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Genesis 6 Giants

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that,
when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they
bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were
of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:4
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Stretch your mind back to childhood. What giants do you remember? Jack and the
Beanstalk? Hercules? Paul Bunyan? Goliath? What were you told and what did you
read? With the exception of Goliath and an occasional ornery cyclops, legends
emphasized their innate goodness, eye-popping feats accomplished with
unparalleled strength, victories over the bad guys and all performed by "gentle
giants". What if it were all a lie? What if the truth were something much MUCH more

I have invested over 30 years researching

the vast history of giants. It has, for the
most part, been kept from the public.
Proof of giants' existence - their skeletal
remains - has been quickly secreted away
in obscure museums, when not destroyed.
Additionally, time has cloaked and sugar-
coated these creatures' true perverse
nature, the majority too vile, too demonic
for bedtime stories. However, history is
replete with their tales of unimaginable
cruelty, sexual perversity, cannibalism and
pagan rituals. This is only the beginning.
Some things are best forgotten. . . or are

Where did these giants come from and what was their connection with ordinary
humans? Just who were they? What happened to these extraordinary creatures? Is it
possible they could ever return? The last question I will answer right now - YES, they
most definitely could return! And they have something much worse in mind for
The following chart represents the comparative sizes of giants throughout

Text courtesy of Proving The Bible

A. Present day modern man which averages about 6-feet tall + or - several inches or more.
15-foot human skeleton found in southeast Turkey in late 1950's in the Euphrates valley
B. during road construction. Many tombs containing giants were uncovered here. This pertains
to the picture of the giant human femur and myself above.
C. Maximinus Thrax Ceaser of Rome 235-238 A.D. This was an 8' 6" skeleton.
D. Goliath was about 9 feet + or - a few inches. I Samuel 17:4 late 11th century.
King Og spoken of in Deuteronomy 3:11 whose iron bedstead was approximately 14-feet by
E. 6-feet wide. King Og was at least 12-feet tall, yet some claim up to 18.
A 19'6" human skeleton found in 1577 A.D. under an overturned oak tree in the Canton of
F. Lucerne.
G. 23-foot tall skeleton found in 1456 A.D. beside a river in Valence, France.
A 25' 6 " skeleton found in 1613 A.D. near the castle of Chaumont in France. This was
H. claimed to be a nearly complete find.
Almost beyond comprehension or believability was the find of the two separate 36-foot human
I. remains uncovered by Carthaginians somewhere between 200-600 B.C.

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