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Getting eyed is a fact and it is mentioned in The Glorious Quran and authentic Ahadeeth, but, a person cant be eyed

because of evil spirits or just because his enemyoranenviouspersonlookedathimorhispropertieswithanenviouseye.

Dr. Sayeeduddin Mister

The Evil Eye


Evileyeisawrongtermbecauseapersoncannotfallsickbytheeyeofshaitaanorawickedperson, correcttermiseyeing Getting eyed is a fact and it is mentioned in The Glorious Quran and authentic hadeeths. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) used to read the last two chapters of The Glorious Quran (Surah Falaq and Surah Naas) to prevent eyeing. A hadeeth of Sahih Muslim states that: if there would have been anything which couldsupersedefate,itwouldbeeyeingandwhenoneofyouisaskedtotakeabaththentakeit.Eyeingis oftwotypes:Eyeingbyoneselforalovedoneandeyeingbyanenemyoranenviousperson. Self Eyed and Eyed by a loved one: This eyeing is caused by Allahs anger. For example Allah is angered when a person appreciates his health, his body, his children or his wealth and feels proud and boasts about it without thanking Almighty Allah as He is the One Who has provided him his health, his wealth, his children and everything else. Allah may then take away His blessings and bounties He had bestowedonhim. A hadeeth of Ahmed, Nisaai and Ibn Maaja states that Amir Bin Rabia (R.A.) saw Sohail bin Haneef (R.A.) going to take a bath and said that he had never seen such a beautiful body. Moments later Sohail bin Haneef(R.A.)becamesick.WhenProphetMuhammad(P.B.U.H.)heardofithebecameangryandtoldAmir binRabia(R.A.)whydidnthesaidBarakAllahandwhydoyoupeoplewantstokillyourbrother. Eyeing by enemies and by envious people: A person cant be eyed just because his enemy or an envious person looked at him or his properties with an envious eye. For example, if a person has a prosperous business or he has a garden full of fruits which an envious person watches with envy, then will thatpersonsbusinessfailorhisgardenwillbedestroyed?No,infacthisbusinesswillgrowmoreandAllah will give more fruits in his garden and Almighty Allah will burn the envious person in his envy and might furthertakeawaythebountiesHehadbestowedonthatenviousperson. A jealous person lives miserably watching other succeed but the object of his jealousy, the person from whom he is envious, does not suffer either physically or monetarily. Then the envious person takes some action,asdescribedinthelastverseofSurahFalaq:whentheenviouspersonshowshisenvy,likehecan burnthepropertiesofthepersonorcangetthingsstolenfromhishomeorcansuehimwronglyorcanget himbeatenbygoons,etc. Some old scholars used to think that eyeing is caused by spirits which is totally wrong and cant be proved fromTheGloriousQuranortheauthentichadeeths.Apersoncanbeeyedbyhimselforhislovedonewhen he angers Allah and eyeing from an enemy or an envious person can happen only when he takes some action out of envy. Old Islamic scholars, for whom I have deepest of respect, hadmade wild guesses which has no proof from The Glorious Quran or the authentic hadeeths. They said that bad spirit of the envious people harms the spirit of the person he is envious which results in him falling sick. I ask any scholar from anywhereintheworldtoshowevenone verseof TheGloriousQuran oranyauthentichadeethwhereitis written that the bad spirit of an envious person harms the spirit of another person and eyes him which makeshimsick.ThisisawrongbeliefandeveryMuslimmustrejectitaltogether. The Evil Eye -2-

Enemies and envious person cannot eye anyone just by watching with envy but old scholars believed otherwise and thus mentioned verse 51 of Surah Qalam to prove their point which said: and the unbelieverswouldalmosttriptheewiththeireyeswhentheyhearthemessage;andtheysaySurelyheis possessed!. The Kafir and Mushrikeen hated Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) for inviting people towards OneAllah.WhenProphetMuhammad(P.B.U.H.)readoutQuraninfrontofthem,theywouldbecomevery angry. If a person could have been harmed just by being eyed with anger and envy, then Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H.)wouldhavebeenseverelyeyedandharmed.PeoplearguethatAlmightyAllahsaved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) from being eyed but then how Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) himself becameavictimofmagic?EveryMuslimofthattimewashatedbytheunbelieversofMeccaandwaseyed withhatredandjealousybutthereisnotonerecordthatanycompanionofProphetMuhammad(P.B.U.H.) everbecamesickjustbecauseofeyeingbyanunbeliever. I have already mentioned that eyeing can be caused by an enemy only when he takes some action out of envy like the enemies of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) did to him to harm him. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was rained with stone in Taif, camels dung were put on his back during Salah, thorns were laid on his path, goats dung was put in his food plate, his teeth were broken,face bloodied, food poisoned, he was boycotted and isolated with his family and followers in the valley of ShaibAbiTalib, magical spells were performed on him, attempts were made to kill him and he was finally forced to migrate from his birthplace. A very long list can be made about the hardships that Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) had to bearbecauseoftheactionsofhisenemies. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) used to blow on the face of his grand children, Hasan (R.A.) and Hussain (R.A.) saying that he sought the shelter from all Shaitaans (devils) and all those creatures that harbour ill willbeagainstyouandallthosewhowantedtoeyeyou. ThisactionofProphet(P.B.U.H.)clearlyprovesthatheusedtoseekshelterandprotectionfromAllahalone for his grand children from the bad intentions of their adversaries and from those who intended to harm them by eyeing. A person can be eyed by his well wishers and a person gets eyed by his opponents or enemy only when the latter takes any practical step against that person. Merely eyeing by enemies does notandcannotharmanyone. In Surah Yusuf, verse no. 67 and 68 of the Holy Quran, it is mentioned that Prophet Yaqub (P.B.U.H.) advisedhissons,whoweregoingtoEgypt,toenterthecitiesbydifferentdoors.Healsosaidthathecould notavoidanythingbadcomingfromAllahandthathehadfullfaithinthealmighty. The people interpret from this incident that Prophet Yaqub (P.B.U.H.) did so to save his sons from being eyed although no reason has been mentioned in the above Ayats to warrant such interpretation. It is possible that Prophet Yaqub (P.B.U.H.) gave the above advice to his sons out of fear that they might becomevictimsofattackbyanenemyormeetwithanaccidenttogether.Thisiswhyhehadadvisedthem to enter through different gates. This seems to be the valid reason for Prophet Yaqub (P.B.U.H.)s above advice. The Evil Eye -3-

AccordingtotheauthentichadeethofProphetMuhammad(P.B.U.H.),therighttreatmentofeyeingisthat thepersonwhohaseyedmusttakeabathandthewaterfromthatbathshouldbeputontheeyedperson. In this way Almighty Allah gives health to the eyed person. Only Almighty Allah knows how this method worksbutIpresumethatAllahwantstolightlypunishandembarrassthepersonfornotsayingBarakAllah or MashaAllah. Also other people might get to know that this person eyed on someone and be wary of thankingAlmightyAllahforthecountlessblessingsHehasbestowedonhim. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yours truly DR. SAYEEDUDDIN MISTER E-mail:

Also read these books: POSSESSION OF JINN A MYTH Here is the link: MAGIC AND SPELLS Here is the link: Or Visit:

The Evil Eye


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