cemat sic ete i aren ssarchnccape toon poe eta — 4 FRAMING ‘Toward clarification ofa fractured paradigm Robert M, Eniman* rnragons she popestion ht ommuniaton sks din tanec Te cae klodgs,topone hat we tum an ens eskee SCS We sald ey oor mason as beng ogee ih and 4 aoEanoald oheeie via steed oer disciplines, Been of ME Srercnge among te spines ypesieses oroahy drei (EC ic my rene wide scepter Poet serps ‘2a raced wit peer Rte andthe ut no cmpebensive stent ‘Sime rocarch: By ringing eas ogee in ne lation. commmuniation “Live tems mater icine that syaesas seed thoes and ‘Shcgn and ees thm t te mos goes, compechesne sateen ed ‘Spon aching soa would requ wmneeselfsonacins erin ‘comms hla o pan eh ells and fed tack tee ses ‘eum raha Ye sme tine sac nerie wool ebunes te ‘nea ig emma clash PO: “fe es of “famg” flere a ease say of fat the Kind of sated concept ve ef Despite omnes aos the sat ‘nce andbumincs nore bee general tee of fami tear ‘its exactly ow Hames teased within and make democoes ‘namie ms tex ob rams ences hiking. Anas of ths cone ‘Seger bo ens crmanaton ight cout someting nue Sheng sey cone daprte un towing how he abl ese “Smumcaton an omer eer hor a te “Whar pci eth comet of amine consistent ffs 2 way 0 deter scommamcanng eat Ataf fae amet he pee ‘chewsy Which iene over han oncom aly the reer \ceeommtcatonoifomnann mene sichananperh wera [WS Rpt tel ht comsemasanss. (Averett lt fas ‘i ecm itt woud ide Hasan, 10 Era & Roh 18 clavate bemopel agen gcm OF frames eerste ones ae et Seater Scere coats cea sme Sar Sea ees Sag ech hf a Sener oa San eee ‘ss Comet ocd Fre thn ie rot ifr stom fom a he ae of 2 2 i ano narmata nocinieste meat Tes ust eal alr sy. Howees eve ee ‘Stsmdopenrnce fo an bce pr of he es a sly area eee ee rere Psmote mewaly sed hrs of ew tit gie nda se nfm Geter, 1988). Because aeoc a odest Se imercton of texts and eccvers the presence of fumes in he Sx, wt 1 ey ewchn dsm pris i aes sce Okie ("Ccnan tnd Trey (1984) fr prs he mest widely ted een cpl of the per of fexing andthe wey operas by eeting and [Sing soe fetes ay whe omting bers The bor ae semen satchel wee uence: AN nue at he US preparing forthe cea oF an uso Ais ‘Seca, ach scapes oil 60 pope Two ae programs ‘rcona he dee ave Bon oped As tht he eat “cso of he conga the rors a flows Prowam Asap, 200 people sve IF rogram sade ‘ht waned potty ha 60 people wl be saved a a S- ‘rspreaniy tan pep willbe ned Which 0 programs ‘ral youve? css. 30 tnt experiment. 72 pea of mjc cove Programs A. 28 pee! chose og ne et trier det open a eting ese ei sire ere edna ily deaths ata ky es ‘sre: Progam Cade 0 pple wl ef Pros Dis aad ‘hein oe id ety ht nobay wil di and teste fobs ‘$a peopl wil i” (aca Terk 198.43), Te pee face. areata neea era sity tnd deer spon Percetaet neces tiereenelsoey Soa {mame has a common effect on lange portions of the receiving audience, dma neceecitecoaiee teen “i Seer teeec anna len eneen aa setrnpsesccensiiemavcnmersns eeaaen Sei ceantceeeearts eae sacirasnasitecdmmienconresce eae Se an cena Seeraipies mene Baten ipa sae tome ie dup _desenption and omission of the features of a situation: = shone ‘ms toca anga pe chung ue ee eo omy ope tat breed sd epi nto senna Uhemcwei stance pal et eyo ‘ante aly eve by ahng he npr nich cara ‘omen cp 9.2.2) Rectve’ apse ae lead ey precive and proce infomation atout one iteyrtuton and poses ile ar socommetmurabe daa aa ‘Shmatives Tass wy exlson of inepetatios by anes a sigan ‘cacomes a uno ‘Seidman ey. nd Teck (1991 provide clear insance ofthe pero ‘renee td aten i feaming ‘Te fet of taming i to prime values renal, exaishing he ‘alenceoftieoncarthe ote [Ths). aay ute plc oppo ‘eight of persons with AIDS when the one i raed in 4 mv ‘get corns cv iberes cosets and appt Saar teting when the ae med acetal) ‘comdenton . on ‘Tr ent ofthe survey quo supis mos pep ith ihe comers hey sing alle en they epi aseo AIDS ; testing even if he pl fe AIDS sey ic sgn st 0007 cS ramen pi om tl roing tat ie neon op oman er sane geneween te ight ead aiences to have different reactions Politicians sacking PPS cig compelled to compete with cach ether and with joumaliss over ne te Wr, 89), Fann ts yy i fo pone: he ame ew eal Scr en ay of ner comet ecctng the play of power and boundaeies of Gicouree ver hn isu, any, tt Sacto tamny os keto sn 3c ‘Fs ot nother. Thus inthe pre-war debate over {.S- poticy toward tr ‘a mse lc ot a thoes Seo ogo wa hens fanned emi Bicgrctenen etoees cy rtec nen et ea ean fae paca cna be pled wi sind ns es ea rt ae vcr soo lee cans a Foctolay: crc gd ceca canta peste esi incu tow. Hear ean her dsb a ‘Seman at wuld eet fan expt andor tt Seomeqeet trons Coir Serna Sarl and sadrence independence in ioe aa SaaS om ‘caluative, and eannen interpretations with the high ot ‘emg noticed. processed. and accepted by the ee vie ‘micaning 2s deeminast or preferred ts to cone “4 ' feaming prt castons researches tite mena cad Snort ay ne at ee cope an. Rol 193) ted wo understand he dierent a eclaedempoiiona ac abd cae dint ee ign be epee comara ew mes joy ancien yi pce ror moreno of bles Task wo se ee ced aed eer 8 hh 8 ‘ng mat hanced repring han at the forme nom of ey proces (Tucan 1978. | Re es Tht of dts examen sel Cort ce ames ant analy aia tey of Fain ey cng ll npc pomve en ox wean 3+ ly ‘ed ect, codes yoo ll meses hy FAN es nea a re ots able dial AS snp mre hain emer i xan lt They ag af he mat saint cles of messages are" ee mu, Unguided ya aig para, cone sas dan that misrepresent a tongs atmo ate ‘member are stu ishing a and namatve mera orn Zales (1992) oa i tke ace power tbe daca poet or polis ‘ theraretre ways mean ssuandonc snes percent pena ise ota 50 prcot a psn repeats evens apps ot axomataly Te mont democratic resp became of [RP cyt maori presi Rl, 1980, which ken majority ral among ‘rca complx options mater starr ae {0 deine wich f heifers famed pins the clasesto the pic's ame wan ost crate, i, comple, pe ; fos ‘oocysts perzles eee — ep fe i we ai amd elec approche a See a ‘Suites uta aan conning aca ct ei Notes ‘ate Mme sly acon the commen of ‘som andor Tey en, peal A hg a eee eee ee Commas, 103), 239-242 ee oe eae eee Ne To te ety Pr = a eer eae See ore eevee Series rec en ‘crits p rence pe mites arene as Geman, W. (1992). Talking poiincs. New York: iH Sent i eri SS ec Se een ane anroecne one ae Sree a Kei GM (193). Faming saa: As eppmach one Sree en envi Teed es atm ih ern arcs fer AH tn 8D ‘epee Tange eka Rec Fo, | | | . — 35 POPULAR JOURNALISM ‘Theories and practice Colin Sparks mignon ed Peni SP tems in mer sei tery. Aor nurse ime re nc Sas potion Nachos cuss paral aa ithe doco of car se ends be sects naw on on, tm hee some nae carat Wi, 1987 Fa, 06: 10-57 ce erat the oo ofthe op, emg ame a cn fhe mest widely roa i : ‘Tika aang of ier pees ‘eeana n Temp however, the bast secon oft chaps, grove wy agumen ns ue paces PLP pple in er tasted y reece SEP ‘Weal te pose nce he eat a st i — copies ecru eae eon = Seren Sinisa tevin REE eerae eee cologne iginnltpetcet footers ase eccratreeaseae age ijSiest lawrence a peter iene ee wa oe esas ot peer e cee ene eae Toe Fee pester fitectseectna er caer ane Sree etnies Seve toocimacn eee re ‘The popular in the lt politcal tradition Raymond Wits wok lan oie sou on these mate, cnins aR miedo ft poplar’ bbe ste ple {behitie Renasonce, when tas’ dsapeotagly (Wiliam 1076 es ‘esate, and sil is wed ste oppose a the varios term which gee ‘mah be aon as te lie’. This ety one othe ental wages andthe with rice and withthe mass at ay te lf hes he ‘plat hd sand fr enough son eee aaa Be US pry bt hemmed gm tc a be Ean Nine te acing ia boa ea saree fap a In the weenacth ms practised it much ofthe world, hee en nt Ee eee by the use of al om Ata Say a vara "ino aaa Pedy an x : | aetna com nce eee mera a sasdewiaiamul ace a a a eae ve open the king and 8 narrow layer of a gu actoding wo Marthe bility o repent the a i anstoctats. Aer 1848, coring Mars. 8 stay ei ‘erence eta erate Siero i neon com ead oben oe Pal pom an ey tad bles ‘Pein Baopean serra pea ee ‘eset er cate sAreseccaras score meet! Meeeisenearie sae pot as ome es en sty ar Gran iar, rom 1935 ol iatalgiaee cf et rn ag [EET iamevet of tore pater und ther aeons irae pron aay. Thor e fod tes of the Salat stacy ga Feacy Ewope sf 1947 mere “Pouples Democace andthe ofa ae ‘og Sosa emp il The Poole’ Repub of Ci Mae ‘clam oy aal ovations pllcal sd ur ae tne. et smc e-comscioun, descendants of etepes dng eae ‘bys Der (Laci, 1977 18-5), Similar he concem wh Grae, Somer ro tse mp Pore renege ‘Beanen, 1986215). Faas Se ete, Coe ee ee Seo ee ne ieee Peete men eee Series Pras bon ofts csi temnas Poet eee Tienes ee eas Seer oe eee Fo ater evorintrgbelberreborteerr Seeman a ho einen seni eta fron reise beens 2 Suse which are dhl ni sso cna an pa sone nttive pects of eaplism or mS vce of he ae conn ic at ‘op Eph hn nt he sera oma eration “hbarotectney pub eth ofc anda, What ‘tin posi ie emo ts Atrogensr oon ich may Be ‘stared yan rte ofthese base pstons. npr the ge, growing “ecromey dene layer ticks wien moder we tape of anced Ciesla te onl pb of cots) {oles conse wang be eset i rage pl aye ‘al poles of epponiion a+ mdm ies the pop’ ant "te power Sal epee pon Hw that pin one the eat polit esa soy termine The peopl cone aan er "She donna groups sackty ot th wehing cst and the ter oa 0 "kee at rao one incl ecco y mean of olga! srg. The prior le ay ch re at law pete a sy tat ‘ir hat efor eam ean logs oe oly ts tat ‘ls Diwali clement can fe rut (lke wih ond ‘ile ta cases nts adeeb the ches ot on "Nonan’ rue wih he weking cl sworn nt ‘rice with he ring clas bougconeiogy = nd analy. sparse a ree So Sea crop i ef tc ope’ cas sansa ea rll newman ce opomnThe o Se Seriecanal au eieeeeaiiictet asa category open to different in cat ere Sconweneenceeetese tees ‘Coe pr UR sre So na eS ‘Sear prio was hatte popular outoraranen oe Sener wa la cyto my mn ei the poll gt ie te ‘Thacheruc matifeseaee, ren Se (Precisely this area, and to sation’. ietrven: ‘Sandon ecient Pel power oe — ‘erin wich may be exemple he hwy i loops os Marmont eatvsconceriagthe pate tc pupa subject tes hw, use tology can we ak of Paty by te mae of logy. Te on a egy a ‘cee poston for whichitcanbs kg. Tate oom inhi ‘eect postion for seca on part of he wing as or ary her [Sap Hal hes engi ales par af hs pole when he eve RESINGr Lact intheesay “Popa domoca vs utoritaian pop: ‘iotnyrotaing ery vol bt ove rmultons oma eet ‘repent maven onthe pst sae ou a, (98; 19-40) Ihr foment Be sep these mitts asthe corte tear! ete tder pch Theor subjects’ which eo make Tew tins are fr al aces th rc outs: \We can no anger soaeine of the invidunt of « who, ented and competed Ego autonome ator sel Te “Sis cncepiaed sme frente and comple compos tule sche oc Nir elton he diferet socal words ‘nh someting with abstr produced inproces. These ‘Suey place or pantane by eet dcoace an pastes ‘Hal 198120) ‘on his coun. the ect f ppc are pf wht cone the ‘agate of the pele The pope themes have no acy and m3 Frwy The ‘plese pa beac oe cies of hse ‘to spe am oie of wl constactng eso of he popular whch ‘inked wit or thant creamery pial poe Fiske and popular productivity aos very fees ndd deal oppose sso the aoe ‘hep al ete emai ese which he soa othe aw rep aes si somehow reed th bey en ‘Seti Fates ern te popular dtinevcy subjcng se a ‘contacteg SRE eee re SS ar oon al sel xe varus indie eon eee Ringer ate eed (Fats, ‘Tray oe hc se pee nes seer mca ne tc we ee a Sere mitalenacnde The molotov saa centre naan reer Sc eae ped pt sea Wea the peop: ki the moment of conan at which he pond ona sacha a hc cea eee Seeman mea ere ie line peht eer ‘Sores snd fee masts ‘ich peat dy a tao eb edings oe prec ese fend va he : Pacesetter nr ein Pike, 19898:28) Frith atrhe popu i chariot a ee ely oni nitrate yee mem cena thon eine ples” where th weak hs nse cet in ne el i en ene ae foe af the matueofthe poltcal practic of he ‘ent ich shore under discussion: mo sation ther hand al which eam oun 68 2 | api matt son) herr tts gneve tay The eo ac bore0 ma inns ln ewes ps, apes tae ovr carey, wid ting te ee ria eas is Spout no ae whe Fane on esp expan an screener Wipe ae ececen The pope rey of pce oe: ne, O8 Be “suyrhe dnote sce, ae end oni ‘Sra nach fo oppor tt st be siz onthe wing SNE ns des pms const masa evens [MSEce we hem toppers Themes omsinly a (cian owns frees ent em. (Ge Cenen, 1984348) ‘his subd an itereing and important insight it the mature of ssc ei ss cy Any fealer who doubts ts penerabty bool ok “Sones nbtier every minute of every eephone cal ey have ever mad om ‘Ser wonilce telephone war nec and ably ese fo he proses ‘Tei employe bites. On the ete hand ti so a efion of poplar ‘is ined wii and shaped by fees vee which fina pele cat [hes conte Put mare formal i telesogalhcry of popular ge atone in wich poplar flology i determined by the hod eleeY of the Orr alto sce ow oul be ober, ine the popu ‘st omulsion tare arose of pracices. prin an ‘epdcton, wich ae mo crpmized won ny erry of morass wth ‘epwdothe histor pteia The ppl’ ees the al get jt Pan “he fl ition fis sks one most ercefuly when coming eo | “4 Cenem'sonm examples of paar pacity He ces te eam “sw Arron nn este a occ = nico somthing ally thea “iv the mei of he maser. No doubt ths was ue, Ba I 8 KM ‘eco wich operas oly in and ugh he arin cures which ‘er uve Wa canbistion of genocxa oppeson and bral expo oy cer fen win scent Soman aaa va oe a rok oan chy oan ae eee ae Tciceestereanceeeee aa ‘Stay pope Now ths cs ig at est, are aap at {cy obvi tnt opr rc. Cons the ke a Wivivandepecintncor aren ae | ‘cpeows in apc ad cry I have never conducted ayateeere Seeetntimaens a a oa Sateen ne Soe ee poem nteremreeranay | Sime eae a aSmoeleen apie nt op compares "ects nia epee pete a peeled ‘xrane in comiderabe deal oat all convincing. oe eee ee el cues some of which oto acial venom one of ean ee Secpcynicense nae _ mating. As Gramse% put ree Bea aa eee Branca rate eae iy athe ea eel dats Lew Satcetarinc scm nr eye ae aa car ei oy sco eo basenavafy of ‘nt nectar vackalons ee taceeaaes we Ss cea mat tudo a . — ‘ leo enema a ene nat comme, ts 1987, the Gwe was 972 perc and _newspare ership had efTectively died out (Consterdine etal. 1988: 4}. Whatever Se act vel ply ferns oy Se ee Cans yy a ne ene 1st po diversity In te case ofthe UK national duit pees it is relatively ceo ace sme cts oe i ene nce atte ieel pao ep lhe ‘era Feely los for sy feet Kindo msn Teo [ey evatece aa pt ro gn ep nl pe oly a he por a ciety spo me ro Tulcea ety i ie iene co le ed nates ss Tne awn ene pt rier ee a pte tan ps ee ely verepaurs beget me apes emit ec Tasca ton eum wf ch eee 1 Needle a eco UK ton daly pen! Pie Ne oan Foal 4saom — magunpm asm a wo ee esas same ssa Renny 24118000 jum" gan * si a i ‘uogson 45702000 ia eo ayo sussooe a Be iy too" bassin Be th tr tr jt ety Bash i | ord sina | Sn an thr moe tetas he eens neon wg nantes ny cmctonissstow setbehgotstogrermasea me | Sicsrtiren sure pnced met opaceea mec neenrageeragett | STE ermine charg ‘Soc te ptr pre on the sey ed a catparcn ot snes mesg ant Bre year mere eR | x dope vp vry al eed. The tar econ ag SS stv em ch ete fe opr an he aye Puja ts cnc wh gut wa vara pe, ‘de of uly owl’ Manic 1988173) 1 i ot 1 thik prcaler mystery as 9 wha TBE mate of te ‘aes i pop joumlowReacly paling se sxopne et trate gre me gue rn ois, sow tae ha eae ‘eyo hunan mesa einoic concent hav i i sane tent downer Sp 1988), one eu oy rer oy eros con tae 16 te “pe wre’ Te src he poplar a i has one whch mssey nd systema dele OF use, 4 sea which he utc eh a RP as cnc we tnt wich hve ll Sits eo os rome ono Se i er wes of me ne ons nt ane to be Thee ‘Mame ee piel esigs of algy column, Howe, Toe oe whch ma er ey the expe oe eee. stn he eitingrelaions of exportion oo ‘enluoal places a Hl i Prtpieastony coer. When is now ye ay ns ho for the nature of the — ec comirecion of enberene wh aay be work of te ede, nh eco frm of mmedincy and wali shang of Be pol Pala, ts meine of explanation i active By meas solo eee he pple coon be pr Searle ati leaeereaas Sa oss neamerodeaatanns i set the cov ‘of an important, but not directly “political”, issue in one cr reenter mines Pe eae Be a ae ogee arts papers are owned Hy the same person: Rupert Murdoch. They take oo aera error Fil nee ed ne eee secre ie eee eerie Fite eerteraecroms fm Ee ieee ees i te ee eri as coerce ereeern ene ‘Stared the page nero ills my anes. Thi rags wrote apy hm wo Semsor academe rk res tnt he rn Veied te nace to make an anependso judgement. However, sll frelon then ns af i verso of al gh ee “Te hn ce on the mar pont Stangenoys al in Manes, site hem co Sante 1 Ap 1090 an etd rm oe month Tn he of fe wry wea determined simpy bese th wee Being Ns’ pn nas, frente sot esnychsen she each pei {edt anche dominate The mar elie noch ghee ‘ond Dean Jac ao Re vas soponad by sales ain SX Faves Butea Te Cts Bode ated ‘Fus Howr: Sraqager3 dans Focurpuose he gran pos ate aout The Sins fe nd chat the ering wh sw enough ay ‘anh nd ehh un at be wot faite, th ss! Ses ‘pon sex pencr lath scot, the whale of igen and ape sry 8 ‘Tend arundch theft eta fone proans Covrae veined ‘rth alin Ihe “Try Dao Scatsune™ Pemers wee tring enon a tre, Cao Bass Who Lvs Tego and om is abtuynathe ‘tte that he penal the fu gh wich he arose ina {esas eared serps th Pol” hats oa pe Seems ie Se en ares ispang in The esse not wat hal up av fran er puma amide ge of spec of he ee —_— = spin kane cle eereretetient ert ot ‘cing mgt de ea ose ey set ee ee a gaa Seesaw a mandate islam es ho ery roc noe ome ae rs Saj create amcor tape onan ep mene sin erati me me erpeasneee saner weslremaneneeaam Simonsen oncameremecenc an ea Gescmatecmenotrnoeesscnne cosine cen Oe egean ce caer mont ele Sesecetnepeeinee at ooo a ne Scenic rn eae Ae Dev aatesgs bers Comet Sore astasiate src Wet repre cw, a oe man hd hed hoa Fy emma regen a Sauer Orivoboneh Sra e'a Gomer hea Gasca ody mela Ror Lanatea ee My fe tps women nn on Has Rs A Buonmnancty Sthawacways?” oS = hep tht he Serer sexu stormy pitt temangy nour amr win cope ap Goan ile in Wrs Rasen by a Ke Haun ria ae {ot Eo Ln i 43 Box 164 eo Sx Cs” and Tosa avr Ante Wis Wonn ~ fxs Bor Wedvesiay, Orne Sic ‘ae SurroSacton Sure (Thay) Lov Me Bun! Ec eatcking newb Vic Cie Deas Wie Sen Ms oe Jab Paver Si aso Aren 8 Yeats Ox RU (Fay Pete Pa 3 jg Sn 1 Sa Seay ver ate my hist so mele damn er et yc Ji Samat popular pul The spe ay that Tsoi cmst hough motte Bete ely compre tes. Between te indi se a the coenplex mesa f ition ses, eonemc a eiied 20 ARY att w transform dat tality mst wesesarily ae he mn ee ean th Cl eg a ‘arta ama owen mete pres ra oo _ ‘scaisd tbe Amo ‘ours ada bandfl of academics, myself neal babar ne sheen sibity:* respoii Aissration~and thn writ about the rena Yu. ism and press Tet ston Sitar peo Sone 2 iy rater ee cn they dn’ have your famework. So wher on oe vamos udersveo pe ind fmerest to ther. After al, they have deadlines to meet, tite sri 10 Meret rye Fate ea Pelee emcee aefearym ine ‘vers nde to Keep the conversation prosrening. Puree nest pcan tant oreo * its reer, 1 uae, ar arly ie le of ord Wa om shoul be doesn't mater x mocha the vero — Cn oe pe ration coke Sea ‘poten, and news exectves around te coats acai py fee wD EY ti The fiction aeedeciding oft OCIS TT ye or abe ‘More thao a nice gesture, the decision by Rosea, Merit Charity, compention isto fails) if'things eo according 191 nicipast iS see enya ao pc raraion eae ny rns epee Totty aco rhe apd sion rane one rire at Ye cmon Ean ‘Mmportet newsroom projec aimed at as Carty had hoped making oe er ino ngs the sem sowie os AP a “more relevant to people a citizen. Buti also probably account fo, Wo eu conte ha Rowe Oe MBO iprsan's eany torneo afters ye wine one ers restr a ‘Asin ie pb Jal ese tiny of or. Sl crate ete ope als non ai ‘Ns chief architests argue among themselves; 100 litle has been weiter shen wore ety dat igi 1 be ad the referee mast eli no PE ‘what distinguishes public jours from ether plan, sme now op, ta cer han iarvd at wd he ‘o.cata public purpose for sprivate prs: and noone ban uloe gp | ine i ta athe ae ae ss hang trecucing ai jan s opis cans are a "ean ame af oe om ae te of public life with what James Carey bluntly devrbes aso of echt i mera by te cose —in hs cs, the demora oures ofits impoverishment "te rales privatizing forces of cain” “Te etre, eather, the facminds caretaker. ‘By ming examples for explication t0¢ much of the Hert on oc fat juris sow ring he ae of oc ei now Journalism glosses over inconsistencies and even contradictions sh premises sb ‘ofthe rules how the public has decided a democracy should work- Principles. If everyone writing in suppor of public ournalism agrees, passione ‘the ability and the willingness to provide relevant information amd a place Savage tp th et tne i meet Pape a capper ay aplt snd rogue comms ancy an dense aa bee Neen ee xvas cereale ‘gtee on what “democracy” means, where “public life ens, o should exie— suas extibit wo partisan intrest in the specie outcome oer than wis TEES “Parad wha ol the pes should pay ia ms f turived at under the democratic process." Sactecanecn mimaiete | eee ‘te ppt of th dro pubs ee spate bt eld cocterteprenmtbetorpnn nosed Chaoaiseme of confusion and controversy stan! out: press responsibility. political power, 384 ‘be cations journalist 0 eer clear of sbstantive proposals for refer ae ‘comsitutonal reform. What follows ikstraes, rather than examines, ame of ees ‘key inns y selecting, without pod reason, one comparatively spice ineuhottberbueaes Seeman roam eee | | Saree sxproving democratic means, not erratic ca democratic thea wae ‘tafition views democracy in terms of what is right to do and. aan 1m teoms of what is good to acinewe. Liberalism assigns a priority to indent Serica rece re Scere any ene feat aera oe creme ce cua ete aoe atten emcee pare seas eer Se ere eae eames pyle lpat pete Popo Sueseaen es Scenes a seat nae Mes see — = SSSR epee a re eaters ere Sete a eee Se eee ceiekite eee See eee eet eee Siew ioe erences oe gee Tarnttitierce See eee tainly ge aati nee ene ae oS pee a ee aap eee ee ee eae errs rae = ioe eeaener es tee aa pe etcerommngne ene ere accor een eae Selene cere ae eect eee tolerantly What docs a “fair-minded” press do when » community consensit ‘calle for « book tarmang? What an appropriate respoose foes a xine” 2 sys ci mayor Does pals ura wich ca ever -cparaons expt ew 1 SP ai mows ago by condemning on ne pe me ny and odes on se Pa wc at to develop "ion of the comma 2 Me Pinion of only bee means fo wnknown end sn es msc tee the et ln pubis wae fam and pottical power: what will ble journal a a ing th comunity comp? resin wih rose ake iii joule Dai et nih pane of ue joan wi an pt ‘ui ey nce wi pla opr” intrest. Tis ety ian pale oa vo oundatons readers, universe ie pe jurasn's panes cies ‘nin Serpe benno oii i cat ees wae vlons polite pare, profesional asco see ‘Anat way tu tse Rates % ciel a apo cate Poh in he Tinea te Pow Ts eae Dating «mp ce ot 8 pido ea oan: emi on sn its ate ndninsatom. Ft sen oc Sarma nec 1 85 08, an ee ean {Spo ovata by stn ny dy ote woke ane a, shor OURNALIST SOURCE Money ¥ soc ig he ee a a ostream nee Whar ‘Societe are gen ant se et ek Ot ans ince ven rm eee (oie out is oc met, or ofc bd epoca eats — nn ak. The restrictiveness of the background briefing and Keak Soa a ce nen oa rs 2 or ins psing infra eh 9 bre o ‘or nha era cil tom oe ae). can enone hy aig st irom tl hs a at wil ree eed Sens ay meses spent ened Sr easel pl etn, tl fone pose Sac wo ea “Channels for news foc stor at the Times ae Post combined, routine camels etwas: rea nents by wel enero 10 one (ose Table 61). Fors tba ‘SiRopr cy on he wie serious to cover ame rie spt ae. Tey abd Rewer and or newspaper mich Bt wm fee 2 Cuan nemo be re Pe Wana | la snc fon Wat sdstehee susaignsenpapes do, agorng te rewsapt a ilowing hx st mcrae Alte ose none wien almeber sng, Te and Pos crespniets Lande fe camp ‘Soc eprtesrlance on them ‘tae te cagars of channalt it the way he dy Bas done st ccuning nach shana! wot ging i scoring 0 he ace itcment STAL"fematon fom it ay yield an verepresentainn ofthe inpornse ‘fama chumes Nevers the evidence suppor the proposition i S'Flzone news im bah he Time and de Poot derives fom roi mel ‘23 pace infra nl 3 por Aree ren enapree sot Fat othe es ls a Table 64 shows, The mah nicer ae Ete Set many thm eens open ag ee Meson mano bras covey Weegee News sources, i evel, the most import oes fiforation rasa of he US | nce They sec orn one bal fale scorer ede BA | 1 ine and Put pageaoe ses ae Table 6). Abou een “US ‘samen ins nal he races of gore te "icone ranch predoate as nee ores: he eer jaa ‘peso aay all Teh nee ne oe etme Tach ase ea iota) Behl Fecpnimemaiont Ha" rs am Sameemen 3 i Bi eevee 38 3 My aes, un + x mpc ‘ w “Sowa se 3 ae Steere ection Wun cht an at anemia Ne “ime, ah | pos BA oma ae Winner the loco af he fnet and the ba pe ey many ee ae et iors, Te best sm of th Ties 20d SREY tl oe cans 9p y the US. emer ca cnet aml wor ocals,Te eine hues SOBA atecowane the mechani orf dominance atonal ifn nese mo ger “ic conde tice incont norton mending sour page fmon an tess ough 3 ‘stn paar Fe 3450 tae i te sale, Amen ia “wing routine chasnels alone account for 31.4 percent. An addtional 17,6 percent ‘aleve ofits ‘rol ae met By sacl 6 pre tal nl met ‘om soc en whee he che. “rs pam cen f wine cas an Fonsi formal Ewerpeae a iio Tn RE gas oe Soman SN RIN we Repiomacetens os ae”: UE Re Konemtona 3 as ee ES Ss ee Get Feet ea alt Se Neca es Brin Wary Bin Ss pte ieee IS I BLN sew Beets cms He eae Recah at at ae peeing, at a 8 ‘notin ae mae eyo ds rough ews chat ha oh ‘thers pes of came Table 63). oa imine of ie hac spac een ie pt eeu tener and Pos concent th hon Fete Wasogh (0 he 794 tev of rine chametssapie the, US ofc sr fuss of aration 8. percent ofthe teen times gy ie! ci fics sogenermer sue e315 eso ‘asm, Aner fica weve the wu for 52 pce aps oi {or 7 8 peed pate cae 249 pre. When ny sb io Poa af mesibrs ace conseted, the relations wil bole : heen sem andre space ris Yom iin ts re ‘floor, betieving that the "mt tee Semi Come ont oe semen Yn re res ree on 170th had Been ae == Sis Cm ewe Te st mel ch jee weak he evening en shes sn Wi ar ve ar p10 pai te Mew fen on wing he Comment meena Seton a le tne ee one Soe hacen a eee eee tone emanating | oe 71.8 pereent of all ee a me “Severo ears Te perigee ener oan during the period. Over ume there was litle change inthe moe apiece Seagentact arenas Seaeace soa ore Fase pete ere meres Ete te merncencsmoeaneas peor ' ra ra] v= Bae. = | te poponion 1S, ous mio sendy oe seca ston Se Pie die nth free § te eo eof tre fom senior fil fo stores fo lower-eheon & tr eng ety on fs gusion pit nhs dein Ica oo sketchy to pent any fm generation ts eves nee at eps do more ad more serewig ‘IETS stmafenatng of lngerron tends newagaheing away fom hans tate tyson afi wade resting fom an expansion of ews tas td rion of mews Buss ad et Routine news as Certified’ news. Intent worse meen acento it apt dae then ‘rte poke tee tian ad te eyo te Une Site Ta epein ceyig wr fom aero toa Hiss it cs canst head oft be. Noval ples hat etre pte sa ‘Sinasctame eta ome ae ned cewere ers hope eR ME othe eft pine we nr eompued wie soc fhe wath ‘cnc Sey rman, yang roe Gan pepsin irate en “Nace ete cme one i Sa tees cae ansehen co as cleguesUncrt oven soma. the ala Peper a Pastreyneepley strep re the proxhace “certfiod news” ie ome novice: song nonce sad hee amet ae eR ee a en Fourie Site 4s vee te 9 Behe gees ANAL Caer etna Poem: URNA AN QURRARA 1S eons emote Fe Sa nea nie of Eee tere mit es Eaceeoceeemeaeereane sevenheles cluded oe — 4 Gi cnt woh meee. Ths : oe nin re tr ca cr “ 39 DECIDING WHAT'S NEWS “The organization of story selection ; nieces th son whichis rom sures —— sant a marin. eng an aheing what Des eos o APO one make te information table he Sipser cms furan seen pie em pas communes omen 2 ¥en cling so and eee) Or zation a thers By "soutes' ean ee oe once, ceding nieve who OPE inated magus scien, and i wh ely SP sa a sumo or my fupre bore He ere ures tha hey provi information 8 embet Picts sore pao en eee ne cont toe Teer remains eee ea ‘mr nome det yr Cakgy ot oe eae _Scommayte maa onoy a mong sy ee ‘Manin wet jal a pues apo of cage eal Mee ets nar eae ea petal ology of ose oldng power he country Cece a Eeappiale Somer oar Sa ad sanioeal culture. A related approach centers on the audience, = ne ay pena rcaihtncpthenmaeneeAnarppesfecoay eats | ae aun eo Ba suggests are aires ee by. the sources on which joan rponand oct lists transmit ae as. ely: a8! -acgue, by those groups in society Mena ior the notion that journalists it information ome SGcaeatatyalpatcraratepamwen cere | sit nt ety eres meri pa hc si Sep oo pon ery ky | rip snot oes Fe sexin nme ape of th eral do apply ons lgonea tah leon iy make contac we yout forthe oc rent ‘inte ofsotcnon dada nda, a ee ‘estan yea hey aly make lcm decree es esd eet ty wok wi oon ch nas a Se Kattan fren nadir chens hc totes aerial ‘aa otto me oe tear ‘sta eh nies wes nr a eth eens talc epbercwrvoeeacaeee to dena capa ase nally Teno a ed cain a infomation to fhe aslence- Sauces omiapem pat yan information ee ‘rene nto nai ew wd ing Se ad init Se ett te che of wou by ara 8 comet outs ‘euros have made a major conibution to understanding jour a a onc ae eave ty power: andrews song he ett tas ttn ee af ea aly homey | _eeccctyoce tebe rays one ated _Pemeive tony with their own concepes, and therefore ulways construct ‘mn the transmit of informations i is aso rem Slerestcwmencl ens came att stan |“ wheal ul a a ewe he evens journalists ostensibly cover are themselves journalistic comm “ome owe, expressed by potest against a ee ‘vehi eh jour fen work abou tet Sine hs ck sel nt of joa and th raion, Na iene ame ear prose th Fr ier Sy sl pint Satya jeomics sme saps ne te eal erm ara ae ar ao ue ne ng pee - Sosow avaaie formation to slet what hey exh cover wit Reet 8 esc crr rece e To cut soe! in; bcune wot signin jag tony ential cao ant hoc ne ase aa incon nd cn be emda att mngeine uy hh ge Circe Lack esd al orga the we 6 uly eet ‘Foie metas o cpl ay, sd tied eine eames ‘Sort tc nb figs tt canbe present Ths oe ema ee ‘nay dace tora Gc rcs tht ad ea deo compe ame and eas a at on sae | Jounal cba enews fom sues thy observe o mare ge stat af enews hu ecards nein oboe Semcon ant to hen a on Se ‘urs ees pnd an oration i aon en ‘esmdy wanes wan ty hy coe sour aw ay ‘Sends source ot posh owen hove menos ‘sty homer ty sea ec om what er eh ee ‘naming jain mh oer ncumce dig my Sele Th een ewer sare snd praesent sec asst Journ and our sss ace Ah {Shs to to age eterno rain ed at me en a sues do the ning Sa an tne eng he py, sa Aint poi mall emt replarscrces wh he fen ee ‘ed he nthe post nde pnin ide pase Sew ‘in sy cows, natal news ering dood om hee sowie Sterns i ocala mate) ft, ae wich he) 68 ‘Se own tpn ogame veo fo angle, ey ins tiny wat fr source make oc with oper a ‘ther sy sea. Thee abe ecepns, cou ‘chai willcome xorg ane ning oo ‘neji ence ony denen new ses wh ca he ‘igo vpn soso the mack. toe. ett ali se poe _ rg 1 ota sarees bt ous Seer ae eaten i hn Fn sre eases, uti es de ‘ne ay ee rey on nly a een vn mnt wil ci yn mile 1, tation "sree ag ar wesw age a eh i ate the information they wae. os ste on or matists is shaped by. at tenet fous ister oom apr nity to supply suitable information cron eee cet ret entanhmcae ta atleast nthe ater 10 gi BOSS pon tn tenn cen ere ee ee she widespread and legitimated publicity # Cet accommo comin tars ocomor vrais, singe itis more credible. Public agences, ont ot nam “Seeley pec ie eal pains cannot ong ition ra eeawe ey beni aia supy or seas ey resting ne ours a ew “pearing im then ews ‘hough may pl pitino oral kl ever ben the news oe ‘meses manera ncetve tan of power refine "eng renn ee oh Timepemring ois ranean ete eer ee rae Geena csc of tevestiganon may not produce a suitable es Sola cc mona nae etme need Stculation of rating boomen eee ‘recalcitrant source om theit own, are So pn ‘he aut of wecaltrast sources to bar access is balanced pe gepe Seite Eons aero cnn ml a ganna Spe ee ea fete off eet power i erly exc y ng ce "site Wit Howe, te Pong, be Ste crap inp tl et aw sr oe hn ne pve get ere ea st ce fr pet Ding on cme pre a wich i a =m easportaon othe wa oe) ing nlc harder ora por o sapene ee eyo Rc ne snore esa opie vendy ad able teak information. At these ime repare | sett a eel oily eto owe oe i ene one obama sh so cl a ses neces met ed weet ocean cmvce. a canal i cs ely wis mas Raa erhan a owe dean dom he ito ca saath pny era nde TE at nen wht oy eng hey dle Be ab SA ET cle er tat competi wl opm Yo Fst eREaScontnceshonener decane eponen he er onan ‘occu guim rr sgrbats Theliy fhe et Santas druy mc assoc of be 19s as cee tens peor ice dc mals nate pee fr ry es nd oe es ‘chau os sue eer canoer ela pone Es reveal gwen ade esaresandis many of ch Stndin nl recom pws alae pee yl 8 un Se eee epost ary at te ee force eprint te ft wo aecae a ‘ciadossantymy ten hereof poy Th seek “ie raid aio sh eins Aner eas wie a See ttl itu abate aged etme Tetcae Mateumsdetaero hae ens oe De Exe “hansen Aenting epee DEA pd ry ee cet tye tabu when ey bg tn ye “Qeutetnuratach we pete Tcl Teme ie Gadgeteer -oes thr pee iene nae Saliva tow oc tr orn yap “Liars ey acon oe ie pce om : Sateen mere snore ata ‘Swi of thes reper eee Rha nicer mein he npn ng ‘reationr cominacd ned for enced seiee A cea, ae for anticipated tries. similar nee PO ‘ctrpanzatns tan ppl cher merry pete ‘cate mae omer talib epee ae eae ‘i nino they nex on cp (soa ‘hon ‘evsonaten a on oso joaraeg frm wth they pode the ew ait ie po to ti econ ttn pins = ayo ge pe vse ad nent Sm nen ce ye pone ase rote ars ‘imo me erent woe oan “a least physically, than sources.) Src et en en nly hom oor een ch NBC Si aed ected where se mow suitable news yo orc sane bona neil whe ttl mente a ay ann tons wie seins hae cee sin rer enon erage who iia pple en enh Baa a) nneservie ringers woud penbably show tt age a Aste erly ral sess and howineme eihtowtods rn geoeraphical proximity cannot gaan socia proxi: Powe sue sass kone how fo make commas Wil epres aN) PS ‘rc fn haw 1 cola EPS por eng te atonal rere by a ee nga ‘kas suri of tbs ofesonal news judgement bare meee Post, The Wall Sire Journal, and afew southern. midwestern, ie (eet tr anys bene pean ea Eis mera naps pry eiacnateae mmm ae, cant Tee re ent ory a eae seen nce pepe Sser mia metomreennl aeeteeeeeee syanasatng henaiceeoereen a eemenaaian Shame aeancncomeee ‘Steetorona ote saben ari, ea Steclnteoyaaeueionmns arcane tas Freer lo te eng hed te el pee emai a poner oe Soni mre ry aparece on ‘Sempron us sures oe etal mirocientenghpes' igh ie oes ate cay Wantage Cone eae a Treemdomtercac tse oe tr mr fo tian eps at on in seen sce yamine setae seston ie jn eee i the ea ch aa Smee ty en s2elaotrncm inet hen Sees yr eeeece enn snemena nen rae ay camhi:Akopst eed x mr ee ag Se eaet tn ee rt co ps 1 of them. dropping the frm he news or with sm agent rio often ely TOES itt ay 1 mp i formating Alek ose pas mp nee be ome econ on journalists time and effort f See ate ern neces rol they ty 10 minimiae et Sr i ce gmc yom aren mann hee ce ae he SSSI iets cree meni ah ee ooh ‘cals for a large number of interviews. SELES TY Sa cont lero ten got 0 "Tcl wm lle sues we infos ese he a SSA Macey eco ma ioe er ne err oma pa eee ae Souler ermteam ayy careee ere Seana coe eae yor oo poe sa ty te epg = shen. Ah, mee Seen enn ‘eo lanlaen rp neds pope moe han ators The eee ‘mma tres th por nd Hed eto ety nee YAP ast ng iy ea ons pee Se aan o atonal mpegs tap oe ea ‘musrmonty if only became they cannot afford 0 le peu they ate eo one bene he hc pe ac ie Sonn onsndemeatcemmnecna tow soune mer cay ta foe sien. nT Sal i “hy seme me ey mob emake ie SSapeeeer ee Stoceacencnname termine miata “aeru mmaly el ues offen ales ee ‘ac ter Teton ee a ik er a Sint nt ait np ara ta wi ‘Set lord cy lan icles sects ver es ie seaman ss ok alte ee, tt ncaa ss pe nsevision a id ot eter hi ft tthe White Hose Dering his ren col Te he ha ee dil nO OS bi ay as seas a ent nd ular sued nt count the nanber ot a mgacne new: bt Sigal acd he tht pre in The New or Tie ads werethesouce fT per em sen cores see wn foreign tone 3 nad a hat publi Notes cm, Dc Wha sNews Cable Loa: (8 gay chan Making Newsy Dans ra of Sc 79 7h sr be Fa tl din pos 1 taba he Unepesi ame Cron and Poof mt a ors so NBG New ne NEw ce cet Sake Demat Re, Nema CC Ue — 2 ft ea Se ae 1 Milano. ght at Conta Mehta. ; appear depend on the wa the men who employ the tee as | RoR Sala ant ay eo ieee Deana tea aes eet Dereaieae sich ee Shy niche seers gs ieee Soe a tia cie ona et eee a ain 1 Eee Ree oc omega cetacean ae i 17S Re nf Os a6 Aa 1 pert ih erro ce Ange ga Seman 40 THE SOCIAL PRODUCTION OF NEWS ‘wart Hall, Chas Critcher, Tony Jefferson, John Clarke ‘and Brian Roberss Th ma do ot simply a nepal ep events wich ‘sly ‘Scomany memes New itera of ample es wich ‘Shh yea ning and eecing of eves dps song 6x iy contd eto eegre As MacDougal pas ‘come wo ud sme purveyor of news gnev an account of tem The ‘win thr wor the Seu of eve a something inte Ince crete ‘ne apct of the tie seeton ca Be see in te rot ean scrapes with pet fps types or ues of pew, Since Bewspaers ‘soni the el rouctin oes, ese rps fates wil, nium, fl what asced,For example, neers Benepe 1 “Sain yper af vet td Wp in ema fhe onpnsin of hel em wok force wit comepondets and eparoenshe estcring ‘inact cis he papers emseves (ome ew ‘al pore ‘eer level solver neato to which esa teary han react our ‘ermal’ expectations shou sol ete sain tq he monn, tape. We mig cl hs te rary as (a gance a acy newspaper vil eval events ich ent Sl cima iaeie a the scaly una characteristics of amour sade na Soc me Se aeere ‘made oye par of an existing Ream tne ey Pa Sciam ms acenpeaeeseatee the es of he ich the power and ch prc (in winter) and cricket (i summer), all find a regular stot newspaper. Two things follow from this: the fir brant ng Seen rahe tragic. ete, ements ory in cern a ‘mee i he gate pal aan vet which score big ona dimensions sucha the ons the case of magi ating show tse aus was nda ope ehar Foccr post pepe, however, tis elfien tooo en ‘igica wich ons writen down, formally sat as berwen the oe —eeneeemromeenrenemaninitn 4 esac 8 “obympiily) crecial ‘oes tation B08 low neo sc a8 en ek of cae knee wh _naaned~ we area com oor wee Jauodensndevers eae angle enemy enema which se ma ce ‘rides md ey ‘Tone lve te exis of ‘ese ofall soem Trane i abt sore eres, te am oa sronzaion erie besos siteeicgraconesrnen aioe we ccm eck Tin coe oh en of eer ra mo arin hat een Nunc gress ens i sa re are ngite mm nd insist nee repressing and eng them Thee | Somer eee uate acannon Bones Roccenpyeraree mee | oc Se en om ane yoo: cota ELT onc al eq Ths comm ew of sy prea Sion coe a e: Sesee eerie f semite Satie marines =" Seton ete Reenter ae a one eam oeecenneames: § onc ty om eevee eee con ‘sconceded dt the will be diferences of olook, disagreement, panes weet the een eee oe meter ati ae | aco See enact, SSomneaemantm foe ‘wands, flowing the Steen ofthe miner’ skein 197 (ougexing th ‘penappesstoconsenss are paral prevalent wn Cf is ost i) Inte kind of cour weve in ther canoe ny “eo ‘the? hee ‘only all of fe Goverment ix 'detetd the th cory ‘ef, because the Government inj roup of pope ected oo ‘ninthemajariy of w' wanton done, Thats what our woy ofits shou telly doesnot mater whetber sackets, a demonstration ‘the Hovse of Commons. We ae al used Yo pecsfl are a when violence oh es of valence i set calenges wha st ‘fw rmsd ob he ight way of ding things omit elie 9 ‘let any goverment allow that ohapen and Ia pie yo ha ‘el nt bettered wherever ewes Fr ys cele oe ne scissor Seon ecco eee ere acne areas a Syaon ee ich raleady echrperondetnds st ease po imamate eat Leper elem ee enone eee ee coeecte allocation and work schedut on ieee = Peleeretecpe etme SST emana Soe spr oii shut covers wl ive th efits oe hemes reunersooderbane cons nae pi ematon pric pis a the wry of te sei ths src reference ven nthe eda te states spose beer twee hromer” ams ian of this? cowie sro tat rough he Ae Gc ofthe oer es we ve not yet det "terion do eta hing ech se’ sallow 0 pres ce we sa se etal nthe et che te caver’ “arbre within which thee ate oppostions se wy af amar an ent sot tance ee eee Pecos ee — Sa caer begins to grve substance wad specificity to Mann's — Se penretreatninpersarier sy Monee rt pt Smo hmcearenateeae eee ‘erate ee anna itoco hese comrree eee Sothern cTacepem coe om cet o Spots ene (isa ee Se ee See eres oiisfaeseterece ese meron Semsintay Soasemetcocee cera Senate eas Se one a Sree ae Serna ene nee eres Desalter taro Te Notes | Mecpowpt napran pr Ye Mn. 960. 2 Fai cam uf pat er tna ote lo cha Se en nee FSS Gon dM Rae Scag al eli New The Mare ce Aesadnin Stig 4 i acl amon Pegi 2) Wedd sr Cesena, tial Ree Po ee yeaa The Rlnance of Secl 1. D Dog oa ea iG Man, Doorn and Comme ste eng: SCs any nee wa Canal Sue, Unie of Bingham): Cate 1 PRS iar ron Maco a 41 NEWS SOURCES AND NEWS MEDIA Philip Schtesinger and Howard Tumber ‘Rethinking the sociology of journalism Mach scl! debate abot conection a develop agin te k= Soop of wider roel dupes Reece Maret td print Tet the 10 ad formach of te 198 a pet den of cade dk Pe tn the saw of two bread ocr pial paris tht fed compe ‘ape an nteettins of the prtormarce of the ews media md Of he ‘demecaic crdenlt of ibe! demacary. Pura’ and “neon frovided dice and opposed ways of aking abot mea Yow! ad ‘aemecton with pin adem struct of emarpore capes ie th pric mages ccc of cmmpeting gro 2d ets: pron, srgping for fence over eh cen of poi dc Mrning an aloo of nei. te ea ar seen a 0 many cone Seismic of sen ad aclatng ge fn iw By coors th ne Marest Vion, hey come up ther of ‘cima in captain act, the a a wewod as sbodiate w O tial an eco ren fhe ian clst lane andi et {roping dona sical perspectives. Tis uma amc ‘rerun chal vergence of ews, butt oe, everest Separate of cent dete? Amongst Mais ore sn sue ther asap 'dominn sesogy ths" Us, ernst cers ea ‘rte eclapa heaneny fhe rome his «propaga me ‘emai that he pe of pally and eon ena fhe eutcy denn the ope of ee, eases he peed cr {ho dacoume and ty extension spicy demise cota of ‘ei my tink” “Sie her fe er whe te workings an apt of te ne mon tes esa jc eco the ing a oy het ae een a enjoying subset shat etre rly spshig the cie in peerage a coi eo ea he gy ora ming ange coe co in ar i era me "Driy determined the queso ona aver wis cpeion onc amc rae is fren a ue st ih come of ue a » Rian Nos Nes Yor non 1980.57. Neh 1 Se Stet“ stg he Poke Btn a moat penal cuenta acne 3 sees Somat eae De Peer ttl Corel 58 Git Sarg Pr ew «Sc of De Ng edn se Ne YO Poa 9) me 0 RSC eps wt a Go. Mg ey Nanak, Ni A Ss ere aio $5 HES ont en owed by hs ch Cok Maing am and raat cae ees orci tech mt cess nd pt Spmacheen aera $0 Re toe pens an groups who ihe postions at wren with he deinen, Sa coe etree erence Sao ieee ee ara eee aoa ‘Seinen in ee er een 5 (ema ne pan eames ean aor ie a is, as teremrnariariar ana Esk erst sa eats ‘Sorption en ce 42 NEGOTIATING THE NEWS Richard V. Ericson, Patricia M. Baranck and Janet BL. Chan cnet St ir i nn On len "The comvergnc of orc ad news organzalions Sowce amnion anes oe on te rnd ag evtimpnatoaee Covepen eho lel The ed li pe tes dn wi os ny he rane olsen ee ‘a mend fr se WT el a Neves oh eget fe Ul Sa ne Bese eh SSelwi te opiton nen, map sepa calpain stony ant an coer te aye fees at aly ea fn te ic persis ope Seyi erent elt come rec ae ee ten nt esse pele sano Sie tops ea a foci te ‘copa ft ing gh whe dae Marne ween ae ih son on sg steno ahaa tenon, tn nnd nl pron paca apneaee ie naw svi np mma oe ‘ma lat tl ct erommena sn soma poss gs ‘which newer dance Neverhles, nen ger oe Sevier a may “acetone sara aca =i taeda Soy awa preaag ea ganeinymeeine Sena Selanne tecemeegetecay Spalcanlepaei ce ec meme cn acacia moe tae we nel nts nag a rrr that journals rely upon ee a ee eee oe Sanat Sushma em hietgaan sn seinen he Sra nee nome roel oe ct Sd ee Trico ge PS eae avin ty a Ty coe a i ef som boo he pot nt ie Sec ins ae i ate oe erent eters Poteet al Sadi we sree mt runic alc Seco oe Seite gaan hoon aa Sesh a ent’ we a ea Sovereign Soa s oe se ce oom 0 i ogee le ‘pati ha conse ho ~ ote eee Fc peered ee Sateen aceon foctaneet ce nee Scone ee Speman eee ‘sis(gnennea ec cue monic ese eaters nae escort ‘Shes orth dias ncn re ue aN occ et as > mcs sways tue the danas of tise news fis 2 or plce cals ios ot aus mapa "ac to stron tha al cela the ty fe Fai Thee ae etal we daa re oe pes Ev i ons Go dtr he a af ava And th ‘stingy es de ih Goering ee that in fst lev a pti an ee he acer er em pee, Un ae me es nce nor wl sien al wee inte vent emo fo {Sip rip mind ao poll smventos an eens, whichis Secs no an opsnly coarse sted kind space wh STipcenc oa sues rena wobec a Nace cungr oi cons came Peo ste Rema fecal nea aneproe sul hnow td anchor nerdy shrybaaieGhncowotil gut. isc we wlohe ‘ree Conta gw Vin rig th Te fens As fr el ot ‘Sic th arate bt marl frelon aa eth oe ‘Sadness whet eee oer, Siesta sme be Natal Fay cane of te floc soc th, Dae of tevin pea seston TV and posi pror eaten police Te pete os ponds imation wo 8 fel aed wee ‘erred head wie feof mus eee bt eo gee adem ‘toes pete eat mach wi is th pi ‘epee ales of sad poll cle Tus ile ‘sci tase Nevppenocnp he e of mae mh eh Times conenge of Veta ny 3, Se Vir hd mae {Spe of epitome i ae nator soso wy {ts orem atce. A clei says em ees {ee sing oii i feos ee 2 mre Sc te mas be baleen has ‘evi wear se ours” end te sta btn cevionand ‘See hsamoned.atm18 lvy gre and wes eee ‘ata reso ttc the oe rl th pce sve wt sedi panen pee eton w e g ply te name mi an os Sauer te toast meee Sores ee camer ei eres eee aa eee ee 2 ea Scab w Ptr Oca bth Masia Poe Aa 3181 Tee re eee ee aa mac en gl 2 2 en cae aPe 1 Nea for Cronkite 1 tll the sews, andthe filo and tape peop, Newswatch ety Decides the News (New Vor: Sion and Schasx 1982, pp 72-73 Raa eae ike er anne Saree hana a SEERS'C Heng, ed, The Secret Dxplomacy ofthe Fiinam War: The » ir eee ee ee cpa CE Taney Rs na et i eacann Pe Ce Ih PAO soa HBRARY se ye Poe bebe

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