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1. Babbling Infants sound production becomes more varied and complex around 46 months of age. At this time they begin to babble, making repeated consonantvowel sounds, such as ba-ba-ba (Clark & Clark, 1977; Stoel-Gammon, 1998). A more complex type of babbling develops around 810 months. This type of babbling varies inintonation and rhythm and sounds like the child is talking. It is calledecholalic babbling because it reflects the intonation and rhythm of the speech of the adults in the childs environment (Sachs, 1989). Babbling (also called baby talk or twaddling) is a stage in child and a state in language acquisition, during which an infant appears to be experimenting with uttering sounds of language, but not yet producing any recognizable words. (Crucially, the larynx or voicebox, originally high in the throat to let the baby breathe while swallowing, descends during the first year of life, allowing a pharynx to develop and all the sounds of human speechto be formed.[1]) Babbling begins at approximately 5 to 7 months of age, when a baby's noises begin to sound like phonemes. Infants begin to produce recognizable words usually around 12 months, though babbling may continue for some time afterward. There are two types of babbling. Most people are familiar with the characteristic sounds made during babbling, namely reduplicative and variegated babbling. The former consists of repeated syllables, such as /ba/ e.g. "Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba", whereas variegated babbling consists of a mix of syllables, e.g. "ka-da-bu-ba-mi-doy-doy-doy". The consonants that babbling infants produce tend to be any of the following : /p, b, t, m, d, n, k, , s, h, w, j/. The following consonants tend to be infrequently produced during phonological development : /f, v, , , , t, d, l, r, / . The complex nature of sounds that developing children produce make them difficult to categorize, but the above rules tend to hold true regardless of the language to which children are exposed

2. Jargon

One year old babies typically reach the stage of language development in which they are talking in nonsense speech, sometimes called jargon. This nonsense speech contains the tone and cadence of real speech. Many children have the ability to say some easy words by end of the first year. At first, children have do not understand the meaning of the words they are voicing, but eventually they learn to make sense of the words as parents and others respond.

3. Single word Around one year of age, children begin to produce word-like units. These word-like units may be invented words, also known asidiomorphs (Reich, 1986). For example, a child may have a special invented word that refers to a toy or to his personal blanket. This idiomorph is a word in the sense that it is stable and used to refer to a particular object on a consistent basis. In addition to these invented words, children also produce more conventional words that resemble adult pronunciation and meaning. The one-word stage is a significant development because the child is now using a stable language unit to communicate meaning. Often parents and family members will adopt the childs invented words or pronunciations as a way of encouraging the child to talk. 4. Two and three words sentences Children quickly enlarge their knowledge of word meanings from the ages of 3 to 5. At this point in the language development, the child starts to learn the rules of language. A checklist for the language development of a 5-year-old would include comprehension of over 2,000 words; knowledge of time sequences (first, second, and third); executing 3 directions; conversing; speaking in 8-word sentences or more; using complex sentences; describing objects; and using the imagination to tell stories.

Language Development In Children

The chart below presents typical language development. There is a wide range of normal development. Most children will not follow the chart to the letter. It is presented so you will know what to expect for your child. If your child seems significantly behind in language development, you should talk with your child's physician regarding your questions and concerns.

Language Development Chart

Age of Child Typical Language Development
6 Months 12 Months 18 Months 24 Months Vocalization with intonation Responds to his name Responds to human voices without visual cues by turning his head and eyes Responds appropriately to friendly and angry tones Uses one or more words with meaning (this may be a fragment of a word) Understands simple instructions, especially if vocal or physical cues are given Practices inflection Is aware of the social value of speech Has vocabulary of approximately 5-20 words Vocabulary made up chiefly of nouns Some echolalia (repeating a word or phrase over and over) Much jargon with emotional content Is able to follow simple commands Can name a number of objects common to his surroundings Is able to use at least two prepositions, usually chosen from the following: in, on, under Combines words into a short sentence-largely noun-verb combinations (mean) length of sentences is given as 1.2 words Approximately 2/3 of what child says should be intelligible Vocabulary of approximately 150-300 words Rhythm and fluency often poor Volume and pitch of voice not yet well-controlled Can use two pronouns correctly: I, me, you, although me and I are often confused My and mine are beginning to emerge

36 Months 48 Months

Responds to such commands as "show me your eyes (nose, mouth, hair)" Use pronouns I, you, me correctly Is using some plurals and past tenses Knows at least three prepositions, usually in, on, under Knows chief parts of body and should be able to indicate these if not name Handles three word sentences easily Has in the neighborhood of 900-1000 words About 90% of what child says should be intelligible Verbs begin to predominate Understands most simple questions dealing with his environment and activities Relates his experiences so that they can be followed with reason Able to reason out such questions as "what must you do when you are sleepy, hungry, cool, or thirsty?" Should be able to give his sex, name, age Should not be expected to answer all questions even though he understands what is expected Knows names of familiar animals Can use at least four prepositions or can demonstrate his understanding of their meaning when given commands Names common objects in picture books or magazines Knows one or more colors Can repeat 4 digits when they are given slowly Can usually repeat words of four syllables Demonstrates understanding of over and under Has most vowels and diphthongs and the consonants p, b, m, w, n well established Often indulges in make-believe Extensive verbalization as he carries out activities Understands such concepts as longer, larger, when a contrast is presented

60 Months

Readily follows simple commands even thought the stimulus objects are not in sight Much repetition of words, phrases, syllables, and even sounds Can use many descriptive words spontaneously-both adjectives and adverbs Knows common opposites: big-little, hard-soft, heave-light, etc Has number concepts of 4 or more Can count to ten Speech should be completely intelligible, in spite of articulation problems Should have all vowels and the consonants, m,p,b,h,w,k,g,t,d,n,ng,y (yellow) Should be able to repeat sentences as long as nine words Should be able to define common objects in terms of use (hat, shoe, chair) Should be able to follow three commands given without interruptions Should know his age Should have simple time concepts: morning, afternoon, night, day, later, after, while Tomorrow, yesterday, today Should be using fairly long sentences and should use some compound and some complex sentences Speech on the whole should be grammatically correct In addition to the above consonants these should be mastered: f, v, sh, zh, th,1 He should have concepts of 7 Speech should be completely intelligible and socially useful Should be able to tell one a rather connected story about a picture, seeing relationships Between objects and happenings Should have mastered the consonants s-z, r, voiceless th, ch, wh, and the soft g as in George Should handle opposite analogies easily: girl-boy, man-woman, flies-swims, blunt-sharp short-long, sweet-sour, etc Understands such terms as: alike, different, beginning, end, etc Should be able to tell time to quarter hour Should be able to do simple reading and to write or print many words

6 Years 7 Years

8 Years

Can relate rather involved accounts of events, many of which occurred at some time in the past Complex and compound sentences should be used easily Should be few lapses in grammatical constrictions-tense, pronouns, plurals All speech sounds, including consonant blends should be established Should be reading with considerable ease and now writing simple compositions Social amenities should be present in his speech in appropriate situations Control of rate, pitch, and volume are generally well and appropriately established Can carry on conversation at rather adult level Follows fairly complex directions with little repetition Has well developed time and number concepts


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