Evaluation of The NINCDS-ADRDA Criteria

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Evaluation of the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria in the

differentiation of Alzheimer's disease and
frontotemporal dementia
A R Varma, J S Snowden, J J Lloyd, P R Talbot, D M A Mann and D Neary

J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 1999;66;184-188


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184 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;66:184–188

Evaluation of the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria in

the diVerentiation of Alzheimer’s disease and
frontotemporal dementia
A R Varma, J S Snowden, J J Lloyd, P R Talbot, D M A Mann, D Neary

Abstract characterised by profound alteration in person-

Objectives—The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s ality and social conduct and cognitive impair-
disease (AD) is now reliant on the use of ments predominantly in frontal lobe “execu-
NINCDS-ADRDA criteria. Other diseases tive” functions.1 2 By contrast, in AD
causing dementia are being increasingly prominent impairments in the domains of
recognised—for example, frontotemporal memory, visuospatial functions, and language
dementia (FTD). Historically, these disor- typically occur in the context of well preserved
ders have not been clearly demarcated social skills.3 4 Despite striking diVerences in
from AD. This study assesses the capabil- their neuropsychological profile there is evi-
ity of the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria to dence that clinical diVerentiation remains
accurately distinguish AD from FTD in a poor. For example in a study of 21 patients
series of pathologically proved cases. with pathological confirmation of Pick’s dis-
Methods—The case records of 56 patients ease (one of the causes of FTD), 85% were
(30 with AD, 26 with FTD) who had misdiagnosed during life, their condition mis-
undergone neuropsychological evalua- attributed to AD.5 In another pathological
tion, brain imaging, and ultimately post- study of 170 patients with a clinical diagnosis
mortem, were assessed in terms of of AD, 12% of patients were misdiagnosed
whether at initial diagnosis the NINCDS- during life, of whom 19% were found to have
ADRDA criteria were successful in diag- FTD.6
nosing those patients who had AD and The NINCDS-ADRDA criteria7 have been
excluding those who did not. widely adopted and relied upon for the diagno-
Results—(1) The overall sensitivity of the sis of AD. It is not known whether the use of
NINCDS-ADRDA criteria in diagnosing these criteria alone would eVectively exclude
“probable” AD from 56 patients with cor- FTD. The purpose of the study was to
tical dementia (AD and FTD) was 0.93. determine the ability of the criteria to specify at
However, the specificity was only 0.23; initial presentation “probable” AD and to
most patients with FTD also fulfilled exclude non-AD (FTD) from within a group of
NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for AD. (2) those two conditions.
Cognitive deficits in the realms of orienta-
Department of tion and praxis significantly increased the
Neurology Methods
A R Varma odds of a patient having AD compared
with FTD, whereas deficits in problem The case records of 56 consecutive patients
J S Snowden with pathological confirmation of either AD or
P R Talbot solving significantly decreased the odds.
D Neary Neuropsychological impairments in the FTD were analysed. All of these patients had
domains of attention, language, percep- been assessed and reviewed systematically dur-
Department of
tion, and memory as defined in the ing life in the Cerebral Function Unit, Neurol-
Medical Physics,
NINCDS-ADRDA statement did not con- ogy Department at the Manchester Royal Infir-
Manchester Royal mary as part of a prospective longitudinal study
Infirmary, Manchester, tribute to the clinical diVerentiation of AD
of dementia. The findings of neuropsychologi-
UK and FTD.
J J Lloyd cal assessments8 performed at initial patient
Conclusion—NINCDS-ADRDA criteria
presentation were documented by a neurologist
fail accurately to diVerentiate AD from
Department of (ARV) who was unaware either of the diagnosis
FTD. Suggestions to improve the diagnos-
Pathological Sciences, or the patient. Information was carefully
Manchester Medical tic specificity of the current criteria are
recorded on standardised forms with respect to
School, Manchester, made.
(J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;66:184–188)
(a) mini mental state examination (MMSE)9
D M A Mann test scores and (b) the presence or absence of
Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease; frontotemporal demen- deficits in each of the neuropsychological
Correspondence to: tia; NINCDS-ADRDA criteria domains detailed in the NINCDS-ADRDA
Dr AR Varma, Cerebral statement (table 1)—namely, memory, orienta-
Function Unit, Neurology
Department, Manchester tion, language, praxis, attention, perception,
Royal Infirmary, Oxford Accurate clinical diagnosis of the dementias is problem solving, and activities of daily living
Road, Manchester M13 critical for proper management and assessment and social function. In determining impair-
9WL, UK. Telephone 0044
161 276 4138; fax 0044 161
of prognosis. With recent advances in therapy ment, the rater adhered as closely as possible to
276 4681. and availability of new drugs (for example, definitions of impairment given in the criteria
donepezil) this exercise is no longer merely statement. Failure on one or more of the
Received 28 April 1998 and academic. The two principal causes of “corti- specific cognitive tests recommended by the
in revised form
9 July 1998 cal” dementias are Alzheimer’s disease (AD) criteria statement to tap a particular cognitive
Accepted 26 August 1998 and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). FTD is domain was recorded as evidence of impair-
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NINCDS-ADRDA in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia 185

Table 1 Patients showing deficits in individual cognitive domains specified by NINCDS-ADRDA criteria

Cognitive domain AD n (%) FTD n (%) Sensitivity Specificity LR 95% CI

Memory 28 (93.3) 20 (76.9) 0.93 0.23 1.21 0.96–1.53

Orientation 26 (86.6) 12(46.1) 0.87 0.54 1.88 1.21–2.91*
Language 28 (93.3) 24 (92.3) 0.93 0.08 1.01 0.87–1.17
Praxis 28 (93.3) 11 (42.3) 0.93 0.58 2.21 1.39–3.49*
Attention 24 (80) 19 (73.1) 0.8 0.27 1.09 0.82–1.47
Perception 12 (40) 7 (26.9) 0.4 0.73 1.49 0.69–3.21
Problem solving 12 (40) 18 (69.2) 0.4 0.31 0.58 0.35–0.96*

LR=positive likelihood ratio for AD; *LR significantly diVerent from 1.

ment in that domain. For example, a deficit in aVect the interrater reliability scores. The data
language was scored as present if failure from a total of 56 case records were available
occurred on any of the specified language tests for final analysis. A record was judged to fulfil
including verbal fluency and naming tasks. The NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for probable AD if
scoring was conservative. If there was not well (a) the MMSE score was < 24 and (b) there
established documented deficit then it was were demonstrable deficits in memory and at
scored absent. Whenever possible the reason for least one other area of cognition as defined by
the failure was also detailed. the criteria statement.
In addition to the broad domains outlined by
the criteria, patients were scored with respect
to the more narrowly defined variables of STATISTICS
primary language, primary perception, and For the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria and each
spatial domains (table 2). A deficit in primary cognitive domain the sensitivity, specificity, and
language was defined as impairment in one or positive likelihood ratio (LR) (with 95% confi-
more of the linguistic domains of phonology, dence intervals) for probable AD were calcu-
orthography, morphology, syntax, or lexical lated.
semantics. Evidence for impairment was based The sensitivity is the true positive fraction,
on the presence of phonemic or semantic para- the fraction of subjects with AD that have a
phasias in conversational speech, repetition or positive test result (have a deficit in that cogni-
naming tasks, of grammatical errors in sponta- tive domain). The specificity is the fraction of
neous speech, of impaired syntactic compre- subjects that do not have AD and have a nega-
hension, or paralexias in reading and spelling
tive test result (do not have that particular defi-
errors in writing. Impoverished verbal fluency
cit). The LR11 for a positive test result (+LR) is
or word retrieval, in the absence of phonologi-
cal or semantic errors, was not construed as defined as the ratio of the fraction of subjects
primary language impairment. The primary having a positive test result who have the
language variable was designed to tap impair- disease to the fraction having a positive test
ments attributable to dysfunction in primary result who do not have the disease. This can be
cortical language areas and exclude impair- expressed as:
ments on language tasks secondary to other sensitivity
cognitive deficits. Primary perceptual deficit 1−specificity
was defined as a problem in perceptual recog- Sensitivity and specificity are commonly
nition of objects, line drawings, or faces. DiY- used indices of the usefulness of diagnostic
culty arising only on complex perceptual tasks tests. However, they have the drawback that
such as the Hooper visual test10 involving men- they cannot be easily applied to an individual
tal integration of visual information would be patient. LRs, by contrast, can be applied to an
excluded as diYculties on such complex tasks individual patient and have an easily under-
could arise for reasons outside the realm of pri-
stood meaning—that is, modifying the pretest
mary perception. Patients were designated to
odds of disease. An LR of 1 indicates that no
have a spatial deficit if they had observable
spatial disorientation as evidenced by diYculty information has been provided by the test. A
in negotiating the environment, orienting value> 1 indicates that the test increases the
clothing when dressing, localisation of objects, probability of disease prevalence whereas a
or they failed in spatial tasks (tracking a maze, value >1 decreases the probability of disease
copying hand postures and line drawings, dot presence. LRs have the advantage that they
location, and dot counting tasks). relate the post-test odds of a disease to the pre-
Twenty records were analysed by two test odds in a simple way; post-test odds = +LR
independent raters (ARV and JSS) to assess × pre-test odds. Odds of a disease is defined as
interrater reliability. There was good interrater the ratio of the probability of having disease (P)
agreement (ê range 0.6–0.8 for various do- to the probability of lack of disease; odds =
mains). Missing values were generally low P/(1-P). LRs were considered significant only if
(median 2); this factor is therefore unlikely to they diVered from 1 with 95% confidence.
Table 2 Patients showing deficits in cognitive domains not specified by NINCDS-ADRDA criteria

Cognitive domain AD n (%) FTD n (%) Sensitivity Specificity LR 95% CI

Primary language 22 (73) 12 (46.1) 0.73 0.54 1.59 1.00–2.54*

Primary perception 9 (30) 1 (3.8) 0.3 0.96 7.8 1.06–57.53*
Spatial 22 (73.3) 2 (7.69) 0.73 0.92 9.53 2.47–36.73*

LR=positive likelihood ratio for AD; *LR significantly diVerent from 1.

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186 Varma, Snowden, Lloyd, et al

Table 3 Demographic data cal diagnosis of probable AD, a practice

witnessed in most research publications. Un-
Age of onset Duration of illness MMSE
Group Sex (M:F) mean years (SD) mean years (SD) mean (SD) doubtedly these research practices permeate
from published literature to clinical practice.
AD 14:16 55.7 (12.35) 3.29 (1.79) 10.69 (7.38)
FTD 19:7* 56.5 (9.11) 2.98 (1.9) 19.78 (6.41)** The validation of these criteria at necropsy
have been attempted in several studies, with
*p<0.05; **p<0.000. M=male; F=female; MMSE=mini mental state examination. varying results.6 16–18 The accuracy rate (ratio of
Table 4 Patients fulfilling NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for probable AD the number of pathologically confirmed cor-
rect cases of AD to the number of clinically
NINCDS-ADRDA diagnosed cases of AD, expressed as the
criteria AD n FTD n Sensitivity Specificity LR 95% CI
percentage of clinical diagnosis of probable AD
Positive 28 20 0.93 0.23 1.21 0.96–1.53 using NINCDS-ADRDA ranges between 65%
Negative 2 6
and 92%.6 However, these accuracy rates have
LR=positive likelihood ratio for AD. been derived in all these studies for the diagno-
sis of pathological AD, which includes AD
Results alone and mixed cases (AD pathology plus
Of the 56 patients with pathological confirma- vascular or Lewy bodies or Parkinson’s disease
tion of diagnosis, 30 had AD and 26 FTD. The pathology or other pathology). The rates fall if
neuropathological characteristics of these pa- they are calculated using AD alone pathology
tients have been described previously.12–14 The
as the gold standard, and then vary between
mean age of onset and duration of illness at
56% and 63%. Needless to say the accuracy
initial referral were similar in the two groups
rates are even lower for the clinical diagnosis of
(table 3). The mean age of the two groups in
possible AD. NINCDS-ADRDA criteria are
this study reflect the referral pattern to a
widely applied in the diagnosis of AD. How-
neurological unit. The sex distribution was
roughly equal in the AD group whereas males ever, the application of these criteria in the dif-
outnumbered females in the FTD group. The ferentiation of two cortical dementias, AD and
mean MMSE score was significantly higher in FTD, has never been studied before.
the FTD group. In the AD group 29 of the 30 Both Mendez et al5 and Litvan et al19 have
patients had an MMSE score < 24 at the time found that Pick’s disease is often underdiag-
of initial diagnosis; one of these patients had no nosed, the clinical misdiagnosis mainly attrib-
demonstrable impairment of his memory. utable to AD. It is clear, therefore, that FTD is
Hence, 28 of 30 patients were considered to underdiagnosed and that AD is the commonest
fulfil NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for probable misdiagnosis. The diagnostic diYculty is com-
AD. In the FTD group 21 of the 26 patients pounded because in both of these disorders the
had an MMSE score <24; one of these patients patients are physically well and have few diVer-
had no demonstrable memory impairment. entiating neurological signs in the early stages
Hence, 20 of 26 patients were considered to of the illness.20 The diagnosis mainly depends
fulfil NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for probable on a comprehensive neuropsychological evalu-
AD. All patients were impaired in their ation. However, such assessment also requires
activities of daily living and social function, a careful qualitative analysis of cognition and
which had led to their medical referral. behaviour because patients can fail quantified
The overall sensitivity of the NINCDS- psychometric tests for various reasons.
ADRDA criteria in diagnosing AD in this This study shows that the NINCDS-
population of patients with cortical dementia ADRDA criteria have high sensitivity (0.93),
(AD or FTD) was 0.93; the specificity 0.23; the but low specificity (0.23) in the diagnosis of
LR 1.21 (table 4). The sensitivity, specificity, AD among a group of patients with cortical
and LRs for individual cognitive domains are dementias (AD and FTD)—that is, although
shown in tables 1 and 2. The LR is significantly most patients with AD fulfil clinical diagnostic
diVerent from 1 if the value of 1 does not lie criteria for AD, so too do most patients with
within the 95% confidence interval. The five FTD. Furthermore, whether or not a patient
domains for which this was significantly greater fulfils the criteria does not significantly change
than 1 were orientation, praxis, primary the odds of that patient having AD as opposed
language, and spatial and primary perception. to FTD (the LR is not diVerent from 1 with
For the domain of problem solving the LR was 95% confidence). These findings suggest that
significantly less than 1. All the 20 patients with the ability of the criteria to discriminate AD
FTD who fulfilled NINCDS-ADRDA criteria and FTD is relatively poor. However, this study
for probable AD would also fulfil current has also shown that the identification of deficits
Lund-Manchester criteria for FTD.15 in certain cognitive domains can contribute to
the clinical diVerentiation of AD and FTD;
Discussion deficits in the realm of orientation in time and
The NINCDS-ADRDA Work Group was set place and praxis increase the odds of a patient
up to establish and describe clinical criteria for having AD as compared to FTD, whereas defi-
the diagnosis of AD.7 The authors warned that cits in problem solving decrease the odds of a
these criteria were not yet fully operational and patient having AD as opposed to FTD (table
that the criteria were to be regarded as tentative 1). Deficits in the domains of attention,
and subject to change. Fourteen years later perception, language, and memory (as broadly
these criteria are still widely used in their origi- defined by the NINCDS-ADRDA statement)
nal form. Patients who fulfil the NINCDS- do not significantly change the odds of a
ADRDA criteria are accepted as having a clini- patient having either condition (table 1).
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NINCDS-ADRDA in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia 187

Our patient groups (AD and FTD) were The criteria statement suggests various tasks
similar for their age of onset and duration of that might be used to detect deficits in visual
illness at presentation (table 3). Thus any perception including Gollin incomplete pic-
diVerences found in their neuropsychological tures test and the Hooper test.10 Patients may
deficits could not be accounted for by these fail the Hooper complex perceptual tasks for
factors. The patient population is young, reasons that are not primarily perceptual but
reflecting the referral pattern to a neurological arise for reasons of frontal lobe executive
centre. FTD is a disorder more commonly seen dysfunction such as attentional deficits or fail-
in the presenium.20 The clinical features seen in ure in the ability to manipulate information
our patients are indistinguishable from those mentally. When more stringent criteria were
patients referred to a psychogeriatric centre.1 adopted to reflect a primary perceptual impair-
Patients with FTD had a significantly higher ment, the LR improved fivefold (table 2),
MMSE score than the patients with AD (table although few patients overall showed a deficit
3). It is the more striking, given the lesser over- in this domain.
all severity of dementia as assessed by this The identification of deficits in the realm of
score, that such a high percentage of patients praxis significantly increases the odds of a
with FTD fulfil criteria for AD (table 4). Fail- patient having AD as opposed to FTD. The
ures in individual cognitive domains (tables 1 NINCDS-ADRDA criteria indicate that fail-
and 2) across the two study groups (AD and ure on drawing and block assembly tasks
FTD) are discussed below. should be considered a disorder of praxis.
Memory impairment is virtually ubiquitous However, patients may fail these tests due to
in dementing illnesses.21 The NINCDS- deficits in praxis or spatial function, or due to
ADRDA criteria do not draw a distinction poor strategic and organisational skills (frontal
between memory impairments due to a reten- deficit). Although it is recognised that spatial
abilities are commonly aVected in AD3 and
tion disorder22 and those secondary to prob-
strikingly preserved in FTD,15 20 26 the criteria
lems in retrieval and organisation.23 The neural
do not consider spatial function as a separate
substrates and hence the underlying causes for
cognitive domain. Of the 11 (42%) patients
these two types of memory dysfunction are dis-
with FTD who failed in tests of praxis as
tinct. Patients with AD have a retention disor-
defined by the criteria, most failed due to defi-
der from pathology within their limbic struc- cits in strategy and organisation; only two (8%)
tures, whereas patients with FTD commonly patients failed specific spatial tasks (one failed
have memory impairment due to retrieval and dot counting tasks interpreted as secondary to
organisational problems due to frontal lobe poor sustained attention; the other did not
deficits. Both groups (AD and FTD) have track a maze due to impaired attention). By
memory deficit (as witnessed in this study), contrast 22 (73.3%) patients with AD had spa-
defined by impairment in memory tests, but tial impairment (LR 9.53, table 2), indicating
failure arises for widely diVerent reasons. high discriminating value for this domain. The
These diVerences can be uncovered by appro- identification of a disorder of spatial function
priate neuropsychological assessment and as strictly defined increases considerably the
would improve the diagnostic specificity of the odds of a patient having AD as opposed to
criteria. FTD (table 2).
The apparently poor discriminating power of Twenty (77%) patients with pathological
language impairment is probably a reflection of confirmation of FTD in this study fulfilled
the relatively broad definition of linguistic dis- NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for AD. Eighteen
order outlined in the criteria statement. The (70%) of these patients fulfilled criteria on the
criteria document suggests a wide range of ver- basis of failure in the domains of memory,
bal tasks potentially suitable for eliciting a lan- attention, and problem solving only. In view of
guage deficit, including verbal fluency and the the fact that the criteria require deficits in only
Boston naming test. It is well established that two cognitive domains (one of which is
patients with FTD show reduced verbal memory) and the finding that failure in
fluency and naming test performance as part of problem solving tasks significantly decreases the
a general adynamia and impoverishment in odds of a patient having AD as opposed to
motor responses. Indeed, verbal fluency is FTD, it would seem reasonable to consider the
commonly viewed as a test of frontal lobe exclusion of problem solving tasks from the
executive function.24 Such broad criteria for criteria.
language disturbance will therefore inevitably It has been suggested that formal psycho-
incorporate patients with FTD. When more metric testing is rarely necessary for the
narrowly defined criteria for language impair- diagnosis of AD even though NINCDS-
ment are adopted based on the presence of ADRDA criteria called for confirmation of the
impairments in primary linguistic processes dementia by neuropsychological testing.3 The
then the diVerentiating value of this cognitive findings from the present study suggest, on the
domain increases substantially (tables 1 and 2). contrary, the need for more careful documen-
Failure in attention tasks also has poor tation of cognitive impairments. Such an exer-
discriminating value (table 1) between AD and cise should be aimed at identifying not merely
FTD. This is not surprising because deficits in test failure, but in discerning the nature of the
attention are a characteristic feature of FTD. cognitive deficits underlying such failure, as
The frontal lobes, primarily involved in FTD this has implications for its neural substrate
are known to have an important role in and for clinical diagnosis. A revision of existing
attention.25 NINCDS-ADRDA criteria involving more
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188 Varma, Snowden, Lloyd, et al

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