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Rev. Scott Bowerman Pastor Rev. Dr. Raymond K. Anderson Parish Associate Sandy Wilson Childrens Ministry Director Erin Regan Contemporary Worship & Youth Minister

Central Presbyterian Church 40 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17201 Church Phone: 717.264.4113 Fax: 717.264.9272 Office Hours: 8:00am4:00pm email:

Helen Wingert
Danielle Kardisco

Director of Music Ministry

Roberta Lawyer Ron George

Secretary Custodian

T h e Pa s t o r s N o t e s
Being a pastor has its drawbacks. One is that I forget what its like to decide whether to go to church on Sunday and to choose a church to attend. A few weeks ago Susan and I were vacationing at Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia, and Saturday evening rolled around. We didnt have to go to church in the morning. I could go fishing or cycling in the cool of the morning, or go for a hike with Susan, and then maybe go out for brunch. Should we go to church? Well, yes, we decided, its part of who we are as followers of Jesus Christ, and we need to worship to keep ourselves grounded in Christ. Then we had to decide where to attend worship. Where to start? I saw one church advertise on a bulletin board and checked out their website but couldnt find anything about their beliefs so eliminated that one. I did a Google search for local Presbyterian churches but came up empty. I had seen perhaps a dozen small country churches while out and about, but didnt think wed fit in. Then I Googled all churches in the area and started looking through church websites. As I searched I realized I was looking for a church that was big enough that we wouldnt be too obvious as visitors, but where visitors are welcome, and a church where I thought the preaching was likely to be biblical, challenging and Christ-centered. Bonus points awarded for churches that had clear directions and service times. I zeroed in on a church that met the above criteria and went through their website thoroughly, looking for pictures of the worship service. Found a problem. We had not brought any church clothes - all I had were shorts - and the people in the website pictures were all dressed pretty nicely. Despite my attractive legs I wasnt comfortable wearing shorts to that church. So on Sunday morning, I called the church and asked about the dress code and was assured that shorts would be fine. So Susan and I headed off to this church. Its on a main road and easy to find and we pull into the parking lot. Nice, big paved parking lot. We easily find an empty space. The church building is pretty modern and its not obvious where to enter so we just follow a few people and walk into a very nice lobby decorated for their VBS that begins that evening. People are wearing nametags and standing in groups drinking coffee and talking to one another. Where do we go? What do we do now? One man spied us standing there and came over and guided us to a welcome station that was quite a distance from the front door. We wrote our names on nametags and slapped them on, grabbed a bulletin and sat down. Worship starts. Wow, this service is complicated. Lots of liturgy. Fortunately, everything was printed in the bulletin so it was easy to follow - no having to page through different worship books. Plus theres plenty of information about the church in the bulletin - its really well done. The sermon was pretty good - made me think. But then comes the highest-threat moment of the service - time for the offering. Geez, I already give to my home church, but it would feel cheap and awkward not to give something so I dig out my wallet - Ive got some vacation cash but no small bills so I pull out a bill thats larger than I want it to be and put it in the plate when it comes by. Then the service was over, some people greeted us and asked us to return and we headed out. Continued on page 5

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Upcoming Church Events

AUGUST 23rd Annual Church Picnic Once again we will be meeting Friday evening at Norlo Park to share food and fellowship with members and friends of Central. More information, and reservation slips, will be available soon, but reserve the date now. MARK YOU CALENDARS September 29th: 5th Sunday Service Central will worship together as one body and celebrate our 145th anniversary. Following the service will be a special lunch commemorating our heritage. More information will be available soon, but reserve the date now. You will not want to miss this service.

Church News
Wedding bells rang out at Central Presbyterian Church for Patrick and Carol McNamees daughter, Kelly when she wed Mr. & Mrs. John West, Jr. John C. West, Jr., son of John and Karen West, in a ceremony on Saturday, July 20th, 2013. Scott Bowerman, Pastor at Central performed the wedding. The couple reside in Chambersburg.

Church Family
Thank you....
Many thanks to this years amazing VBS team! You all gave so selflessly of your time to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus with all the children and families who came to VBS. It was awesome to see you all using your gifts for Jesus! Thank you so very much for the generous gift you gave to Gene and I. We are overwhelmed by your kindness! You are each a blessing and a treasure. In HIS love, Sandy


Newsletter deadline Sunday, August 25
ITEMS ALWAYS NEEDED FOR OUR MILITARY CARE PACKAGES: During the months of June, July & August we collect magazines, music CDs, DVDs, hard candies, snack crackers, home-baked cookies, and books for our military men and women. If you would like to contribute, please place items in the cardboard box under the church mailboxes, 1st floor, which is located near the Pastors office. Monetary donations are also appreciated. Each month 3 boxes will be sent on the 3rd Sunday. If you have any questions, you can contact Sue Stahl by calling the church at 717-264-4113 for more details.

Dear Church Family, For those who would like to keep in touch with our son Luke Stahl, you can write to him at: Lucas Stahl Bald Eagle Boys Camp 1077 Wilderness Trail Mill Hall, PA 17751 Or you may email him at: and in the subject line type: Lucas Stahl Thank you all for keeping our family in your thoughts and prayers. Mike, Sue, Jeremy & Luke

Thank you to the Herberts for donating the beautiful bouquet which was on the church altar, July 21st. Also, thank you to Beverly Winther for stopping by to deliver it to me. God bless, Donna Mae Kerns

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The Gems of Central

Luther Ridge-264-5700
2735 Luther Dr., Chbg. 17202 The Cottage Beverly Winther

Centrals Special Concerns

Genevieve Ambrose Newt Stake 66 Sanibel Lane, Chbg. 17201 Raymond & Gunlog Anderson 119 Mt Union Rd, Fayetteville, PA 17222 Isabelle Allen Jay Keefer 311 Cumberland Ave, Chbg. 17201 Alma Bender Beverly Winther 1120 Lincoln Way E, Chbg. 17201 Mildred Brown 611 Wallace Ave, Chbg 17201 June Fiddler Susan Snyder 2650 St.Paul Rd, Chbg. 17201 Stanley & Esther Johnson Laurie McKelvie 56 Sanibel Ln, Chbg 17201 Alva Kline Beverly Winther 49 Lincoln Way W, Chbg. 17201 Nancy MacFarlane 668A Cumberland Ave, Chbg. 17201 Nancy Reichenbach 2242 Scotland Rd, Chbg. 17201 Glenn & Betty Shaffer Dale Hastings 722 Stanley Ave, Chbg 17201 John Shoap Dave Bender 131 Brumbaugh Ave, Chbg. 17201 Isabel Vanderau Eric Mellott 806 N. Penn Hall Dr, Chbg. 17201 Ruth Weaver Tawnya Secor 1060 Wallace Ave, Chbg. 17201 Dorothy Zullinger Sandy Myers 155 Colonial Dr, Chbg. 17202

-Ellen Bush, 2724 Esther Cr. **(NM)

Menno Haven-263-8545
2075 Scotland Ave. Nursing Center Dale Hastings James Kearns Sandy Myers Jay Keefer Jay Keefer

-M. Karolyn Lawrence #412 -Dr. Robert Coy, #217 -Libby Reasner, #303

-Marcia Grubbs #304

Walden Place

-Lawrence Mohr #21 *(NF)


-Dorothy Burkholder, #1206 **(NM)

Village Square

-Robert Zullinger #136 ***(NV) -John Bowerman #209

Menno Village

Dale Hastings Laurie McKelvie

-LaVerne Knarr #610D -Beverly Minnich #740A

Penn Hall-261-0220
1425 Phila. Ave. Manor Building Beverlie Wissner Tawnya Secor Beverly Winther Beverlie Wissner Mike Herbert Susan Snyder

-Selma Thomson #121 -Gennie Boozer #206 -Frances Farmer #324 -Mary Fish, #221 -Elton Simpson #417 -Margaret Sponsler, #229 -Dorothy Buchwalter, #228

Providence Place-709-0668
2085 Wayne Rd.

- Bob Zeis #317

Tawnya Secor

Quincy Skilled Nursing Care-749-3151

6596 Orphanage Rd., Waynesboro 17268 Nursing Center

If you know of any changes or updates, please contact the church office, 264-4113. Deacons name is now listed with those he or she visits. Phone numbers and birth dates have been removed from this page. If you wish to contact, (by phone), a member of the Gems of Central, please contact the church office at 264-4113.
Grafton County Nursing Home Florence Steil, Room 413A 3855 Dartmouth College Hwy N. Haverhill, NH 03774

-Carolyn Kreutz #229

Shook Home-264-6815
55 S. Second St. Quarters

West Virginia Member Beverly Wissner Treva Kerns 601 Foxcroft Ave, Apt #1 Martinsburg, WV 25401

* (NF) = No Flowers please ** (NM) = Non-member *** (NV) = No Visits please Newt Stake

-Joan Depuy #3062

Updated: August 2013


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MENs BIBLE STUDY ~ August 3 & 17

Group meets at 7:00a.m. the first and third Saturday of each month at the Texas Lunch on Lincoln Way West downtown Chambersburg. Then after breakfast at 8:00, we then walk up to Central for bible study in the Parlor Our video study will be: Walking With God in the Desert For more information, please contact the church office at 717-264-4113


A new session will begin Monday, September 16th-October 23rd, 7-8:30pm at the Wholeness Center located on the square at 19 South Main Street downtown Chambersburg. Session Cost is $10. For more information or to register, email Cindy Shoemaker at or by calling Central Presbyterian Church 717-264-4113.

Life Skills Workshops
Led by Michael Flood Central Presbyterian Church, 40 Lincoln Way West, (please use the churchs back entrance) Tuesday evenings, September 17-October 24 at 7:00pm, cost $15 Who would benefit from a Life Skills Workshop? Anyone who has attended the six week Separation & Divorce Recovery Support Group or by special permission. Call Mike at 717-267-4357 or email

Fruitbelt Migrant Workers

The Mission Committee will soon be gearing up to go to a migrant worker camp in Adams County. Those of us who have gone to the camp have found it to be a blessing to ourselves as well as to the workers to whom we take food and clothing and with whom we share Gods word. The group of workers comprises about 13 men, all related in some way. They are family men who enter this country legally to work; they only spend the month of December in their little village in the State of Michoacan, Mexico; the other twelve months they are working in this country. We have established good rapport with them and they are, indeed, very appreciative of our efforts because of their work which requires them to be picking from sunup to

sundown six days a week. Their camp is in the middle of an orchard away from the beaten path and their TV is mainly their one contact with the outside world. Usually, we go as a group and take refreshments each time we visit them, as well as warm- weather clothing, Bingo prizes, such as, socks, gloves, etc. Our visits number about four each year. The last time we visit, we like to take the fixings for a barbecue and, if possible, some homemade vanilla ice cream which really tastes good when youve been out in the hot sun all week. The camp is owned by Mike Sharrah, who has hired the men for a number of years because they are good workers. If you would like to make a donation of food or help in any way, please contact a member of Centrals Mission Committee by calling the church at 717-264-4113.

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Ministry Duties for the Month of AUGUST

August Prayer Partners Tim Jennifer & Rachel Dalton Richard, Janice, Nate & Abbie Dalton Bill and Jenny Daniels Marie and Robert Dankelmann Ushers
4th 11th 18th 25th Newt Stake, Susan Snyder, Jerry & Jane McClelland Sandy Myers, Don & Bev Wissner, Pat Shreiner Beverly Winther, Laurie McKelvie Howard Brand, Doug Vanderau James Kearns, Jay Keefer, Cindy Happel, Jack Kier

Assistant Leaders
4th Lee Merriman 11th Jay Keefer 18th Gladys Kuehn 25th Howard Brand Praying for Missions in August

Fruitbelt Farmworkers

4th 11th 18th 25th Richard & Janice Dalton, Len & Nancy Hendricks Don Weber, Mike & Sue Stahl Elliot & Sally Sulcove, Duane & Judy Gooch Ed & Linda Newton, Doug Vanderau

Pastors Notes: continued from front page

Seeking Recipes VINTAGE1860s

Do you have any? If you would like to share, please mail a copy as soon as possible to: Central Presbyterian Church Attn: History Team 4o Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17201. If we receive a good response, the Team will request current favorite recipes and put both together in a 145th celebration recipe book. The book will be available (free) during the September 29th 145th celebration of the founding of Central. Founding Date: August 15, 1868

I was reminded afterwards that its a lot harder to go to church than not go to church; that it takes real effort to find a church if youre new to an area; and that there are formidable barriers to entry for first-time visitors. And Im a pastor! I know how this church business works! Some rather obvious thoughts for us: Its a lot easier and more comfortable to visit a church if one is invited. Its important that churches have a website rich with information. Guests need a lot of help knowing where to go and what to do. A simple but warm and sincere welcome goes a long way. My dream for Central is that we become the warmest, most inviting and welcoming church in town. And were on our way - lets build on what God is already doing and make Central a church alive with the welcoming love of Christ.

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WOW! What an awesome month July was! The CPC Love is Here mission team would like to extend an enormous THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the Point Pleasant mission trip. What a life-changing experience it was! And we couldnt have done it without Gods provision and all of your help! We learned a lot about the Lord throughout our week in New Jersey and how He can and WILL use us to do what He needs done. We also learned a lot about ourselves, the strength of a united community, and the power of outreach. From painting to paneling From weeding to installing insulation From teaching kids about Jesus to digging out hoarded homes We were surely utilized by our gracious Father and we are so grateful. It is obvious to all of us that many lives were affected by the tragedy of Hurricane SuperStorm Sandy. We have been humbled over and over again by people's stories and we are thankful for the chance to extend our hearts and hands in service. Feel free to ask anyone on the mission team about their personal experiences on the trip! Heres who to ask: Kristen Adams, Nick Adams, Bruce Burr, Katie Carbaugh, Maggie Carbaugh, Andrew French, Jenine Grove, Dani Kardisco, Jeff Kardisco, Taylor Kendall, Mara Leary, Shannon Leary, Isaiah Merriman, Emily Miller, Kelly Mummert, Parker Ott, Erin Regan, Hannah Sharp, Jeremy Stahl, Sue Stahl, Elise Stendal, Destiny Stephenson, Gene Wilson, Sandy Wilson Dont know what to ask about? Bring up these topics: Vacation Bible School, Lisas house, Lillians house, Maggies house (aka The Jungle), Jesses house, Lauries house, Dolores house, evening devotionals on the beach, Marys Table, opening night dinner, The Music Man Thank you especially to Sandy, Gene, Sue, Jeff, Dani, Jenine, Bruce, Nick, and Kristen for donating your time and energy and for being such wonderful adult leaders. You are extremely appreciated.



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Erin would like to thank everyone who helped with the first service on July 14th while she was out on vacation! You are loved and adored!

Vacation Bible School at Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey

Mission Trip to Point Pleasant Beach, NJ

Sharing the Love of Jesus thru leading a Vacation Bible School!

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Our Mission Team led a Vacation Bible School in the evenings at Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. They had not been able to have a VBS in eight years. It was a joy to share Gods Word with them in song, drama and games.

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Have you heard about the Summer Bible Verse Challenge? The goal is to learn 200 verses as a church family by mid September!

Are you in? Its fun! Its easy! Its a great way to encourage each other! Get the whole family involved!

To get started, pick up a bright GREEN Bible Verse sheet in the church foyer. Talk to any of the Sunday School kids, or contact Sandy Wilson for details! 717-264-4113, ext 314

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Collection Continues Thru August 4th


This year our VBS Mission focus has been to help the children at Navajo Ministries in Farmington, New Mexico. We are collecting: Health supplies toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, bandaids School supplies pencils, markers, notebooks, erasers, glue sticks Snacks pudding, jello, granola bars, snack crackers Fun items sidewalk chalk, bubbles, model cars to put together, play dough, hot wheels cars, coloring books, any type of game or activity for any age, books New Socks for kids of all ages And of course monetary donations are accepted, too. Thank you for helping share the love of Jesus with Navajo Children! Boxes are in the church foyer and there is a jar for monetary donations.


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SESSION ACTIONS JULY 2013 Session took the following actions at its July meeting. If you have any questions, please talk to one of the Elders: Brenda Black, Bill Daniels, Tom Diehl, Jean Gisriel, Linda Igou, Pat McNamee, Ann Miller, Jim Sharp, Karl Shreiner, Luella Smith, Doug Vanderau, Don Weber, or Kathryn Finley, Clerk.

Approved Pastor Scotts vacation request for the first week of August.

CHURCH PICNIC FRIDAY AUGUST 23 NORLO PARK 5:30 GATHER 6:00 MEAL SERVED Everyone is welcome to come enjoy good food and terrific company at our end of summer church picnic, to be held Friday August 23 at Norlo Park (Route 30 East just past Snavelys Garden Center directions are available in the church office). In case of heavy rain, we will picnic in Friendship Hall. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite friends, family, and anyone who may be interested in Central. The church will provide the meat, rolls, drink and baked beans. We ask that you bring a dish to share whatever you would like to bring or your specialty: Cold Salad or Fruit Vegetable Dessert Please also bring your place settings, chairs, and any games you may want to play after lunch. There is lots of room for volleyball, soccer, Frisbee, horseshoes, etc. You will need to bring your own balls or horseshoes. The little ones (and some not so little) will enjoy playing on the playground equipment. Norlo Park also has several nice walking/biking paths around the park for after meal strolling and plenty of easily accessible parking. The kids are welcome to bring their bikes. Folks may also want to bring their favorite board games to play in the pavilion. Reservation slips will soon be available in the church office and Sunday bulletins. Please register by Monday August 19 so we have an idea of how much meat to order. This has always been a wonderful time for all generations at Central to have fun together and for newer folks to meet more friends. Make sure you dont miss it.


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No Youth Group events or fundraisers in the month of August. Our youth need to focus on their families, camps and going back to school. There will be a BIG KICK OFF for youth groups after Labor Day, September 2nd.


4 Birthday Sunday
8:30a-9:30a FH 1st Srv. 9:30a-10:30a Sun.School 10:45a SANC 2nd Srv. 12p DEACONS MTG DaniVacation NLC-Reserved by: (Dani, until 8/9/13) 2:30 p STAFF MTG 5:45 p ZUMBA 7-8p BB/Bill Oyler, gym

5:30p PRAISE TEAM 7-8p BB/Bill Oyler, gym


5-8p Picnic in the Park CPC Open for visitors


8:30a-9:30a FH 1st Srv. 9:30a-10:30a Sun.School 10:45a SANC 2nd Srv. Worship Committee Mtg

2:30 p STAFF MTG



5:30p PRAISE TEAM/Parlor




8:30a-9:30a FH 1st Srv. 9:30a-10:30a Sun.School 10:45a SANC 2nd Srv.


2:30 p STAFF MTG 5:45 p ZUMBA 7p SESSION MTG 7-8p BB/Bill Oyler, gym


5:30p PRAISE TEAM 7-8p BB/Bill Oyler, gym

23 6p CPC Annual Church Picnic Norlo Park


25 Communion
8:30a-9:30a FH 1st Srv. 9:30a-10:30a Sun.School 10:45a SANC 2nd Srv. Newsletter Deadline
Blessing of the School Backpacks



28 2:30 p STAFF MTG 5:45 p ZUMBA




Mothers Day Out will have their Annual Open House, September 6th

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Your Central Presbyterian Church Officers

Session Meets 3rd Tuesday7pm Douglas Vanerau 2013 Linda Igou 2013 James Sharp 2013 Thomas Diehl 2013 Bill Daniels 2014 Jean Gisriel 2014 Patrick McNamee 2014 Don Weber 2014 Luella Smith 2015 Karl Shreiner 2015 Brenda Black 2015 Ann Miller 2015 Kathryn Finley Clerk Deacons Meets 1st Sunday-11:45am Jay Keefer(Trsr) 2013 Eric Mellott 2013 Sandy Myers 2013 Beverlie Wissner 2013 Dale Hastings(Mod) 2014 Beverly Winther 2014 Tawnya Secor 2014 James Kearns 2014 Michael Herbert 2015 Newt Stake 2015 Susan Snyder 2015 Laurie McKelvie 2015 Trustees Meets 2nd Wednesday-7pm Tim Miller 2013 F.Lucille Stence 2013 Howard Brand 2014 John Leary 2014 Anne Miller 2014 Carol Varner 2015 Philip Bietsch 2015 Gary Geiman(trsr) 2015

Vi s i o n Sta t e m e nt
Central Presbyterian Church is a community of believers led by the Holy Spirit to: C Comfort those in need E Empower and Equip disciples N Nurture through Christian Fellowship and prayer T Tell the Good News of Jesus Christ R Reach out and serve A Adore and worship God L Love

Memorial Square 40 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone: 717- 264-4113 Fax: 717-264-9272 Office Hours: 8:00AM to 4:00PM


Church Staff Email Addresses & Phone Ext.

Church: Sandy: Erin Helen: Danielle: MDO: Custodian: Roberta: x314 x106 x216 x206 x301 x119

the living water of Jesus Christ with all who thirst.

Contemporary Worship Service 8:30 A.M. Friendship Hall

Worship - Message - Music - Praise Casual Dress

Traditional Worship - 10:45 A.M. Church School 9:30 AM

Classes for all ages

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