ResearchDegreeInformation Pack2012

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Research at the Maryvale Institute Leading to the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Awards of Liverpool Hope University


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Maryvale Institute Maryvale House Old Oscott Hill Kingstanding Birmingham B44 9AG England Maryvale Institute 2011-2012 (Registered Charity No.1068634) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, or otherwise, without prior permission of Maryvale Institute.



Through Collaboration with Liverpool Hope University

Maryvale Institute, a Catholic educational establishment in Birmingham, England, welcomes applications from students who wish to pursue research leading to a higher degree, in areas of religious, philosophical, catechetical, historical and cultural scholarship that are particularly relevant to the tradition that Maryvale represents. Within this broad field, Maryvale has particular research strengths, including: catechesis, both theoretical and applied; the philosophy and thought of the Catholic tradition, with a special focus on Thomas Aquinas and on Bernard Lonergan; research relating to the life, writings and influence of John Henry Newman, with whom Maryvale has historic associations; and Church history - and in particular English recusant history. The spirit in which Maryvale seeks to conduct its research degree programme, and indeed all its educational and scholarly activities, is one of academic objectivity and openness. The Maryvale research programme is conducted in collaboration with Liverpool Hope University, and leads to awards of the University. Students register both with Maryvale Institute and with Liverpool Hope University. The research involves regular supervision and guidance by scholars appointed for that purpose. The degree is gained by personal research, leading to the preparation, and submission for examination, of a written thesis on a significant theme. Students also complete a portfolio of evidence demonstrating a range of relevant research skills. Study is part-time, is non-residential, and the study time is between 4-6 years for a doctorate and 2-4 years for an MPhil. Students attend an annual research seminar at the Institute and University and students will be expected to spend a minimum of two weeks in the U.K., at the Institute and University each year, normally in March or June. Admission of each student is dependent on the Universitys approval of the suitability of the student to undertake research, of the programme of research itself, and of the supervision arrangements and research facilities. The University continues to monitor the students academic progress, requiring regular progress reports and accurate keeping of student

records. Its approval is required for the examining panel and for confirmation of the thesis title. It authorises the appointment of the examiners and reviews their recommendations. The power and decision to award the degree rests with the University. Students always have access to its appeal procedures. On its side, Maryvale has its own Dean of Graduate Research, Research Programmes Committee and other internal procedures for quality assurance, to ensure that its higher degrees programme conforms with the Universitys requirements and national norms, and to its own high academic standards.

Entry Requirements
The normal entry requirement for Maryvale Institute research degrees is a good Masters degree (awarded with Merit or Distinction, in cases where such awards were made) or a first class honours degrees from a UK University (or equivalent). Exceptionally, applicants who do not meet these criteria may be considered if professional experience or previous research are judged to provide a suitable preparation for postgraduate research in their chosen field of study. For admission, the student must have sufficient command of the English language to complete the programme of work satisfactorily and to prepare and defend a thesis in English (for students for whom English is not their first language, formal evidence of competence in English is needed). If it is necessary for the attainment of competence in research methods and of knowledge related to the subject of the thesis, students will be required to follow a programme of related studies. This is sometimes recommended as a preliminary step to the research programme. Applications may be considered from students proposing to undertaken their study outside of the UK, provided that adequate facilities for supervision can be arranged, allowing frequent and substantial contact between the student and the supervisor(s) in the UK. Students are expected to communicate with their supervisors regularly during an academic year, either face to face or electronically. Each time a meeting takes place, the student writes a brief report on the meeting, including agreed action points. Maryvales research office and the University monitor this work, and receive an annual report on progress. Students also undertake a general research skills audit and build a portfolio demonstrating their general research competences.

Registration and Continuance

After admission to the programme, registration is renewable annually, and is subject to confirmation of satisfactory progress, which must be to the satisfaction of the academic authorities both at Maryvale and at the University. Students may apply for an interruption of studies during the registration period (normally this would not be longer than six months). During the course of studies, doctoral candidates undergo one formal confirmation of

registration event, where a significant amount of work is presented and defended as confirmation of an appropriate level and expected timescale for completion.

Application process
The application process has two stages: 1. The initial application to Maryvale, with a fee of 85, concluding with an interview and formal notification of the Institutes initial approval. A period of supported preparation of between 3 months and a year follows, with a fee of 295, during which the Dean of Graduate Research supports in the development of the research proposal, together with the members of the proposed supervisory team. 2. Applicants then resubmit the proposal, together with any outstanding items needed for the completion of the Universitys application process, and this is submitted via the Institutes Scrutinising Team for University approval. The Research SubCommittee of Liverpool Hope University meets in September of each year to consider these applications. Therefore, if you wish to explore this route towards a higher degree: 1. Please complete the application forms accompanying this information folder and arrange for 2 references to be submitted (all references are treated as confidential between the referee and the Institute and University), together with your application fee of 85. Send your completed form to Mr Francis Etheredge, Graduate Assistant at the Office for Research Activities and Programmes at Maryvale Institute, Maryvale House, Old Oscott Hill, Birmingham B44 9AG, England. If you wish to have an informal discussion prior to sending in this form, in order to discuss any general questions of feasibility, he will assist you in this. You will need to include with this application an outline of your intended research proposal to accompany your application and it will be a principal factor in the assessment of your admission to the programme. You will also need to arrange for references to be forwarded to the Institute. After receiving this documentation, the Institute will make an initial assessment of your application and, if this documentation is approved you will be invited to the Institute for a formal interview with the Dean of Graduate Research and academic advisers selected by him. At this point you will also receive an initial induction into the Institute, meeting staff and seeing resources. This completes the first stage of the application process. 2. The Institute will formally respond to your at this stage. If you are successful, the Institute will offer you a period of preparation and guided support, during which time the Dean of Graduate Research and research office will work with you in developing your initial proposal into a suitable application for the University, where appropriate linking you to possible supervisors for your studies. From experience, this period of preparation normally takes from between 3 months to a year and concludes with approval of your research topic and proposal by the Institutes Scrutiny Panel and full set of documentation which will be submitted to the University through the Dean of

Graduate Research. Your application is considered by the University in September, and your will be informed of the outcome at the beginning of October. This completes the second stage of the application process.

Residential Period
Following the completion of Stage 2, which culminates in a successful registration with Liverpool Hope University as a Maryvale-Liverpool Hope research student, the first residential period will be at Maryvale: Wednesday 6th MarchWednesday 20th March, 2013, which is inclusive of a residential visit to Liverpool Hope. This period will include seminars, research skills support, opportunities for library-based work and supervision opportunities. Attendance at the Institute for this period is a requirement of the programme.

If you decide to apply for admission to the research programme at Maryvale you are asked to submit an application fee of 85 with your application form. This is non-returnable. Payment can be made by cheque, made payable to Maryvale Institute, by credit card, or through using paypal. A fee of 295 is payable after a successful interview to support a period of initial research preparation. Annual fees for this part-time research programme, following registration with the University, are: European students: 2950 Non-European students: 5230 There is an additional fee of approximately 150 for the annual residential week at Liverpool Hope, payable to: Liverpool Hope University (*In the final year only of the research programme, there are two further costs: an exam fee of 895 and a fee for the binding of the theses.) These fee rates can be expected to rise annually in line with inflation and other increased costs.
Tuition Fee Policy A more expanded version of Maryvales Tuition Fee Policy is available on request; however, the following are key points: Tuition fees must be paid in full at the beginning of each academic year; Fees are payable in sterling and are generally non-refundable In the case of any non-EU students who have been denied a Visa, fees will be reimbursed less an administration charge of 250 Students are not allowed to receive supervision, participate in residentials, sit examinations, or progress through the course until all outstanding fees are paid in full.

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