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Jim and Marje


MISSION to the

Ju1 ie Ooni Jon


January 2, 1975 Dear Christian Friends,

Thanksgiving dinner on a school day and Christinas in July? We thought you might like to hear about these two holidays because they seemed so different to us this year. Since Thanksgiving isn't a holiday here, the missionaries got together for a turkey dinner. There were 19 of us at the Marshall home and everyone helped fix the food, so it was easy for everyone. We had a very meaningful service of Thanksgiving and prayer in the evening. It was good to be able to share the many
blessings we have with one another.

We really had difficulty getting into the spirit of Christmas for several reasons
The last weeks have been sad ones because of the loss of my niece. Gay Ammerman. And, then there was none of the usual hustle and bustle of going to the many, many activities that we always had in the states and there was not one single gift exchange. Really, this part was a pleasant change and one could focus more on the real meaning of the season. Thirdly, it was hotl The kids had Jim take their pictures with their gifts while they were fanning themselves! We did have a nice quiet day and were invited to a friend's house in the evening.

The children are enjoying a seven week holiday. The new school year starts on January 21 when they will all move up a grade. Julie, Joni, and Jon have all spent some of the vacation time at the Chidamoyo Mission. These three would love to stay out there all the time! Jeanie and Tim have been spending quite a lot of their time working in the bookstore. A friend of Jeanie's asked if she would like to go to South Africa with her family for a three week holiday. So, she

left December 28 and will be back Just in time for school to start.
December 1, Jim had the privilege of going to three different African locations to preach at their church services. Enos, his helper in the bookstore, went with him to interpret. When you go out like this, the day is long and tiring as you usually have to wait some time for the people to gather and they like long ser
vices. However, i t is a rewarding time and the fellowship is good.

Jim and I had charge of the high school musical program at the close of the last school term at the European church here. We used narriation, scripture and songs
to tell the story of the V.B.S. material they had just covered.

A couple of weeks ago the news came that the Europeans and Africans had agreed to talk over the political situation in this country and that terrorist activity would be stopped. We covet your prayers in this matter; that a peaceful solution
might be found soon.

We do want to take this opportunity to thank you for the birthday cards, Christ mas cards and notes of sympathy that so many of you have sent. These cards and letters mean so much to us and it was good of you to take time to write.
Because of Him, Jim, Marje, and family


Carl Junction, Mo.

M/M Ronald Lawver

M/M Gary Strand

Mrs. Martha Allmendinger
Mrs. Frances McFerron

M/M Riley Taylor, Dix, 111. M/M Ted Johns, Joplin, Mo.
Miss Jan Johns, Joplin, Mo. M/M Don Brister, Joplin, Mo. M/M John Goodman, Joplin, Mo.

M/M Harold Downs M/M Charles Grisson

Mrs. Jen Clymer

M/M R. B. Kegerries
Mrs. Gladys Fraizer

M/M Dale Sponsler, Marshfield, Mo. M/M Norman Thompson, Lamar, Mo. M/M Roy Taylor, Taylorville, 111.
M/M William Lisle, Joplin, Mo.

M/M ^yron Williams

Mrs. Mora Miller

M/M Harry Basye, Columbus, Ks.

M/M Donald Stirrup, Neho, Ky. Mrs. Twyla McKee, Roswell, N. Mex. M/M Walter Goodman, V/ehb City, Mo.

M/M Kenneth Snyder M/M Gary Nowlin M^l-Gordon -Clyjaer M/M Bert Kleidon M/M George Keffalos
Mrs. Lucille Tarrant

-M/M_JCeith. Sigier j_HutchinsD,n, Ks . (2j.

M/M Wayne Goodman, Cypress, Calif.
M/M Oden E. Brown, Mtn. Grove, Mo.
Churches and Groups

Mrs. Lena I^Iyrick

M/M Lynn Gardner

M/M Newt White Mrs. Marjorie White M/M Rick Grove
Special Travel Fund:

Dix Christian Church, Dix, 111. First Christian Church, Flora, 111.

Southside Christian Ch., Springfield, 111.

Christian Church, Ramsey, 111. First Christian Church, Lamar, Mo. Central. Ch. of Christ, Mt. Vernon, 111.

M/M Walter Goodman

Countryside Christian Ch., Pittsburg, Ks. (2) Lord's Reapers (Knofel Staton) OBC
Carl Junction Jr. High, Carl Junction, Mo.
Forwarding Agents:

African Address:

M/M Jim Taylor

P. 0. Box 392

M/M Gordon Clymer

P. 0. Box 8l6

Sinoia, Rhodesia

Carl Junction, Mo.


The Jim Taylor Family

Christian Church of Carl Junction

Non-Profit Organization U. S. Postage


Carl Junction, Missouri


Permit No.

Carl Junction, Mo.


Return Requested


. y



Jim and Marje


MISSION to the

Julie Joni Jon


February 6, 19T5
Dear Christian Friends;

Another letter and another opportunity to thank each one of you for
fully continuing to support us vith your dollars and your prayers.

so faith

A new school term has begun and we are back in a routine once again. It is good to be a little more settled. The children seem to be more confident

in their school work this term, but still find plenty to complain about.
think some is well Justified.) The bookstore is coming along very well


nancially, and with a little more work we can say that we have made some pro gress. We haven't done much in the way of using the store for the Lord, since we have been so busy trying to get used to the new ways. The political situation here doesn't give you much chance for good progress in business.

Importing is

very difficult, and

Rhodesia is

not known for her


houses (secular or religious). One thing we have in abundance is calendars. If those who are supporting us would like a beautiful scenic calendar, just

send us a nice newsy letter and we will send you one.

doesn't it)

(sounds like bribery,

The exchange rate here continues to drop. Now the Rhodesian dollar costs us $1.8i^ US. Rhodesian prices are almost as high as the U.S., so you can see that we are spending a lot just on living. Petrol has just gone up another

cent to .18 per litre.

esian money.

That, is .90 per 5 litres

(just over a gal.)


In U.S. money that is over $1.50 per gallon.

Inflation is not

so wild here because the government controls all the prices.

Since our last letter we have made two short trips. The first on Jan. 12-13 was not short in miles but took only two days. Marje and I went to the

Inyange Mountains in the eastern part of Rhodesia for a holiday, no kids. We enjoyed the beautiful mountains and tall pines very much. We would have enjoyed it more, but being the rainy season, our trip out on Monday was ruined by a dense fog. The second was a one-day trip to Kariba. Here we saw the huge dam for the first time, and gave the children their first look at the world's second-largest man-made lake. We had a nice sunny day and really got hot before long. On our way home we stopped at a crocodile farm
and had the unusual treat of watching baby crocs hatching from eggs. We
got a souvenir egg-shell.

The work at Mangula continues on the same discouraging note. We seem to have different people coming at different times. Wish we could get them all together once. Please continue to pray for this work, and that we
don't become discouraged and want to give up. We know that God can use
every effort to His glory.

llie European church here in Sinoia is planning a new addition to the building, We do need more classroom space and this new project should take care of our needs for some time. The church here continues to prosper under the leader

ship of Dale Marshall.

55 miles to the N.V/.

He also

preaches each Sunday evening at Karoi, about

Please continue to pray for the Ammermans during their time of adjustment, and for Lynda Nutt as her parents continue to seek the best care for her. May the Lord bless your every good work.
Because of Him,

Jim, Marje and family CONTRIBUTORS FOR JAmJARY, 19T5

_CarJ JuTLcti on j/o. _

^Miss-Jan^Johns, - Jopli^,Mg^

M/M Gary Strand Mrs. Martha Allmendinger

Mrs. Frances McFerron

M/M Harold Downs M/M Charles Grissom Mrs. Jen Clymer

M/M R. B. Kegerries
Mrs. Gladys Fraizer


Don Brister, Joplin, Mo. John Goodman, Joplin, Mo. Dale Sponsler, Marshfield, Mo. Norman Thompson, Lamar, Mo. Roy Taylor, Taylorville, 111. William Lisle, Joplin, Mo. Harry Basye, Coliambus, Ks. Donald Stirrup, Nebo, Ky.

M/M W[yron Williams

I^'s. Mora Miller

Mrs. Twyla McKee, Roswell, N. Mex.

M/M Raymond Vaugh, Pittsburg, Ks.

Churches and Groups

M/M Kenneth Snyder M/M Gordon Clymer

M/M George Keffalos M/M Lynn Gardner M/M David Jones
Mrs. Alice Childers

M/M Riley Taylor,, Dix, 111. M/M Ted Johns, Joplin, Mo.

Dix Christian Church, Dix, 111. First Christian Church, Flora, 111. Southside Christian Ch., Springfield, 111, Christian Church, Ramsey, 111. First Christian Church, Lamar, Mo. Central Ch. of Christ, Mt. Vernon, 111. Countryside Christian Ch., Pittsburg, Ks.

Lord's Reapers (Knofel Staton) OBC

Riverlawn Christian Church, Wichita, Ks.

The Jim Taylor Family

Christian Church of Carl Junction

Non-Profit Organization U. S. Postage


Carl Junction, Missouri


Permit No. 1

Carl Junction, Mo.


Miss Florence Douglas

Return Requested



Jim and Marje


MISSION to the Julie Joni Jon


March 5 1975
Dear Christian Friend^s:

February was a busy month as three of the four Sundays were spent travelling to distant places to preach. Bro. Cephas Bere, one of the African evangelists

had asked me to come to his church at Zowa to preach on "Giving".

churches need much teaching on this subject as area and because they have such little to give. African churches in the Chitomborgwize area.

The African

little has been done in this The Sunday before I went to

this congregation I "warmed up" on the subject by preaching on giving to three

I had been asked to bring the Sinoia African Junior choir with me when I went to Zowa. This turned out to be a mixed quartet, plus one boy who went along for the ride. These young people, aged 13 to 20, sang very well and everyone enjoyed their music. Enos Bhonda, my helper in the bookstore, went with me to guide the way. However, we got lost on the way. We went about ten miles out of the way, but what a ten miles! This was the worst road I have had the


of driving on yet!

Part of the

reason for the poor condition of

the bush roads is due to the very heavy rainy season we are having. Rhodesians say this is one of the wettest summers in several years and many of the newer
lakes are overflowing for the first time.

We are learning not to plan other activities when we have scheduled-a service with the African people. The Sunday I preached at Zowa, the service started

at 2 p.m. and I was to be back to preach in Sinoia at,6. However, we began with the usual long song service and several special numbers in song (the church there had 2 choirs). After the Lord's Supper and introductions, it was
my turn to preach and, of course, with an interpreter, sermons take twice as long as normal. After I preached a fired-up sermon on giving and Mr. Bere exhorted the brethren further, we took up an offering. I was a bit deflated

when the offering total of $1.03 was announced!

can dismissal we were

Following the customary Afri

We could

invited to Bro. Bere's home for refreshments.

not refuse since we hadn't had any lunch and I knew the yo\mg people were hun
gry. I could see we would never make it back to Sinoia for services and I

couldn't run to the nearest telephone eitherl We arrived back at 7:30 p.m. Bro. Ivan Martin filled in for me at Sinoia, so all went well as we enjoyed
another day of service for the Lord.

Thank you for your wonderful support, both in prayers and giving of your off erings toward our work. Be especially praying for the African evangelists as they try to teach their people the whole counsel of God and for the political situation that is not getting any better.

May God bless you all in all your work for Him,
Jim, MarJe and family


The Taylors need approximately $3,000 more for their return trip back to the
states in August. May we suggest special offerings and VBS offerings to help meet this urgent need. Please mail to: Gordon R. Clymer, P. 0. Box 8l6, Carl Junction, Mo. 6^83^1
Carl Junction, Mo.

Miss Jan Johns, Joplin, Mo.

M/M Gary Strand

Mrs. Martha Allmendinger
Mrs. Frances McFerron

M/M Harold Downs M/M Charles Grissom

Mrs. Jen Clymer

M/M R. B. Kegerries
Mrs. Gladys Fraizer


--M/M M/M M/M M/M M/M M/M

Don Brister, Joplin, Mo. John Goodman, Joplin, Mo Dale Sponsler, Marshfield, Mo. Norman Thompson, Lamar, Mo. Roy Taylor, Taylorville, 111. William Lisle, Joplin, Mo. Harry Basye, Columbus, Ks Donald Stirrup, Nebo, Ky.
Raymond Vaughn, PiirtsburgT-Ksr Keith Sigler, Hutchinson, Ks Walter Goodman, Webb City, Mo. Sam Stone, Cincinnati, Ohio James Morain, Copan, Okla. Wayne Goodman, Cypress, Calif.

M/M W(yron Williams


Mrs. Twyla McKee, Roswell, N. Mex.

M/M Kenneth Snyder M/M Gordon Clymer M/M Lynn Gardner

M/M David Jones

M/M Gary Nowlin

M/M Ronald Lawver M/M Newt White Mrs. Mary Holms M/M Bert Kleidon M/M Bob Wizer

Churches and Groups

M/M Arbury Cochran M/M Marty McKnight

Miss J i l l Cowardin

Sharon & David Clymer


Dix Christian Church, Dix, 111. First Christian Church, Flora, 111 Southside Christian Ch., Springfield, 111, Christian Church, Ramsey, 111 First Christian Church, Lamar, Mo. Central Ch. of Christ, Mt. Vernon, 111. Countryside Christian Ch., Pittsburg, Ks.

Lord's Reapers (Knofel Staton) OBC

7th Grade Class, C. J. Christian

M/M Riley Taylor, Dix, 111 M/M Ted Johns, Joplin, Mo.


March 30 -

April 20 - Joni May 30 - Tim

P. 0. Box 392 Sinoia, Rhodesia


The Jim Taylor Family

Christian Church of Csirl Junction

Non-Profit Organization U. S. Postage

PAID Permit No. 1

Carl Junction, Missouri 6^183^+

Carl Junction, Mo. 6kQ3h

Return Requested



Jim and Marje


MISSION to the Julie Joni Jon

Dear Christian Friends:

May, 1975

How thankful we are for each one of you! It seems like things have been rather routine for us since oxir last writing. We have kept busy and find the weeks passing very quickly. The children have been on a month's holiday between terms and when they go back May 21, they will only go until the end of June. We prom ised to let them quit then as they will have nine months of classwork finished and then can have a couple months before starting school back home.

We are beginning to get some things in boxes and plan to mail them right away.
It takes two months or more for things to get there so we will need to get our

linens and summer clothes in the mail.

The sorting and packing is exciting to

the kids and from now on they will be counting the days until they get back home.
Immediately after this holiday began, the mission meeting was held at the Dewure Mission Station. Jim was able to get someone to run the store for him so we all had the privilege of attending. There were around 75 there and we had a wonder ful time. We had not yet had the opportunity to meet some of the missionaries so it was good to be able to make new friends. The services were uplifting and we especially enjoyed the singing. The European services we attend do not have very enthusiastic song services (mainly because of the small ntjmber of people) and the African services are always in Shona so it was good to hear all the partsinging and some good special niambers.

It has been a joy for me to go out into the bush a few times with Joanne Martin to conduct ladies meetings with the African women. They are so appreciative and so willing to leam. Joanne is learning Shona and it means so much to these
people when you learn to speak their language.

We will hope to have made some definite plans about returning to the states be
fore time for our next newsletter. We do appreciate so much your faithful

support and we are most grateful to you who are willing to give extra that we might have the necessary travel funds. Continue to pray for us that our last
months here will be beneficial to the work. In Christian love,

Jim, Marje and family


The Taylors planned arrival is less than two months away.


travel funds are needed by July 15 so we may transfer all available savings for purchasing the tickets. We anticipate tickets will be higher than last summer, but
at this time i t is uncertain how much higher. Your extra offerings for the TRAVEL
FUND are needed now!

If every regular contributor would also continue support through August, we feel
these funds with the extra travel fund offerings will be suffieient. The Taylors

will be sending an August newsletter, so a report about any need for additional fTinds can be reported then. Thank you all for your regular and faithful support and prayers. It has been a joy to share with you this year in this mission venture, Send all funds to: Gordon R. Clymer, P.O. Box 816, Carl Junction, MO. 64834.


Carl Junction, Mo

M/M Gary Strand

Mrs. Martha Allmendinger
Mrs. Frances McFerron

M/M Riley Taylor, Dix, 111.

M/M Ted Johns, Joplin, Mo. Miss Jan Johns, Jcplin, Mo.

M/M Harold Downs M/M Charles Grissom Mrso Jen Clymer

M/M Ro B. Kegerries
Mrs. Gladys Fraizer

M/M Myron Williems

Mrs. Kora Miller

M/M Kenneth Snyder M/M Gordon Clymer M/M Lynn Gardner

M/M -M/M M/M M/M M/M David Jo^es Gary Novvlin Ronald Lawver Newt White Bert Kleidon

M/M Don Brister, Joplin, Mo. M/M John Goodman, Jcplin, Mo. M/M Dale Sponsler, M.*5rshfield, Mo. M/M Norman Thompson, Lamar, Mo. M/M Roy Taylor, Taylorville, 111. M/M William Lisle, Joplin, Mo. M/M Harry Basye, Columbus, Ks. M/M Donald Stirrup, Nebo, Ky. Mrs. Twyla McKee, Roswell, N. Mex.

M/M Raymond Vaughn, Fittsburg, Ks* M/M Keith Sigler, Hutchinson, Ke.
-M/M Walter Goodman , Wpbli Ci ty, Mo^

M/M Wayne Goodman, Cypress, Calif#

Mrs. Ethel Toombs, Madisonville, Ky. M/M Robert Stevens, Ft. Worth, Texas
Churches and Groups

M/M Marty McKnight

Jill & Cheryl Cowardin
Sharon & Devid Clymer Bryce Gardner
Julie Vtfizer

M/M Larry Cowardin

Jul"* e Mr. Williams Devers

Dix Christian Church, Dix, 111. First Christian Church, Flora, 111. Southside Christian Ch., Springfield, 111. Christian Cv^urch, Ramsey, 111.
First Christian Church, Lamar, Mo.

Mrs. Marjorie White


Central Ch. of Christ, Mt Vernon, 111. Countryside Christian Ch., Pittsburg, Ks.

Lord's Reapers (Knofel Staton) OBC Lord's Reapers (Dan Parsons) OBC
7th Grade Class, C. J. Christian

Sr. Youth Group, Sterling, 111. M/M David Jones, Carl Jnct., Mo.

Homebuilders Guild, Humboldt, Ks.


Gary Strand, " Harry Basye, Columbus, Ks. Clifford Smith, Belmont, Ohio Don Jordan, Springfield, Mo. Riley Taylor, Dix, 111.

St. Louis Christian College (Gertie Leigh)


P. 0. Box 392 Sinoia, Rhodesia



July 1 - Julie

The Jim Taylor Family

Christian Church of Carl Junction

Non-Frofit Organization U. S. Postage


Carl Junction, Missouri


Permit No.

Carl Junction, Mo.

Return Requested

Mj^ss Florence Douglas 1111 N^rth Main Joplin, Mo. 64801



Jim and Marje


to the

Julie Ooni Jon


June, 1975
Dear Christian Friends:

This will probably be cur last nevksletter to you from Hhodesia, As we be gin to make plans for our last this-and-that it brings a bit of sadness to
our hearts, Jeanie already knows she will cry when it comes time to leave. Tim is just now thinking about how nice it is to be able to play golf in
the nice sunny weather every day.

In the middle of May, during the absence of Dale Marshall, I had the privi lege of leading the concluding studies on Wednesday nights on the book of


On Sunday, the l8th, I had opportunity to preach to the morn

ing v.orci^hip service audience ynd to teach Dale*s Bible School class.
We had another first on June 1, as we traveled to Karoi to witness the wedd ing ceremony of en African couple. They wanted their v.edding to be like the European weddings, and in some ways it was. In other v.ays, it was very Afr ican. The rehearsal was held just a few minutes before the real thing, and the bride didn't understand the plan very well. Just at the close when the

preacher told the groom to kiss his bride, the groom reached up (she was
taller) to give her a kiss and she drein away. It is not customary for the Africans to kiss in public, and she didn't really understand what was going on. Everything turned out very well, though, even the reception and gift


The reception was a bit different in that the groom (who puts on
After the feast,

the whole show) served rice and chicken, cokes and cake.

Cc^me the gift giving.

Michael, our friend who drives the Good News Mobile

Unit, was there with the sound truck, and acted as n:aster of ceremonies.

From the beginning to the end, he announced the amount (most gifts were cash)
and the giver in very loud S^ona. We couldn't understand much of v.hat was going on, but it w^s plain to see, everyone w^-s havir.g a good time. Oh yes, during all this merrymaking, the bride nd groom sit in a shelter acting very sober. The Shona custom is that they are not to show any sign of happ
iness at this time lest their parents think that they are glad to be leaving

home. V,e did notice the groom slip once in a v.hile vith a little smile, but the bride kept her head down during most of this time. Ve had to leave to

attend the European service in town at 6:00 p.m. (the cercmony was to begin at 2:00, but was a little late in starting), but by this time v.e were pretty well v:orn out. (And X thought our wedding ceremonies v.ere tiringl)
Last Sunday, June 15i was the last time for me to go out to the African
churches in the C^itomborgiAizi ai"ea. Ve are sure that our visits there have been more of a blessing to us than to the African brethren.

The children are all looking forward to their last cay of school here.


all would like to be there now for a v.eek or two of camp, but only the older ones have a slim chance. 'A'e are planning to be back in the U. S. by the first
of August.

Sunday, July 6, will be our last trip to Mangula, and that evening will
likely be our last time to preach in Rhodesia. Yes, it is a little sad to think of these thinprj?* but it will be very good to return to our friends
and loved ones, too.

Please continue to pray for us in these closing days of our work here. God richly bless each one of you. Until we meet a.n;ain...
In Kim,


Jim Taylor and family


The plane tickets ere $1,000 higher than last year. least $1500 irore for travel funds. Please send to:

The Taylore need at Gordon,

P. 0. Box 816, Carl Junction, Mo,

Carl Junction, Mo.


M/M Gary Strand Mrs. Martha Allmendinger (2)

Mrs. Frances McFerron

M/M Riley Taylor, Dix, 111, (P) M/M Ted Johns, Joplin, Mo.
Kiss Jan Johns, Joplin, Mo.

M/M Don Brister, Joplin, Mo.

odmarrfJ o pliu , - Mo M^ Dale v^ponsler, Marsh field. Mo. M/M Norman Thompson, Lamar, Mo. M/M William Lisle, Joplin, Mo,

X/M^Harold_Ik)ii&-M/M Charles Grissom Mrs. Jen Clytner

M/M R. B. Kegerries Mrs. Gladys Fraizer (2)

Mrs. Mora Miller (2)

M/M Kenneth Snyder M/M Gordon Clymer

M/M Lynn G&rdner & Bryce M/M David Jones

M/M Harry Easye, Colninbus, Ks, (2) M/M Donald Stirrup, Nebo, Ky,
Mrs, Twyla McKee, Roswell, N, Mex.

M/M Raymond Vaughn, Pittsburg, Ks. N'/M Kpith Sigler, Hutchinson, Ks.

M/M Gary Now1in

M/M Newt V.hite 8f Jamie

M/M Marty McKnight

Jill 8e Cheryl Cowardin
Julie Williams

M/M V-'alter Goodman, Vebb City, Mo. (2) M/M Wpyne Goodman, Kirkland, Wash, M/M J'-^mes Morain, Copan, Okla.
Lottie W-'sshburn, Ramsey, 111.
Churches and Groups

i;ix Christian Church, Dix, 111, (2)

First Christian Church, Flora, 111. Southside Christian Ch., Springfield, 111 Christian Church, Ramsey, 111.

Mrs. Marjorie White

Mrs. Alice Childers Mr. Ned Devers

M/M Don Moore Mrs, Lena Myrick

M/M Larry Coviardin

First Christian Church, Lamar, Mo. Central Ch. of Christ, Mt. Vernon, 111. Countryside Christian Ch., Pittsburg, Ks.

6th Grade Class, C. J. Chric^tian

The Jim Taylor Family
Christian Church of C?rl Junction

Non-profit Organization U, S, Postage


Carl Junction, Missouri


Permit No,

Carl Junction, Mo-


Miss Florence Douglas Ozark Bible College

1111 N. Main

Joplin, Missouri





Jim and Marje



Julie Joni Jon




September 8, 1975

Daar Christian Friends?

Allow me to take a few linee to review our last weeks in Rhodesia.

we helped thorn move into their new horns on June liith.

This trip was during the last week in June^

The AjnmermanB arrived June lith, and stayed with us in Sinoia until

They also

went with us on a trip to Wankie Game Park and to Victoria Falls.

we were happy to leam that Jeff Kenee would definitely be taking

As our plans and preparations to leave Rhodesia were being finalized,

over the responsibility of the Good News Centre. Jeff is an exfarmer who has esqpressod an ini^erest in studying for the ministiy.
Ife hasn*t had urach time to Isarn the work, but is eager to do his

This fine young married Ilhodasir'ii began working with ue on July itth.
Marje and the children left Sinoia on July ITth, and I followed them to Salisbury the next day. We flew out of Salisbury on Sunday after noon, July 20th, happy of the prospect of being "home" once again.
On our way we stayed two nights with the Sid Allsbury family in Frankfurt, Germany. Sid took uo to visit the old walled city of Rothenburg. Also we stayed two nights in London, and while there we visited Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guard, Westlainster Abbey, and took a tour of Windsor Castle. We also rode the
"tube", the London subway.

We arrived at St. Louis on Friday, July 25th, very tired from our

thankful that they were all three returned to us by the following

Monday evening.

our twelve bags we had checked at the be^nning of the tripo We are

"long day" across the Atlantic, At this point we had lost thr^e of

in, the children are back in school, and I am learning somothing about my new job I am now manager of K)BC-M, Ozark Bible College's radio station, 90.7 in stereo. We hope to have the station back on the air by October Ist. In the meantime I'm trying to leam vihat it's all

After redacorating our house from top to bottcsn, we are now settled

Please reiaember to pr^^r for Ijnda Nutt as she continues iiith her special education^ for Jeff Senee as he learns the book business^
and for me in iqy new work at OBC

A very special THANES to each one of you for your prayers and fi nancial support during the past several months. God has used you to make it possible for us to go to Rhodesia and have a part in the work there. We will be glad to send a complete financial report as soon as possible to those who request it. We will try to respond
to all requests for speaking engagements as best we can. Please

let us know if you would like to have us and, if you will, suggest a date when you write. May God continue to use you for His glory.
The Jdm Taylor Family
Contributors for July and August. 197^
Carl Junction. Mb.
Newt White

Individuals (cont.) Dale ^onsler, ^la^hfield, M6.

Ifyron Williams (xLadys Frazier Jen Clymer

Mildred Richmond

Ron Lawver

Gary Strand
Dick Grissom David Jones Bert Eleidon

RLley Taylor, Dix, HI. Loeta Thcanpson, Lamar, Mo. W. Goodman, Eirkland, i^tbsh. Twyla McKee, Roswell, Ho Mo Ko Sigler, I&itchinson, Ks. Don Stirrup, Nebo, Ky. C. Smith, Bethesda, Ohio Hany Ba^e, Columbus, Ks.
Churches and Groups

Cheiyl Cowardin Gaiy Nowlin R. HcKhight Kenneth Snyder Earl Hamby


College ifeights, Joplin, Mo*

Westside Qiristian Church

Don Brister, Joplin, Mo. Ted Johns, Joplin, Mo, RoUin Shaw, Joplin, Mo. William Idsle, Joplin, Mo. Walter Goodman,^ W(9bb-City, Mo.

First Christian, Lamar, Mo. Central, Mt. Vernon, 111. Christian Church, Carl Jet, Mo Christian Church, Ramsey, m. Southside, ^ringfield, ni. First Christian, Flora, m.

Permanent Home Mdress

Jim Taylor

R. #1, Box Ii7-A Carl Junction, Mo. 61;83li

Non-Profit Orgn. U. S. Postage


Permit #1

Carl Jet., Mo. 6mh

/// /

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