123 Muslims Identified - Some Revealing Insights

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At the end of this article I have included 3 charts and an explanatory note, as follows: 1.

A Chart (Series 4) that lists the titles of the 10 Six Minute Talks with the corresponding Talk Number. These Scripts or Articles could be read or downloaded from ScribD 2. A Chart (Series 3) that lists out the series of talks that covers the subject Muslim History or Islamic History. This interesting subject is covered in two approaches. One set of talks (Talk Nos 114 & 116) are an outline of what happened, and The second lot of talks (Talk Nos 117 to 119) is a description of the reaction of the Muslim world or the Muslim Populace to the changes or the social tribulations that were taking place right throughout this history. 3. A Chart (Series 2) that lists out the 16 Talks (or Episodes) under the series Knowing Allah Taaalah or Knowing GOD These Scripts or Articles too could be read or downloaded from ScribD 4. Notes to these talks or to these scripts/ articles

The main objective of these talks (and therefore the scripts of these talks), is to stimulate thinking. Sensible, rational and logical thinking. So, my message, think, think & think! Be sensible, be rational and be logical.

#123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

Dear Friends,

Over the last three weeks, I have had the rather pleasant and satisfying experience of preparing and then speaking on topics from an area that really fascinates me. Let me list out the titles of those three topics: 120 The Categories of People 121 Learning about the qualities of people 122 Takabbur - Some Insights In the first of these talks, I was able to point out that the Quran categorizes people in to two broad categories, for simplicity we could refer to them as the good and the evil I was also able to point out that these categories of the good and the evil are not just random categorizing. It is through the reading of the Quran that we first learn about these categories. Again it is through the reading of the Quran that we then begin to learn about the different categories of people and we also learn the different qualities each of these categories of people possess and demonstrate. So we have categories of good people being described as Muslims, as Mumin, as Mukhlis, as Swaaleh, as Muhsin and so on. Similarly we have categories of evil people being described as Kaafir, as Mushrik, as Faasiq, as Mufsidh, as Munafiqh and so on. In the next talk I was able to point out the many Quran Aayaths that describe good qualities and evil qualities and we are told that those who possess some of the named evil or good qualities belong to a named category of good or evil persons. In fact I was able to discuss an observation that very often Allah uses the word Allazeena to describe a quality, whether evil or good, and also Allah uses the word Ulaa-ika to describe a category of a person, whether evil or good. I also found it particularly interesting to point out that the word Ulaa-ika appears 187 times in the Quran, and the word Allazeena appears in 1,129 Aayaths in the Quran. Does this not indicate that there is literally a mine of information in the Quran for those who wish to seek and learn? In the third talk I zoomed in to one of these qualities. Actually, it is an evil quality. It is the diagnostic quality of Iblees. I then went onto describe in brief a viewpoint of what the Quran points out to us, about the factors surrounding this evil quality Takabbur or arrogance & pride. Now, coming to, todays talk I wish to again zoom in to another category. However, this time I thought I should choose what we call a good category. So Insha Allah, I hope to give some brief insights in to this category that is described in the Quran as the Muslim

#123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

Now, why did I choose to talk on the category Muslim? Well there is this Aayath in Surah Al Ahzaab that lists out 10 categories of good people. Let me read this Aayath phrase by phrase so that we can clearly distinguish the names of these 10 categories of good people; (33:35) Surely, Muslim men and Muslim women, believing men and believing women, devout men and devout women, truthful men and truthful women, patient men and patient women, humble men and humble women, and the men who give Sadaqah (charity) and the women who give Sadaqah, and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their private parts (against evil acts) and the women who guard (theirs), and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember (Him) for them, Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.

So we are told those fortunate people who belong to these categories have, from Allah, both forgiveness and a great reward. for them, Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.

The first of these 10 categories mentioned are the Muslim Men and the Muslim Women; (33:35) Surely, Muslim men and Muslim women,

It is after mentioning the Muslim men and Muslim women that the next category, that of the Mumin men and Mumin women are listed. So there could be many reasons for this order. One of them could be, that a person should be Muslim before he becomes a Mumin or it could even mean that the status of a Muslim is higher than that of a Mumin. 2 #123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

Anyway, whatever the reasons for the arrangement of these categories in that sequence, I wish to delve on the category Muslim and as I have mentioned it appears first in the list of these 10 categories of good people. Now before trying to find out how the Quran describes a Muslim, I think it necessary that we examine how we identify or recognize a Muslim. I do not think I am wrong when I say that to many of us, or we could even say that to all of us, a Muslim is a person who belongs to a community known as the Muslims. Most of us are Muslims because we were born to Muslim parents. Are not a large majority of us Muslims, actually Muslims by birth, rather than Muslims through choice or conviction? But then do we not all say, Muslims are those who follow the teachings of Islam? But then again, just think! Do we not observe many people who profess to be Muslim, but they are openly flouting the teachings of Islam? They couldnt care less. We expect all Muslims to pray 5 times a day, to abstain from intoxicants and other related evils. But then all of us know a number of people who call themselves Muslim, but do not strictly follow the teachings of Islam, as we understand these teachings. Could we say that these people are Muslims? So then we begin to realize that there could be 2 categories of Muslims. The first would be those Muslims who strictly adhere to the teachings of Islam, and the second would be those who just claim to be members of the community known as Muslims. Are these not interesting points to ponder over? Now, we are told that there are over 1.6 Billion Muslims the world over. So I ask the questions; How many out of this 1.6 Billion are those following the religion of Islam? And then, how many are just members belonging to the community? Many of us would admit that only a few out of those 1.6 Billion Muslims could claim to be adherents of the religion Islam. So now here comes another interesting question. To all of us, a Muslim must at least claim to be a follower or believer in the faith or the teachings of Islam as conveyed to us in the Holy Quran and by Prophet Muhammad (Sal) So then it is reasonable to assume that anyone not following the Quran or the message of Prophet Muhammad cannot be a Muslim? Is that not correct? At this point allow me to read a few Aayaths of the Quran that should really make us think, and think deeply. There are so many lessons to be learnt. Nuh (AS) is a Prophet who lived many years before Prophet Muhammad.

#123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

In fact he lived even before Prophet Moses, or Moosa (AS) and even before Prophet Abraham or Ibrahim (AS) Now listen to what the Quran relates to us of what Nuh (AS) says: Surah Yunus (10:72 - Part) My reward is with none except Allah, and I have been commanded to be among the Muslims.

Similarly listen to what the Quran says about Ibrahim (AS) (3:67) Ibrhm was neither a Jew nor a Christian. But he was upright, a Muslim, and was not one of those who associate partners with Allah.

Listen to what the Quran tells us how Ibrahim (AS) advises his son (2:132) And Ibrhm exhorted the same to his sons, and so did Yaqb (Jacob): My sons, Allah has certainly chosen for you the Faith. So, let not death overtake you but as Muslims. Similarly listen to what the Quran says about the prayer of Yusuf (AS) (12:101 - Part) O Creator of the heavens and the Earth, You are my guardian in this world and the Hereafter. Make me die a Muslim and make me join the righteous.

There are many similar such Aayaths in the Quran. So a Muslim is not only a follower of Prophet Muhammad (Sal) The word Muslim in fact describes a person who has submitted or surrendered to God. So we find Jews who submit to God, we find Christians who submit to God, so in Arabic we would describe these people as Muslims even though we would recognize them as Jews and Christians.

#123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

We are not categorizing them as belonging to the ethnic grouping or the community that is referred to as the Muslims, but we are in fact referring to their innate quality or characteristic of submitting to the Will or the commands of God. Let me repeat this statement so that the meaning could become clearer. A Muslim would be a person who submits or surrenders his will to God. This is a rare quality that requires belief, patience and fortitude. So then, you may realize that within the Muslim community there could be two categories of Muslims. I refer to these two categories as the labeled Muslim and the submitting Muslim The difference is very important. There is a category of Muslim who realizes that there is a God and that this God is in total charge and in total control of everything. The submitting Muslim thus completely submits, and accepts with patience every condition that God subjects him to. As the description aptly describes, the submitting Muslim submits. By his lifestyle he declares and demonstrates that I cannot do anything, God does everything The label Muslim on the other hand takes a different stance. He says I believe in the presence of an All powerful God and that everything is in the complete control and charge of God and therefore I beseech God for all my wants, my needs and my desires. This label Muslim is not submitting to God, he is demanding that God submits to him. That, dear listeners, is the true or defining point that differentiates between a true Muslim or a submitting Muslim and what I call the labeled Muslim. It is worth explaining that point once more. The true Muslim submits to the will of God whilst the labeled Muslim demands that God submit to his wishes. Now let us read some Aayaths from the Quran that would provide us some insight in to the real quality of a Muslim.

(4:125) Who is better in Faith than one who submits his face to Allah and is good in deeds, and has followed the creed of Ibrhm, the upright. Allah has made Ibrhm a friend.

Surah Baqara (2:130) Who can turn away from the faith of Ibrhm except the one who has debased himself in folly? Indeed We have chosen him in this world. And he is certainly among the righteous in the Hereafter.

#123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

(2:131) When his Rabb said to him, Submit! He said, I submit myself to the Rabb of all TheWorlds. Surah Aal E Imraan

(3:20) Then, if they argue with you, say: I have submitted myself to Allah, and (so did) those who have followed me. And say to those who have been given the Book, and to the unlettered: Do you submit? If they submit, they will be on the right path. Yet, if they turn back, then you have only to convey the message. Allah is watchful over (all of) His servants.

So dear listeners, there is much to learn from the Quran. Allah instructs us to be true Muslims. We have to submit to the will of Allah. Now what does this mean? For a start we should look around observe the world and through rationale and reasoning we should realize or rather we should be convinced that nothing is in our control. We have this great desire to possess materials of this world and to be popular and influential. In other words we want to satisfy our desires and the desires of our ego. But then on deep contemplation we have to realize that in the pursuit of these materials we are only running behind things that are delusional, speculative and temporary. We may often wonder, what is the purpose of this mad chase that we are entrapped in But then the Aayaths of the Quran describe to us the Signs of Allah and we are repeatedly reminded that these Signs of Allah or the Aayaath are those things that are true they are not delusional temporary or speculative. They are the truth. This is something we have to think out, to work out and realize on our own. Once we begin to realize these simple truths of the world and of life we then find it easier to submit to the Will of Allah. Just surrender, submit to the condition we are in. Do not fight the world. Do not agitate.

#123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

Do not rebel. Do not plot, plan or scheme. Do not try to scheme out our success or our escape from difficult conditions. Just submit and be patient. Endure! Develop a deep trust and conviction that God will in His own brilliant, majestic and sublime way take us out of every difficulty and discomfort. This is the quality of submitting. The stories of every Prophet demonstrate this. Let me briefly describe the story of Yusuf (AS) He descends from a line of exemplary Prophets. His great grandfather is Prophet Abraham or Ibrahim (AS) His Grandfather is Prophet Isaac or Ishaaq (AS) His Father is Yaqoob (AS) or Prophet Jacob. Then imagine his condition. His brothers plan to kill him and instead drop him in to an abandoned well. Yusuf (AS) submits to these conditions. He does not agitate, he does not rebel. He is then drawn out or rescued by travelers going across the Desert in a caravan. Yusuf (AS) submits. He does not agitate, he does not rebel. He is then kept or has to serve as a Slave Yusuf (AS) submits to the will of God. He does not agitate, he does not rebel. He is then accused of trying to seduce the wife of his Master. It would have been a very traumatic experience especially to one who has descended from a line of Prophets. Yusuf (AS) runs away from temptation but on the whole we can see that he submits to the will of God. He does not agitate, he does not rebel. Yusuf (AS) now has to go to jail, the verdict is very unfair, but then we can see that Yusuf (AS) submits to the will of God. He does not agitate, he does not rebel. What we can learn from these narratives is that those who submit to God, those who are true Muslims would patiently endure every condition that God subjects him to. He would not plot, plan, scheme and seek out ways and means of improving his situation. This is true submission. This great quality is a theme or you could even describe it as a vital thread that runs right through all the stories of the Prophets. You could read it in the Aayaths describing the stories of Prophet Noah or Nuh (AS), Prophet Abraham or Ibrahim (AS) Prophet Moses of Moosa (AS) and so on. #123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

So in conclusion let me describe the difference between what a true Muslim is and what a labeled Muslim is. A true Muslim would observe the workings of the World and the Universe and would come to the conclusion that God is in total control of everything. He would realize that every situation that surrounds him is the result of the meticulous and majestic planning of God. So this Muslim would trust in God and thus would surrender to the conditions, awaiting the decision of God. On the other hand, the labeled Muslim too would realize that God is in complete control of everything. But he thinks that because he believes in god, Gods favor would always be with him. So all his efforts are directed towards possessing the mundane materials of this world and he would continually beseech God for His favors. A true Muslim submits to God. A labeled Muslim wants god to submit to him. Let me repeat that important statement: A true Muslim submits to God. A labeled Muslim wants god to submit to him. That is the difference, a very vital difference! I sincerely hope and hope that all of you benefit from these talks as much as I benefit from preparing and then presenting these talks to you. May Allah Taaalah guide us all and accept us all. Jazza Kalla Khairan. Assalamu Alaikum

Imtiaz Muhsin Colombo Sri Lanka crescent786@hotmail.com You Tube Channel - HaneefanMusliman

#123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights


Series 4

The Talks Numbered 125 to 134 are a series of Six Minute Talks presented in the month of Ramadhlaan (2013). The titles are as follows: Talk No Talk Number & Title 125 The Muslim 126 Shaithaan 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 How did the Prophets Earn? The Swudhoor Scoldings the Prophet Received Understanding Allahs Justice Arabic language of the AQL Pretending to be Mumin Jinns and Insaan The Mu'min Comments


http://www.scribd.com/doc/152866510/128-The-Swudhoor http://www.scribd.com/doc/152867109/129-Scoldings-the-ProphetsReceived http://www.scribd.com/doc/152944005/130-Understanding-Allah-sJustice http://www.scribd.com/doc/153575145/131-Arabic-The-Languageof-the-AQL



#123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

Series 3 Note on Talks on History of Muslims

As Muslims it is necessary that we are aware of the History of Muslims over the last 1400 years. It is necessary for us to realize the winds of change over these last 1400 years especially since Muslim Populations have been through quite some turbulent times. I have covered this vast area in 5 talks. (This is insufficient) The first two talks were on the history and the next three talks were from another viewpoint. I discuss the response of the Muslims due to the many changes that were affecting their lives their religion and thus their culture. These Talks are numbered and titled as follows: Talk No 114 116 117 118 119 Topic The History Series The Effects of 1400 Years - Part 1 Effects of 1400 years - Part 2 The Muslim Response Series The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events surrounding the Caliphates of the Khulafaa Ur Raashidheen The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events surrounding the beginning of the Ummayyads The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events in the Period of the Muslim Empires Date Broadcast Jan 25th 2013 Feb 8th 2013 Feb 22nd 2013 March 29th 2013 April 5th 2013

#123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

Series 2 The Talks numbered 054 to 071 is under a series titled Knowing Allah Taaalah or Knowing GOD
The details of the scripts of these 16 Episodes (Talks) are as follows;
Talk No Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Talk Number & Title 054 Ilm Knowing Allah 055 Rationality - The Foundation of Islam 056 Is Man Special? 057 Ar Rahmaan - The Beneficent 058 Nature or GOD? 059 Our Relationship with GOD! Sub Series: 060 Is this what we are created for? (Is this what we are created for? Part 1) Sub Series: 061 What do we see on Earth (Is this what we are created for? Part 2) Sub Series: 062 Who are WE? Where do we fit in? (Is this what we are created for? Part 3) Sub Series: 063 Our benefits on Earth (Is this what we are created for? Part 4) Sub Series: 066 What makes us 'Stand Out'? What makes us 'Special'? (Is this what we are created for? Part 5) Sub Series: 067 Who is in charge? (Is this what we are created for? Part 6) Sub Series: 068 What ALLAH Teaches Us, About Himself (Is this what we are created for? Part 7) Sub Series: 069 Our Special Faculties How they should be used, How they should not be used! (Is this what we are created for? Part 8) Sub Series: 070 The TWO Paths 071 Is this what we are created for? A review of Parts 1 to 8 from the Sub Series Is this what we are created for? Date Broadcast th Dec 9 2011 Dec 16 2011

Details of Picture on Cover Wellawatte Jummah Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka Parasangaswewa Mosque (a remote village) in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka Mutwal Jummah Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka The Akbar Mosque in Slave Island, Colombo, Sri Lanka Mosque in Matara, from the Southern Province of Sri Lanka Beach Mosque at Kalmunaikudi in the Eastern Province, Sri Lanka A Mosque in the Kurnegala District, Sri Lanka Maradana Jummah Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka Colpetty Jummah Mosque, in Colombo, Sri Lanka The Jummah Mosque at Natpidimunnai, in the Ampara District, Sri Lanka The Devatagaha Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka A Mosque in a rural village in the Ampara District, in Sri Lanka The Jummah Mosque in Oluvil a village in the Ampara District, Sri Lanka The Dhanakawewa Jummah Mosque in a remote village in the Anuradhapura District in Sri Lanka Mosque at Madhavakulam in the Puttlam District, Sri Lanka A Mosque by a river in the Eastern Province, Sri Lanka

Dec 23 2011 th Dec 30 2011 th Jan 6 2012 th Jan 13 2012 Jan 20 2012 Jan 27 2012 Feb 3 2012



Episode 8


Episode 9

Episode 10

Feb 10 2012 Feb 17 2012 Feb 24 2012 Mar 2 2012



Episode 11


Episode 12


Episode 13

Episode 14

Mar 9 2012


Episode 15 Episode 16

Mar 16 2012 Mar 23 2012



#123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

Please Note
1. I have had the great privilege, (since Aug 2010), of presenting talks on the weekly Radio Program Culture of Islam [Friday 5.30 to 6.00 am, Radio Sri Lanka - FM 97.4] 2. Since these are Radio Talks, I refer to, or address the audience as listeners 3. I am well aware that the audience to these talks would consist of people belonging to a variety of faiths. So as to make people of all faiths feel included, I very often use words and names that are common to all religions. 4. For these reasons, I use the name GOD, as well as Abraham, Moses, Jesus etc as well as the names Allah, Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam), Moosa (Alaihis Salaam), Easa (Alaihis Salaam) etc 5. Muslims by habit usually say Sallallahu Alaihiwasallam, when the name of Prophet Muhammad is mentioned, and Alaihis Salaam' when the name of a Prophet is mentioned. However, in these series of talks I have reduced the use of these prayers & sayings to the bare minimum. 6. Muslims, also by habit, use a number of Arabic prayers or sayings, such as Alhamdulillah, Insha Allah and so on. Again, I have reduced the use of these prayers or sayings to the bare minimum. 7. Sometimes I have to write Arabic words in the English script. I have devised my own way of writing Arabic in English, as follows;

th TH

s Ss SW


H h


Information on these talks along with all download links can be found on my on my Blog (http://imtiazm.wordpress.com/) The dates or the schedules of these talks can be viewed on the Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/ImtiazMuhsin786) The Scripts of these talks can be downloaded from www.ScribD.com (http://www.scribd.com/imtiaz_muhsin_1) (www.ScribD.com Author Imtiaz Muhsin) The audio files of these talks can be downloaded from YouTube (YouTube Channel Imtiaz Muhsin) The YouTube Link to this talk is at

All Praise and Thanks is due to Allah and Allah alone Alhamdulillah!

#123 Muslims Identified Some Revealing Insights

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