T7 B18 Hijacker Sightings FDR - 7-17-04 Email From Raidt Re Jumps Eating or Casing Cockpits - 7 Incidents 530

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John Raidt

From: Sarah Linden

Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 5:44 PM
To: John Raidt
Subject: RE: Jumpseating or casing cockpits

Items 1, 6, and 7 are clearly not possible. 2, 3, and 4 are on the outside margins of possible - and 5 I have not
dealt with yet. What's the source? I Googled and couldn't find anything....
I created a matrix to deal with 4 - but it has the facts for all of them - how do you want to handle the rest of this?
Do you want to come over at some point and we can talk about it? Or do you want me to draft some sort of point-
by-point rebuttal? Do tell.

Original Message
From: John Raidt -'0/11 n i
Sent: Saturday, Jury 17, 2004 8:31 AM J,?711 Personal
To: Sarah Linden /// \: Jumpseating or casing cockpits

Sarah—As I mentioned to you, this is an issue in which the families have expressed some interest. I
expect Commissioners will get some questions in this area. The following are stories received by the FBI
about hijackers Jumpseating or otherwise casing cockpits/working from the inside:

1. September 7, 2001—UA Flight 657 from Newark to Chicago (pRD). A pilot said that a
suspicious Middle Easterner claimed to be a pilot for Skyways and sat in the jumpseat.

2. April 2001—A flight attendant named I I said that sfie saiy Marwan al Shehhi taking
pictures of her plane's cockpit on a flight from Boston to LAX. (see serial 2538)

3. June 7, 2001—An American Airlines pilot I ; I reported that on AAL Flight 59 from
JFK to SFO one of the hijackers was sitting in the cockpit asking him questions (see serial
44507) / ;; \. June 9, 2001—Two flight attendants I

saw one of the hijackers was casing Flight 589 from JFK to SFO.

5. A baggage handler in Boston (open source) ran into Atta at Logan, (let's talk on this one)

6. An AAL pilot I J (serial 40624) reported that Satam al Saqami tried to sit in the jumpseat
of a flight from Miami to the East Coast.

7. A Delta captain said that on December 14, 2000 Atta was working at the Albany, NY Crown
Plaza Hotel and tried to steal his flight bag.

As a first step, I'd like to see if we can show that any of the four pilot-hijackers were in the pertinent area
with respect to item 1,3. On item 4, were any of the hijackers in New York at that time, etc. Item 2, we
need to get the 302 and see if he was specific about the flight—or can we show that Marwan al Sheehi
was elsewhere throughout April. On item 5,1 think if we google it we might get a date or a timeframe. On
6, we will need to get the serial. On 7, was Atta elsewhere on that day?

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Let's talk when you get a chance. Many thanks. JR

Let's talk when you get a chance. JR

Hijackers using jumpseats or casing cockpits

1. Sept. 7, 2001: On UA flight 65 7 from Newark to Chicago, a pilot claimed that a suspicious
Middle Eastern man claimed to be a pilot for Skyways (a subcontracting airline for United
Airlines) and sat in thejumpseat.

All 19 hijackers are accounted for on that day. While several were in Newark, and six were
actually on domestic flights (four flew from Ft. Lauderdale, FL to Newark, NJ; two flew
from Atlanta, GA to Boston, MA), all were tracked throughout the day at times that made
their travel on UA 657 impossible.

2. Jan. - Apr. 2001: A flight attendant saw Marwan al Shehhi taking pictures of her plane's
cockpit on a flight from Boston to LAX.

Al Shehhi entered the U.S. on Jan. 18,2001, and left again on Apr. 18,2001. Between these
two dates he was generally seen in the company of Mohamed Atta, shuttling between Florida
and Georgia. We have seen no data to indicate that: A) he went to Boston at any point in this
three-month period, or B) he was on this flight.

3. June 7, 2001: An American Airlines pilot reported that Marwan al Shehhi sat in the cockpit
and asked him questions on flight 59 from New York/JFK to San Francisco.

Marwan al Shehhi was identified by witnesses as being in the Delray Beach, FL area on both
June 5 and June 9,2001. There is no documentary evidence to support his being on AA 59
on June 7, or on any flights in that time period from Florida to New York.

4. June 9, 2001: Two flight attendants saw one of the hijackers on AA 59 from New York/JFK
to San Francisco.

This may be the same as item #3. 14 of the 19 hijackers were accounted for on June 9: two
were in Las Vegas; three were out of the country; one was captured using an ATM in New
Jersey; and six were identified by witnesses in the vicinity of Miami, FL. Five hijackers
(Ahmed al Ghamdi, Hamza al Ghamdi, Nawaf al Hazmi, Majed Moqed, and Mohand al
Shehri) are unaccounted for on June 9 and the surrounding dates. There is no documentary
evidence to support any of them having traveled on AA 59.

5. A baggage handler in Boston ran into Atta at Logan.


6. An American Airlines pilot reported that Satam al Suqami tried to sit in thejumpseat of a
flight from Miami to the East Coast on one of eight possible dates (Nov. 12, 2000; Nov. 26,
2000; Jan. 16, 2001; Jan. 22, 2001; Jan. 28, 2001; Apr. 14, 2001; Aug. 2, 2001; or Aug. 16,
Satam al Suqami did not enter the U.S until Apr. 23,2001. On Aug. 2 and 16,2001, he was
in Florida, as supported by bank card and check usage.

7. A Delta captain claimed that on Dec. 14, 2000, MohamedAtta was working at the Crown
Plaza Hotel in Albany, NY and tried to steal his flight bag.

Mohamed Atta took a flight lesson at Huffman Aviation on Dec. 14,2000.

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