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Edition / Uitgawe 8

16 August 2013

Pilgrims Rest National Enduro Motorcycle Championship 16

An earnest ambition 3

Cat flu epidemic 5

Matriekafskeid 2013 8

Page 2

GPS News

From the editor

A hearty big thank you to all our readers, as well as to God for His grace. This is our eighth edition and it feels like yesterday that we star ted with our launch edition. This time, big excitement reigned in our offices with our website going officially live (see below). There is certainly a market for our com munity newspaper in printed form, but with technology advancing at such a speed, we also do need a di gital footprint. We would like to invite all our readers utilising the web to become part of our news family. We want to interact with you on a daily basis via Facebook, Twitter and Blog, emails, WhatsApp and SMS, while a per sonal visit or telephone call is most welcome. We are starting a column where we will publish your electronic com ments in our newspaper. We as a community need each other. Bad news, like crime in our town, for example the attack on Ben and Marie Oberholzer, spreads like wildfire. I think by the end of that day, everyone knew about it. Like Douglas Adams wrote: Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own laws. Our human nature always tends to focus on the negative, but we need to choose the positive. It must be a cognitive decision to choose to be positive. I know it is not easy, but it is possible. Instead of complaining, give a complement rather talk to the people than about them. Let us

GPS News 22 Main Road, Sabie Tel: 01 3 764 31 27 Fax: 086 57 43454 Facebook: gpsnews Twitter: @editorKemp Editorial/Advertising: Valerie Kemp, tel: 083 565 9458 E-mail: Reporters: Christine Roussouw (Sabie, Pilgrims): 079 233 4801 Gerda van den Bos (Graskop): 083 324 7254 Graphic design: Sydney Mashele Editing and layout: Pedrie Roberts
lend a hand rather than take. Let us utilize our resources, like the elec tronic media, by building positive relationships whereby we support our community.

S o c ia l Ca le n d a r Sosiale Kalender
Let us know about any events for placement in the Social Calendar. It is free!
19 August
Graskops second Community Link meeting at the Graskop Chambers at 10:00. Contact Babsie McNelly: 082 888 4261.

19 August

A meeting with the Mpumalanga Historical Interested Groups Marius Bakkes takes place in Graskop at 18:00. Graskops centenary celebrations and the envisaged book on the towns history will also be discussed. Contact Babsie McNelly: 082 888 4261.

Good, very good news!

GPS News has entered the world of electronic media. We are now up and going. So please join us and let us build a community newspaper that is there for you. Send us you comments and we will place it, on the condition that we stay true to our values. Our mission and vision statement is simple: The reporting and publishing of good news. This must be an instru ment whereby the reporting of positive news can motivate and uplift us all in this neg ative world we have do deal with every day. GPS News is all about the world, the community and the people you know and love.

23-25 August 31 August

Ingwe Womens Camp. Denise: 072 613 4083. Closing date for applications for the Graskop Christmas Crafters Market and Silk Extravaganza to be held in November. Contact Resne Deeks: 076 666 8003.

Laurika Schutte: Die beste koerant ooit. Dis vir almal! Love their staff to bits. Lesna Saayman : Ek wil julle gelukwens met julle nuwe koerantjie.
Ek het dit so geniet om die koerantjie te lees. Kan nie wag vir die volgende uitgawe nie. Lots of compliments. May God bless you; keep it up.

Chitter & Chatter ~ Kekkel & Klets

7 September

Join us for Sabie VLU high tea. R50 p.p. Limited tickets available. Contact Annette: 082 298 1939; Elize: 079 573 6038.

12 September

Given Khoza : Well done guys am happy your newspaper is out. Debbie Moller: Morning, GPS, looking forward to your news! Jackie Breckle: Alle sterkte! Weet dit gaan n groot sukses wees! Miemmie Smith : Mag jou koerant van sterkte tot sterkte groei.
Gesende dag aan jou en die hele personeel van GPS dis so n exciting naam.

VLU-Graskop se maandelikse vergadering en werksessie. 18:00 by Villa Nerita. Kontak Eduard: 072 687 8322.

13 and 14 September

Graskop Business Strategy Seminar in cooperation with the AHI. Contact Babsie McNelly: 082 888 4261.

28 September




Danie Botha-konsert by Panorama Secondary School, Graskop, ten bate van Fanie Stoltz Aftreeoord en Panorama-skool. Kontak Maria: 013 767 1093.

Bowls @ Sabie Country Club

Lutea Parfuum
Benodig dinamiese parfuumbemarker in jou area. 1 61 geure. Uitstekende kommissie. Kontak Madri Grobbelaar nou 083 655 0445.

port. Alarm system. Wired for generator. Palisade. Contact: 083 603 2461 .

Contact: Andre 079 099 8893; Chandre - 082 879 5360.

Every Wednesday and Saturday @ 13:30

Simpli Pets

House in Sabie for sale!

Pets & livestock wanted. Next to Dr. Lieberthal. 083 380 0678.

Wanted to buy

Treadmill. Kerry 083 51 4 21 84.

R580 000 (private sale). 3 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, pantry, dining room, lounge, outside building, garage, car-

Prime office stand to let

Woonstel te huur

Corner stand in mid Sabie with office. Suitable for second hand car dealer.

Gedeeltelik gemeubileer, stil omgewing. R2 000 p.m. Water en ligte ingesluit. Skakel: 082 940 3560.

G PS N ew s

Ernest Mthethwa and mother Pinky.

An e a rn e st a m bi ti o n

Christine Rossouw
ixteenyear old Ernest Mthethwas tale could have been a very different one today. Born to a single mother (his father being killed in a tragic acci dent before he was born), Ernests fate appeared to be the same as that of so many young South Afric ans born in the township: devoid of adequate education, opportunities and the nurturing of their indi vidual talents and aspirations. But when Ernest was six years old, his mother Pinkys longtime employer, Debbie Moller, spent a day with him and decided to invest in the boy. He wasnt showing the know ledge youd expect from a six year old and couldnt communicate in English or Afrikaans, Debbie says. In an attempt to give the lad a headstart, she convinced Pinky to enrol him at Woodlands School. Within three months he was speaking English, which made us realise how intelligent he is, Debbie explains. After spending two years in Woodlands, thanks to the financial sponsorship of the Mollers, Ernest started his formal primary school career at Sabie Primary. The school was fantastic and really good to him. They sponsored him

every year, and teachers like Rea Kinghorn and Eljo Neethling would pay for him to attend school camps, says Debbie. In grade 7 he was chosen as a prefect. His early school years had revealed him to be an immensely talented sportsman, with a partic ular passion for rugby. While he was in grade 7, some thing inspired Debbie to fill in a Penryn College application for him. After being accepted by the presti gious school, Debbie wrote to the headmaster to explain that his family was unable to afford the high school fees. The headmaster had been so taken by the young man that he granted Ernest the sport scholarship, making it pos sible for him to commence his high school career at the acclaimed in stitution. Here he has really proven him self as a star rugby player and dedicated scholar. He was recently selected to play for the Mpumalan ga Pumas under 16 team, but an injury prevented him from staying in the team. He will soon be at tending a week at the Sharks Rug by Academy. It is Ernests dream to play rugby professionally, and with the dedication and determin ation this teenager has demon strated, we may one day just see him donning the green and gold.

GPS News

The best move ever

Sabie Panelbeaters recently moved from Klein Sabie to the centre of town something coowner Jacques Linington (46) describes as the best move ever. The business was started in 2004 when Jacques, his wife, Uanita, and two children moved from The friendly Sabie Panelbeaters team. Pretoria to Sabie. They sold all their assets, relocated and started the panel Besides being professional panel beating business in Klein Sabie. beaters, registered with most insur The family business expanded and ance companies, they offer a vast ar in December last year, Jan Smith (38), ray of other services. They specialise married to Mariet, joined the firm as a in V8 conversions, do truck rebuilding, partner. The decision was taken to towing services, auto electrical ser move to the former Toyota building vices, air con regassing, spray paint opposite Engen in Main Street. The ing and rubberising. workshop manager at reception is Piet They are not only panel beaters, but Cornelesson, and you will be wel also auto mechanics, offering services comed with a friendly smile and pro and repairs to all makes and models of fessional demeanour. The senior staff vehicles. have a total of 64 years experience. There is no need anymore to travel What distinguishes Sabie Panel to adjoining towns for services and re beaters from the rest of the trade is pairs. Sabie Panelbeaters do not only their friendliness and attitude. Al offer professional services, but also though being professional, they treat excellent prices, and combined with their customers like family and al their friendly service, you can rest as ways strive to do their best to ensure sured that your vehicle will be customer satisfaction. handled with respect and utmost care.

Kaya Kubayi and Thelene Rees, two of Sybrand van Niekerk High Schools first team netball players, were chosen for the u/17 A2 Mpumalanga netball team. These two girls played in the South African schools netball tournament held in KwaZuluNatal over the winter holidays from 1 to 4 July. Both girls said they had a great time and learned a lot of new skills that they can apply next year when they are playing for their school again.

GPS News

G PS N ew s

GPS News

Laerskool se rugby TROON UIT

Johan Kruger
ugby is kerngesond by Laer skool Sabie. Die skool se o.9 span is vanjaar se Mpumalan gakampioen. Die bulletjierugbyseisoen is met skitterende rugby afgesluit en dit was veral di spannetjie van Mauritz Bam wat al hul wedstryde oortuigend ge wen en vriend en vyand met hul prag tige rugby verras het. Sabie se o.9spannetjie het al hoe beter rugby gespeel en oorwinnings oor Malelane, Clivia, Numbi, Curro en Komatipoort behaal en ook hul laaste wedstryd teen Barberton oortuigend gewen. Vir hulle en hul afrigters John Kinghorn, Henk le Roux en Mar silda Vogel wil ons baie dankie s vir hul harde werk. Baie geluk ons is trots op julle! Die eerste span het vanjaar ook van krag tot krag gegaan. Hulle het oor winnings oor Primary, Clivia, Male lane, Numbi en Curro behaal en het ook die sevierende Barbertonspan

Laerskool Sabie se o.9rugbyspan, die Mpumalangakampioen, saam met hul afrigters, Henk le Roux, John Kinghorn en Marsilda Vogel (inlas). met 3924 stert tussen die bene huis toe gestuur. Hulle het vanjaar 287 punte in sewe wedstryde aangeteken, terwyl 72 pun te teen hulle aangeteken is. Laerskool Sabie is trots op elke spe ler wat die laaste tyd sy bes gedoen het en weer bewys het dat harde, skoon en gesonde rugby deel van ons trotse Sabierugbykultuur is. Die eer ste span is tweede in Mpumalanga n uitstekende prestasie. Ons is trots op julle! Die spelers en afrigters verdien al mal n pluimpie vir die puik vermaak wat Sabie se ondersteuners week n week kon geniet, terwyl elke speler en afrigter alles op en langs die oefen en wedstrydvelde gegee het. Met hierdie gesindheid en puik resultate kan Sa bie nie anders as om in die volgende paar jaar net nog n groter rugbykrag in die Laeveld te word nie. Danksy ons amptelike borge, Hlati ni (eerste span) en Matjeya Trading (o.9 en o.11), was dit moontlik om vir ons seuns die beste afrigting en uit rusting te kon gee. Baie dankie aan elke ondersteuner vir die passie en positiewe gesindheid die afgelope seisoen. Ons kan net s: Welgedaan!

Graskop-VLU woeker met hul talente

Gerda van den Bos
Een maal n maand kan mens van ver af die lag en gesels hoor as die lede van die Vroue Landbou Unie (VLU) in Graskop by Villa Nerita bymekaar kom. Graskop se tak het 19 lede en hul ouderdom wissel van 24 tot byna 70 jaar. Hulle kuier lekker, maar skin der en kla word nie toegelaat nie. Hier word elke maand nuwe vaar dighede geleer, van konfytkook tot kuns. Die vroue is baie trots op die artikels wat hulle deur die jaar maak en daar is maandeliks pro vinsiale kompetisies waarvoor daar ywerig gebak, gebrei, geteken en selfs geskryf word. Die Graskoptak is deel van die Suikerbosstreek in Mpumalanga. Ondervoorsitter Eduard Liebenberg s hulle sien baie na die Mpumalan gakongres uit wat vandeesmaand by Numbi Hotel in Hazyview gehou word. Verskeie sprekers kom die kongres toespreek, Sarel van Sabie gaan n kookdemonstrasie hou en daar sal n eenvrouvertoning deur Annette Engelbrecht wees. By die kongres sal van die taklede se handewerk van die afgelope jaar tentoongestel word. Die tak is baie trots op Jubile Smit, wat met hul takalbum vir 2012 n goue sertifi kaat in die Suikerbosstreek losge slaan het. Hulle het ook in die pro vinsiale streekskompetisies goed gevaar. Davida Ehlert het met haar draadvrugtebak n eerste plek in die kunsvlytafdeling behaal, Titia En gelbrecht het n eerste plek verwerf met haar Lagateraborduurstoel kussing, en Eduard het n derde plek gekry vir sy swartenwit pot loodskets van n gebou. Die tak het ook die meeste punte gekry vir ar tikels op provinsiale vlak ingedien.

GPS News

God is lig; daarom is ek lig, voel ek lig en versprei ek lig!


GPS News

Work together to the advantage of all

Gerda van den Bos
It started as one womans dream it turned into a groups vision and now it is a reality. The Graskop Business and Tourism Forum (GBTF) celebrated its first anniversary on 25 July. Babsie McNelly heard about the dream town project where business people in small towns work together to beautify their towns. Her inquiries led to an in formation meeting in May 2012. The Afrikaanse Han delsinstituut (AHI) helped and a steering committee was formed to draft a constitution for a new business forum in Graskop. On 25 July 2012 the Graskop Busi ness and Tourism Forum was officially established, and today it has about 40 members. In its first year of existence, the GBTF organised a successful Christmas fare and crafters market in December 2012. Babsie says she was impressed with how community members pulled together to help or ganise the event. Although a lack of capital is ham pering some of their projects, there is a positive attitude among the members. As they are a local tour ism organisation affiliated with the Kruger Lowveld Chamber of Business and Tourism (KLCBT), they will have an exhibition on Graskop at the Gauteng Get away Show at the end of August. Graskop will have its centenary next year, and the GBTF is planning to bring out a coffee table book on the towns history. Anyone with interesting stories about Graskop can contact Babsie. (Meetings pertain ing to the history project will be announced in GPS News social calendar.) Exciting projects for this year include an AHI Tail ormade Graskop Business Strategy Seminar in September to help new businesses survive the first three years and to ensure that the more established

Graskop Business and Tourism Forum members at the first anniversary celebration on 25 July. Seated are Susan van den Berg, Melinda Carr, Babsie McNelly and Karin Southy. At the back are Warren Southy, Joseph Lucas, Brendan Traill and Grant Bosman. businesses get some new spark, and the Christmas Crafters Market and Silk Extravaganza, which will be hosted at the end of the year. Babsie says the key to success is for everybody to work together, and talks are underway to establish a business chamber among the business forums of Graskop, Pilgrims Rest, Sabie and Lydenburg. The GBTFs slogan of working together to the ad vantage of all will become a reality for all the towns in our area. The more people get involved, the sooner our towns will once again become the obvious break away choice for South Africans and foreign tourists alike.

If a husband wants to be treated as a king, he must treat his wife like a queen.


GPS News

Lekker deurmekaar
Nikita van Heerden
Stel jou voor: die beeld van n groot vertrek met baie houtrakke teen die mure van hoog teen die dak tot onder op die grond. Massiewe donkerhouttafels in die middel van die vertrek. Op al die rakke en tafels staan ho stapels papier ge stapel, netjies boop mekaar. Oral sulke hopieshopies spierwit. Daar is n oop deur na buite en vensters wat wawyd oop gaap. Daar is baie lig binne die son skyn deur al wat n gaatjie is wat hom deurlaat. Hier en daar is skadu wees van buite wat in verskillende vormpies oor die inhoud van die vertrek speel. Dit lyk nou nogal heel agterme kaar, dink ek so in my binneste: georden. Rustig. Dit lyk of die een wat dit gepak het, dit spesiaal gepak het geweet het hoekom hy dit s pak. Terwyl ek so staan en dink, kom daar n windjie op. Eers raakraak die briesie net so aan die punte van die papier. Skuif die papiere net so hier en daar n bietjie deurmekaar. Dwarrel en stil dwarrel en stil. Ek staan nog so en wonder of ek iets moet kry om op die hopies te sit voordat hulle vlerke kry, toe is dit te laat! Stelselmatig ontaard die netjiese en rustige vertrek in volslae chaos. Ek is sommer vies vir die een wat die deur en vensters oopgelos het! Kyk nou die gemors! Wie gaan dit weer aan die kant maak? Ek dink soms voel God ook s. Hy het ons met n doel geskep. Hy het sy Seun gestuur om ons wit te was, al die chaos in ons lewe te kom orden. En wat maak ons? Ons los oral deure en vensters oop en die wind van die vyand waai ons lewe lekker deurmekaar. Gelukkig kan ons die chaos in ons lewe vir God gee en kan Hy altyd weer orde skep!

You cannot consistently perform in a manner which is inconsistent with the way you see yourself. ~ Zig Ziglar

GPS News


AA is there for you

Did you know Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meets once a week in Sabie? Gert Versfeld (a recovering alcoholic since 1997) is the leader of the meetings. Gert realised that he had a problem with alcoholism and voluntarily en rolled at the Elim Clinic in 1997. Is alcohol causing trouble in your life? Thousands of people at AA have admitted to it over many years. They found out the truth about themselves the hard way. Only you can decide whether you think AA is right for you, Gert says. Try to keep an open mind on the subject. If the answer is yes, AA will be glad to show you how to stop drinking. Just calling AA does not promise to solve your lifes problems, Gert says. We can show you how we are learn ing to live without drinking one day at a time. We stay away from that first drink. If there is no first one, there cannot be a tenth one. And when we get rid of alcohol, we find that life be comes much more manageable. AA is a fellowship of men and wo men who share their experiences, strengths and hopes with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only require ment for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership it is selfsup porting through contributions. AA is not allied to any sect, denom ination, political group, organisation or institution does not wish to engage in any controversy neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Their chief purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. There are no brakes on alcohol once it got hold of you, Gert says. Take stock of your life, be honest and stop believing half truths. Alcohol is your best false friend in life. It will not only destroy your family, but your health as well as your life. If there is someone that can talk with you about the road of alcoholism, it is me. There is help all it takes is courage and a telephone call. Contact Gert on 072841 6389 or Trudie on 084501 5288.


Am I an alcoholic?
To answer this question, ask your self the following questions and an swer them as hon estly as you can. Do you lose time from work due to drinking? Is drinking mak ing your life un happy? Do you drink be cause you are shy with other people? Is drinking af fecting your reputa tion? Have you ever felt remorse after drinking? Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of drinking? Do you turn to lower compan ions and an inferior environment when drinking? Does your drinking make you careless of your familys welfare? Has your ambition decreased since drinking? Do you crave a drink at a def inite time daily? Do you want a drink the next morning? Does drinking cause you to have difficulty in sleeping? Has your efficiency decreased since drinking? Is drinking jeopardising your job or business? Do you drink to escape from

worries or trouble? Do you drink alone? Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of drinking? Has your physician ever treated you for drinking? Do you drink to build up self confidence? Have you ever been to hospital or an institution on account of drinking? If you have answered yes to any one of the questions, there is a def inite warning that you may be al coholic. If you have answered yes to any two, the chances are that you are an alcoholic. If you have answered yes to any three or more, you are definitely an alcoholic.

Shirly Mathebula
Buying specific cleaning products may be difficult at times, especially when you need expert advice. Soapreme Clean, located at Sabie Market Square, is a business that specializes in just that. General and domestic cleaning supplies and equipment are provided to businesses as well as to the general public at competitive prices. The company also manufactures its own Soapreme Clean branded products. Its newest product on the shelves is the highly effective Monster Magic, an excellent degreaser, fat dis solvent and engine cleaner that has taken the market by storm. Soapreme Clean provides the best selection of cleaning supplies such as fabric softener, dishwashing liquid, window cleaner, car shampoo, car washnwax, silicone dash, polish for any surface, bath salt and all your general cleaning materials, like mops, brooms, feather dusters, refuse bags and more. Last year, Marius Brummer (36) in partnership with Bongani Nkosi (38)

Soapreme Clean is your stop cleaning shop

wholesale cleaning supplies. Nkosi was raised in Simile, where he spent most of his childhood dreaming of be coming a successful business man. Brummer was born and raised in Gauteng, moved to Pilgrims Rest in 1995 and got involved in a few busi nesses. Last year, Brummer and his wife moved to Sabie with their two children. Soapreme Cleans professionally trained staff are welcoming and offer excellent customer service and advice. They believe that customer satisfac tion surpasses price and deliver their products on a weekly basis at no addi tional cost. Soapreme Clean currently supplies to Sabie, Graskop, Pilgrims Rest, Hazyview, Lydenburg, Hoedspruit, Matibidi, Bushbuckridge, Nelspruit and Barberton, and is working on ex panding even further. Soapreme Clean would like to thank all their customers for their loyal sup port. For a clean shopping experi ence, visit Soapreme Clean! Trading hours: 08:0017:00 on weekdays and 08:0013:00 on Saturdays and public holidays.

GPS News

The Saopreme team: Leon Kruger, Nicole Brummer, Lize Potgieter, Adri Mhlanga, Arron Ngomane, Anadra Ludick, Andre Scrimnger, Bongane Nkosi, Marius Brummer and Mark van Niekerk. officially open Soapreme Clean, as well as Shongololo Consultants, which deals with labour recruitment and mining supplies. According to Brummer, Soapreme Clean came about when he realised there was a big demand in the Thaba Chweu area for affordable, effective

Fine food delivered on your doorstep

Gerda van den Bos
If you look up Servimate 89 (t/a MC Fine Food & Catering Services) on Facebook you will immedi ately be hungry and in the mood for a party. Just looking at the photographs makes you realise that this company knows how to prepare meals fit for kings and queens. Best of all is that all their ser vices are provided at very reasonable prices. Mavin Pillay, owner of this catering business, used to be a chef for Sun International before he moved to Graskop. He caters for any type of func tion, from the casual birthday party to a formal wedding. Recently he introduced a new concept called master chef night where guests get the chance to cook their own food and desserts. He says it works like a charm for teambuilding events and that special birthday party. If you live in Graskop you can enjoy Mavins food on a daily basis through his homedelivery service. The menu is available at www.ser, and all you have to do is to give them a call or SMS your order to 076512 2603 or 073668 9074. Monthly contracts are also available, which means you can have your dinner delivered on your doorstep every day. They are open for your orders Mondays to Sat urdays from 12:00 to 20:00 and Wednesdays from 12:00 to 17:00. They are closed on Sundays. Although his catering business keeps him busy, Mavin loves to help out in the community. Over the past couple of years, he has provided food for many hungry children and the elderly. He be lieves in serving top quality food, be that for a formal function or a group of hungry children. You know you have done your job well if a group of children do not even leave a crumb or a grain of rice on their plates, he says.

Mavin Pillay says: Being a chef is in my blood. Most of his immediate family mem bers are chefs as well.

GPS News


Mariette Cronje, Ricka du Toit, Nikita van Heerden, Rachel King horn en Lizelle Morsner by die gholfdag.

Gholfdag n wenner
Die kleuterskool Goggabos in Sabie het n gholfdag gerel om sy eerste verjaardag te vier en n geldinsa meling te hou. Die geleentheid het 70 spelers gelok en elkeen het n prys gewen. Dit was n heerlike dag waar al die spelers moes gholf speel, rolbal rol en veerpyltjies gooi. Nie net het die deelnemers dit geniet nie, maar die skool het sy teiken vir die geld insameling bereik en sal n nuwe klimenklouterraam kan bou. Die skool s: Ons is baie be voorreg dat soveel ouers by die gholfdag was om te help en ons wil vir n ieder en n elk dankie s vir al hul harde werk. n Spesiale dank aan elke onderneming wat geld, pryse enkoopbewyse geborg het sonder hulle sou die dag nie n sukses gewees het nie. n Spesiale dankie aan Sabie Country Club en sy vriendelike personeellede wat ons metal die relings en beson derhede gehelp het. Dis wonderlik om in n dorp soos Sabie te woon waar almal mekaar ondersteun. Die samesyn en gees op die dag was aansteeklik.

KLF does not allow 4x4s

In an article about the Sabie Forestry Museum under the headline Museum tells the forestry story in GPS News of 26 July we mentioned that Komati land Ecotourism, which has an office inside the museum, facilitates travel ling and 4x4 trails. That is, in fact, not the case. It is KLFs policy not to allow any quads, motorbikes or 4x4s on its property. The museum also no longer offers a pensioners price of R2. All adults pay R5 and children under 12 pay R2. Lastly, the correct spelling of the name and surname of the museums senior administrator is Chantalle Sieling. We apologize for any inconvenience.


GPS News

Parenting a hopeless case?

Sharon Mandy
arents always make their worst mistakes with their eldest chil dren. Thats when parents know the least and care the most, so they are more likely to be wrong and insist that they are right. Orson Scott I disagree totally with the above quote we never stop caring and we never know quite what to do. Al though it does seem to be the first child that has the most colic and only needs two hours sleep at night. The next child simply finds other things to do that make us feel befuddled and confused. In the day they sleep all the time, while we are slogging it out at work to be able to afford the extortionate fee one requires nowadays to maintain a newborn, so that we can play with them all night. The expenses begin with buying the right kind of pram we are sporting just three wheels now, my dear as well as the correct ad ornments for the nursery, and one can choose Barney, Hello Kitty, Cars, Winnie the Pooh, while Mickey Mouse is so last year. The little darling keeps wanting different dcor as he or she grows a little bigger to keep up with the Michaelas, as it were. It does not stop with newborns after that one has to pay the earth for a toddler to go to preprepreschool and then to prepreschool and finally to grade R which was preschool (and we had only one) in the old days. All of the prior mentioned schools simply have to be attended or one will end up with a mentally under developed child that does not know how to interact with other children, and this in turn is sure to make it grow up into a serial killer or at the very least make it into an antisocial agoraphobic. Even though my middle child at tended all the prescribed preprimary schools she still did stuff like putting on Michaels hard hat and running full speed into a tree in the back yard to see if it works. Now when she goes out and comes back really late with blood on her top and attributes it to a nose bleed I clean her up grimly and wonder... Later we are introduced to schools and brand labels. One cannot possibly wear jeans that are not by Guess or Sissy Boy in my day sissy boys had a completely different connotation and nobody wanted to be one. When they leave schools they have to study somewhere and no one wants to contemplate that. They also seem to come full circle and once again only need two hours sleep at night, and prefer sleeping all day while we gamely still plod on at work trying madly to meet the mounting bills, all the while fighting guilt feelings that we may have done better at parenting somehow. Actually I believe that children grow up reasonable adults in spite of what we do. It is true that a sense of humour is required armour and this carries us through most calamities. Sometimes when I look lovingly at my three daughters that are beautiful in wardly as well as outwardly, and are all so different but so head on shoulders, I think that just maybe I might have done something right!

Die private sekuriteitsmaatskappy Phoenix Flying Squad het die laaste tyd etlike welslae met misdaadbekamping in die plaaslike omgewing behaal, onder meer deur verdagtes in verband met hout diefstal in hegtenis te neem. Van links is: Colane Fundzama, Killer Chiloane, kapts. Ockert de Lange, Neil Bothma en Peet Haarhoff.

GPS News


Pupils treated to uniforms

Gerda van den Bos
Great excitement reigned at Glory Hill Primary School in Graskop when volunteers and management members of Child Welfare South Africas White River, Sabie and Graskop branch came to the school to hand out new school uniforms to 64 of the children. The uniforms were donated by Murray & Roberts Child Welfare Fund. Johan Bosch, Operations Manager of the Child Welfare branch, said they had received R40 000 for school uni forms from the fund. Along with the pupils from Glory Hill Primary, about 12 learners of Panorama Secondary School also received new uniforms. Mildred Maabane, learner social auxiliary worker from Graskop, told the learners that they should come to school every day and take care of their new uniforms. I want to see your uniforms as bright as your futures, she said. The children couldnt wait to exam ine their individual shopping bags filled with new shoes, trousers, a white shirt and a jersey. They espe cially loved the new shiny school shoes. All the children signed a big card that they presented to the team who had handed out the new clothes. Principal Daan Rossouw said he really appreciated the donation and thanked Child Welfare for being here for our children. Charles Sanderson of Child Welfare said: Mr Rossouw has passed being a principal he is now the father of the school. Glory Hill Primary School might be one of the poorer schools in our area, but teachers and learners alike take pride in their school. The grounds are always clean the children are wellbehaved and proud to be as sociated with the school. This small school on the hill urgently requires a school hall. It breaks ones heart to see them gathered together in the mist and rain for assembly. Readers, cant we launch a project for this worthy cause? Please contact me on 083324 7254 or at if you have any ideas, donations or expertise to help this school in need.

Child Welfare needs your help

Gerda van den Bos
Mildred Maabane from Graskop is a learner social auxiliary worker and one of the volunteers who help Graskops social worker, Eversen Munyunyu. Mildred has been do ing volunteer work to help the children from Graskop even before commencing her studies. She loves working with children and helping them wherever she can. She is but one of a group of volunteers in Graskop who is really making a difference. Graskop falls under Child Wel fare South Africas White River, Sabie and Graskop branch. They urgently require new offices in town. They are doing selfless, heartbreaking work every day and they deserve to have safe, clean of

Mildred Maabane helps Child Welfare to make a difference to the lives of Graskops children. fices. Anyone with space to spare can contact me at 083324 7254 or

for a cause
Christine Rossouw
With needle and thread and a bundle of creativity, a group of wo men from Sabie are devoting their time and talents to supporting charitable organisations throughout the Lowveld. The Panorama Quilters started in 2001 with approximately 12 mem bers. Over the years, their group grew to over 16 members, but mem bership has since been reduced to only 4 for various reasons. The group meets every third Friday of the month from 10:30 to 11:30, and over tea and biscuits discuss work produced and future projects. In the past, several community projects have been undertaken, in cluding quilts for a childrens home in Harmony Hill, a dog and cat quilt for the SPCA, quilts for a childrens home in Graskop and most recently, a quilt for the Lydenburg Retire ment Home, which will be raffled to raise funds for the home.

Panorama Quilters Valerie Bekker, Cynthia de Beer, Judy Brink and Pam Cropper hold up their most recent creation for the Lydenburg Retirement Home. The women are now set to embark on a project to make dog cushions for ProLife Pet Rescue and Rehab ilitation Agencys new shelter at Mac Mac. They are appealing to the public to assist them with leftover pieces of material, including cotton and polycotton and even old cur taining and cushion inners. New members would be wel comed. Contact Judy Brink on 013 764 3148, Pam Cropper on 013 764 3561, Cynthia de Beer on 013 764 2889 or Valerie Bekker on 013 764 2566. Membership to the Panorama Quilters is only R10 a month.


GPS News

Enduro charges through Pilgrims

Christine Rossouw
There was no rest in Pilgrims Rest on 27 July when the fourth round of the Liquorland National Enduro Motor cycle Championship took place in the village. The race was characterised by some long and steep descents as well as a few testing climbs in the mountains around Pilgrims Rest. Paddock teen ager Wade Young from Hisaberg Alfie Cox Racing managed to claim his second victory of the season when he narrowly beat defending E2 champion Marc Torlage from Proudly Bidvest Yamaha. Young secured his victory in this brand new national event by win ning the short 3 km stages on all three occasions, but Torlage won the long stage on the last lap. Competitors would have had to race the longer stage three times, but they could only race it twice after a fire broke out on the route, forcing the or ganisers, Rudamans Racing, to reroute it, and riders were afforded another sighting lap. The outbreak of the fire resulted in Master Class com petitors only scoring points after one short stage and missing out on posting times on the longer stage. At 16, Travis Teasdale from Husaberg Alfie Cox Racing PS TLB Plant Hire was the youngest rider in the top ten.

Thirtyone E1 and E2 riders, in cluding motocross ace Darrel Fitz Gerald from KTM who competed in his very first national enduro race, completed the full race distance. The event also attracted many newcomers who competed for the first time in an enduro race. Seven scholars between the ages of 14 and 16 competed in the National Junior Challenge Class. Due to the fire, they could only complete one short special stage. The fifth and penultimate round of the Liquorland National Enduro Championship will take place on 14 September in the Eastern Cape. The final round will take place on 19 Octo ber at Matatiele.

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