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Forms must be completed on behalf of both new and existing members at registration, or when joining the club throughout

the year. Membership of the club is renewed on an annual basis. Each new member must also complete an Application for Membership of Swim Ireland (Form 4)

Membership of the Club places a responsibility on PARENTS to pay fees owed by their son/daughter. The obligation applies even if the member leaves the club with accrued debts. Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________ E-mail address: ________________________________________________________________________ Telephone No.: ______________________________ Mobile No.: _________________________________ Swimmers Details Christian Name: Christian Name: Christian Name: Christian Name: D.O.B. D.O.B. D.O.B. D.O.B. Group: ____ Group: ____ Group: ____ Group: ____

agree to pay all club and related fees incurred by the above whilst a member of the Co. Sligo Swimming Club. I agree/disagree to have photographs of my child displayed in the Gallery section of the Co. Sligo Swimming Club website. (Delete as appropriate) I agree to commit to the Parent in Attendance Rota and understand that Under Swim Ireland rules and regulations for Child Safety in Sport, the club is obliged to have a responsible adult on the bank at all times during training sessions. I agree to allow my contact details to be given to other parents for swapping/rescheduling Parent in Attendance Rota times. I accept that sessions may be cancelled or merged at short notice due to galas, etc.

Medical Information: If your child suffers from any medical condition please state here: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signed: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ (Parent/Guardian)

Committee use only: Amt Paid ________ Cheque Bank Transfer Affiliation Competitive Non-competitive

Form 2

Annual Fee Structure 2013 - 2014

Squad Group 1 2 3 4
Junior Junior Senior Non-Comp 6 hrs

Non-Comp Non-Comp 2hrs 3hrs

Annual Fee Per Child 1st Instalment + Affiliation Fee Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: Note 5:

420 150

490 150

620 150

820 150


500 150


Highest category swimmer is full price - 10% off for each subsequent child (Swim Ireland affiliation not included) Standing Order payments over 5 months: 1 s t O c t 2013 1st February 2014 Swimmers will not be admitted to training unless fees are paid All children must be affiliated to Swim Ireland Groups 1-4 constitute our established club competitive training groups; the remaining three non-competitive training groups are new for the 2013/14 season, subject to demand

Swim Ireland Affiliation Structure 2013 - 2014

Category 1st child 2nd child 3rd child Subsequent children 31 15.50

Competitive i.e. attends Galas Non Competitive

39 23.50

34 18.50

31 15.50

Fee Calculation Form

Name Fee
Discount Nett

Affiliation Fee to

Total Due

1st Instalment




Standing Order Mandate

(Parents please pass this form directly to your Bank)
The Manager (Name/Branch of your Bank)


You are hereby authorised to set up a Standing Order on My/Our account as specified below. My/Our account will at all times contain sufficient funds to enable each payment to be effected on the due date. Signed: Address Please charge to My/Our Account No. Sort Code Name of Account: Start date: Amount per month: Frequency Number of Payments Beneficiary: Beneficiarys Bank: Beneficiarys A/c No.: IBAN: Sort Code: County Sligo Swimming Club Bank of Ireland, Stephen Street, Sligo 24441767 IE03 BOFI 9054 4024 4417 67 90-54-40 Monthly --Date:

Please note that for County Sligo Swimming Club to be able to identify this payment, it is vitally important that the Standing Order is identified as

(Family Name of Swimmer)

Form 4:

County Sligo Swimming Club
Add New Member

(If you have answered yes, we will contact you in confidence)


Parents/Guardians have the primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their children. They should encourage their children to participate in sport for fun and enjoyment and should ensure that their childs experience of sport is a positive one. Parents should always remember that children play sport for their own enjoyment not that of the parents/guardians. Parents/guardians and Leaders will ideally work in partnership to promote good practice in their club and to support all efforts to protect the children against all forms of abuse. They should ensure that their club treats their children with fairness, respect and understanding, and that it is fulfilling its responsibility to safeguard children by ensuring the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Childrens Sport is being implemented in their club. They should encourage their children to tell them about anyone causing them harm. They should become aware of club procedures and policies, in particular where changes are made that affect them or their children, and be informed of all matters relating to ethics and good practice. Parents/Guardians should remember that children learn best by example. To assist in the promotion of good practice with the club they should: Be encouraged to become members of the club and to contribute their time and effort in the daily running of the club. No club can operate successfully without their help. Be available for poolside duty and/ or other duties if and when required. These requirements and duties should be set up under your club rules. Be aware of the Code of Ethics for Young People in Sport, the Swim Ireland Child Welfare Guidelines, the rules and constitution of Swim Ireland and the rules and constitution of their own club. Be aware of the relevant Leaders and their role within the club. Show respect for Coaches/Leaders and their decisions. Be informed of the training and/or competitive programmes. Ensure that the environment is safe and enjoyable for your children. Encourage their child in fair play. Behave responsibly on the pool deck and viewing areas. Focus on their childs efforts rather than performance Focus on the fun and participation of their child in the activity. Liaise with the Leaders in relation to the times and location of training sessions, medical conditions of their children and any other requirements for their childs safety. Avoid communicating wi t h the Coach during sessions. Organise time to speak to them outside these times. Out of courtesy, if possible, inform the Coach if their child will not be attending sessions. Have a right to have their comments and suggestions considered and their complaints acknowledged and dealt with as they arise through an effective and confidential complaints procedure. Accept that a swimming club is not a babysitting service. Be responsible for their childrens safety, including delivering and collecting from swimming from the time the coaching session starts and immediately after it ends. Not leave their children waiting unsupervised at the pool at any time. Ensure that their children are always in possession of direct contact information should this be required for any reason. Adhere to rules/guidelines in relation to the possession and use of mobile phones, picture mobiles, cameras and video cameras. Adhere to rules and regulations of County Sligo Swimming Club.


Children have a great deal to gain from sport in terms of their personal development and enjoyment. The promotion of good practice in sport will depend on the co-operation of all involved, including young members of clubs. Swim Ireland wishes to provide the best possible environment for all young people involved in the sport. Children have rights, which must be respected, and responsibilities that they must accept. They deserve to be given enjoyable, safe sporting opportunities, free of abuse of any kind. They should be encouraged to realise that they, also, have responsibilities to treat other swimmers and sports leaders with fairness and respect. Young swimmers are entitled to: Be safe Feel safe Say no Be happy, have fun and enjoy their activity Have fair play Be listened to and have an appropriate response Be afforded confidentiality Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect Have a voice in the club Experience training and competition at an appropriate level Be represented at decision making bodies within their club and Swim Ireland. Young swimmers should always: Treat Sport Leaders who may be teachers, coaches, club officials with respect Play fairly at all times, do their best Respect team members, even when things go wrong Respect opponents, be gracious in defeat Abide by the rules set down by Swim Ireland and their club Talk to the Coach, Team Captains, Club Childrens Officer or Committee Members if they have any problems. Young swimmers should never: Cheat Use violence Use physical contact that is not allowed within the rules Shout or argue with officials, team mates or opponents Harm team members, opponents or their property Bully or use bullying tactics to isolate another person Use unfair or bullying tactics to gain advantage Use bad language Take banned substances Keep secrets about any person who you may have caused harm Tell lies about adults or young people Spread rumours Behave in a manner that might bring Swim Ireland or their club into disrepute.

Form 5:

I declare that I have read, understand and accept the terms of the attached: Guidelines and Codes of Conduct of Parents/ Guardians for County Sligo Swimming Club (2013-2014). Guidelines of Code of Conduct of Children and Young People for County Sligo Swimming Club (2013-2014).

(A copy has been retained by Parent/Guardian for reference).

Signature of Parent/ Guardian Print name: Date:

Signature of Swimmer (1)

Print name:

Signature of Swimmer (2)

Print name:

Signature of Swimmer (3)

Print name:

Signature of Swimmer (4)

Print name:


Parent in Attendance 2013/14 Season

In accordance with Swim Ireland best practice, County Sligo Swimming Club operates a Parent in Attendance rota to ensure that our children are afforded a healthy and safe environment in which to swim. All parents are expected to support this initiative and take part in the rota. If you cannot attend at the allocated time you must arrange a replacement. The session may be cancelled if there is no parent in attendance. This is a child protection issue. As you will see, many parents have committed to doing their session, so when it is your turn please be there!

Note: See Sports Complex notice board, our website and check your emails for details of the Parent in Attendance Rota

Duties of Parent in Attendance Ensure the appropriate behaviour of all people associated with the training session. Sign your name in the Bank Duty Rota book, (kept just inside office door of Sligo Regional Sports Complex). Make yourself known to the coach, and ask the coach to sign in. Register names of swimmers in attendance full details in Bank Duty Rota Book. Stay in the viewing area throughout session. Make note of any incidents in the Incident Report book, (this is kept in the office of Sligo Regional Sports Complex). Report any incidents to a committee member. Do not get involved in disciplining a swimmer(s). Do not enter a changing room alone. Keep the parent-in-attendance sheets in the folder they are important club records and should not be removed.

Please Remember: If the Parent in Attendance is not present, the Training Session may have to be cancelled

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