School Board Letter

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To whom it may concern:

Please allow me to begin by expressing my gratitude for taking time out of your already busy day to read this humble plea for my daughters education. Thank you. My name is Angel Agero and I am the single parent of three wonderful young children who are enrolled in E.P.I.S.D schools. It is with regards to one of them, my daughter Felicity, I am writing to you today. My daughter suffers from chronic steroid dependent asthma and as a result has spent more time in the last year or two than we would like to remember at a doctors office or in the hospital. Consequently, she has missed more school than we would like. However, in spite of being so ill, her desire to learn and stay caught up in school has been amazing. She has not only kept up with her work at school, but has also dedicated herself to learning beyond what is required of her, yet she is being pushed out of school by its principal, Mrs. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx. From early on Mrs. Xxxxxxx has wanted my daughter on a homebound school program even though her doctors suggest otherwise. While, I am willing to work closely with the school and its teachers so my daughter can have a shot at educational opportunities I never had and enjoy successes I never will, this apparently is not enough. It always comes down to placing her in home school. On one occasion Mrs. Xxxxxxx demanded my presence in school even after knowing I was on my way to getting my daughter emergency care for a major asthma attack as well as make preparations for a surgery she has since received. In the brief meeting there was no concern for my daughters health, instead I was called in and asked to sign papers to place her on homebound school or else I was going to be taken to court and fined. Now, for someone like us living under the poverty line, the concept of having the little you need to survive on a day to day basis taken away is usually enough to scare you into signing anything, but for me the moment called for saving my daughters life and not worrying about much else. I did however ask, What about all the documentation from her doctors, the hospital, and even the school nurse. Mrs. Xxxxxxxs response was, It doesnt matter. The law says she will not be promoted and you will be fined. I also asked what about all the hard work my daughter invests outside of school to stay caught up. Again, her response was it didnt matter. I then asked about the placement committee at the end of the year, and her response was she heads that committee and wouldnt let it happen. Now, that a child can be punished or stripped of rights, or opportunities based on an illness she didnt ask for is crazy. Additionally, that an educational leader that serves as a role model for our children has made up her mind to push my child out regardless of the circumstances and without review I believe is wrong.

On a separate occasion, Mrs. Xxxxxxx threatened me with calls to Child protective services if I didnt place my daughter in homebound school and she ever became ill and was absent from school again. I do not believe there exists any civilized, or even barbaric society in the whole world that would punish a parent for looking out for their childrens health and wellbeing, on the contrary, they would be applauded. I find it quite unjust that a leader in a position of power in one of our communitys schools would attempt to strong arm me and inflict fear by appealing to my economic status or lack of education. In the end she may go forward with her threats as I have done no wrong. All I want to know is why my daughter has no options other than homebound schooling. I want to know why the other options recommended by her physicians and members of the E.P.I.S.D. special education program are no options. I want to know why my daughter is being singled out based on the handicap caused by her illness. I want to know what happened to the spirit of the old E.P.I.S.D. motto, Working together to improve teaching and learning. I want to know what I, yes I, can do to aid in my childs education so she may enjoy the right to an education in one of the institutions of learning built with the contributions made through the hard work of every member of our society, and in the case of Xxxxxxx Middle School, our community. I am reaching out to you for help that my daughter may not be singled out, but treated equally among her peers. In the words of Martin Luther King, Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn't matter with me now, because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land!

I fear there may be more to this than I can understand. My friends daughter was recently out of school for three days because of pneumonia, and was called in to the assistant principals office at XXXXXXXXXXXX Middle School and asked if he had considered home schooling. Keep in mind his daughter is in the seventh grade and hadnt missed a single day of school since she was first enrolled in kinder garden! Then there were the allegations Senator Eliot Shapleigh pushed to have investigated with regards to Bowie high school and the disappeared TAKS test takers.

By the way, in addition to me, in charge of overseeing her health are pediatrician Dr. XXXXXXXXXXXXX, M.D., pulmonologist Dr. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, M.D., D.O., otolaryngologist XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, M.D., and psychologist and sociologist Dr. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX M.D., Ph.D. Please feel free to contact them anytime. I have not only shared all of their contact information with Mrs. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, principal at Xxxxxxx Middle School and with the schools nurse, Mrs. Xxxxx Xxxxxx, but have also given them personally written letters from her physicians explaining her condition and needs. All of my daughters doctors believe, as far as their knowledge, expertise and the results of the latest medical studies, her recovery would be greatly enhanced by remaining in school. They strongly believe the social interactions with peers and teachers will psychologically aid her and hence improve her recovery. Not only would it take her mind off feeling she is different because of her illness, but reinforce that she too has a lot to contributeas she continues to show with her A+ average. In a time where according to the US Bureau of Statistics teenage suicides are on the rise I do not want depression to be one more of my daughters ailments. Some suggestions by her physicians include asking about a 504 classification, and any other options that may be available so she remains in school. While Mrs. Xxxxxxxs responses are that there are no options except homebound school, I remain hopeful my daughter wont be denied an education at school in the company of other role models and her peers. When I ask why the other suggested options are really not option the most direct response has been, because I know better and there are no other options. I know I may appeared hard headed or stubborn because I want to know why there are no options or why the options suggested to me are no options at all. It is because perhaps I am not too bright that I need things explained to me. In particular, when the decisions and choices I make affects the livelihood and future of my children. As a single parent I can tell you my days are filled with challenges. However every new day is driven by the motivation I will see my children closer to excellence and success. With parenting, of course, comes the responsibility to see my children are well taken care of. This includes seeing to it they are healthy and besides their home upbringing receive their fair share of an education. Hence, I hope I can find with you guidance in the right direction, advice of what to do, and an understanding as to why whatever option we make is the best option. Upon entering Xxxxxxx Middle School we are greeted by the image of a great American hero, Abraham Lincoln. It is in the spirit of one his messages I end this humble plea. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and

that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. It is my hope that with your help I will see my daughter less in this light,

And more in this one


Angel Agero XXXXXXXXXXXXX El Paso, TX 79932 (915) XXXXXXXX

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