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Urgently looking for...

Agriculture Extension Worker (Voluntary)

+12 months
In 2008, VSO Mozambique started the National Volunteering Programme (NV) to support Government and [Window Title] community organisations through volunteer placements and other tools where the sharing of skills and mngr.exe experience will help to build capacity and deliver essential services. EFUM is a strategic partner of VSOs NV programme for Mozambique. VSO is asked for support, through the deployment of a volunteer with a mentoring [Main Instruction] mngr.exe has stopped working role on the development of AEFUMs farming initiative, to ensure smooth establishment of this farming social enterprise. [Content] Windows is checking for a solution to the problem...

What does the role involve?

[Cancel] Support the organisation to establish network mechanisms for sharing information and best practice with other farming enterprises; Support the establishment of an information/communication service for AEFUM about the project, with forthcoming contracts, investment opportunities, policy changes, training dates, etc; Support strategic conception of an effective marketing of the AEFUM farming social enterprise.

Skills, qualifications and experience required

At least 2 years experience of coaching, mentoring and supporting crop production Entrepreneurial with the ability to spot business opportunities and bring them to market Financially literate with substantial experience of running farming initiatives for organizations Excellent casework management and administrative skills; Excellent communication skills (verbal and written), with the ability to speak to small and large groups Substantial experience of managing partnerships with other organizations

And , via the rest....

Youll be based out of the village of Moamba, an hour drive from the capital Maputo and will be expected to join around November. We expect you to commit to at least 12 months to make a sustainable contribution to our development goals. In return, we provide you with extensive pre-departure training, and basic financial support which includes a local living allowance, return flights, visas and accommodation. To get more comprehensive details on the financial support, check

To find out more....about volunteering overseas with VSO or to apply, go to or you can simply send in your resume at and we will revert with the further process. On average it takes a minimum of 2-3 months to go through the application process so apply now. In case of any queries, please call +91-11-26217459. VSO is a registered charity in England and Wales (313757) and in Scotland (SCO39117)

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