Instructions Us Spykee Vox

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Version 1.2.



PRECAUTION AND WARNINGS _________________________________________ 4

1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Standards and certificates of compliance ____________________________________ 4 Non-liability clause ______________________________________________________ 4 Safety instructions _______________________________________________________ 4 Care And Maintenance ___________________________________________________ 4 Batteries _______________________________________________________________ 5


INTRODUCTION TO YOUR ROBOT ______________________________________ 5

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. Functions ______________________________________________________________ 5 Robot anatomy__________________________________________________________ 6 View of robot chassis from below___________________________________________ 6 View of robot chassis from above___________________________________________ 7


PREREQUISTES_______________________________________________________ 7
3.1. 3.2.
3.2.1. 3.2.2.

Minimum required configuration __________________________________________ 7 The different Spykee Vox control modes_____________________________________ 8
Voice recognition _____________________________________________________________ 8 The infrared remote control _____________________________________________________ 8

4. 5.

BUILDING YOUR ROBOT ______________________________________________ 9 TURNING SPYKEE VOX ON ____________________________________________ 9

5.1. 5.2. Turning Spykee Vox on for the first time ____________________________________ 9 Hibernation of Spykee Vox________________________________________________ 9


AVAILABLE FUNCTIONS _____________________________________________ 10

6.1. 6.2. Layout of the different menus ____________________________________________ 10 Control modes of the different menus ______________________________________ 10



7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4.
7.4.1. 7.4.2. 7.4.3.

Moving Spykee Vox_____________________________________________________ 11 Attack with Spykee Vox _________________________________________________ 12 Talking with Spykee Vox ________________________________________________ 13 Listening to music and dancing with Spykee Vox ____________________________ 14
Listening to the music contained in your iPod or your mp3 player _____________________ 14 Listening to the music contained in your mp3 player _________________________________ 15 Listening to the music included in the robot________________________________________ 15

7.5. 7.6.

Using Spykee Vox as a universal remote control _____________________________ 15 Activating the programmed scenarios______________________________________ 17

8. 9.

PLAYING WITH SPYKEE VOX USING REMOTE CONTROL________________ 18 PROGRAMMING _____________________________________________________ 19

9.1. 9.2.

Installation of the Spykee Vox application __________________________________ 19 Creating Parameters for Spykee Vox ______________________________________ 19
Before playing with the Spykee Vox software ______________________________________ 19

9.2.2. 9.2.3. 9.2.4. 9.2.5.

Personalizing the Interface _____________________________________________________ The Wake-up Alarm __________________________________________________________ Your Birthday _______________________________________________________________ Choice of Language __________________________________________________________

19 19 20 20

9.3. 9.4. 9.5.

9.5.1. 9.5.2.

Creating New Scenarios _________________________________________________ 20 Scenario Changes_______________________________________________________ 23 Synchronization of the computer with Spykee Vox ___________________________ 24
Synchronization for transfer of a Scenario _________________________________________ 24 Synchronization for the transfer of Alarms_________________________________________ 24

10. 11.

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET __________________________________________ 24 AFTER SALES SERVICE ____________________________________________ 24


1.1. Standards and certificates of compliance
1- MECCANO hereby declares that this product complies with all requisite standards and other relevant regulations of directive 1999/EC. A copy of the original statement of compliance may be obtained at the following address: MECCANO, 363 avenue de Saint Exupry 62100 Calais, France. 2- This product must be used indoors.

1.2. Non-liability clause

Certain differences may appear between the description found in the instruction manual and the behavior of the robot.

1.3. Safety instructions

Choose a SAFE location to operate your Spykee Vox. Do not operate it in the street. Do not operate it in sand or in puddles. This could deteriorate its performance. Check the surface conditions through which the robot will move and be aware of obstacles. Avoid all contact with water. The robot cannot climb or go down stairs. Spykee Vox's audio receivers are sensitive instruments. Do not allow the robot to be near a heat source or IN FULL SUN for any prolonged time. Do not leave the robot in humid or damp areas. Do not drop or throw it. Do not paint it. CAUTION - Risk of injury - keep out of reach of children under 36 months of age. - CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS NOT EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY THE MANUFATURER MAY VOID THE USER'S RIGHT TO OPERATE THIS DEVICE. - The normal function of the product may be disturbed by Strong Electro Magnetic Interference. If so, simply reset the product to resume normal operation by pressing the RESET button located under the chassis. In case the function could not resume, please use the product in other location.

1.4. Care And Maintenance

This robot requires periodic maintenance and cleaning. Clean it with a slightly damp cloth. Handle your Spykee Vox with care and keep it in a clean area, sheltered from dust. Do not attempt to open it or repair your Spykee Vox yourself.

The "barred trashcan" symbol found on your robot means that these products must, at the end of their lifetime, be delivered to special waste collection points: Municipal waste dumps with specific bins for this kind of device Collection bins at the point-of-sale They will be recycled there, thus avoiding the discharge of regulated substances into the environment, and allowing the materials that make up your Spykee Vox to be reused. In member countries of the European Union These selective collection points are accessible free of charge. All products containing the "barred trashcan" symbol must be delivered to these collection points. In countries that are not members of the European Union Any equipment marked with the "barred trashcan" should not be disposed of in ordinary trash cans if your country or region has special organizations in place for collection and recycling, and this equipment should be brought to these collection points so that it may be recycled.

1.5. Batteries
Spykee Vox operates with 6 AA batteries, 1.5 V for the robot and 2 AAA batteries, 1.5 V for the remote control. (Batteries not included). To change the batteries, follow the building instructions. Robot (6 batteries AA/LR06) IR remote (2 batteries AAA/LR03))

Do not recharge non-rechargeable batteries. The batteries must be taken out of the toy before being charged if they can be removed. The batteries must only be recharged under adult supervision (if they can be removed). Different types of batteries or new and used batteries should not be used together. Only batteries of the recommended or similar type should be used. Take care to respect the polarity when installing batteries. Used batteries must be removed from the toy. Battery terminals must not be short circuited. Used batteries must be disposed of at a recycling center. Please use Saline or Alkaline batteries. Lithium batteries should not be used in this robot.


Thank you for your purchase of the Spykee Vox robot!

2.1. Functions
Spykee Vox is an interactive robot you can build that responds to your voice. Spykee Vox is a robot controlled by voice recognition, but also via IR Remote. Spykee Vox understands you and responds to your voice! When you ask it to move, it obeys and moves. Spykee Vox speaks English. Spykee Vox has emotions! When you speak to it, it reacts with different faces, movements, sounds and lights. It has two personalities: Good guy and Bad guy! Spykee Vox is compatible with iPod mobile digital device (iPod touch and iPod nano only) and other mp3 players. Activate your iPod or mp3 player with your voice! Spykee Vox will play your favorite tunes in stereo and will dance! Spykee Vox is a programmable robot! Create new scenarios! Very easy programming. Spykee Vox is a war robot!

It carries out different attacks: drop bomb, fight enemy etc. Spykee Vox is a universal remote control! If you ask it, it turns on the television and selects your favorite channels (4 programmable channels). Your box contains: A Spykee Vox robot to build An infrared remote control Activation Instructions Building instructions A small card with the voice commands in English. Build three different models quickly and easily / Compatible with all Erector parts Instructions and tools included / Requires 6 AA batteries and 2 AAA batteries (not included) Quick and easy construction of 3 different robot models / More than 200 parts / Compatible with all Erector parts.

2.2. Robot anatomy

IR sensor LCD screen

Optical fibers

3 microphones

2 motors Stereo speaker dock for iPod

2.3. View of robot chassis from below

Battery compartment cover


Learning mode button

Switchbutton: Play /Download

2.4. View of robot chassis from above

iPod connection Activation button Mp3 connection

USB plug

3.1. Minimum required configuration
An Internet connection for downloading the instruction manual and the Spykee Vox programming software. Acrobat Reader for reading the instruction manual. You can download it free at the following address: A computer for programming the computer: o Compatible operating systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista or Windows 7. o CPU: Power PC, Intel, AMD CPU with clock 1.8 GB or higher. o Memory: 128 MB minimum, 256 MB recommended.

3.2. The different Spykee Vox control modes 3.2.1. Voice recognition

You can control Spykee Vox with your voice. Spykee Vox is a vocally activated robot. When you give it an order it understands and is capable of responding.

IMPORTANT Voice recognition is a very sensitive technology, therefore here is some advice in order to make the best use of your robot and benefit from its different functions: 1. 2. Noise is likely to disturb the robots behavior. Play with your robot in a quiet place. The robot cannot carry out an order and listen to another at the same time. Wait until the robot makes a beep sound after its action before giving it a new vocal command. You can speak to the robot in English. Warning: voice recognition is very sensitive to accent. Youll learn how to speak to your robot. We also advise you to speak to the robot in neutral tones without varying your voice.




The infrared remote control

Several functions (movement, music, attack, and hibernation) are also available using the infrared remote control. Infrared technology uses a light wave for sending information between the transmitter (remote control) and the receptor (robot). Make sure that there are no obstacles between the remote control and the robot for optimal utilization. IMPORTANT The infrared receptor is on the top of the robots head. For certain actions, the voice and the remote control are complementary.


You have just discovered the functions of your robot. To be able to play with Spykee Vox, choose the model of robot that you prefer among the three available: Nice, Attack, and Shield; and build it! The building instructions, the tools, and the parts are available in your box. If you have lost your building instructions, you can also download them from the web site in the Installation section.


5.1. Turning Spykee Vox on for the first time
1. 2. Turn Spykee Vox on by putting the button under the chassis in the PLAY position. The Spykee Vox screen turns on, its fiber optics start to flicker and he says Hey, Im Spykee Vox. This means that hes on. The robot is now ready to take orders or hear your questions.

If the screen and the optical fibers do not come on after several seconds: check that the button is actually on PLAY. If this is the case, the batteries of your robot may be empty, replace them. To do this, please refer to the building instructions contained in the box or available on the web site

5.2. Hibernation of Spykee Vox

Spykee Vox goes to sleep after 1 minute if you do not give it any order, except when it is playing music. When it goes to sleep, you will hear it snoring and its face turns off. To turn Spykee Vox on again after it goes into hibernation, press the button button for hibernation and reactivation of Spykee Vox (cf. Diagram 2.4 View of robot chassis from above).

6. AVAILABLE FUNCTIONS 6.1. Layout of the different menus

Movement Attack Music Move Spykee Vox Attack with Spykee Vox Control the music: Dance Listen to music from my iPod Listen to music from the mp3 player Listen to Spykee Voxs music Ask Spykee Vox questions Select the television channels of your choice Play the scenarios that you have created with the Spykee Vox software

Lets talk Remote control Program

6.2. Control modes of the different menus

You can command your Spykee Vox robot, either using voice activation or using the infrared remote control supplied in the package. Menus Movement Attack Music Activate the iPod Activate the mp3 player Make Spykee Vox dance Play or pause Change the track Turn the volume up/down Lets talk Remote control Program Hibernate Voice Command Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No Infrared remote control Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes



In order to attract the robots attention, call it by its first name Spykee Vox. Spykee Vox will then turn around ready to listen to you. When you activate your robot, it will introduce itself, and will say the word Spykee Vox. Be careful to remember the way your robot pronounces its first name because you will need to use these words often. Information about voice commands: - The robot cannot carry out an order and listen to another at the same time. Wait until the robot makes a beep sound after its action, before giving it a new order. - When you give no order to the robot for 1 minute, it goes to sleep. In the rest of this document, you will discover the different menus of your robot and the different voice commands. There is an important rule: To activate a menu (Move, attack, lets talk, music, remote control or program): say Spykee Vox. To exit the menu: say Spykee Vox or wait some seconds, it will exit the menu automatically. Hint: To indicate that your robot is waiting to be called Spykee Vox or that it has exited the selected menu, the following face appears:

7.1. Moving Spykee Vox

Spykee Vox is a robot, which obeys your voice. If you ask it, it moves in the way you choose.
Stage 1: call the robot

Spykee Vox

Stage 2: choose the movement menu


Stage 3: choice of movement

Turn right

Turn left

Go Forward

Back up

As for entering any menu, first say Spykee Vox, then say the name of the menu Movement, then the name of the chosen action.


Hint: When the word Move appears on Spykee Voxs face, this means that the robot has entered the Move menu.

For example, if you want the robot to move backwards: 1. Say Spykee Vox. 2. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. 3. Say Movement. 4. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. 5. Say Back up. 6. The robot then moves backwards and at the end of its movement makes a beep sound. If you then want it to make another movement, say directly turn right, turn left, go forward, or back up. Important: If you wait too long after each beep made by Spykee Vox before giving an order, it goes back into standby mode. Cf. face p.10. It is then necessary to start the process again at stage 1 and say Spykee Vox.

7.2. Attack with Spykee Vox

Spykee Vox can carry out attacks which include words, sound effects, light effects and movements. Spykee Vox has 5 pre-programmed attacks. To play an attack:
Stage 1: call the robot

Spykee Vox

Stage 2: choose the attack menu


Stage 3: choice of attack

Shoot target

Drop Bomb

Fight enemy

Fire weapon

Destroy target

As for entering any menu, first say Spykee Vox, then say the name of the menu, in this case Attack, then the name of the chosen attack. Hint: When the word Attack appears on Spykee Voxs face, this means that the robot has entered the Attack menu, you can go on to stage 3 (choice of attack).

For example, if you want your robot to attack the enemy: 1. Say Spykee Vox. 2. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. 3. Say Attack. 4. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound.


5. 6.

Say Fight enemy. The robot then attacks and at the end of its movement makes a beep sound. If you want it to follow on with another attack movement, say directly shoot target, drop bomb, fire weapon or destroy target.

7.3. Talking with Spykee Vox

Spykee Vox is your friend. It has two personalities: good guy or bad guy. You can talk with it and ask it questions. It will answer you in a random manner according to its mood.
Stage 1: call the robot
Spykee Vox

Stage 2: choose the Lets talk menu

Lets talk

Stage 3: choose the question

How are you?

Do you like me?

What time is it?

How many days before my birthday? (1)

How many days before X-mas?

(1) in order to use this function, you must have entered your date of birth into the Spykee Vox programming software, (see chapter 9.2.3). As for entering any menu, first say Spykee Vox, then say the name of the menu Lets talk, then ask the chosen question. Hint: When the words Lets talk appear on Spykee Voxs face, this means that the robot has entered the Lets talk menu, you can go on to stage 3 (ask your question).

For example, if you want to know the number of days before Christmas: 1. Say Spykee Vox. 2. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. 3. Say Lets talk. 4. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. 5. Say How many days before X-mas? 6. The robot will answer and then make a beep . If you want to ask another question, you can do so after the beep sound.


7.4. Listening to music and dancing with Spykee Vox

Stage 1: call the robot

Spykee Vox Music

Stage 2: choose the music menu

yes No

Stage 3: choose to make robot dance or not






Stage 4: choice of music


Mp3 player

Techno Music

Hip Hop


(1) You can only use this voice command if you possess an iPod touch or iPod nano and if you have connected it to the iPod dock. (2) You can only use this voice command if you possess an mp3 player (other than iPod). (3) You can use these 3 commands at any time, since the music is included in the robot. As for entering any menu, first say Spykee Vox, then say the name of the Music menu, then select whether the robot is going to dance or not, and finally choose your music. Hint: When the word Music appears on Spykee Voxs face, this means that the robot has entered the Music menu.


Listening to the music contained in your iPod or your mp3 player

Spykee Vox is a product Made for iPod. It is compatible with iPod nano and iPod touch only. Before inserting your iPod on its dock, make sure that you have assembled the base corresponding to your model. To do this, please refer to the building instructions. Make sure you use the dock for your iPod model. Insert your iPod into the connection dock, it will automatically go into pause. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Say Spykee Vox. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. Say Music. The robot will ask you if you want it to dance and will make a beep sound. Answer it by Yes or No after the beep . Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. Say iPod. The music of your iPod is played.

You can now freely listen to your iPod. If you want to listen to the previous or next track on your playlist, or turn the volume of the music up or down, use the remote control provided (for instructions on how to use the remote control, see chapter 8 of this manual).



Listening to the music contained in your mp3 player

If you want to listen to the music contained in your mp3 player, connect your mp3 player to the robot using the connection lead provided in the box. Turn on your mp3 player manually and put it in play mode. Please use a strap (not included) for example to avoid damaging your mp3 player if Spykee Vox begins to dance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Say Spykee Vox. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. Say Music. The robot will ask you if you want it to dance and will make a beep sound. Answer it by Yes or No after the beep . Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. Say mp3 player. The music of your mp3 player will be played.

You can now freely listen to your mp3 player. If you want to turn the volume of the music up or down, use the remote control provided (for instructions on how to use the remote control, see chapter 8 of this manual). To stop your music playing press the Play/Pause button.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Listening to the music included in the robot

Say Spykee Vox. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. Say Music. The robot will ask you if you want it to dance and will make a beep sound. Answer it by Yes or No after the beep . Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep . Say Techno Music or Hip Hop or RockNroll. The robot plays the music of your choice.

You can control the sound using the remote control. If you want to turn the robots volume up or down, use the remote control provided (for information on how to use the remote control, see chapter 8 of this manual).

7.5. Using Spykee Vox as a universal remote control

Spykee Vox can be used as a universal remote control to turn the television on or change channel. Before using your robot as a remote control for your television set, you have to teach it the channels for this: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Press the Learning mode button which is under the chassis and follow the instructions Please press the mute button: point your television sets remote control at the robots head and press the mute button. Please press the power key on your remote control: point your television sets remote control at the robots head and press the power button. Please press the key of the Music channel on your remote control: point your television sets remote control at the robots head and press the number of your chosen music channel. Please press the key of the Cartoons channel on your remote control: point your television sets remote control at the robots head and press the number of your chosen cartoons channel. Please press the key of the Sports channel on your remote control: point your television sets remote control at the robots head and press the number of your chosen sports channel. Please press the key of the Favorite channel on your remote control: point your television sets remote control at the robots head and press the number of your favorite channel. At the end of this learning session, Spykee Vox will inform you of the end of the teaching of the channels: Learning mode finish.

6. 7. 8.


You can now use Spykee Vox as a universal remote control.

Stage 1: call the robot

Spykee Vox

Stage 2: choose the Remote Control menu

Remote Control

Stage 3: choose the action






My favorite

As for entering any menu, first say Spykee Vox, then say the name of the Remote control menu, then select the chosen action. Hint: When the word Remote control appears on Spykee Voxs face, this means that the robot has entered the Remote control menu.

Here are the effects of the different voice commands: Television Mute Music Cartoons Sports My favorite Turns the television on Mutes or reactivates the sound Spykee Vox zaps to the music channel that you selected Spykee Vox zaps to the cartoons channel that you selected Spykee Vox zaps to the sports channel that you selected Spykee Vox zaps to the favorite channel that you selected

IMPORTANT : To have Spykee Vox turn your television on, make sure the television is in sleep mode and not completely turned off. Example: this is how to get to your favorite television channel when your television is in sleep mode: 1. Say Spykee Vox. 2. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. 3. Say Remote Control. 4. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. 5. Say Television. The television will then turn on and the sound will be on mute. 6. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. 7. Say My favorite. Spykee Vox will then switch to your favorite channel (the one programmed in the learning step). 8. Say Mute. The sound of your television will be reactivated.


7.6. Activating the programmed scenarios

Spykee Vox is a programmable robot, thanks to the Spykee Vox programming software, suitable for children, you can create your own scenarios. For information on how to create your own scenarios, see chapter 9 of this manual: Programming. Once you have created a scenario, this is how you can activate it:
Spykee Vox

Stage 1: call the robot

Stage 2: choose the Programs menu

My Programs

Stage 3: choose the scenario to play






Hint: When the word Program appears on Spykee Voxs face, this means that the robot has entered the My Programs menu.

For example, in order to play the Alpha program, here is the procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Say Spykee Vox. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. Say My Programs. Wait until it has finished speaking and has made a beep sound. Say Alpha. The robot then runs the Alpha program.

When you want to activate another scenario, you must go through all the above steps again from the beginning.



You can use your infrared remote control to control Spykee Vox. Here are your remote control functions:









Press once: the robot turns slightly to the right. Press continuously: the robot turns around to its right. Press once: the robot goes forward a few centimeters. Continuous pressure: the robot goes forward as long as the button is held down. Press once: the robot turns slightly to the left. Continuous pressure: the robot turns around to its left. On pressing the button, the word TURBO appears: the robots speed is increased. On pressing the button, a snail appears: the robot speed is normal. Press once: the robot goes back a few centimeters. Continuous pressure: the robot goes back as long as the button is held down. One press on the button: one of the five pre-programmed attacks (shoot target, drop bomb, fight enemy, fire weapon & destroy target) is carried out in a random way. One press on the button: Spykee Vox goes to sleep, snoring. Press once: the track that is currently being read is rolled back to the beginning. (only for iPod) Press twice: the previous track is played. (only for iPod) One press increases the volume slightly. Press once: the next track is played. (only for iPod) First Press: the iPod nano or touch or the mp3 reader is activated. Second Press: music reading is paused (only for iPod, for the mp3 reader, this stops the music). One press lowers the volume slightly.










9.1. Installation of the Spykee Vox application
You must have the Spykee Vox software downloaded. If did not download the Spykee Vox software on your computer when you first connected to the web site: go to, then go to the installation section and download the software on your computer. Installation: 1. Double-click on the SpykeeVox.exe icon and follow the installation instructions. 2. When the InstallShied Wizard complete message pops up, that means the Spykee Vox software has been installed: The program will be installed on your hard drive by default in C:/Program Files/Meccano/Spykee Vox, and an icon will also be installed on your desktop. 3. You can now set your robots parameters and program him.

9.2. Creating Parameters for Spykee Vox


Before playing with the Spykee Vox software

Before playing with the Spykee Vox software and programming a scenario, please follow these steps: Launch the Spykee Vox software. In the menu, click on Synchronization. Choose Language download Click on English. Please connect your computer to the robot via the USB cable supplied in the box. For your information, look at the layout above the chassis to see where the USB socket is. Please put your robot in DOWNLOAD position (see lay-out below the robot chassis). Click on Sync and wait for the Synchronization bar to be 100% complete. The synchronization lasts about half an hour. Do not disconnect your robot during the synchronization.

Once the synchronization is completed, you can program a new scenario.


Personalizing the Interface

Spykee Vox can call you by your first name in the interface program. To personalize your interface: Launch the Spykee Vox software. In the menu, click on Settings. A new window opens. Please enter your name and click on Okay to validate.


The Wake-up Alarm

Spykee Vox can wake you up in the morning if you wish. To activate or deactivate the wake-up alarm function: Launch the Spykee Vox software. In the menu, click on Alarm/Clock. Choose Wake up alarm. Click on on to activate or off to deactivate the alarm. If you have chosen On: o Enter the Time you wish to be woken (hh/mm). o Enter the Frequency. For the alarm frequency, you have a choice between: Once: Spykee Vox will wake you the next morning.


Every day: Spykee Vox will wake you every day. Monday to Friday: Spykee Vox will wake you all week and let you sleep at the weekend!

To validate the alarm parameters, click at the bottom on the right on OK. Once you have put in the Alarm parameters, you should synchronize your computer and your Spykee Vox so that the data is taken into account. (see section 9.5.2)


Your Birthday

Spykee Vox wishes you a Happy Birthday. To activate or deactivate the Birthday Greeting alarm: Launch Spykee Vox. In the menu, click on Alarm/Clock. Choose Birthday Alarm Click on on to activate or off to deactivate the alarm. If you have chosen On: o Enter the date of your Birthday. o Enter the hour at which Spykee Vox should wish you Happy Birthday. To validate the Birthday alarm parameters, click at the bottom on the right on OK. Once you have put in the Alarm parameters, you should synchronize your computer and your Spykee Vox so that the data is taken into account. (see section


Choice of Language

Launch the Spykee Vox software. In the menu, click on Synchronization. Choose Language download Choose the language of your choice, for instance French. Please connect your computer to the robot via the USB cable supplied in the box. For your information, look at the layout above the chassis to see where the USB socket is. Please put your robot in DOWNLOAD position (see lay-out below the robot chassis). Click on Sync and wait for the Synchronization bar to be 100% complete. The synchronization lasts about half an hour. Do not disconnect your robot during the synchronization.

Once the synchronization is completed, your robot will speak and understand his new language only.

9.3. Creating New Scenarios

1. Launch the Spykee Vox application 2. Select Scenario Program 3. Click on Create new Scenario (#1) and give the scenario a name (#2) (for example TEST), then click on Create (#3) to start to create a scenario:


4. The first step in creating a scenario is the choice of movement. You can choose a maximum of 20 movements per scenario. You can choose between the 9 movements offered (#1) or choose an existing combination in another scenario (#2).
#1: movements brick for choice #2: rolling menu with choice of movement combinations defined in the preceding scenarios (empty after the first scenario created.) #3: zone where the different moves selected are then shown #4: Directional arrows to see all of the movement zone #5: The Erase button allows the last move to be erased. #6: The Read button allows you to see the movements that you have created. #7: The Cancel button cancels your scenario creation. #8: The Return to previous step button # 9: The Go to next step button.
4 2 5 6 7 8 9

3 1

Once the choice of movements is completed, click on (#8) button to get to the Sounds area. 5. You can then get to the Sounds space to choose robot sound effects. You can choose a maximum of 20 sounds per scenario. You can choose from among 36 sounds offered (#1) or choose an existing combination in another scenario (#2).

1 bis 3

#1: brick, with choice of sounds (12 per page, 3 pages of sounds) #1+: arrows to move to the previous or next brick page sounds. #2: rolling menu with a choice of combinations of sounds defined in the previous scenarios (it is empty after the first scenario has been created) #3: area where the various sound selections are shown. #4: directional arrows to see all of the sound area. #5: The Erase button allows you to erase the last sound selected #6: The Read button allows you to listen to the series of sounds chosen. #7: The Cancel button cancels your scenario. #8: the < button takes you back to the preceding step. #9: the > button takes you to the next step.

.WARE Once the choice of sounds is completed, click on the > (#8) button to get to the light effects area.


6. Then select in the light effects area, the configuration of your robot as you have constructed it using the assembly notice then the lighting effects you want (maximum: 20 lighting effects per scenario).
Attack (1st model in the building instructions) #2 robot configuration: Shield (2nd model in the building instructions) #3 robot configuration: Nice (3rd model in the building instructions) #4: area where the robot configuration chosen is shown #5: the Cancel button cancels the creation of your scenario #6: the < button takes you back to the preceding step #7 the > button takes you to the next step

4 1 2 3

4 1 3

#1: choice of lighting effects #2: rolling menu with a choice of a combination of lighting effects defined in the preceding scenarios (it is empty at the time of creating the first scenario) #3: area where the combination of lighting effects is shown #4: navigation arrows to see all of the effects chosen #5 the Erase button allows you to erase the last lighting effects selected #6: the Read button allows you to see all of the chosen lighting effects #7: the Cancel button cancels the creation of your scenario #8 the < button takes you back to the preceding step #9 the > button takes you to the next step
8 9

Once the lighting effects have been set up, the choice of faces is to be made. 7. Spykee Voxs face can be personalized during a scenario. A new face can be drawn for him by clicking on Drawing or text can be put on his face by clicking on Text. Enter text: The text area is limited to 15 characters (spaces included)
#1: space to enter your chosen text (max 15 characters) #2: choice of text colour #3: choice of text size #4: choice of movement of text on the robots face #5: rolling menu with a choice of a combination of faces defined in the preceding scenarios (it is empty at the time of creating the first scenario) #6: area to pre-visualise the face text (you need first to press #8 button) #7: the Erase button allows you to Erase the text selected #8: the Read button allows you to see the chosen text #9: the Cancel button cancels the creation of your scenario #10: the < button takes you back to the preceding step #11: the > button takes you to the next step

6 2

3 4 5

10 11


Draw a series of faces to make an animation: To obtain an animation on the robots face, you can draw up to 20 faces as follows:
#1 Drawing area (drawing pixel by pixel) #2: selection of the pencil tool to draw #3: selection of the eraser tool to erase the drawing (pixel by pixel) #4: Choice of face colour (one colour per face) #5: return to previous face or go to next face #6: select one face from amongst 5 predefined faces #7: rolling menu with a choice of a combination of faces defined in the preceding scenarios (it is empty at the time of creating the first scenario) #8: view of faces drawn in chronological order #9: the Erase button allows you to Erase the face selected #10: the Read button allows you to see all of the chosen faces #11: the Cancel button cancels the creation of your scenario #12: the < Button takes you back to the preceding step #13 the > button takes you to the next step

2 3 4

5 6

8 7



12 13

8. Once the choice of faces has been made, click on the #13 button to get to the whole scenario and save it.

#1: the save button allows you to save the scenario #2: the Read button allows you to hear all of the chosen sound effects #3: the Cancel button cancels the creation of your scenario #4: the < button takes you back to the previous step #5: the > button takes you to the scenario creation/change menu

Once you have pressed Save your scenario is complete and you can create others and transfer them to your robot.

9.4. Scenario Changes

In the Program a Scenario menu, choose Modify existing Scenario ; the list of programs already created appears on the right side of the window. Using the directional arrows, you can select the scenario to modify. Once the scenario has been selected, click on Go You can now review your program step by step and make chosen changes.


9.5. Synchronization of the computer with Spykee Vox 9.5.1.

1. 2. 3.

Synchronization for transfer of a Scenario

On the home page, select Synchronization Select scenario download Select a voice order in the list (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Epsilon, Omega) and link it to a scenario. For example, to link the TEST scenario to the Alpha voice command Click on Alpha Click on the Modify button. The list of available scenarios then appears. Click on this if you wish (in our TEST example) and press Choose to put the TEST scenario in the Alpha voice command. Once you have allocated the chosen scenarios to the voice commands, you can transfer the data to the robot. Click the bottom of the screen on the Sync button. Please connect your computer to the robot via the USB cable supplied in the box. For your information, look at the layout above the chassis to see where the USB socket is. Please put your robot in DOWNLOAD position (see lay-out below the robot chassis). Click on Sync and wait for the Synchronization bar to be 100% complete. When it is complete it means that the scenarios have been transferred to Spykee Vox. You can now voice-activate them.

4. 5.

6. 7.


Synchronization for the transfer of Alarms

The wake up call and alarm synchronization to wish Happy Birthday is automatic at the time of scenario transfers.


. Voice activated system (voice recognition) . 2 motors for driven wheels . 3 microphones . 4 LEDs . LCD screen 16 x 24 pixels . Stereo loudspeakers 2x2W / 8 . Made for iPod dock (compatible with iPod nano & iPod touch, not included) . Digital music player connection (line in for 3.5mm jack) . USB plug . IR remote control: works with 2 AAA (not included) . works with 6 AA batteries (not included)


Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our After Sales Service: Online assistance: Meccano S.A. 363 avenue de Saint Exupry 62100 Calais France


Many models and parts are original creations; they are the property of MECCANO and are protected by national legislation on designs and models, trademarks and/or copyright. Please contact MECCANO for information. MECCANO shall in no way be held liable in the case of an accident occurring subsequent to (I) the noncompliance with the instructions for assembly and use of the robot and software (II) use of parts other than those offered in the guide (III) alteration and modification of parts. The MECCANO company respects children safety: its models have been tested by children.

Please retain building instructions and packaging. Products and product colors may vary. MECCANO 363 avenue de Saint Exupry 62100 Calais France. 04/2010 MECCANO MECCANO & ERECTOR are exclusive trademarks of MECCANO All rights reserved. Document non binding. Made in China.

Made for iPod nano and iPod touch only. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Apple & iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries.


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