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YEAR 10 HISTORY SEMESTER 1 EXAM 2012 Revision Sheet

You need to revise all work covered this year: 1. United Nations: - When was it set up - Australias role in the establishment of the UN, e.g. Evatt. - The main UN bodies, e.g. Security Council, General Assembly, Secretariat, WHO, FAO, International Court of Justice, UNHCR - The UN Declaration of Human Rights Civil Rights in the USA - When did the movement start - The major events, e.g. the Little Rock Nine, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Freedom Rides, Sit-Ins, the March on Washington - The role of important people such as Daisy Bates, Martin Luther King - The influence on you of such films as Mississippi Burning The apartheid system in South Africa (for Mr. Craigs classes) - The different racial groups in South Africa - Apartheid why it was introduced and what it meant - World and UN reactions including sporting boycotts - who supported and who opposed apartheid, and why - why apartheid collapsed - The role of important people such as Nelson Mandela and de Klerk The killing Fields in Cambodia/Kampuchea: - How the situation was allowed to develop. - The political beliefs of the Khmer Rouge - The methods and behavior of the Khmer Rouge - The role of important people such as Pol Pot - The influence on you of such films as The Killing Fields Changing Australian Government Policies towards the Aborigines Australian Governments have changed their policies towards the Aborigines over the 200+ years that the Europeans have settled on the Australian continent. This has varied from: -- Dispossession until mid 1850s Protection c1969 1937 Assimilation 1937 1965 Integration 1965 1972 Self-determination 1972- c2005 Reconciliation 1990s Intervention 2007 Learn the meaning of these policies as well as such terms as stolen generation, native title, land rights, deaths in custody, Mabo decision, Wik decision





Your exam will be 1 hour 30 minutes long and in 4 parts. PART A: PART B: PART C: PART D: 20 multiple choice questions covering all areas of the syllabus 4 x Paragraphs. There will be some choice in each of the 4 questions and the topics will cover most of the course. Sources Skills (a particular topic) Essay on some aspect of Human Rights across the various examples we have studied

Notes on Essay Writing ANSWER THE QUESTION! You must focus on this throughout your essay, not just in the introduction and conclusion. The question will contain a word like evaluate, or assess, or explain, or discuss. All these words indicate that you must put forward an ARGUMENT ie, a statement, supported by detailed evidence which explains the reasons for your making the statement in the first place.

An essay is a sustained argument developing or weighing the evidence about an idea or question, and creating a full and satisfying conclusion.

- Structure your writing: Introduction: answer the question (using the words of the question) and present your argument At least 4 paragraphs: each paragraph should be 5-7 sentences and should follow the pattern: Statement, Evidence, Argument, Link (back to the question). Conclusion: Reiterate your argument from the intro paraphrase as now you have presented your material, use words like: in conclusion, because, as a result of etc. - Use correct terminology - Back-up your statements with evidence - Make a judgment and show analysis (i.e. explain why and how something happened, and what its result was). - Dont write a narrative (eg. something happened, then this, then this, then something else happened). This is a description, not an essay. Remember to keep within the suggested time limits for each question, as your exam paper will advise.

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