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Is Banning Direct to Consumer Advertising of

Prescription Medicine Justified Paternalism?

Yvonne Lau
Genera/Surgeon, PhD Candidate in Bioethics

New Zealand is one of two OECD countries in the world where direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicine
(DTCA-PM) is permitted. Increase in such activity in recent years has resulted in a disproportionate increase in dispensary
volume of heavily advertised medicines. Concern for the potential harm to healthcare consumers and the public healthcare
system has prompted the medical profession to call for a ban on DTCA-PM as the best way of protecting the public
interest. Such blanket prohibition however also inte~eres with the public's right of access to information. This paper will
examine if banning DTCA-PM would constitute a justified form of paternalism in the context of today's New Zealand.

Keywords public to receive information. Liberal societies do sometimes

Drug industry; advertising; public policy; ethics limit the freedoms and rights of citizens in order to protect
their interests. This is referred to as paternalism. This paper
Introduction asks whether a ban on DTCA-PM constitutes justified
Direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) of medicines is paternalism. In the first section of the paper, the regulation
permitted in New Zealand. The Medicines Act 1981 makes of DTCA-PM in New Zealand is reviewed. Part 2 of the
no distinction between prescription-only medicines (PM) paper explores the status of rights and freedoms that are
and non-prescription medicines (NPM). The only other protected in New Zealand. In Part 3, the alleged harms of
OECD country which permits DTCA-PM is the United States DTCA-PM are discussed, and it is argued that banning
of America where there has been a signficant increase in DTCA-PM in New Z e a l a n d w o u l d not be j u s t i f i e d
this activity over the past decade.(1) In New Zealand, the paternalism.
state agency which purchases pharmaceutical products
(PHARMAC) has reported a disproportionate increase in Part 1 : Regulation of DTCA-PM in New Zealand
expenditure on newer, more expensive medicines. This trend Direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription medicine
has been attributed to DTCA-PM.(2) The New Zealand (DTCA-PM) refers to 'promotional material transmitted via
Ministry of Health has recommended that regulation of television, radio, magazines and the Internet, as well as to
DTCA-PM be tightened.(3) However, it has not resulted in a range of'patient education promotional activities' (such
any substantial actions with much effect. In 2003, a group as disease-oriented advertisements, toll-free telephone
led by professors of general practice from all four New numbers, information materials distributed by company-
Zealand Schools of Medicine submitted to the Ministry of funded organisations, media reports generated by company-
Health a report (hereafter referred to as the Toop Report) s p o n s o r e d press conferences, and public meetings)
which called for DTCA-PM to be banned.(4) generated for the purpose of marketing prescription
Banning DTCA-PM interferes with the freedom of the drugs.(3) It has been said that DTCA-PM is permitted in

journal of bioethical inquiry volume two number two page 69


New Zealand 'by default'(4) since the law regulating DTCA advertisements identified as problematic by MEDSAFE
makes no distinction between prescription-only and non- would actually have reached the stage of adjudication.
prescription medicines. The latter distinction is made in Because the activity of TAPS does not depend on complaints
most other 0ECD countries but no case has been made being lodged, it would theoretically be an improvement
that it should be the standard for all regulation of DTCA. over ASCB adjudication process. But the issue of its conflict
Sections 56 to 62 of the Medicines Act 1981 describe of interest remains.
s t a t u t o r y r e g u l a t i o n s for m e d i c a l a d v e r t i s e m e n t s .
Essentially, the law prohibits false and misleading claims, Part 2: Freedoms and Rights in New Zealand
including unrealistic claims of efficacy. Additional rules - when might limitations be placed?
dictate that certain types of information should be included Every society has a unique history, culture and law. The
and presented in a certain manner. Section 58 of the act extent to which human rights are respected and protected,
also seeks to protect patients with specific conditions, and the manner in which they are respected and protected,
including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, varies from country to country.
sexual impotence and baldness. The Fair Trading Act 1986,
the Consumer Guarantees Act 1994 and the Misuse of Drugs A. The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
Act 1975 also restrict DTCA-PM. The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 lays down the
Monitoring DTCA-PM for compliance with the law is a fundamental rights and freedoms protected under New
matter of self-regulation. This is to a large extent the Zealand s t a t u t o r y law. To say that s o m e o n e has a
responsibility of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). fundamental right to do something in a given society
Since the ASA's funding comes from advertisers, it has a implies that it would be wrong for the government to
glaring conflict of interest. In addition, its operating arm, interfere with this right, or at least that there must be special
the Advertising Standards Complaint Board (ASCB), has reasons to justify the interference.(?: 188)
been accused of being insufficiently specialised to handle Freedom of expression is protected under section 14 of
complaints about medical advertisements. On another front, the Act which states that '(E)veryone has the right to
the Association of New Zealand Advertisers (ANZA) freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek,
introduced the Therapeutic Advertising Pre-Vetting System receive and impart information and opinions of any kind
(TAPS) in 1999. The system is now mandatory for all in any form'. While the presumption is in favour of
medical advertisements destined for mainstream media, and protecting rights, the New Zealand g o v e r n m e n t m a y
it aims to remove problematic advertisements before they sometimes find reasonable justifications to restrict them.
are broadcast.(5) The fact that pre-vetting is done by agents Under the law, freedom to receive information is
directly linked to pharmaceutical companies again raises protected as much as the freedom to impart or to seek
the issue o f c o n f l i c t of i n t e r e s t and r e d u c e s the information. In other words, a ban on DTCA-PM would be
trustworthiness of TAPS, especially in the eyes of medical considered interference with the freedom of expression
professionals. under New Zealand law.
Implementing and enforcing law concerning DTCA has
proved to be difficult, even in the United States where the B. The Code of Rights
FDA supervises DTCA-PM from a powerful and centralised The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers'
position.(1) In New Zealand, a three-month survey of DTCA- Rights, d e v e l o p e d u n d e r the Health and Disability
PM was conducted using adjudicators from the division of Commissioner Act 1994, affirms the respect and rights due
the New Zealand Ministry of Health which is responsible to every healthcare consumer. All healthcare services
for overseeing the approval of medicines for general use providers are obliged to c o m p l y with it. The Code
(MEDSAFE). The survey found that up to 31 percent of presupposes that every healthcare consumer is sufficiently
DTCA-PM breached the law.(6) We can only guess how competent to make their own healthcare decisions, which
this result might have compared to adjudication by the should be respected as far as possible even if they might
ASCB. Furthermore, since the ASCB deals only with not be in full accord with preferences of the healthcare
complaints, it is an open question as to how many of the provider.

page 70 j o u r n a l of bioethical inquiry volume two number two

Justified Paternalism?

C. Protecting rights and protecting the public Although paternalism arises from a sense of altruism, it
interest: striking a balance is morally undesirable. The opportunity to rightfully decide
The case of Moonen v Film and Literature Board of for oneself, to exercise one's autonomy is fundamental to
Review(9) illustrates the circumstances under which it would the recognition of this person as a full and competent member
be reasonable, under New Zealand law, to place limitations of society. Removal of this opportunity robs the person of
on the rights and freedoms protected under the New Zealand the rightful respect he or she deserves. In a society whose
Bill of Rights Act 1990. The case concerns the classification government follows such liberal principles, any paternalistic
of two publications as 'objectionable' on the ground that policies will require serious justifications.
they tended to promote or exploit sexual activity with Feinberg's ' w e a k p a t e r n a l i s m ' allows the state to
y o u n g boys under the Films, Videos, and Publications interfere in order to protect individuals from their
Classification Act 1993. The Court of Appeal declared that nonvoluntary choices. A person's consent is considered
to classify M o o n e n ' s publications as 'objectionable', voluntary 'when he is a competent and unimpaired adult
stringent criteria compatible with the Bill of Rights Act who has not been threatened, misled, or lied to about
1990 must be complied with, and the Board of Review had relevant facts, nor m a n i p u l a t e d by subtle forms of
failed to do so. Tipping J recommended in his ruling that, conditioning:D: 116) Where the decision is non-voluntary,
where competing interests are present, the objective of a it could provide a justification for external interference. In
legislature must be to pose 'as little interference as possible this manner, state interference will only be permissible if
with the right or freedom affected' and that 'the way in it is the sort to which the agent would consent to as if he
which the objective is statutorily achieved must be in were making a fully voluntary choice.(ll) Voluntariness
reasonable proportion to the importance of the objective' will be assessed with direct relevance to the individual's
with 'the limitation (imposed being) justifiable in the light circumstances and the seriousness of the decisions that he
of the objective:(8) faces. The 'Principle of hypothetical individualised consent'
aims to 'nudge (the agent) back onto a path compatible
Part 3: Is banning DTCA-PM Unjustified Paternalism? with his own goals and values'.(10: 87) This type of
While there is always a moral reason to interfere with a autonomy respecting paternalism would probably
party who causes harm to others, the law will only have a a p p r o x i m a t e most to the paternalististic b e h a v i o u r
place to intervene when the harms are wrongful. Volenti compatible with New Zealand society.
non f i t injuria ('To one who has consented no wrong is As we have seen, the freedom to receive information is
done') is fundamental to the understanding of wrongful a fundamental right and freedom ensured for every New
harms. A person cannot be held responsible for harm Zealand citizen. To justify a ban on DTCA-PM, the state
brought on another if the latter has voluntarily assumed must show that the voluntariness of action based upon
the risk of harm himself through his free and informed information from DTCA-PM is sufficiently compromised
consent.(9: 116) to warrant a paternalistic policy. The nature and the
Risks are not uncommonly taken by individuals in their seriousness of the harms caused by DTCA-PM will be crucial
pursuit of interests, and harms might befall them with their to the verdict.
full k n o w l e d g e . These are not w r o n g f u l harms. A
government that intervenes to protect its citizens from every A. How substantial are the alleged harms of
harm will result in an over-restrictive society where its DTCA-PM?
citizens' every move will be controlled and regulated. This The Toop Report(4) offers a comprehensive documentation
clearly exceeds the function expected of and the power of the harms of DTCA-PM. Much of the evidence comes
permitted for any system of government based on liberal from the USA which is battling steeply rising costs in the
principles. However, occasions do arise when the state might health care sector. New Zealand's health care system is
find it necessary to interfere with their citizens' freedoms different to that in the USA. Hence it is problematic to
for their own good, be it to promote benefits or simply to generalise the US experience of DTCA-PM to New Zealand.
prevent harms. Such government interventions will be Any decision to ban DTCA-PM in New Zealand will need
regarded as paternalistic.(lO) to consider such a ban within the local context.

journal of bioethical inquiry volume two number two page 71


1) DTCA is harmful because the information it provides medicines: Flixotide (Fluticasone), Losec (Omeprazole),
is biased, incomplete, misleading or deceptive Lamisil (Terbinafine), and Oxis (Oxiconazole).(2) This may
The fact that advertisements are inherently biased or appear alarming, but it should be considered in context.
inadequate as sources of information is not sufficient reason The increase in dispensing volumes could reflect an increase
to ban them. Advertisements are common in capitalist in the need for the drugs rather than unreasonably raised
economies. Consumers generally understand their nature expectations.
and do not trust all the claims that advertisements make.(12, In New Zealand, PHARMAC determines when and how
13) According to both the Colmar Brunton telephone survey government subsidies will be made available, and for which
quoted in the Toop Report (14) and the survey conducted medicines. Its influence in the use of prescribed medicines
by the UK Consumers' Association,(15) consumers are in is substantial. For prescription medicines that are not
general sufficiently aware that the information provided covered by PHARMAC, the entire cost is borne by the
by drug advertisements may not be trustworthy. c o n s u m e r with no effect on the healthcare budget.
Given that sick people might be more vulnerable to PHARMAC effectively controls public expenditure on
e x p l o i t a t i o n , and given that i n a p p r o p r i a t e use of medicines. Its budget has increased at a consistent rate of
prescription medicines can lead to serious harm, New 1.5O/o per annum over the past ten years in spite of the rise
Zealand regulators have insisted that certain information in DTCA-PM activity in the past six years.(17) Furthermore,
be included in DTCA-PM so that sound choices can be information disclosed by PHARMAC in 2003 showed that
made. Where there are serious omissions (e.g. failure to the actual e x p e n d i t u r e on asthma inhalers, w h i c h
mention side effects or specific indications for use, or where represented one of the medicines heavily advertised and
benefits are exaggerated), it would be simple enough to subsidised, had remained relatively stable over a three year
require that advertisements be more specifically and tightly period from 2000 to 2003.(18) Thus, it appears that more
regulated under the existing provisions of the Medicines people might be benefiting without a concomitant increase
Act 1991. Health warnings similar to those that appear on in overall cost. So far, there is no data to support a distortion
tobacco advertisements could be mandated to advise of the distribution of the healthcare budget.
consumers that a drug may have a higher risk of side effects.
Closer monitoring of advertisements and heavier penalty 3) DTCA is harmful because it puts pressure on doctors to
for non-compliance are more direct ways of dealing with prescribe new drugs whose side effects are not fully known
the problem of bias and incompleteness. Like other medicines available to the consumers, DTCA-
It is concerning that up to 30O/oof all DTCA-PM in New PM drugs have gone through Phase III clinical trials and
Zealand may have breached the law.(6) The introduction relevant approval processes. The fact that they are relatively
of TAPS in 1999 shows that advertisers are not completely new might mean that not all possible side effects are known.
resistant to regulations, although concerns about conflict New Zealand law recognises the potential harm that could
of interest make the system controversial. Representation result from indiscriminate use of these medicines. Medical
of medical and health professionals in the adjudication knowledge and experience together with proper monitoring
process may bolster the efficacy of this system of regulation are required for their administration. They are classified as
as well as public confidence in it. prescription-only medicines in order that they can only be
While the system is not completely effective yet, it is not legally sold, supplied and administered with a prescription
convincing that a satisfactory level of protection might not from a medical practitioner or other designated personnel.
be achievable using different means other than a ban. Indeed, Prescribers are the 'gate-keepers'. An ordinary consumer
a survey conducted in New Zealand showed that almost does not have direct access to these medicines. The only
700/0 of over 600 adult respondents opposed such a ban.(16) option for a consumer persuaded by the information
received from DTCA-PM is to approach his or her doctor
2) DTCA is harmful because it leads to over-prescription for f u r t h e r advice. A p a r t f r o m cost and m i n o r
of expensive new drugs and distorts expenditure on health inconveniences, no substantial harm would result from such
In 2002, PHARMAC reported a 42% increase in dispensing a visit. On the contrary, it is often a source of valuable
volumes for the four most heavily advertised prescription medical information.

page 72 journal of b i o e t h i c a l inquiry v o l u m e t w o n u m b e r t w o

Justified Paternalism?

The Toop Report suggested that doctors perceive pressure source of information for underprivileged groups who enjoy
from healthcare consumers exposed to DTCA.(4: 6, 19) limited access to other sources of information. If it were
Studies conducted on family practitioners in New Zealand not for information obtained from DTCA, consumers may
have not shown this to be a serious concern. For example, a not become aware of new treatments (e.g. for male sexual
majority of the general practitioners interviewed in one study impotence) and discuss treatment options with their doctors.
reported that most patients accepted recommendations that In a recent survey about the role of media in women's
were different from what they had asked about without healthcare decisions, half of the respondents indicated that
serious disappointment. Only under a quarter of GPs DTCA had helped them better understand and better
perceived, in less than a quarter of their patients, serious c o m m u n i c a t e with their doctors about p r e s c r i p t i o n
disappointment to the extent that patients would consider medicines.(23) A n o t h e r s u r v e y found that African-
changing doctors.(20: 23) Today's healthcare environment American doctors supported DTCA because it prompted
nurtures a partnership relationship between doctors and their African-American patients to ask questions about their
patients. As patients become more generally informed, they medical conditions thus increasing their awareness and
also become more forthcoming and assertive with their needs. participation in treatment.(24)
Feeling some pressure in the clinical encounter is therefore Providing information that is vetted by qualified medical
not unusual. Prescribing a medicine requires not only professionals is desirable. Limiting its provision to medical
knowledge and experience, but also good communication sources is however not a good idea. The medical profession
skills. With or without DTCA, patients frequently have has not always placed the interests of patients first, as the
preconceived ideas about a medical condition. Doctors need history of medical experimentation shows. A diversity of
not perceive these as unreasonable demands from patients information sources could protect the public against the
and therefore a source of pressure. The clinical encounter possibility of unethical medicine. Ensuring minimal
provides a precious opportunity for communication. interference with information exchange enables such
Handling pressure does require skill. Training doctors diversity to exist. Granted that it does not guarantee the
in communication and pressure management will be useful. accuracy or the comprehensiveness of information, even
By establishing guidelines and recommendations in the partially true or incomplete information can have benefits.
use and monitoring of medicines, as well as by continually Diversity of information trains the mind to be inquisitive,
educating the public on good medical practices, the medical sceptical and aware. In the context of the 'information
profession promotes positive exchange of information. revolution', the practicability of limiting sources of
Recent data revealed serious harmful effects of certain information is doubtful in any case. Banning DTCA-PM is
new drugs such as Vioxx (Rofecoxib), which have to be unlikely to achieve the result of 'sanitising' health-related
recalled by their manufacturers.(21) The magnitude of the information that the public is exposed to.
harm was alarming. Given that these drugs were very
heavily advertised directly to consumers, it was tempting Conclusion
to conclude that pressure induced by DTCA-PM was the There are presently insufficient justifications for imposing
primary reason for the problem. But instead, at a United a ban on DTCA-PM in New Zealand. A ban directly
States Senate Hearing on Finance, serious flaws were contravenes the public's right to freedom of expression.
discovered on how the FDA, through its Center for Drug Blanket prohibition of advertisements on prescription
Evaluation, approved and monitored new drugs.(22) It medicines removes not only the problematic information
would have been easy to blame DTCA for the harm of but also useful and informative health messages. While
Vioxx (Rofecoxib). Paradoxically, this might have caused there may still be many inadequacies in its regulation, there
more harm as the real reason for the problem might have is insufficient data to support that the claim that DTCA-
remained hidden. PM is causing serious harms to New Zealanclers. Restrictive
g o v e r n m e n t policies require clear and c o n v i n c i n g
B. The negative implications of banning justifications that are lacking in this case. Admitting
Advertisements reach audiences that span different social h o w e v e r that DTCA-PM can cause serious potential
classes and education levels. They may be an important problems, the government has undeniable responsibility

journal of b i o e t h i c a l inquiry volume two number two page 73


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