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4 theSun | THURSDAY JUNE 11 2009

news without borders

Colombia confirms first

death, Mexico toll rises to 108
BOGOTA: Colombia has confirmed sisted the virus was still on the
PKR to
Two new cases of H1N1 A(H1N1)

bring total to nine

its first death from the A(H1N1) flu decline.
virus which has killed more than “It’s important to point out
elect ZA


140 people across the world, local that there are very few recent leaders

authorities said on Tuesday. new cases,” a statement by the pg 6
The victim was a woman, 24, ministry said.
from a poor Bogota neighbour- Almost 52% of cases were


hood, who died on Friday while women, and more than 70% were -8
hospitalised in the capital, Social between 20 and 54 years old, the by Husna Yusop lines’ flight MH091 from Newark Hospital 881 00/3
Protection Minister Diego Palacio ministry said. to Kuala Lumpur, which arrived in a special
and health officials told report- All of Mexico’s 32 states have here at 6.30am on Monday. ambulance for
ers. registered A(H1N1) flu cases, with PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia has At the same time, it is also further treatment and is in stable
Colombia now has 34 con- most in the sprawling capital of reported two new cases of in- identifying 20 contacts of the condition and receiving antiviral
firmed cases of the virus, most Mexico City. fluenza A(H1N1) – a 17-year-old New Zealander – passengers of treatment.
of whom recently returned from The country is struggling to American student and 52-year- a tourist bus and staff of Holiday Apart from the two cases, 36
overseas travel. recover after the epidemic struck old New Zealand citizen, both Inn Hotel in Penang, Health notifications were received by
In Mexico City, the health its crisis-hit economy in April,
women – making it nine cases Director-General Tan Sri Ismail hospitals nationwide. Of these,
altogether. All these are “im- Merican said yesterday. 31 were confirmed negative and
ministry said Mexico’s swine flu when tourists fled and many
ported” cases. “The student came here for the others have yet to receive
death toll rose by two to 108 businesses shut down.
Following this, the Health holiday with her parents and was their results. As at Tuesday, the
on Tuesday, with more than 500 The World Health Organisation Ministry is tracing 340 fellow detected by the thermoscanner cumulative cases were at 553
cases confirmed, bringing the earlier Tuesday said the world travellers of the American stu- at the airport for fever. She was (539 negative, nine positive and
total infections to 6,133. was getting “very, very close” to dent, comprising passengers and referred to Tuanku Jaafar Hospi- five awaiting results).
The ministry, however, in- a swine flu pandemic. – AFP crew members of Malaysia Air- tal in Seremban and admitted for Two hundred and four con-
further treatment at 10.51am the tacts of previous cases are under
same day (Monday),” he said. home quarantine.
“Further investigation found As of 8am yesterday, the
that she had fever 10 days before World Health Organisation
coming here but both her par- reported 25,586 cases with 139
ents were healthy. The parents deaths from 73 countries – an
are under home quarantine increase of 80 cases from the
while she is receiving antiviral previous day.
treatment,” Ismail told a press Ismail also said that beginning
conference. today, the ministry will introduce
The second case was one new screening procedures at the
of the contacts of a previous airport to ease the inconvenience
positive case who had arrived faced by the people.
in Malaysia at 7.30am on Friday It affects those detected as
via AirAsia flight DX7 2723 from having fever by the thermoscan-
Melbourne. ner but do not come from coun-
Ismail said the woman con- tries with local transmissions or
tinued her journey to Penang by countries actively reporting new
MAS flight MH1138 at 9.15am cases and do not have pneumo-
and arrived there at 10.15am nia symptoms.
before taking a taxi to the hotel, “Currently, the procedure is,
where she checked in at 1pm. they will be sent to the hospitals
“While on the island, she met immediately but from tomor-
a friend and went for a tour on row, we will do the throat swab
a tourist bus. The next day, she for them at the airports or entry
was put under quarantine from points,” he said.
4.15pm after being identified as “Then, we will counsel them,
a contact of a previous case,” he provide them with masks and
said. tell them that they can go home
“She began to develop fever, but must quarantine themselves.
cough and muscle ache at 11pm Then, we will give them the re-
and contacted the nearby health sult (swab test) within 24 hours
office at 9am the next day.” and tell them whether they are
She was taken to Penang infected or not.”

Avoid these four traditional

products, says ministry
KUALA LUMPUR: The Health Min- pressure and other cardiovascular
istry has advised the public to avoid effects (sibutramine). Tadalafil or
buying or using four traditional its analogs can cause low blood
products that contain sibutramine, pressure and other cardiovascular
aminotadalafil, diphenhydramine effects,” she said.
and paracetamol. “The use of diphenhydramine
The director of the ministry’s without control may cause the
pharmacy services division, Eisah user to suffer low blood pressure,
Abdul Rahman, said yesterday the cardiovascular effects, sedation,
four products were Bodybeaus, tiredness, disturbed coordination,
Jinglida, Eng Leong Cordyceps confusion and blurred vision.”
Chuanbei Plus Cough Pill 3.m, Eisah said paracetamol can be
and Loong Choo Brand Reh Bih used for self-medication but when
Ho Herbal Tea. the traditional product does not
“Their product registration has declare its paracetamol content,
been cancelled by the Drug Con- a user who is already using para-
trol Authority (DCA) at the 216th cetamol may be taking excessive
DCA meeting because they were doses which is toxic to the liver.
detected to contain ingredients “Since the quality and safety of
that are not allowed to be formu- these products that are available
lated in a traditional product,” she in the market is not guaranteed
said in a statement here. by DCA, the public is advised to
Eisah said there are phar- avoid these products. Sellers are
maceutical products containing reminded that possession for sale
sibutramine, tadalafil, diphenhy- of these products is an offence
dramine and paracetamol that are under the Control of Drugs and
registered with the DCA. Cosmetics Regulations 1984,”
These products have been she said.
evaluated for their safety, efficacy Anyone who commits an
and quality. offence under these regulations
“However, these products, ex- can be fined up to RM25,000 or be
cept paracetamol, can only be sup- jailed up to three years or both for
plied by doctors and pharmacists. the first offence. A company found
The use of these products without guilty can be fined up to RM50,000
proper diagnosis and monitoring for the first offence and fined up
by a doctor can cause serious to RM100,000 for subsequent of-
adverse effects such as high blood fence. – Bernama

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