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For decades people have been trying to mitigate climate change through two main avenues: environmental advocacy

political lobbying.

Why Is Divestment a Productive Tactic?

We realized that individual behavioral changes couldnt eect the change needed. And local, national, and international political eorts have largely been blocked by the fossil fuel industry.

So the people decided that they would target the source of political inaction: the fossil fuel industry. The only way that masses of people could have an eect on an entire industry is through divestment. The mass movement has BYPASSED our government and focused on the fossil fuel industry.

The goals of divestment are two fold: 1) open space in the political system for meaningful climate legislation. This is the only way that a large-scale societal transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy can take place. 2) build a climate movement that is widespread, inclusive, and powerful so that politicians will listen to their constituents and voters will choose elected ocials who will take action.

The divestment movement also highlights the coercive tactics of the fossil fuel industry and challenges its free-market mythology. Critics say that divestment isnt necessary if individual consumers simply use their buying power to choose to not purchase fossil fuels. But the divestment movement confronts that sophistry, revealing how the fossil fuel industry coerces consumers into using carbon-based energy. Lastly, we are calling on educational institutions to uphold the intellectual consistency that they teach in the classroom. How can Harvard hire word class climate scientists and be a leader in green campuses if its also invested in the very companies who are causing climate change?

Why be a part of it?

Heres why! 1) Its the most inclusive movement. Anyone can be a part of it because were all part of institutions that are investing in the fossil fuel industry--whether it be a college/ university, religious institution, state, or city. There are over 400 campaigns around the world, and you can start the next one.

2) Its spreading like wildre. In less than a year, hundreds of campaigns have burst onto the scene, galvanizing movements in communities across the country. Were changing the way that people think about the role of our government in mitigating the climate crisis, the purpose of an educational endowment, the status of the fossil fuel industry in our society, and the dangers of fossil fuel extraction and use. 3) Its changing the nancial world. Investors are being pressured by clients to oer fossil-free investing opportunities. The economic danger of the carbon bubble has become widespread. Multiple reports have proven the economic safety of divesting from fossil fuels. 4) Its making a dierence. In the rst presidential address of climate change, President Obama told us to divest, which means that our movement is commanding the attention of the political system. Majorities of student bodies and student governments around the world are supporting divestment. And more and more signs are arising each day that divestment is productive and eective.

I have a few questions...

1) Why divest if it doesnt hurt fossil fuel companies directly? By divesting, institutions are refusing to support the fossil fuel industry. We are turning these corporations into social pariahs and revoking their social licenses. They are the only industry that pollutes without consequence and gets away with putting prot above the well-being of every person on this planet. It is an unacceptable business model that can survive no longer. Then those involved with the divestment and climate movements will utilize their voting power, electing politicians who will take eective action. Politicians, held to moral standards by the people, will take a stand on climate change. Climate legislation will impact the share prices of fossil fuel corporations: Standard and Poors warned that oil corporations could face a credit downgrading if governments achieve meaningful climate legislation. The price of coal dropped in anticipation of Obamas announcement to regulate coal plants. This is how we impact the fossil fuel corporations: by building a strong, powerful, and widespread movement that will hold politicians accountable. 2) Why not use shareholder advocacy to inuence fossil fuel companies? If you own something, youre responsible for it. Harvard cannot be responsible for climate change.

Harvard in the past has voted against shareholder resolutions that have proposed to introduce environmentally responsible practices to large fossil fuel corporations. For example, in 2011, the Harvard Corporation Committee on Shareholder Responsibility voted on a resolutionthat targeted Exxon Mobile and proposed toestablish a Committee of independent and Company experts in climate and technology to make recommendationson how ExxonMobilcan become the recognized industry leader in developing and making available the necessary technology and products to become an environmentally sustainable energy company at every level of its operation. The committee voted against this resolution. One reason for this decision was that the resolution was unreasonable in asking the company to address such a major shift in its business focus That is why we must divestbecause we are challenging the fundamental business model of an entire industry. 3) Arent fossil fuels a good investment? Historically, fossil fuel stocks have performed well. This is because share prices are valued on the projection that all fossil fuel reserves will be extracted and burned. However, this plan is physically incompatible with global chemistry and will push global warming beyond the point of return. When this realization hits the economic sector, the value of fossil fuel stocks will plummet. This is know as the carbon bubble. It is wisest for investors like to Harvard to divest from large fossil fuel extractors now before the bubble bursts.

Pushing for both national legislation and using economic tactics against the fossil fuel industry will build a powerful climate movement.

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