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These Design Standards and Homeowner Handbook have been adopted by the
Board of Directors of the Springvale Homeowners Association, pursuant to
Section 3.11 of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of
" ) Homeowners Association and may be amended or repealed from
( } time to time.
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) This booklet has been prepared to assist you with basic information about the Association its architectural
policies and procedures and with the standards of the community. It was prepared to be helpful and it is
hoped that you will refer to it when you have questions about covenant enforcement, are preparing a
request for architectural approval or need information about other Association matters.
Each property owner within the Springvale community is a mandatory member of the Association with
obligations to abide by the Declaration of Covenants, and pay assessments. The members of the
Association will meet at least annually to review Association business and elect a Director(s) to the
Association's Board of Directors.
The Association's primary responsibilities are covenant enforcement and maintenance of certain common .
areas. The assessments provide for maintenance costs, management fees, liability insurance,
director/officers insurance, newsletter publication, business supplies, mailing costs, and other day-to-day
expenses incurred by the Association.
The Association is NOT responsible for the following:
Maintenance of a home or privately owned lot is the responsibility of each owner.
Curbside trash collection is not provided by the Association at this time.
The Association has no authority to intervene in matters of civil law such as boundary or drainage
disputes. In some cases, the City of Thornton Police or the Code Enforcement Office can handle
matters more effectively. Items of this nature include roaming animals, abandoned, unlicensed or
oversized vehicles, and persistent noise problems.
Snow removal on streets (all streets within the community are public streets.)
The Association is governed by several documents, Please review these materials at your earliest
convenience so you are familiar with the obligations and requirements of members:
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of Springvale Homeowners Association, Inc.
Fine Policy of Springvale Homeowners Association, Inc.
Articles of Incorporation of Springvale Homeowners Association, Inc.
Bylaws of Springvale Homeowners Association, Inc.
Nothing in these Standards and Homeowner Handbook supersede or alter the above documents.
Section 5 of the Declaration provides for the creation of an Architectural Review Committee.
No improvements shall be constructed, erected, placed, planted, applied or installed upon any Lot unless
)complete plans and specifications therefore (said plans and specifications to show exterior design, height,
) materials, color, and location of the Improvements, plotted horizontally and vertically, location and size of
'1riveways, location, size, and type of landscaping, fencing, walls, windbreaks and grading plan, as well as
luch other materials and information as may be required by the Committee), shall have been first submitted
to and approved in writing by the Architectural Review Committee.
All reviews are made on their individual merit - approval or denial in one instance does not necessarily
mean the same decision under a different set of circumstances.
A spirit of cooperation between the Architectural Review Committee, the Board of Directors and the
members of the Association will go far in creating a harmonious environment to benefit all homeowners.
This will help protect your financial investment and provide compatibility of improvements.
Please use the Design Review Request included with these Standards and Homeowner Handbook. If you
need additional forms, do not hesitate to call and ask for more. Requests for approval must be mailed to the
Management Company. The Management Company will forward your request to the appropriate
Architectural Review Committee, track it through the process, and return written information to you
regarding the Committee's decision. Plans and specifications must be detailed and include the following:
Plot plan showing the location of the improvement(s)
Landscaping description - identify trees, shrubs, mulch areas, flower beds, vegetable lots,
walkways, sheds, play equipment, etc.
Height, width, length, materials, description, and color samples for any structures or equipment
Paint samples
Don't forget to include your name, your address and phone number
PLAN AHEAD! The Architectural Review Committee strives to respond to requests quickly, however,
the Committee meets at irregular intervals, and it may take up to 30 days, after the complete submittal
package is received, for a response to be sent to you. The Architectural Review Committee may require
that you submit additional information or material and may deny the request until all required information
or materials have been submitted.
improvement to a property must comply with applicable building codes and other governmental
requirements and regulations. Approval by the Architectural Review Committee will not constitute
assurance that improvements comply with applicable governmental requirements and regulations, or
that a permit or approvals are not also required from applicable governmental bodies. For
information about City of Thornton requirements, Homeowners must write or call the City of
Thornton Building Department.
INTERFERENCE WITH UTILITIES - In making improvements to property, Homeowners are
\responsible for locating all water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone, cable television, irrigation lines, or other
/utility lines or easements. Homeowners should not construct any improvement over an easement without
the consent of the utility involved, and Homeowners will be responsible for any damage to utility lines.
Underground utility lines and easements can usually be located by contacting the Utility Notification
Center of Colorado at 1-800-922-1987.
HOMEOWNER HANDBOOK - The Board of Directors shall have primary responsibility for the
enforcement of the Declaration of Covenants, Design Standards and Homeowner Handbook. Enforcement
of the Guidelines and other provisions, as amended, may be by any proceeding at law or in equity against
any person violating or attempting to violate any such provision. In any action, instituted or maintained
under this section, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorneys fees
incurred pursuant thereto, as well as any and all other sums awarded by the Court. The Board of Directors
will investigate written complaints of violations, if such complaints are reported by the Management
Company or dated and signed by the Homeowner. The Board of Directors, the Architectural Review
Committee and employees of the Association shall use all reasonable means to maintain the anonymity of
complaining Homeowners. If a violation is found, the Homeowner in violation shall be notified of the
violation in writing, requesting that appropriate action be taken to maintain compliance. If the Homeowner
in violation does not come into compliance, action will be taken according to the present fine policy.
Failure of the Board of Directors to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained, or any provision
of the other governing documents for the Community, shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to
do so thereafter.
1. The following is an alphabetical list of improvements, some "pre-approved" items for more
commonly requested changes and several items that are specifically prohibited. Pertinent
information is given as to each. Unless otherwise specifically stated, drawings or plans for a
proposed improvement(s) shall be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee, and
written approval of the Committee shall be obtained before the improvements are made.
2. The architectural style of a proposed residence shall be consistent with the style and character of
the other single-family residences built in the Springvale Community. The determination as to
whether a proposal is consistent with the style and character of the other single-family
residences is at the sole discretion of the Architectural Review Committee.
3. All items submitted to the Committee shall be completed within one year from the date of
approval if not sooner required by the Declarations.
\Architectural Review Committee approval is required. Additions or expansions to the Home will require
)submission of detailed plans and specifications, including description of materials to be used and elevation
drawings showing dimensions, setbacks, roof slopes, etc. Additions and expansions must be of the same
architectural style and color as that of the Home. See for information on permit
requirements from the City of Thornton.
Committee approval is required to alter or relocate the address numbers originally installed by the
Declarant, KB Home.
Committee approval is required. Only air conditioning equipment that is ground-mounted and installed in
the rear yard area or rear half of the house in the side yard area (e.g. behind a wing fence) will be approved.
The foregoing should be installed in such a way that any noise to adjacent Homes is minimized.
Installation of air-conditioning equipment (including swamp coolers) on the roof, in windows or, in the
exterior walls ofa Home will not be permitted.
DSS dishes less than one meter in diameter are permitted and should be placed in the side or rear of the
Home. Roof mounted and wall mounted locations are discouraged. No exterior radio antennas or
television antennas may be erected without approval of the Committee.
Neither Astro-turf nor any similar floor covering shall be used on any porch, balcony or deck.
AWNINGS - See Overhangs/ Awnings - .
BALCONIES - See Decks.
Pole-mounted basketball backboards must have a black or galvanized removable steel pole and must be
installed midway between the front of the house and the sidewalk. Rims and nets on all types of basketball
units must be maintained in a neat and clean appearance. Temporary basketball backboards are acceptable
but must be placed in such a manner that they do not block sidewalks and pedestrian walkways and shall
)not be placed upon any street in the Community. Temporary basketball backboards must be stored within
" the Home or behind the Rear Yard Perimeter Fence and must not be observable from the street when not in
Committee approval of birdbaths that do not exceed three (3) feet in height or width (including any
pedestal) is not required if placed in the rear yard area of a Lot. Installation of birdbaths in the front yard
areas of a Lot requires Committee approval.
Committee approval of birdhouses and bird feeders which do not exceed 1' x 2' and are aesthetically
compatible with the exterior of the Home is not required if the same is installed in the rear yard area of a
Lot. No birdhouse or bird feeder can be installed above six (6) feet from ground level of the Lot.
BOATS - See Vehicles.
Committee approval of bug zappers is not required, so long as the same comply with Section 10.9 of the
Declaration ("No Annoying Lights, Sounds or Odors").
) BUILDING HEIGHT CHANGES - See Additions and Expansions.
) CABLE TV ANTENNAS - See Antennas.
CAMPERS - See Vehicles.
CARPORTS - Not permitted.
CIRCULAR DRIVES - Not Permitted.
Permanent Clotheslines and Hangers shall not be permitted. Temporary drying structures will be permitted
if located in the rear yard area of a Lot and are not visible from a street, ground level of any other Lot or
from the Common Area.
) Committee approval is required. Composting containers must not be immediately visible to adjacent
properties and must not emit any offensive odors. Underground composting is not permitted.
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Compliance with the City of Thornton's intersection sight distance criteria is required.
Committee approval is required. Unless otherwise approved by the Committee, decks must be constructed
of wood and/or wood composite materials and, if painted, must be painted to match the color scheme of the
Home, and if sealed or stained, must be stained or sealed with a stain or sealant approved by the
Committee. Decks must be installed as an integral part of the Home and patio area. Construction of decks
over an easement is not permitted. A drawing of the design, dimensions, materials and location must be
submitted for Committee approval.
Committee approval is required. Doghouses are restricted to sixteen (16) square feet and will not be
permitted on any Lot unless located in the rear yard area behind the rear yard perimeter fence. Doghouses
must be installed at ground level and shall not be visible above the rear yard perimeter fence or from open
space or common area.
')Dog runs will not be permitted on any Lot unless located in the rear yard area behind the rear yard
perimeter fence. Dog runs on Lots adjacent to open space or common area shall not be located within five
(5) feet of any Open Rail Fencing. Dog runs on Lots that are adjacent to open space or common area must
be constructed of Open Rail Fencing with wire mesh as required on the "Wire Mesh for Open Rail Fence"
Exhibit attached hereto and said wire mesh must be installed on the interior of the dog run. Mature
landscape, which screens the dog run from view from the open space or common area, is required. Dog
runs on Lots not adjacent to open space or common area may be constructed of either five (5) foot chain-
link fencing or Open Rail Fence described above.
Committee approval is required for the addition or replacement of storm doors, screen doors, security doors
or any other type door to a Home. The Committee can approve professionally manufactured storm and/or
screen doors consisting of glass with metal frames that are an approved color. The approved colors are
white, black and the approved colors for the Home.
Maintenance of and Non-Interference with Grade and Drainage is required. In accordance with Section 9.5
of the Declaration, each Owner shall maintain the grading on his Lot (including grading around the
building foundation) at the slope and pitch fixed by the final grading thereof, including landscaping and
maintenance of the slopes, which shall preserve the Established Drainage. It shall be the responsibility of
) each Owner to ensure that any improvement does not in any way interfere with or obstruct the Established
Drainage pattern over such Owner's Lot or any adjoining real property. In the event that it is necessary or
desirable to change the Established Drainage over any Lot, the Owner of such Lot shall submit a plan to the
') Architectural Review Committee for its review and approvaL Any such change shall also be made in
. accordance with all laws, regulations and resolutions of any applicable governmental entities.
)Recommendations for Landscaping Around Foundations and Slabs. It is recommended that Owners, in
landscaping their Lot, avoid planting flower beds (especially annuals), vegetable gardens or other
landscaping which requires regular watering, within five ( 5) feet of the foundation of such Owner's Home
or any slab on the Lot. If evergreen shrubbery is located within five (5) feet of the foundation or any slab,
then the Owner of the Lot should water such shrubbery by "controlled hand-watering," and should avoid
excessive watering. Further, piping and heads for sprinkler systems should not be installed within five (5)
feet of the foundation or any slabs,
Modifications to the original driveway require Committee approval and must be ascetically pleasing and in
conformance with the overall look of the Community. Modifications or additions to the original driveway
may not exceed five ( 5) feet in width and must be constructed with materials identical to the existing
driveway. Any driveway extension shall not encroach into existing easements or upon property line and
shall not alter or interfere with the Existing Drainage. Asphalt extensions are not acceptable. Repair or
replacement of an existing driveway or sidewalk which is completed with materials identical to the existing
driveway or sidewalk and which do not alter the original design of the same shall not require Committee
) EVAPORATIVE COOLERS - Not Permitted. See Air Conditioning Equipment.
EXTERIOR LIGHTING- See Lights and Lighting.
The addition of exterior materials requires Committee approvaL The only acceptable exterior building
materials are those that are of the same standard or higher than those used in the original construction of the
Home, as well as brick, stone, or other harmonious materials utilized for accent or Home details as
approved by the Committee.
General - Fences, walls, columns, entry monuments (individually and collectively "Fences") constructed
by the Declarant, KB Home, along or abutting Lot lines, public or private streets may not be removed,
replaced, stained or painted a different color or altered, including adding a gate, without approval of the
Committee. If any such Fences are constructed by the Declarant, KB Home, which are located upon an
Owner's Lot are damaged or destroyed by Owner or Owner's agents, guests, or tenants, the Owner shall
repair and reconstruct the same at the Owner's expense.
Drainage - Certain drainage patterns may exist along or under proposed Fence locations. When
constructing a Fence, be sure to provide for a space between the bottom of the Fence and the ground
elevation in order that the fence does not block drainage patterns.
) Design - Fences, other than those described below, may not be constructed without Committee approval.
Front yard fencing is not permitted. All Fences must adhere to all sight regulations of the City of Thornton .
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) Committee approval is not required for rear yard fences constructed in accordance with the following
)Gates - Only one gate per lot will be allowed and must follow the existing gate size not to exceed four feet
in width.
Rear/Side Yard Privacy Fences - All rear yard fences, other than the wing fences installed by the Declarant,
KB Home, and side yard fences adjacent to open space, public or private streets, shall be installed on the
rear yard property lines of each Lot and, except for fences on property lines adjacent to Open Space or
Common Area, shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications shown in the "6' Dog Eared
Picket Fence" Exhibit attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Rear/Side Yard Privacy
Fences must be constructed with the 2"x4" framing and 4"x4" posts on the constructing Owner's Lot (i.e.,
the smooth side of the wood slats on the front elevation of the foregoing Fence Exhibit must face away
from the Owner's Home). Alternating panels (smooth side in, then smooth side out, of no more than eight
(8) feet in width) are allowed only between adjacent Lots. Side Yard Privacy Fences may not extend
toward the front of a Lot past the wing fence installed by the Declarant, KB Home.
Open Rail Fences - All rear/side yard fences adjacent to Open Space or Common Area, other than the wing
fences installed by the Declarant, KB Home, shall be installed on the property lines between the Lot and
the Open Space or Common Area and shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications shown in
the "Open Rail Fence" Exhibit attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced. The wire mesh
shown on the "Wire Mesh for Open Rail Fence" Exhibit attached hereto and incorporated here by this
reference may be installed on the interior (the side of the fence closest to the Home) of an Open Rail Fence
so long as such wire mesh is not higher than the top rail of said Fence.
Corner Lot Fencing - Fences on Lots adjacent to open space, public or private streets shall not be
constructed within the rights-of-way or side yard easements adjacent to such open space, public or private
streets and, therefore, must be set back from the sidewalk the distances established by the City of Thornton.
Fence Transitions -Transitions between Rear/Side Yard Fences and the Community perimeter fence and
any Open Rail Fence shall be accomplished as shown on the "Step Transition Between 6' Dog Eared Fence
and Perimeter Fence" and the "Transition Between 6' Dog Eared Fence and Open Rail Fence" Exhibits
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, as applicable.
Double Fences - Not permitted.
Fences for Screening Located Within a Lot - Must be an integral part of the landscape design and approved
by the Committee.
Wire Fencing - Except for the wire mesh shown in the "Wire Mesh for Open Rail Fence" Exhibit and
chain-link dog runs approved and constructed in accordance with the requirements for Dog Runs hereof, no
plastic or metal chicken wire, hog wire, barbed wire, chain links, or strand wire will be allowed.
Maintenance Responsibility - Deteriorated materials must be replaced by the Owner with materials
identical to the original in quality, quantity and design.
FIREWOOD STORAGE - See Wood Storage.
) Committee approval is required for any freestanding flagpole. Committee approval is not required for a
flagpole mounted to a Home, provided that it is temporary in nature and is only displayed on holidays or in
celebration of specific events. The highest point of any flagpole may not exceed the roofline of the Home,
) and shall not exceed six (6) feet in length. The American and service flags may be displayed on owner's
or attached to the front of a home on a bracket, which has been approved by the Association. The
)lags must be displayed in a manner consistent with Federal and State Flag Codes and with the Associations
Flag Policy and may be no larger than 36 inches by 48 inches.
Committee approval is not required for shrubs, trees, flower or vegetable gardens that do not alter the
Existing Drainage or encroach on an easement. All gardens must be properly maintained in an aesthetically
pleasing manner. Vegetable gardens must be located in the backyard area behind front yard fencing.
Committee approval is required. Any gazebo must be an integral part of the landscape plan and must not
obstruct any adjacent Owner's view. All gazebos must be of a design and constructed with materials that
are aesthetically compatible to the Home and painted, stained or sealed in the same manner as a deck.
Committee approval is required. Generally, greenhouses will be discouraged due to the extensive
maintenance required. Approvals of any greenhouses will be based upon, but not limited to, the general
aesthetics, quality and permanence of the materials used. Adequate screening will be required.
HANGING OF CLOTHES - See Clotheslines and Hangers.
Committee approval is required. Must be located in the rear yard and must be an integral part of the rear
yard landscaping.
All seasonal decorations shall not be installed until forty-five (45) days before and must be removed within
thirty (30) days following the particular holiday or celebration. Consideration of neighbors should be
exercised when decorating for any occasion.
HOME NUMBERS - See Address Numbers.
ynderground manual or automatic irrigation systems will not require approval of the Committee. Such
oystems should not be installed within the first five feet of the foundation.
JACUZZI - See Hot Tubs and Jacuzzis.
All landscaping in the front and rear yard area of Lots on which a Home has been transferred by the
Declarant, KB Home, between January 1 and August 30 of any year shall be completed in the same year; if
the Home is transferred by the Declarant, KB Home, after August 30 such landscaping shall be completed
by May 31 of the following year. No more than 1/3rd of the front or rear yard areas shall be landscaped
with non-growing material, not to include the originally installed driveway. The other 2/3rds of the front or
rear yard areas shall be landscaped with irrigated growing material (i.e., sod, bushes, etc. and not weeds).
Landscaping improvements which do not alter, modify or change the Established Drainage of a Lot and/or
any surrounding Lots, Open Space or Common Area, and which comply with the provisions of this Section
and all landscaping requirements of the City of Thornton shall be approved by the Committee.
Gravel, rock and/or soil related piles left in front or on visible side yards of Lots or on the driveway should
remain for no longer than a period of thirty (30) days. Consideration should be given to neighboring
) properties including clean up on streets and leaching of landscaping materials should be avoided.
Delivery and placement oflandscape materials shall not damage any Open Space or Common Area.
Vehicles are not allowed to cross Open Space or Common Area (to avoid sprinkler and landscape damage).
The repair of any damage to Association property caused by a Lot Owner and/or their guests, tenants or
agents will be the responsibility of the Lot Owner.
Committee approval is required for any type of trellis or latticework.
Committee approval is not required for exterior lighting which is of the same style and character as those
installed by the Declarant, KB Home, on an Owner's Home or Lot or on other Homes or Lots in the
Community; and which is as small in size as is reasonably practicable; directed towards the Home; and
does not emit any light that is unreasonably bright or causes unreasonable glare to surrounding Owners.
Any variance from the foregoing standard or use of high wattage spotlights or floodlights requires
Committee approval according to Section 10.9 of the Declaration. Committee approval of temporary
holiday lighting that does not create a nuisance to adjacent Owners is not required.
Mail will be delivered to group mailboxes as mandated by the City of Thornton. Installation of individual
mailboxes is prohibited.
MINING AND DRILLING - Not permitted.
Committee approval is required. The color must be the same as the exterior of the Home, unless otherwise
approved by the Committee. Metal or fiberglass awnings are not permitted. Plans must show exterior
elevation, materials, color and dimensions.
Painting of any vinyl siding originally installed on a Home is not permitted. For homes that do not have
vinyl siding, Committee approval is not required if color and color combinations are identical to the
original color of the home at the time it was purchased from the Declarant, KB Home. Any changes in
. color and/or color combinations require Committee approval prior to commencement of painting.
It is recommended that all homes be painted on a regular schedule to avoid chipping and peeling.
)Any proposed changes to color and/or color combinations must be different from neighboring homes. The
Committee will not approve submittals without a description of neighbors' paint colors.
Outlining the garage door panels in a contrasting color or in a checkerboard design is not permitted.
Most Homes have multiple tone paint schemes (siding color, trim color and accent color for shutters and
doors). New colors submitted should, but are not required to, preserve this multiple tone scheme. For
example, ifthe trim was a different color than the doors and shutters originally, it should also be different
in the submitted colors. If additional accent colors are submitted they will need to be selected from the
approved color combinations for the community.
Color selections should be submitted to the Committee in the form of manufacturer's paint chips. Please
indicate which color chips are for trim, siding and accent (doors and shutters).
In general, after approval, only those areas that are painted may be repainted and only those areas that are
stained may be stained; unpainted surfaces and unstained areas (such as brick) shall remain unpainted and
PATIO COVERS-See Overhangs/Awnings and Patio Covers.
PATIOS (ENCLOSED) - See Additions and Expansions.
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<\ommittee approval is required for all patios. Patios shall not be located within any easement or setback
Committee approval is required for all types of paving, including walks and patio areas. All concrete,
brick, flagstone, stepping stones, pre-cast patterned or exposed aggregate pavers will need approval.
Pavers used as driveway additions are not permitted.
PIPES - See Utility Equipment.
Committee approval is required. Play structures (including playhouses, swing sets and jungle gyms) shall
be located in the rear or side yard. The size of play structures will be considered on a case-by-case basis
depending on Lot size and proximity to neighbors and may require the approval of surrounding Owners.
The maximum height of the equipment may not exceed ten (10) feet. All play structures and sports
equipment shall be maintained in a good and sightly manner. Enclosed play structures shall not be more
than 100 square feet and shall be a maximum of 10 feet in height from ground level to the peak.
See Flagpoles, Utility Equipment, and Basketball Backboards.
Committee approval is required. Small wading pools located in the rear yard area of a Lot that are drained
and removed from sight after each use, shall not require Committee approval.
RADIO ANTENNAS - See Antennas.
Committee approval is required. Plans shall include the type and color of the materials requested.
Uniformity with existing homes in the Community is required.
ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT - Not permitted.
) SAUNAS - See Additions and Expansions.
) SCREEN DOORS - See Doors.

r{ll setback line and easement requirements, as established by the City of Thornton, must be met.
Committee approval is required. Exterior shutters must be the same materials as shutters on other homes in
the Community and painted to match the color scheme of the exterior of the home, unless otherwise
approved by the Committee.
Committee approval is required. Siding must be essentially the same as the siding installed by the
Declarant, KB Home, on other homes in the Community, and must be painted according to standards
established in these Design Guidelines (See Painting). Aluminum or steel siding will not be permitted.
) No advertising or signs of any character shall be erected, placed, permitted, or maintained on any Lot other
\than a name plate of the occupant, as approved by the Committee, and a street number, and except for a
)"For Sale," "Open House," For Rent," or security sign of not more then five (5) square feet in the
Political Signs - Except to the extent restricted by city ordinance and consistent with the Association's
Political Sign Policy, an owner may have one political sign as defined by the statute to be located in the
window of the owner's property or within the boundaries of an owner's lot on a two-legged post, per
political office or ballot issue that is in a pending election. A political sign may be no larger than 36 inches
by 48 inches and may be displayed no earlier than 45 days before the day of an election and no later than 7
days after the day of the election.
Committee approval is required. Plans must include the exterior elevation, materials, color and dimensions.
Committee approval is required. Plans must include the exterior elevation, materials, color and dimensions
) SP AS - See Hot Tubs and Jacuzzis.
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) SPRINKLER SYSTEMS - See Irrigation Systems.
Committee approval is not required for statutes that are installed in the rear yard area of a Lot and which do
not exceed four ( 4) feet in height.
Committee approval is required. Approval will be based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria:
Storage Sheds and/or Accessory Buildings must be aesthetically compatible and consistent with the style
and character of the Home and other Homes in the Community.
Storage Sheds and/or any Accessory Buildings shall not be Jess than 4' x 4', nor more than 100 square feet,
and shall not be more than 10 feet high at the peak. The roof pitch must be complementary to the existing
roof on the Home, unless otherwise approved by the Committee.
Siding, roofing, and trim materials must match those on the Home, unless otherwise approved by the
Any Storage Shed or Accessory Building may be screened by a fence or vegetation. Any Storage Shed or
Accessory Building to be constructed, installed or located on a Lot adjacent to Open Space or Common
Area may be screened by vegetation which is evenly distributed on all exposed sides and not allow more
than fifty percent (50%) of the Storage Shed or Accessory Building to be viewed from the ground level of
any Lot, the Open Space or the Common Area.
) Only one (1) Storage Shed or Accessory Building per Lot will be permitted.
The Committee, in reviewing and approving or denying an application for approval of a Storage Shed or
Accessory Building, shall take into consideration Lot size, square footage of the Home, the Existing
Grading, fence locations, landscape screenings, etc. NO PLASTIC, METAL, or VINYL STRUTURES
STORM DOORS - See Doors.
SUNSHADES - See Overhangs/Awnings - Cloth or Canvas.
SWAMP COOLERS-Not Permitted. See Air Conditioning Equipment.
SWINGSETS - See Play Structures and Sports Equipment.
No structure of a temporary character, including, but not limited to, a house trailer, tent, shack, storage
) structure or outbuilding shall be placed or erected upon any Lot. Further, no unsightly conditions,
\'.tructures, facilities, equipment or objects shall be so located on any Lot as to be visible from a street, open
)'pace or any other Lot.
Committee approval is required.
TRAILERS - See Vehicles.
Pursuant to Section 10.10 of the Declaration, no garbage or trash cans or receptacles shall be maintained in an
exposed or unsightly manner on any Lot. Trash Containers that are visible from a street, open space or any
common area must be screened with a privacy fence or privacy wall as approved by the Committee.
TREE HOUSES - Not Permitted.
UNDERDRAINS - Modification or impeding the flow of drainage is not prohibited.
Installation of utilities or utility equipment requires Committee approval unless located underground or
within an enclosed structure. Pipes, wires, poles, utility meters and other utility facilities must be kept and
maintained, to the extent reasonably possible, underground or within an enclosed structure.
VANES - Not permitted.
As provided in Section 10.6 of the Declaration, no house trailer, camping trailer, boat trailer, hauling
trailer, boat, or accessories thereto, truck (larger than I ton), self-contained motorized recreational vehicle,
or other type of commercial or recreational vehicle or equipment, may be parked or stored in the
Community, or parked or stored elsewhere in such a manner as to be visible from any Lot, unless such
parking or storage is entirely within the garage area of any Home. However, any such vehicle may be
otherwise parked as a temporary expedient for loading, delivery or emergency. However, recreational
vehicles may be temporarily parked for a maximum of three (3) consecutive days in the driveway of a Lot.
VENTS - See Rooftop Equipment.
Retaining walls need Committee approval. A single retaining wall larger than thirty-six (36) inches in
height, measured at the exposed side will not be approved without an engineering plan. Retaining walls
shall be constructed of brick, treated wood, natural stone or similar materials. Concrete retaining walls are
)not permitted.
' Owners are responsible for Lot Drainage and the installation of a retaining wall must not impair
Established Drainage pattern.
WELLS - Not permitted.
WIND TURBINES - Not permitted.
Committee approval is required for security window bars and all windows not of the same make or design
as originally installed by the Declarant, KB HOME. Submission of plans and specifications to the
Committee shall include a description of the dimensions, materials and color. Mill finish on aluminum
windows is specifically prohibited. Replacement windows shall be substantially the same as those initially
Pursuant to Section 10.10 of the Declaration, wood piles or storage areas shall not be located on any Lot
which can be visible from a street, ground level of any other Lot, Open Space or Common Area.

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