Journalism Vol 4

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APT yet] ee =) Howard Tumber CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN MEDIA AND CULTURAL STUDIES Edited by Howard Tumber Volume IV na LIBRARY, ‘orsity BM =the 4g sa Ub. es peeks by Routledge 2 Pak Square, Millon Pak, Abingdon, son, ON ARN, UK ‘Simaltancousy published in the USA and Canada by Routledge 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francs Group, ‘am informa business dial material and selection © 2008 Howard Tuber ‘ndividual owners tain copyriht in their own material “Typeset in Times New Roman by Keyword Group Lid Printed and bound in Great Bean by “TH Digital, Padsow, Coral Allright eservd. No prof his book may be repented or reproduced ot ulin any form or By any electronic. mechanical of ole ears ow Known or herafc invented, including photocopying and ecard, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing fom the pblsirs. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data ‘catalogue record fortis book is avaiable fom the British Libary 3 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Duta ‘A catalog record fortis book has been requested ISBN 10; 0-415-38037-1 (Se ISBN 10: 0-415-38091-X (Volume 1V) 4 ISBN 15:978-0-415-38087-4 (Ser) ISBN 13:978-0-415-38091-1 (Volume IV) i Publisher's Note ‘ Foe cet he CONTENTS 72 Journalists: international profiles 73. Redefining foreign correspondence JOHN MAXWELL HAMILTON AND ERIC JENNER 74 Watchdog journalism in a historical perspective ‘75. Shifting journalistic paradigms: how China’s journalists assess “Media Exemplars” ZHONGDANG G. PAN AND JOSEPH MAN CHAN 76 Two generations of contemporary Russian journalists in Arab media: perceptions and attitudes 77 Freedom ‘among journalists HUSSEIN AMIN 78, ‘Our culture’ vs ‘foreign culture’: an essay on ontological and professional issues in African journalism KEYAN G. TOMASELLI PART 10 Journalism and its futures 79 New media and news: implications for the future of journalism JOHN V. PAVLIK 80 Media logic in eyberspace: repositioning journalism and its publics PETER DAHLGREN 81, Democracy in the information age: the role of the fourth estate in eyberspace WowaKD TumaeR 132 142 ler 189 218 269 m 277 293 CONTENTS — 10 BARDOEL | 84) What is multimedia journalism? / MARK DEUZE | 85 Who are these guys? The online challenge to the notion of \__/ journalistic professionalism JANE B. SINGER Index 392 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Waisbor, Silvio, ‘Watchdog Journalism in a Historical Perspective’ in Watch, Journalism in South America. Copyright © 2000 Columbia University Press Reprinted with permission of the publisher. Pan, Zhongdan G. and Chan, Joseph M., ‘Shifting Journalistic Paradigms: How (China's Journalists Assess “Media Exemplars” * Communication Research, 3046) 2003, pp. 649-682, copyright © 2003 by Sage Publications. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. Past, Svetlana, “Two Generations of Contemporary Russian Journalists, repro- ‘duced with permission from European Journal of Communication, 20(1), copy. Fight (© Sage Publications, 2008), by permission of Sage Publications Ltd Taylor & Francis Ltd. for permission to reprint Amin, Hussein, ‘Freedom as a Value in Arab Media: Perception and Attitudes among Journalists’, Political ‘Communication, 19(2) 2002, pp. 25-135, Tomaselli, Keyan G,, ‘“Our Culture” vs “Foreign Culture”: An Essay on Ontological and Professional Issues in African Journalism’, reproduced ‘with Permission from Gacerte, 65(6), copyright (© Sage Publications, 2003), by permission of Sage Publications Ltd Pavlik, John V., "New Media and News: Implications for the Future of Journalism’, ‘eproduced by permission from New Media and Society 1(1), copyright (© Sage Publications, 1999), by permission of Sage Publications Lid, pp, 54-59. Jammost: The Public for permission to reprint Dahlgren, Peter, “Media Logic in (Cyberspace: Repositioning Journalism and its Publics’, Javnast: The Public, 3(3) 1996, pp. 59-72, ‘Taylor & Francis Ltd. for permission to reprint Tumber, Howard, ‘Democracy in the Information Age: The Role of the Fourth Estate in Cyberspace’, Information, Communication and Society, 4(1) 2001 pp. 93-112, www. informaworld com. Taylor & Francis Ltd. for permission to reprint Bennett, Lance W. and Steven, Livingston, ‘Gatekeeping, indexing, and Live-event News: Is Technology Altering ‘he Construction of News?" Political Communication, 20(4) (2003), pp. 363-380. __Bardoel, Jo, “Beyond Journalism: A Profession Between Information Society ’ B . with permission European Journal of i Spm ae aa) fo BTR a, in me By ‘Taylor & Francis Ltd. for permission to reprint Deuze ‘Journalism?", Journalism Studies, (2) 2004, pp. | singe, ane B., “Who Are These Guys? The Online Challenge ‘copyright (© Sage Publications, 2003), by permission of Sage : UR ee trace eee os eae works reprinted in Journalism: Critical Concepts in Studies. ‘This has not been possible in every case, however, and we would welcome ‘correspondence from those individuals/companies whom we have been unable ~ to trace. Part 9 GLOBAL NEWS AND GLOBAL JOURNALISM 65 BEYOND GLOBALIZATION THEORY James Curran and Myung-Jin Park Sourve: J. Cuan and M. Pak (0) De-westrnicing Media Studles, London: Routed, 2060, mee This book is part ofa growing reaction against the self-absorbtion and parochialism of much Western media theory. It has become routine for universalistic observa- tions about the media to be advanced in English-language books on the basis of evidence derived from a tiny handful of countries. Whether it be middle-range generalization about, for example, the influence of news sources on reporting, or grand theory about the media’s relationship to postmodernity, the same few ‘countries keep recurring as if they are a stand-in for the rest of the world. These are nearly always rich Western societies, and the occasional honorary “Western” country like Australia ‘Yet, the universe is changing in a way that makes this narrowness transparently absurd. Globalization, the end of the Cold War, the rise of the Asian economy, the emergence of altemative centers of media production to Hollywood, and the worldwide growth of media studies are just some of the things that seem to inv a different approach, Indeed, there are growing signs that US- and UK-based media academics are beginning to feel embarrassed about viewing the rest of the world as a forgotten understudy. A recent straw in the wind is the unhappy caveat that Michael Schudson inserted toward the end of an incisive, critical overview of the literature on news ‘production. “All three approaches reviewed here,” he laments, “tend to be indif- ferent to comparative ... studies," weakening “their longer-term value as social Science” (Schudson 1996: 156). Similarly, Jobn Downing has recent) ‘€or on attempts to universalize the experi d as ifthese aMuent, stable it feces devon anh ta ct itp rst heehee grunge et Pea Gco-potiial perspective tote 1950, ae enorme acl gro-piia view af the Wor! pean wus ademcad a Bok ed Four Thcwia of he Press (Sicher ar 1950) Ths da the wel i hee cp fe or fH Sony (ith competing Hearn and sca epomabiy meses Rivetalran” per an siahartanan soit ara ba ease ts ‘lad mt oe develepng woe he nc xpretead he Wot edema a) Peps te mon itn etre sho his ook romp ish i ‘etd aur fo hy oad to Know. They day sme Knowle he Ameri and Renan min aad of the American Colma an esl Eng ‘ros bt ike stow ay ther ea syste They got round hee ak ‘compartive expe by advancing convenient, teal wpunet. Meds ‘tome they came. eft the prevalig plop and political system ot Shem im whch hey erat To wna the eration iS ici mesemay erty to en "We plospical and political atonal or thes ic he ei he dierent kad of pres we ae the work ts. (Sibert ral. 1986: 2 Inte count, thn rales were writen smut ‘ati by Weer hei. By implication, the Wor! s communication 5) ‘Sule lad tare yang the ro “This ass ea viewed sland stay forthe Next ty yer ‘amet ah acc ney rain ebooks daring this pide ‘McQ 1985, 1947 a 1994, Weigh 1959 and 1973). Way ths bck wana ‘ges snows me somebing of a mystery. The explanation i prt haritdrew upon Cal War view of th rl wey ead inthe Wet, scone here abortive Whatever the reson foresees. establish ‘convenient stayed with lc of knw sat ter mea ‘eed ene way fete loa generic Modernization perspective {Ee 19804 Fo Tee tno sth ven oly doh Wen ‘was felowed i the 190s by a theory which same the develope esi shold mite he West argued ha good commun an thes {Mh mont catenin scl problem of artnet maderizng ow aft woe arc 1969980) W was he cas vey oe pean: ‘Peso pestslo bo tr water (Rogers and Sar 1971) encouraging Than cians ob mare ambuus(MC an 61, wy building» os 4 Socata cetera se soot mie reese ean omeirercen, eee soem enema eee i nee een ee a eee eee ‘trove Lemor (1963: 348), “stimulates the peasant Wo want wo be a trecholding poets ni, men are fees treeeeenne ates ieee teen ete eae ae ew aoe eee Bere near mage oat alien seen ca ee eer Sa Se sc ec ers Sg ret nnn ee aes OSE carrer Percent Se ene aa cee eel ecco eee eee reso cane eee ae enone eas en nr earns rn maaan _ her ogra resourses and maize sls population fora gent easton ener on areas which we have become acuntmed in thiscountry" (Schram eee {gms 10 developing coun. and th "ee fow of nfrmaton” pc ‘rote bythe Amora se asthe American med infuy tn 1 achive imeratonal dominion (Seiler 1969, 1976, and 198) Tae promoting esate, te "wudemizto” of devchping counter ise dependoncy within an explotatie sytem of pak econo ila promotes Amercan expt ales anc crea ad eres lal cats proces ef bal Bomgeiration Toda” write Hebert Shier 1.041 “he United Sues exes maser of plot communications nd clare ‘ike moderation crys was selectively explo by tr ‘im nenly indusalong sxseticn Indeed, the defense of “Asan ‘zine on poop (ce Chapter 2 and 10), As Hallin (1938) argos ns ‘abvenio of Wester theory cecued party eease i was undrdevlops. a somatic cl assed that f Wester infece receded, = eso woul be ie by pope communication | 4 the 1980s and 19%, the media impealism theis in rar came une estan’ ack This was pry becouse the notion of # one-way ow 0 cmcios aa wai and soca ntwa Tha Dalla mye waite ‘Son he we bt ce rn igs ier sewer om ao {Cnet nde poe dil let systems and aul eee ae ‘Sin atthe a Kat 190) ‘Son myne fle tat complet hong id cine ‘Shatin eat Wencr cue prepnitne Medan ew, Se Einuteciwa fu ts ray nee ope Bere 90) fs 205 ued at meen Westen epics am ork [Sonat nubly Hn, neve wicaing, bd computer opting em Shiu ierme sn McCay (O97) ad Me heey (9 arse 8 Site aml pnb of wna mea opeestions mo ove RUT ie Une Say, ve sem emerge os domain be ely ‘Spuneu media expr mark con comerargetiatgh ere! ey. istrng acre yan wneig bognoni Sari: The oie in ‘rp mane cle sceding Stat Hal ean ceed nb Wot SEN open Engl” Thoogs roping ocala lens,“ nog coun an bo eileen wiih get, veashing Fumes. sf worn ewcnaly an Amerancomeion of te wok a vara Cultural globalization Moreve. tins reformulation seem tobe fling on sony ground A new ‘tony emerpd nthe 198De and 190s, owen ane with the ober ‘Grmperof the time. This new echodory in ies sytesize ekioes of me Inpeilian and -pesriod them as 2 cert ateatve perpen eet emery ron ha in rn an Cie (6998 3, lobalation tay 1 only pany * ‘coming inctessngydecotered— tuner ish Mower second, re ued vera 0 tin view rene, tine shamed Tin gc tht gluon i opening up nc emcees fares fice pomp, and comsraing nev pas fo ‘Sig esi, wah apps that ie word sings 3 ‘moto ge Aten Ang (190252) wren guard "he tans ‘Somencason sue fy porns of new fms of Penn in ‘ohn. nen ways fgg clara comme ‘New mal cong ata ir ae png pple ccs 8 on aot ha thse ator, i ational sates, Pave sug Suns Fox cxanple tbe an-csee ecing of sch nes ong ye fantom Pari and thn aiid Wy Vowspeate ints I Dyed» signe prt the sce ove aust the Shab Sehr Matai nd Mtumatads 1984) Si, ransratoal boasting pvc {prin he con of he tory cenit seth omer So: (ee Chats San its oo) “The sectional ako sporting the subational ia 2 2 glo ‘onnevo ut range mtna. lable promi ei cls ‘lg and ngs vera within nation (Robins a 1997, This Kore: America can wach Kareun TV om able TV Califo usta nan ‘Borah viewer can watch Indian fimo cblen London The ent of commas ca be sustained nt howgheaured poses an ‘memoranda, ba ough aly cultura feds hat sit pr ‘ime minty tees (Dayan 19%), ‘More genera, what Rabu ea (1997: 16) cal peripheral visions canbe ‘ans cet sage tuph te lobalaon of cormancatins ree ‘rasated wide fag y slit fan neal protest gat cs ‘ening inthe Pai anthe damping of an i gi the Ant: Zapatt te ‘Meus, andthe apyoners wey ferapceo win tert ‘heccane Clever 98) Anespeialy well documented example os gener! ‘gue i provide by Sonia Sra, who shows Ut eal carpi ers ‘he kiln of set chide n raha inaly very itd effet Hwan o> hen osu eaieiges clsted the hp of inerational agencies like Ares Ameratoa and won sympathetic hearing mes nthe Unt St az hh nd day, cing chang te ay (Ser 198 ‘Some cura thors ao lai hat “ylation puis the weed ‘by recognising the value of cultural niches and local ation” (Waters 1 136: Minriies oo ual tbe eae fr inna sees are aed ‘nko wie global markets Goblizanan ao sles element neal ‘tioned nao! eats and remises tem ia new ways fran erat! ‘Puli As Kevn Robins ayes “aul geographies are thus bens each fe the oboe paces of rama ear, an lied om ore “unvenal” principles of ineratenat coeur Uli 250 This gal markt system ie alo poayed in ccm ein it ith per eno hem is nM ome 17 “abbey cel sands ye ee em “7 apne mw command he emf ned eck ct summer nana» Tac cope i ich the Mie he Ct Smad ingest sherry hae tem comes bythe sages of cl obuizson’ Hower, wating nthe wings een oe ral acne aly cso an Greet by Pest and Ley (129) Ths fle ‘Sotmtouingoezonmec pouorand thay at enarhelcingn cn oso thes. Global capita restored ‘What ecg and regan wih berating postin, acing a ‘eumodcns art never rusty ithe rw oad pla ‘Sonny Thi ae tao sts ht gabfon ts mot we. Unter [Sal cpio has merely ex restr and he power f peop cath remade the wor wan he SSceine owt pclae wor omy ‘ob unr big ead ad tai ah ps {tan Tego Rae 19 Wen 9) I ae opr ‘uteri arnt wart mac here 50a Sosy le Wor ar eta Temps 198) ture gps hal encom prin ang Te sou gra sin he asp beac em ade at system, During the high thle of socaalhiberalisen (roughly from the (870s 0 | neretpe ateind iol oten efi aranent of. anemone ‘Dany ac Boe Wood cman 14, ystems some epee Seiged suas ial pwth Prin ple ne, ‘Seomotelrse hacer movers ofp facdenchang a propcs ‘Sottreoutoe anti evan of tt coun mee Ths eas (So poremen dnl ecto ape fl employee psi ‘Sevoue of tesa cobs ad wetie propane) and prs ‘Steed tin nd sch and eos ra This se af po vermis wa grad wadermine an er ‘te [ed coor aoa [004 Hobe 90, Taman cers ‘Roane tenn fet inves pose an ret prof wheres aed They au came tore Woble™ ab camcmpens of Frio ‘Rigen he git evo ra wel more ian eee ‘sonny Comeqiey hey wre Bt abet play ff overeat ‘Schoo: evade tx andor ens puic icy Claes 199 Mr 1999, 1952 “Goal resto lo te spectacular growth fino nn ser, ging tw caplet Dtmecs obi an prec ‘Sak Ths movement svsv othe els of aoa once sans shore pra, and cara wha gone wer ‘on. Avene mate jejpens coh end api capil outows followed ty curacy dagen hgh ire nes, and ton, A fanaa fmt cones onda economics nd wba th prov ‘meres ret ote Inertia Manca Pun (ME) dW srs jute eabemis for exerally imposed conic ple (rns 1998. Born 199) ‘nine bacon, nana goverment opt of hei sverign ‘Tews now an active debt ont about bo the reson of govern “Keyan apacy” came about wa shoul bedone shout athe eto ‘wich drat ally fected. The aver ces fet th is. sentinel 9, Wess 198). The lbacapaltnderejoyscic i cont. whi ergid etc ne atom py cos septems sono chang: This has pin ties or respnses wa wo india beter equipo orth bal uh) Ju Non mode (grouped aprons to manne h Tee che ae ie om ht, bling prverren: aia Eu-eraon. and earn pal govern Tabi) ton 197, Malo 1999, Wess 198) mn pata ble for sca ey ‘spy. Hat poten pes x rr {er oer yi ira wel The Asn iin in ie 19805 exp {he tunembi of he state capa eel cen when bee! by Sve [econ i revenle tht ers of waking ache cel a {tats reiedeven mddewehtecnie ft tt ra "pla col fimytnoted wi rey el ecmen epee ak ‘obey Segal wo ah sconce aw em prams ere ferme and beavor. The powe ona aa he pet wap as and {Scul aranpents hat rt the wl he pte tug emecne ‘Dru hive bom dred everyohere "This aocun ofthe low of Sertcac cmt ovr th ony au sept inthe hisry of commanietons, Ash he seo he hon ‘st commaniator ht tow permenant hs ee conte “Ghtatraton hen! mca wth he oe oe erm em ens {athe ninccath emu acceler wth the lal te of Holywacd e Tos then wet nm reverse wer rai and ater teleron wer sh {ota maton mold "The motes for this exemion of eatin contol though wine, edad sang aus ements 9 many der democacies Iwas ped ft poe ‘Ormatip or replation of boasting was msde inorder poms 8 Informed democracy o which appsivon pares ss well a government ha {ght of aces, to faite calle selFexpreson and maton es find Yo ensze high standards anda plana very of programs Unkng {hic approach was conto hat the need of society could ot Be ee [tomatic wit hee of Wem an ht pope sul beable ees ‘trough the eel sytem a preference for the hd of bradeasing yen ‘hey wane "Fis appoach is under atask, now that the dive toward he ston ‘of comemuncators ts been resumed. Cable sali, and digi echoes he fitted the Inutch of new commercial TY chanel dat are een the muienes, revenue, apd leptoucy of pub service chan. The te of ‘comsmunications pants 4 2 pita lobby and te pad of oer es ‘hve al fed to deepulatory broadcasting polices. These have conte 8 the marketizanon of xe public scrvceergnains, and a dete he ero ses fps. esi. acsug ois pane. eet ‘Somme globalization ar eacoaching ep a uneming pb ned “Sa vegultd trades dia Alden Heit 1998, Avery 193, Facey 1998), altough her i ab unbionble view whch believes ats arenes sige overstated (Caran 198), aca eeneg eng pees nly Pol eons on he te an ve pe cea epitvcaey tem opening dems fi Speech rower atk oe ohn mnacl nd ttt ree sy sioner lant. a ean fn Sessa feet ercer namely enn os Seats Sates ut Coretta nr nde ara lia [zc pase cin tenes sgh wsken te cy Soar pact ey tce br cone proc on Sieacortngte conan egy ison ste worm me ec Sorat seston tl deg tal croft is Sate nt rey eto sete septal eu ‘erie oumcrang power a regenera, an! eo See pe whedon fs ml niet thease dreiped sane connor stom donc ae cs “nate isi die weal deg political enemy, th ation has hs hit to shape sown destiny. As Ee Hobsbawn (1994: 18) pats nations ‘nonin hve becme ere “vempleations of tansatinal corporations In ‘Stara hay they af magic communis tat ae sing the hold oh mapnan, athe word of Aathry Cidens (1999: 31. tbe er ofthe nit ‘When tet radios similar as thse at apecing with each ie: ‘nex conventional wido has Bee bors Is a this po that a alas Sold rng. The says inthis hook suggest a hs ala sho soched of Aims ‘Toe main sm of ti book so conibute wo roading of me iso) desing i away ta takes account of the experince of coun ‘he Anglo-American obit It is alo hoped tat wil conte o an ner espa tw a lbalation tors Indeed this was orginally conceived as a globalization book What prop’ so emch deta wa not only te thought at rumerou ther vk fo ate pong of the presses (oe example Hanan and Srebe pe Pt Sa eh 086 ain 19, Kn Pan 1999, Seeberny Mohammad eta 199" Ths 199%, Tomlisos 1989, Va Gianchen 199%, Waters 1: ‘Our shift was prompled aso by a vinpicion that prrs npr, nd that tet cxtinuing gnc fs thee binned g imped prpewmrnenpbabten remain pe Boe crevices coors cnn ana Sea Tos ceclayoons acon feasts eta al Sepia cach mores mers tee es papers See SEES pec vw pe maa tam 0, Soap Screanien eh Th var ioe aigiog se aaah Seer geese acccpeoea sree Peles I reese seas aoe eam acre ial nade kpenoe rem peel cand emer nara ayant ee: Ty 6 Sree poet pie peclinder Pesgpeists atone tenes dearer SSE cesta pty smn vas x enclose Seg pes ecpenetemterrigerr ates prmaplon Picea ay teeta nel eave aes we Oo [aerate kere “Ty, he eo ls ey pra are of ieee. to. {se tre sieve una Foes eevee oes res om Tiss onan mete Uakncnd er et ese Sire ecmrecet aves ene bv tts pone omen Sides boca eoctaoal tty nie seen een ‘gaan (Can 10S al 1390, pig ey pk qe cipisan et eyes ae sed nt yy on poy ‘gat eel tne pce thy compet ‘Blas tative hon spe nee coer hpi eel ery of se easop tends be ed ne Statccoms, whch vss twine we ae ee mtb cman arp Rhu han ck pice wpe of ma elon. we deve qpuitistod vin tos peace Hwee ela eae ‘rite way ee Ane dome tu The wel worm al ped in Amcican xh hat pve ay fe an ch snumy, wi mcr ern nae Gs Hii ots, at mh me gn sk “ligt proc cing _{albag nel oe any ot) eee _Seonprae sal plny sa! niet pre "ho We sth bak ae tes, reo mance Per 1 Ching aa se ‘huthey cold beset bo they respond, The questions we nc rena pci cous ores em How do te med 1th power sractre f wey ‘What faces the ra an where des cnt oe he re Fe? How bs the nei ated sc? ‘What efter mes hte and new mda aon he media 8) sndsecey? ‘These aa cr ution th ae arene in thoes of meh a ty ‘Teese tha low provide a basis fr ateweing em a ore bed fone andes parc! way tha he std ea Here Thee ar te ys ceri ot ashing wus. The conventional way fs suis so eet ater ti eupraphical loan (Gros 1995) epigenetic ode (Onergard 1997) Ska") ‘sees fe “stanfa” waysfclassiing he weld normative soo Wea tec arses we opted oransleratve acheme sc Figure ‘eg ivr i air a esr el ys Ce ee he et agin eos ant Ws tnt con te ake hae Gap tok canter ae Clpcttnn tenn sme of compe cy chbeage A peeoa fa SS npr aptcnc en ontcglartrectinl smears ‘Sapna matory ay Woes ere re pe soli so it mct's han se ae Septet Foe perth etree, rea ea tienen oar Bebrs otmrnen ct rian Coe tee cece ‘te cones sl ny wr egg nase fel pms Tongan Tas otal x meaty Shed seo of Se ao Tics choise lick vant wi oe ete na Sore ps rion’ Tos fae hr ors mnt fe panei neon epee ts chet proe te os coed lent ane leer eigeey paar nye Beal eats skeen toed poncho eames ‘Siu he Koren cvs) that eral “eo ed Sie te pay yop nice, The hc et 9 Ii polent pte tain tt ag ot rearerctomsba at ‘Stn cetg he ma ye (Chap) Tins xed ae {nua crue Canoes oust pt fe we a Nowearenedin tr Ti he peel tee 2 ht ro gos atin te be oe Grsesctseen te Tas tok eee copes ee ing | fever af roa pcs asi epi me ag et Tlindretmcas Though he marco icy opr ores tein Ged ye tpt bel fac nk, So at em tsp enc commento oye cn of _eupcage are lig ed dese of ma eee? from their conglomerate (“chaebol”) owners, 15 one of the few exceptions 1 aro banal mashes psn bl or fe "poly, te omc wb en tation amin a posing claim hat baizaton isan gine of endo et ‘and soil emancipation? Aga. his fd ited wp. FoR Hs poayed ara source of pale in Zimbobwme (Chg 11) ein vacwed as empiri the Me Eat (Chapter 3 ing influences are viewed as progrenve wm thew effects wo Chit (Chapers2 and 9) On he oer hun, foreign svesment abo ihe col of exalisbed economic i. and in general developed close sla them (Chaper 4. Commercial media cores complex" that shapes public dscoures ns Malai, Japan, Egypt and elsewhere. The dys: 0 ‘In Rusa, the flow of inoence sees 10 ongnae wich control major mea enterprises, and also infec = bok i also comingen and arabe erstnsing in society. The nate of media power is x patclsr with the Utd States and lel fhm shove in Zane (Chapters and 7) Farber he {eliing och of cont vary consent om lane tances sca Firmaties bik wound vrity, poder er pon Taba ths bok fon agra sea of een and vay a my eid mea ory. nahin ease for Se Western ta Ste, we arnt sugaosing tht wmv al he oy 4 cal pct, ‘nthe casey the valves fie. cq), ad wary sem rhe ive valiy-Ourapunc! ht meister exc A ider computa petpestive. At the meme, way of oncrsndng he teri’ mia ye are dul ttre bythe eapeence of few ona “ours, These ort ondersandng nt only of mr Westen caus brad ‘tare pat ofthe West as we Tic argument sccm wo be puriculy poweflly mary Sitio ‘Waishor and Polo Mancini his book (Capers und 18). Walser argce ‘thar eme mea pple a South America concealed om themes he a) ‘of med cotton with auhorianan regimes by urea reed the concept fhe resin sorte Sma, Mans ata ‘hath ame conept With is asumption of passionate oral long Indiv membor ote elscorate, pti the na ain oul conse ‘pereving their place i the democratic stem. Tey ar agents of presente we ie 0 te 1 ae Pag te ee osceierecomco Bhor isan) Dram of Ma Pi London ose ‘som M00) as eing Soa: al enmhe Mapenfen" nL Prashant Lyset ll Capt Fran. ete ne 1) Soc dey sd eo ead Latin Aner. me Cpt Yorn Doc Rend Me “iP et impr media DT (Fi (eae ve ri come “halos aed Copnton Sore Doms i toe ‘palm in Gr ring on ai Pay te Erp Se 0 “ee ie asc ni CA mmo repel Coren Mab They Leon ase ) "Eine ie} Ca ase Meio nd M. Gore edt) Mass Mi ‘ns 6-0 “Ppl: ef anon me ty wb erty src 0 Sg Marte Te an init tt lord Rs Ket, M1996) Ciao! Broadening Stony, Bono Focal Pe ober 900) Ae of Ermer Landa: ee gh Bolin C. Mareen: sant Tem, A097 Gl Tosi a Fb, Ox ens bres (996) Mau Mai amd Mes Pay Meer Bure, Macnee ‘Mencia User Pree thc, W997 The Se Came Londo: Vege King C997 (et Conve, Coan a he Mr Ste, ann Mac [iter any “Toul ¢ conuncson theory of maken” Lee) ant Pel Dept Pecan, Pct Usher Pee Lather dK (1980 The Bort Mig New Yo Oxted Uae Pe. Mecasey, R99) “Noda comcrynse snd onion” in DT te) ‘Bron: Empires Lot: Swi McCall, D1) The Ache Sey, Prien, NI: Vn Now ‘ett, (19%) Clas ond Care Oxf Otc ety Pres “Metabo 81960) Uadersondng di Lond Regt Kean Pl Mes (199), Prana on hr So nt, Loto Rote ‘MecuaiD-1963) ats Communic Theory Lod Se “Meda (197 Su Communcanon Teo 2d Lodo: Se ‘Medea (1980 Mos Comune Tey, ede Lando Sage ‘Mop, (1998) ewe ev a he pba ex he German ol er Mrs foie in Pach nC Len) iol Caton Vor Te ee ae Yee) 19 nr lat un ani Se 5 lot no Hap SEE vom ett rte het Se Combe ey. Mii cl who Comicon, on Now et Rao ow OBC Hat Comer, Di Nw Yo a os ert rs ce Pe “sete (my Sey reo emancmD. This 8.0 “Emp one: At At TY Patan: Ere od ‘sem (95 Minar of oy teri! co xy a 8 ih °F sat cto Baie & Bremer and A" Ser tama Gioia, Camara Train Cay Ce He “Se 5 0) Sing of ins tie se i = ‘eaten Carn Se anton Se on 66 ‘GLOBAL’ NEWS AGENCIES ‘Olver Bovd-Barrets, ee at kT 0 Th atin of Sm Lan Si noe i he al ew be revaing ets of he aor ban ‘omic, wis vr toanarig ie lowing question on the cv of he? ‘Say ca ny Wate mr news agencies ae signify ier we a he a of he 00 cet ober Sepia attgtees craters eter sete agit ete te ow se ne - eaters SSctaedt ems Pare Aves en Re Scrmtnnes Afetlosoknr mob nso fps epecetoniyiycatemrarcnmiee. feclatr menisteresemyeiclacceciee sone ase mew Wn Tae (WIN wi Ses steely atc op TS Sees twa crys cna Ses iatcnmenn tf) cu Sa aon arabe ute sc AF, ne en feisetihean Wo Winery ‘eommmots con tings unhraon avery, tin. ten, open, ewe developed ae ety earl my 1080 wy and bee at he Sere nana mes concer any mas of we cere ma cota forse a ave le cher In eer rms netics any proviso spew ftoing nt Ang Seon ar coped mh Vinh cou and honed inte 2th of Yuma aot wk vig fac other wth oneness saree eg tconine tes of aenticy ofsh. The sma ehegedevcrtcisngy frou can npn eration es eth ouce ores eden loesions ve thes, Dive fn 190, tnpued hat there were fur pips lol news ate, tine te i aoe pres sb wows drs though roo te Woh Bee prmanlyogrcc fo print 2evs eb. Two of the ajc agencies Fes iSnedtievsionoews services (Vianews and UPITN}. and sii vest rcpne for boadcatan. 8) 19861 argued that the suber of major pik ge feces nd deline rom ou to re. Signa, UPL was 0 ogee _retdequalem competion the ares penis inthe 990 Some et ~Sfincie sch a DPA (Geary) ad EFE (Spon wich a been sient ges aren ih rns come ee temper, ut ha 0 onc he league of he major payers WD ‘pub hare weve a mmber of developing ‘shemale’ repioly focus news he rive ofthese hd lageyevaporsted bythe ae 199, 16 nthe eyes aster RO NEWT, ity Boyd Bare = "of the Soviet Union (TASS, now ITARSTASS) and Chi ced m3 ret category. th bas ttt there ine between their ates as news agencies an et ATEN: IT abc to WT ano Rees TY.) Assit Pre ad [RPT tot sven 194, puting dowewa prem On Er ‘he vit of the uke fo he tee roo player ln May 1 {he sping pre APTV announced it dion buy WIN The ‘make in eeu new wll be coi y tw dom rien in Faope and Asa ried wo be ine owes {2 1960, eding bth wen” commercial news ABE YOR genie’ starters gether wih member tae oe APES rs. ‘Stine set pitlicvee news optatonssochas CNN, BDC Wont. ews were ake acing sme eet wholesale hy btn ‘ibe gpa, pong fage wer bones ab Feng Pn Scrcen wa the ret while hemsehescomimang abe significant lie ‘cof conan wholesale” agen een Bm nthe cane of ial news sees, Rees wom oF fe rong scence: Brugho th ete 150s pid od Was cern the tn ‘ibe 1980 and 19905 In 1980 the agency was cel overaking ob ‘Srl signicanly neraken sorption ch as Asoiated Pes, De on “Telnte or Commouey News Serve (CNS). BY 1956 was by fhe obtuse bth old (Dow Jones Kigh-Re) and new orp {ember ealised fn 1981). Bloomberg aad WTN bo hae ks ‘he Fon pbl ageny, AFF sa provision of financial ud evsion vo . rains Reve” 34,30 suberbr terminals in 199, Dow Joes Ts ‘sus nly 94 00 ad Biome 7000 (Nap 197. ‘Bomberos renter han he ur seminal ny suse 1 i feds fanidata and ecatoaie ews trough the AP network. 0S! ‘member ah cease Used Sts many tna ares 197 Bloomer exceed ins yond ai ite on asot of he sped of deep, ‘tan fr wih was pon of epi alae a0 nani bn al ati which pes Rad mae as sed terse y Re mt tonsa tsps S06 ecw tcp ss Of Noe whch a repre > . ‘in 70 counties by the mie10%, Blomberg has extended bey is a a at Not American and weer ope ters ‘Wo ane pa eae epee by Rewer Ren Televison an ene Fs Poe ‘eet and the bso shah APTV ad WT, to apc Been of CNN, her Egham evn me fe US gency ec, asin natal eet om ow We 90 oe Gtrnan pecs, Westone. pbaty payed + ar sia we han DPA. uc, ro gow aca i nerd at ‘tamu oft mers of he alert Bt Ascites ea oy SFr tenn plovetmmcien nies silsanr payer wre vr Mow fr ar the major eases sil concent in te mois mos in 190andbeere the rao of ma epee epi Bena wali moos Ban Fane and Germany ete th the at hat tine the US agency. Asad Pes ast sre, ished ced mt meyer a mn Fs ccern sent rma pla poco over coors ou on ‘Cian pecens The pea oe commein me on ‘Pande re sien yf who spe i ch med acon Wie ayes on Sverige nol 1 masiize a ‘Zeer cum pf and tats paons owned shtcholer. e ‘Stony cre te eral sce oe arial om Few ‘SRimmcefieace tesa vals re srnimes see 0a 8 ue ‘erty femee nr foes rte a te req At impriaity ad ejay, aoe at her mes consced ‘rfc al nl cra practises whch tier sory ‘Sino mariaty ce Caran 191) ico omnes th lenling agencies of th 98 etary wee Rests ‘Hays and WoiltContne. Tse were idepedea compas the se" tu penalise tc ondere were signi ners te cry 9 Enraged roth sal of essere oman ‘cc comomic ton, ad poverents AIL wee indict) Tike | ‘openinepoiermens which ere pant asscuceofrevenueanas ii ‘rcligence, and We geeraly considered ht tet news Series thr egectie alread wie of Rett for expe th the prod 1861900 incon “ereasingly 2 an sition of he EnpreRed 192:c, 3) Wolf was subsidized he overnmer Bis “so named prevent Retr fr king vet the Geran ag) Ho Sold vein pce acing as pace roke on bel of ht ness ‘os eda aes. Late US agencies (INS 1957, UPUPL the ety she i was acquire by Sad beed Middle Fst Broadcasting Gens) _aiy owned by sewapaper hans owned hy Seip in he eat of UP emi 1980s an Hears the case o TNS). "Wonetbceve we row ough sre ao the balance of earings bes {te tenor soc ance nhs eal eid (a between 2 ‘Snack sources) excep ay that ancl and pelt 5 ‘ete comdrle (Plc! patronage was sometimes dps nthe an remit aan averscaons a aga £199.00 | sabcpons ahome aaa In 1924 hoe figures were 5 5 asin 20K 00 (715%) (Rend, 1992: 133) BY 1933, coms had overakes UK newspaper subscription on the * romeo eves i ot nally ane news 1 2%» I in nce nena sacl enna ee Se See es cas eremneice Sadat are es crease ie eee ecco thence a Sere nn = soc Se Deere torreon teeta Seed Bele ie eeicns- peasy Geomiorts sesagncy sch ax Raters lig apni thi view GHA Be ane ReESSertacer mconen cout consmed at exten de ‘Suni comm thanarnms rove ene nny wld nt iri. Tintin bce nee by AFP. Ts zecy ms coaprt sev prccnang wipers artists the sate The se eas in acy oven and is percentage as dels ‘olen settee 1970 Modu cons arte nemo impart weve APP abject pversmentmerfernce ough at cpr eer geate fou er sual ifence which wos eer sn 1" Shade sepeioment of ean Marin ax recor gener ads Bovestecne awe lays torn 19, flowing the pene RESTS wang cael which vl dhe Prime Mines) Company Petes One, 1996) Sah interventions sometimes Penh ‘hip ih te apecy healed doo and which te powermt ds nr inane meets tein oa spit of independence within he ‘Tas opin as te spot of many dia members ote governs Fenced ave bert more clined 1 chalge the plc eth {te 1980, withthe adoro of mre commercial aad poplin pacts ‘maa suport or AFP independence nay hve sgt "Toe Garmanageny dbs aotaak among the world's Wlbal ogee. secre ron portant news sures by may national ews zene DI ‘oepeabely scare, medtomned agency which ves mot f= tm mensions ad sls. in poner can be concladed tha he eaepois of madi and sures of even forthe work's major agencies are now more myo ‘he pilin eompasion with either 1900 or 1880. This is dc tos» ‘ttt, pica) peter acceptance that political subvert 9 1s agencies dec from thr erly, (8) patzaton and ere Srendcasing. opto with he expan of cable and satelite, hs si! “inparinc of sit-omned roads instinons a cies) the deve ‘ffi vs maes has reduced the nce for depends oth cmp i the case of Renters, ad pay nthe ease of AFP () i ‘fends for Kewers and AFP to daribt excuse hough ss ‘snr ion evs agencies: () mare generally. the expan of inching newe-photos rates eli _ satelite ideren,teetxt and ain services has grctly ders hs» which intr, has reduced dependence cn politcal sus ‘dependence on poltical ot ste source of revene hss ag etree ta ceva he prospect fr po sn on Thin mad pba eine atinenageot peer tews fem supers chembpietoes eager eperinenetors. Any cenive ign hoe ye pen $tgen fetes comers, post. n tt rene Sve fas oe ‘eae meron tess of apr agencies emp ht (Gieramateragenses on xonic markers tht doce Sey SPacainees my, Ti spy of Seance lori steno abana ‘retin mens company canes antisera PPoereety ctv sped scorcy and sapnlence of reams ony Soci Tie dest overcome he poem of patemed ees eon Fy ete prepa eos oe egress The cnting independence th major agencies none of hr hs Yeon shamed iin age compares wih be cacoton sf WTR, pao he Dey ‘Gepwc) cn be regard an postive and rnmuring fete. wich pay he ety and accpubisy of hese ganizations ton he SBtontaueh worses ae sometime: exe tht he cing rept Tipteers cpa cae of tte nny ween heme, ‘ater enlegoe fnew). Theres les ke that cen fel that by “bvurbing wa parsclar agency servic thy may been sogeting {epptcilly competitive ergarvaion. The lobal spree hve tnd mt (competion wither on chons Foresampe Reve aes nto ews gece ech snow kept plac yt SSE Fhase tenes rater tony formal pect bccn foen Tames ar immemsec vahet BE aenion noe 190 comms dept he care), w the owt of sect, PRET aeons dmenic macs oven tm te markets ‘Srtauanr gens an they peat competitively all marke. ‘itte inant ogo servicestobedatbutedenlasnsy i. EET pemacs anny cans rae forall te ror gence Sree yin oy ven terry. The collapse of crave ‘Siemon pepe tgetir with er nance of rama lies! Ie opened up tone att ception fom loa agencies. Ha ele eFaces apne service ate avaible rough the eet or ‘wl es coos pote there is eoening up of ties Geto ‘With te adat of von news services thee is 90m a resi fn saplosafsrolesale ew Rewes Television al Associate ress Tle arin compat wih WIN (wie in previous carnation > ‘Sune bythe sxod major US ageny, Uniod Press international. Fac a i coraun mare temp. AFP ts particularly seong va France el ‘he excell eon of Franc. In recent years ih Become much. xerive in Sot ast Aska Asie Prev parculty song inh ‘an in Soh Amara. Retr ix epecily song nthe UK ai 9 rs ‘Seattle AP and AFP are sll mainly general ews prover ‘iho active in vows pon. al provi of Sania (my = “ents Ff geet ews fr Bianca news lets imassciaton wi ‘news agencies sachs Dow Jones or Bloomber). Reuter isthe wor {ovide of ancl news and information an rantaction ries hs ‘bes cents bee acs age of pci ope ‘In 1964, AP eveaes were £19 milan as guns ts of Rewer’ £49 AP year aceved reves in eacem of expert 0 £186.79 i of 57092. AP spent £2,67.571 on Foreign news cols Ma yet a int 126,00 inte cane of Rete (Rea, 1992). 19 ey aa wh aecarngapprims al 980,38), and vlke AP, whose revenve ws 5 tof Ree even (845) was foreign UPL 0 ink of gece With evs of $67 ma) 2 evens of S43 milion Only 18% of AFP'srevencs of Fran, and 64% theagecy'sreveres came fom had ecined wo 40% by 198 turnover (£258 milion in 1), Rew sere £15) mio san orth mor a te ech wort re than APs vem 1 Reser ga ects Siac conpedea ctor tr scat 987g 10 pceby 198% Poa Tne 0 p mera Me. Terat of ren eax rt em 19 wu Mga 2-307 have ber commen fr mh ote pd a sen nance of Reser aceautl gn sking a APs ths showed a os of S28 mon 195 ec was 1906 The company awa cs S28, i 195 were equate! £147 mon. sggeting hat ofthe gap berwee be psitons of AP and was approximately $109 milion as agit AFP : “9A, whereas 98S, AP << —— som tings teeny. None tc emai 0th sie sone Mes ofthe ange ofthese newies The Se rsa conan iy alana shame ator ating $4 conti, ough 24 lage ews fm 197 cies 207 cies in 90 our peda prdoce Be osny clams 1.200 journals an pts abbas in 74 counties Rest Televison gre crn $l couric The Refers Weld Service nes oper erie. 1LSS0 US newspaper members (ps 230 non-tiy. y 6 cllege papers), aswell as 6.000 US ratio an: an 730 scribes to AP Network News (the largest» | fal merwork i the USA) and 55 subscribers t All-New Raho, In See re mest 12 in rh fe es ‘by AP (vith scores more translated by foreign subsenbes) I ‘aol of 3421 employers, of whoo $36 were principally gorse workers. Of the foul sta, some 2866 tere asd in the US. ee ierotional. AP had a total of 237 news bureaux: 144 domes. igen etc aes coms No guess “Agee France Presse had 12500 cents, including 650 newspupes EE 0 te nn compan ‘and 100 national news agencies (which i tam served 700 | —_evopapers, 2.00 radio sation, and 40 ilevison stuns) ree in “Save ix principal languages, mounting 10 ttl of 130,00 | 239 photon and 20 graphics day. The agency clamed 3.10 enplons A 150 photographer, 90 comespndent nd 2,00 fren = urea, sporting fn 165 cous. Tis ca be contrast efor leading navel ancy which also has erations dri BWEPE ich coversacws trom 137 chev 12 counts with 23 ad otal tof 145, ‘ed that the main categories of let fr nows agency Se» ms lor soporate and pital Mediaclensarenewspapcrs __Sevibion bods eres, cable satelite) and online see [8 "Finacial o corpora clients we ditinguinhod by Reuters av chiens" ‘fr sation pause Iloration prs pty ete Rei 2 guts town din ane Ferre om UK prermen anor Res om Sf a meer eso Phot wit evens in santas hn elo cl Secheqen yon 970 animal Rowers oa at AP Dando te tn te Ved Ss Tlowever the ctgery oft cent ned sorb etc oe rset nes species "Teme eves ith ops Wo ie alae of the fee man cae of can i ems of Unit prance soe fermen He EB Sect ices rote rave epee of ire het we, eae ernr Caserta aso eccrine mecca the single most inpontaat country. in tems of evenve 1998), Alogeter the area of Europe, the Mudie Fast ‘ove hal ($5% ip 1995) of all vevenues. Te next ‘AsiaPac (18.1%), andthe Ameria (15), ei ikesmecs ~-.. See. ae eee eeeeerco a pelea eter a ee en eee esr. Sa eee SS enor are ara teens Semana eee s.—......, ee ae 2 oan coi ia cos. ne cee eee Smeetntensionmresieronner Sees re mannan | S eee Loon tstrebateninciberaeneeal Sees ton tandne oe acre the soar European agencies, AFP and Reuters, has bocn mois tat ofthe Spanish vows agency, EFE, has been growing. 1 eee enn” Beats prt ied ees repesetaton nl ff = ard of desta. Te chitin 19S ba ks tla Avs sndNew Zeb he connection wie Pf nd enti 149 nd he ava te pata tanfores when Retr woe edo ck encange Mairead in 198) Tere io mw no mace for lew perso 2 erase terion allerde ew nese and fc 9 cme aetmorket dorian 0 aif on be a wureochet pevnce, Technet ‘atm agecies have eon he foreiom, sometimes he poner. of se Technologies. This was tus of te ext aye ofc, vice emerges, mtv the ing of cable. Thon came rai (ir ingly dined by tceponic cable, We urge laced by tie ‘Srnmumentions al computer. Photo services developed the 172, an ae ow common to each ofthe sin apc television Began i the 1950, ‘Toay the agecis are compen alt-media oearizaons pill sing “Mele for very of print aio an trae news noi news erie per Smt a et paso Ge omni oe <0 pp 7 Let a ‘Organizational strwctore one athe ins tween BOC AMA CN ntat CNN eee ncciyaprning aan. 1 as compet fr Sr frets memes by rckaing a rctne propane SBC er te sd eee save fen ade re ae Be ih fo cas se of SST etm sem td imeatonacale pera Isc Went serve star of HC, the pbc oat ‘Bosty ne ommend eden cannon wth BC Wor ‘Reva Wate BDC cpr ie and eney sate and ‘Soke eepltttencoperes renhl ofcormeria tine (Scrmtona sine dns ot see ay revene fom he eso hoo | ‘Sdby he et pment ior crm operation nine SCAN pects vie del fe commerciale’ ny ‘ecnntond parce Game ing avanape of BBC nes sn. {Beat eng wre nerwerk of coneponden. high lee! yu, rw iris of be BBC's news division ‘easy tat tse res pacts soir inl sa ‘rogamig ou wl. ja wel iin rare! in ems of co-op ‘Shoter chute inorers have acs to ie Sources “SBC inert she rao sevice has had # workin res sot 0 year When the BBC began cms! troadcasting serge ine = fore Mal Taser sescrinn crear Sere cerca rw, etme fr rennet wt eee lnpec peste canarias ot aaa pe a aod i Wal Sc pn wah A en See Meal Mec Botswana), which cotmodeats BBC popes secre, Soacennese! on ge nchouse news service bh enn en se 1 ee nes ema CRMs nvr mince hr soar tse laine ncn com tooe os essa oy iene aration CN ar pnw incre paren ry Tas tated compere ties gly ce St am ares Wie Bac ie mjery cena sib ws uy a esses ck rece Prone, DPA WIN sn Euan US tes ap, BONN opr stan i on Soka Sek ote sci aw ce pal ds ows ou fr nics ed ac : — ‘Teta Stay, Cw crv vinldsennarn ‘Ranma. NN pediers propre pckap ors ‘Revs ich satin deeted 0 HCPA wh ‘Stan ae eras each pal sn regional compton, CNN de wr ss eon new eo somal wows roam. snc N! 9 ‘kt nes fr now poronming metoned abs ap ‘enmuer The flag meen Dar wien he 1 CAN bt coda reputaion among Houde fr #9 Ine” Go ‘seridcrens The kom “ew even refers to those political coer ie tamed be of wr nest, sich a he Challenge expo TomemaSunn en Sipaponermedtings endeclsc incre ‘Sl Houein Ti overap of weldevens bas obtains ce > sors ews me 2 Guts eq Que by news erpsrizations ad ees vs ‘elias riot medi ands sed so conan a 3. CANimenal a ew ectmaogy.sateltenewsatbenns (SN) "meer panne lly omconcntaal ansin yr 4 Nav aped the news format of ncmutiona wade wai camers ange, andthe background moni ren. Ih ‘no formats fr news, sch a8 he newafln”Ocher nc oper | filloved CNN's lea, sachs EBU:-Eurvisicn which chet =) Gum fv tinesdilytoapermance service" Hsp sng in overspillentoerts Eerste risen taethus encouraged broadcasters pritarily in pluralist enviroments 0. Saeco Sei cde en Sine maceremperi tata poner na pe £ Coen News in Farida, News Channel in Washinton/DC, New England Eee ae mace serge cfu BE RNTY Germany (of which 4279 percent share i owned by CWS _Behaia (which ty owned by British Sky Broadcast: nine cases Pa ba, Hawn Cons fn con esate wf London. ner which emp with CNN ne es Siecontge of Cones sca nd cer patlentun- aaron capes Mag end Cor henrngs Com themes TV. beds Can UR. canbe reytd a th fen, news srvie a la comet of CNN ten of Ramen Sarg wees chemcs benno even trgeauraad se beaten Bpaintente mpoed sinner Giompoe TY pono ereatey Peeeertrtrntreninal seen ch nnsencctrvenet Bees ea coves te US urs val SA Nee an necTvs Centon ‘Seam Amen Eorpe, Aces he Me Fast we well ote Pate Re Sis Thine suntgue reve, which hs ben cau ons pel sae ‘ope mal with news levi and cctv chance (CSN tnoeng Sehnert sevice) but also wi eon ows gramme cea) fia Rete and her news services, ane ming te gee ia Beene of CNN's unique station ini fest yur as cble option ‘appa poleal programing ors atoal acne hee del wea, fot that emersed fom the ess news organization These cose Seiden il uh ote mv a ane accesso poled Wh Howse mater lana CNS [anstresogition sa menber ofthe White Hoe ns onan oto the ‘gamcthar NN was ures (Whiter, 190-196) CNN wanes nt a anions, whch reise wo scope viden prs fam CNN'S copa the tier networks (Volker, 19). These scunstances al an ana cupraton rere wh gle agrees haa been oma wat abl opens to cary CNN in thi local cable sym These tay used ws ang acne CNN ha sc ew es of join. Tet ‘were ave 24 ous ny bas Bog ho sean vs a “Oe {Ine 1980 Lois Hatnconce, “The news wil conto oy, ‘ad foresers when the Cable News Network begin ts reper bs ‘Sather value chanel inthe US cable system. The movie sy ha ee urchin 1972 (MeN 1991) Ne {Sting at -cany siden channel had aeady boon enh ‘Sestak ESPN wat aed operating and USA Entertsramcn' ns, 7 nay 100, (oginsing tte Madion Sgane Garen Spore Nowy Shana MY flowed 198 oes where mos chanel were devoted ewernmen shy sand spor he noing up ofa ews Chanel was repared y the abe | que pecaia. News ane pli programming appeared of no ric {Sibmadcaer. The networks had edoed thi artnet these ses. ‘was commercialized fe tars f iss, Featuring Sf es anc sponsored anchor pestations was ssumed thatthe telenon ars th very nretd in poli ise. News was peseicd i spony ‘emotional, demas se; maging pica figures. who were yulg tuience the way hey judged actors (Bush, 198731) Paitin were pr. ‘nsoch away ast evoke emtiona responses rather than in polis devas _guments i the coment of sues? “Ted Tamer, who owned Supertation WTBS, broadcasting fom 30. ‘Georgia ito Alabama and Fonds, envisioned 24 our chanel se 0 ‘ews andinformation Hisidea was to eta vary of thematic posts ‘whic would be broadest in magazines cycles, Such ath polis as Tme Magazine, 30 minates of economic news ke that > Inthe magazine Foro, thiy mites of sport ke tht in Spor thy mints of enerament, onthe mode of People magazin: Tis: ‘hematite can stil be regarded today asthe backbone of th i's sia. As opposed to the primetime network news. which nas pecs ‘ocho who ad alteadyetablsbed celebrity status people like Pete J tan Wale Cronkite - CNN intended to avoid ews sad and res 2 ‘ets The role ofthe anchor oF anchor team was defined as sly pe ‘noms m sich & way as to fous the viewers interest on the themes oon Ja 1980 CNN's audience consisted of one million out of the thincea ‘quipped with cable, and reached 8 per ceat of all tele» Besides co-operation agreements with national broadcasters 101) syns ple CNN ada cbchs wen ote "OS ele aposrs Tne oftted he cable cone fuser he companies tan fel CNN nist, CNN establish apo a he nears Seeded wo ake wpe row news chamel, ABC Westinghos On er ys (ol a eee pet gee Gene es nore ee fereeshen Sos Se cya Fc an cca = aca fen een ieee Stents emer cant Se ee = eee ee pacman mere eae aa eee devon paso imp n-ne che ip (Bpeibecsin of Teves sect nopenaioas wit acta cole nee, hada eed a per cere hens ne ae Toa eresng pwc on ew ayer te ay fetbsysens ter ras hn sen poe US a international expansion condo Large ad freon al domestic US mac shes ape be sting Race that CNN's reputation nthe US aleing ad ings re icreasedconerag of soft news sis (The depended signal overseas in hearty 198s nord ante ht fom international broadcasters. Alhougs CXN claimed © rit programme const i hse ety Yeats of aN and CNY Peadne News bth of whch engined tthe US ed om the US nience Thin weaker ews imemasiona! competi. sve the BBC ced ta ere generated Yor nertonal series. CT, 20, nor ube nna win he at ow ya The neranonl Hoa co-aechare ’BO), te fom Lond 190, a8 wl 0 setng ore eration ews, even oe US Fanping programe, te ng wp 4 Suns ne narnia Hel Tbe, 20 Sway Teme. CXNI neta Ya cl he fetch any of ping ENN the aversion of news stem pty of ening honing ide he ep OO ae a cet psec Pe: Soenmepereeda eee SS ee. ea ce ee as sche on reel el ra eran ceva CNN ts : The ination Ameren acnce can be divided ito eepanes: former US citar, nematns ourists an clin ps ‘the Buc CNM inerational profile exends far beyond scrving ‘et centage of interatonal news exported has riched sown! ‘News shows sachs Baines Ale and Jternatonal Hour havea. ‘tke Soma Lie and many ofthe news progtammes Jen = ‘ong group of wane repeat aches (Neneh. 2 199), CNN, ational pie theft ine Gs | ea? JENN iment ccs tothe Asati 10 en milion Geman howshols (Franhfriertlgome ‘Ose, To ap CNS hss egg nr _olaborting locally i ode to gun lxal avert al expire i ces, sch as. oof me markets, ad anomie news Marks Py e ol angus, CNN isnt geting iteration | pose hn ie anchors mater corn. | Imeratonal advetiingrevemes ae Siow and subsp psn ad scws anes important financial backbones Ad ts: tha cote state ao involve prganie spc he wor sch a Asa Today CNN resis inane corres CRN and CNN sons NV ne srce ‘CAN develope ss news source om he eR oan ra! tues fr et tna news epi. These nvm matelin ther rogrammes. Thy hs scheme an ac i touts bes CWN ements wm wp Woah rcs eee Ties eee oom pas toes ee nacooe Eps) sm some ssl base Tws fs atlcurie tal Santo psec sa ies 1h of we oe OM mvs wre, ch wes asc 2 ote prcpsing. ve ft CAN ed ry a ‘ec penne he we Eoin ater wee mtr ty Same ofthe brie ccc CNN's vce ave ‘Wich is ified ad rial sho mata! ie somes + Wola, 1981) esis neon smn and oa andra ns seimemomcinte Smaart ene Non Chan v !New, In and Conus Commanicaon os cos fol bene, Te ev emi ino sc - bo mech market. A 10450 Stomp erat rn ipemeassce- a " eipoca with the cable ations consisted nthe 0 that the later would give their news te ed and 1 Serna cea The CNN nwsrom is television project which competes withthe schoo >= sri by White Ine. Whereas Whe sae t= ° 4 cools CNN jt phen saber > SERN Newsom oni emit ingame aan tops of ere! le) Onin ity tena SX “ata stone: rh: [EN Ae Comet Sere GN ee nc wiht programe for longa! Fgh. The Aon Newer TUS spor sich Miami, and cose of vow oi fo ar peting sere ‘CRO hn inverted sew Juan we which were nv eines damandv of 20a ew chan It haw prove fevarscin th tev mathe sc, preset ow nt nstantans ‘hate prseing asc nd to present thom ins mackettrocve Soon Aassecuabothtcopap the ainge andi proinccne hem, yp ‘Raney well-formed pope with rte ore ‘CNN ives he jouralitic spe and types of noe prosaten ‘as ekg ews elite coverage, ad fact oa ‘ragerver time While the ry wa unin, CNX your ‘sein tack ine rear (Whitemot, 190178 Thencwsgstrg nt ‘acres have conte 1 tein of "manne which ‘pl condi for Fis rH veveso tat CNN wos reid ‘mot teat’ among the networks second ely 10 the all Sie (Meee, 1990229) Viewers were abe ws ough he ne = bat was spon forte. This nesting autem 25 pri! sued than he verge population and more ate ws consul Uveconerace {Gove crm pose’ ws suerte ety yeas ey 9 1 havnt of $80 an err mie ecto. We os ‘pnd cng te al enn 1, When NN so i Ate ticodeaas sch a the hts ere sted, Ts ve one ‘sera evens ts conto CNN's puta eet ne si Aono CNW pres utr Ross ares ieee Bese cceeees fee — —— a ar of disseraat out ‘weaent ten mrt an adi oe eee Bees rormaccns eres ate thane, seen, ote san ‘ns 1991) he oof eurnlins ba bee aed. The conc anna reprdci wandicud 190) ns view se people vty. How sabia ad lsd tS 1 ce rg ten ote ul Wa proces which dined eas Sea et cays. al BaSeeccarweccoviy hevewbe described nance ee atareees eppcn w on - 901) The media tke cee ofthe tending pare wathun these wx icta pos, eee Milne’. The tidy conclude thar CNN pon Seas te meso eee oe Perea reer mao ersten cron tac ee (he Unied Sones the Medi Tnaitte ot Washungton, DC unis Piped theses of jooraivic antes in nore ocr eee eeiatomceacce FBesrrmmts tne osc ene i aepincrireces to ee secie at ee Sareea lomere ec Sea SE meet tnane somata ep an pr = Se eumeeeeincanes im fails’ wor Intrsng. though nn way oie on Feraon table CN pers eter ped ss age eter sist car ere’, cre cs sna oe Mein nse sy cmpee hose ale wi he she Mee anderen fndastty ghee olcommiccomerns | | | a ee’ ea. Soares eh her ie eeeeeone cso: eee eo Repeaters amo Re ain econ oe ec. ene ca os em eo enone ene eecceecios occ Mietidecrs tees Trager Geeecrtnentectescey ic in ‘Siemans mic | a z Ce Media xi, 198.10, BEAN copes be CNN sal More tenn he chy ot Seen employers et ta Americ shal pone urge ‘The say ab india that CN conned les Sersaomlism sn. ‘corks Ire he depth of sry, te etmek supersed CS ‘en alo spam by te networks in exining ecooeni ters na, 198517) Asana dy was dean to urs Ps 3 ‘CRNpenomel OF109 CNN anche, omeapandnts writers ios grodcetowhom the savey assent SBrexpoaed. Thro > ese hat - the he mits, he CNN respondents were wel ete tad alge der, and slip over hind had ei ‘ome pratt wrk oe ceived grate depres... The verge (> ‘epindrt hadoe 10 yea of experince he mows ta i {The Medi Ista, 1983 _ Ths etd fre that CNN personal in tht cay pra __ Rats sil aes tae marly nore conservative than he aimee uanorenteatrr aed pase : 0 vey whe ian aor impr a e's) 981. Themen ae otha gry sem wh ine ys ‘orm sg a lw mh > ee Sena a ng og es CNN jurists gc pss : poole eer arlene ea ee stereo tho, ringed broadc sc daily venir coming Meceninns popes Show Iercinal Hou. 645 GT) an sien ese Toe diy fo Tosa t Fray (60 and 90 Cty rng tice on Sandys oa CNM am CNMI ns poets Feo oF maximal vee hou, ied by CNN a isn pe /ENNI(9 0-10-00 GT) and 7.0008 GMD IENN Wa Contre) ip is not exercised, CNN occas a 1 xcee eabe This apps in ce way One sling sry sapone We lent sory. Sos journals also wt sory more te stat CNN tas cut ti oder 0 met he eH Jom a well hat of delivery o Allama. peter Oy cues are permite 9 tae CNN other te the whol programme oat par of ivi cant recive CNN's alle sgals and hs ie of CNNWR. receive CNNWR at CNN's en ib counis. arcing newsorginaions ont ty sh and ener an pete wish om min ae flowing abe) o foc ox stay poi apoe inthe county ogi a el 2:08 he tration [aera of More Report eae oer ho reins he 1 Mauppors neato! and pla ences ach peti seen br example eset by UN represen "ch x {eho aprecists Word Report for his eso (See st 2 Farderloping coun he prgranee offers the chars tPA hes cen hcrne beau ofelack ofthe own tera sal the la view +7 Mao fineon ora commuietion ol between expatriates ni ho ‘aunties forenampe, Armenian ving inthe US) ‘The agency and news programme Aaland indicted the World Report poprame als futons as 6 forparcipsing onnizatons Ths exchange offs aniguc oppor ‘acceso news, especialy fr thse counties which do Pot he ‘enol big genie. Word Reports limited the ene-yh fnews exchange st provides material whch allows commits “he periphery without ference he ene. Forme Bes Jp | Four agus, ow he: | the capbity wo collet and isribte tei own news, Ts 8 ‘hem 2 uy to bvak ut ofthe ‘old order, making posible hs > | een odie Yo manage wl ow horizontal exchanges 8 | ighboering or new neighbouring sates I giver sation a #0 ‘Sppenonties oll thei wn stores ‘own nay, Bore cases by psig he Fst World ogti (Bouroy, 192:5 crn iis Hor ier Decor verm ilomaonch seater Sos pone ro nation sures mre depen pores en fhone nh ej te serve fhe lags ae pecs ies hat “only 25 pr cent ase CNN Wed Twenty tx percent of thse ing Ward Report 17 pr eso ated the sow at» er de. Thy LCRN-distibied news ide he mate ee nee eed Karty a th Tin * ee ye “Ai ema, Dara Cesk Rone Cut he ress Reeess hee Urn a an * Grows Macs, Spin Thy ro, Dt Cole Ey, ‘repay St ons pan Mong Pipi Seas. {1989 hac, 31) C8 Wee we npn 1 edroral Rach (aes New Yok nt pi (91h Eamonn Son CNN Ps Sr ae Ctr Compe Grr ae scneiebara ony romans Diseene Te Toros Wor “poo re 30-36 68 : /R LEAGUE CHANNEL IN _& MINOR LEAGUE COUNTRY if - Nawawy and Adel Iskander mit Aphis ts onopelycnepeing fm ihn tan at ave cn ase fem ormet Wester Tetwork hs since dete some show, ate, in Arba TV Be Te Gone net net luce. Sn ncption i on set ott Me Eser peril cf aah (Siete bated ctewtiref t povecae ore Ie fc, Jane 1099 toed thf lve ‘moderate Arab govemments have periodically condemned ha ‘appa ofan neue fr the Taliban tnd A-Ouey ow ‘Asowers has abo Bee topic of concer Arab iw temcedoayiaeme Asbepiner accusing oTbengan snes, ‘ocesanaconpestorinanigysermet move tits sn ewer asthe sole ce fora object nacontirnin ‘ewok’ a of presenting proves an ont fiom eer TV statons troaghout the Arab region. Wea Felt an univocal atta toward the Palestina ents 9) sis fl inervews with cl aii, an abot abo by mnt andi ‘Adaraen's seéminglyeveshande repoing and shes ‘sito the Azer stad someting Ss hing withthe ont ta Mura esos stro ‘AkShani and exclaimed “AI hs wouble fom 2 mateo he ‘While seems Mubarak was remusking src sath ‘ete an he curry tha oss is tp could he ns Regional gover as fr west rom Qntar ax Morocco have conse tects cover sd choice of progmming mahing tho! he ‘ecely, acento agains AL Jager are lade with clans hat =~ 2 ee neers amigo Mie Easem an worldevents sty Ms sn et bing we dete Abo ange and fry against the United Stats i uliary carpe, 2 sang tgs oe ss ee nase pices. Over the last five years, te ntworh'sexecatves hoe Bet ‘Sensor te reporting by everyone fm Paestsan Authry eae: {US Seerty of Ste Colin Powel neach of ese ctursiones mamagement ad sf, ached by the Quah government. hss Soames thse request hy sing ter our commen 0 ‘ews and ies efleting “the opinion, andthe ter open as since home he network's mote and slog, "Wht makes the Al-taners news network no pvocat arc EL pe een nd ring ewe hw sch wera playr inthe US war on vero Mes pits! wei analyats might gre tht accra snahing short of «0% 1S Sem tateetinminerdaitl “Since the network's inception, Aare oils have fen is fenders ate hem not wo be esporz pa “Inn stmp o wei boing Viewed a bo £ prt or he ict now ever as ALJ ae i ips mene, One ou ther mgie sen at fe Fe pre, ae relced vnve of vas ri the Sepobe I atck wine Oe ae ne ton on esos Ti il ecnp ween facia How encan the tows ibe sy cco? few when te ated wehbe seg ter rh At Jocers aes ain. pny bt ‘Sipe pac ince. Alrera wih wo dstncancy Arby hy Sea beanie Sr ns “min ry pring test ging of te dy ped of Ar Dxticeceeenaly as Stren sy anne ‘Sincenmeotine coven cas Who woul ive meine a ‘Gites cond win trond i hs ifomaton ati ne ‘asd mh te compte fr sures” bt Allee’ scr ot woul Ara maces ‘nuts and inosine poten coven he i [trite especie cooies but aba sympa te TEtcsonen cong Arb compan sa he US ait 0 ny {fen morte ory, nd potion. They bea he ft pi fat cocnd he Arb poston em os es Ty [ee pty crim dings CNR Lar King Lv ‘suber B01. The gee were Dana Syuph efoto ni Alert Dit ile, New Yr Ties clus ‘Seaplam shat te deere tobe misconceptions abot Arc cent by Miler tote very of Aldara abjetve os ‘eo been that the ntwork evn ab nits ris ‘wie An tick feet Aes pay Ww) {Deticighe Twi exactly who Miler epi whey ae sn in aking pci. “Soiieresa diene awesnnexsswbokilpcn beth the ater a sew ere al Teal = r ows Aah patents wer gate station na obscure beaten Sa ek. ‘ofa and Mie Lat pias Doulas Boy denied th ‘ts sera el it Cait February 1999 orgies bythe Lov mena Cee Apt Censor ‘heard of geting he sgn out ina professional way bes “to na ofthe eas, whe he are ee he extn ~_Ateeramen news hep Alaic opera the wre Hol _Prsyanming Once te staal iat a he ptr the ing | ues agama tac of lnc mu, the eps = P etuaaaeeetiad tir ant pte opine goporsnste the misc ‘Senne Quen ve er cy “Tee poner that Abdus ols 0 3 mee ‘towed foeaprnctort oghout the Mule East Alacra Sher You Fonda expend he angus nd sation o scr ‘Senptios when be Sued tht sare people js coal ot cy he {he Couey af gnats Qa, eld actly podace uch ofescona ‘al Abia Qua scholar and constant the network scr sta apron 70 perce Arabs who wa satelite sh lp [Avec for sews dooumentas an poll nlonaation The Sr tacks and the eming war ate surely having an itmeanrabie sy Stine tye fc a fil or AL Sarcea estat ht {2 Amb ali tries ave sncreased by oe than 3 pe ‘moot following Selmer 11-2 mo ager acre to cl th tines re pected mony by the lngeanding atelne neh [Egypend Sudh Arta Tose thse counties finan atop ‘Atdansers an espe reservations about proanmig ancoet. hve {> cllborae wit) At Jaze For example, the Exyptan gover ‘Slowal Sion owe sao and fit forts prosranmns GE Auman received fending ia November 196 fom Osta» ee the arbi equivalent to prince), Sheikh Hamad bin Kili 1 1 part of his mone Yo nodace democratization tis ny sae Te ‘tue mi, who overtrew hi father afer anon coup 19% for Alsen o be an independent and nonpartisan satelite TV neh = fiom goverment sonny, onl and manipulson. Shebh Hamad os ‘nti pledge oF 140 milion help nuh and subsidize Azra wes ‘ear prio ough November 2001, afer which the netiork wast De ‘ocaly sluice fom ndverising evens. Alyazera hs 4 ‘emai yo In fc, the Quit goverment hus been spending ro 5 $1 eosin honctwork which has notatraced enough ss {o dae. Aitough he market for stl TV advertising i the Ars wos = ‘oximated wo exceed $500 milion analy most of i apt by mals ‘erporations tha ar relat ori leat Ara goverment by af ‘oe Alarera However, ths wend may change with AL-Jazst= = rei a growing popu vive year ce ch, Aurea sa fs 30 mpondcts working in tiyonc cours, icine = see eae te Abba, he chet 0 Mashngion Did Alacra margin HS baie ner Ost 0 view an tern of he ope mi Gece of Arco hve i erin and indepen journey sa ciclosively to pte! mats Thar ene tAabelanpsnge tlle sevice whch dodene rock Seana se rs sears fs Hamad bin Khalifa ALThani? monarch lke Sheth Yard race dem ini ny emis? One can pains ‘ouch of Hamad’ pola! stonton ts tec Underhisauthon. and border dtc evccn hasbeen evved Bef pong hse Hamad the mir wel the cours phys aad 1977 Hamad was apposed exe wheeen 9f defense. Une hs ection. Quan my on tack ona ftowing the aan of Kaw his iter, Sbeikh Khai, was in Geoeva, Haro peaceful coup. Hana bis een on the farce of Qtr fer eighteen ts. thi representa, he aes fi ange, Aric. Anny 5 pee) Weta ct of sn whi bee ‘cso or more than 9 percent af pr se gone sn —— SSeeente dee tee or Nance act neo “ Pai cece eaten emmy oo aap paegehechp pacbrederrete real eter bee eiigecne cece yn” Samamber the Ars Leng the United Noon and ty ‘ela Exporting Couns OFC ‘Acsaathctav whee Onl ation. dig te 1991 Gl War ‘Gln fren epoyedon sar ssn poster Kure a Spee extn om Gear nian fo th p- pontna of Aiteiion Organization. Sine th war. weatoos wih the Pals ‘unalone he Os War, fg ws sil egal a cry, (al imeress. Qua send deine pt wiht United Sac us Fans with ng The emit as an elle for ena sn theeconome sincton imposed agains of Kuan Unching of Aneer, sn prodicers and decor ane mae fans om the network's agen wth varios cuentas ad the pli ofthe gpl rhe sans ‘Qua has hoon marked by pois independent fom other Aan « ‘momuchis.Adbtiog « moderate couse of ton in the lite 0 ‘Hamad end pres censorship Moreover. he sought qin ilar wt ‘andre He also moved salto demarcation» osc “asic delayed lets Intel opened awa fice Dob faeverl Ara set networks tat have een thot by ‘icin fs oh Gulf Arb ster But Qtar foe tis wih ac np : ove thea ew yea Several An te. ‘ocntcam fram Masia cousins ‘Akthough Qatar has on ofthe smallest populations among the Gi ‘is democatc pls may beamong tc andes Sheth sa sf.) ‘towards more ier plicl sytem, staring with an cleats ‘Ofte ther Gusts, ony Kuwat hasan ceed arian 1 psi councils hat ase the rules, cary ou investigations of 290% Sevces,and conduct iterogaons of cabinet einer. Shel Hrs = ‘stiogtsed the Quart goverment when be snooced tha as ‘ected council Qtr will hae leet municipal eer. Dury ee 23001 wth Une Sats, be promised that he wil old pricy ws ‘noua ean. Sheikh Hamad weat one stp fartber when he anpounced an cr 0 7 "ceo He abolished the Ministry of lformation, esponsbi fort ‘tran and tekevson, set quality standards fo lca newspup 3=°"! Sr a cet etn tr at sab goverment at facto without sacha munity oF 5° the Unie Stas many ofthese hinds of meta conts ae! era departments (or exact Feral Cont and ems In place ofthe nformaon Ma” aasosaon namedthe Geer} Asean portance of tlie tlevson dung nso own maton satelite TV nctwork n shaven ity ote penpreiing Ths dn Sire ir a te arent Bde ey ee eaten ‘ecm Sh Sober Ar Saba, ad his abe a Wey ye ettecen deepen en ela natoca sass Thy (med eoveagt ow Ar goverment TY sree cat hs yon erin on au “Gapnatin, Midtle Easern Broasasing Company sn) ut Jaleo pevide paowely exteraiementxeated pany iy cle ames focal and political sensitiv mitment be te cs before Al zeers hat Middle Easterns ae rAclangunge shortwave radi broadcasts sc Cae Midi Est (RMCME, and BI Woy. trina autoratve sures of news hat ve However, hse foreign rss the policies ofthe Arab word dscussions and opinins Ina WoO ease ain: resages the world hie meriew wits Taliban eer Mah te inriew was eventually ai th ater thenetork'snew diets. Rote 12,2001 ying "Dor een a sysemati tack on the Voice of An adr eae at ane of cnt 2" members the US. Congress sy te: ronda inff-tre lngunes, si But VOA's profesional sta sn Usteers unless it repors sta ews eps wher. he Heal reds ds alia coup tat overh of Kiva wan't tls xy merited ote fr oF news once piel Aton cep may of recat eet pei ts CNN Ad me aan Sbecong vir that exe to new nt 8a at atin Alghanstan scodng aki ikea ies explained at he a th Cal Wap CN osname he new ogee wane Maanerinin a ay the CNN othe ra a Alara ery the priry model or Aare a of he otis rsh fbn As expel by Abia en BC buen, We [Aum fallow te BOC asa ion ey tia apn te fo prefer Wester meds over Armen, king Independent mia boy te Aah word te fete. Alfaro troke ta rule” ‘by 8. Abdalth Sclee, senior sor of te [roads Suis Journ he managing ce of {sim ATAI explained what TV nev wasn the Aah ul tat onthe srese, People aw sete (coverage the Gulf War A ht ine inns... iivento politcal opponents Geer. Ars lenders ane mons" ‘Fararthe media are concemed. First, they feel that forcign, andesps. kneels ett ‘etizans’reapect for theirleaders, who gover predominaniy by injury. ener anh emae laeh ‘tadinooal and often cited “national interest” being one example ean ea eeeetereme cc bss, al shows and socal comnment-ths afer mick Sean. eer re an oo nine paren hteleat seen ee aed eae an ‘Professor at Armercan Univesity in Calo and senior cits ne ens Radio and Televison Union, i an tterview with Keats Now. Je 201, However, Arb goverment sil exercise some conto ove st they comin 1 psh thei polices though them. For emp | sighs activist Sand Ein Tahir (who aso holds 2 US. ss ‘hate gave a lengthy smerview 1 the Egyptian Sacte Carne cls ‘recent tal and defending himself agaist charges of detamny {5 ind ileally accepting focign funds was cult to mits sn _Apropam shout Egyptian spies. "Tam notcharged witheaprnags ©) ‘that defamation,” the sociology profesor said dur an ie e915 ‘nthe summer of 2001. The ew freedom onthe airwaves i “coins ‘i abn. “W's one step forward and two steps Dock "ne SH ‘fone ofthe Egypian Satelite Channel's lk shows. was quoted #1 Jane 2001: "We can't say the red lines have gone. ut hee ate fe! ‘oil pograms are Beng approved by the [Ex pian] msi personaly” TW appscs hat Auer hx been able to iia ler substan ding) om solic shows. Hower fou sue ‘beadtesned ihn content Fir, witha that Alama hase dap the Mie Est and worldwide wht ale wil be er pits te yes come? Second if A-rcr x8 “pees, wosld relatively independent an ie ap ier tan Auer ts ver cope pret ic to he We wh ach spr ne easecn joann he pone of pati opnen ety Of poles he Went ae nares Sis feging athe word t meron hee the Arab Worl ith fo oom vos of CRN ork rsdeaing anc and oduct aiid th piven he ir of Aco, eaemed tothe word witha cenroy on fpr and tc Und Snes pclae 69 PICTURING AMERICA’S “WAR ON TERRORISM’ IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ Michael Grifin ee i 08 Abstract, Fatomig ree dep of te Pi Caf Wa Torr Gh cece gonaeh te mare of US mene mape aascougeat be "arom Terre’ Athan he ‘imap trong The ways guns neste Gian tec. aed pega na fromp fr paling vera! esr fs a ‘etn ew i elfen De ‘Sin of teen psoas coverage rs 0 ‘Ngmenun sl ng be hse on he Gall Wa 197 hocieced ya mo ge pial, ree Repair nag tcmaeg nt poy fhe A tnlay srl ea any ale recs a ‘Zt Ant hs dna tvs nara sac i 6 Shadanr te ah Bag come we econ pee» ‘venetian a ra ad x Introduction ‘experaos for waists have shied trughout nceay of Pa lenin coverage, ah now imermet ciclo, Fon te elation of an mowarest possi Second Word Warandthe subaequeat expansion 04 of ware and onic across te le the secon pareyer of jour hve incesing) sis wo ‘ipoblanate refitons of ‘News aun, fo te ffi ving rom war yes iyi 10% ive sactnc bens eve hey repo they seve» do evs i aborting wp, al reise a | eerie era Bier aysvaropen nl ans esssny 9) ae vggeted hat newsmagucie pers pater of estan te meine Pht logue etc bes mage Foe Be and teeison ee. ew lene nce coverage fe nasions SBecawe weelytaparin low tegen ce remedied, eho all Moa ts is sully oe wh Peat pica Ween pices tay lnarate 3 sy ta ne My only ome viol emblem. atthe puta moter mein Rater, hy few pert of images pulsed ing pr pers fs mapas tht exon abel ito the fessional cles Morevs. 1 Wty ing cole delayed beam i a Seta ie: he bil of tons pct fom te, warn see spe and Slt popular tration oh {950, lo Cowra te const and pes 5 caveman come pooja eiesare nS importves ofthe commercial mats inthe USA, consincing spre, ete ee eee oni epee = “The Persian Gulf War, 1991 I sexgnse oa pte ofimpresionisi observation and comments. ‘he Paina Gall TV War 01981, we contcted amore roves Inventory of he spe, the rane, andthe frequency of phtozanh. preset uring courcof thew Tis rants of he pene, form ab comet a al 1104 Gall Warscacs) ‘pubis Te, Newsweet,and US News & Word Report aes 2), co oe the fen weeks of ‘Dosen Stomn’ «Grito me ‘ cpt reper ofthis say's ndings can be found in Ginthin wt na i y's sig upon the Neral et ot 176 As cally espizes oy! labore det and 9" tha oe mig imagine 0 ws "iey feguey serve atthe wo Lerner ex If te pe aphe pia nly weil macs pours minsy apa Pepe rcomqunig icc ane Theme: The Gila an Lae (102) may feng he pc savers 982, Moons a, 1: Zeon Ion oe fut mon hat one depos Merona of hem covenge Wars ec ceo of he wa bei rc re mnaea ay SNe apoptosis os sole of photograph in monary andi sews sal ao ‘ay be more iors fr ht lem pep Seberang te viewer's wena t aloe mos fat tek sec leet or ce eco 995; Scuison 1995, Scher. 196. Zein) photographs tr to symbole pene, pos Peete ey elogy cx sce arenes whch Go proces nee te infront 8 fit Gulf War fo taal eee none gsien erica pater of ictal coverage. Te et (95 inal cdi catgori) weet ane ng for T prem of tl Pewsrmagane eres "Cataloguing the Anal’, "US Troops 'US 5, dominated canerage ofthe wa com be bat a .... Se Soccernet cena Setcieeeteeetacte Tapeh emermeercast acs _etvines in the Olt F ee pres of ry are amd psoas ct chp cacy efile pes Fp a Peer rmee se mee Mesa Smad scncd - etary Before lane ants mimic ae es spay eeiphet inn erssppieediodoinconnas etree ae I lg i natn hpi anelpegleetenete Staley lnvanics of Gremds a 100) wna Ps tes ee of changes in media technology and onnership tha have rele yea bead eis clear thatthe “lve war that never materi err se tae crea a5 media event than» peal erarence De Ils ea in is ody f toe tne of vido and eter US paliy wining. Virus Wer Sapp he lon TNenwork (2001) (any case the suropae 991 exis a procedent fr spay after 9/11: pieturing the ‘War on Terror ‘poapblitd ihe wie of te Sptebe | atch es wo “goram reaps ad ies te ely pes repr! Te $xrrpentting mee potizet nal pesca of ves hv “As Septem thane te aon's news mapacines scabs MEBs es aking some of what woul questo. fine umd of he terone atacks” Aming the concen Satin eto, was election of he cover pctucs at ou te mening ofthe Arps Sepober 28 ue of Busines Werk showed he seo. Rikcmoment of nat andthe fst smolderg The Serene apne image ofthe scent ae 2 Sea ert is Stine stay br under cen of spoke The Newenco! sp ton showed te explosion rd ona thr pan | eas scan the oor ct lf. From memory veh» sad fied in what was follow. that woul cu roughou the following days ard 24 Neel tn ttre emon secure = raring fom herb ofthe World Trade i Iysevcenenin Joe Ross» Mor the Hist moments as JR's delvry of “Ask ot wh yout cu wht you ean do for your county The nna > hho te-ripteleison by pp Wor on Terorin a Atunhtan ah ia, Van Ye antiners on September 11,200), News none eee fe of Sane cng ain ee Peering w by Fara Chitra oh Paar Sikes, esol tows corey see es nd the sale of destton an erg In on tescoe effort” and the feo of rose Ti, he rliaton fai efor’ with scr on an beh ror, Foss sain tes roa iy, the ellering of survor, end te tenes ewe magni pices he We on Term Bot very closely. owever, sah ag ofr de vege iors rept of Ley oyna pga ons oa os forthe viewer. By the snd of Oc. he rn oe fy from dnster coverage stogte, Deon easng py aeton.Unecl sale! carers of he Wa inh tape ofthe aay nln tone bled Terr" Wa o Ten Talo Tener How Seared Should You Be”, "Special Report Wh War "Anthrax: A Spreng Scare’ Spc Ops Ca i, "Protecting Ame: Wha Mes Be Det i US Fosces Zao In oa the Evil On’ ander Walter, The analysis bean ith ese to {Geifinacd Lee (1998) i te as of Calf War the ned became ps coverage acne signi x 68 |Staca? ln coverage of he September 1 tacks tien survive an is Peer’ pct coy ie win be Unisd emerged in hi aan Byte mile ot Iytn Soper 11 — pon of te Gro ewes of ce ot ay ae 8 om Agno 2 rah Tete Cee sm the sory ofaocae anderen athe same and ferences between, for example the USS Plus! Hr Ma). hs caper, Manin cals a epasa ‘ae Caschosovakiamereneverecognied (Spark, 200° 47; see so Ha» : uh cok hen, He an Hall ei hos lied, gven bison of te Anan care ale yt. Se Stems (Hain amd Ma, 20). Sn ee tin end Pat soln orice inf ‘mon the volun The egos thor pring on innit as cing join racial orig neta eae many smi. mmc nel os shape se pc a ‘tin cpt, Reking Meda Sts C8 F junds of aint yt ave of ari no many no Feprting” =? 7 id rosie 2000) ba od to ot ature wis bose wots One of thes. the °Meseranea o¢ Se fn eae 2099-14) ofan ary aw development jos fit de Halland Main 10 Se Ou 0 this hinge Far Theor binary: Yo vekes siesta provid to ‘daa he tem of political pares, the pater of rstan ip tere the development of cv wc sn alin and Manin song drs “is emplasaes thir aproch and political eramstance coc - Hallinan Mase die ots rotng in professional ede should be tha ase 200 13, erp en arte TN aascoes ce ean cepa tod onthe sie policl pares he Ceca i farains cov be nb his a. a ern deer ra i ot ces sand Mancini, 20013) Neeson, and Pcs volume (Marin 3900 ao ofthe professional model permease porn a Hise above: Han end Masi ond ts pate the counties sti. The tee modes ae nod Briain, sland. nd Non Ameria Destcrne prevails acreos mrt coin Emp nde wick previ in he Medicranan conus of Mancini, 200: 1) Frances dco neon Corporati Mose Brome oft decsve marker othe ate desapmen of Countries that dnt have high ney Kens an shh atthe bepiiag ofthe 2st, err Peaing patos eal thn cone he 5 Seanlinancouncs flowsdy Swern be courte f Spain. ay Port and newspaper in he mas" welbedscted and polity acy ano tytn fama codon prs. sort stone ny Fear acs meets a merlot wes hs hy Fee ectom in te roa pes Pac tric boson ounnon an sl erento 0 pre prs res Seedama es dey Sie teed Nar Aline Made, dete ey cp “hows wary only ¥ dion newrpper crclanon Ty SoRear soma prs wah compass on inermatonevictat ju il ier aaliate eS ptconeann nnd ns Sa tee ome eeeeniscee eee ete eee eeeeeepeereners ty orn = eee ies Set Woke wed yarns deep i'w! Kas ee tt ss, im Tibem Modi where ‘thodel of “emphasis 0 om ne aie Bzede media syste aw 1% “his changes the socal fri airman ‘Marcin, 2004: 27. Subordination o Bee POPRMALISN TW TH CLomas 4 ‘te old utoraran mots” By, Yet three of the counties discumen con” Bee site ences ca ‘Set iember seonclude that scholars working ie many pan en the malysis of “Sever Eup, ncades BSesiarass a tesareee Belcan ng eaelepabeg eget fit forvard tat comparstve sates ats ly way ai er he Far Tr he emaatiog alot enim one ane then the only way fora more outa assumen Anew professional modet gh Hallinan Manco ish es ener pp doumalits and thei sel-perepes. wen and comparative sty are mt news mal Sly ofjoumalss wow ae Od {ig cae impo. Tho abe around the word and sical tar ws ta and time in he poten ae concerned. repana eical ues thse coer vi the normative exes of he the answers For romp, penne sn + : Chines urate ince Me than do Fresh Gams oun ald pin gusting he ratatal somaine pecans sd (aiotaL MENS axD-oL0RAL OURvALN poses re cxomAe sop hers This concen of ws we Sesto lin ant Men 204: 20). Tht neces oe Bremen veep at cover ch Ney ern oem ‘exceron tan {amis Inthe Nope wy he pro he or Sen by ts own practioner ‘etre opens vn and n-ne fom foc emt y G99 Stomp em ne Rampton el maton cacy bemade cess Feoersh: mostly quantitative a the Lea Mode of be poo be ais Rarapraad an! Ki ations! boundaries "hn the gens cs jus ls fal atthe cages fae joomuinn, choca satin and clare (arp 4nd KS seis i lyon at eo ‘Riel the Nels amass, wus he i aula si in man commen © eee . aoe aon oi bt gem ae yoatvoctfoning thy we menos me Cone om sa). Ramaprasad 1 is eater Torani aa atendy crested « i ohpineeray eg Siege Singer ulin he ses 10 ich hs acc i up peeeein. “ork pin for Fs form func, Srces an ib sty of jour comes andthe vhs een he rir mete vying naa me Cn fappsre fom 197 ote md on REN (faa, 2001 54) Intesingarite of Ale Tans sn A ted action, the reals mee overt prime 10 show hon Tava ‘eran te set or the mbance of @ wexer sve prs (fanspry Bors «Seay he saa fe Ups sy Mes, nd Hs {Commnicaion Orly soe Ri nv srequcianase, tal rtd by Weer apd Witt or Sy f Kamo and Weve, 203 1615) Func os {put th Upin sma, ee te gues on chs Osean foam "Bie pi ty a muse wo pli «sry, Bing pid y 2 souce 1 : “sary ing pd by source to change ny” (Mwesige, 20088) wr ea boast mc, flo by 297 peat oye ‘orn appear among the orignal qusions. Yet hy te hy r= B16), However, inset yea acon ‘jing puget pace, nt only im Aan counties (Kuri. 3 ‘nn abo in counties ike Chinn Zhuo, 1998: 73). Mwesig. corner: arcs medi ky and sb ates ois dat, wre: oweve, the apparent cosics of Upana Jotns anders) ply sling ssn in ‘Semcon of tir les wenem oui fre best ese hades canbe ound ei dius Sree, ease imo similar ura pace’ (Mwesige, 2004 3) He expe (Sng, 200813 or ome ‘dren byte egal an pltcal ttre und which U gana ots 0 Sige wrk ith arcs ‘work tou aking in scout atte journal, sal Hk. ulead onatveinarutof uty een hse | Nh nnuto what pt be pec asan infers ofthese Feist ths edd ur the worl US porns the Nepalese ad Uganda ight the dang of spying a nna dy deat and cig. ofc 3 capac ae sul 10s the questions and thir anya eo} Pat ntfs acl practice. This leaves he dem of ho 9 sn 2 : fa ad pe es Ome vy get mvc rig, qultorcy, Te wom exe! Ore Seta loner othe working eles of he major of oa BT jpenster mts worst _ Mah eer ooemative tmampsans the responds wat 4 live up 1 2 ht «Stan bangeeestrontety momen ive emerged ve th pst 20 ea ad ; {enor 9) ve lee quan Scher Ware eck nS shee eater ar exenvenerien = , 19) Howe ericson wt scl os cour 204 1) res mete phemmevon of ney a 1 Framing Ia er mime Singer duc ot ge de wie at ‘soca nh, eo tha a pies ere? ie nent re» Pe va a {mig ne sin at "opens te docs vo ray even isomcios, well clei pst Sch ‘Silay, Ree shot tat he gaa tr of mach arg ea ep eth ero reo sor med eats dco (Saloon ha i ad pune (kese, 2013) Peg bt fv te gtk on 0 Hs Oppose, bjt. at he poten name endterte Scbudon menos ht," eta prone athe joumait shold be» professor! who tra and a pone wo do is wibou prejudice (Schoen 2 inhn mpwmeat Ye dvs mt pck on te noun of eject Tosca! he alain sect with eranetina routines te has of ec | Dencng tom. dns he ea fej) 01 trp at os ‘Zesceof den Flowing Tucan and Cans, be pus fora hs esearch in the era of globaiation fepeachin he raf lebalzason wil ring rath of inchaive ofpars tea te US and Wess Ease fleets of sctlcticn ca owncion na Seperate beeen ato pee a tas lorena Gecsumdimin a oy tere thse nce iientaclccyst ee iocs es Reppert Reyes me er eee eriseese rs eatateetcacrncrer oes Sais asec len 8 rs ce ieee ecteemn Sees octane einen ccs cn oe co With regard to abjecivity, scbotars may be more tested by a compass oi t's inclusiveness and cxclusiveness les elsewhere emt ftane fre ce Nes Cha 0 = Dippin orcas Bae arin enemys ee i ied ea reed cia moar Gipeeieeretuniiperccss- ereinies se i — et, the new technologies challenge the traituil undesan ese [ese : fSSpofmeat oct stasnoe re an democracy ft is the fetermet that don ome. vi ‘arpa tom 1 would be unfit. bowers. pick « minor pit to dininsh te Ioan fs mt dvb word mode. This mince ‘ied any Thad We ns however. ly guise oy communi fms o dominate he Bow ft ee eeeteeleance ona. avant has tought 3 more = oes profs, making at emerge derecrace Therm has developed base psc of ous to the word sorkmunty. The 1994 i eat of goverment may mi fe tv the madam The Deiat sb enable socies fart w= fe is ephnsison fiilresrant may ip o = aniation ands ployes to go whet he = fs ational ound. Less ofc ep! i flow their own poesia dae c= eof proesonn fgets fect wy thy ae meta in me feiss esto which se tng nc she stub by & cone labs dist elsborsne cach an ae all more porta tate aves i tnd tuetions 1 pide hw ivesiains. Se Fave been perhaps most enya open gy permis repleing the we qucsorme Vyeldngresitatcnbelosted win score ook like Weavers (198) The Git! Faas, Hereprovedesucenfl expono any comes gymer peel ny be cricned errors Penal utally North eran r Bs pense foe tcl conest. The newer ebay ss ths spe of research have been dee ema "A more compariveapeach woul be l= Meswrer of tse sysere what common ve ob omg, however we mat cls sb Beira be caried ot. A bc scsion ote ve asd dh he aporance of te ode I wll as erotoormee ngs prem eb pcos te sn soso er Senenaeeesestencoornt —- sal measurenacet sales. ‘va era ral ncn ewes PION eral comet come te ery of real ret and es Sat ited wah being cross raent uc an the bse re SE 2 seis fourmaagpeecesw ron ran yay he anal je cere ‘Teneca ely bse Petes em el as he oj ag oy Baal sch Sil 1%) for example, nce be nda hen ‘Other mais fates sn pce may oa fee on cept speci the ctrl pcr stn ised again gremeurcy suming at sentry ne cla ei as anther nde thes one con ora cert nh mcome tomezseting eet ons races ae copped io ncnpla e dressing teve quicken te um nw to describing mse tat pve ch the forces tht supe mea mesg 89 ha is the bss forthe Book edn the rt mass media conte! (Shock and Reo, with ny coleagus Panel Shah bes medibesedon evlof uals bch p separ nd in sanction wih sh et most miro to the most ma i ed weoogal, with ach soe eve his mode Pp mening oneanae rnsering the les or pspesine mc tet ote ska a tne rs pete Parseghian of oe owed ecoca sy enh lengeat news AND GtomaL 1ouRNALisNe en... rape aoa ened than th Acar pe senda ours hey hid, bt rua ais arabe weve te ates, ine a ch etc he New Yor Tims Nowe ea Seeiteaeet Geert Ths svn ha i terse cer tase ec he ts “ih he a eM a ‘Seow mapas pp, prap the mos semen pro fires by Weave hve xin pena “Reeth potas Aon tine, ite was Know att Mowing that American jo nso cane epecs'erm ser protic Hindeing ths ystems st pit enn yi ant Lira wos ‘Sins uaastoecourng cranny Se RRRatesin pestsccaty te cjes'y oo Berries ls a te pa = tthe wakes mar stro em suring ning they ie ory no ss camacton he hve pre ars : ° tree an pict nate seo a Seinen. tc frepcieniave,refeting ie rc cf oc No Pay thi crave sander wich cen cco pect, much ener as es eats Sikes. Aten ere nuns an assy po Ie ected for beng ove exe a age “te item baw of he American jours. For these pum i ‘ch fee iwi toy dees ue aloe resach re ve ner Republican cant us Plead er academic perio stape oss {hice view heard se i news coe ro stderr grew pore Gi teemmcimieimw pret torent corte orcas = bees roduc. Even nhs ital pede “Qe pwc of man owner Inde be ini lee proves i specie oom _ expla popes fr beh uate ate News ren fant be evahned in coming reach clam Seep eiee tet econo or Bhs is genetics Toe sts tek _ Segue! pe mut stra emalesecaph eee1 Fan Resiiretued with red 10 ti locscn eee ees Famaenee of cite jours and cy exshere™ : was ag he Gy dori jour nH 9 v t Wasion cogent bt at wl the 1970 idx dept sighs asa 9 25 «hs and clues ae eqn ct = jpaaintass whole oso. 172) Ss tt ie the work of Weave and Wit (1981) has aspired os 0s! Proferrals empirical. Th espe ego preseatons or The Global raise (ener, 1998) T= and have proved ale oer ae canoe bow we poner ors ules hey ve rh Gonaininginfceces of wok PH wet is oe mt sly vos insted by the oma lief ours Breed (1958) mpm i cv Feeartom, powers mc cen evel ese ere wel lat the abject mse. a he withthe ongsing 2 stiacing st itr this pipe. A hs fel we ae earns and bow they at efxced By dion vee tht exec prolyl ane ony avaabeto ds aburvaton, Ider. the power of which nese ns "in journalism accarly te at me w Petlipsciog ir cn hn ie corsa, Fflen not ever evare tht anti hn ke le fully undeotand te eesnzzonel sss foots keen acearse ocean ofhow sens Jecmmeitine markt pes Fi ac vara wor ateto soe ym oe ‘Wi nll of afluences and professionatin eves of this model maybe ey eta ay sn oni so : tives He the eresig gues nr te hat ieee sewed yess model uso epson say ose nt fy ted profesional and twa othe age for example, can be consider m ini poise, and an occupational aling 1 which ey a ltimately guides oan tse nh Individuals ale their Profane oc ied interference and shared sens sik what een ae exresoon of pen! and beet i png et ths pcs that embodies ast of poste nh oro maybe viewed fem artes penne Tosh» shows that ours ae considered poem accepted practice ath eae tent that cect aire pees be eat by atbuling oprinao sources tanig basic prices (Tucan, 1974) Flowing he agaist ucince a pe is. sk how professionals ra nepal tof patra workings of here be dtined asthe "y= bent) enginering of as cons official as oppo hemos ily 0 wc tn above hepsi this proces. have ll 8 00 he out ato crs suet W requires us to be especialy ving seen fan whether they mean the same ig oe should carchilly cose van nyo ifr exampie. ae profeionl cc nae on business prensa A levels ofann ape a lation differences How: ours vs with another How do organo os to proesonal valued? What scone sr the same futon f main pe ot sa ode ht helps stot ha hat rscarch gions may nw I ke shaw ow thee eves of ama ed Of cous, his conceal wack 0 the ime aod resoces regard y yes Phan ne aod fot ae wel set esng fort waste by remateypmpes So) many scolar around the wrt usion, The pos aro He mentioned arr sugges hat we wi "The mary spores oe for rong mpera ¥ Ms US onl rsh a seve! math 9s. Ts he narmatne sect of aes apa ty eoeeaniacy eke “OLOBAL NEWS AND GLOMAL JOURNALISN. eeeaeoee. esses and fetus) ar wllason bow sa eri, vin andra ce indvidul and scales es ei my wok hs yt hn me ‘un erotic tae auch td ur thee fret ane ew Yor Peon E.Ebvad Dow Wit (a= Pac Opnon Quarry Pycestation!Rewarh Sse, Nexey Po Sonley and Lh, Lind 810 Patormance Mass Commence it Pu ne Bo (195) "Te it wc sce te as (Gulf ar, Cnc! Sues» has Commences fifa ad ely of ony «es te [Shs br Mas Conmancton pp 30-09, the means reer bln eager Dearboo 4, Bevery Hl Spe p33 Peta of jay es lard Perna ores 2000) “Edesig fours eosin Ape a2) 2 JOURNALISTS International profiles David H. Weaver AS tC el i arti Ppl ‘ra A Aan Bn op 12 acrossnationsl bode dificult Many charac havin dependon speci wetng. Yet ere a sn Gat ct es the boundries of gengrapin, calle, angus, sci) TT car is sais adios in he sc hres als of juris fo 2 coasts net (1 me (Sc Te Gl oma, eed David Weaver, Hampon Pr 1 ‘Thsoirlae Alea Asai, Bal, Brain, Canada, Chile, China. Foie “Filan France, Germany HongKong. Hangay, Ker Meuio, Ne Ze ‘ets Pad Sp, on th Ut Sia Tene etmen 1988 and 1936, omy by mal and elegant ‘mri with mae Bas 2.00 oman oa ‘The ptf asemping wo denw compro of jour in these ie aes of he words to yt iy some snares iene hm) ve usa mor scart pcre of where out come fr ard whither) ue becoming tore pessoal as we have the tweath conuy Dein! 2 ‘eo anew mien The major astmpton thal oui” backgosts wat is eer (and hs eovered) nthe vari no sy Ufa Won ad Wit ced th pc US. oat 192 was ht i oot yur edn sb Ymca nce This demographic pro 0 toa nth ara Gender Bes cm ee kes ns fan bchind (Korea, Algeria, Brien, and Spam euralins scos tse 9 cnatior irene Drain ety te popen Se ee between the United St nih et of he was Pesan occupation, with ma lis ones average age ranged fom 30 0 4 yeu inte ie youngest oul coring fom Hog Keng ge 30, an thoes ving in Cae ot Pecan re younger on average (38 yea old) he te ong, asinte plas ay Jou mele fre ening for mre her dhe pbc elation, Ths cemetary cr Vaid Sits ol afore tein. The cranes wth eve = Ata Fland Meuse anew are Keres, Spin ob oid eh leven of Uh counts or eres tee cing baking a frye nome fo bcp puns re peop nce Seta ee en of oe rot and Cie be et noire ‘wt love Sie ep om Brin (4 pen an ep aes “Tom wher bone cei ae aie Jounin se tempert by he fcr entra ae ot gras ca eran pra at ape wf coves ed tees I yy cepa Nesmsetrpeting res 413 Wider ‘Gece of Spat rat Che, Bea, f Was one hin nh os US pace 038 Bini Seee Beeeelatemac mney fara Tepe tere ook Sot mg m1 per nd fog hs Coc oh US muy haeons eeepc tpwas cone pede ‘tec omau coal pay sy. 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