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3. Ayah: [Shakir 3:81] And when Allah made a covenant through the
prophets: Certainly what I have given you of Book and wisdom-- then an
messenger comes to you verifying that which is with you, you must believe
in him, and you must aid him. He said: Do you affirm and accept my
compact in this (matter)? They said: We do affirm. He said: Then bear
witness, and I (too) am of the bearers of witness with you.
The covenant of Prophets was of the Wilayat of Moula Ali (a.s).
Bisaar-ad-dahrajaat al-Jazahir Saani, pg 93.

4. Ayah: [Shakir 3:103] And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together
and be not disunited, and remember the favour of Allah on you
when you were enemies, then He united your hearts so by His favour you
became brethren; and you were on the brink of a pit of fire, then He saved
you from it, thus does Allah make clear to you His communications that
you may follow the right way Wahahtasebu baijab lillah means the Wilay
of Moula Ali (a.s).
Haqul Yaqeen, Vol, 1, pg 149, Allama Shabbar Kazemi Sawareka Moraka,
pg 151 Tafseer al-kabeer, pg 173, Pub Egypt

5. Ayah: [Shakir 78:1]. Of what do they ask one another?

Niba Azeem refers to Moula Ali (a.s).
Haqul Yaqeen, Allama Shabbar Kazemi, Vol 1, pg 164. Haqul Yaqeen,
Allama Shabbar Kazemi, Vol 2, pg 74.

6. Ayah: [Shakir 2:249] So when Talut departed with the forces, he said:
Surely Allah will try you with a river; whoever then drinks from it, he is
not of me, and whoever does not taste of it, he is surely of me, except he
who takes with his hand as much of it as fills the hand; but with the
exception of a few of them they drank from it. So when he had crossed it,
he and those who believed with him, they said: We have today no power
against Jalut and his forces. Those who were sure that they would meet
their Lord said: How often has a small party vanquished a numerous host
by Allah's permission, and Allah is with the patient. The word Nayharr
refers to the Wilayat of Moula Ali (a.s) as the children of Israel were tested
in regarding to Moula. Tafseer-e-Firraat, pg 4, Pub Iran.

7. Ayah: [Shakir 37:24]. And stop them, for they shall be questioned:
The question will be on the Wilay of Moula Ali (a.s). Tafseer Miratul
Anwar, pg 184 Tafseer As-Saafi, Vol 2, pg 421 Kashful Yaqeen, Allama
Hilli, Pg 82 Tafseer-ul-Faraat, Pg 131 Tafseer Al Burha'an, Vol 4, Pg 16.

8. Ayah: [Shakir 43:43] Therefore hold fast to that which has been revealed
to you; surely you are on the right path.
This refers holding fast to the Wilayat of Moula Ali (a.s).
Tafseer al-Anwar, Pg 335, Pub Iran.

9. Ayah: [Shakir 30:30] Then set your face upright for religion in the right
state-- the nature made by Allah in which He has made men; there is no
altering of Allah's creation; that is the right religion, but most people don’t
know. The nature made by Allah (Fitranaas) is Wilayat of Moula Ali (a.s).
Tafseer al-burhaan, Vol 3, pg 262 Basair-id-dahrajaat al-Jazahir-Thaani,
pg 98 Al-Yaqeen, Pg 36, Pub Najaf. Tafseer-e-Farra'at, Pg 120 Miratul-
Anwaar, Pg 23.

10. Ayah: [Shakir 20:82]. And most surely I am most forgiving to him who
repents and believes and does good, then continues to follow the right
direction. Hidayat here, means the Wilayat of Moula Ali (a.s)
Tafseer As-Sa'afi, Vol 1, Pg 72 Usul Al-Kafi, Vol 1, Pg 262, Pub
Iran Tafseer-e- Fara'at, Pg 91 or 93, Najaf.

‘Aliyan Wali Allah in Namaz’

Namaz and the 3rd Shahadat
Proof of recitation from Quran, Ahadis, Logic & the statements of Ullemas
/ Marajas. Namaz is a very important part of Deen-e- Islam and there is a
Riwayat that if ones Namaz is accepted all his acts of worship will be
accepted and if ones Namaz is not accepted all his acts of worship will be
rejected. Hence it is compulsory on every one of us to make sure that we
pray Namaz in a way which is accepted by God Almighty. Tashahud in
Namaz is a very important part of it. Tashahud is standing witness to or
giving testimony. All other sects of Islam / Muslims have consensus on
tashahud as they all agree that be it Kalma or Azan,
Aqamah or Tashahud in every place only 2 testimonies i.e. testifying the
oneness of God & Prophet hood of Hazrat Mohammad (pbuh & hp) is
enough, where as Shias believe that the main difference between Shi’ism
and other sects is the acceptance of Wilayat-e- Moula Ali (a.s) so where
ever we give the first 2 testimonies (i.e. Touheed & Risalat) we should
immediately give the 3rd testimony, the Wilayat of Moula Ali (a.s) and all
Shias believe that the Third testimony ( ) is just as necessary as the first 2
testimonies. Unfortunately, since a few years because of the ignorance of
Shias towards the orders of Quran and Holy Traditions of Aimma, just
like other Muslims we too have stopped reciting the Third Shahadat and
have restricted ourselves to only 2 testimonies in Namaz. Our ignorance
towards the orders of Quran and Ahadis results in our Shias raising
questions and objections on the very basis of our sect i.e.
Even though there are many books dedicated to prove the necessity of
recitation of in Namaz but the fact is that firstly these books are not in
reach of everyone as they are either in Arabic, Farsi or Urdu and many
Shias are not familiar with either of the languages, secondly our lives have
become so hectic that we don’t even get enough time for our selves
let alone reading such big and lengthy books. This is the reason why we
decided to compile this article with some undeniable proofs while keeping
it as short as we possibly can.

We have to bear this in mind that just because something is not practiced
at present time it does not mean that it is not a part of our act of worship.
We all know that so many things have been changed in Namaz that it is
now a very big problem between different sects of Muslims as they all
have different ways to pray Namaz so accepting Namaz as it is practiced
today cannot be justified without trying hard to find out the things which
were originally part of Namaz but were struck off sometime back by the
enemies of Islam in a well planned and organized manner. We have to look
and seek further deep down inside it Specially if something is regarding the
Wilayat of Moula Ali (a.s) as we surely know that this was the very things
that the rulers have tried their level best to eradicate and there was a time
when just taking the name of Moula Ali (a.s) was enough to be killed by the
tyrant rulers and their equally tyrant lobby. Thinking about such a time
we have to consider that how could anyone testify the Wilayat of Amer ul
Momineen Ali (a.s) ibne Abi Talib (a.s) openly and loudly? Majority of
people during those times used to do ‘Taqayya ‘just to save them from
harm. This period of Taqayya was so prolonged that disappeared even
from the thoughts of Shias themselves. Even our
Aimma refrained from openly teaching the Kalma which included to
general public but instead used to teach the complete Kalma to some
trustworthy companions only who would then convey it to the lovers of
Ahlul Bait. Hence in the Book Al Kafi there is a tradition (Hadis) of Imam
Mohammad Baqir (a.s) which says “If we would have fixed the tashahud of
Namaz, our followers and lovers (Mawalis) would have been killed”. Hence
if the recitation of in Tashahud is not practiced today it
should not be taken for granted but instead we should try and see if it was
practiced earlier and if we could find the proofs in Saqalain (Quran and
Ahadis of Aimma). We should all try to find out the answers to the
following questions, which come to our mind regarding the Third
Shahadat in Namaz:
Does our faith and logic (Aql) allow us to recite in Tashahud of Namaz?
Has Quran ever ordered us to recite the third Shahadat?
Are there any Ahadis (Traditions of Aimma a.s) to support the recitation?
How did Rasool-e-Khuda (s.a.w.) and our Imam used to recite Tashahud?
What does the Fuqaha (Islamic Clergy/Scholars) say about 3rd Shahadat?
Now let us try and shed some light on each of the Questions separately:

Aql (reasoning). Normally at present time we only give 2 testimonies i.e. of

Touheed & Risalat. In Arabic 2 testimonies are called Shahadatain
whereas if the testimonies are at least 3 or more the word used in Arabic is
Shahadat. The word Shahadatain (2 testimonies) cannot be found any
where in Quran but the word Shahadat can be seen in Quran and that too
in the context of Namaz. But if someone still refuses to stand witness to at
least 3 testimonies, would that not be rejecting Quranic order?
Surah Al Maida: Quran said “Al Youma Akmalto Lakum Deenakum…
“This Ayah was revealed on the day of Ghadeer and the word “Al youm”
signifies that on one special day one special thing happened which
completed the Deen ‘Islam’ The history stands witness that the thing that
happened on that day was the announcement of Wilayat of Imam Ali(a.s).
If we look at the Ayaat that were sent before announcing the completion of
Deen Islam we will notice that the order from God Almighty to convey this
message was so strict that if this announcement was not made the Risalat
of Rasool-e-Khuda (pbuh & hp) would have been in danger. If Rasool-e-
Khuda (pbuh & hp) would not have announced the Wilayat of Moula Ali
(a.s) could his Risalat be saved? Could the Deen Islam be saved without
this announcement? Is Namaz not included in Deen? Thus, if without
testifying and announcing this Shahadat the Risalat of our Holy Prophet
(pbuh & hp) was incomplete, The Deen Islam was incomplete, how can the
prayers (Namaz) of anyone be complete without it?
Who doesn’t know that Tashahud is a part of Namaz ( Prayers ) and the
Namaz, which tashahud is a part of - Sheikh Mufeed says in his book “ Al
Ikhtesas “ and other Ulemas in their own books quote from Imam
Mohammad Baqir - Imam says ‘ Namaz is Ameer ul Momineen ‘At quite
many places it is quoted from Moula Ali (a.s) this saying “ Ana Salat ul
Momin “I am the Salat (Namaz) of Momin. Is there any logic to exclude?
The testimony of some one which himself is “Namaz “?
QURAN: - Surah Al Muarij - Ayah #33 to 3

those who are upright in their testimonies (Shahadaatehum), and those
who keep a guard on their prayer, those shall be in gardens, honoured" It
is important to note here that the word Shahadat (Plural) in
Arabic is only used for at least 3 testimonies - It cannot be used for 2
testimonies, for two testimonies the word in Arabic is ‘Shahadatain In the
above Ayah-e-Quran God Almighty is describing the glories of people who
testifies 3rd Shahadat in their Namaz and safeguards their prayers

Surah Fatir - Ayah # 10

[Shakir 35:10] Whoever desires honour, then to Allah belongs the honour
wholly To Him do ascend the good words (Al Kelam Al Tayyab); and the
good deeds, lift them up, and (as for) those who plan evil deeds, they shall
have a severe chastisement; and (as for) their plan, it shall perish. In the
above ayah of Quran the word used is "Al Kelam Al Tayyab" which is
again in plural form (Sega-e-Jama) and as mentioned above in Arabic the
plural form like this is only used for Three or more? So the usage of "Al
Kelam Al Tayyab" or the Purified (3 or More) Kalama’s clearly indicates
that the Kalma which reaches and is accepted by God Almighty consists of
Three or more Kalma. Now if we see that majority of Muslims including
some Shias only recite Two Kalama’s (Kalma-e-Touheed & Kalma-e-
Risalat) in Tashahud, allow me to say that this type of Kalama does not
reach or is not accepted by God Almighty as he only accepts the shahadat
(witness) which consists of 3 or more Kalma. Now let us see how Imam
Jaffar Sadiq (a.s) explains the words ‘Al Kelam Al Tayyab’ Tafseer
Ayashi, Tafseer Saafi Our Imam said "Al Kelam Al Tayyab means the act
of Momin whereby he recites La illaha illallah-Mohammedans Rasool
Allah and " The above is an absolutely clear and undeniable proof that we
should all recite not just in Kalma, Azan and Aqamah as compulsory
part but also in (Tashahud) Namaz as an integral part.

[Shakir 13:25] And those who break the covenant of Allah after its
confirmation and cut asunder that which Allah has ordered to be joined
and make mischief in the land; (as for) those, upon them shall be curse
and they shall have the evil (issue) of the abode.

Tafseer-e-Qummi - Vol 1 page 363 " Kala Rasool Allah sallallaho WA

Aalayhi WA sallam Al Mesak fil Zar min wilayat-e-Ameeral Momineen
wal Aimma Alaihis Salam"

Translation English " This Covenant was that of joining testimony of

Wilayat-e-Ali(a.s) with touheed and Risalat and who ever breaks away
from they are the ones who are 'Jahanumi' "

URDU " Yeh Ehad Wilayat Ali(a.s) ki Gawahi ko Bilafasal touheed 'o'
Risalat Kay saath milanay ka tha - Aur Jo qata kartay hain WO hi
Jahanumi hay”

In Tanveerul Emaan by Sheikh Yaqoob Al Kulainy : Quotes a tradition
from Rasool-e-Khuda (pbuh & hp) “God instructed Hazrat Mohammad
Mustafa when the Prophet (pbuh & hp) was returning from Mairaj: God
said ‘inform this to your Ummat that Ali Wali ullah is Wasilla between you
and me so do not leave him. And remember that neither your Azan will be
complete without it nor Aqamah or Namaz or Roza or Hajj or Zakat and
not even your birth or death without mentioning.

Book Shajar-e-Touba Published from Najaf -Iraq :- Utba bin Amir Jehni
companion of Holy Prophet ( pbuh & hp ) narrates :- We did the ‘ Bait ‘
of Rasool-e-Khuda ( pbuh & hp ) on these lines : Ash hado anna La illaha
illalla wa Ash hado Anna Mohammedan Nabiye’hi wa an Ali’in Wasi’ yehi
: and if we reject any one of these testimonies we will become Kafir.

Book Muqadmah Mishkat ul Anwar- Imam Ali (a.s) ibn-e-Abi Talib says
“The one who does not accept/ testify my Wilayat will not get any benefit
from accepting/ testifying Mohammad’s ( pbuh & hp ) Risalat - Be aware
both these testimonies are compulsory with each other”

Ehtejaj-e-Tibrisi - Volume 1:- Imam Jaffar As Sadiq ( as ) says “Thus

when ever one says La ilaha illalla and Mohammedan Rasool Allah, he
must immediately say Ali (a.s) is Ameer ul Momineen Wali Ullah”
The point to note in the above tradition of Imam Jaffar As Sadiq is that
our Imam has not restricted the order which means that WE HAVE TO
recite when ever and where ever we recite the first 2 testimonies Book
Imali Suddook : Imam Ali(a.s) Raza says “God Almighty has said that he
will NOT ACCEPT anyone’s acts of worship unless he stands witness to
Moula Ali’s (a.s) Wilayat with Prophet’s (pbuh & hp) Risalat.” Here we
should note that isn’t Namaz an act of worship? If it is, then how can it be
excluded from the order of Imam Ali Raza (a.s) in the above tradition
(Hadis)? Now let us see if our beloved Rasool-e-Khuda (pbuh & hp) and
our 14 Masoomeen used to recite the Third Shahadat in their Namaz:


Surah Bani Israel “(O Prophet Mohammad) Do not recite your prayers
loudly nor say it under your breath; seek a course in between. (110)”

In: - Tafseer Ayashi - Tafseer Saafi - Tafseer Burhaan - Tafseer Noor as

Saqalain Tafseer Basair Ad Darajaat: Narrated from Imam Mohammad
Baqir (a.s); Imam says “æóáÇó ÊóÌúåóÑú ÈöÕóáÇóÊößó means that the
testimony of Wilayat-e-Ali(a.s) should not be given loudly until God
Almighty Orders it ; æóáÇó ÊõÎóÇÝöÊú ÈöåóÇ means the testimony
Wilayat-e-Ali(a.s) should be given in such a way (In Namaz) that only Ali
(a.s) can hear it- Do not hide it from Ali(a.s); æóÇÈúÊóÛö Èóíúäó Ðóáößó
ÓóÈöíá- Çð means that you should keep asking God Almighty about the
permission to announce it loudly; Hence Holy Prophet (pbuh & hp) kept
asking God Almighty for the permission and on the day of Gadeer-E-Khum
Holy Prophet (pbuh) got the permission to announce it loudly”
The Above Ayah and its Tafseer as done by Imam Mohammad Baqir proves
that Rasool-e-Khuda used to testify the Wilayat of Moula Ali(a.s) slowly
and quietly until the day of Ghadeer after which Rasool -e- Khuda started
saying the Third Shahadat loudly.

Bihar ul Anwar Volume 84:- Tradition (Hadis) of Imam Jaffar as Sadiq.
Imam Jaffar as Sadiq used to recite the Tashahud of his Namaz like this-
“Ash Hado Annaka Ne’amar rab wa ash hado Annaka Mohammedan Ne’
amar Rasool wa ash hado Annaka Ali (a.s) ibne-Abi Talib Ne’amal Moula


Raza (a.s) used to recite this sentence in his Tashahud,
“Ash Hado Annaka Ne’amar rab WA an Mohammedan Ne’amar Rasool
WA an Ali’in Ne’amal Wali” Now that you have witnessed what Quran &
Ahadis says about the 3rd Shahadat (Ali-in Ne’amal Wali) in Namaz and
you have also seen how our Rasool-e-Khuda, Imam Jaffar As Sadiq &
Imam Ali Raza (a.s) used to recite Tashahud.


Here are some brief references from Shia sources of Prophets of Allah
(pbuh & hp) mourning for Imam Hussain (a.s).

1. The first Prophets (Hz Adam-AS) first ever action was to mourn Imam
Hussain (a.s). (Bihar-al-anwar, Vol 1, pg 85 - Urdu)

2. The first Zakir of Imam Hussain (a.s) was Hz Gabriel and the first
listener and mourner was H-Adam. (Bihar-al-anwar, V1, pg 85, 86 (Urdu)

3. Hz Adam draws blood for the sake of Imam Hussain (a.s) during his
visit to kerbala. - Jalal-il-Ayoon, pg 146, Urdu.

4. Allah (SWT) becomes Zakir of Imam Hussain (a.s) through His wahee
and Hz Adam the listener. (Bihar-al-anwar, Vol 1, pg 85-86, Urdu.)

5. To cry and mourn for Imam Hussain (a.s) is worship and Tasbeeh.
(Nafs-ul-Mahmoom, Pg 51.)

6. The Holy Kaaba was the first Imambargha as it was the first place for
mourning for Imam Hussain (a.s), (Shahadat-e-Uzmah, Pg 68, and Allama
Bu-Ali Shah Zaidi).

7. Allah (SWT) has vowed for the 10 days of Muharram to mourn for
Imam Hussain (a.s) (Surah Fajar 1-5 Tafseer-alburhaan, Vol 4, & pg 456)
8. The redness of the Sunset and Sunrise is a sign that it is mourning for
Imam Hussain - (Tafseer Noor-e-Saqalain, Vol 4, and Pg 628).

9. The enemies of Ahlai-e-Muhammad are the offspring of Iblees (L). (Alal-

e-Sharah, Sudooq, pg 108, Urdu).

10. Hz Adam the first person to have a Taboot (Replica/Shabih) of Imam

Hussain (a.s) and passed it onto his Wasi, Hz Sheeth, (Tafseer-e-Ayashi, Vol
1, Pg 306).

11. Hz Nuh used to recite Noha and mourn Imam Hussain (a.s) for 950
years, - (Hayatul Quloob-Majlisi).

12. The first originator of Zakiree, Taboot, Alam of Hz Abbas(a.s) was

Hz Adam and also made the first Imambargha (Kaaba), (Shahadat-e-
Uzmah, Pg 85, Allama Bu-Ali Shah Zaidi).

13. Hz Nuh (a.s) was the first person to write down the story of Kerbala
and read about it with a loud voice (Zakiree), Shahadat-e-Uzmah, Pg 68.
Allama Bu-Ali Shah Zaidi).

14. Hz Nuh (a.s) tabarra or curse on Yazeed helped his ship from
drowning in the great flood. (Bihar-al-Anwar, Vol 1, Pg 82, Urdu).

15. Hz Abrahim (a.s) drawing his blood for Imam Hussain (a.s) Bihar-al-
Anwar, Vol 1, Pg 83, Urdu).

16. Hz Ismael (a.s) sent lanat (curse) on Yazeed (L), (Bihar-al-anwar, Vol 1,
and Pg 83-84, in Urdu).

17. Hz Zulqarnain (a.s) and Hz Khizr (a.s) were also Zakireen of Imam
Hussain (a.s), Shahadat-e-Uzmah, Pg 101-102, and Allama Bu-Ali Shah

18. Hz Yaqoob (a.s) and Yousef (a.s) were also azadaars of Imam Hussain
(a.s), Shahadat-e-Uzmah, Pg 102-104, and Allama Bu-Ali Shah Zaidi).

19. To cry, mourn, wail, read elegies is a sunnat of Nabi, Surah Yousef, 84

20. Hz Owais-al-Qarni (companion of the Holy Prophet broke all his teeth
after hearing that the Prophet's teeth had been martyred, (Mishkat-al-

21. Whoever tries to stop the Maatem of a Mazloom (innocent) is an enemy

and a Zalim (tyrant), Surah Yousef, 85.

22. Hz Musa blood was drawn in Mourning of Imam Hussain (a.s), -

(Bihar-al-anwar), Vol 1, Pg 84, Urdu.

23. Hz Musa (a.s) was asked to do Tahzeem-e-Sajdah at the gate (baab) al-
Hittah, - (Tafseer-al-Burhaan), Vol 1, Pg 102.

24. The first meeting of Hz Musa and Hz Khizr was with the Zikr of
Kerbala and grief, (Tafseer-al-Burhaan), Vol 2, Pg 474.

25. Hz Ismael (a.s) said that I liked the Patience and thankfulness of Imam
Hussain (a.s), Alal-e-Sharah (Sheikh Sudooq), and Pg 59, Urdu.

Respect of Sadaat
Status of Sadaat and the Narrations of Masoomeen
All these Fazail have been endorsed by the following: (pg 95 – Anwaray
Zahra by Agha Syed Hasan Abtahee student of the late Agha Syed
Muhammad Hussain Borujerdi).
» Agha Hajj Sheikh Muhammad Kohastani.
» Agha Aqahai Hajj Sheikh Mujtaba Qazvini.
» Agha Sheikh Habeeb-ullah Gulpaygani.
» Agha Aqahai Alhiyaan Qazvini.
» Agha Hajj Syed Ali Rizvi.
» Agha Aqahai Mullah Jaan Zanjani (Zavaar of Imam-e-Zamana (a.s).

1. A Syed doing something good receives double reward then non-Syed.

Imam Raza (a.s) has narrated through his grandfather Imam Ali (a.s) bin
Hussain (a.s);

Lamohsina kaflahnay manal ajray WA lam sinaz zohfanay minal ahzaab.

Those pious amongst us will be rewarded doubly and the non-pious will be
punished doubly. (Anwaray Zahra - pg 270 Agha Syed Hasan Abtahee

2. To respect Sadaat is Wajib on all non-Syed - Sheikh Sudooq - Ihteqaad.

He has mentioned this as part of Shia Aqaid - therefore anyone rejecting
this will mean their aqaid being incorrect.

3. Both Sunni and Shia muhadiseen have narrated that the Prophet said;
Love the pious (Syed) for the sake of Allah and love the non-pious for the
sake of Me. Anwaray Zahra, pg 181, Agha Syed Hasan Abtahee Mashadi

4. Sadaat and Hellfire: Allah has made hell haraam for the offspring of Hz
Fatima. (Najashi, baabul-ein, narration by Imam Raza "innallah harmay
lahmawaladay Fatima alannaar") also in Ma'ani al-Akbar and Sawahaqa

5. Khums another blessing for Sadaat which is haraam on non-Syed, and

Sadaqah of non-Syed is also haraam "Dirt of hands".

6. Ibn-e-Babuya says in Ayoonay Akhbaray Raza that the Prophet

Muhammad said "The enmity of Ali (a.s) if kufr and the enmity to Sadaat
are Nifaaq. (What do you say to this brothers and sisters?)

7. Jamia al Akbar, the Prophet narrates; the hateful of my offspring will

rise up as Munafaqeen on the day of judgement and will be in the last pit
of hell.

8. Mir Baqir Damad in Minhajus sifvaa on the account of Sheikh Suduq

narrates that the Prophet said "Those who showed even a small amount of
enmity to my offspring and even disturb them however small, and then I
will not do any shifa for them (last line).

9. It is Wajib for Ummat to stop any oppression against any Syed

(Manladurul faqih - Anwaray Zahra pg 201 Agha Syed Hasan Abtahee)

10. Life shortens for that Person who oppressors Sadaat (Anwaray Zahra,
pg 203- Agha Syed Hasan Abtahee)

11. Sadaat should be loved more than your own family - Sheikh Sudook
narrates Ahlal-e-Shariah, Anwaray Zahra pg 206, Agha S.H. Abtahee)

12. It is Mustahab Moakda (highly desirable) for a Non-Syed to stand up

for a Syed Jamis ul Akhbar, Anwaray Zahra pg 210, Agha S.H. Abtahee)

13. Non Syed should not walk in front of Syed; Sharah Irshad by
Moqaddas Arbabaili (another father figure of all Marja's) Anwaray Zahra,
pg, 212, Agha Syed Hasan Abtahee.

14. To kiss the hand of Sadaat is Mustahab, Anwaray Zahra, pg 216,

Agha Syed Hasan Abtahee.

15. To do Ziyarat of Sadaat is Mustahab - Amali - Sheikh Sudooq,

Anwaray Zahra, pg 220 Agha Syed Hasan Abtahee.

16. Allah's chosen tribe: Sadaat, Anwaray Zahra, pg 232, Agha Syed
Hasan Abtahee.

17. Usul-e-Kafi: Imam Jaffar Sadiq narrates; A Christian women who

loved the Ahlai bait and who used to daily go and see them to offer her
regards and one day Caliph Umar al-khattab met her and asked her where
she goes daily. She replied "that I go to the Ahlai Muhammad for
Tajdeed and salaam. Umer replied "go back" Ahlai Muhammad has no
right any longer but all their rights were only in the time of the Prophet
(pbuh). A few days later she met Ummul Momineen Hz Umme Salma, and
she asked her what the matter was and why you stopped coming, then she
told her all about it. Hz Umme Salma replied “that people have been
mistaken; the right of Ahlai Muhammad is WAJIB on all ummat until the
day of judgement.

18. All Sunni and Shia muhadiseen have narrated the following hadis from
ibn Masood; the love of just one day of Ahlai Muhammad is higher than
the worship of a whole year. Whoever dies in the love of Ahlai Muhammad
is will enter paradise.

19. Sawahaqa Mohraqa; Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) narrates; the one

who dies in the love of Ahlai Muhammad will have steadfast and complete
Emaan. The one who dies in the love of Ahlai Muhammad will be greeted
by the angels just like newly wedded women is greeted. While the one who
despises Ahlai Muhammad will be rejected of Rehmat (mercy) of Allah.

20. In Kamil-e-Ziyarat Hz Abu Zar narrates; One day the Prophet (Saw)
was kissing Imam Hussain and saying, For the lovers of Hassnain and their
offspring, the fire of hell will not be able to burn even though they have
sins mounting the same as the sand on a desert. Off course any sin
which is against Emaan then the love of Hassnain will be of no a wail.

21. Manaqib-e-shehr ashoob - Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) narrates; That

Hz Gabriel heard from the Prophet on the day of the Marriage of Imam
Ali (a.s) & Hz Fatima, Allah ordered the tree of Tooba to throw down your
leafs. The tree did this and the angels took those noorani (shining) leafs
and on the day of Qiyamat, will present them to the lovers of Ahlai
Mohammed. Written on the leafs Bara tu minannar.

22. Narrated by ibn hajars Sawahaqa Mohraqa that Prophet Mohammed

(pbuh) has said “Do not forget the friendship of me and my Ahlai Bait.
Who takes the love of my Ahlai bait and departs this world he will be
eligible for my shifaa and will enter paradise. I swear by one who holds
my life, no ones acts of worship will be of any benefit without the love of
Ahlai Mohammed.

23. Usul-e-kafi once Zaid bin Ali (a.s) bin Hussain came with a letter from
Imam Baqir and showed him the letter. At the end of the discussion the
Imam says “When talking about (Ihtyat) obeying of command, it is bound
by all the ummah to obey only one infallible Imam as it is Wajib but with
regarding love then Allah has made it Wajib on all the ummah to love the
Ahlai Bait.

24. Sawarayka Mohraqa; The Prophet narrates; Keep me and Ali (a.s) as
friends and whoever shows any enmity against any of the Ahlai Bait will be
deprive of Shifaat on the day of Judgement.

25. In the book, Ayoon akhbaral Raza Sheikh Sudooq has narrated a hadis
from the Prophet (SAW) that the first question asked on the day of
Judgement will be of the love of my offspring.

26. In Majalis al Momineen (by Qazi Noor ullah Shostri-Shaheeday saalas

(the father of all Marja's) that the Prophet (pbuh) said; That Allah
presented the love of Imam Ali (a.s) and Fatima (s.a) and their offspring to
all the creation. The ones to accept the declaration of love, Allah gave them
the post of Prophet Hood and the ones who accepted but did it later; Allah
made them the Shias of Aalai Mohammed. On the day of judgement Allah
will gather all of them together.

27. Sheikh Sudooq in his Amaali quotes a narration from the Prophet
(pbuh) who said; there will be seven feared placing where the love of me
and my offspring will benefit people. a) at the exact time of death, in
Barzakh (time place between grave and resurrection, c) On the day of
resurrection, where your deeds will be presented, d) When you will be
given the book of your deeds, e) When your deeds will be started, f) When
your deeds will be placed on the cradle of Justice and finally g) When you
will be starting to cross Pull-e-Siraat.

a) At the exact time of death

b) In Barzakh
c) Time place between grave and resurrection
d) On the day of resurrection, where your deeds will be presented
e) When you will be given the book of your deeds
f) When your deeds will be started
g) When your deeds will be placed on the cradle of Justice and finally

A Poem on Salwat:

Ya Allah, Ya Muhammad, Ya Ali

O Brothers and Sisters, do not rest.
Till all of us pass the test.
For Salwat is ours.
To be recited every hour.
When the Salwat poses.
It becomes the staff of Moses.
Let the Baraka of Allah.
Muhammad and Ali flow.
And see the true believers glow.
Let love and consciousness grow.
And see negativity hit a new low.
For darkness disappears.
When the Sun appears.


Mera aqida hai baroz-e-mehshar falak pe yeh ahtamam hoga

Mere khayalon se bhi ziada wasee tar ik muqam hoga
Aqidaton ke chaman khilenge, mussaraton ka nizam hoga
Gulon ko nisbat Ali se hogi kali pe Zehra ka naam hoga
Wilae-e-hub-e-Ali ki barsat ka ajab lutf aam hoga
Yeh anbiya sab wazir hoonge, to sadar mera imam hoga
Mashir masoomeat ke paale, ke adal se jin ko kaam hoga
Mohbatoon ki hawa chale gi, hawa mein haq ka payam hoga
Kahin pe Zahra ke pasbanoon mein aik Fizza ka naam hoga
Kahin dar-e-qasar bint-e-Zahra pe Sajdah subah-o-shaam hoga
Mera aqida nahi hai jhoota yaqin hai yeh ahtamam hoga
Yeh aks hai aik saltanat ka, Hussainiat jis ka naam hoga
Kahin pe Baqir uloom banten ge ilm ka lutf aam hoga
Kahin pe Jaffar ke gird ahl-e-khuloos ka asadhaam hoga
Kahin pe Moosa Riza ki janib se mominon ko salam hoga
Kahin Janab Ali Raza se kisi payamber ko kaam hoga
Kahin Taqi bazm Atqiya ka salam lenge kalam hoga
Kahin Naqi masnad niqawat pe wakf-e-altaf aam hoga
Kahin Hasan Askari ki mehfil mein zikr-e-khair-ul-anam hoga
Kahin kisi takht me mere Choduain(14) Ali ka qayam hoga
Kahin pe nare Ali Ali ke - kahin durood-o-salam hoga
Har ik mekash ke hath mein salsabil-o-kausar ka jaam hoga
Magar tabbara kiye bagair uss ko mun lagana haram hoga
Har ik imarat Khuda ki kudrat ka aik naksh-e-dawam hoga
Khain Mohammad ki muskurahat kahin Ali ka kalam hoga
Kahin Hasan ki Hasin soorat pe zairon ka salam hoga
Kahin pe Mazloom-e-Kerbala ke juloos ka ahtamam hoga
Kahin pe Sajjad ki sawari ka zehan mein ahtamam hoga

Rules Related to a Dying Person
1. A Muslim who is dying, whether man or woman, old or young, should, as
a measure of precaution, be laid on his/her back if possible, in such a
manner that the soles of his/her feet would face the Qibla (direction
towards the holy Kabah)

2. It is recommended that the dead body should be laid facing the Qibla
during the Ghusl’s. However, when Ghusl’s are completed, it is better to
lay it the same way as it is laid when prayers are offered for it.

3. It is an obligatory precaution upon every Muslim, to lay a dying person

facing the Qibla. And if the dying person consents to it, there is no need to
seek the permission for it from the guardian. Otherwise, the permission
must be sought.

4. It is recommended that the doctrinal testimony of Islam (Shahadatain)

and the acknowledgement of the twelve Imams and other tenets of faith
should be inculcated to a dying person in such a manner that he/she would
understand. It is also recommended that these utterances are
repeated till the time of his/her death.

5. It is recommended that the following supplications should be read over

to a dying person in such a manner that he/she would understand:
Allahhummaghfir liyal kathira mim ma'asika waqbal minniyal yasira min
ta'atika ya man yaqbalul yasira wa ya'afu 'anil kathir, Iqbal minniyal
yasira wa'fu 'anniyal kathir. Innaka antal 'afuwwul Ghafur. Allah hum
mar hamni fa innaka Rahim.

6. It is Mustahab to carry a person experiencing painfully slow death to the

place where he used to offer prayers provided that it does not cause him
any discomfort.

7. If a person is in the throes of death it is Mustahab to recite by his side

Surah Yasin, Surah as-Saffat, Surah al-Ahzab, Ayat al-Kursi and 54th
verse of Surah al-A'raf and the last three verses of Surah al-Baqarah. In
fact it is better to recite as much from the holy Quran as possible.

8. It is Makrooh to leave a dying person alone or to place a weight on his

stomach, or to chatter idly or wail near him or to let only women remain
with him. It is Makroh to be by his/her side in the state of Janabat / Hayz.

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