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James Digby Co-founder of Startup Weekend NL and UK and also one of the founding EU Facilitators for Startup Weekend.

James brings to the team over a decade of entrepreneurial experience working with a number of startups in growing brand value and product development. Adriane Thrash Adriane Thrash specializes in connecting the dots: Communications, BPR, Coaching, Strategic & Creative Analysis, Cultural Theory. Born and raised in Northern California, educated at UC Berkeley, currently based in Greece. An incurable optimist, she believes in Intuition, Prime Numbers, 4/4 time and the Importance of Small Ideas. She always knows where to find the Band-aids. Jonathan Bradford Jon is the Managing Director of TechStars in London. Previously Jon was the co-founder and CEO of Springboard. Jon loves to help start-ups and their founders achieve their true potential. Over the last 2 years, Jon acted as an advisor to many other multi-company accelerators from Montreal to Moscow. In a previous life, Jon trained as an accountant with Arthur Andersen, and subsequently has worked in various start-ups and turnarounds. He has worked in London, throughout Europe, Australia and also the United States. Jon started his career at Arthur Andersen including a secondment to Melbourne, Australia. Having recently completed the conversion of a Northumberland barn, Jon knows far too much about septic tanks than he really cares for. Prior to this, he was the Investment Manager at the Design and Creative Fund for North East Finance. Jon has spent most of the last ten years working in and around start-ups; both for advisory firms and venture capital backed start-ups, including an Oxford university spinout.

Fadi Bishara Fadi has in-depth knowledge and experience related to building successful startups in Silicon Valley and elsewhere in the world. For over 15 years, he has been successfully matching human capital and venture capital needs across the globe, guiding talented technology entrepreneurs in their path.

As the founder of Blackbox, his vision is to accelerate entrepreneurs, regardless of their geographic location. Fadi is also a Venture Partner at Sinbad Ventures, a fund that invests in early stage technology startups from Arabia. Prior to founding Blackbox, Fadi was the Founder and CEO of techVenture, building teams for early-stage startups. He played key role in recruiting and building core teams of great companies such as Chromatic Research/ATI, Intraspect/VGNT, Inktomi/YHOO, PeakStream/GOOG, SixAprt/SayMedia, Blurb, Bebo/AOL, Splunk/SPLK, Zynga/ZNGA, Lala/AAPL, Tapulous/DIS, CubeTree/SFSF, ShopKick, Apture/GOOG, and others. Oliver Holle Oliver is a serial entrepreneur with deep experience in the mobile and internet industry. While still a student in 1992, Oliver founded his first company SYSIS, one of the first European internet startups. Oliver spent two years in Santa Cruz, working for VeriSign, building a US network and learning to surf. As a CEO of Speedinvest, Oliver is responsible for all things related to corporate development and strategy, from fundraising to strategic partnerships, all the way to M&A. Oliver has an MPhil in Economics from Columbia University. Steve Keil Change management!!! Mammoth: data analytics

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