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2 theSun | THURSDAY JUNE 11 2009

news without borders

‘Set aside matters detrimental
to M’sia-S’pore ties’
PAS doing a serious
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia and Singapore should
set aside matters which could be detrimental to
bilateral ties to ensure economic and political
relations between both countries remain stable.
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin
Hussein said that based on the latest develop-
ments in the economic and political landscapes
disservice, says Karpal
by Giam Say Khoon together with PKR and DAP to ensure the
in both countries, there was a need to relook at downfall of BN in the next general election.”
bilateral relations. MCA’s information and communication bu-
“This is important because an understanding PETALING JAYA: Following DAP veteran reau chairman, Lee Wei Kiat, said in a separate
which is based on sincerity and honesty is the leader Lim Kit Siang’s criticism on PAS’s unity statement the result of the unity talks will be
basis to ensure relations between both countries talks with Umno, DAP chairman Karpal Singh the “Islamisation of the country”.
remain intact,” he told reporters after an hour-long launched a second wave of attack on the party’s He said it would create a scenario whereby
meeting with Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) partner, saying the talks only the Malays will be in the government while
Yew yesterday. are “a serious disservice to the sincerity” of PAS the non-Malays will be at the opposition front.
“Hopefully, through this meeting, we can get as a PR component party. Under such circumstance, the rights of the
some insights into Lee’s views and experience in Karpal, who is also the Bukit Gelugor MP, non-Malays may be marginalised, Lee said.
building a stable country,” he added. said in a statement PAS should realise it is not “MCA strongly opposes any proposal by PAS to
Lee, who arrived in the country on Monday, is the dominant party in PR as it has only 24 seats form a unity government with Umno,” he said.
on an eight-day visit in Malaysia. – Bernama in the parliament compared to the 28 held by “There is a hidden agenda behind the call
DAP and 31 by PKR and it should also realise by PAS to form a unity government ... that is to
Hotspots cause of haze that the victory in the by-elections in Kuala strengthen their party’s position and to imple-
PETALING JAYA: Although the Air Pollutant Index Terengganu and Bukit Gantang “should not be ment their ulterior goal of setting up an Islamic
(API) has improved since Tuesday, the hotspots the monopoly of PAS alone”. state in the country.”
detected in Sabah and Sarawak are the main “PAS should not overreach itself by making Lee also said the resolutions tabled in PAS’s
cause of the hazy conditions, the Department statements, particularly, through its president, muktamar last week, like the maintenance of
of Environment (DOE) said yesterday. Datuk Seri Hadi Awang, to initiate unity talks not push its agenda, which adversely affects 30% quota for bumiputras, the opposing of the
In a statement, it said the Asean Specialised with Umno. He should not forget that PAS the PR, too far. government decision to liberalise the 27 sub-
Meteorological Centre (ASMC) detected 16 joined Barisan Nasional in 1971 only to leave He said the time has come for PAS to reas- sectors, and the calling for the ban on Sisters-
hotspots in Sarawak and seven in Sabah. it shortly thereafter,” he said. sess its position in PR and it should realise that In-Islam, “showed the party’s ulterior objective
These hotspots showed there were fires “It appears PAS has not learnt a lesson. For “it cannot run with the hares and hunt with is to set up a theocratic Islamic state”.
which were able to contribute to the forma- Hadi to publicly state that the DAP had agreed the hounds”. He challenged DAP and PKR to announce
tion of haze during this dry season. to unity talks with Umno is a long way from the “The hounds in Umno will teach it a bitter their firm stand on PAS’s motives of forming a
At 5pm yesterday, the API readings of all truth. He has chosen to mislead not only PAS lesson if it (PAS) insists on moves to form a unity government with Umno.
the major towns and cities were good to members and leaders but also the people.” unity government with Umno,” Karpal said. “If PAS fails to respond, then perhaps it is
moderate, with Tanjung Malim experiencing Karpal said PAS should and must realise “It is my firm belief that PAS should stay timely for DAP and PKR to withdraw their
the worst (94), followed by Port Klang (82) that DAP has limits to its patience and it should clear of any unity talks with Umno and work association with PAS,” Lee said.
and Kuala Selangor (78). A reading of 100 and
above indicates an unhealthy condition.
Teratai rep and 15 others
State govt hands off probe
KUALA TERENGGANU: The Terengganu govern-
get police bail extended
ment will not interfere in the setting up of a commit- by Charles Ramendran yesterday.
tee to investigate the collapse of the roof of Sultan All, except one of those
Mizan Zainal Abidin Stadium in Gong Badak. detained, turned up and were
Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said said yesterday KUALA LUMPUR: Teratai as- told to wait outside the head-
he had been informed by Deputy Prime Minister semblyman Jenice Lee and quarters.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin the federal government 15 other DAP members and Lee was then allowed into
would set up the investigating committee. supporters who were arrested the station, accompanied by
“The deputy prime minister told me to let the on May 20 for allegedly taking Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai, and
committee do its job. If we were to interfere, it will part in an illegal assembly in an hour later, they stepped out
only cause more confusion,” he told reporters after Ampang and released three and told the group, who were
attending a briefing on the Firefly Kuala Tereng- days later had their police bail all clad in black clothing, that
ganu-Singapore flight here. extended by another month their bail had been extended
State Assembly Speaker Datuk Tengku Putera yesterday. to July 9.
Awang said there were lessons to be learned from Lee and the others, includ- “The police told us they
the June 2 incident. “Those found responsible should ing Lim Swee Kuan, a special have yet to decide if we should
be made accountable for the mistake.” – Bernama assistant to DAP stalwart be charged or released uncon-
Lim Kit Siang, who were ditionally as they have yet to
detained during a candlelight receive the orders from the
vigil in support of the “Black Attorney-General’s Chambers,”
Malaysia” protest against the she said.
recent incidents in the Perak Ampang Jaya deputy police Zakaria and Lee at the PAC inquiry into PKFZ scandal at the Parliament building.
state assembly, arrived at the chief Supt Amiruddin Jamalud-
Ampang Jaya district police
headquarters at about 2.30pm
after their police bail expired
din said investigations into the
case had to be thorough and
this can be time-consuming.
PKA officials quizzed over
Indonesia proposes joint
escalating cost of PKFZ
KUALA LUMPUR: The Public Accounts over the land. “We want to know who
patrols in Ambalat waters Committee (PAC) yesterday queried
the Port Klang Authority (PKA) on the
had decided not to impose Section 4 of
the Act,” he said.
escalating cost of the Port Klang Free The PKA had on May 28 released
JAKARTA: Indonesian Defence Both Indonesia and Malaysia
Zone (PKFZ) project, continuing an the long-awaited PwC report on the
Minister Juwono Sudar- have overlapping claims on the
inquiry that started in late 2007. PKFZ, which among others, detailed
sono yesterday proposed that oil-rich Ambalat waters.
PAC deputy chairman Dr Tan Seng how the project cost had jumped to
Indonesia and Malaysia conduct “We concur we should re-
joint maritime border patrols in spect our respective sovereign Giaw said the PAC had set two days RM7.453 billion, including interest cost,
the disputed waters of Ambalat rights while our foreign min- to enable PKA officials to explain the from just RM1.957 billion in 2001.
in the Sulawesi Sea. isters engage in the technical fiasco. PKA bought the land outright at a
He conveyed the suggestion talks to determine our common PKA chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng, price of RM25 per sq ft on the basis
to visiting Malaysian Chief of De- maritime border,” said Juwono. Transport Ministry secretary-general that the land was of special value but
fence Forces Jen Tan Sri Abdul Since 2005, the Indonesian Datuk Zakaria Bahari, Pricewaterhouse- the Valuation and Property Services
Aziz Zainal who had called on and Malaysian governments, Coopers (PwC) managing partner Chin Department had in August 2001 placed
him at his office here. through their respective foreign Kwai Fatt and senior partner Lim San a value of RM10.16 psf on the basis of
Juwono said both countries ministries, have held 13 rounds Pen, and four senior staff of PKA faced compulsory acquisition.
could undertake the joint pa- of talks on the Ambalat issue. the PAC yesterday. Tan said at the meeting which lasted
trols for the duration of the talks The overlapping claims “We want to know who had de- more than two hours, the PAC wanted
on their territorial borders. have become a hot issue again cided to ignore the Attorney-General’s to know why Jebel Ali Free Zone (Jafzi),
“Both sides can be close to during the ongoing campaign recommendation that the land in Pulau the Dubai-based company, which was
each other within the territorial for the Indonesian presidential Indah (where the project is located) contracted to manage the PKFZ, abruptly
limits without trespassing,” he election scheduled for July 8. should be acquired by the govern- abandoned it on July 18, 2007.
told a news conference after Juwono said he had asked ment,” Tan said at Parliament lobby The meeting continues today when
the meeting with Abdul Aziz. Abdul Aziz to reduce Malaysian after meeting PKA officials. the PAC is likely to ask for explanation
Juwono said Indonesia had naval patrols in the vicinity of He said this was because the from the same individuals. Tan did not
a similar understanding with the Indonesian territorial wa- government could invoke Section 4 discount the possibility that PAC will
Australia along the common ters to dissipate any perception of the Land Acquisition Act 1960 to call several other individuals, including
border of their respective ter- of trespassing in Indonesian prevent price speculation before taking the AG. – Bernama
ritorial waters. waters. – Bernama

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