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overcrowded classrooms and split grade classes only one guidance counselor for schools over 600 students NO guidance counselors for schools under 600 students (the majority of schools) one nurse per 1,500 students NO full-time librarians minimal safety staff (two aides per school) sports and music only until January ZERO dollars for books and supplies

IS THIS A FUNCTIONAL SCHOOL? overcrowded classrooms and split grade classes only one guidance counselor for schools over 600 students NO guidance counselors for schools under 600 students (the majority of schools) one nurse per 1,500 students NO full-time librarians minimal safety staff (two aides per school) sports and music only until January ZERO dollars for books and supplies

Our kids wont be safe and cant get the education they deserve.
How did this happen?
Governor Corbett cut one BILLION dollars from education funding two years ago leaving our schools with a massive deficit. Now, hes holding onto $45 million dollars in federal money promised to our schools until he gets huge concessions from the teachers union. Students need that money NOW.

Our kids wont be safe and cant get the education they deserve.
How did this happen?
Governor Corbett cut one BILLION dollars from education funding two years ago leaving our schools with a massive deficit. Now, hes holding onto $45 million dollars in federal money promised to our schools until he gets huge concessions from the teachers union. Students need that money NOW.

TELL OUR POLITICIANS: Its not enough to open schools. Their jobs arent done until they guarantee the safety AND education of every student. Fund our schools and restore essential staff. Work together to fairly fund Philly schools TODAY.

TELL OUR POLITICIANS: Its not enough to open schools. Their jobs arent done until they guarantee the safety AND education of every student. Fund our schools and restore essential staff. Work together to fairly fund Philly schools TODAY.


Ask our Congressional representatives to help release the $45 million of federal money our Governor is holding hostage.
Senator Bob Casey: 215-405-9660 Senator Pat Toomey: 215-241-1090 @SenBobCasey @SenToomey


Ask our Congressional representatives to help release the $45 million of federal money our Governor is holding hostage.
Senator Bob Casey: 215-405-9660 Senator Pat Toomey: 215-241-1090 @SenBobCasey @SenToomey

1st Dist.: Bob Brady: 215-389-4627 @RepBrady nd 2 Dist.: Chaka Fattah: 215-871-4455 @chakafattah 13th Dist.: Allyson Schwartz: 215-335-3355 @schwartzallyson Not sure who your congressperson is? Find out here: representatives/find/

1st Dist.: Bob Brady: 215-389-4627 @RepBrady nd 2 Dist.: Chaka Fattah: 215-871-4455 @chakafattah 13th Dist.: Allyson Schwartz: 215-335-3355 @schwartzallyson Not sure who your congressperson is? Find out here: representatives/find/

Tell Mayor Nutter and City Council $50 million is not enough. Schools need the full $180 million and a fair funding formula from the state.
Mayors Office: 215-686-2181 @Michael_Nutter Council Pres. Darrell Clarke: 215-686-2070 @Darrell_Clarke Find YOUR councilperson here:

Tell Mayor Nutter and City Council $50 million is not enough. Schools need the full $180 million and a fair funding formula from the state.
Mayors Office: 215-686-2181 @Michael_Nutter Council Pres. Darrell Clarke: 215-686-2070 @Darrell_Clarke Find YOUR councilperson here:

Parents United for Public Education

Parents United for Public Education

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