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Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

Getting Started Using Adams/Durability Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

16 Getting Started Using Adams/Durability

This chapter guides you through a tutorial that teaches you how to use Adams/Durability with Adams/View. We assume that you will work through this tutorial in sequential order. Therefore, we give you more guidance in the beginning and less as you proceed through the tutorial. If you choose not to work through the tutorial in sequential order, you may have to reference the beginning sections for some of the basic concepts. This chapter contains the following sections:
What You Will Create and Simulate Starting Adams/View and Creating a Database Applying a Rotational Joint Motion Applying a Translational Joint Motion Setting Up Requests Comparing Physical Test Data with Virtual Test Data Conclusion


Before doing this tutorial you should be familiar with the basic features of the Adams/View interface. For information about the Adams/View interface, refer to the online help for Adams/View.

This tutorial takes about one hour to complete.

Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

About Adams/Durability
Adams/Durability extends the traditional test-based durability design process into the virtual world. Using Adams/Durability, you can read and write time history information of loads, forces, and accelerations in the following traditional formats:
nCodes DAC MTS Systems Corporations RPC (Remote Parameter Control) III

Adams/Durability interfaces with measured load histories, such as vehicle spindle loads, and communicates with durability analysis programs such as nSoft, FE-Fatigue, and with durability test machines. With Adams/Durability, you can also examine stresses, strains, damage, or fatigue life on flexible components of your virtual system.

18 Getting Started Using Adams/Durability

What You Will Create and Simulate

In this tutorial, you validate an MD Adams kinematic model of an automotive quarter suspension against a physical model, to verify if the MD Adams model response to imported physical test data matches the physical model response to the same data. You will use Adams/Durability to perform a load cycle on an MD Adams suspension model using physical test data in RPC III format. You will write out response time histories in DAC format and compare this response to output data from a test lab. You will use an existing MD Adams model of a quarter vehicle suspension, which we developed using CAD data, and go through the steps shown next:
First, you will define two joint motions that reference spline data and vary over time and cause

displacement at the spindle.

Next, you will instrument the model to monitor the resulting displacement. After that, you will simulate the model and output the data in DAC format. Finally, you will compare the virtual test data (in DAC format) with physical test data (in RPC

III format), from a physical model. The physical test data represents 10 seconds of motion data sampled at a rate of 51.2 points per second in a test lab.
Figure 1 shows the suspension model.

Figure 1

MD Adams Model of Suspension

Wheel Strut_Top Upper_Arm Body Knuckle Rack

Tie_Rod Lower_Arm

Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

Starting Adams/View and Creating a Database

Youll start by running Adams/View and importing a model called suspension. Note: On Windows, you may need to set the permissions to Full Control to modify the tutorial files.

To start MD Adams and create your database: 1. Do either of the following depending on the platform on which you are running Adams/View:
In UNIX, type the command to start the MD Adams Toolbar at the command prompt, and

then press Enter. Select the Adams/View tool

In Windows, from the Start menu, point to Programs, point to MSC.Software, point to MD

R2 Adams, point to AView, and then select Adams - View. The Welcome dialog box appears in the Adams/View main window. 2. Select Import a file. 3. Select the Find Directory tool dialog box. Note: next to the Start in text box. This displays the Find Directory

The Start in text box specifies the working directory that Adams/View uses as the default directory for reading and writing files.

4. Navigate to a drive and directory that you want to use as your working directory. If you need to create a new directory, select the Create New Folder button, and enter a directory name. 5. Select the directory, and select OK. This ensures that all your work gets stored in the working directory you selected. 6. Select OK. The File Import dialog box appears. 7. Set File Type to Adams/View Command File (*.cmd). 8. Right-click the File To Read text box, and select Browse. The Select File dialog box appears. 9. Navigate to the directory install_dir/durability/examples, and select the directory suspension.
install_dir is the directory where the MD Adams software is installed. If you cannot locate this

directory, please contact your system administrator. Note: Navigating to a directory makes this new directory the default for file selection. Adams/View reads all files associated with the model from this new directory, but does not change the working directory for saving and writing files.

20 Getting Started Using Adams/Durability

10. Select the file suspension.cmd. 11. In the Select File dialog box, select Open. 12. In the File Import dialog box, select OK. The suspension model appears in the Adams/View main window.

Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

Applying a Rotational Joint Motion

In this section, youll apply a rotational joint motion to the Upper_Arm that references a spline function. You will apply the motion using the INTERP function. The INTERP function returns either a derivative of a test data curve or an interpolated value from a test data curve. You supply the test data curve using a SPLINE statement that references a RPC III file. You will apply the motion as shown next:
Creating a Spline Defining a Rotational Joint Motion

Creating a Spline
In this section, youll create a spline to reference the RPC III file and channel arguments from a test performed on a physical model in a test lab. You use the RPC III file physical_test.rsp, and reference data in channel 1. To create a spline: 1. From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to Spline, and then select General. The Data Element Create Spline dialog box appears, as shown next.

22 Getting Started Using Adams/Durability

2. In the Spline Name text box, enter .suspension.jounce_data. 3. Right-click the File Name text box, and then select Browse. The Select File dialog box appears with the current directory showing the files in the directory you last selected (install_dir/durability/examples/suspension). 4. Select the file physical_test.rsp. This file contains physical test data from a test performed on a physical model in a test lab. 5. Select OK. 6. In the Channel text box, enter 1. 7. Select OK. Adams/View creates a spline that references the physical test data from channel 1 of the RPC III file, physical_test.rsp.

Defining a Rotational Joint Motion

Now youll apply a rotational joint motion to the Upper_Arm revolute joint, using the INTERP function to reference the spline you created in the previous section.

Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

For more information on the INTERP function, refer to the Adams/Solver online help. To define a rotational joint motion: 1. From the Motion tool stack in the Main Toolbox, select the Rotational Joint Motion tool 2. Select Upper_REV as the rotational joint. Adams/View creates a rotational joint motion. Next, you will rename the joint motion so that you can easily identify it. To rename the rotational joint motion: 1. In your model, right-click the rotational joint motion icon, point to Motion:MOTION_2, and then select Rename. The Rename Object dialog box appears. 2. In the New Name text box, enter jounce_input. 3. Select OK. By default, Adams/View creates a constant-speed rotational joint motion. You want the rotational joint motion to vary over time, based on the referenced spline. Therefore, next, you will modify the rotational joint motion so that it varies over time. To modify the rotational joint motion: 1. In your model, right-click the rotational joint motion icon, point to Motion:jounce_input, and then select Modify. The Impose Joint Motion dialog box shown next appears.

24 Getting Started Using Adams/Durability

2. In the Function (time) text box, enter the following function: 3. INTERP(time, 3, jounce_data)*DTOR where:
time is the independent variable that specifies what you are interpolating 3 is the method of interpolation, which indicates cubic interpolation between data points. 1,

which indicates linear interpolation, is also a valid entry.

jounce_data is the name of the referenced spline DTOR is the angle conversion factor from degrees to radians.

4. Select OK. Note: If you enter the function incorrectly, you receive an error when you select OK. Check your function syntax carefully.

Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

Applying a Translational Joint Motion

In this section, youll apply a translational joint motion to the Rack translational joint. You will apply the motion using the INTERP function, as follows:
Creating a Spline Defining a Translational Joint Motion Simulating Your Model

Creating a Spline
In this section, youll create a spline statement to reference the file and channel arguments from a test performed on a physical model in a test lab. You use the same RPC III file, physical_test.rsp, but you reference data in channel 2. To create a spline: 1. From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to Spline, and then select General. The Data Element Create Spline dialog box appears. 2. In the Spline Name text box, enter .suspension.steer_data. 3. Right-click the FIle Name text box, select Browse. The Select File dialog box appears. 4. Select the file physical_test.rsp. This file contains physical test data from a test performed on a physical model in a test lab. 5. In the Channel text box, enter 2. 6. Select OK. Adams/View creates a spline that references the physical test data from channel 2 in the RPC III file, physical_test.rsp.

Defining a Translational Joint Motion

Now youll apply a translational joint motion to the Rack translational joint, using the INTERP function to reference the spline you created in the previous section. To define a translational joint motion: 1. From the Motion tool stack in the Main Toolbox, select the Translational Joint Motion tool . 2. Select Rack_Joint as the translational joint. Adams/View creates a translational joint motion. Next, you will rename the joint motion so that you can easily identify it.

26 Getting Started Using Adams/Durability

To rename the translational joint motion: 1. In your model, right-click the translational joint motion icon, point to Motion:MOTION_3, and then select Rename. The Rename Object dialog box appears. 2. In the New Name text box, enter steer_input. 3. Select OK. By default, Adams/View creates a constant-speed translational joint motion. You want the translational joint motion to vary over time, based on the referenced spline. Therefore, the next step is to modify the translational joint motion so that it varies over time. To modify the translational joint motion: 1. In your model, right-click the translational joint motion icon, point to Motion:steer_input, and then select Modify. The Joint Motion dialog box appears. 2. In the Function (time) text box, select the Function Builder tool The Adams/View Function Builder displays. 3. Delete the existing expression. 4. From the pull-down list of expression types, select Spline. 5. Select Durability Interpolation. 6. Select Assist. The Interpolation dialog box displays. 7. Enter the following:
Independent variable: time Interpolation Method: Cubic (3) Spline Name: steer_data

8. From the Interpolation dialog box, select OK. 9. From the Function Builder, select OK. 10. From the Joint Motion dialog box, select OK. Note: If you enter the function incorrectly, you receive an error when you select OK. Check your function syntax carefully.

Simulating Your Model

Now you will simulate the model to verify that it runs.

Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

To simulate your model: 1. Select the Simulation tool

. .

2. Set up a simulation with an end time of 5 second and 50 output steps. 3. Select the Simulation Start tool The model simulates and completes a jounce-rebound followed by a right-hand turn maneuver, and then remains in simulate mode. 4. To return to the initial model configuration, select the Reset tool Note: .

If your simulation fails, check your spline definitions and motion function expressions. For example, make sure that you are referencing channel 2, the spline definition for steer_data.

28 Getting Started Using Adams/Durability

Setting Up Requests
In this section, you will set up a virtual instrument to monitor the displacement at the spindle_center as follows:
Creating a New Request Setting Up MD Adams Results in DAC Format Simulating the Model

Creating a New Request

Youll create a new request that behaves like an instrument to measure and output the displacement at the spindle_center. To create a new request: 1. From the Build menu, point to Measure, point to REQUEST, and then select New. The Create a Request dialog box shown next appears.

Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

2. In the Request Name text box, enter instrument. 3. Set Output Type to displacement. 4. Right-click the I Marker Name text box, point to Triad, and then select Browse. The Database Navigator appears. 5. Under Knuckle, select Spindle_Center, and then select OK. 6. Right-click the J Marker Name text box, point to Triad, and then select Browse. The Database Navigator appears. 7. Under ground, select Spindle_Ref.

30 Getting Started Using Adams/Durability

8. From the Database Navigator, select OK. 9. Select OK.

Setting Up MD Adams Results in DAC Format

By default, when you simulate the model, Adams/View generates results in MD Adams format. However, you cannot use results in MD Adams format in physical testing machines. Therefore, you want the results of your simulation in standard RPC III or DAC format. In this tutorial, you will set up Adams/Durability to generate results in DAC format. For information on generating results in RPC III format, refer to the Using Durability tab in the Adams/Durability online help. To set up MD Adams results in DAC format: 1. From the Settings menu, point to Solver, and then select Output. The Solver Settings dialog box appears. 2. Set Save Files to Yes. 3. In the File Prefix text box, enter suspension. 4. Set all of the file options to No. 5. Select More. Additional text boxes appear. 6. Set Output Category to Durability Files. The Durability Files container appears. 7. Set DAC Files to On. 8. Use the defaults for all other text boxes. 9. Your dialog box should look like the following

Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

10. Select Close to close the Solver Settings dialog box.

Simulating the Model

Now you will simulate the model to generate results in DAC format. To simulate your model: 1. Set up and run a simulation with an end time of 10 seconds and 512 output steps. This matches the sampled rate of the physical test data that you will use later in the tutorial to validate the results of this simulation. As the simulation proceeds, Adams/Durability outputs requests in DAC format. Note: You will receive several warning messages (spline out of range and required extrapolation). You can ignore these messages.

32 Getting Started Using Adams/Durability

2. After the simulation completes, reset the model. Note: If you dont reset the model, then all the simulation results will not be entered into the DAC files. Adams/View stores DAC files in the current working directory.

Adams/View can only store one channel of data in a DAC file. Therefore, in this simulation, Adams/View creates six DAC files, one per request component. The files are named according to the DAC file naming convention shown next: prefix_request name_component label.dac where:
prefix is the prefix you specified when you set up the MD Adams results in the Simulation

Settings dialog box. In this case, it is suspension.

request name is the request name you specified when you created a new request in the

Create a Request dialog box. In this case, it is instrument.

component label is the reserved label assigned to the six components of request data by

MD Adams (one of X, Y, Z, R1, R2, R3). Therefore, the files will be named: suspension_instrument_X.dac, suspension_instrument_Y.dac, and so on.

Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

Comparing Physical Test Data with Virtual Test Data

In this section, you will compare physical test data from a physical model with the virtual test data you generated in this tutorial.
Importing Physical Test Data Importing Virtual Test Data Plotting Data

Importing Physical Test Data

This section describes how to import physical test data from tests performed on a physical model in a test lab. The test data represents 10 seconds of motion data sampled at a rate of 51.2 points per second. This data is in RPC III format. There are the following five channels of data in the RPC III file:
Upper control arm actuator drives data that controls jounce and rebound in the suspension. Rack and pinion actuator drives data that controls steer. Translational response of the spindle center measured in the global x-direction. Translational response of the spindle center measured in the global y-direction. Translational response of the spindle center measured in the global z-direction.

To import physical test data: 1. Open Adams/PostProcessor. 2. From the File menu, point to Import, and then select RPC File. The File Import dialog box appears. 3. Right-click the File to Read text box, and then select Browse. The Select File dialog box appears. 4. Select physical_test.rsp, and then select OK. 5. Select OK. 6. In the RPC III File list, select physical_test. 7. Select the Surf check box. 8. From the Channel list, select Measure_Spindle_1, Measure_Spindle_2, and Measure_Spindle_3, and look at the plots.

34 Getting Started Using Adams/Durability

Importing Virtual Test Data

Here you import virtual test data from the simulation you performed in the previous section. Note: Virtual test data is stored in DAC or RPC III files and not in the modeling database. However, the DAC and the RPCIII file objects are stored in the database and they reference the virtual test data stored in the DAC and RPC III files.

To import virtual test data: 1. In the Adams/PostProcessor File menu, point to Import, and then select DAC Files. The File Import dialog box appears. 2. Right-click the Files to Read text box, and then select Browse. The Select File dialog box appears. 3. Navigate to the working directory that you specified at the start of the tutorial (see Step 4 ). Note: This becomes the default directory for any further file selections.

4. Select suspension_instrument_x.dac, and then press the Shift key and select suspension_instrument_z.dac to select all three files. 5. Select Open. Adams/PostProcessor enters the file names in the Files to Read text box. 6. In the DAC Object Name text box, enter instrument. 7. Select OK. 8. Set Source to DAC. 9. From the DAC list, select Instrument. 10. Select Surf. 11. From the File Data list, select REQUEST_1_X, REQUEST_1_Y, and REQUEST_1_Z, and look at the plots.

Plotting Data
Finally, you will compare the virtual test data from your suspension model with physical test data from the physical model of a suspension. To plot data: 1. Set Source to RPC III. 2. Clear selection of Surf. 3. Select Clear Plot.

Learning Adams/Durability Tutorial

4. From the RPC III File list, select physical_test. 5. From the Channel list, select Measure_Spindle_1. 6. Select Add Curves. 7. Set Source to DAC. 8. From the DAC list, select instrument. 9. From the File Data list, select REQUEST_1_X. 10. Select Add Curves. By default, Adams/PostProcessor gives a slightly different scale for the two vertical axes. You need to manually adjust one of them. 11. Select the right vertical axis. 12. Clear the selection of Auto Scale. 13. Change the limits to match the other (left) vertical axis (that is, -75 to 0). 14. Compare the two plots. 15. Similarly, compare:
Measure_Spindle_2 (RPCIII source) with REQUEST_1_Y (DAC source) Measure_Spindle_3 (RPCIII source) with REQUEST_1_Z (DAC source)

The virtual test results and the physical test results should be almost exactly the same, indicating that there is no phase shift, and that the displacement peaks are captured. There is a minor amplitude shift, however, due to possible joint relaxation in the physical test. Note: Since a vibration of about 10-20 Hz was not damped out in the physical test, you will notice noise in the physical test data plots. The noise is most prevalent on the Measure_Spindle_1 and Measure_Spindle_2 plots.

36 Getting Started Using Adams/Durability

This tutorial shows that despite minor differences, there is a good correlation between the physical test data and the virtual test data from Adams/Durability. It also shows that the MD Adams models response to imported physical test data matches the physical models response to the same data, and that the virtual prototype is kinematically consistent with the physical prototype.

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