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Course No. MA 332T Course Title: SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATIONAL METHODS Course Syllabus

Total : 3 Credits

Module I: Errors in numerical calculations and Solutions of non linear equations (10 hrs) Error in numerical calculations: Sources of errors, significant digits and numerical instability. Solutions of non linear equations: Bisection method, Method of false position, Newton-Raphson method, Fixed-point iteration. Rates of convergence of these methods. Iteration based on second degree equation: Mullers method, Chebyshev method, Graeffes root squaring method for polynomials. Bairstows method for quadratic factors in the case polynomial equations. Module II: Solutions of system of linear algebraic equations (9 hrs) Solutions of system of linear algebraic equations: Direct methods: Gauss and Gauss Jordan method. Crouts reduction method Iterative methods: Jacobs iteration, Gauss Seidel iteration, The relaxation method. System of non linear equations by Newton Raphson method. Power method for determination eigen values, convergence of Power method. Module III: Polynomial Interpolation (10 hrs) Polynomial Interpolation: Lagranges interpolation-Divided difference Newtons divided difference interpolation polynomial. Error of interpolation Gregory Newton Forward and Back ward difference interpolation formulae. Numerical differentiation . Differentiation formulas in the case of equally spaced points. Numerical integration Trapezoidal and Simpson rules: Gaussian integration, Errors of integration formulas. Module IV: Numerical Solution of ODE and PDE (10 hrs) The Taylor series method, Euler and Modified Euler methods, Runge Kutta methods (2nd order and 4th order only). Multistep methods: Milines Predictor-Corrector formulas, Adam-Bashforth & Adam Multon formulas, Solution of boundary value problems in ordinary differential equations, Finite difference methods for solving two dimensional Laplaces equation for a rectangular region, Finite difference method of solving heat equation and wave equation with given initial and boundary conditions.

Text/ Reference Books:

1. 2. 3. 4. Gerald C. F., (1999), Applied Numerical Analysis Addision Wesley, 6th edition. Froberg C. E., (1970), Introduction to Numerical Analysis Addison Wesley, 2nd edition. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar, (1996) Numerical methods for scientific and Engineering computation, 3rd edition, New Age International (P) Ltd., India. Erwin Kycyszig, (2001), Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th edition, John Wiley.

Name of Teacher/s who handles the course: T. P. Sarojini, MAT, NITC. Date of passage in the Department Consultative committee: 27-02-2004. Recommendations of BUGS:

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