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Vol. v no.

3 The official newspaper of the touro college Flatbush Campus MAY 2009

What’s Screaming Facts Tweet Tweet,

Inside By Yossi Zucker
an Anti-Semitic crime, and the French ju-
dicial system is proving to be incapable The New Rage

of holding a normal Court.
By Yossie Lebel

1. Graduate Schools n February 13, 2006, Ilan Halimi According to Halimis’ attorney, Yous-
Worldwide (may G-d avenge his blood), a 23 souf Fofana, the 28 year old leading gang recent Sprint commercial es-
Are you tak- year old French Jew, was found barbarian, smiled in court and yelled “Al- timated that “233,000 people
ing the big bound to a tree near a railroad just south lah will be victorious!” The judge then al- just twittered on twitter; 26% of
leap? of Paris. He was naked and handcuffed, legedly provided Fofana with free reign to view[ers] have no idea what that means.”
Get some with acid burns on 80% of his body, and intimidate the Halimi family. Unrestrained, While this commercial was a marketing
quick point- his toe and ear were severed. He died on he continued his tirade, announcing that the gimmick, it contains much truth. Twitter
ers the way to the suffering fam- is a new social-web-text messaging ser-
page 3 hospital. ily was being vice that some are raving about, while
He was tor- photographed. others are simply left clueless. Like Fa-
2. Sports, Power, tured for three The Halimis cebook, it started small, and built its user
Politics full weeks by repeatedly base by word of mouth. Unlike Facebook,
Athletes are his 27 captors asked the judge it tackles social networking through a
people too. who made ran- to order him completely different outlook, and has not
Find out som demands quiet so the even reached its true potential yet.
how! by phone and proceedings Twitter’s obvious aim is to provide an
page 6 read Quran can continue. “online social life.” It follows a simple ap-
verses while The judge re- Continued on page 14
3. A Muffin A Day... Ilan was heard fused to do so.
The palat- screaming in The distressed
able art of pain in the background. The captors were Halimis walked out in protest. And now
the muffin of Muslim and African descent, but of vari- there is public outcry from the French Jew-
page 8 ous nationalities. Fast forward to May ish community to make the trial public.
1st, 2009. Despite the numerous protests Few Jews outside of France are fa-
from the French Jewish Community, the miliar with this story and are failing to
4. The Reformation Halimi Trial is being held in closed pro- sympathize with the Jewish community
The chang- ceedings. The French authorities are still in France. As administrator of the Glob-
es/forces hesitant to look in the mirror and call this al Anti-Semitism Awareness Group on
that take Continued on page 16
over a Touro

Bark, Bark, and Away!

page 9
that, man and his best friend were free to dant. There is a special “Pet Airways Pet
5. You Gotta Foldit, By Tova Snitzer spend time with each other. The only other Tracker” so that owners can monitor their

pet-related expenses amount to food, toys, precious loved one’s every movement.
A game with emember the good old days and the occasional pooper-scooper. Pet- Additionally, if for some reason the pet’s
brainy re- when all an owner had to do for their psychics later began popping out of the owner can not reach the airport in time
sults pet was take it to the veterinarian, woodwork. Alas, now “extravagance” in for landing, animals can stay at the PAWS
page 15 and maybe to the groomers? Other than the pet world is reaching new heights – Lodge.
literally. Introducing: Pet Airways. Interested in having your cuddly
Also Inside: To quote their website, “With Pet creature fly first class? Prices for flights
Student Center.....................4 Airways, your pet will be safe and com- average $150 each way to most U.S.
Sports..................................6 fortable flying in the main cabin---not in destinations – cheaper than some human
Food Court..........................8 cargo! Pet Airways is the first airline ex- flights. Feeling strapped for cash? Per-
Poetry Page.........................9 clusively dedicated to pets – no humans haps a collapsible kitty carrier is a worthy
Around Campus................10 please – and we take the job of providing investment for the next time you need to
Humor/Entertainment.......12 a comfortable experience for pets very travel. Just practice your meows before
Reviews ............................13 seriously.” boarding.
Science & Tech.................14 Seriously, indeed. Pets of all shapes
Meet the Prof....................15 and sizes can be dropped off at the pet Tova is sure that Bo Obama flies in
News & Politics................16 lounge up to 72 hours before take off. comfort, but she is much more impressed
While traveling, each pet is taken for by William McKinley’s “Yankee Doodle
routine potty breaks by their Pet Atten- Dandee” whistling parrot.
2 SPRING 2009

Editor’s Page
Letter from the Editor
round table
Closing Curtains
Goodbyes were never charming moments for me, yet now it is my turn to don the cap and gown and
Editor-in-Chief wave farewell to the building that housed my most recent years of study, to the library and librarians who in-
Dina Kupfer
dulged me in hours of good reading, to my classmates-turned-friends who enjoyed Bagel Hole lunches and
Garden of Eat-In dinners with me, and to the professors who have fed and fueled my quest for knowledge.
Hang on, though. After graduating, I can still visit Touro on J. I can still cradle books in my hands. I can
Leah Lebel
Tova Snitzer still eat, socialize, and do almost everything I did as a student. And I will. So a little formal leave-taking in
a cap and gown actually doesn’t ache much.
Efrat Gordon-Grunin It is when I wave goodbye to my professors that I gulp hard, because they are the ones who helped make
Shaindy Ziegler this place of plain desks, nondescript classrooms, and many hallways become a personal place of variety,
pursuit, and passion. It is they who made me rejoice with the results of an experiment, made me flush as I
Sports Editor argued my point, made me fall in love with Ibsen’s plays, and made me curious about wildebeests. It is the
Moshe Weiss classes they gave, now reduced to hurried notes in my Five Star, that made my years in college feel like
days. Textbooks just don’t make me rejoice, flush, love, or grow curious in the same, strong way. Au revoir
design and merci.
Zahavah Gottlieb
Samuel Fadeyi And now, a round of encouraging applause for my successors, Tova and Leah! A hearty welcome and a
mighty salute. May you enjoy this precious paper as much as I did. May you merit as special a staff as I had.
Staff Bienvenue and bonne chance!
Rivka Borger Fondly and forever,
Sara Brummer Dina Kupfer
Bluma Gottesman
Aura Lagnado

Letters to the Editor

Abby Moskowitz
Tzvi Zucker

Circulation Dear Touro Staff, take the test. How is it fair that she had Dear Anony Mouse,
Sara Brummer As I write this, I reminisce about a more time to study - without penalty - Thank you for being the coura-
difficult class, an impossible test, and too and ended up with a higher grade than geous voice of fellow frustrated stu-
much homework. However, there seems many other of the hard working students dents.
to be a growing number of students who in the class? What happened to justice in
Dear Round Table Staff,
do not feel the same way. They have grading? Why can papers be handed in a
First, a round of applause to you for
The Touro College Round little stress from school, and it’s not be- week late with no repercussion? How is producing the Round Table - it really is a
Table is published by the cause they have great time-management this fair to the rest of the student body? wonderful newspaper. Below is my com-
administration of the Touro and study skills. In fact, at times they I am not an advocate for strict dictator- ment to an article in April’s issue.
College Flatbush Campus. do not manage to do a stitch of work . ship-like classes, but some measure of (“Warming up to Polar Bears”, April ‘09
Any opinions expressed Like little thieves, they sneak in under responsibility and suitable punishment issue) I applaud Bluma Gottesman for
herein are approved by the the teachers’ radar, pretend to be more would be appropriate. No educational writing this article, not to mention Lorie
responsible than they really are, and mis- establishment could function properly if Loeb for her very creative idea in vividly
dean and may reflect those
leadingly convince the instructor to raise due dates were a recommendation, rules bringing home the idea of conserving
of Touro College and any energy. The floating or sinking polar bear
of its affiliates. their grades. Yes, they employ conniving were disregarded, tests were optional,
not only appeals to our compassion but
methods to receive a better mark, an ex- and everyone was the exception to ev-
is also a “measuring” device that informs
For questions, comments, tension for an assignment’s due date, or ery regulation. For those of us who are people when they’re using too much en-
or to join the staff, please extra time to study for a test. One girl in timely, efficient, and sincere students, it ergy - not always easy to know. I, too, can
contact the editors-in-chief my class did not do her homework and is unfairness rearing its ugly head. Thank see the polar bear being used in the home,
at received no grade deduction. In another you, TCRT, for giving me a venue to and I certainly hope that its inventor gets
class, two girls who failed to study for a vent. her wish.
test were granted permission to use that -Anony Mouse Sincerely,
period to study and come back later to Chava Drummond, a Touro student
SPRING 2009 3

War on Literate Dinosaurs
By Dina Kupfer Bauerlein neatly pulls together the plethora than $3.7 billion a year.”
of dooming research that makes English teachers Having devoted half of my college experi-

choke (although they know it in their gut). It doesn’t ence to the development of the TCRT, I’m anxious.
’m suspecting a dinosaur conspiracy against the
unveil a sudden epiphany. Rather, it presents com- Plainly, published material is not dispensable with-
world of black on white in print. Dinosaurs are
prehensive data that reveals just how stale the stale out consequence. But still, the dinosaurs are at work.
certainly feeling lonely and understimulated;
truth is. High-wired with gadgets and high-strung to There was the mournful closing of Denver’s 150 year
after all, the youthful Tyrannosaur tyrannosaurus is
succeed, adolescents are turning into “bibliophobes,” old Rocky Mountain News, Birmingham Post-Her-
supposedly 66 million years old. They surely want
too up-to-date and too busy to snuggle up with dog- ald is just a memory, The Boston Globe and The NY
newspapers and books to peruse and self-entertain
eared reading material. Times are teetering, and there is the forecasted close
while lounging in fossil beds. Many predict that
It starts early in life: Six-month to six-year- of a dozen other newsprint giants. Newspapers inves-
published material may soon join them as an extinct
olds are hooked to the screen three times the amount tigate, inform, and amuse. Newspapers, even college
species. The ubiquitous Internet is killing the need
of time they are involved in reading or being read newspapers, are key to educational enhancement.
for the written word, while the economy crunch is
to. And it only gets worse: 15-17 year olds’ aver- How can we let them go the way of dinosaurs?
creating an advertisement famine, forcing publishing
age leisure reading time dropped from 18 to 7 piti- Printed paper is on the endangered list. We must
companies off their bread and butter. It is time to take
ful minutes on a weekend day. Reading is essential do our share in preserving it. The TCRT needs loyal
up battle with the bored stiff dinosaurs who are envi-
to the education process, but the problem persists as readers and dynamic writers, efficient editors and
ously sucking our reading material into their black
they zip off to college with deficiencies in reading talented layout designers. Why are fellow students
hole. My battle cry: Mark Bauerlein’s The Dumbest
comprehension, effective writing, and overall com- unaware that a school newspaper is actually alive
Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young
munication. A stout 80% and breathing, if faintly? Why, as I stood at the se-
Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future (Or, Don’t
of college freshman read curity guard’s desk greeting students with a copy of
Trust Anyone Under 30). My weaponry: The TC
four books or less in the TCRT, did I walk away with an arm-load, and
Round Table.
2005, with seniors not feeling like the guy on the street corner giving out
I checked out The Dumbest Generation from
doing much better. This shreds of the New Testament? We have an elite few
our well-resourced Touro library with the intent of
points to yet another devotees, but we need more. We are Touro’s student
sharing some parts of it with my students. They re-
economy stressor: “Be- body mouthpiece. Instead of a weak whisper, there
cently handed in book critiques and, being eager
cause too many students should be warrior shouts against the fossilization of
to capitalize on their hesitant interest in the written
are not learning the basic the written word.
word, I sought to drill in the positive benefits so that
skills needed to succeed
it wouldn’t become a fleeting fascination that falls
in college or work while Dina draws literary inspiration from Beowulf.
out of vogue. The book served to do more than that.
they are in high school, She prays dinosaurs are similar enough to Grendel.
It served to explain just how urgently and ferociously
the nation loses more Show your support, email
we need to fight those scheming dinosaurs.

Graduate Schools Worldwide

tigation of graduate schools is then necessary. If you usually yield a few masters’ or bachelor’s degrees
By Efrat Gordon-Grunin
are considering Israel as your next stop, then read online that correlate with the field of your choice.

on for some of the available choices and a bit of my Just make sure that they are accredited colleges, and
o, you’re leaving Touro. You’re making that
guidance. that they have some standing in your chosen field.
giant leap into the outside world, have less
Haifa boasts Technion; Hebrew University is Correspondence courses are abound, with Raizel
structure than you’re accustomed to, and are
perfect for those in Jerusalem; or Bar Ilan Univer- Wright being the most famous in New York, and
now engrossed in figuring out what to do with the
sity, if you’re located in or near Ramat Gan. There
rest of your life. Wow, major life crossing ahead -- Continued on page 6
are also specialized institutes located around Israel-
caution and careful planning advised.
in the Galil, or Ashdod -- usually branches of major
For those who wish to pursue higher forms of ed-
universities, like Bar Ilan. In addition, there are many
ucation, now is the time to make that final decision,
colleges specifically geared to the needs of the reli-
or finish applying, if you haven’t already. For some,
gious Jewish community, like Touro Israel, Machon
leaving Touro involves leaving the state of New York
Tal and its counterparts, or the Jerusalem College of
and moving to an entirely new place, now that you’re
Technology. Maalot at the Neve Campus offers sev-
finishing your college degree. The out-of-towners,
eral options to students as well, and there are always
having graced Touro’s halls the last few years, may
short courses advertised that can offer certificates in
return home. Some elect to stay, as they appreciate
various areas, such as computers, or office manage-
the lifestyle of a Brooklyner or New Yorker. How-
ever, some, like me, move to Israel, where a whole
The next step, if the colleges in the area where
new life awaits.
you plan to reside don’t appeal, is to look for an on-
Searching for a graduate program is always hard;
line or correspondence degree. An internet search will
overseas, it can be doubly difficult. Thorough inves-
4 SPRING 2009

Student Center
Fire Scare at Touro
want to disrupt their classes in out. Having half the students fashion as quickly as possible For a full listing of cor-
By Leah Lebel
session. Thus, they informed remain in the building as the when the fire alarm sounds. rect fire evacuation proce-

their students to ignore the alarm sounds is a clear dan- There is no need to run and dures, visit the New York Fire
onday, April 20th,
bell. “Some students who were ger. Some of the correct fire- panic when hearing the alarm, Department’s Website: http://
a false alarm sound-
on the third floor claimed they behavior procedures include: just quickly walk toward the
ed during the first-
did not hear the alarm sound, • Installing and main- nearest exit. home2.shtml.
period classes. Everyone was
which is ridiculous, as those taining proper smoke alarm • Alerting others who
instructed to exit the building
who were on the fourth floor systems. may not have heard the alarm
immediately, but according to
told me they heard it loud and • Knowing the layout of (or those who are too en-
the security guard, “Many did
clear,” the security guard said. your floor and the nearest fire grossed in something else to
not leave.” Reasons for refus-
The fire department arrived exit before there is warning of notice) that there is a fire, and
ing to exit included the in-
shortly after, and confirmed a fire. instructing them to exit the
clement weather. The rain was
there was no fire. Although the • Keeping hallways building.
heavy, and exiting meant get-
culprit who caused this by set- clear. In case there is a fire and • Calling the fire depart-
ting stuck in the rain until the
ting off the alarm has not been people need to exit, the last ment as soon as possible when
fire department arrived. In ad-
identified, the scare brought thing needed is a hallway full one is at a safe place away
dition, many instructors were
about a warning. It is clear that of obstacles for people to trip from the fire.
aware the alarm was false: “I
fire-safety procedures must on. • Never returning to a
did not smell smoke or see
be better enforced in case, • Getting everyone out burning building for any pos-
fire” said one, and so did not
G-d forbid, a real fire breaks of the building in an organized sessions.

Coming Together to Recall the Past and

Warn the Future
ouro College’s Insti- ed at the response That is what it always is, an rights activist Natan Sharan-
tute on Human Rights to the atrocities of expression of bad faith.” Fa- sky. Ms. Bayefsky, director of
and the Holocaust the Second World ther Patrick Desbois told the the Touro Institute on Human
commemorated Holocaust Re- War, and we have audience, “Anti-Semitism will Rights and the Holocaust, not-
membrance Day with a panel to protest against never die. It’s why people of ed that “On the anniversary of
discussion on anti-Semitism an anti-Semitic good will must stand and be Hitler’s birthday and the eve
that included some of the speech delivered strong together.” of Holocaust Remembrance
world’s most distinguished by the head of “I have a frightening feel- Day, the UN has given a voice
scholars, activists, and human Iran.” Actor Jon ing that already the world of to a person who denies the Ho-
rights authorities. Participat- Voight added: my past is coming back…I locaust itself while preparing
ing in the panel, which was “We’re witness- feel it here when the fight another genocidal assault on
held at the United Nations in ing a new type of against racism means first the Jewish nation. This is en-
Geneva, were writer Elie Wi- Holocaust, and we, and foremost a fight against couraging anti-Semitism, not
esel, actor Jon Voight, Profes- good people of all Israel,” said long-time human combating it.”
sor Alan Dershowitz, activ- faiths, should ex-
ist Natan Sharansky, author press outrage and
Conference drew criticism
Shelby Steele, and Father Pat- demand the truth be heard.”
and sparked protests when it
rick Desbois, a French Catho- “Anti-Semitism thrives on
featured a speech from the
lic priest who leads a team of distortion with the historical
controversial President of Iran
interviewers through Ukraine record of the kind we heard
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on
and Belarus in search of Jew- yesterday from Ahmadinejad,”
its opening day. The panelists
ish mass graves from World said Harvard Law School Pro- To the esteemed, reliable, indispensable TCRT staff:
at the Touro event discussed
War II. Over 150 people at- fessor Alan Dershowitz. “The Thanks for making it happen, time and again.
modern forms of anti-Semi-
tended the event, which was fact that Ahmadinejad was Dina Kupfer, EIC
tism and President Ahmadine-
titled “Anti-Semitism in the the first and major and most-
jad’s controversial UN appear-
Here and Now.” covered speaker at this confer-
ance the previous day.
Holocaust Remembrance ence was an accurate reflec-
Commented writer and
Day coincided with the UN’s tion of what this conference
political activist Eli Wiesel:
week-long Durban Review is all about.” Shelby Steele
“Here we are now in the United
Conference, which was in- observed that “Anti-Semitism
Nations, an organization creat-
tended to combat racism. The is an expression of bad faith.
SPRING 2009 5

Meet the Professor

Meet Professor Ben Langer
Do you prefer accounting joy teaching cost accounting questions. I try to look up the
By Tova Snitzer
more than your previous pro- because it was the first class I answers and, in the process,

fession? taught at Brooklyn College. I discover new things.
rofessor Langer In Toronto I was teaching, also enjoy the two tax courses What would you like to say
is a full-time staff mem- full-time and then part-time, because the material is con- to the student body at large?
ber of Touro’s Business but I always enjoyed it. Once stantly changing – in terms of Accounting is both a very
and Accounting Department. I moved, I missed it. I went work and teaching – and you useful and needed profession.
He teaches a wide variety of to graduate school at Brook- have to keep up with it. There are accounting firms,
courses to both men and wom- lyn College and they asked Do you find teaching the but also individual businesses
en at Touro’s Avenue J Campus, me to teach a class there and I men or the women more re- that need people to handle
including cost accounting, au- enjoyed it. I taught there part- warding? their finances. There is always
diting, intermediate account- time while I was working. I I enjoy both. But there is a call for accountants. There
ing, taxation, and government happen to like teaching more something I noticed; the wom- are many options open after
and not-for-profit accounting. than actual accounting work. I ten my name from someone in en sometimes come over and graduation. You can work in
How did you come to join always say: “It’s easier to get Brooklyn College. As a grow- say thank you, which gives me an accounting practice or even
the accounting field? along with students than with ing school, they were looking a good feeling afterwards. a regular family business. The
I guess I married into it. clients.” In 2001, I was asked for more teachers. I was inter- What do you enjoy most job can be fulfilling, but you
My father-in-law had an ac- to work at Touro College and viewed by Dean Bressler, Pro- about teaching at Touro? have to keep up to date with the
counting firm in New York was eventually offered a full- fessor Sklar, and Dean Boylan. I enjoy meeting former various rules and regulations in
and encouraged me to go into time position, which I happily I began teaching at Touro and graduates and having them this ever changing field.
it. I was originally in Toronto agreed to. haven’t regretted it since. tell me about their work expe- Tova is currently pursu-
(there is a great healthcare sys- How did you become affili- Of the many accounting rience – it’s part of the learn- ing an undergraduate degree
tem there by the way), and I ated with Touro? courses you teach, which do ing process. Something that I in accounting and has had the
moved here in 1985. I went on I got a phone call. Some- you most prefer? didn’t like at first, but do now, pleasure of being in several of
to study for the CPA exam in one in Touro must have got- It’s hard to choose. I en- is being stumped by students’ Professor Langer’s classes.

Meet Professor Boaz Tomsky

in 1998 and subsequently ac- the beach which is right in my the 5 borough bike tour, which
By Chaya S. Bleier cepted his first position as backyard. I like clothes that can I never miss (except for one

rabbi at Congregation Beth be cleaned simply with a hose. year when it fell on the eighth
ou may have spotted Abraham in Bangor, Maine. My favorite shoes, though, are day of Pesach). It was pour-
him in the halls, pur- While in Maine, Rabbi Tomsky my dress shoes. I like them ing and the rain went through
posely striding toward was a professor at Husson and because they are black and as my poncho but it didn’t matter.
class or weaving his way be- Beal College, teaching a range I was told they match every- The feeling of accomplishment
tween students and book bags. of subject matter including Ac- thing. Whether I am at school is so amazing and invigorat-
Sunglasses in hand, and a glint counting, Finance, Marketing, teaching in my suit or dressed ing! Don’t get me wrong, next
in his eyes, meet Touro’s Prin- Business Mathematics and casually in a pair of jeans, they year I’ll hope for a bright sun-
ciples of Marketing professor, American Sign Language. match. shiny day. I look forward to the
Professor B. Tomsky. Rabbi Tomsky then moved CSB: In a different lifetime, summer months when I get to
Rabbi Boaz Tomsky was south where he accepted many what would be your choice oc- ride my bike on the boardwalk
born and raised in a rural com- responsibilities throughout New cupation? nearby my home and just ad-
munity in New London, Con- England. He was the rabbi at PBT: I always longed to mire the breath taking view of
necticut. He earned his high Congregation Ohawe Sholam be an astronaut. I am fasci- the ocean and the beach.
school diploma at Ner Israel in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. In nated with space and love to CSB: What do you feel is
ish community day schools.
in Baltimore, Maryland. From addition, he was a professor at take calculated risks and am al- the greatest challenge facing a
A word with the Profes-
there, Rabbi Tomsky went to the the University of New Haven ways up for an adventure. I am college student today?
Talmudic University of Florida and was the student activities not afraid of heights as I have PBT: As individuals, we
CSB: Let’s start right from
and learned under the direction coordinator and middle school skydived before and would do certainly have our unique chal-
the bottom. What would you say
of Rabbi Yochanan Zweig for Judaic studies instructor at Bi- anything to make it to the moon lenges but I would have to ad-
is your favorite pair of shoes?
nine years. During this time, Cultural Day School. (and back). dress the question of our cur-
PBT: Well I never put too
Rabbi Tomsky was an active In 2007, Rabbi Tomsky be- CSB: What do you like to rent economy. Many students
much thought into the type of
member of the Miami Beach came Rabbi Dr. Boaz Tomsky, do in your free time? are concerned about what life
shoes that I own; perhaps be-
Chevra Kadisha. He attended earning a doctorate in edu- PBT: I love all sorts of will be like after college and if
cause I actually have only few
Barry University where he re- cational leadership from the sports and outside activities. there is any point to continuing
of them (can you believe such
ceived a Masters of Business University of Hartford. His For example, if you wondered in their studies. My advice is to
a thing?) I have a pair of Crocs
Administration with a concen- dissertation is entitled: Admin- why on the first Sunday of May not only continue in the under-
which I am looking forward
tration of Finance. He received istrators’ Perceptions of Cur- there were so many closed graduate program but to seri-
to using on my daily strolls to
his S’micha from the Yeshiva riculum Integration within Jew- highways, it was because of Continued on page 8
6 SPRING 2009

Sports, Power, and Politics
sonality is Zack Greinke, one various reasons, be it for ste- Manny Ramirez, Terrell Ow- to take steroids, fight with a
By Moshe Weiss
of the best pitchers in base- roids, prison, drugs, or shoot- ens, Ricky Williams, and Chad quarterback when a ball is not

ball. He would sometimes ing one’s self in the leg. Johnson are all names that are thrown to them, or kick a cam-
ach professional ath-
buy guacamole from a small Alex Rodriguez, Michael associated with an assorted va- eraman for being in the way of
lete owns a unique
shop which sold the dip for Vick, Barry Bonds, Plaxico riety of mischievous deeds that a play.
personality which has
$1.50 per serving. When have been thorns to their There are few who have
brought him to where he is
the shop raised the price teams, their communities, this intensity burning inside
now. The strength of an ath-
of the guacamole by 30 and even themselves. The their heart and do succeed, but
lete’s personality is usually a
cents, Greinke said, “I list can go on for pages, they are the exceptions, not the
clear indicator of how domi-
like the guacamole. Now, each player with his own rule.
nant the player will be in his
I don’t really love the set of antics. What you I am not giving justifica-
guacamole. So I get it would find to be a com- tion to the way these “grown
The make-up of a profes-
when I feel like it. They mon factor with all of men” have acted, and I am
sional athlete’s personality
changed their guacamole these players, though, is not condoning their behavior.
includes his intensity, excite-
from $1.50 to $1.80.... that each one has made Clearly, they set a bad exam-
ment, passion, and obsession.
and I’ll never again a significant contribution ple for young aspiring athletes.
Every athlete possesses some
get guacamole.” When to the respective sport Many say that such players do
of these qualities, whether he
Grienke was reminded that he plays. Each one of not belong on any team, in
is the best at the sport or the
that he just signed a $38 these athletes has a strong spite of their tremendous ca-
worst. There is no way a per-
million contract he said, sense of intensity, excite- pabilities. But if I were to cre-
son can win such competitive
“It’s not about the gua- ment, passion, and ob- ate a professional sports team,
sports and make it to the status
camole itself, I just don’t session. Without a drive these would be the person-
of a professional athlete if he
want to let them win.” to be the best, a person alities that I would search for
does not have some of these
Winning teams share would never make it in first. For there is nothing more
characteristics. A person can
these characteristics as the “dog eat dog world” satisfying than winning.
be born with immense talent,
well. These qualities are of sports. It is this drive Moshe never likes when a
but that will not be enough to
part of what makes sports ex- Burress, Mark McGuire, Ran- that brought these talented losing team complains about
make one a leader in his re-
citing and unpredictable. dy Moss, Dennis Rodman, individuals to the stage they the better team running up the
spective sport.
There are many people in John Rocker, Kobe Bryant, find themselves in; and it is score – play harder and they
An example of someone
sports who are infamous for Lawrence Taylor, Ron Artest, this also drive that causes one wouldn’t be able to.
containing this type of per-

Graduate Schools Worldwide Health

Continued from page 3
Open University as another
needed after exhausting those
resources, you might email the
colleges involved in the deci-
work. Clearly, the process
takes much time, effort,
and planning.
option for a UK or European
sion, or phone them if no email Hopefully, you’ll The Touro Health Science So-
degree. (As lucky Americans
is listed. It may take some time find the program of your ciety is pleased to announce its
we graduate with only 120
to get in contact with them and dreams and be able to set- newly elected members.
credits, while they need 360!)
find out the requirements for tle in the country of your
If you already have a degree,
entry, but it will happen soon- choice. Remember that it President:
then some online schools will
er or later (preferably sooner). may take time to adjust to Chana Green
offer further courses to en-
Some foreign colleges teach a new place and setting, but Yechiel Weiss
hance your credentials. For
in the language of their coun- eventually, you will be able
example, if you have a nursing
try, so they will require a test to work your way into the Vice President:
degree, there is an M.A. online
to see if you have the basic new society, both academi- Aura Lagnado
for practicing nurses.
skills, or offer you lessons in cally and socially. I wish Shlomo Halberstam
In order to figure out how
that language to be completed you the best of luck.
to actu-
as a co-requisite to your stud- Efrat Gordon~Grunin, Secretary:
ally apply
ies there. Some require GRE a biology graduate of Touro Sara Brummer
to these
scores or other American tests, College, is working on her Jason Shaya Freidman
and some require that you acceptance to a graduate
or if more
find a professor or teacher in program in Israel, where Keep an eye out for more
that country to supervise your she currently resides. events in the future!
tion is
SPRING 2009 7

Around Campus
On The Road to Philadelphia, Book Release
The ASM Convention by
By Abby Moskowitz and Dr. Milton Schiffenbauer
causing bacteria.
“The event is like a sci- Touro Professor
ence-fair for geniuses. It was

their research findings on the
he 109th annual antimicrobial effects of poly- really neat being there,” said
American Society for phenol and of white tea. one of the Touro students. In-
Microbiology conven- For over a year, these stu- deed, the convention features
tion was held in Philadelphia, dents have tested the effects of hundreds of presentations from
PA in May 2009, with eager polyphenols, a natural ingre- microbiology laboratories and
Touro students in attendance. dient found in teas and fruits, universities across the world.
Rivka Borger, Dina Kupfer, and white tea on eleven strains The vast array of research
Abby Moskowitz, Henya of bacteria. They found that represented at the convention
Sandhaus, Max Shenberger, both white tea, which is high was overwhelming and awe-
and Yechiel Weiss work in Dr. in polyphenol concentration, inspiring, as it truly demon-
Schiffenbauer’s microbiology and pure white tea polyphenol strated the depth of knowledge
laboratory at Pace University are very effective in killing in the field of microbiology. At
and were invited to present numerous varieties of disease- the same time, it conveyed the
many unanswered questions
and hypothesis whose answers
are sought out in laboratories The Massacre of the Jews of Lithuania has received
around the globe. praise from the former Executive Director of the United
Most of the research pa- States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Dr. Michael Beren-
pers presented at the conven- baum. The author, Dr. Sutton, is currently giving talks on
tion were at the graduate level.
the role of the collaborator in the Holocaust. She uses the
The work of the Touro students
was one of the few undergrad- example of the Lithuanians in examining how and why lo-
uate research papers presented cal national leaders and populace actively participated in
at the convention. the Final Solutions and explores the range of options.

Computer Crowd
they need to know. As an ex- stressed this to his audience. sor Schwimmer’s talk focused in which he excels. The pro-
By Bluma Gottesman
ample, Professor Schwimmer He also encouraged them to on a subject near to many a fessor ended his presentation


pointed to Google, which was keep up to date with the latest senior’s heart – computer job by challenging the students
he recent meeting
not even around when he was developments in the field and interviews, which are different to get involved with extracur-
of the Touro College
a student but has profoundly from those in nearly any other ricular computer activities, to
ACM (Computer) Soci-
changed the way we use the In- field. He kept his audience en- learn new things and develop
ety was a resounding success.
ternet. Similarly, much of what gaged by laying out various their skills outside the class-
A large group of students, pro-
students are currently learning questions regularly asked by room, and an exhortation to
fessors, and even a representa-
will soon become obsolete. In large companies ranging from the administration to provide
tion of devoted Touro alumnae
their place, new technologies Google to Microsoft. He also an environment that fosters
enjoyed a variety of refresh-
will be introduced, revolution- discussed the ACM program- student creativity and innova-
ments and a rare opportunity to
izing the world of Information ming contests, in which teams tion, both inside the classroom
socialize with like-minded stu-
Technology. There is also so of students compete to discover and out.
dents. Our very own Professor
much computer knowledge who can find the best solutions
Andrew Schwimmer wowed
out there that it is nearly im- to the most problems within
the audience with a fascinat-
possible for any school to keep a short time period. He spoke Special thanks to Profes-
ing presentation on multiple
students fully up to date on the about his own experience in sors Fink and Morgulis for
topics. He stressed the impor-
most current technologies. the contest and distributed real their help in organizing the
tance of constant learning for
Therefore, schools focus on programming challenges from event. Bluma Gottesman is
computer professionals. Since
certain fundamental concepts past years for attendees to try. president of the Touro ACM
the IT field is wide-ranging
and hope that they are giv- to teach themselves languages The last part of his chat (Computer) society. For more
and changes rapidly, it is near-
ing students the tools neces- and skills that are not part of was a brief discussion on writ- information on this or future
ly impossible for any school to
sary to learn the rest on their the official syllabus. ing applications for Android- events, contact touroacm@
teach its students everything
own. Professor Schwimmer The second part of Profes- based mobile phones, an area
8 SPRING 2009

Food Court
A Muffin a Day Keeps the Cravings Away
consumers who are trying to artificial sugar-substitutes.* student lounge, the chocolate- request.
By Leah Lebel watch their weight the ability Although Meir claims chip, and double-chocolate- Obviously, the answer to:

to indulge sensibly, without all there is no best-selling fla- chip varieties are extremely “How do they get them to taste
nyone in Touro the unneeded calories that reg- vor, according to an unofficial popular among Touro stu- so good?” will have to remain
who is watching their ular muffins normally contain. student poll taken in dents. The bakery also offers a secret, but one thing is no se-
weight undoubtedly According to Meir, the the a half-and-half option, which cret: They are by far the most
has tried the Diet Muffins from owner of Meir’s Heimeshe is half chocolate-chip and half popular baked goods eaten by
Meir’s Heimeshe Bakery on Bakery, the original-size double chocolate-chip (also Touro students, and coupled
Avenue J and East 13th Street. muffins contain approxi- known as marble muf- with a diet iced-coffee or diet
These fat-free, no-sugar-added mately 180-200 calories fins), for those who milk-shake, they make the per-
specialties come in so many each (depending on can’t decide which fect breakfast or snack.
different varieties. They have the flavor), which is one to choose (a di- *Note: The original-size
everyone hooked! They are about half the calo- lemma I frequently and mini muffins do not con-
available in miniature, low- ries a regular muffin of encounter). While tain sugar-substitutes; howev-
carb, and of course, in their the same size normally muffins may be the er, the low-carb variety muf-
original form--which comes has. The mini-ones, obvi- form most people con- fins do.
in over sixty flavors. Whether ously, have proportionally sume this tasty treat in, Leah can often be found
enjoyed in blueberry, choco- fewer calories. The muffins the batter can be made munching a double-choco-
late chip, corn, or in an exotic are sweetened naturally with into cakes, cookies, and late-chip muffin in the student
flavor, these diet muffins give fruit juice and do not contain even biscotti upon special lounge.

Meet Professor Boaz Tomsky

Continued from page 5 they never kept their promise relate to and why? A) Gandhi unique school which many of PBT: I once taught Ameri-
to themselves until much later b) Buzz Lightyear c) Morde- you may not be familiar with can Sign Language when I was
ously consider advancing your in their lives. My unsolicited chai Ben David? since you were not exposed a professor in Bangor, Maine.
education at Touro’s graduate advice is to just keep going PBT: Well this is a tough to other colleges. First off, the It was a fun class that was both
school. My advice has always in your schooling and before one as all three call to me. Gan- administration and teachers interactive and engaging. I be-
been to never stop learning. you know it, you’ll have many dhi, because I am a spiritual really care about the students. came proficient in ASL when
Once one finishes their Associ- more opportunities and options person who wishes to make a They are not merely a number I was in Ner Israel for High
ates or Bachelors degree, you to choose from upon gradua- positive impact in the world, but rather treated as individuals School and one of my class-
may be enticed to take a much tion, as the economy will im- Mordechai Ben David because with individual needs. I enjoy mates was deaf. He had an in-
deserved break from the pres- prove. At times, it may seem I love all sorts of music - but being part of a program that terpreter for only a few hours a
sures of school with the self like a daunting task but don’t I’d have to choose Buzz Light- recognizes the Jewish holidays. day. I chose to learn with him
promise that after some time look at the whole picture. It’s year. If my movie knowledge In my past positions, a fall se- as a study partner. I gradually
you’ll go back to grad school. like when I was riding my bike serves me well, I believe his mester could turn disastrous picked up enough to get by and
The reality is that life happens on the Verrazano Bridge. You signature line is “To Infinity when Yom Tov would fall out eventually assisted in the class-
and life often doesn’t get any need to look at the front tire and Beyond!” What a great at- on a particular day that causes room as an interpreter…but
easier for two reasons. First, only. If you keep looking all titude that we must all try to you to cancel a few weeks in a that was a very long time ago.
now that you are in school, the way to the top of the hill, adopt and incorporate in our row. This is even more trouble- I haven’t taught ASL for about
you are in a groove. Once you are bound to lose steam lives. Often our biggest ad- some for a student in a college ten years now and if you don’t
you stop, it is hard to pick up and just give up. Take small versary is ourselves as we set that is not receptive to your use it, you lose it.
again. Secondly, many young steps and before you know it, limitations and barriers for needing to take off these holi- CSB: Make your own end-
men and women are develop- when you turn around you’ll ourselves. We are often satis- days. Even the most dedicated ing to the sentence: “Mary had
ing their interpersonal relation- realize that you’ve climbed fied with the status quo and are student struggles during these a little lamb_____”
ships which potentially will a mountain. Lastly, only sur- reluctant to take risks or em- semesters. Most importantly, I PBT: Mary had a little
lead to marriage, children, and round yourself around positive brace change because of such feel more welcome and com- lamb….until I ate my favorite
yeshiva tuition! One’s respon- people. Don’t listen to anyone fears. We must emulate good fortable in an environment that food on my George Forman
sibilities get bigger and bigger, who tells you that you can’t re- old Buzz Lightyear and remind both embraces sophistication Grill - Lamb Chops! I am cer-
and before you know it, you’ll alize your dreams or that a par- ourselves continuously that we in a secular education and yet tainly a meat and potatoes man
wake up and be 50! I know this ticular program or discipline is can be whatever we want to be also provides a comfortable and when I think of “PETA” I
because I was the youngest in too difficult or you. You can do and that we can achieve what- environment for the observant don’t think of the acronym, (the
my Doctoral program and ev- it and you will! Just stay fo- ever we want to, all the way to student. Touro shows the Jew- People for the Ethical Treat-
eryone in my cohort expressed cused and stay positive. With infinity and beyond! ish world that you can advance ment of Animals.) To me, it is
these sentiments. They were the right attitude and ambition, CSB: What brought you to in your academic career with- a type of bread that holds my
going to take off a semester or you can accomplish anything teach at Touro College? out having to compromise on Shwarma. Sorry Mary!
two but they ended up being in life. PBT: Touro is the fourth ones religious beliefs. Some of Professor Tom-
so consumed by their lives and CSB: Which of the follow- college/university I’ve taught CSB: Which language sky’s favorite things: Milk
all of their responsibilities that ing characters can you most in. It is a very special and would you most like to learn? Duds; Seltzer
SPRING 2009 9

Poetry Page
The Reformation Getting to know YOU
By Dina Kupfer By Rivka H. Borger

As you travel through life Many obstacles faced.

She used to visit Flatbush for shopping, And all seems carefree, Yet you rise to the challenge,
Now she comes for learning. With no bumps on the road, Now the world’s a good place
As many agree – –
She used to reside at home, Do you know yourself? Since you know yourself.
Now she lives on the Q train.
She used to fret over her driver’s license, As you travel through life As you travel through life,
And you come ‘cross a thorn, And your faith is renewed,
Now she guards her Student ID card. Just a prick – then it’s gone, As you see the results,
But part of you is torn – From the good you pursued –
She used to stay out of family finances, Do you know yourself? Since you know yourself.
Now she handles The Bursar.
As you travel through life As you travel through life
She used to get Macy’s catalogues, And you’re caught in a storm, And you try to believe,
Now she receives The Fall Schedule. The thunder; the crashing, That you can accomplish,
The loneliness formed -- All you wish to achieve --
She used to use her computer in the den,
Do you still know yourself? Because you know yourself.
Now she uses C1.
As you travel through life And as life travels by
Yet you seem so unsure, Look at what you have won
She used to have free time,
The future seems bleak, Traversing all evil,
Now she has Pizza Time. And you feel insecure – You’ve done what you’ve
She used to eat in a dining room, Yet you know yourself. done,
Only because you know your-
Now she dines in the students’ lounge.
As you travel through life self.
She used to count calories,
Now she calculates joules.

She used to trust idealism, Contentment is Happiness

Now she believes in ideologies.
She used to read John Grisham,
and Happiness is
Now she studies Virgil’s Aeneid. Contentment
She used to be curled up in bed by 10,
Now she’s in Lit I until 10:20. By Professor S. Siegel

Contentment is waking up daily to a sunrise,

She used to have a regents diploma,
Contentment is collecting seashells by the beach,
Now she also has a bachelor’s. Contentment is watching a beautiful sunset,
She used to be a seminary student, Contentment is to learn in a classroom and to teach.
Now she’s almost s Touro alumnus.
All in three sweet years. Contentment is treasuring life’s essentials and not luxuries,
Contentment is counting blessings and not monetary wealth,
Contentment is a safe, cozy home and food on the table,
Contentment is family, friends, and especially good health!
10 SPRING 2009

Around Campus
Art Club in Action
depth to the picture. We made ing works of Pablo Picasso, their bones. They just know process of painting was more
By Ricki Mugrabi our way into the next gallery Kazimir Malevich, Giorgio de how to paint!” important than the results.

and came upon the minimalist Chirico and many other revo- A personal favorite was One: Number 31 is a wall-
he Museum of Mod- works of Piet Mondrian. With lutionary artists of the twenti- Christina’s World, painted sized painting of his that looks
ern Art in NYC is the Professor Grenadir’s commen- eth century. From Cubism and in 1948 by Andrew Wyeth. like splattered paint. We won-
largest modern art tary, the artwork actually came Suprematism to Surrealism, From the strands of hair on the dered what qualified this as
museum in the world. People to life. The black lines and se- these artists broke away from woman’s head right down to art. “This is very difficult [to
from around the globe come to quence of squares and colors nineteenth-century Impres- the creases of her knuckles, it paint], physically it’s very dif-
be inspired by the masterpiec- made sense. One of his more sionism and Realism. They was painted with such accurate ficult. It’s balanced perfectly,
es exhibited on the vast white striking works is Broadway moved away from realistic art detail that it could have been a there is depth, there is light,
walls of the MoMA. Boogie-Woogie. The bold yel- and into the abstract world of photograph. and there is incredible move-
New York City wasn’t low, red, and blue squares and the unconscious. On the fourth floor, we ment. No one area is heavier
always the art center of the lines really make you want to Professor Grenadir had came upon the works of Jack- than another. The paint is
world. During the 1930s-40s, dance. strong feelings for the French son Pollack. Pollack is said to evenly distributed,” Professor
focus shifted from Paris, the We continued through the artists such as Henri Matisse. be the father of Modern Ab- Grenadir explained.
traditional home of art and galleries and saw the outstand- “French know color; it’s in straction. He believed that the With twenty minutes to
artists, to New York, bringing spare, we ran up to the sixth
with it many contemporary floor to the Tangled Alphabet
artists who redefined art. Exhibit, featuring the works of
Modern art doesn’t speak Leon Ferrari and Mira Schen-
to everyone, and it did not speak del. It was the first time their
to me until my recent trip to works were on exhibition in
the MoMA with the Touro Art the United States. There was
Club. We joined the throngs of a lot of writing distributed in
spectators on a quest for artis- their works and they had de-
tic enlightenment. We started tailed sculptures and collages
our trip on the fifth floor, in as well as drawings and paint-
front of Monet’s painting, Wa- ings on display.
ter Lilies. It is a magnificent It was a fascinating trip
piece of his pond, comprised and the Art Club had a great
of three wall-sized canvases. time. We’re looking forward to
His skilled use of complemen- the next museum. How about
tary colors gives tremendous the Louvre?

Scope Art Fair In New York

heim Museum in 1984. One Arts in New York. An exten- located in Chelsea
By Anastasia Antonenko
important figure that appears sively illustrated book, with at 552 W 21 ST

in Picasso’s later works is essays by John Richardson, and it welcomes
osqueteros is
Jacqueline Roque. She was Dakin Hart, Memory Hollo- visitors Monday
a wonderful exhi-
the inspiration, wife, and con- way (Assistant Professor in through Saturday.
bition of Pablo Pi-
stant companion of Picasso at Art History at the University Don’t miss out
casso’s work in the Gagosian
the time. of Massachusetts, Dartmouth) on a chance to
Art Gallery open until June 6,
John Richardson is the and artist Jeff Koons, will be explore Picasso’s
2009. All of the paintings pre-
curator and Dakin Hart. Rich- published to accompany the most extravagant
sented are from the last years
ardson is Picasso’s celebrated exhibition. Several important works.
of the artist’s life, making
biographer, whose third vol- but previously untranslated
this exhibition very unique.
ume of “A Life of Picasso” texts from the seventies will Anastasia has
In fact, it is the first event in
was published in 2007. Dakin complete this vital resource saved her ten dol-
the United States to focus
Hart is the former Assistant on Picasso’s late work. The lars for the art
on the late paintings of Pica-
Director of the Nasher Sculp- exhibition design is by New fair.
sso since “Picasso: The Last
ture Center in Dallas and a York-based architect Anna-
Years: 1963-1973,” featured
Ph.D. scholar working on Pi- belle Selldorf.
at the Solomon R. Guggen-
casso at the Institute of Fine The Gagosian Art Gallery is
SPRING 2009 11

Around Campus
Business and the Internet
keting a product after others to rival the existing JDate, good product.
By Tamar Merl have already done so, in order which allowed membership So to all the science (and

to learn from their mistakes. In from people of any religion. other) majors out there, you
n their efforts to begin how unnecessary this was due fact, the first internet provider Other general business tips Dr. may just end up working in the
searching for candidates to to his subsequent success with was a company called Prodigy, Rabizadeh provided includes: business field. As the motto
form an LAS branch club, which failed miserably. The focusing on one venture at a for the New York Lotto goes,
the Touro Manhattan Market- After describing his two failure of Prodigy; however, time, in order to focus one’s “Hey, you never know.”
ing Club arranged for Dr. Ben popular websites: Frumster allowed AOL to learn form its full attention on it , saving
Rabizadeh, the CEO of Frum- and JWed, Dr. Rabizadeh clar- mistakes and become success- money in prosperous times to Tamar is currently an ac-
ster, LLC, to come speak about ified common misconceptions ful. prepare for economic down- counting major at Touro’s Ave.
“Business and the Internet.” people have towards internet Toward the end of his lec- turn, and keeping customers J campus. Who knows? May-
On May 5, 2009, from 7:15 to businesses. Included in these ture, before he gave people the happy to prevent losing them be she’ll end up working at a
8:15, Touro students planning mistaken beliefs are thoughts opportunity to ask him ques- to competition. He also noted pharmacy!
to major in business, gathered such as, “There is nothing to do tions, Dr. Rabizadeh provided that it is best to marketing a
in the student lounge to hear once a site is created. A website some useful tips for internet
Dr. Rabizadeh. just sits there and takes care of businesses, as well as general
He started off speaking itself,” and “All one has to do business advice. His tips for
about his personal background. is be first to market something internet businesses included
Ben Rabizadeh’s holds a col- and he/she will become an staying technologically cur-
lege degree, surprisingly, in instant millionaire.” He ex- rent and being prepared to
pharmacy. He decided that the plained that a website must be constantly improve the busi-
best thing to do before he be- maintained twenty-four hours ness’ service to stay ahead of
gan “investing,” in the inter- a day. This may entail even competition. Frumster’s suc-
net business, was to ensure he more involvement than regu- cess was largely due to the fact
had something to fall back on lar stores, which have specific that the site caters to its cus-
if his investing ventures ever hours of operation. Dr. Rabi- tomer’s needs. A frum social
failed. (Little did he know zadeh also recommends mar- networking dating site opened

Once Upon a Time it was a Bore

talking about. consign him to the back of other way around. Let’s not
By Cipi Steinmetz and Efrat Gordon-Grunin When I had originally their brains, thinking he has forget the scientific method,

heard Galileo’s name, I vague- no bearing whatsoever on us which is based on the belief
o most of us college choose one that you find most
ly remembered him as a sci- today. That is incorrect, and that truth can only be attained
students, term papers intriguing.
entist who fought with the and through researching I dis- through observation and ex-
are the bane of our exis- Secondly, the Internet is
Church about the Copernican covered exactly how wrong I periment. Galileo Galilei was
tence, something we all dread, great for research, but nothing
theory and lost. Most people was. the one who fostered that be-
or at least do not excitedly an- truly compares to read-
You know the lief and thus became the “Fa-
ticipate. That was my attitude, ing a few solid books
Law of Inertia that ther of Modern Science.”
until I was assigned a history on the topic and be-
you learned about in My solid research made
term paper that I chose to do on ing able to really learn
sixth grade? That’s me realize Galileo is not just
Galileo, because I find physics about your subject.
Galileo’s Law of Iner- some ancient scientist, but
fascinating. I discovered there While writing about
tia, and it actually ex- that his discoveries are highly
are several ways that can make Galileo Galilei, I took
plains the reason you relevant. The point of a term
term papers less of a “bane” out four books and
are thrown forward paper is for you to learn about
and more of a thrill. read all of them. Not
when a car shortstops. your subject and learn how
Firstly, when you have only did I learn a lot
Do you remember the to research, and through that,
a term paper to write, do not about his life and his
parabola from Math I discovered that what once
look for the easiest topic, but accomplishments, but
B? That’s Galileo’s seemed to be a fact of ancient
rather for a topic you are truly I was also exposed to
too. And the Coperni- history actually has bearing
interested in. If it seems that different viewpoints
can theory he believed on our lives today Hopefully,
there are no interesting topics on his life, and his dif-
in and validated is one these two pointers on papers
available, this might be be- ferent contributions to
that is very pertinent will help turn the experience
cause you do not know much science. It was consid-
to us. It states that the into an enjoyable and enlight-
about them. It would be a good erably easier to write a
Earth revolves around ening one, as it did for me.
idea to lightly skim through good paper when I re-
the sun and not the Good luck.
several topics online, and then ally knew what I was
12 SPRING 2009

Humor & Entertainment

Viva La Revolucion!!! Chess Corner By Jeff Vaks
was served, nor was there any people to “Wake up and start Q. Can you show a good trap in the opening for
By Tzvi Zucker dumped into the ocean, simply fighting the fascism that seems black?

because these parties weren’t to be permeating this country.” A. Expert’s response: This trap works well, especial-
n recent shocking news, anywhere near the oceans. In This example of fair, balanced,
the price of green coffee
ly on a beginner’s level. In this game, I played black.
fact, there wasn’t much of a and completely important re- I was in the fourth grade, while my opponent was in
beans has risen 22% this party at all. It was just a bunch porting is only one of many il-
year. For those of us who drink the tenth grade.
of speeches and chanting. Tex- lustrations of impartiality.
coffee regularly, a switch to as Gov. Rick Perry announced In fact, Glenn Beck decid-
tea may be in order. Figur- Mike (White) Jeff (Black)
at Austin City Hall his stance ed to hold his event in the Ala-
ing we would be trendsetters, against the federal government, mo, because (and we promise 1. e2-e4 e7-e5
the humor department made as some in his U.S. flag-waving we are quoting), it is “The only 2. Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6
the switch. While sipping tea audience shouted, "Secede!" place in America where I think 3. Bf1-c4 Nc6-d4
and flipping through the news At a rally at the Iowa Capitol, it really, REALLY, makes sense This is the trap. Black sacrifices the central pawn.
channels, we here at the humor many of the about 1,000 people – the Alamo.” Now, inasmuch Mike was happy.
desk of the Round Table(which wore red shirts declaring "rev- as most of America is unfamil- 4.Nf3:e5 Qd8-g5
is square) came across a star- olution is brewing." iar that the Alamo is where the 5.Ne5:f7? Decisive mistake, but everybody likes to
tling announcement. We were original Tea Party took place, make a knight fork.
so surprised, we hid under our this seems like an odd idea to Black send white in knockdown 5...Qg5:g2!
desks – however, due to budget us who recall Boston. How- 6.Rh1-f1 Qg2:e4+
cuts, there is only one desk for ever, the military significance 7. Bc4-e2 Nd4-f3 # Checkmate!
ten of us who toil away in the of the Alamo is clear – it was a
sub-basement of Touro trying brutal loss to the Texas Revolu-
in vain to come up with ways Q. How important is the opening preparation in high
tion. Wait – Texas revolution?
to make tired, hungry, and dis- level competitions?
Isn’t the governor pushing
interested students smile. A. Expert’s response (the following trap was pub-
for one? Right! So that’s why
The reason for our con- lished by International Master Kostich in his book):
Glenn sees it making sense –
cern was the pronouncement he is trying to ensure that the The opening preparation is very important. The last
by prominent individuals that Texas Revolution not fail the world chess championship between Vishy Anand
Americans should take up arms same way twice. That is really and Vladimir Kramnik was practically decided by
and revolt! Viva la revolucion, astute! The Conservative up- the great opening preparation of Anand, allowing
baby! According to Rush Lim- rising is showing remarkable him to crash Kramnik and become the new world
baugh’s devoted following and foresight and planning early in champion.
Mr. Hannity’s constituents, This protest was eagerly the conflict.
and the rest of the conserva- aired by Fox News, which high- So apparently we are hur- Now Anand will play a match with Topalov. The
tive movement (including Mrs. lighted calls for revolution from tling towards revolution. What young genius Magnus Carlsen will be on Anand’s
Gladys Limburger, retired op- many influential and obviously is surprising is that the Demo- team. Here is one of Carlsen’s games.
tician), we are now facing a important speakers (because crats haven’t seen this coming
situation of taxation without they were speaking). In addi- while Republicans have been
representation; our President is Carlsen Magnus - Werle Jan
tion to their fair, balanced, and stockpiling guns for years. 1.e4 c5
taxing us unfairly, and we have completely unbiased reporting, These tea parties are only the
no representatives to explain 2.Nf3 e6
Fox also promoted attendance beginning. Personally, we sit-
to him that we don’t want such 3.d4 cd4
at these events, and sent its top ting here under the humor desk
taxes. So we have no choice news teams around the country in the RoundTable office are
4. N;d4 a6
anymore – like our Found- to these protests. Morning host passing the time waiting for 5.c4 Nf6
ing Fathers, we need to rebel Megyn Kelly announced that revolution the only way we 6.Nc3 d6
against the yoke of tyranny. On the day was for “protest from can. Drinking coffee. 7.g3 Qc7
tax day, an estimated quarter sea to shining sea” (we assume Tzvi would like brownies to 8.Be3 b6
million Americans in hundreds the shining sea is the Atlantic accompany the coffee, but due 9. Bg2 Bb7
of cities congregated to create off the coast of Jersey). And to the zero budget crisis none 10. 0-0 Nbd7
a nationwide Tea Party! No tea reporter Cody Willard asked are being offered. 11.Rc1 Be7
That was a novelty in this position. White gets an
overwhelming advantage.
12...ed5 13.cd5 Qb8 14.Nc6 B:c6 15.dc6 Ra7 16.cd7
17. Bh3! 0-0 18.Bd7 R:d7 19Nd5! Carlsen gradu-
ally won this position. This game was played in Wijk
aan Zee of the Netherland in 2004.
SPRING 2009 13

Trick or Treatment: The Undeniable Facts
about Alternative Medicine
Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst

By Dina Kupfer

I used to apply arnica to a bruise. I used to encourage my mom to visit an acupuncturist. I used to look
forward to my next visit to the chiropractor for those stress knots. Now, I’m rethinking it all.
In Trick or Treatment, expert writers Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst launch into an absorbing analysis
of acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic therapy, and herbal medicine, and then briefly through a range of
other obscure therapies such as anthroposophic medicine, Feldenkrais Method, and Reiki. As seekers of scien-
tific truth, they tackle the questionable effectiveness of the many alternative medicinal practices. As authors,
they keep readers curious and then astounded.
Singh and Ernst believe in numbers, in experiments, and ultimately, patient care. Cogently, they un-
ravel the principles of evidence-based medicine and gently, they explore each practice before banging the gavel
on it. Their reports of clinical trials lead to one undeniable conclusion: alternative therapies are largely value-
less aside for their placebo effect and some slight exceptions.
Besides for educating readers about these various therapies, Singh and Ernst delightfully recount the
“inside story” of many medicine-related tales such as the once fashionable blood-letting treatment, vitamin C’s
curative power, and Florence Nightingale’s valor. Trick or Treatment is a probing and enjoyable read, easily
understandable even to the non-scientific mind.

Dina still has arnica in the medicine cabinet. She prays the placebo effect will still work after having read
the book.

Awareness: The Key to Acceptance, Forgiveness, and

Growth Miriam Adahan
By Gabriella Nussbaum

“That is so not her type.” This statement, and others like it, have always set my teeth on edge. Labeling, pigeon-
holing, and categorizing human beings repulses me. Therefore, when I first picked up “Awareness” by Miriam
Adahan, I was appalled. The first thing I saw was that people were classified in a chart entitled “The Enneagram At
A Glance,” which clearly delineated nine “personality types.” I immediately suspected what the book would con-
tain. Despite my misgivings, my curiosity overwhelmed me, and I began to read. To my surprise, I was delighted
by the author’s frankness.
Adahan clearly states that the purpose of her book is to help people reach a higher level of acceptance. She
discusses the complex aspects of human personalities, known as “Wings.” Each chapter discusses one of the nine
personality types in the Enneagram, their strengths and weaknesses, their inner fears and inner gifts, what they
should improve with, and how. Adahan points out that even within a particular personality type there are healthy,
intermediate, and unhealthy levels of consciousness, and that with a conscious effort, one can reach a more healthy
state of thinking. She provides tips in each chapter on how to relate to people with the personality discussed.
Adahan identifies and tackles the oft hidden truths of the human psyche, and reading this book takes the reader
on a journey that can be painful yet liberating. One should read “Awareness” with the realization that s/he will be
looking into an uncompromising mirror that will reveal both the light and the dark sides of his/her personality. As
one would expect, this can be a very scary and difficult thing to do. However, with bravery, honesty, and the desire
for self-actualization, one can tap into the depth of “Awareness” and discover the great potential that lies within us

Gabriella Nussbaum is the type. Whatever that should mean.

14 SPRING 2009

Science & Technology

What Exercise Does For You
ache and want to press the “stop” is believed to increase during Public Health studied more than from running, walking, or per-
By Abby Moskowitz button. Yet somehow, when the prolonged exercise. This may ex- 31,000 individuals and found that forming any other kind of physi-

workout if finally over, we are plain the commonly used phrase subjects who were physically ac- cal activities, visit
ost of us have been filled with a new-found energy “runner’s high,” where exercisers tive had up to thirty-percent high-
there—the elliptical, and feel as though we can take on experience a sense of excitement er energy levels than those who Abby believes in a physi-
the treadmill, the bike, the world. during vigorous activity. were physically inactive. cally active lifestyle. She avoids
or the Stairmaster— wiping sweat   Part of the reason we feel so Exercise has also been found It is clear that exercise has the elevator like she would potato
from our foreheads and watch- great after an exhaustive workout to aid in sleep cycles and increase many benefits. contributing to a chips.
ing the digital clock count down is the release of endorphins. By energy levels. The National Sleep sleeker physique, happier mood,
the seconds towards the end of literal definition, endorphins are Foundation reports that exercis- better sleep, and providing higher
the workout. We feel our bodies a group of peptide hormones that ing, specifically in the afternoon, energy levels. This can all be at-
bind to opiate receptors and are can help deepen shut-eye and cut tained by including a thirty min-
secreted as painkilling chemicals the time it takes to fall asleep. In ute daily workout—a small price
in the brain. They are produced addition, the Fred Hutchinson to pay for such grand results. And
naturally and have effects similar Cancer Research Center found as a side benefit, it burns many
to those of artificial narcotics such that postmenopausal women calories! For example, bicycling
as morphine and heroin. In fact, who exercise for thirty minutes lightly for one hour can burn be-
morphine attaches to the same re- every morning fall asleep more tween 381 (140 pound subject) to
ceptors in the brain as the endor- easily than those who do not. In 531 (195 pound subject) calories.
phins. The release of endorphins addition, the Harvard School of To find out calories burned

Tweet Tweet, The New Rage

Continued from page 1
proach: it allows people to eas- want Twitter to start offering Furthermore, users can choose this popular service. For ex-
ily follow their friends and more advanced functionality. to receive updates via SMS ample, there is Jaiku, a service
allows their friends to follow Their complaints have been from people they follow. Up- that was purchased by Google,
them. So what exactly are peo- so far ignored. Twitter knows dates can also be sent via the and later retired, leaving de-
ple “following” you wonder? that users enjoy it and so have web ( and through velopment to “a dedicated and
That question does not have a made very few changes to its many third-party applications passionate volunteer team of
single answer. People follow UI (user interface). Facebook that have been developed for Googlers.” And, we cannot
whatever their friends may be learned this the hard way when Twitter, like special versions forget Facebook and MyS-
doing through updates they thousands of users signed peti- immediately posted images that can be installed on com- pace, which offer comparable
post. Twitter users have up to tions against the site redesign. of the plane. Even traditional puters, iPhones, Blackberries, microblogging functionality.
one-hundred-forty characters Most people do not like change news sources got the story and even Nintendo DS. Whatever the case, Twit-
to write whatever they choose. and Twitter is listening to the much later. Additionally, dur- Twitter is not alone. Many ter’s future is looking bright
There are no guidelines regu- majority call. ing the 2008 Mumbai attacks, other services provide similar, as millions begin to “tweet,”
lating postings. Twitter sug- Many famous individuals Twitter was used extensively or almost-identical, features to almost like the birds.
gests that users’ posts answer use Twitter as a way of keeping to spread information about the
the forever-changing “what are their fans “in the know.” Some attacks. Twitter’s search option
you doing?” question. In real- of these people include Presi- is rumored to one day rival
ity, however, users use Twitter dent Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Google’s, as it allows people
as a microblog (blogging with and Ashton Kutcher (the first to search through millions of
tiny articles), where they keep Twitter user to gain one mil- pieces of real-time information
the people following them up- lion followers). CNN is also (as opposed to Google’s stale
dated on events that they con- on Twitter, providing breaking information) with the click of
sider important. news updates to their huge list a button.
Part of Twitter’s popu- of followers. Users of Twitter have sev-
larity came about through its Twitter’s real power lies in eral choices of how to update
use of a KISS (keep it simple, the many real-time updates it their status. The most common
stupid) approach. The web- receives on a regular basis. For is via SMS (text messaging).
site is simple to use, having example, when Chesley Sul- Twitter users in the United Law On Your Mind?
no complex logic or ideas. lenberger landed Flight 1549 States can send their updates to Join THE TOURO LAW CLUB
In fact, some criticize Twit- in the Hudson River, Twitter 40404, and the updates are im-
ter for being too simple, and users who were near at the time mediately posted onto the site.
SPRING 2009 15

Science & Technology

You Gotta Foldit, Foldit
form. For example, an enzyme zles from Rosetta’s server, and ing them to create a protein that
By Bluma Gottesman that breaks down glucose will computes them while the proces- will neutralize them. Ultimately,

fold into a shape that fits with a sor is not doing any other work. Dr. Baker hopes to find people
magining a twelve-year- glucose molecule, while proteins While this process is much who can fold proteins efficiently
old child win the Nobel Prize that carry nutrients through the faster than other methods, the and design proteins to help cure
in medicine may seem ridicu- bloodstream fold into streamlined program has to sift through every diseases. “I imagine that there’s a
lous now, but according to a group masses that easily travel through possibility, even those humans twelve-year-old in Indonesia who
of researchers at the University the body. would immediately realize are can see all this in their head.” Dr.
of Washington, a new computer Proteins fold so rapidly that unsuitable. That is where Foldit Baker hopes they will utilize their
game they created may make it their arrangement may seem ran- comes into the picture. The game skills and go on to win the Nobel
quite possible. The game, Foldit, dom. However, the process is ac- presents players with unfolded Prize.
was designed to take advantage tually governed by strict rules of mosquitoes which cause malaria, proteins and challenges them to Foldit can be downloaded
of human pattern-recognition and physics: a protein always folds we can improve the lives of many fold them into the most energy- from, and
puzzle-solving skills to help sci- into the most stable shape pos- individuals. efficient shape possible. Points rosetta@home from http://boinc.
entists with the difficult project of sible. Studying the way proteins The challenge to fold proteins are awarded based on the stability
folding proteins. Proteins are one fold may have major implications into beneficial shapes is formida- of the design created. The game Bluma is terrible at Foldit, so
for medical science. Scientists ble. One group taking up the chal- is based on the rules of phys- she decided to make her contribu-
have identified and studied mil- lenge is The University of Wash- ics which determine molecular tion to medical science by getting
lions of proteins, but the native ington research group, headed attraction. It may sound geeky, others to fold instead.
(natural) structures of most are by biochemist David Baker. The but Foldit actually makes a great
unknown. If we can discover a Baker Lab developed a computer game. The proteins look like col-
protein’s native structure, we can program known as Rosetta, which orful puzzles, and users have fun
better understand its functions, automates the work of protein yanking, pulling, and wiggling
of the essential building blocks of and, if necessary, create drugs to structure prediction. Given the them into the right shape.
living things. They perform myri- block or enhance these functions. molecular makeup of a protein, Dr. Baker and his colleagues
ads of functions, from aiding di- For instance, if we can identify Rosetta runs through every pos- have high expectations for the
gestion to fighting infection. Each the protein that causes a cell to sible configuration of molecules, game. Foldit has been download-
protein molecule is composed become cancerous, we may be in search of the most stable shape. ed over 100,000 times and has en-
of dozens and sometimes hun- able to develop a drug that will To marshal the computing power couraged player competition for
dreds of amino acids, which are bind to that protein and neutralize necessary for the endeavor, Baker the top score. Seven solutions cre-
hydrocarbon molecules. When a its effect, thereby stopping tumors employs an ingenious strategy – ated using this program won priz-
protein is first created, its amino from growing. In addition, there he is signing up ordinary people es at a worldwide protein-folding
acids are lined up in a long chain. may be a possibility of designing to donate their unused proces- competition in 2008, beating
Within milliseconds, the protein new proteins, in shapes that can sor time to medical science. Ro- many of the world’s foremost sci-
folds itself, forming a compact benefit us. For example, if we setta@home is a program that entists. Foldit’s developers plan
mass. Each protein has a unique can design a protein to lock onto can be easily downloaded onto a to add a protein-design contest to
shape dependant on its molecular HIV viruses and destroy them, or home computer. Once installed, the game, giving players models
structure and the task it will per- block the action of the genes in the user’s computer receives puz- of viruses like HIV and challeng-
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16 SPRING 2009

News & Politics

Durban II: Serious or Circus?
anti-Israel diatribes. In the worst in regards to racism and their blatant disre-
By Sara Brummer midst of Durban I, America human rights. Ahmadinejad, gard of human rights

urban II, while un- walked out after sensing the leader of Iran and one of the to occur. In addition,
der the auspices of be- atmosphere of the conference. conference’s main speakers, speeches denying the
ing a United Nations Several similar comments called Israel, among other de- Holocaust were deliv-
conference to combat racism from different sources were rogatory remarks, “A cruel and ered and documents
and improve human rights expressed. Realizing the out- repressive racist regime.” A regarding the confer-
around the world, became an come of the second conference few delegates donned brightly ence that were full of
outlet for different countries to would be similar to the first, colored clown wigs, as their hatred towards Israel
express their opinions regard- many countries refused to par- way of expressing their views were published.
ing Israel and America. Dur- ticipate in the event, including against Ahmadinejad.. Once The dates set for
ban II, which took place April the United States and about Ahmadinejad began speak- the conference were
20-24 in Geneva, followed the a half-dozen other countries ing, these “clowns” threw red quite coincidental-
famous 2001 Durban Confer- including Italy, Germany and soft foam clown noses at him, they overlapped with
ence, which equated Zionism Australia. Those that did come showing their disgust at his Holocaust Remem-
with Nazism, among other held different views about the statements. Security forcibly brance Day. This
conference . removed these “clown del- time overlap carries
Some used egates.” Following this, del- a deep message for cus where people can spout
the camera’s eye egates from the twenty-three the world: with such hatred their personal philosophies
to spout racism European nations who attend- permeating the world, espe- and bigotries. When the del-
and bigotry while ed walked out, to the loud ap- cially at an anti-racism confer- egates themselves show how
others showed the plause of the remaining coun- ence, another Holocaust is a meaningless this event is and
world what they try representatives. strongly possible. Conferences so many countries publicly re-
thought of this While promoted as a con- such as these have been noth- fuse to send representatives,
type of speech. ference to end racism globally, ing more than a waste of time the world should listen and de-
Ironically, many Durban II has actually done the and energy. Hatred and rac- cide to act, instead of chatter-
of the speakers opposite by allowing speeches ism towards others cannot be ing about it frivolously.
and participating full of hatred towards specific resolved through meaningless Sara Brummer prefers
countries are held countries given by speak- idle chatter - especially when action over speech, decisions
as some of the ers who have been known for this chatter is part of a UN cir- over indecisiveness

Continued from page 1

Screaming Facts
Facebook, I receive numer- around as a Jew or admit- has not settled in the dust. We Even if you think it can’t on burying it under obvious
ous emails from French Jews ting one is Jewish in France can not afford complacency. happen here, at least realize lies is the product of a silence
thanking me for bringing their is a possible death sentence. Recently, Leon Klinghoffer’s what is happening to your when it was necessary to
issues to the fore, while com- French authorities do not seem murderer was released from brothers and sisters around the scream. Let’s join hands and
plaining at the lack of general capable of handling the persis- an Italian prison. Leon was an world. Be aware, remain in- scream for truth and peace. Let
support. Apparently, walking tent problem – and the prob- American cripple who was shot formed, and sympathize. The us heed the command, “Do not
lem is spreading and thrown overboard a cruise agony of the Halimis is un- stand idly by the blood of your
worldwide. I my- ship in 1985 by Al-Moqui, imaginable. To be in a coun- brother, I am G-d” (Leviticus
self was assaulted a Palestinian terrorist. BMI try where a judicial system is 19:16).
by an Arab protes- Airlines was caught without scared of the truth and keeps
tor standing behind Israel on its in-flight map. Our
the protest barriers president is making advances
while passing an to Iran and Hamas. Europe is
anti-Israel dem- desensitized to Israel. The list
onstration on 46th continues as it has for centu-
Street and Broad- ries, but the world is smaller
way. The hate signs now. We have to show that we
and chants did not care. Rockets mercilessly bar-
shock me because I raged Sderot, and only after
have heard of it be- the rockets were threatening
fore. In Europe. In the deeper points of Israel did
the 1940s. But New American Jews start tasting
York City 2009? anti-semitism. The rockets are
Anti-semitism starting again.

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