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Fire was everywhere in a second. The girls were screaming while red and yellow flames brushed along the floor and walls towards them. Black smoke billowed in dark clouds above them and Nikita was forced to remember one day.

Another day where they found themselves dying in a circle of blue flames and a giant rock falling from the sky. Ruth was the first to fall as the door to the roof was blown off its hinges and Megan was sent flying as the computer exploded almost in her face.

But Nikita was the one with the power to get them out of there without being hurt. Stop! she screamed, throwing both hands into the air.

The roar of the fire quietened, the heat blazed less and the threat of the black smoke hung in the air motionless. Get up. Nikita shouted at her friends. Come on, I cant hold it for ever. Where are we going? Megan asked, as Nikita dragged them up the stairs to the roof. If we go back the way the men at the back door will probably have been told to kill us. So why are we going to the roof? Ruth asked. Youll see.

The air here was clear and the roof was yet undamaged by the explosion, Nikita had acted fast enough after all. The helicopter that Mama had escaped in was a few miles to the east and steadily getting further away.

Nikita was losing grip on time and soon, when they were directly above the side entrance, the explosion shook the building and fire rent the air. The girls were blasted off their feet, blasted off the building and were falling to the ground.

Nikita, as her friends were screaming in terror, grabbed each of their hands and time slowed down again. They were still falling but slower and slower all the time till they were about three foot from the ground where they stopped, hovering in the air.

Exhausted, Nikita let time slip through again and the girls hit the ground hard. Oh! Ruth groaned, A bit warning would have been nice, Nikki. Im sorry but there really wasnt the time. It was splat, she said smacking her hands together, on the ground or get barbecued. She pointed to the roof. Weve got to get out of here before we draw attention to ourselves. Megan said, getting in between the two before they started bickering. Where can we go? I live nearby, come on.

Megan and Nikita slumped onto Ruths couch after they got into her apartment. Wow, this is nice. Megan said, as Ruth gave each of them an ice cold bottle of beer. Did anyone get burned or injured? Cause I dont have a first aid kit. Fine. The girls chimed. There are spare beds upstairs if you want to rest. We dont need to talk about this just now. Yeah, I think I may just take you up on that. Said Nikita.

Ruth was just showing the girls to the upper level when someone burst in through the apartment door. Stop! Who the hell are you? Megan said, nearest to the intruder pointing a gun to his head. Jack through his hands up whilst Ruth shouted from behind, Dude, stop pointing your gun at my boyfriend. Your boyfriend? Gosh, she sure moves fast. Said Megan. Uh hi. Jack said, lowering his hands back to his sides. I heard about the explosion on the news. Wow, that was fast. Said Nikita. How did you get out? Jack asked. Oh, uh this one. Ruth pointed to Nikita, She can control time. Ruth! Nikita exclaimed. Its okay, he knows everything about me. Everything? Megan asked. Everything; from the meteorite to Mama.

So, did you manage to help her? Jack asked. No, she double crossed us. And these are? My friends? Yes. This is Megan Archer and Nikita Rice. Guys, this is Jack Cooley.

Both girls could see what was so alluring about Jack Cooley with his piercing green eyes, dark hair, chiselled cheek bones and cocky grin. Hello. They both said a little flirtatiously. Hi. He said, smiling that lopsided smile. Nice to meet you. Werent you two going for a nap? Ruth cut in a little crossly. Oh, yeah, Megan feigned a yawn, were so tired. Come on, Nikita, lets leave them to it.

Jack followed Ruth to her own room where she lay down upon her bed. You dont look so good. Jack said, lying down next to her. Ill be fine. Some rest and a little time; I should heal up nicely. Are you sure you dont need a doctor? Nah, theres nothing they can do for me. So what happens now? Well, weve got to stop Mama Goody. Why? Why what? Why does that fall to you? Its not just me, its all of us. If we want our lives back, Jack, were going to have to fight like hell for them.

Chapter 2

The names
The girls felt well rested the following morning, especially after having some of Jacks homemade waffles.

Theres more if you want some, guys. No, thanks, I couldnt possibly eat any more. Nikita called from the table. So what do you do, Jack? Megan asked whilst brewing coffee. I study archaeology. Wow, like Indiana Jones but minus the whip and fedora. But Id still rock that look. Im sure you would. Any how back on topic Ruth started. It was just innocent banter. Megan said, crossing her heart. I think its so cool having someone else who knows absolutely everything about you. Ive been feeling kind of isolated, even though I have Jesse. Who is Jesse? Megan asked excitedly. Hes British and hes in a band. We had our first date the other night. Hes so sweet. What about you? Ruth asked Megan. Well, I did meet someone but it was actually before I went to work for Mama Goody. We were supposed to have our first date tonight but, for obvious reasons, I had to cancel. May be youll see him again soon. Nikita said hopefully. Okay, were getting off topic again here. Ruth said. I know, Ruth. But cant we take a moment to kind of bask in, you know being back together?

Jack sat back down at the table with more waffles and bacon as the girls sat silently holding hands. Im not disturbing anything, am I? I can come back. Dont you go anywhere. Ruth warned and they all laughed. So I was thinking, Jack begun, you girls need to work under the radar if you want to get back at Mama Goody. Right, so? Megan asked. Well, you cant go by your codenames any more. If Mama was trying to keep her ear to the ground, so to speak, shed be listening out for Hawkeye, Babydoll and Hotshot. I think you need to change your names. Thats a good idea. Ruth smiled.

Yeah, I was thinking they should be something you can remember easily enough or somehow identify with yourself. How do you mean? Nikita asked. Well, take Megan, for example, she has the ability to control electricity, right? What about Live Wire? Ooh, I like that. I never liked Babydoll, ever. Yeah, and Nikita should have a name something to do with time like Meridian. Ooh, thats good. Said Nikita happily. Okay, then what about me. I was thinking, Jack begun, may be something like Termagant or Virago. The other two girls burst out laughing. Its nothing to do with your powers, really, but it suits you. Hes not wrong. Megan said, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. Ill go with Virago. Cool, Megan said, so now were Live Wire, Meridian and Virago. Sounds much better than those stupid names Mama gave us. So what do we do now? Nikita asked, I mean we dont even know where she couldve gone or what her real name is. Well, we do know she went by the alias Renee Childress, may be, well find something on Mama by looking out for Renee. What about your Dad? Megan asked, Hes involved in this, may be, we should go find out what hes up to. I know he wouldnt be protecting her from the things Ive heard but he might have an idea of where we could find her. You want us to ask him? Nikita asked, choking on her coffee. No, we follow him and hopefully hell lead us right to her. Yeah, but you shouldnt be doing the tail work, Nikki. And neither should you, Megan. Why me? What if he found out that you were Babydoll? It makes sense for me to go after him. He wont be expecting it. Is there anywhere she could be hiding? Megan asked. Well, my Dad is building a new hotel in Nashville and I know he had Sigma hide in one of the recently furnished rooms Yeah, but we did just agree that he wouldnt be protecting her. I do agree but we cant leave any stone unturned. We check it out, if shes not there then no harm no foul.

I agree with Nikita. Ruth said to stop Megans counter argument. You guys go to Nashville and check out the hotel and Ill go to Sweetwater to dig up dirt on Will. I was in Sweetwater yesterday, the house was abandoned. Said Megan. Well, may be therell be a clue there to lead me to Nikitas Dad. Okay, but dont go alone. She wont be. Jack said, putting an arm around Ruth. Ill go with her. Just remember you dont have super strength or powers like we do. Megan said sagely. Ill be careful. What about Gunn? Ruth asked. That trainer guy? Yeah, we should try and get a hold of him and anyone else who was working at the club the night of the recruitment party. Like Scarlet or Anton? Who the hell are they? Ruth asked Nikita. They were working on the front door that night. Can we trust them? Probably not but we need to try. Well, then its settled. Megan said. Ruth and Jack will go to Sweetwater, Nikita will try to track down Gunn and anyone else working for Mama Goody and Ill go check out the hotel in Nashville.

Chapter 3

The plan
The girls geared up in the armoury room whilst Ruth made sure Jack was fitted with a bullet proof vest. Before leaving, they each had a practice shot in the target room. Nikita gave Megan the address of the hotel and a key to her apartment should she need to hide or rest for whatever reason. The girls were ready for action.

The drive to Sweetwater was a short one and Ruth barely said a word to Jack after they breached the town. She took a long detour to Nikitas former home where she drove half-heartedly to Circle Park.

Is this where? Uh huh. Ruth cut across Jack.

He pressed his head against the glass to look into the ominous pit before them. Ruth tore off down the street again onto the street where she once lived. Keep driving, Ruth. Jack urged, You dont need to torture yourself like this. How did you know that was my house? Because youre slowing down right outside it.

Ruth obeyed and moved onto Nikitas street. Just like Megan said, the house was abandoned. To the back of the house the kitchen window lay open wide enough for Ruth to climb through it to unlock the door for Jack. So where do you think he is? I mean, he wouldnt just leave his property unprotected. May be he didnt. said Ruth. So you think theres someone here? Im not sure but Id imagine, if there was someone here, they wouldve shown themselves by now. I wont hold my breath then. No, but please keep your voice down.

Every room they moved through was unoccupied and slowly gathering dust upon each surface. Jack and Ruth checked through every desk, closet or briefcase on the first floor but with no such luck.

They both gasped and spun to stare at the ceiling as a floorboard creaked above them. Someones here. Jack silently mouthed and Ruth nodded in agreement.

Nikitas room was the first door they reached on the upper landing. It was untouched except for the things Nikita had thrown into her case the night she moved into Lori Archers apartment.

Another sound from the master bedroom like the squeak of bed springs and something heavy hitting the floor reached their ears. Ruth pressed a finger to her mouth as Jacks

ragged breathing became ever louder. He pressed a hand to his mouth to stifle the sound as Ruth, ready with her gun, stepped towards the door of the master bedroom.

A loud angry rumbling sound came from within and Ruth stepped away from the door. Jack followed Ruth on tip toes into Will Rices office to the side of the bedroom. In here was another door to the bedroom which Ruth didnt hesitate to open.

A beast of a dog was standing at the other door growling angrily, drool hanging from his mouth like threads and his popping eyes said more than his growls. The dog was rabid.

He barked twice before jumping for them. Ruth shot twice in mid-jump and the dog fell to the floor, dead.

The acrid smoke still lingered in the foyer even after the fire was put out. The police were mainly on the upper levels and all Mamas guards had scattered leaving the front entrance and the front office unprotected.

There was a filing cabinet in one corner with folders filled with staff profiles and contact details. The ceiling above had started to cave in and Nikita moved swiftly throughout the office for any more clues with the every staff folder tucked safely under her arm.

A red sparkly cell phone lay upon one desk and a watch with an engraving lay upon another. More ceiling gave way blocking the door out as the face of an officer appeared in the whole above. Hey! Who the hell are you? he called.

Nikita pulled her coat above her head to mask it from the officer before throwing a computer monitor out of one of the windows. Nikita made sure all the profiles were still intact before running onto a desk by the window and leaping through the broken glass.

Falling onto her knees she got up and shook herself off, Thats gonna hurt in the morning.

The building site was full of workers and one area was fenced off with police tape wrapped all round it. Megan carefully avoided detection as she slipped in through a door leading into the restaurants kitchen.

Most of the appliances and surfaces was covered with protective tarpaulin and the restaurant area was still to be furnished with tables and chairs. She moved swiftly onto a set of stairs leading to the upper floors and apartments to begin her search.

She searched every room with no luck till she reached the fourteenth floor. Then saw a small thin woman with jet black hair and piercing, pale green eyes dressed in tight black clothing and high heeled boots was walking up and down the corridors. Megan had seen her at the recruitment party. Who the hell are you? she asked pointing her gun at Megan. Im Live Wire. Are you looking for Mama? Yes? Are you? No. Then what are you doing here? I was told to come here in case any one came looking for Mama here. So you know where Mama is? I didnt say that. Youre not exactly denying it either.

The girl fired around barely missing Megans left shoulder before taking off down the hall. Megan ran after her, pouncing and pinning the girl to the ground. Her gun flew from her hand and she shook violently as Megan sent a small shockwave through her.

She lay unmoving until Megan hoisted her onto her shoulder. She jerked a little as Megan bound her hands once she was inside the car, then gagged her mouth and blindfolded her before the journey back to Knoxville.

The dog lay dead, bleeding out onto the carpet whilst Jack and Ruth rummaged through Wills office, each with shaking hands and the sensation of butterflies in their stomach.

Theres nothing here! Ruth roared, upturning the desk she was searching. Take it easy. Jack whispered. Do you want us to get caught? I think I may be sick, Jack. She said, sliding down the wall onto the carpet . Come on, theres one more set of drawers to check then we can get out of here. He said, pulling her back to her feet. What are we going to do about that? she nodded in the direction of the dead Rottweiler. Theres nothing we can do for it. There isnt any point in disposing of its body; therell still be that big blood stain on the carpet.

Ruth pulled open drawer after drawer with little success, it wasnt till she came to the bottom most one did she discover that it was locked. How are going to get that open without the key? Jack asked.

Ruth smiled smugly before giving one good pull and the drawer broke free from the lock. Oh, right, super strength. Jack said smacking his forehead. Whats this? Ruth asked, showing Jack a stack of papers. It looks like the deed to a house. Where? In Memphis. Oh, and look, he said pulling something small from the drawer, he left us a little parting gift. A spare key? Hes really not dumb enough to leave this behind. Evidently he is. Jack said triumphantly. Ruth smiled, Lets get out of here.

Nikita arrived at the apartment shortly before Ruth and Jack who were clutching less than she had under her arm. Any joy? she asked them. We found some property deeds and a key. How did you get on? Ruth asked. Staff profiles and contacts. Excellent.

Any word from Megan yet? None at all. Ruth said after checking her cell phone. She hasnt been gone that long though.

The girls laid their findings out onto the coffee table as Jack brewed up another pot of coffee and a tray of sandwiches. I was almost sighted by a cop. Nikita was telling Ruth. Its not good news for us if Mama discovers were alive and well. Exactly, so I was thinking of making some sort of mask, or something. Were easil y identifiable after all. Well do something about that later. Lets try and get hold of Megan.

Megans cell rang out the first couple times before she answered. Im just reaching Knoxville. Get downstairs, Ive got something in the back of the car that might hold some answers. What do you mean? Nikita asked. Just make sure youre right outside the door to take it in. Itll look very suspicious if I carry it halfway down the street by myself.

Megan pulled up with a screeching halt outside the apartment building to find both Nikita and Ruth armed. Put those away! Megan hissed. Shes tied up. She? said Ruth.

The girl in the backseat wriggled furiously to break free. Her blindfold was starting to slip as she kicked out at Megans clutch. Another shock and the girl fell still and limp. Get her upstairs and tie her to a chair. Megan said, rushing down the street in her slick black car.

Jacks brow furrowed as he watched Nikita and Ruth carry in the unconscious girl upstairs where they tied her to a chair in the attic. I cant believe Megan would aah! Nikita cried out. Ruth had slapped hard across the head and put her finger to her mouth to silence her.

Dont use our real names in case she hears you. Fine! Nikita snapped bitterly. I cant believe Live Wire would take a hostage. Lets go see if shes back yet.

Jack had just laid down sandwiches, bagels and coffee for them all when Megan came through the apartment door. What the hell were you thinking? Ruth demanded. I didnt have much of a choice it was either, take her with me or kill her. I think Ive seen her before. Nikita muttered. Yeah, I saw her too at the recruitment party. Where did you find her? Ruth asked. At the hotel. Someone stationed her there in case anyone looking for Mama turned up. So what happened? She tried to shoot me and then I ran after her and well, you know the rest. So do you think she knows where Mama ran off to? Nikita asked. Possibly. And what are we supposed to do with her once we get the information we need from her? Ruth interrupted angrily. I dont know, Ruth. I hadnt thought that far ahead. Ruth, annoyed, snorted with derisive laughter, Clearly.

Chapter 4

The costumes
It didnt take them long to go through all the files Ruth, Jack and Nikita had found. They easily located the townhouse in Memphis belonging to Nikitas father and the employees home addresses.

Nikita refused to make any more plans until they came up with a means to disguise themselves the next time they set out to track Mama down.

About a week later, Nikita entered the apartment laden with bags and a large box. For any normal teen her size the litter wouldve been too heavy to cope with and proved a challenge

for Jack when he offered to lend a hand. She locked herself away in her room for days, only appearing for meal times or to use the bathroom.

Ruth, Jack and Megan, meanwhile, took turns to care for the hostage who refused to cough up her name or alias yet. The only time she really spoke was to ask about the strange noise issuing from Nikitas room. I think its a sewing machine. Megan said, after the fourth night since Nikita retreated into the guest room. You might be right there. Said Jack. You know, Ive been thinking Thats a bit rare. Mocked Ruth. Oh, very funny. I was thinking, if youre going to take Jack out with you again then you might want to think up an alias for him too. That bitch is a real pain in the ass. I cant wait till were rid of her. Jack said, marching back down stairs with broken pieces of a bowl in his hands and chicken noodle soup all over his hair. What the hell did she do? Megan asked. She kicked the bowl from my hands. Ill go take care of her Megan began as Ruth hushed her. What do you hear? Ruth asked. Nothing. Exactly, no sewing machine. Shes stopped.

All three of them sped upstairs to find Nikita standing in her own doorway. Oh, I was just about to shout. She said surprised. We heard the machine go off. Ok, will come and see what I made.

Upon three coat hangers, hung from the wardrobe doors, were three outfits. The first one was shorter than the others to fit perfectly to Ruths curvy contours. The fabric, at first glance, kind of shimmered in the lamp light but up close it looked more matt. It almost looked like a tiger print but the stripes were far too jagged and the colours were black and blue.

There was a firmness beneath the torso that told them was some sort of bullet proof vest beneath. A zip with a large hoop started from the curve of the breast all the way down to the navel. There were flat, black, knee high boots with a sort of Vs shape cut into the front of the boot by the shin. Above the costume was a kind of mask. This was all blue with only one eye hole and a black star on the other side. On closer inspection it was actually clear, clear enough so that the wearer could still see through it.

The costume in the middle was taller and, slightly, curvier. It was all black except for one long electric blue lighting bolt on the torso. There were rubber knee and elbow pads and a blue rubber collar around the neck. The knee high boots were made from rubber and bright blue like the lightning bolt where as the heels were about five inches tall. The mask was blue with large silver lightning bolts either side of the eye holes.

The last costume, which was clearly made for Nikita herself, was almost all black except for the arms, legs, hood and one vertical blue line starting from the neck and down between the legs. There was one zip at the back of the outfit running all the way down to the backside. Black and blue leather gloves matched the flat ankle boots. Nikita was already the tallest; she didnt feel the need to add to her length. A black mask made from velvet was dotted all over with silver stars.

On the back of each costume, across the shoulders, were the names Live Wire, Meridian and Virago. So, what do you think? Nikita asked. The idea was to keep our true identities hidden. Uh huh. Well, were going to stick out like sore thumbs in these. Ruth, just humour me. It took me ages to make these. We are not super powered, teenage vigilantes! Ruth shrieked. We are super powered, teenage assassins. Were neither. Interrupted Megan. Were Freaks and we should start to dress that way. Does that mean youll wear them? Nikita asked irritably. Yes. They both answered.

The outfits fitted them each perfectly and Nikita promised shed bought extra fabric in case anything happed to their costumes. Jack looked gobsmacked as they walked out of the room, all dressed in black and blue, before heading for the attic.

The hostages reaction, after her blindfold was removed, was to fall over laughing. Just remember this was your idea. Ruth hissed at Nikita. Sit up straight. Ruth barked. Im not telling you anything. She spat. See, thats where youre wrong cause were not playing nice anymore.

Ruth put a hand round each of the girls wrists making the usual connection with the gold and pink link. Tell us your name. Misty. Not your alias, your name. Abby Maguire. How long have you worked for Mama? Nikita asked out of curiosity. Three years and nine months, roughly. Where is Mama hiding? I dont know. Im not working for Mama anymore. Who are you working for? The Centurion. And who might that be? Ruth asked crossly. Nikitas Dad. So it all ties back to him? Looks like we need to go check up on Daddy dearest.

Ruth and Megan, next day, were parked outside the townhouse that supposedly belonged to Will Rice. There was a hell of a lot of security outside. Not dressed like security staff at the Sutton estate, but a hell of a lot of muscle with guns.

They waited all day but failed to see Will entering or exiting the building once. A limousine pulled up so close to the house, in the afternoon, that the girls couldnt see who was entering the building.

Do you think its her? Megan asked. Mama? I dont know. We need to find out though, right? Yeah, but, Im not sure if we can get in there without being spotted. But you said that Shroud guy had lots of security and that you managed to get past them. Yeah, but that was on private lands with lots of ground, trees and bushes to hide behind. This is right in the middle of a very busy, public street. You know what we need, dont you? Shell never agree to it. But if Nikita were here to pause time, we could get in there, snoop around, find out the mystery visitor and be back out without being seen. But that means She wouldnt even have to go inside. She could just sit in the car with Jack and focus all her energy in and around the house. Ill call her and see what she thinks.

Of course Nikita wasnt keen at all at the thought of being in such a close proximity with her father again. But she was their only hope. Just get out as fast as you can. She said taking her station at the front garden. Well do our best. Ruth promised.

Megan passed Jack a mask that Ruth had made for him if Ruth were to take him into the fry with her. Hed sworn up and down that hed never wear a costume if it was made of spandex that Nikita had suggested. In the end she had to make him a rubber like outfit too but his was all black and not joined in one piece. He already wore the rubber pants and tight fitting coat, that was enough, along with the mask, to hide his true identity although hed decided to gel his hair back slick instead of its normal slightly spiky do. Where do you want me? he asked Ruth. You and I will take this floor whilst Megan takes the upper level. Cool? Cool. Both Megan and Jack said.

An hour long they searched. The parlour, kitchen, dining room, guest room, bathroom and office for any leads on Mama Goody. Nikita was growing restless and her grasp on time had started to slip. Every now and then, when they were in a room with people in it, out of the corners of their eyes, theyd see a limb twitch or move.

Were running out of time. Said Jack restlessly. Ill comb over the office again, you go check on Megan see if shes had any more luck.

Jack disappeared as Ruths cell buzzed loudly in her pocket. Nikita calling. Yeah, whats wrong? Youd better get out of there. Itll only hold a couple more minutes. Buy me more time. I cant. If I try to hold on, Im pretty sure Ill just pass out. Ill be as quick as I can.

Ruth watched as Nikita sauntered around the edge of the property, directly opposite the office she was searching through. She was about to give up again when she noticed a painting on the wall above the desk. It was ugly, in Ruths opinion, a crude picture of a naked woman with some jungle background. Ruth hoped Will Rice had enough sense not to spend too much on it.

She was about to turn away again when she saw that it wasnt sitting straight, it was kind of crooked. Ruth clambered onto the desk and lifted the painting off the wall. There was a safe behind it. Will Rice, you are such a clich. Ruth murmured to herself.

It was just a dial combination. If she had the time she could crack it quite easily but she soon realised, Nikita had let time slip through her fingers again. As she stepped out into the foyer there was a man, one of the security staff, standing in a doorway ahead pointing, not a gun but, a bazooka at Ruth. She was so surprised that, momentarily, she was rooted to the spot barely daring to breathe. The man took aim and Ruth heard many sounds, first the whoosh as the man holding the fire hit the trigger and then the sound of someone screaming. Ruth, no! Jack had just pushed Ruth and flattened her to the floor as the bazooka whizz pass over their heads and out the office window. NIKITA! Ruth screamed as the bazooka shot across the grounds.

All Ruth saw was her friend raising her hands to freeze time just before it her. But it still exploded and Nikita was blasted into the air.


Jack had barely helped her search the rest of the upper level before he made his way back downstairs again to find Ruth before leaving. There was still one more room Megan hadnt checked and that was the master bedroom. Will Rice was frozen in an awkward position at the end of his bed. He seemed to be putting on a clean pair of socks, some dirty tennis clothes lay in a basket in the corner.

She couldnt see anything of use in here. There was no desk, filing cabinets or any storage except for a wardrobe that only held Wills clothes. Taking a closer look at Will she saw a flash drive in the breast pocket of his shirt. Time was still frozen and the information on it could possibly be valuable to them so she reached out to take it. What the hell are you doing? Will asked perfectly calm as he put his hand around Megans wrist. Megan replied with a head butt and Will passed out on his bed with a bloody nose. She wasnt aware of Jack and Ruth screaming downstairs till an explosion shook the house. Will was coming too, groaning and pinching his broken nose.

Megan found a small balcony beyond the large doors Will had instead of windows. Out the lawn, spread eagle styled, lay Nikita half burnt to a crisp and motionless. There was nothing left to do, no escaping past Will or the security below. Megan leapt into the garden below as Jack and Ruth ran to Nikitas aid. The jump was probably one of the scariest things shed ever done, but at least she didnt break any bones.


Her flesh was on fire, the bazooka exploded in her face even after shed frozen time. Arms were around her a minute later and the musky male scent made her aware that it was not a foe but friend, Jack.

Jack lifted her as if she was as light as bird but tried not to put too much pressure on the right side of her body which was where the most damage lay. Nikita moaned as she was gingerly placed onto the backseat of the car and barely made out her friends conversation. Ive never had to deal with anything this bad. That was Megan. Do you think her excelled healing will take care of that or should we take her to the hospital? And how do we explain how she got these burns? Ruth snapped.

Nikita could already feel the healing powers working but they hurt just about as much as the burns. She forced them to do her bidding for once and felt the flesh on her face tighten and the swelling around her right eye lessen. Nikita screamed because she thought shed gone blind in that eye until the power spread there too. Slowly, her vision cleared. First there was nothing but soon after it was like a fog lifting and she could see perfectly.

Her head was propped up on Megans lap, who was looking anywhere at Nikita with tears rolling silently down her cheeks. They were already on the road; Nikita couldnt hear anyone coming after them so she assumed they were safe, for now.

The rest of her body still stung as she forced herself to stay awake. She didnt know how long theyd been on the road, forcing the healing to spread, but soon enough they were outside Ruths apartment. May be shed passed out, shed thought, or may be the healing took a hell of a lot longer than it seemed. Her face looks better already. Said Jack. I dont think youll need to take her to the hospital after all. Have you got her head? Ruth asked. Yeah. Megan, can you help us with the feet? Yes, Ive got her.

Tears were still cascading down Megans face and Ruth looked white as a ghost when she came into view. Nikita tried not to flinch or scream as Megan and Jack both carried her up to Ruths apartment. Nikita, can you hear me? Ruth was asking as Jack laid her down on Nikitas guest bed. A strangled, choking sound escaped Nikitas mouth and Ruth asked again. Can you hear me? Yes. It was barely audible passed the groan of pain as the power spread to her arm.

She hadnt noticed she was cradling it, holding it close to her body and till some of the hotness went away. Jack reappeared and applied ice cold cloths to her face and then her arms and legs once the girls had stripped off the rubber outfit. Nikita thought she might pass out again from the pain of it. The fabrics seemed to have fused with some of her flesh. She didnt know if it was because of the explosion or because shed already started healing that area. Shed have to heal it all over again now. Oh, god, theres an awful lot of blood. Megan cried. Jack, youd better get out. I think were going to have to take it all off her before she can heal properly. Ill be right outside if you need anything.

Run a cold bath! Ruth called to him before he disappeared completely. Then go check on our guest in the attic. Please, dont! Nikita heard herself say as Megan produced a pair of scissors to cut away the rest of her clothes. I have to, honey, Im sorry. Ill try to make it quick.

Gone went the camisole, swiftly followed by the shorts under the rubber suit and then her underwear. They did their best not to focus on the fact that their best friend was naked and burned before them as they both helped carry her into the bath Jack started for them.

Nikita hadnt noticed, until it was too late, that Jack had also added ice to it. Nikita screamed and moaned and begged to get out. Its the quickest way for you to heal. Said Ruth. Without the pain of the heat youll be able to focus. Focus, Nikita, the sooner youre healed the sooner you get out. Megan said as she and Ruth turned their backs on her.


Misty was listening hard to the screams and cries coming from the floor below as Jack ascended the stairs. Jack had arranged some more food for the girl on a tray and left it on a table by the door. Now, youre bound to be hungry so you better promise not to kick it from my hands or you wont even get a nibble. He warned. Misty nodded her headed, a bead of sweat just appearing on her forehead. Whats all that screaming about? she asked nervously. Have you got another hostage? Never you mind. He said, lifting the fork of pasta.

Misty took it whole after a suspicious sniff. Who are you to them anyway? Cause youre no hit-man thats for certain. Im whoever they want me to be. Chief, cook and bottle washer? she mocked. Feed the hostage and clean up her spittle. Chew with your mouth closed. He said, pretending to ignore her. May be they think youre too soft. Obviously youre not ready for the rough and tumble of lives we lead. Well, since youre in a talkative mood, he put the bowl back on the tray, tell me where Mama is.

Oh, no Im not telling you anything. Why not? Because youre the maid. She laughed maddeningly.

Jack tipped her chair back till she was dangerously close to hurting her head on the hard wood floor of the attic if he were to let go for just a second. Listen to me, my girlfriend cant live a real life with me till Mama is dead. Do you want to know exactly what Id do for this girl? N-n-n-no. she stammered. I havent known her very long but I would lay down my life for her. I would spread your guts from here to Nevada if it gave her the answers shes looking for. Shes worth that and more. So dont underestimate me, Misty. If they need me to be a maid, then Ill be a maid, if they need me to take you out back and shoot you like a dog then Ill do precisely that. Do you understand me? Yes. Yes, what? Yes sir.

Jack picked up the tray and headed back for the attic door when Misty got in her last dig. Youre showing your cards, lover boy. Girlfriend wont thank you for that.


Nikita hardly made much more noise about twenty minutes later. Every now and then there would be a weak groan or more begging but the screaming had stopped. Her eyes were shut as Megan moved to check up on her injuries. Nikitas face was completely healed now, as was her arm and torso. The only damage left was all beneath the knee of her right leg.

Megan pulled out a fluffy white towel from the linen closet and held it around Nikita as she pulled her from the tub before wrapping her up again in fluffy robe, head towel and slippers. What are you doing? Ruth asked, returning to the bathroom after making them both a coffee. Shes done. Shes still got burns on her leg. Theyll heal whist she sleeps. And what if they dont? Ruth boomed.

Do you want her to catch pneumonia? Her teeth were clattering like mad in there. Megan said waspishly.

Megan dried her off by rubbing down her body before helping her into bed. Her skin was pink and freezing cold and still her teeth mashed together. Get in the bed. Megan instructed Ruth. What? She needs body heat. Come on.

Nikita shook terribly even after the girls sandwiched her under the duvet. They wrapped themselves around her, not complaining if her cold hands met the flesh on their backs or that he feet constantly met theirs as she kicked out in her sleep. Megan gasped. What? Ruth asked. I think shes still forcing the healing. What makes you think that?

Megan pulled a long strand of Nikitas hair out of the mess of black and lifted it till it was in view of Ruth. It was startlingly blue just like the ribbon of hair on the other side of her head. If she keeps forcing it shell probably get more. Megan guessed. Nikita! What? she asked, still trembling. Stop forcing the healing. Just let your body heal itself now. Why? Well tell you later. Just relax.

Nikita sighed and pressed her cool forehead to Ruths neck. She fell asleep almost at once.


Nikita woke up with something ticklish and golden around her nose and something dark and glossy was covering her eyes. Hair. Odd, she thought to herself, my hair is much darker than this. She

followed the strand of gold hair, with her eyes, which was tickling her nose and found her friend Megan sprawled out on the bed to her right. The dark chocolate brown hair that was partially covering her left eye was slightly curled and Nikita knew that the person lying to her left was Ruth.

Someone was grasping her right ankle, turning it this way and that, a finger stroked her shin and she flinched. Meeting a pair of worried crystal-like green eyes she realised her examiner was Jack. How is it? he asked, her throat raw, voice raspy. A little pink. He answered. How does it feel? Hot, like sunburn. Theres no scars? No, none. Just looks a little pink compared to the rest of your olive looking skin. How long has it been since since it happened? Only a day. Jack said, putting her foot down. I imagine you must be hungry. Can I get you anything? Erm may be just a toasted bagel and some orange juice? Yeah, anything else? Ill see how I feel afterwards. Ill be right back. Jack said, leaving the girls alone in the guest room.

Megan and Ruth were sound asleep. They looked so peaceful. Megans long dark blonde lashes fluttered rapidly and the thin blue scar running down her left eye twitched. Ruth rolled over, still asleep, and brought her arm around Nikitas waist, snuggling into her shoulder.

Nikita couldnt help but smile. Even though she wasnt wearing much, it was nice to have her two best friends taking care of her. She cleared her throat loudly and the two girls moaned. Just five more minutes, mom. Megan mumbled, her head hitting the pillows again.

Ruth sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking at Nikita without really seeing her. She fell back against the pillows and Nikita laughed. They both rolled into Nikitas sides, arms around her waist and heads against her shoulders. Arent you guys? Shh shh shh. Megan whispered, putting a finger to Nikitas lips to silence her. Too early. Ruth groaned. Sleep now.

Nikita couldnt move beneath them without waking them again, and she didnt want to wake them. They clearly needed to sleep. Deciding to examine her leg for herself, she raised it up and the covers came with it. Jack was right. No scarring just pink skin.

No! Megan said, patting and pulling the covers back over her. Sleep time. Ruth groaned again. Okay, well, cuddle each other then, because, I want up.

Moaning terribly, they still let her out of the bed. All she was wearing was a night gown and a towel on her head shed have to wash her hair out again, what a mess. Nikita walked up closer to the mirror where tried to brush it into something that didnt resemble a birds nest on her head when she saw the new blue hair.

Megan and Ruth leapt from bed at the sound of Nikitas blood curdling scream. The air escaped her completely and her knees wobbled violently, giving way beneath her. Ruth caught her in time and helped her back on the bed. Megan just covered her up with her night gown again when Jack came thundering upstairs. What the hell happened? he asked. She just got a fright. Said Ruth. We didnt get to tell her about the new strand of blue hair before she found out for herself. Explained Megan. Is she going to be okay? Shes just freaking out a little, shell be fine. Im not freaking out, Ruth! Nikita shouted. Its okay, Megan said, you have very good reason to freak out. But Im not! I am totally calm and cool and collected. Nikita said, taking deep relaxing breaths. Im fine.

The girls eyed her curiously, brows arched, they nodded in agreement that she wasnt about to pass out on them. They left Nikita alone to dress and wash herself and she appeared at the dining table about an hour later. Nikita always dressed impeccably in smart clothes that complimented her slim figure, dark hair and olive skin. But today was different. Whoa! Ruth said at her appearance.

Nikita was dressed in a pair of jeans, not skinny jeans or in any way stylish, just a plain non-designer pair of jeans and a red hoody. She had still taken the time to fix her hair though no make up for a change and the electric blue ribbons of hair framed her face. I look like freakin Rogue from the X-Men but with blue strands instead of white. She complained, checking out her reflection in the living room mirror. Heres your toasted bagels. Jack said, putting a dish down at the dining table. Are you sure thats all you want. Thats plenty, thanks Jack. Your welcome. So what have I missed? Did we actually manage to find something at the townhouse? Or was it all for nothing? No, we found something. Megan said, producing the small flash drive. Yeah, there was a safe in the office I was searching in too but I didnt have the chance to crack it open. Ruth added. Why not? asked Nikita. Well, that was round about when that bozo with the bazooka appeared. Have you found anything useful on the flash drive? We havent had the chance. Megan explained. We were just so focused on healing you. I guess it slipped our minds. And our guest in the attic? Unforthcoming. Jack mumbled. Well it would seem we have a lot of work ahead of us. Ill get my laptop down and then we can see whats on this flash drive. Ruth said, darting for the stairs. Where did you find it? Nikita asked. In your Dads shirt pocket. Megan said, smiling coyly. I may have broken his nose.

Nikita groaned as Ruth returned with the laptop. Luckily for them, there was no password required for access and it wasnt encrypted either. It was a file dedicated to them. Babydoll, Hotshot and Hawkeye. Will Rice knew who they really were. Not only that, he had full details on their targets and anyone they were in touch with. Im on it. Jack said, pointing to a file that said Cooley.

Ruth double clicked to open the file and gasped sharply the portfolio of Jack Richard Cooley. An image taken from his college ID headed the top of the file. He looked may be a year or two younger, his crystal green eyes heavy lidded and his cocky grin hitched up in the corner of his mouth.

Romantic associate of Ruth Maya West A.K.A Hawkeye. Ruth read from the file. Archaeology student, gym enthusiast and heavy drinker Heavy drinker? I dont drink that much. Jack complained. Wow, Megan said, reading the screen over Ruths shoulder, theyve got so much on your. Who your parents are, where you grew up and the name of your golden lab. Theyve got everything there is to know about you except you height, weight and measurements. No, they do have those to. Nikita said, pointing to them further down the screen. How do they get all this information about me? Jack asked. Internet? suggested Nikita. Or they may be followed you after your first encounter with Ruth. Said Megan. I dont want to see any more. Ruth blurted. They clearly no more about us than we know about them. Look at this, Megan said, taking the seat in front of the laptop, they have Mason and Jesse here too. They know where they are. Theyve been following them ever since we left. We need to bring them here. If theyre being watched they could use them against us as leverage. This whole thing is their leverage, Nikki. What? Lets face the facts. They know who we really are. Your Dad is tracking Mama too, clearly he wants her dead but at his own hands. What are you suggesting? Megan asked. This is to keep us in our place. Hell threaten us with all this so that we stay out of the way whilst he has free reign on killing Mama Goody. I still dont understand It means we cant go home, Megan. Ruth said angrily. If this gets handed over to the authorities, were screwed. The people we killed, the night club explosion if this lands in the wrong hands it means we cant go home. Not unless we beat them to it. Said Megan. I understand what youre trying to say, Ruth. But if we can stop them stop Nikitas Dad or just kill Mama first then we can have our old lives back. Eventually. Hell still use this against us if he doesnt get his way. Then hed ruin our lives. Nikita added. Ruin my life. He wouldnt do that, Ruth, not to me. It doesnt matter if he doesnt want to ruin your life or not, Nikki. Youre a part of this. If one of us goes down, then we all go down.

They started bickering. Megan couldnt think of anything left to say that would convince either one of them that there was a way around all this so she turned back to the computer, hoping to find

something on the flash drive that would help them. She hastily scanned through all the folders on the flash drive before coming to the targets where she found something odd. Whoa. She said it quietly, but the gravely sound to her voice put an end to the feud going on behind her. What is it? Nikita asked. I was just browsing when I saw um, something that looked a little off. Such as? asked Jack. Well, for instance, heres three girls who tried to kill me outside a spa when I made my move to kill Flame.

Megan brought up their files one by one. Each file had a picture of the girls Megan had electrocuted to escape death and, after a moment, a glowing red stamp appeared over each of their faces saying DECEASED. Its the same for Flame and Sigma.

Megan felt Ruths hand on her shoulder tighten and tremble slightly. Shed noticed there was a name left out. This is Shrouds portfolio. Megan said, opening up the file.

A second later the portfolio appeared on screen with an image of James Sutton AKA Shroud. Chiselled cheekbones, grey-blue eyes and dark red lips framed by a little dark blonde stubble.

MISSING. Just the one word. Ruth gasped loudly behind her as the stamp glowed red. James Sutton and his wife, Lola, have been missing for some time. It was thought that Hawkeye had been successful in killing him but after viewing security cameras. What did they see? Ruth asked. I dont know. They didnt finish typing. What do you mean they didnt finish? I mean, they didnt finish, Ruth. I dont know what happened.

Ruth stumbled backwards into the kitchen. She was trembling worse now, head to foot and she could feel her friends anxious eyes on her. She tried to control herself as she reached into one of the cupboards for a small glass before filling it with ice cold water.

She was trembling and hot but after gulping down the fresh water she started to control her convulsing body better.

Okay, you need to tell us what happened that night, Ruth. Nikita said patiently. From the start to the end.

Jack led her to a seat at the dining table by her friends where she fidgeted, unable to look any of them in the eye. I got in easy enough. She started. Controlled one of the guards to lead the rest out of the way and I had a clear path. The front path was clear, the front door was unlocked and there was music playing inside from the top floor. Did anyone come after you? No. I found Lola in the kitchen, making a sandwich I think. I easily overpowered her and she sat silently at the kitchen table. She didnt break the spell you put over her? Jack asked. No. I found Shroud upstairs singing away to the music and I got cocky. What do you mean? Megan asked. He called to his wife about baby names. Baby names? Megan asked. Lola was pregnant. He was asking her about a girls name and I said, I quite like Ruth actually. What happened then? We started to fight. He asked if Id hurt Lola and made me promise not to hurt her if I won. Then he made some cocky comment about Jack. What about me? He was just trying to piss me off. He threatened to have the bar man kill Jack. Well, I wont be going back to that bar. Jack said, his face suddenly pale. Go on, Ruth. Nikita encouraged. I overpowered him too. Stopped him from going after Jack. Thats when he figured out who I really was. What do you mean? Megan asked. He asked what I was and I told him I was special. But he already knew about the three girls from Sweetwater who got hurt the night the meteor fell. Thats when I found out that you were working for Mama too. He told me so. Okay, back to the fight. He offered to help me save you guys. He wanted us to work for him and he promised to keep us safe from Mama forever. What did you say? I declined with fashion. She smiled at last.

So how did it end? Jack asked. We fought, he brought out that bloody knife. We went rolling down one set of stairs together and I kicked him down the other. He wasnt looking so good after that. He started begging then. I took hold of his hands and told him it wasnt personal. Thats when I told him I wasnt going to kill him. Excuse me? Nikita said surprised. I gave him the command and the gun and told him to shoot himself, after I left. Are you sure he shot himself? Megan asked. I heard the gunshot as I was leaving and Lola was screaming. Hes dead.

They sat in awed silence after that. Megan and Nikita were surprised at Ruth. Out of the three of them, she was the most blood thirsty in their opinion but she hadnt once taken a life with her own bare hands. After a beat, Jack was the first to break the silence. Shoot him where? he asked. Im sorry? Ruth asked, bewildered. You told him to shoot himself? Yes. Where did you tell him to shoot himself? I didnt I said

Ruth started feeling hot and flustered again at the same time she started shaking again. What are you getting at, Jack? Megan asked. Im saying, if Ruth didnt tell Shroud to shoot himself in the head, for example, then he couldve shot himself anywhere. In his foot or shoulder, somewhere that wouldnt kill him. Nikita gasped. Is it possible? He was smart, Nikki. Jack reasoned. He knew what she was capable of and he was looking for a loop hole. Ruth gave him that loop hole by not determining where she wanted him to shoot. If he did in fact shoot his own foot then he could still be alive today. So our list of enemies are growing. Megan said hotly. And, according to this, they know our whereabouts, our friends and families. So what do we do now? Nikita asked. We need to run, Nik. We need to take the money Mama gave us, grab our boyfriends, grab all the weapons from our armoury and anything weve dug up on Mama or her employees and get the hell out of here. Were sitting ducks. Tell us where to start. Nikita said. Jack, Megan started, I have a mission for you.

You do? Yes, but dont worry. It doesnt involve getting shot at. Goody for me. I have some money upstairs that Ill get in a second. What I want you to do is to go out and find a nice big truck. Doesnt need to be flashy, something thatll easily blend in with the crowd. It should hold six people, some luggage, some guns and a shit load of cash. Six people? he asked. There are only four of us. Soon there will be six. Jesse and Mason? Nikita asked. Right, theyre not safe either. I dont suppose that flash drive has anything on Mamas whereabouts? Ruth asked quietly. Theres a list of transactions from her credit cards. Said Megan. Does it give away her latest location? As a matter of fact it does. Girls, weve got a road trip ahead of us. Where is she? Nikita asked. New York. Well need somewhere to stay. Ruth, do you want to find us a hotel or an apartment while were out? Ill look after Ive been out with Jack. Im not staying in this apartment by myself. Besides, she said, removing three large empty luggage bags, Ill need to make a withdrawal at the bank.

Chapter 7 The journey

Nikita and Megan packed their car with weapons from Ruths armoury, just in case. Megan had called Mason to let him know she was alive and coming back for him. Slow down, I dont understand. Nikita heard him say while she drove. Its not safe. The people I told you about have turned against me and their enemies are now my enemies. They know about you, Mason. Please, pack a bag, Im coming to take you somewhere safe until this is all over. Are you sure this is a good idea? Theres no other way. Im sorry for dragging you into all this, Mason. Its okay. But what about my college studies? Also, I have no money.

Dont worry about money. I have enough to set us up for life. Did you rob a bank, Megan? he asked dubiously but his voice sounded lighter. No, I earned it. Trust me. How is he? Nikita asked as Megan hung up. Agitated, I guess. Hes not aware of anyone following him? No and hes not hurt so I guess we can assume who ever is working for your Dad is keep their distance. For now. I see youve changed. Megan said, noticing the new outfit Nikita changed into before leaving for their journey out to Nashville and Memphis. Yeah, like I was going out to see Jesse for the first time in ages in that outfit.

Nikita had stripped off her plain jeans and red hoody to replace them with a pair of skinny fit lilac jeans, cream camisole, peach blouse and a pair of pearly ballet pumps. She finished off the look by tying her hair back doing her best to hide the blue streaks and adding some fresh looking make up. There he is. Megan said, sounding excited, as they pulled up outside the college.

Megan got out the car, checking her surroundings before she dashed out to meet Mason. He had one suit case being pulled behind him, a rucksack hanging on his back and a laptop bag under his arm. I didnt know how long Id be gone so I just packed as much as I could carry. Here let me help. She said, taking his laptop and rucksack. I really am sorry, Mason. I know. You dont have to keep apologising. I swear were going to make this right. Well fix it. Im sure you will. I know its a lot to accept and you hardly even know me so Megan, you can stop. You dont have to worry about me. But I do. Megan, its fine. Tell me whats really going on here. He said, helping her put his stuff in the boot of the car. I just dont understand. What? I dont understand why youre being so nice to me. You should be mad. Im taking you away from college and your friends and family. I am mad at you. He said suddenly.

Megans eyes fell to her feet and she said, with as much conviction as she could muster, Good, you should be. Not for this. Im mad cause we didnt get to have our date the other night. Im mad that we might not find the time to have a real date if were on the run. Oh. So youre not mad about actually having to run away with me. No. Look, if you were any other girl I probably wouldve told you to go to hell. But theres something going on here. I know you feel it to. I do. Well, what are we waiting for? Nikita asked, sticking her head out the car window. Time is of the essence, people. Oh, this is my friend Nikita. Nikita, Mason, Mason, Nikita. Hi, nice to meet you. Mason said, shaking Nikitas hand. Likewise. Now get in, both of you, we dont have a lot of time. I need to make a couple of stops first before we pick up Jesse. Where to? My apartment and then the bank.


Jack followed Ruth into the bank which was practically deserted except for the cashiers at every desk. Can I help you? the redheaded, bespectacled cashier asked Ruth on her approach. Ruth gave the cashier her card and said, Id like to make a withdrawal. The womans eyes popped slightly at the large sum on Ruths account. How-how much? Dumping one of the bags shed found in her closet earlier Ruth answered, All of it.

Jack had half expected the woman to protest or to call out her manager but, of course, after Ruth had touched the cashiers hand, when reaching for the bag, she was under Ruths spell instantly. Follow me, please. The cashier said in a sweet tone. Will you be all right on your own? Ill only be a minute. Dont worry about me. Ill just sit out here. He said, sitting by the water cooler.

Ruth disappeared into the back room with the cashier, Nancy was written on her nametag. Jack bent low over the water cooler and filled up a tiny plastic cup with ice cold water and grabbed a sports magazine before settling down in the black leather couch.

The sound of a bell ringing announced the door had been opened and another customer walked up to the nearest occupied desk. The man who entered wore a long, sandy coloured coat, dark jeans and tacky cowboy boots. Can you tell me if you have seen either of these people? the man asked in wavering accent.

The man brushed his coat aside two remove two pictures from his back pocket. Over the top of his magazine, Jack could see the hilt of a gun protruding from his jeans and he saw that one of the pictures he held was a photograph of Ruth.

Jack tried to keep the magazine held high enough to cover most of his face as he listened intently to the conversation between the man and the cashier. Im not sure. I think I saw the girl a few minutes ago but she mustve left. Do you know who served her? Yes, it was my colleague Nancy. Where is she now? Possibly on her afternoon break. Is there anything else I can help you with? No, thanks.

The man stowed the pictures away as he turned away from the cashier. He nodded, absent minded, to Jack who inclined his head in turn, doing his best to keep his face hidden. A furrow appeared between the mans brows but he kept on walking to the bank exit.

Jack breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the door swing shut, tossed the magazine aside before getting to his feet. Jack realised hed made a mistake as soon as he stood up, the man hadnt left after all. He pointed a gun directly at Jacks heart which seemed to be frantically beating faster with every second that Jack stared at the gun. Jack! Get down! Ruth cried as she re-entered the main hall.

The gun man turned and shot at her instead but Ruth was quick. Pulling the redheaded cashier down with her out of sight behind a counter, the gun man turned back to Jack but was bowled over as he was tackled. Jack made to wrestle the gun out of his hand but he didnt need to. In his haste to attack, the mans head collided with the cashiers desk, knocking him out. Weve got to go. Ruth said, suddenly by his side.

But what about We already knew we were being watched. It was only a matter of time before they tried a stunt like this. Come on, before the police get here.

Ruth pulled Jack alongside her, the once empty duffel bag now heavy and full of the money that Mama had paid her as an incentive to take on Shroud. It was more than enough to set up a family for life. And then some.

There was no sign of police cars as they sped down the street to where they were parked. Jack drove them to a small dealership just on the edge of town as they started their search for a van or, as Jack suggested, a people wagon. They just needed something big and spacious but would fit in with the crowd. Well, this one here is only going for $700. Said the salesman at the first showroom, pointing out an old grey van. Its not brand new but she runs well and theres all that space in the back that you were looking for. Do you not have anything bigger? Ruth asked. We need a lot more space than this. Ruth said, examining the insides of the van. Well, what kind of budget are you on? Money is no object. We just want the best you have to offer. Well, I have an old Volkswagen bus. Its not got some ridiculous hippy paint on it, has it? Jack asked, chortling with the salesman. No, it only came in a month ago. Just a plain dark blue. Its probably the biggest vehicle I have. He said, leading them around the lot to the giant old hippy van. How much? Ruth asked. Well, this one is $5000. Is that too much? Ruth grinned brightly, Its fine. Do you accept cash?

Their first stop in Nashville was to drop by Nikitas apartment to pack up her things. Mason and Megan helped pack up everything on the lower level, though there wasnt much down there and they werent planning on taking the large plasma screen TV. Nikita hadnt really had much time to unpack after leaving her home in Sweetwater, so most of it was still in her bags and suitcase.

They lugged into the increasingly packed car before heading for the bank where she emptied out her account into the third bag Ruth had removed from her closet in her apartment in Knoxville. Then it was time to go see Jesse. I think I might barf. Nikita said, her hands still stuck to the steering wheel.

Youre not going to barf. Megan said, clapping her shoulder. Just go talk to him. Hes coming with us one way or the other. Hes not safe on his own. I know but Id like to give him the choice first rather than just club him over the head and toss him in the back of the car. Nikita sighed. Any tips? Just be honest with him. Honest. Right.

Nikita got out of the car before she could talk herself out of it. She didnt know where Jesse was staying so she went to one of only two places she could think he would be; with his band at the bar. Right enough, Jesse sat at a round table with his band. All theyre instruments were gathered around at their feet whilst they each nursed a beer. Glancing Nikitas way he did a double take and bolted from his chair. Nikita, where have you been? Ive been calling you for days. I know. I really wanted to call you back but it was never the right time. You look so pale, have you been ill? Something like that. Can we talk in private? Sure. Jesse said, leading her over to an empty booth. Okay, she started, taking a seat opposite but blocking the exit, this is going to sound crazy. But I need to tell you about what I am and what I do. Didnt you say you were Whatever I said, it was a lie. Jesse, youre in serious danger and its my fault. Slow down, what are you saying?

Nikita launched into explaining firstly about the meteor crash in Sweetwater and what happened to her and her two best friends. Jesse was taking it all rather well, even the part about her having super powers. But she rushed on to tell him about Mama Goody and how she had betrayed them all, used them even. Jesse didnt speak much until she explained, finally, how they were now all in danger including the boys whom had shown an interest in the girls. So what youre saying is Im an assassin, yes, and now there are more after me and you. I understand if you hate me right now, Jesse, but, please, I need you to come with me. What if I said no? he asked, looking stony faced. Well, Im hoping you wont because Ill have to take you by force. What about my friends? he asked indicating the band. Theyre not in danger. Only you are linked to me. He sighed, I dont know what to say.

Im sorry, Jesse. Really, I am. But we dont have a lot of time left. Where do we go after we leave then? Does that mean? Yeah, Im coming with you. Nikita sighed, relieved. New York. Only when Mama Goody is gone will we be able to return to our normal lives. Okay, can you give me a ride to my hotel to collect my stuff? I dont have much. Of course. She paused. So do you hate me? To her surprise he choked out a harsh laugh, No, I dont hate you. Im mad, dont get me wrong. Im more than mad, Im pissed. I understand and Im still sorry. I know, its just you were the coolest girl Ive ever met. You dont think that now? No, not exactly. Its pretty cool that you can stop time and everything but the assassin bit not so much. Yeah, I know. If I could, Id take it all back. But, Jesse, if I hadnt taken the job, I never wouldve come here or met you. He smiled, Well, then, I cant hate your job that much, I suppose.

Jesse reached out and tucked the strand of blue hair that had escaped Nikitas up do behind her ear. Its a little weird that you powers caused your hair to change like that. Well, I guess Im the lucky one compared to my friends. When you meet them, try not to stare. Why? Megan has a scar over her left eye and Ruths eye is just really startlingly blue. Most of the time she wears an eye patch or coloured contact lens. Ill do my best. What are you going to tell them? she asked, nodding at the band still nursing their beers. I dont know. I guess Ill just leave them a note may be. Well, we better go now. This is your last chance to say goodbye if you want to. What would I say? Lets just go, come on.

Chapter 8

The bus

Ruth kept looking over her shoulder every five minutes, much to Jacks annoyance. Jack followed Ruth in the bus somewhere out of town where she took any of her belongings, the big bag of money included, out of the old car and loaded them into the back of the small bus. Ruth unhooked her apartment key from the chain with the car key and left the latter behind with the car. Im not leaving anything to chance. She explained to Jack when he looked at her quizzically. Mama could have these bugged for all we know. Besides, itll stick out in a crowd. But its an amazing car. I know but like I said Yeah, I understand. But what if the police find it and find traces of you in it? What do you mean? You ran away from home Ruth. What if they find, I dont know, DNA? They could link it back to you and tell your parents. They wont be any closer to finding me. Were leaving this all behind, remember? Even if they link it to the apartment, Ill be long gone across country. If were lucky enough to make it out alive. Jack mumbled, starting the van and turning it back into town.

They got home without any more attacks and started to pack up Ruths belongings. They received a message from the other girls to let Ruth know that they had the boys, their money and all their possessions and were on their road back to Knoxville.

Ruth tossed the last of her clothes into her suitcase and dug out her laptop, phone charger and her old school rucksack. Without thinking about it she took two fistfuls of money from her money bag and loaded into the rucksack, considered, and added another three fistfuls. The rucksack was barely half full but the value of the notes was worth a lifetime of money. Here. She said, after lugging her suitcase and laptop down to the front door. I want you to have this. She said to Jack. Jack peered inside the rucksack, his eyes widening, What the hell? I know it doesnt look like much but believe me, this is enough to set you up for life. I dont want to take your money. Jack, it doesnt even scratch the surface, all right? Why?

Because, I want you to know that you have a choice. She gulped, choking back the tears that threatened to overwhelm her, Ive already been really selfish, keeping you here with me, taking you from your real life. I want you to have an out. This is your out. She said, touching the rucksack. Are you breaking up with me? God, no. I dont want you to go, I just want you to have the chance of a normal life. Normal doesnt suit me. He grinned. Do you want me to go? Not at all. Well, then Im not going anywhere unless you no longer want me by your side. But if you get scared or it just seems too much, I want you to have this. I know that youll have a chance at starting over if you let me give you this. It really means that much to you? Yes. She breathed. Then Ill take it but I can tell you this, Im never gonna use it.

Jack swooped down and bestowed upon her a kiss that was both rough, loving and passionate all at once. Ruth felt lightheaded when he pulled away, his bright green eyes watching her in an affectionate and bemused sort of way. She thought she might melt at the sight of him. You know, she said, catching her breath, its my eighteenth birthday next week. Jacks brows shot up and his smile broadened. Really? Yeah, its probably a good thing too cause I dont think I can keep my hands off you much longer.

Jack laughed as Ruth launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck whilst he wrapped his around her little waist. Ruths fingers ran through his sleek dark hair as Jack, teasingly, gave her the smallest of pecks before pulling her even closer.

Packing forgotten about and littered by their feet, Jack lifted Ruth off her feet during their passionate clinch. He was about to suggest moving over to the couch when the door banged open. Erm are we interrupting something? Nikita asked. Jack, smiling dazedly, let Ruth down to her feet and Ruth blushed a deep crimson, her cheeks, ears and neck all flushing at the sight of her two best friends and the strange boys behind them.

Megan couldnt help laughing. So this is our friend Ruth and her boyfriend Jack. Nice to meet you. Jack said offering a hand in turn. Likewise. Im Jesse Bass. And Im Mason Hall. Mason said, shaking Jacks hand, looking slightly flushed.

I didnt think youd be back so quick. Ruth said to break the awkward tension. We havent even had a chance to find somewhere to stay yet. Its fine, well just load up the van and get going. Megan said. Yeah, weve all got our laptops so Im sure well find something on the road. Added Nikita. How big is the van? Megan asked. Well, technically its a bus. Said Ruth. But its a small one; itll fit in with the crowd. Well, I think we best get moving before Arent you forgetting something? Jack cut in. What? Nikita asked.

In answer, Jack pointed to the ceiling. The three girls stared at him in wonder and, one by one, all realised what he meant. Misty! the three said in unison, running for the stairs. Wait. Said Ruth. What do we do with her? We cant take her with us, can we? Well, Im not sure if I want Jesse to find out we have a hostage either, hes not exactly happy about this whole situation. Nikita explained. Same for Mason. Right well, Ill get Jack to get the boys help load up the van with all our stuff and get them to wait in the van till were ready to come down. Then well smuggle her out while theyre in the van? Right. You two get her ready to move, if we have to Nikita can stop time while were moving her. Where do we take her? Megan asked. Theres an ally round the back, we can leave her there. Okay, you go take care of the boys and come help us. Nikita said. Be right back. Said Ruth.

Ruth took the stairs to at a time until she was back at the door where the three boys were congregated. Okay, we have one last thing to take care of so could you guys give Jack a hand to load the bus up? Sure. Mason nodded. No problem. Jesse smiled.

Jesse and Mason picked up a handful of bags each and turned back to the stairs down the hall.

Dont tell them about the hostage. Ruth whispered in Jacks ear who winked in understanding.


Nikita and Megan walked into the loft where Misty sat forgotten, still tied to her chair and handcuffed. She seemed to be asleep, though the girls thought she might be faking it. Nikita picked up a dish towel Jack had left behind and used it as a blindfold, tying it tightly behind Mistys head. You get her feet, Ill take her head. Megan said, starting to lift Misty along with the chair. What if she kicks me? Youve had worse, Nikki. Besides, its better for me up here. Ill be able to shock her into good behaviour easier from up here. Fine.

Ruth appeared in time to help the down the stairs with Misty. It wasnt really necessary for all three of them to carry her, one would suffice and they were certainly strong enough to do so. But theyd been working as a team since being reunited and some habits were hard to shake. Are you sure theres nothing left in here you want to take with you, Ruth? Megan asked. Our costumes! she shouted suddenly, bolting from beneath Misty. My sewing machine and materials! Nikita remembered and ran back to the bedrooms with Ruth. Oh, this is just swell. Megan said, left alone to carry Misty down the twisting stairs.

Nikita and Ruth followed her out with arms full of costumes and Nikitas bags of materials and sewing machine. The two girls rushed them out to Jack before helping Megan out with Misty. Nikita threw her hand out in time to stop Jesse and Mason from catching a glimpse of Ruth and Megan rounding a corner with their hostage strapped to the old wooden chair. Everything stopped with her command, birds in midflight, cars speeding by and three boys hefting heavy luggage into the back of a small Volkswagen bus.

Misty was far too still, time had been lifted and the world moved again except for her. Nikita flipped the blindfold off the girls head and noticed how much paler she looked. No pulse. Ruth said, putting two fingers to the girls neck. Out of my way. Megan panted, stepping in front of the girls still body.

Her power cracked wildly down her arm to her hand which she gingerly placed against Mistys chest.

Megan, what are you doing? Nikita asked, hesitantly. Resuscitation.

The crackling electricity built until she released, the shock hit the little girls body but nothing much happened. After the third attempt she pressed her palm flat against the girls chest, a little bit beneath her top. She let the power build before releasing just like shed done before. She choked but she was alive at least.

Theyd left her in the old attic alone for ages and she never once accepted food. No wonder she looked thinner. Pull her over here. Ruth instructed, At the end of the alley by that big skip, someone will find her there. What if she tells someone about us? Nikita asked, She knows what we look like, she knows who we are.

The girl couldnt fight back as Ruth bore down upon her. Ruth made contact my taking hold of Mistys chin and forcing her to meet her gaze. Just like always that golden pink bond connected them and Mistys eyes and face seemed to slacken. Youre not going to tell anyone where youve been these past few days. Ruth instructed and the girl lazily shook her head, You never saw us. All you remember is finishing your turn at patrolling the hotel and then you went to a party in Knoxville afterwards. The girl nodded. Where you got very drunk and went back to some random guys place. You partied hard with him all week and hardly had anything to eat. Youve been so drunk that you woke up and found yourself in this ally. Do you think theyll let that fly? Megan asked. It better. Youre not going to remember Megan catching you and taking you hostage in my attic. Ruth went on, the girl nodded again. That ought to do it. Lets hurry, were not safe out here. Especially not the boys. Did something happen? Nikita asked. Yeah, Ill explain later. Lets get your stuff loaded onto the bus and then you can help me pick up the last things inside the apartment. What last things? Megan asked, looking and sounding tired. The last of the stuff from the armoury room. I hope you both packed up yours. Its all in the boot and some in the front passenger seat. Nikita said.

The boys came out to help the girls take out all the luggage, money and weaponry that were stuffed into Nikitas car before the girls leapt back up the apartment stairs to empty Ruths armoury room. They scanned each room once more, picking up any valuables that went unnoticed before and taking

it all down to the bus where Jack sat in the drivers seat fixing the SatNav, they had taken from the car Ruth left outside town, directions to take them to New York. Thats the last of it. Ruth said, dropping her two bags at her feet. The one filled with money and one with a change of clothes and toiletries.

Mason took Megans hand as she settled down beside him, giving a slight squeeze and smile. She reached over and unashamedly kissed him feeling her friends eyes upon them. Nikita felt Jesses eyes on her face but she looked determinedly away from him, waiting for him to make the first move. If he would.

She gasped at his touch, as though she didnt believe he would now. He brushed a fine blue tendril of hair behind her ear before hooking his arm around her shoulders. Nikita linked her fingers through the hand that dangled from her right shoulder and Jesse pulled her closer, kissing her head as he did. Blinking away happy tears she snuggled into the crook of his neck. Even after Jack and Ruth recounted their attack at the bank, Nikita didnt feel too concerned, even though both Jesse and Mason looked a little alarmed by this news. A sort of feeling of contentment rolled over her and, looking at Megan, she could see that she felt the same way too. All Nikita could see of Ruth, who had her back to them, was a hand on Jacks left knee and Nikita figured that she was feeling the same way, more or less.

Nikita didnt hold much stock in prayer or religion. As much as she had been through herself in the last few months, she didnt actually believe in a God. She had faith in something else however. She drew strength and courage from this faith. Her friends. Anything is possible if they were together. It wont be easy, she knew that much, but she believed they were unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with. But may be, one day, at the end they could go home.

Chapter 9 The hotel

Megan sat behind the wheel of the car, Nikita slumped forth asleep in the passenger seat. Ruth and Jack passed out in the back too whilst Jesse and Mason started playing a card game, trying to keep quiet so as not to wake the others.

Theyd been driving for a few hours now and the sun was starting to go pink as sunset neared. They only had a few more hours to drive and theyd reach New York. A sign ahead appeared and Megan smiled at the sight of it. Guys! she said, waking the sleepers. Look where we are!

Pennsylvania? Nikita said groggily, reading the sign. We should pull into a hotel. Suggested Mason. Yeah, we all need some proper rest. Jack said, rubbing his eyes wearily.

Megan drove into Harrisburg where she pulled up outside a Comfort Inn down near the river. Ruth, Jack and Jesse all stayed in the car with their belongings whilst the other three went in to see about getting a room for the night.

The main interior was warmly decorated with comfortable seating and a black and stone decorated reception desk. The woman behind the desk was currently on the phone with another customer, clicking rapidly away on the computer in front of her. How may I help you? she asked, after setting the phone down, turning to them with a bright smile. Hi were looking to book a couple of rooms for tonight? Megan said, stepping up to the receptionist. Okay, lets see what I can find. Is it just the three of you? No, six. Three more back in the car. Yes, I think we have some doubles available. They also come with a free continental breakfast. Thats perfect. How much? Ill go get the others and our stuff. Wait, Nikki. She continued in an undertone so as the receptionist couldnt hear, Just the money, the overnight bags and some of the stuff in my red bag. The rest can stay in the car. Were only here for one night after all. Got it. Ill be right back. Here are your keys, Nikita could hear the receptionist say as she headed for the car park, and Wade will show you to your rooms when youre ready.

Ruth had fallen asleep against Jacks shoulder again, he and Jesse were both staring, amused, at where Ruths left hand had landed. In Jacks crotch. Oh, dont be such guys. Nikita said acidly. Ruth, wake up! She snorted loudly then sat up straight in her seat, I wasnt asleep. Yeah, if you say so. Come on, over night stuff, money bags, she said, tossing two at Ruth, and the weapon bag only. Nikita picked up the red bag filled with guns, ammo and knives after picking up her large sack full of money and her over night bag.

Jack and Jesse helped Ruth out of the back of the bus as she looked ready to pass out again but she stayed steady on her feet, two large bags full of money on each shoulder and another bag with her

overnight stuff. Jesse and Jack each grabbed their rucksacks as well as Mason and Megans stuff before locking up and following Nikita and Ruth into the hotel.

Megan tossed a set of keys at Nikita and another to Jack. Jesse and Nikita are in room 111, Ruth and Jack are in 115 and Im in 120 with Mason. They couldnt get any right next to each other? Nikita asked. It was the closest they could offer. Megan shrugged. This way please. Said a mousy looking boy, fresh out of high school, baring the name tag Wade.

The troop followed him outside again, turning a corner to where all the little rooms could be seen. The creamy yellow paint on the exterior walls being doused with the pink sky so it looked more peach coloured instead. They could smell the salt from the nearby river and the hush as wave after wave chased each other away. 111. Said Wade. Jesse and Nikita disappeared inside. A few doors up Wade stopped again. 115. Jack followed Ruth inside, who promptly fell face down on the bed. 120. Wade said again, as Megan and Mason let themselves inside.

Wade hung around for a couple more minutes to show them the amenities available and left to let the others know as well. When he finished instructing Nikita and Jesse, he stood waiting silent and patient. Well, thank you for that. She said, not taking the hint. I think we can work it all out for ourselves. The boys face sagged a little as he headed back to the door. Hes expecting a tip. Jesse whispered in her ear. Oh, right. Excuse me, um this is for you. She said, holding out a crisp twenty. Thank you, maam. Have a nice evening. He waved, closing the door behind him.

Nikita turned to see Jesse eyeing the bed up awkwardly. So how do we do this? You can have that side, if you like. I dont mind sleeping on the floor. I trust you to be a gentleman. Nikita laughed. Well share the bed. Jesse smiled. Well, I dont know about you but Im hungry. No, actually, Im starving. She said, absent-mindedly patting her belly. Do you think they have room service?

I dont think so. Wouldnt Wade have pointed that out? I guess so.

It turned out that they were all hungry, even exhausted Ruth, who slipped in and out of sleep, was hungry too. Jack and Megan took note of what they all wanted, be it from a pizza place or a Chinese. They all handed them some cash and gathered in room 115 where Ruth was already buried under the covers. She had driven the farthest. Jacks long legs cramped up at the short space behind the drivers wheel about two hours after setting off so she took over only to be replaced by Megan an hour before they reached Pennsylvania. They couldnt really blame her.

Megan and Jack came back, arms loaded about forty minutes later, the salty scent of the river wafted in after them. Ruth shot out of bed at the heady scent of pepperoni pizza, smacking a gracious kiss on Jacks left cheek.

Mason found an old board game left under the bed by the previous visitors and they all crowded round to play whilst eating their dinner. Jack sat with his back against the bed, Ruth resting against his left shoulder, happily finishing off the last slice of pizza. Megan and Mason opened up the beer that Jack had bought while they were out and handed the first two cool bottles to Nikita and Jesse who sat against the wardrobe. You know, Nikita started, even though what were really doing here is kind of crazy, this feels nice. Even if its not normal. Normality is overrated. Ruth said through a full mouth. Megan laughed. Even though were all practically strangers, Nik? Well, were not all strangers, not entirely at least. I mean, Ive known you two my whole life just about. Yeah, but we still dont know all the guys that well, to be honest. I know, Nikita said, yawning, but it doesnt feel that way. It doesnt feel like Ive only known Jesse a few weeks, same for Jack. I feel like Ive gotten to know him pretty well since our reunion. Likewise. Jack said, sipping from a beer. I just hope this isnt our last chance to do this sort of stuff. What stuff? Ruth asked. Friend stuff, couple stuff, together. You know? Jesse sighed but put his arm around her shoulders. We know what you mean.

Megan looked out the small windows to see how dark it had gotten. The moon blazed white against the indigo sky and the twinkling stars winked at them from high above. Its late. We should get some rest. Megan suggested.

Shouldnt we may be start up a watch? Jack asked. I dont think we were but we couldve been followed. You mean, you think someone might attack us like they did you in the bank? Mason asked. May be. We really shouldnt take any risks.

It was obvious, to Megan, that Jack was definitely the oldest of them all, even though Jesse couldnt be much younger than him, Jack seemed to think he was the next in charge. After the girls of course. May be he was just really mature or may be it was after all this time with Ruth and her friends that he thought like this. May be he felt, as the oldest, that he had some sort of duty to look after them all. Ruth was the youngest, or though you wouldnt think it, she would be eighteen next week. Nikita and Megan turned eighteen months ago. Mason could only be a year or two older than them, Megan suspected, and Jesse in his early twenties. Jack had to be at least in his mid twenties. Ill take first watch. Megan said, standing up. I slept on the bus so Im not too tired. Wake me up at two and Ill relieve you. Ruth said, still slumped against Jack. Are you sure youll be able to stay on the watch without falling asleep? Jack asked, concerned. Ill be fine. Its a solid four hours rest. Besides, weve got a coffee pot here and a vending machine down the way if I need sustenance. Then you can wake me at six. Said Megan, And Ill wake you all up at nine so we can go get some breakfast before we hit the road again. Sounds like a good plan. Nikita said, following Jesse, Megan and Mason from the room.

Megan and Mason bade them goodnight before closing their door and locking it shut till Megan would be roused in the early hours of the morning. Nikita went round all the windows in their little room to make sure they were all locked so that no one could sneak up on her in the dead of night with her back turned or attack Jesse in his sleep. Im going to hit the shower before bed. I figure well be in a bit of a rush tomorrow. Do you need in before I go? No thanks, she said, loading up a gun and pocketing a couple of knives, I need you to come watch the door for a second whilst I go get something from the bus. Do you think someone might attack whilst youre out there? Hopefully not, but Im not taking any chances. Here, take this.

Nikita loaded up another gun with a silencer on it. I dont know how to use one of these. Jesse said, eyeing the weapon a little coyly. You just take the security off, she showed him how, like so. Point and squeeze on the trigger here. I wont be a minute, just keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

Stowing her own gun in the back of her pants she crossed over to the car park where the little bus was parked directly opposite her room, in front of Ruth and Jack. Nikita unlocked it and climbed inside, digging around for her laptop bag and the little black folder they had on everything to do with Mama, her Dad and themselves. The little flash drive sat at the front in a polly pocket.

Jesse looked relieved to see her return unharmed. She gave him a quick kiss then took the gun off him. Thanks, go have your shower. What did you want your laptop for? Well, I figured I could still do some actual work. There might not even be someone following us. So what are you going to do? Look for places to stay in New York and see if I cant link up to the WiFi here. May be the programme thats on this thing can connect to the internet and we can follow Mamas recent transactions. Do you really think shes stupid enough to keep using the same cards as before? She probably thinks that no one can tap into her account. Shes a cocky bitch that way. He laughed. Okay, Ill brew up some coffee before I hit the shower. Thank you. She beamed at him.

After pulling a chair from the vanity table to the doorway she took up her pew and settled her gun and coffee cup on the window ledge whilst starting up her laptop. She listened to Jesse behind her, drying off and slipping into a pair of shorts before getting under the duvet alone.

The coffee pot didnt have much milk or sugar by it and Nikita didnt want to use it all up for her self. Still, there wasnt enough milk, cream or sugar in the world to make this coffee just the way she liked it. It was black and bitter but it kept her alert which was what she needed.

There was nothing moving around outside and she had a full view of the parking lot, the reception and her two friends rooms a few doors along. The only sound in the area was when Nikita started typing into the Google search engine. She started to breathe easy when she discovered how to connect the transactions programme to the internet and saw some room service bills in the same hotel as before along with ticket purchases for the theatre.

Shortly before two, Ruths door opened and she appeared in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with bare feet and slightly mussed up hair. She nodded to Nikita and took a deep sip of her coffee cup. I set my alarm just in case you let me sleep in. she explained as Nikita approached.

I was just about to come wake you. Here, do you want to take a look whilst your on watch? What have you been up to? Ruth asked. Just updating Mamas transactions and looking for places to stay. Theres a three bedroom apartment available for a month at a decent rate near Kips Bay but this one seems a bit more trendy. She said, hinting at one in Lennox Hill. Ill take a look. Ruth promised. Theres also a few more worth a look down near Battery Park. Ill compile a list and we can check it out over breakfast. Great. Happy hunting. Ruth groaned, Have a good sleep.

Chapter 10 The city

God bless, Nikita, Ruth thought. She had an eye for nice places but none of them were practical really. Ruth started checking off boxes with everything that they needed. At the end of all her dubious calculations and checks there were really only three places to choose from. Money, of course, wasnt an issue. But they didnt need to be in the lap of luxury, all they needed was something comfortable and cosy and not crawling with rats or roaches.

There was a promising looking apartment in Battery Park area, Greenwich Village and another near Times Square. Jack snored lightly behind her and, oddly, she found it a rather comforting sound. It wasnt loud and raucous like her Dad but a faint rumble in his throat.

She half hoped for some actually action come five oclock, she was bored and sat stiffly in her seat going over all of Mamas recent transactions trying to pick up on any pattern so that they could catch her off guard anywhere other than the swanky looking hotel she was staying in.

A small light flicked on in Megans room and she appeared a few minutes later dressed in jeans and a purple sweater. Morning madam. She said, stretching and yawning. No action? None.

What about Nik? She didnt mention it but she looked bone tired so I just assumed she wasnt chasing any mad men round the parking lot. Megan smiled down at her grimly. What have you been doing? Checking out places to stay. Nik managed to update the transaction programme. Mama Goodys? she asked, startled, peering at the screen. Yeah, Ive tried to see if I can find some place she visits regularly other than just the hotel she stays at. Shall I take over? You go get some rest. Sure, thanks.

Ruth dragged her chair inside and shut the door as Megan went back to her own room with Nikitas computer. Megan read over the transactions several times without really seeing them, she was just so bored she couldnt really concentrate. The dark sky was gone now but it wasnt exactly daylight out either, yet. The skies looked kind of pale but dimly so and Megan yawned widely resting her head against the door frame.

Her watch showed that only an hour had passed since Ruth went to bed again. Mason lay mumbling in his sleep, something to do with baseball. She listened to him for a while, trying to stay focus and not allow herself to dose off.

The slight rumble of a motor in the ever silent morning drew nearer and Megan sat up straighter as a little red Porsche pulled into a slot just across from her. Megan thought she might scream at the sight of the couple who got out of the car. Instead, she clapped a hand over her mouth and scrambled back into her room and closed the door leaving it marginally open so she could hear the conversation as the couple neared. The chip says theyre in this area, probably even at this hotel, Lola. The man said as he passed Megans door. But we dont know that. The chip doesnt give a one hundred percent guarantee. We know theyre in town. Now that were in Harrisburg I have complete confidence that I can hone the chip and itll lead them right to us. But are you sure they havent already discovered it and stuck it on some other car? It was never on a car, my sweet. They thought they were being clever by leaving the cars in Tennessee. Well, they were a little bit smart but the thing that was bugged was taken from the apartment. How do you know that, James?

Will gave me Mamas records. They say that she put these three identical things in each of her three newest employees apartments and she had locator chips tagged on each of these items. I dont know what they are, the records just said that the girls would need it in dire straits. So is there three chips with them? No, one is still in the apartment we raided in Memphis, the other in Nashville. The third one which, I think, is Hawkeye lived in Knoxville. So you have no idea what this item is? They could toss it at any moment you know. Well, all we can do, darling, is hope that they dont notice it.

They disappeared inside the reception for a few minutes before following someone out with their bags to room 147. Look, well have a couple hours rest and see if we cant catch up to them. They probably wont even stir till round about noon anyway. When this is all done we can take care of Mama and move to that little cottage you love in the English country side with little Luna. They laughed heartily, the man patting his wifes rather round stomach and slammed the door in the bellhops face.

Megan waited for the bellhop to go back inside before she dared move, dared to breathe. As soon as the door swung shut behind him, Megan started moving. Mason. She breathed, Mason, get up. Wazzimattuh? he mumbled, wiping his sleepy eyes. We need to go. Get washed and dressed, Ill go wake the others.

Megan started picking up their things to take out to the bus, leaving only Masons rucksack behind on the bed beside him. After doing a double take she noticed the empty waste basket and grabbed the clean bin liner from it. She was careful not to bang too loudly on Nikitas door and wake up the sleeping enemy across the way. Arent you a bit early? Nikita asked, consulting her watch. Enemy in room 147, we need to get on the road. Take this, she said, giving Nikita the bin liner, and go to the breakfast room and steal as many pastries or rolls as you can. What about my stuff? Ill get Mason to give Jesse a hand taking it all out. Thanks. Jesse, she said, turning back for a second, get up! Bad guys are at the hotel. Im up! he said, suddenly jumping off the bed and pulling on some pants. Mason appeared at Megans shoulder, Here, you and Mason take all this stuff to the bus. Ill go wake Ruth and Jack but try to keep quiet okay? Nikki is away to get breakfast for the road.

Megan started knocking on Ruths door. Go away. Came Ruths muffled voice. Ruth, Megan hissed against the door, get up!

Megan had to kick the door in. She had stood there repeatedly knocking without resorting to banging on it. The door gave way easily but, thankfully, didnt come away from its hinges. Megan, what the hell? Jack moaned. You need to get up. Hes here. She said, shaking Ruth awake. Whose here? It was barely a whisper but it made Ruth spring from bed, Shroud.

They were already heading out of Harrisburg as Megan finished telling them everything she heard in the conversation between Shroud and his wife, Lola. Ruth was being austerely quiet as Megan chattered away with enthusiasm, pleased that the watch hadnt been a complete waste of their time.

She received an extra pat on the back for slashing the little red Porsches back tyres but they were all in a sombre mood after hearing about the locator chip that was probably still on the bus. He said youd need it in dire straits? Mason repeated from the drivers seat. Yes, but I cant think what it could be. Ive already checked all the weapons and none of them have anything out of the ordinary on them. I just cant think. He said it was something each of you had? Jack asked, deep in thought. Yes, but there was loads of stuff in Ruths that I had in mine. Same TV and microwave But theyre not something youd need in dire straits. So what could it be? Nikita wondered. A knife. Nah, Jack said sceptically, it wouldnt be a weapon. Certainly not something life taking. It sounded like it was something for yourselves. First Aid Kit. Ruth spoke over the hubbub for the first time in nearly an hour.

Jacks jaw fell and the others just stared. Not necessarily life taking or giving but you used it, Jack, to save me when I got stabbed by Shroud. No, it cant be You better check. Said Nikita. Just to make sure.

Jack pulled out the curved box with see-through green lid from his rucksack and the other girls agreed theirs looked identical. Hidden beneath the gauze was a little black square something that could have been anything at all, really. Not until the tiniest little green light flash were they certain this was the locator chip. Stop the car. Said Jack, sounding slightly disgruntled.

Holding it away from him as if it were a very tiny bomb, Jack bolted from the van back down the street where he found a little gutter. There was a soft noise of constant running water he could hear as he got down on his hands and knees. Tossing the chip inside there was a sort of plop noise and still more rushing water. The drain water, he started to explain when he returned, will carry it away. Leading Shroud somewhere random and away from us. Good thinking. Megan praised him. So what next? Mason asked. As soon as were outside Pennsylvania well make a stop to have a proper breakfast and find somewhere where we can clean up. Megan answered.

An hour later they found themselves at a McDonalds drive-through, just on the edge of Philadelphia, ordering a small feast. A little way after that they parked outside a small play park and all crowded into the back of the bus, wolfing down burgers, fries, sandwiches and salads. They pulled out Nikitas laptop and started looking at the apartments Ruth had successfully narrowed down. I think that were better off in either Chelsea or Flatiron. Ruth said, pointing out the two most suitable ones. I do like the ones in Battery Park too but these ones are a bit closer to the centre of town. So itll be easier for getting around. Mamas hotel is right next to Central Park on Fifth Avenue. I still like that place in Lenox Hill. Nikita whined. Were trying to keep a low profile. I think the Flatiron one looks decent. Megan piped up before an argument started. So is that decided? Does everyone like the Flatiron apartment? There was a rumble consent around the bus. Great, now lets find somewhere to clean up. Mason, if you want a break from driving Im sure Nikita will be happy to take over. Yeah, please, my legs are starting to cramp up. Jesse, do you want to sit up front to make sure she doesnt try to take us to Lenox Hill? Megan and Mason, if you want you can take a nap on the camper beds if you like. Jack and I will call up the apartment owners and see if we can rent one out temporarily.

They stopped at several different places to find somewhere to wash up but there was never any showers. All they could do was freshen by the sinks and just wait till they got to New York before they could clean properly, but the girls were already starting to worry about personal hygiene upon the bus.

Megan and Mason took up Ruths offer by sleeping on the little beds that were a part of the bus roof; kind of like the beds on a camper van. Jack had successfully talked the middle aged woman whom owned the apartment in Chelsea to renting out the apartment to the group for a month or two but there was no parking spot available.

Ruth continued calling up other owners alongside him until there was only one apartment left. It wasnt practical but it came with two parking spaces, WiFi, nearby public transport, a real kitchen with a fridge, freezer, oven and hob, sink, microwave and kettle. Nikita squealed with delight when Ruth declared, Looks like were going to Lenox Hill after all.

Megan almost fell out of bed and Mason bumped his head the second time Nikita screeched about twenty minutes later. Come on, said Ruth, youre going to want to see this.

Jack beckoned them to the seats at the front of the bus behind Nikita and Jesse. They were coming up to the Toll road and just ahead was an unimpeded view of New York. Okay, Nikita began, teary eyed, I was trying not to get excited about coming here considering its not a holiday but just wow! Its pretty spectacular. Jack agreed. Ive always dreamed of coming here. Jesse said, humbly admiring the scenic views before they went into the Lincoln Tunnel.

After that it was only matter of working their way through the traffic. Ruth pulled out a note book and took note of any useful addresses such as fabric stores for Nikita, a wig store and other such places for disguises and other more seedy looking places where they could buy more ammunition if need be. Were here. Nikita said, pulling into a small parking area. Whats our apartment number, Ruth? Were allowed to use spaces 35K and 35L because theres no one in the apartment beside us. She owns that one too. What level are we on? Jesse asked.

The very top but theres an elevator so dont worry. And the owner, Mary, said shed meet us by the entrance with the keys.

Mary was waiting for them, watching as they hefted their luggage and bags out the back of the small bus they drove. Ruth thought she looked kind of soccer Mom-ish, with short auburn hair, a round kind face and grey spectacles framing dark brown eyes. Miss West? Mary asked none of the girls in particular. Thatd be me. Ruth said, stepping forth. You must be Mary. Thats right. Here are your keys, the gold one will unlock the front door and the silver is for apartment K. Would you like some help up to your apartment? That wont be necessary, thank you. Ruth said graciously. Very well, if you need me Im on level two in apartment D or you can get me on my cell if Im not home.

Mary took the stairs to give them more room for their belongings in the elevator. On the top level there were only two apartments, K and L. The stair access stood to the right side of the elevator and next to apartment L which was widely separated from K.

Their first glimpse inside the apartment was of wide large windows over looking Lenox Hill. To the side of them was a small door for balcony access where sat around table, chair and a black parasol. In front of the windows was a small reading area with a square C shaped window seat and an empty book shelf.

The main living space was in front of four widely separated doors. A few plus black leather chairs surrounded a black stained glass coffee table with a small fire place and a large plasma screen TV affixed to the wall above it. A short way to its right was a long dining table much like the coffee table with black stained glass. Most of this main living come dining room was decorated in black or art deco style paintings and decorations.

The door to the kitchen slightly ajar by the dining table. It was pristine and almost all white. White paint and tiles on the wall, off white tiles on the floor and a whitish marble counter top. All the appliances (such as cooker, microwave, fridge and washing machine) were all either white or silvery gray.

The main bathroom was decorated with a sort of green, silver and blue mosaic patterns on the walls with white floor tiles and a large dolphin shaped matt by the bathtub and another smaller matt, like a starfish, was in front of the shower doors.

Tiny little coloured and scented candles were placed here and there, on the window sill, in the bath corners and a couple of empty shelves. There was a linen and towel closet just outside the bathroom and another slim door that hid an ironing board and such essentials. All was left examine were the bedrooms.

There were more large windows overlooking New York and a King sized bed beneath it in the master suite. It was decorated in subtle creams and warm terracotta with dark wood wardrobe and drawer units. A flat screen TV sat on a small dark table with a neat narrow DVD rack behind it. The room was large and spacious with some more of those little candles placed in a neat line along the window sill and a couple larger ones hanging from votives in the wall.

The en-suite bathroom was decorated similarly to the main bathroom although it was a little bit bigger with a Jacuzzi tucked away in one corner and all sorts of buttons were on the shower dial for the many different settings it held. Okay, so how do we decide who gets what? Megan asked as they were all hoping for the master suite. Rock, paper, scissors? suggested Mason. No, said Nikita, though it seemed to pain her, it should go to Ruth and Jack. What? Ruth said flustered. You cant Really, we dont started Jack. You dont get a say. Theyve been keeping us on the straight and narrow. Nikita explained to the others. They deserve it.

Megan nodded in agreement, even though she was a bit jealous really. Ruth and Jack hopped onto the bed happily as the others went out to examine the other rooms. Right, you pick a door. Said Nikita. Whatever you pick will be yours and the one you dont pick will be mine. But we dont even know whats behind them yet. Megan said warily. I know but, the rest of the place is amazing so I cant imagine that we can expect any less from these two rooms. Okay, hmm what do you think, Mason? Im feeling the one on the left. Okay, well go for the one on the left.

Megan pushed on the door to the left. The room was smaller than the master suite but not by much. Its windows were only a little smaller too. The walls were painted white on the upper half and crimson on the lower half with a thin glistening golden border along the middle. The wardrobe

and other units were an off-white colour as well as the little TV stand where sat a much smaller screen than Ruths. But it looked warm and welcoming and Megan and Mason accepted it graciously.

Jesse pushed open the door on the right. It was about the same size as Megans but the window was larger and they had another door into the bathroom and one out onto the balcony which they both realised mustve been larger than they first thought.

The walls were dark indigo and amethyst, if it werent for the large windows and mirror on one wall it wouldve made the room look much smaller but with added effect of the dimmer light and votives full of thick candles it brightened the room up largely along with the pale beech dressers. Not bad. Jesse said, nodding approvingly.


They unloaded their belongings and joined the rest to examine the apartment once more. Ruth, Jack and Mason went to the kitchen together to survey all the appliances they had use off. That is the biggest effing fridge I have ever seen. Ruth said, Jack laughed. Is this another cupboard? Mason asked, pointing to the barely noticeable door to the side of the hulking fridge.

Mason pulled it open to reveal a set of stone stairs. Mason darted up them before Ruth could advise him to be cautious. He came pelting back down with a wide smile, his eyes a glow. You guys will want to see this, come on. What is it? Ruth asked. Just get the others and hurry up. He said, his heels disappearing back up the stairs.

Ruth left Jack to round up the others and followed Mason up the narrow stone staircase. It was just one small flight and a single metal door. Mason held it open for her and Ruth got a glimpse of many rooftops and sky scrapers. Ruth stepped out onto the roof, the sound of others climbing the steps came rushing up behind her.

There was many a gasp or Wow of surprise as they took in the even better sight than they had from the balcony.

Okay, I just have to say, Nikita said, moving away from the boys and over to her two best friends, even if I die tomorrow, Im glad we came here. Dont be so morbid, Nikita. Megan complained. Ill try but I cant rule out the possibility, you know. Why dont you both shut up and just enjoy this moment. Ruth quietly snapped.

It wasnt the tallest building in the city of course, but it was an eyeful nonetheless. Nikita watched as some of the tension in Jesses shoulders seemed to give in. She could only hope that, in time, he would forgive her from taking him away from his band. She watched, perhaps a little enviously, as Jack wrapped his arms around Ruths waist and left a kiss on her head. I had a pretty good rooftop view in Memphis but this is something else. Megan said in awe, turning this way and that around the rooftop. You had a rooftop view? Ruth asked jealously. Yeah, it even had a little garden. It was so cute. So what do we do now? We might be here for a while. Should we go unpack? Nikita asked. We dont all have to unpack. Ruth added. Some of us could go bring in some food and such. The others can stay back, unpack and have a shower. Well, I wouldnt mind going out to stretch my legs a bit longer. Mason offered. Me too. Jesse said, following Mason downstairs again. Then Ill go with them. Ruth offered.

Ruth used her en-suite bathroom to freshen up a bit before leaving with Jesse and Mason, the two boys she hardly knew. She thought Nikita looked ever so slightly crestfallen as Jesse went with Ruth without wishing her goodbye. Hell be back in a few minutes, Nikki. Megan said soberly after Nikita explained her fears. He doesnt need to say goodbye because he knows hell see you again any minute now. I suppose Im just being silly. They spoke together, each standing in their bedroom doorways. Totally. Itll just take a little time to adjust, you know? Same with Mason. Are you sure? Itll take more than a little time. Jack said, appearing in his doorway, folding up some of Ruths pants. Its a big shock to the guy. You just need to be patient with him. How did you adjust so quickly then? Werent you afraid of the threat you were in, in Ruths company alone? A little at first, I guess. After I found out what she could do and what she was hired for. But, shes also the most exciting person Ive ever met. Whatever drama comes with the package of Ruth, its all worth it.

Im just afraid that Jesse doesnt agree. Look, its not any of my business, but youd have to be blind to think he isnt crazy for you. Hes always watching you when youre not watching him. Really? Yes. Just cut him some slack okay? Give him some space, but dont be a jerk about it. Thank you, Jack. Youre very welcome. He said modestly, turning back into the room.

The others came back, laden with plastic and paper bags, to find Nikita sitting alone in the living room reading an old copy of Vogue she found in a rack in the bathroom whilst Jack and Megan showered away. Need some help? she offered. Here, Mason said without hesitation, offering her his heaviest bag, can you take this one off please? Sure, no problem. Nikita looked inside. Party lights?

Mason hushed her as Megan appeared in the bathroom door, long wet blonde hair gone slightly tousled the way it does once wet, with a large fluffy white nightgown wrapped tightly around her. Do you need help unpacking the bags? No, thanks. Mason called back, Were good.

Nikita peered further into the bag and saw long wires, extension cables but she couldnt guess why they had bought them. Mason took the bag from her and stored it in an empty cupboard next to the sink. Okay, we have pasta, pizzas, chicken and steak for now. How about we order in though? Its getting quite late and Im hungry. Ruth said, setting some bags down on the counter top. Do you want me to take over? Jack appeared wearing a clean t-shirt and pants whilst drying his hair off with a towel. The showers free if you want in. Thank you. Id love a shower. Come with me. She finished, whispering in Nikitas ear, linking her arm through her friends. Whats up? Nikita asked in Ruths master suite. Try not to be too nosy with Masons bags. What do you mean?

Hes planning his and Megans official first date. Dont draw too much attention to him. He wants it to be a surprise. Thats really sweet. So So what? So did you and Jack ever have a first date? I suppose, technically not. I took him home to my apartment the same night I met him. She laughed nervously. You didnt? Oh, God, no! I only just met the guy. Were taking it slow. Or really, hes waiting for me to turn eighteen. Well, thats nice and at least he wont have long to wait. Two days to go? Three days, Nikki. Youre both really good together. Thanks. I mean it, though. When youre with him, I see sides to you that I never knew existed before. Dont get all mushy. Its sappy. Oh, thanks. I was just trying to pay you both a compliment. And I love you for it. Now, Im going to go shower.

Nikita went to talk to Megan since all the guys seemed to be getting a bit rowdy in the kitchen about football, which Nikita found surprising about Jesse because she didnt think hed been in the country long enough to have a favourite team. They seem to be getting along. Megan said happily. Yeah, its great, right? Right. She had her nightgown round her still but she was dry and was setting her long glossy blonde hair in cute ringlets. This still makes me think of Flame. She admitted, shaking at her reflection. Was she a girly girl? Not really, but she had these tight red curls. It kind looked bizarre with the rest of her, especially considering she was dressed like Lara Croft or Buffy half the time. Nikita laughed. Jack bought us some beer and wine. Do you want a drink? Sure.

Nikita brushed past the boys in the kitchen to the fridge where she grabbed two beers and a fridge magnet that was also a bottle opener. Mason grabbed Nikita on her way out as Jack moaned that she was pilfering from his beer supply. Can you get her to wear something date-like? Mason whispered in her ear. Hey, Ive only got a dozen or thirty more. Jack and Jesse laughed behind her. Nikita winked in response and made her way back to Megans room.

Handing Megan a bottle, Nikita took a long swig from her own and started looking through Megans unpacked clothes. You know I always like you in that peach halter neck. Its really pretty. Its a bit dressy, for just sitting in, isnt it? No, I think the boys want to go out afterwards. We passed quite a few bars down the street which looked really nice. Okay, then. What should I wear with it? Um those creamy pants, some high heels and some of your turquoise jewellery. It really brings out the blue in your eyes. And the blue in my scar. Megan said sarcastically. Ive been staying away from them. But theyre youre favourites. I know. Mason, has accepted you for who you are, Megan. I kind of think that includes the scar. May be Ill wear the gold and sapphires my Mom and Dad got me for my eighteenth. Megan flushed and turned away. Whats the matter? Its my Moms birthday tomorrow. Shell be forty. God, I always forget how close it is to Ruths. Do you think Ill be able to call her? Nikita sighed, I dont think thats such a good idea. It could give away where we are. You dont wan to drag them into this do you? No, not at all. Hey, Jack appeared in the doorway, could one of you guys head down to Marys? Shes got some menus from nearby takeouts for us. What are you guys doing? Nikita asked. Jack raised his brows, giving her a significant look. Were trying to fix this thing. Would you mind? Its fine. Said Megan, Ill go get them.

Megan dressed and left to get the menus from their landlady. Nikita stood in her bedroom door and watched as Jack, Jesse and Mason lifted the table, chairs and parasol from the balcony into the apartment before trying to take them up the stone steps to the roof. What are you three doing? Nikita asked in bewilderment. Helping Mason out for his big date. Jesse explained. Youre supposed to have super strength, Nikita. Cant you lift this up for us? Jack asked, somewhat angrily, after dropping his side of the table on his bare toes. Oh, for gods sakes. You lot get the chairs.

Nikita lifted it easily above her head, fitting it through the narrow passage and up onto the rooftop. Where do you want it? she asked Mason. Just to the side of the door will be fine. He said, sitting down a chair as Jesse and Jack left their chair and the parasol. Thanks, guys, Id better go start to cook the dinner. Do you have something special planned? Nikita asked. Steak, steamed root vegetables and some boiled potatoes. Do you think shed like that? Ive got a sort of plum sauce to go with it too. Sounds nice. Nikita said with a grin.

Ruth had emerged from the bathroom when they all trekked back into the apartment. Shed changed into a pair of loose dark purple pants, for comfort, and a tight wrap around matching top. Shed brushed her hair out till there were no more kinks and left it to dry naturally. Jesse and Mason were a bit unnerved to see her without her eye patch or a coloured contact to match up with her other grass green eye. Its rude to stare. She muttered, watching them out of the corner of her eyes. Weve got Thai, Chinese, Pizza and whole lot more to choose from. Megan said, walking in with a thick wad of menus in her hand. Ooh, Thai! Ruth said happily, taking the menu from Megan.

Mason disappeared into the kitchen and up the stone steps to the rooftop where he started to decorate it with party lights and candles before heading back into the kitchen to cook.

Jack called the Thai place to order his and Ruths dinner whilst Jesse called in some pizza and appetizers for himself and Nikita. I wonder what Im going to eat. Megan wondered to herself. Youre not ordering take out. Ruth warned her.

Why? Ruth Jack started. She needs to know she cant order something. Ruth shot back. Masons cooking for you but its supposed to be a surprise, so dont say anything. Cross my heart. Megan said, doing exactly that wearing a wide happy smile.

Even though her stomach was already growling she stuck it out, trying not to complain when the others got their deliveries within the hour. Megan couldnt figure out what was taking him so long. She was starving.

Ruth and Jack were snuggled up on the couch with a small feast spread out on the coffee table before them whilst watching the highlights of a baseball game that played earlier in the day. Nikita and Jesse were sitting on cushions out on the balcony, with another delicious looking feast spread out between them, the tips of their heads barely visible at the bottom of the large windows.

Then Megan noticed that the table with the parasol was gone. Why werent Nikita and Jesse sitting at it? Had they moved it around to the other side of the balcony out of sight? Mason snuck up behind her and wrapped a clean dish towel around her eyes. Okay, this way, beautiful he whispered in her ear. His breath on her neck and ears smelt slightly sweet and just a little bit of spice too. Where are we going? she asked after he twirled her around to confuse her. Just hold on to me and Ill guide you.

Megan felt for his arm and linked her own through it as he guided her closer to the kitchen she could tell because the smells seemed to wrap around her and her stomach gave another growl. Are you taking me to the roof? she asked, as he started guiding her up some stairs. No, Im taking you up another floor. There are no other floors, Mason. Were at the top. Just its a surprise, okay? Okay.

Megan let him help her past the kitchen and up the staircase to the roof. Hed done a good job, or so Mason believed, of making the plain old rooftop look more romantic without the help of the New York background.

There were sounds of sirens below and many people chatting, heading out for a night on the town, passing by their building entrance. When Mason took the blindfold of, Megan realised where the balcony table had disappeared to. It was set with a pretty red and white tablecloth, the black parasol, a couple of chairs and dinner settings. The twinkling party lights, which Nikita had seen earlier, were strung from the open door around the parasol and from a coat rack theyd taken from the side of the apartment door.

Add the amazing sights of New York, a vase of yellow roses her favourite and a bottle of wine with two large glasses and Megan was gobsmacked. You did all this for me? she asked astonished. Well, this is our first date. Officially. I wanted it to be perfect. Its wonderful. She stood on tiptoes to kiss him. I just hope youre hungry. Im starving. They laughed.

Megan poured the wine and lit the many little candles Mason had here, there and everywhere but not enough time to light them. Mason ascended the stairs again, carrying two hot plates of spicy parsnip soup as Jack brought up the rear with some crusty buttered bread. I didnt know you could cook. Megan said, happily tearing up bread or sipping soup. Well, we havent exactly had any dates to find out about each other. So who taught you? Your Mom? Nah, my Mom passed away after Michelle, my sister, was born. She he sighed, its still hard to talk about. Understandably. So did your Dad teach you? No, he didnt have the time. He had a mortgage, a business and three kids to care for. But my Gran moved in to help him out after we lost both my Mom and Grampa. Was it better after that? Oh, yeah, definitely. Having Gran there made it all easier. She was there in the morning to take us to school and had dinner waiting for us when we got back. She helped us with our homework and such. About the start of my senior year she started showing me things that would prepare me for college life. You know, when I no longer lived at home. She sounds like a great old lady. Do you have any siblings? I consider Ruth and Nikita my sisters. But no blood siblings?

Actually yes. No one knows but my family. When my Dad was in school, before he met my Mom, he had another girlfriend and she fell pregnant. But we dont really keep in touch with them. They live in Knoxville. My Dad goes to see her on the kids birthday and on Christmas Day for a couple hours. How old is the kid now? Probably your age. May be a little older. Have you ever met him? Couple of times. Once Dad brought him home for Christmas dinner when I was nine and he came to my eighteenth birthday party earlier in the year. But his Mom didnt come. She wasnt welcome. Didnt that cause problems for her and your Dad? No. She doesnt want anything to do with us either so Im sure it suited her just fine. Do you miss them? Your family? Yeah, but until we stop Mama or Renee or whoever she really is I cant go back. Well, I guess wed better enjoy ourselves tonight since well be down to business tomorrow. Youre right. Are you ready for the main course? Absolutely. She smiled, offering him the empty soup bowl.

As Mason disappeared back down the stairs again, Megan could here Nikita laughing. Jesse joined in with her laughter, half drunk Megan supposed by the way they were carrying on. They were still on the balcony most of the food, and the wine, long gone. That is not how you play snap! she shouted amidst giggles. This is my version. Come on, whoever misses a snap has to take a shot. Okay, but you deal. Yes, Ill deal. That way you cant cheat. I never cheated! she laughed.

Jesse started dealing again but almost tossed them into the air at the sudden shout that came from the living room. Jack was celebrating his teams triumph at the match he was watching on the plasma screen as Ruth sopped beer all down her front in surprise. Sorry, darling. He started, helping her mop up the spilled beer. I didnt realise you were such a big baseball fan. Ruth laughed. I figured you were more a hockey kind of guy. I like hockey too but baseball was a big thing for my Dad and I when I was a kid.

Thats nice. Did you and your Dad have something to share? I helped him build a car. I think he must have been hoping for a boy instead of a girl. Jack laughed, So shall I put on a movie? Ooh, yes. Ruth said settling back down onto the couch. You pick. Has anyone seen the oven gloves? Mason called from the kitchen. Their right behind you. Jack called back, peering into the DVD rack.

Mason opened the oven door to check on his dessert which was looking good but would take a few more minutes till it was ready. He plated up the last of the veg and poured some of the plum sauce onto the steak before carrying them up to Megan. You really have gone all out. Megan said when he laid her dish in front of her. It looks delicious. Tuck in. Boy, you can cook! Megan said, swallowing a mouthful of steak. Mason laughed, Im glad you like it. I wish I could take you home to meet my Mom. Shed like you. May be you will. One day. Megan sighed, Yeah, one day.

Chapter 12 The hangover

Nikita woke with a slightly sore head. Jesse was already waiting with a tall glass of ice cold water and some aspirin. So this is what a hangover feels like? She thought to herself. The room seemed to spin before her eyes as she pulled herself up on her elbow. Shed been at parties before where she drank wine and had shooters, but only enough to give her a little buzz. Jacks making waffles to make you all feel better. All? Nikita asked. Megan and Ruth had a little too much to drink too. What about you guys? Weve been drinking longer. He laughed slightly. We can handle it. But you guys, Jack said, entering the room with a large glass of OJ, need to rest this morning. Youre in no state to hunt down a crime lord.

Where are they? Ruth and Nikita? In my bed. Jack said.

Nikita downed the pills with the water and got out of bed to walk down to the master suite, still in her pyjamas and drinking the orange juice. Ruth was half asleep, her hand was wrapped around a glass of OJ and she wore a sleep mask across her eyes that had a rude gesture stitched into it.

Megan had definitely looked better. Her hair was unkempt and scraped away from her face and there was a horrible looking sweat stain around the neck of her pyjama top. Dont make a sound. Megan warned, pointing at Nikita and then putting her hand back to her forehead. I think we need to clean up. Nikita suggested. Once were clean and had something to eat well start to feel better. We cant waste today away, guys. I know. Ruth mumbled, But I dont think I have the strength to move from this bed. You do, you just dont feel like it. Come on, Ill run you both baths, have a little hair of the dog and then some breakfast. Are you saying we have to lick a dog or something? Megan asked outraged and disgusted. No, Megan, its an expression.

Nikita moved into the en-suite bathroom where she began to fill a tub up for Ruth and then again in the guest bathroom for Megan. Come on, Ruth. Bath time. I dont wanna. She grumbled. Ill carry you if I have to. Good.

Ruth moaned as Nikita tore the duvet off Ruths bed, Megan complaining all the while, and carried her friend through to the bathroom. She took the eye mask off Ruth, who was clearly still not fully awake yet, and tried, without blushing, to help undress her friend before she got her into the tub.

Ruth and Megan had both had to deal with Nikitas nakedness when trying to make her better after the bazooka explosion. She rested Ruths head against the edge of the tub so she wouldnt slip under the water if she fell asleep again. Your turn, missy. Fine. Megan moaned, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. But you dont have to carry and coddle me like a baby. I can walk.

Nikita followed her out of the master suite and Megan stopped just short of the guest bathroom. She started to wretch, one hand covering her mouth and the other holding back the rest of her hair. Oh, no you dont.

Nikita grabbed her round the middle and dashed to the toilet where Megan fell to her knees. Nikita shut the door so none of the boys could see or hear what was going on. Megan pulled her head out of the toilet, sighing and crying, I dont think Ive ever been that drunk before. Its okay. Nikita said, rubbing Megans back soothingly. Lets just have a nice bath where you can relax, okay? Megan nodded and she was well enough now to undress without Nikitas help.

Jack was setting the dining table with more orange juice and a bowl of fruit as Nikita made her way over to the couch to wait for her turn to use the bathroom. I thought you guys had super healing powers. Arent you supposed to be immune to hangovers? Apparently not. I dont understand how youre strong enough to carry on though, when they cant. Jack, I survived a bazooka exploding in my face. I can endure a hangover for a couple of hours to nurse my friends to better health. Cant say you dont have perspective.

Nikita went into her room and readied her sewing machine and the girls costumes. They werent going after Mama today, definitely not. Even if the girls felt better after a bath and Jacks waffles, they still wouldnt be in good condition to go after their enemy.

But they still needed to make a plan on how they went after Mama and, seeing as she didnt have time before they fled Tennessee, so Nikita started making the repairs and measured the boys seeing as theyd need something in case they end up in the fray, for whatever reason, alongside them. They wouldnt have full on outfits like Megan, Ruth and Nikita, but theyd need something.

When it was her turn to use the bathroom, she climbed in and started a shower. She didnt want to sink into a tub full of warm scented water in case she just gave into the hangover and lay there for hours. But she was the one who had to be strong for them all today. Ruth was in charge most of the time, because she was a real leader, but Megan had her wits about her when that bazooka exploded and so she took the lead.

Now with her two friends seemingly weakened, it was Nikitas turn to take charge. They may not be in any fit state to start an attack on Mama but Nikita wasnt about to let another day pass without some form of productivity. Im never going to drink again. Ruth moaned, eating her plain waffles and looking sick at the sight of Jack and Jesse pouring puddles of syrup or cream over their own. We can still drink. Nikita said, We just need to learn from our experiences. Last night felt like my last night of freedom, Megan began, sipping on coffee but not touching the breakfast, I wanted to enjoy it. Oh, God, Megan! Ruth groaned, Please, dont be so depressing. Eat your waffles. Nikita hissed in Megans ear.

Megan pulled her plate forward and took an orange from the fruit bowl, eating some of the segments and squeezing a little of the juice over the waffles from the rest. Jack made another round of waffles insisting that since Megan already threw up she wont bring her breakfast up as well.

Ruth took some more aspirin and drank it down with some scolding hot coffee more digging into her second plate of waffles. This time they were cinnamon and the girls felt the little sweet spice warm them up. So what do we do today? Megan asked drying dishes whilst Ruth cleaned and Nikita stowed them away. Im going to work on the costumes and research stores where I can buy more materials. Im running low and I dont know if I have enough for the boys. Is it really necessary for them to have costumes? Ruth asked over her shoulder. No but I think they need a mask at the very least. What should we do? Megan asked Ruth. I want to train the boys. If theyre going in with us or are get into some sort of trouble I want them to be able to fight back. Answers Ruth. I suppose Ill update the transactions programme to find out what else shes been up to. We dont want to sign on tomorrow morning and find out shes on the other side of the country. Said Megan. Or that shes fled the country. Nikita added. Where do you think we could train the boys? Ruth asked. Somewhere with lots of space. The roof? suggested Nikita. Yeah, once they bring the balcony table down therell be more than enough room. Plus there are all those billboards up there so if you stick to the south facing side no one will see you.

So they set out to work. After some more coffee and a little rest, Ruth was ready to take the boys onto the roof for some exercise and combat training. She was the expert after all, shed been in so many fights shed lost track of how many shed been in.

Megan cleaned up and left to find things that might help them when it came to gun training. They didnt have a sound proof room so using a real gun was out of the question and they had to make do with the water pistols she found or paint ball guns and other similar things that shot out felt balls and such.

After that Megan went with Nikita, so they could stick together, to the material shops she found online. Eventually, when she had everything she needed, the girls returned to the apartment where they found Ruth had the boys running up and down the stairs of the building as a warm up. Come on, Ruth was calling down to them, once more and you can have a rest before we go up to the roof.

They were already beginning to sweat but could have only been at it an hour or so, since Megan and Nikita left, but Ruth was working them hard. Is this really necessary? Jack panted. You need to be able to keep up with us. Now I know we didnt work for these strengths and powers but were still quicker and stronger than you. If at some time you find yourselves without us girls then you need to be able to defend you. Wed be stupid to think that Mama might have some of her trained killers there to protect her. This is the best I can find. Megan said, dropping the bag of the fake guns at her feet. Toys? Ruth said disgustedly. Its the best I could do. We cant use real guns but we need something similar for them to practice target shootings. We couldve got the laser guns but they were out of stock. Nikita explained. Ruth sighed, Theyll make do.

After that they checked out the transactions programme, which they found on the flash drive, connected it to the internet to update and see if there had been any new transactions. There were only a couple but they were only for tickets to the zoo or to buy dinner in a restaurant near Central Park. Mama was still in New York and treating herself to a few luxuries along the way that suggested she was acting like she wan on a holiday.

There wasnt much left for Megan to do so she helped Nikita design head gear for the boys before aiding Ruth on the rooftop for target practice. Ruth had painted a couple of garbage bin lids to look

like targets with the white and black rings and one red dot in the centre before stringing them up on the back of one of the billboards.

Jesse was sweating profusely under the glare of the bright sun and the other two started sweating shortly after him so Megan went to get the parasol from the balcony table and did her best to keep them in the shade so they wouldnt tire out to quickly.

Jack was the quickest to hit the centre red dot but that was possibly due to the fact that the girls had given him a quick shooting session in the soundproofed room of Ruths Knoxville apartment.

They practised with the paintballs mostly but Ruth didnt want to run out so she tinted the water in the water pistols blue with some shower gel in the bathroom. Although it came out soapy and sudsy, but it showed exactly how poor or well their shots were against the tin lids. Much better. Ruth said as Mason hit the red target dead on. Okay, ladies, lets take a break.

Jack, Jesse and Mason all looked ready to kiss Nikita as she appeared with a tray of ice cold sodas and snacks. She surveyed their targets looking impressed. Megan had painted their names above each lid so they knew which belonged to whom.

Jack was by far the best, only missing once or twice. After hours of practice, Mason and Jesse finally hit the red dot every time for the last practice. I think thats enough for today. Said Ruth. Youve worked really hard. Tomorrow well practice with moving targets. We should just do it now. Said Jack. Were already up here any way. Besides, what if you have to go after her tomorrow? Are you sure you dont want some rest? Nikita asked. Youve been running those stairs for a good two hours and now youre up here in this heat. Plus, its almost time for dinner. Well, then well shoot until then. Jesse said confidently.

They all thanked Nikita for the beverages and snacks and got back to shooting. Ruth had the other girls hook the target lids onto them and she did the same. But the boys were all so afraid of hurting their actual partners that Ruth swapped the lids around so that Jack would shoot Nikita, Mason would shoot Ruth and Jesse would shoot Megan.

It seemed to work but at the same time they were having fun. Even when they brought the paintball guns out again and every time ball connected with the lid or themselves the girls laughed and shrieked as they ran around the rooftop trying to evade them.

Megan, feeling as though she had been the least productive, called for time out so she could at least go and make them dinner. By the time she laid out the roast chicken dishes on the dining table, the others had trudged down from the roof in high spirits and went to clean off as much paint or water suds before sitting down at the table. This is delicious, Megan. Nikita said through a mouthful of chicken. Mmm do I taste orange? Ruth asked. Yeah, I cut some in half and them on and around the chicken. The stuffing is amazing. Jack said through his own mouthful. I didnt know you could cook. Nikita said giving her a thumbs up. Not just a pretty face you know. Megan beamed. So much for last night being your last night of freedom, Megan, huh? Thanks, Ruth. Way to bring down the room. Sorry. Its just its been a few days since we had to face off with anyone, you know? Im feeling a little rusty. Its only been a couple of days. Nikita laughed. Yeah, but this is most definitely a do or die situation. And when have we not been in one of those before? Youre right. I just really want this over. May be we should have an early bed tonight. Megan suggested. So were well rested for tomorrow. First I want to make sure these headpieces Ive made fit and dont look too dorky. Nikita said, rising from her seat. Youd best follow me.

Shed made a sort of uniform come costume for them. Heavy black leather coats which shed stitched in some of the bulletproof vests, theyd taken from their armoury apartments, some lightweight dark pants and a pair of good boots that were durable but easy to run in. They had dressed up in the outfits to make sure they fitted neatly, which of course they did, when Nikita came along with the masks.

Shed used similar black material to the pants they were wearing but these had some Lycra through them so they were fitted, easily sculpting their features. They were like scull caps. Nikita pulled the first one over Jack, it covered his head, hair, eyes and nose but not enough to cover his nostrils. On top of it is a large blue star, to match the clear blue star on Ruths own mask.

Jesses mask is the same but instead of a blue star it is covered in blue stripes like the two in Nikitas hair. Masons has one long lightening bolt running from the crown on his head down between his hazel eyes.

They survey themselves in the mirrors, turning this way or that. Other than the masks, they could be just three ordinary guys walking down the street in cool leather jackets. So what do you think? Nikita asks. You did all this in one day? Jesse asked, impressed. Yeah, does that mean you like them? Mason smiled. Not bad. You dont think theyre dorky? Oh, theyre completely dorky. Said Jack. Ridiculously dorky. Laughed Mason. But they look good. Jesse assured her. Okay girls, lets get ours on. I want to make sure that they dont need any more tweaking before tomorrow.

They fitted perfectly still. Ruth with her stars, Megan with her lightening and Nikita with her stripes. Ruth started to giggle, We look like super heroes. Oh shut up and lets see you together in the mirror with your partners. Insisted Nikita.

They looked good together, even though the boys hardly had any blue except for the masks. Afterwards they dressed into evening clothes and washed up the dinner dishes before preparing for the next day. All was in order, one last check of the transaction programme would be needed again tomorrow before they left the apartment. Time for bed. Ruth said after an hour or two of TV with the rest of them.

Jack switched it off and followed Ruth to their room as the others bade them a good nights sleep.

Chapter 13 The twin

Shes just ordered breakfast from room service. Ruth said, Nikita and Megan were both looking over her shoulders. Well, thats a good sign. Have you got the hotel address? asked Megan. Its programmed into the SatNav. Answered Nikita.

They were dressed and ready to leave. Jack had packed a small travel bag with a change of clothes for everyone, just in case. They locked all their valuables away in a large safe beneath the kitchen sink and picked up all the weapons theyd need. Hopefully, in a few hours well be sipping from the finest champagne and toasting our great success. Ruth smirked. Okay, lets not get too ahead of ourselves. Megan said, following Nikita to the door. Wait, wed better try to get down to the van without being seen in these costumes. How? asked Megan.

In answer, Nikita raised her arm, there was a slight quiver in the air and even the smallest fly could be seen across the room, frozen motionless. Ruth looked out the window to see that everyone below had been frozen too and so she gave Nikita the thumbs up.

As soon as they were downstairs and in the safety of their bus Jack and Jesse sat in the front seats with their masks off Nikita let time slip by again. Since it was fairly early, the traffic wasnt too bad this time around. Once they were parked just down the street Nikita raised her hand again to stop time.

The boys stayed behind in the bus, the girls didnt want any of them in contact with Mama. Nikita kept extending her power down the next couple of streets and into the hotel. The front lobby was busy with guests coming and going. One of the computers behind the desks was un-manned and so Megan slipped in to find Mamas room. Shes under Childress, believe it or not. Megan scoffed. What room? Ruth asked. Seventy seven. Youd better get us a key card. Nikita pointed at the little white squares behind her. Not necessary. Ill just override the locking mechanism with my powers.

Megan led the way past the elevators to a set of stairs. They could take their time prowling up seven levels since there was no rush because Nikita still had a firm grip on time. Once they were on the seventh level they readied their weapons and walked along the corridor looking for room 77.

This is it. Megan said, pointing her gun at a door to the right.

The slot for the key card was just above the metal handle with a little red light on it. Megan placed a hand on the little slot and shot a current of electricity on it. The light changed green and flickered off whilst the sound of the lock clicking open announced they could enter but Nikita stopped Megan from opening the door. This is it, Nikita. What are you waiting for? Megan asked in hushed tones. I just need a second to breathe. Nikki, weve got your back. Theres nothing to be afraid of. Ruth assured her.

Nikita nodded and did her best to put on a smile as Megan pushed open the door. Perfectly frozen at the end of the little corridor within the hotel room was a woman, in the process of applying lipstick, but not Mama. They paid little attention to her and scouted the rooms for Mama but she wasnt there. How can she not be here? Ruth shouted angrily, upending a small desk. Take it easy. Nikita hissed. She must be here somewhere. Nikita? Does she look familiar to you?

Nikita approached the frozen woman Megan was staring at. She was dressed mostly in white. Tight white pants, white fur coat, knee high white boots and a white blouse beneath the coat. Her hair was pale blonde but her skin was fairly rosy. The lipstick she was applying was a sheer peach colour and the colour on her eye lids were icy blues and silvers. Sigma! Nikita breathed, she felt like fainting. I dont think its actually Sigma though. Said Megan. At first I thought it was her too but this woman looks younger. Sisters? I guess the only way to find out is by letting go of time, Nikki. Ruth suggested. Were heavily armed and shes not. Just let it go, were safe.

Nikita wasnt convinced but time slip through her fingers again. The woman before them flinched and caught sight of the three girls. She screamed and fell backwards. Who are you? she snarled. Im Virago, this is Meridean and this is Live Wire. Ruth introduced them. Who the hell are you? Im Frost. How did you get in here? What are you doing here? Were looking for Mama Goody. Where is she? Megan asked. She left last week. Frost answered. Where did she go?

Why are you looking for her? Have you been here all this time since she left? Ruth kept deflecting. Yeah, she told me shed be back in a couple of weeks. She even gave me her credit card. Go nuts, she told me. Are you related to Sigma? Nikita asked, sounding choked. Shes my twin. Do you know shes dead?

Frost sat down abruptly, the very little colour she had drained from her face. Amanda is dead? How? Mama sent one of her employees after her. Nikita explained, neglecting to mention it was she who killed her. She did? Amanda said, sounding more upset about Mamas betrayal instead of her sisters death. You dont sound too broken up about your sister. Ruth noted. Oh, I am sorry about that, believe me. We were never close. After we were born my parents got divorced and my mother took Amanda home to Greece whilst I stayed here with my Dad. We even have different surnames from one another. Her name is Amanda Considine and mine is Amelia Berry. But you can call me Amy or Frost. She added. Nikita gasped, Amy Berry?

Amy Berry was a name they were all familiar with but none more so than Nikita. When she was just a kid, her father had a personal assistant, a young woman by the name of Amelia Berry better known as Amy. She had short blonde hair and almost turquoise looking eyes. For extra money Amy would baby sit Nikita from time to time and, at times when the Wests, Rices and Archers had what they called a Parents Retreat evening, she would watch over Megan and Ruth too.

Nikita didnt understand why she was so surprised. It makes sense, right? After all, wasnt her father having an affair with Frosts sister before her demise? Do I know you? Frost asked.

Nikita pulled off her mask whilst the other girls whispered words off caution she brushed them off. Amy recognised her all right. She stood up to take a better look at her. Nikita? It is you, right? Nikita asked. You were my Dads assistant. Oh, only for a little while. Then Mama hired me. What are you doing here? Mama tricked us into her clutches. Ruth explained, removing her own mask.

Then, Megan began following suit and removing hers, she betrayed us and almost blew us up. Ruth West and Megan Archer. Tell me, has your mother stopped putting you through those pageants? Frost laughed at Megan. Some of those outfits she made you wear were pretty rad.

Ruth pulled Megan away slightly as her face hardened and the glare she gave Frost was one full of deadly threats. Today was not a good day to insult Megans mother. So what do you plan on doing with Mama if you find her? Frost asks, stepping away from Megan too. Were going to kill her. Nikita said matter of fact-like. Frosts head snapped round to meet Nikitas steady gaze, That is no joke to be making. Its not a joke. Nikita assured her. In fact, you should come with us. Shes responsible for Amandas death. Where did she go? Ruth asked. Arizona. Why? Probably to see her mother? Does her mother live there? Not exactly. Well, what is that supposed to mean? Megan snapped. Shes in a hospital for the mentally ill. You mean like an asylum? Nikita asked. Why? I dont know. Ive heard rumours that, when Mama was young, she put her family through all sorts of crap, before she banded together her team of assassins, and at the end she killed her step-father. Afterwards, her Mom just kind of snapped and had to be admitted because she started hurting herself. She killed her step-father? Who was he? I dont know. Just some random snobby English guy with too much money and not enough sense. Im not sure but I think his name was Darren Stone? Darren Summers? Sutton? Ruth suggested, but a little choked. Yes! Frost snapped her fingers. Thats it. Same as Shroud. Ruth mumbled. You know Shroud? Frost asked. He was my target. Ruth explained. I tried to kill him but it just sort of backfired. Now hes looking for me.

Hes here in New York. I saw him last night. Ruth started to panic. I dont know him too well but word travels fast that, when hes out for someone, he never stops. And that wife of his, Lola, if anyone should be in the nut house its her. Total psychopath. If I had those pair coming after me Id be more worried about the wife than Shroud.

Ruth slumped against Megan who had to hold her upright and stop her from fainting. Nikita pulled Frost aside to speak with her, convince her to help them. You need to tell us where we can find Mama. Where about in Arizona is she? Scottsdale. Shes got a farm just outside of town though, she might be there. Can you give me an address? Ill do better, Ill come with you. No, Amy, I cant ask you to do that. Your life would be in danger. Nikita, Im a loose end. Mama probably only left me behind because she knew either you or Shroud were alive and coming for her. She probably expected one of you to come in guns-a-blazing and shoot me dead. You cant know that. Its how she works, Nikita. I should have been suspicious when she told me to wait here for her return. And shes definitely coming back here in a couple of weeks? Yes, shes got business here in a couple of weeks. So even if we dont get her in Arizona we can always come back here. So whats our next move? Megan asked. We head back to the apartment and start our next plan of attack before heading out to Arizona. Thats a long drive, Nikki. Ruth groaned. I dont think the boys are going to like the sound of that. Drive? asked Frost. Why cant we just book a plane? Because were runaways. We cant do that without being tracked. Fair enough. Road trip it is.

Jack slung open the door for them and frowned as Frost followed them inside too. They all stared at her in disbelief as Megan climbed into the drivers seat. Who is she? Jesse asked. Shes an old family friend. Explained Nikita. She used to babysit us when we were little. You can call me Amy. She said, shaking hands with Jesse and Mason. And you, she said, pulling Jack closer instead of shaking his hands, can call me whatever you want.

Thats my boyfriend. Ruth said hotly, pushing Frost back into her seat. My apologies. She said, still leering hungrily at Jack. So what happened? asked Mason. Did you find her? No, she run off to Arizona a few days ago. Amy here is going to help us track her down. Arizona? Youre kidding me right? Jack asked nervously. Wish I was. Said Ruth. Look at it this way, started Jesse, at least were going to see a lot of America on our trip. I think thats exciting.

Nikita reached over and kissed him gratefully for thinking positively unlike the others. Is this your boyfriend, then? Frost asked. Yes, this is Jesse. The one youre still ogling is Jack and Mason is Megans boyfriend. Is there any way, Jack whispered in Ruths ear, you could use your power to stop her from looking at me like that? Ill try, once were back in the apartment. Theres more room there. Ruth whispered back.

Chapter 14

The crash
Okay, before we head off I found these apps for our phones. Megan said, finding Nikita and Megan together in the master suite. Why would we need apps? Ruth asked. These are no ordinary apps. Theyre tracker apps, so, no matter where we are we can always find each other. Thats brilliant. Nikita said happily. Wed better put them on the boys phones too. Im more concerned about them than us. Lets also put one on Frost. I dont trust her. Dont trust who? said Frost, suddenly appearing at the door. You. Ruth answered honestly, give Megan your cell phone. What for? she asked, handing over the phone anyway. We dont want to lost track on you.

Paranoid much? Okay, Megan said loudly, interrupting the tense diatribes thrown this way and that, is there anything else we need before we leave? Batteries for the flash lights. Suggested Nikita. Ill run over to the store to get some. Anything else? Some nibbles wouldnt go amiss. Weve got a long trip ahead of us. Said Ruth. Dont go alone. Nikita said to Megans retreating back. I know youve got the tracker on your cell but Ill take Mason to give you peace of mind. Thanks. I think one of us better go speak to our landlady, let her know were leaving. Ruth added. But what if we need to come back? Give her a couple months rent upfront. If were not back within a fortnight, we wont be coming back.

Nikita dug around in her money bag hidden away in the wardrobe and came up with a fistful of cash before following Megan and Mason from the room. In the elevator she pressed the round button with the black number 1 whilst Megan punched in the G for the ground level. See you in a few. Megan said, the elevator doors closing off and sliding down. So, did I hear right before? Mason asked. What? Its your mothers birthday today? Oh, that, yeah. Not much I can do about it though. Isnt there?

Megan pretended not to hear that last comment as they entered the small grocery store across from their building. They each took a basket from the pile next to the automatic doors and started to peer down the aisles for anything they might need. Batteries and food were at the top of the list but soon they were scooping up other things into their basket.

Megan lifted a large bottle of champagne to surprise Ruth with on her eighteenth birthday this week. Mason was picking up some party cups, plates and extra celebratory nibbles, if they had time to celebrate, before Mason caught up with Megan, finding her by the card rack. There wasnt much of a selection although she had picked up a variety for them all to choose from. But her eyes kept sliding over to the Mom section. Theres a payphone outside, you know? he said, instantly guessing what was on her mind.

She sighed, Mason Look I know it wont be easy for you but you obviously want to talk to her. What will the others say? They dont have to know. Megan, well be on the road within the next hour and Ruth says were not stopping for rest till we put at least three states between us and New York. Ill end up regretting it. Youll also regret it if you dont.

Megan took the handful of coins Mason held out to her and left Mason with her basket and purse. She stepped out of the shop to the payphone, their building in full view, people were busily making their way to and from work others more casually passing by didnt pay her any attention.

She listened as the coins rolled through the slot making a small chink somewhere in the belly of it. The beep sounded in her ear as she started to punch in her own home number. The phone rang twice before her mother answered. Hello? Megan started to speak but only a sort of spluttering sound came from her. Hello? her mom said more forcefully. Hi Mom. Megan? Yeah, um happy birthday. Oh, Megan, sweetheart! Where are you?! her voice was a mixture of emotions. Relieved, happy and at the same time angry. I cant tell you. What? Why did you go? Did we do something wrong. No, Mom, please. You need to stay calm and let me talk. Whats going on? I had to run away, Mom. The meteor it changed me and Nikita and Ruth, though I didnt know at the time they were planning on running away too. Are you together? Are you safe? Yes, mom, please. Let me talk. Mrs Archer didnt say another word. People are looking for us, they know what we can do. Theyve been watching for a while. What kind of people? Mom! Please! Is it the government?

If only Talk to me, Megan. Tell me how to fix it. You cant, Mom. Only Nikita, Ruth and I can fix things. I cant come home until weve stopped them. Just come home. I cant. Not yet. But I will. Ill try to come home soon. Oh, sweetheart, I want you home now. I know, I wish I was home with you right now too. But if I do, you wont be safe either. Just promise me something. Anything, sweetheart. Stay away from Nikkis dad. Hes dangerous. What? Just promise me. Okay, I promise. Who is that? Megan heard her dads voice down the other end of the phone. Its Mrs Archer started. Hello? Mr Archer took hold of the phone. Who is this? Its me. Megan whispered. Megan? Good bye.

She couldnt take it any more. Megan hung up ignoring her mothers sobs and her father shouting out her name. Dabbing at her eyes with her sleeve she turned to find Mason waiting on her, arms full of bags and face extremely pale. She didnt hesitate when Mason dropped the bags and opened his arms out to her.

Mason didnt complain as Megan cried into his shoulder, wetting his coat and shirt. He almost didnt understand her when she spoke through sobs and hiccoughs. God I really really hurt them. She said through heavy gasps. Its going to be okay. He whispered, soothingly stroking her back. Thisll all be over soon.

Mason produced a fist full of tissues and helped to clean up Megans sopping face before they returned to the apartment. Her face was still a little splotchy but dry and her eyes were bloodshot. Every time he touched her skin he tried not to let on to the fact that she was sending out little

shockwaves and his whole body wanted to spasm from it. But he couldnt bare to see her suffer more.

When they returned, Megans breathing was back to normal, as was her ivory skin and keen bright eyes. Ruth was showing Nikita and Jesse how to work the tracker app on their cells when they entered. So I think thats the last of it. Megan said, dropping the bags onto the dinner table, her voice sound a little husky but no one noticed. How did it go with the landlady? Fine. Nikita answered distractedly. I paid her up front like Ruth said just in case we need to return. But were taking everything with us, right? Mason asked. Oh, yeah. Said Ruth. Unless Mama slithers from our grasp again and comes to New York, we wont be coming back. What about Shroud? Frost asked. Hes after you. With any luck, Ruth swallowed, well be long gone before they catch up with us. Theres no way he could though. Said Jack. What logical explanation is there that would explain how he knew where to find us? There isnt one. Nikita rushed on, noticing the distrustful look Ruth gave Frost. Well, if thats all there is, lets do one last sweep of the place and hit the road.

They swept round the department, it was clean. Nothing left in the wardrobes or closets, all the toiletries in the bathrooms had been packed and the table from the balcony had been returned to its normal place whilst Mason packed up the party lights for Ruths birthday.

Jesse, Mason and Ruth started taking down the luggage whilst Jack and Nikita made snacks for the road and Megan double checked all the locks on the windows. Jesse and Mason sat in the front seats whilst Frost and Ruth awaited the rest with the bus rear doors hung open.

Megan appeared at the building door first shortly followed by Nikita and then Jack. They were all laden with small boxes and bags of food when Jack dropped a large bottle of soda. When Nikita turned to help him he gave her his boxes and said, No Ill get it before it rolls onto the road. You get this stuff inside. You sure? Yeah, Ill just be a second.

Frost helped Nikita inside whilst Ruth waited, agitatedly, for her boyfriend to return. Then her heart seemed to stop. A screech of a speeding car roared in to life, turning into the parking lot where Jack was chasing down the rolling soda bottle. Jack, look out!

Nikita didnt even recognise the voice as Ruths as she turned to see what was happening. Ruth was sprinting, no running, for Jack who stood frozen his eyes locked on the car about to mow him down. Nikita choked, she threw her hands up and time slowed just enough for Ruth to push Jack aside to safety but it flowed right between her outstretched fingers and Ruth was lifted into the air.

Nikita and Frost watched transfixed as Ruth went skidding across the stony car park before slowing to a stop unconscious. Megan and Jack were screaming as Nikita stood with her hands still outstretched, trying to get a grip of herself and a grasp on time. But everyone kept moving normally.

A shot was fired as Megan tried to come to her friends rescue and she fell to the ground, Jack got to his feet in time to see two men jumping from the back of the black car, moving to where Ruth lay. Nikki, do something! Megan was shouting from where she lay with a bullet hole in her left shoulder. For gods sake, Meridian! Frost shouted, pulling out her gun, firing at the men who carried Ruth into the back of the car. Megan, are you all right? Mason asked, sitting by her side, shielding her with his own body. Im fine, Im fine. Im in excruciating pain but Im fine. She said over and over. Ruth! No, Ruth! Jack started to chase the black car and narrowly dodged a bullet fired his way.

Nikita was being pulled to the deepest safest part of the van by Jesse but she still managed to catch a glimpse of the wicked gloating smile on Shrouds face as he steered the car out into the street again. Jack, Frost and Mason helped to lift Megan into the car, tears streaming down most of their faces. Give me the car keys. Frost demanded. Ill take her to Uncle; hell take care of her. Whose Uncle? Jesse asked. A medic who used to work for Mama. But Ill heal. Megan whispered. Youll heal with the bullet still inside you. Mason pointed out. Oh. And I really think he should take a look at Jacks head too. Frost said, now reversing out their space.

Whats wrong with me? Jack asked. You hit your head when Ruth pushed you. Also I think Nikki might need something too. Shes clearly in some kind of shock the way shes still got her arms out like that.

Nikita felt, rather than saw, Jesse pull her hands back down to her sides. I choked. I totally choked. Nikita spluttered. Its not your fault. Jesse reassured her. You did enough to save Jack. But not Ruth! I dont know whats wrong with me. Listen to me, Frost called from the front seat, speeding down Broadway, Ruth is tough. She can take anything they throw at her. What was with all that talk you said this morning? Megan shouted, clutching at her shoulder. You know, if I had that pair after me Id I was saying that Id be afraid. I didnt mean Ruth would be afraid. Frost shot back defensively. Yes, but what you say had a real effect on her. Jack shouted. You should just keep your opinion to yourself in future.

Frost didnt slow down once. Megan saw, out the door windows, they were speeding out over the bridge into Queens. She started to black out every now and then. Sweat steadily forming on her forehead then her back. When she opened her eyes for the third time, she was looking into the eyes of a very old man.

The hazel-grey eyes looked slightly crazed as he studied her. His face was lined and crinkly almost. The bags under his eyes were puffy and the small beard was tinted purple. As he perched a pair of small glasses onto his large crooked nose, she was reminded of the comedian Billy Connolly. Shes-a-slippin-this-a-one. He said in a rapid lilt, and Frost came into view. Well, take the goddamn thing outta her. He made a nod and grunted, Thisgonnahurt. He said to Megan. What? Bite-down-on-a-this.

Megan obediently opened her mouth as the man put something long, milky white and hard between her teeth. Frost took her hand and whispered in Megans ear, Youre wound has already started to heal, hes going to have to open it up again. What!? she shouted but it came out kind of muffled. Dont look at Uncle, look at me.

It wasnt easy especially as Uncle started slicing up the newly healed patch of skin. Megans teeth clasped around the white object and bit hard trying to force back the scream and cry that wished to escape her. Frost was murmuring soft words to soothe her but Megan didnt listen to her. She just watched Uncle mumbling to himself when she blacked out again.

CHAPTER 15 THE torture

Geranium, as Frost called her, Uncles assistant, handed Nikita a cup with a couple of pills and a large glass of bourbon. She didnt wait around to see if Nikita took them and disappeared into a small office in what could only described as a warehouse. Uncle and Geranium worked in the attic of the abandoned warehouse in Queens.

As Megans screaming started afresh they all jumped except for Geranium who could be seen behind the office window staring off into space. She looked to be about thirty may be younger if it werent for the vacant expression and the tired bags under eyes. Geraniums hair was a vivid purple with a slightly red fringe, her gaunt expressionless eyes were green and her pale pallor matched her pale thin mouth.

Jesse assisted Nikita into taking whatever the medication Geranium had given her for shock. Do you think thats safe? Jack asked, checking his stitches in a mirror as Jesse helped Nikita knock back the pills and bourbon. I dont know what else to do.

Nikita coughed and spluttered disgustedly after Jesse took the empty glass of bourbon from her loose grasp. Nikitas eyes rolled up and she slid sideways, away from Jesse, falling unconscious. Oh, my god! What did you just give her? Jesse shouted at Geranium. Shell be out for a couple of hours. Geranium said nonchalantly. Shell be better when she wakes up. Jesse shes breathing okay, man. Mason said, pressing his head against Nikitas chest. Unless she starts foaming at the mouth or whatever, I think shell be okay. Theyre already in Virginia. Jack announced to the room.

You got the tracker working? Jesse asked. Yeah, I think I know where hes taking her. Where? Back to Tennessee. JESUS! Uncle shouted from the operating room.

There was a lull in the power and the lights blinked off frequently interspersed with shouts from Uncle. JESUS!, OH SHIT! and BUGGER! were his most used profanities. Whats going on in there? Mason asked, pounding on the thin metal door that separated them from Megan and Frost. Hes trying to get the bullet out but every time his tweezers make contact with it, Megan shocks him. Frost explained, shouting from the other room. MOTHERFUCK! Uncle roared. There

The lock on the metal door clicked and was yanked open from the inside. Frost, still in her magnificent white outfit, was splashed with blood. You can come in now. Shes just getting cleaned up. Thanks. Mason said, wasting no time to go check up on Megan. What the hell happened to her? Frost asked, nodding at Nikitas slumped form. Mystery pills and bourbon. Jesse answered. Were you able to track Ruth yet? Frost asked Jack. Yeah, just a second ago. Theyre driving through Virginia. Looks like theyre headed for Tennessee. Shroud isnt even American, why would he go there? He lives there. Mostly. Jack explained.

Megan entered, looking extremely ruffled, tired and pissed off, with the help of Mason. There was a lot of bandages wrapped around her shoulder and she winced with every move her left arm made. Her hair, still full of its normal volume, was scrunched up messily and the make-up, that she always took so much care and time to apply, was running, streaked and marred by the sweat dripping down her face. I dont think were going anywhere tonight. Frost declared to the room. Theres a hotel down the street, well stay there till both girls are patched up. Wait, whats wrong with Nikki? Megan asked. Geranium gave her some pink pills and a glass of bourbon. Jesse started to explain. She immediately went down like a lead balloon. Jack finished.

Oh she sighed. What about Ruth? We cant leave her. Well be on the road again in the morning. Frost said, trying to sound comforting again. They wont kill her, Megan. No theyll just torture her. No biggie. Jack said sarcastically. Well, arent you Mr Morbidly Feisty? Frost said, stroking Jacks muscular arm. Stop flirting, Frost. Jacks off limits. As are Jesse and Mason, I might add. Megan said heatedly. You want yourself a boy toy? Why dont you see if Uncle is available? After all Ive done for you, is that any way to talk to me? Frost asked snippily. No, Jack answered before Megan could retort, but Im not interested so back the hell off. No harm no foul. Frost said provocatively with a simpering smile. Come on, lets go get some rest for tonight. Do you need help with her? Jack asked Jesse. Nah, Jesse said, cradling Nikita in his arms, Im good, mate. Just hold the doors open for me. Do you need to be carried? Mason asked Megan. No, just make sure to catch me if I pass out. Promise.

They all gathered up their things and began to make their way to the attic door when Uncle cleared his throat. We havent settled our deal yet. Frost spoke, still in the same spot as before. Deal? Jack asked. Fee. How much? Jesse asked, stifling a sigh. Uncle is feeling generous so he would like, instead of payment, a ride with us. To where? Megan asked. Memphis. Uncle answered. Its on the way, Frost said reasonably, and we might need him to patch up Virago. I guess thats fair. But we wont be leaving till morning so that gives you plenty of time to pack. Megan offered.

Uncle beamed pleasantly as they started to retreat again, leaving him alone with Frost and Geranium.

She didnt recognise her surroundings when she awoke. From the looks of things she was in a small hotel room and the sky outside her window was almost pitch black. There were voices drifting in from the room next to the bedroom and Nikita got up to investigate, wavering slightly as she got to her feet.

When she was sure she could keep her balance she pushed open the bedroom door and walked down the little hall to the living room where found her rag-tag group all looking worse for wear, all there except for Ruth.

That was when Nikita remembered what had happened. Its on the news. Jesse said, coming out of the bathroom behind her. What is? The so called gun fight he air quoted, outside our apartment on Lexon Hill.

Jesse took Nikitas hand, leading her through to the small living room where Megan, Frost, Mason and Jack were sat around the TV eating pizza and watching the news.

There was some CCTV footage playing across the screen. It was at an angle from the back of the parking lot so you couldnt get a good look of the faces of those involved. Jack was heroically saved by Ruth and they watched as the strangers picked her limp form from the ground. A few blasts and then Megan was down on the ground too, Frost retaliated but didnt hit anyone on the opposing side. Were leaving now. Megan said, getting from her seat. Do you think thats best? Frost asked. Well how long is it till they identify us on tape? I know its not easy to see from this clip but Im sure there are people working on getting a better image as we speak. Well also have to get new wheels. Jack added. Theyll be looking for our bus. Ill call Uncle. Frost said, whipping out her white cell phone. Are you fit for travelling? Jack asked Nikita. Im fine, Im just Nikita looked away to dry her eyes. Hey, you cant fall apart now. Megan warned. Im almost fully mended but we need you focused. Ill do my best.

Ill go take care of the front desk, Jesse started, why dont you take care of the weapons? Sure. Amy, do you need a new clip? I think you fired your entire round out by the apartments. Thatd be great, hon. Thanks.

Frost took her gun out from her silvery crocodile skin purse and tossed it across to where Nikita stood. Jack showed her the spare room where all the luggage was being kept and started to toss clothes back into his own bag. Nikita emptied the clip from Frosts gun and stared at it in surprise. Whats the matter? Jack asked, watching her with an unreadable expression. This isnt right. Why? She was shooting blanks! WHAT!? Keep your voice down. Nikita shushed him. No wonder none of her shots made contact, these arent real bullets. I dont get it. Just keep this to yourself for now, Jack. Nikita loaded the gun with another clip of blanks. What are you doing? he asked suspiciously. You saw nothing.

Nikita fixed a smile onto her face as she returned Frosts gun, trying to keep the shock and anger from her face. Megans wound was now healed but the flesh was still tender and pink. She grimaced as Nikita helped her change clothes and put on a warm coat as they readied to leave again.

Jesse returned from the front desk with Uncle in tow, both damp from the rain that had started to pour down. Uncles brought his black van, Frost started to say, and hes willing to let us keep it. Thats generous of him. Mason nodded. Cant he speak for himself? Megan asked. Yeah, but none of you seem to understand his accent so Ill just translate for now. I think we need to dump the bus somewhere out of the state and off the route thats were taking. What are you suggesting? Jack asked. I think we need to take a detour through South Carolina. WHAT!? You cant be serious. Megan said outraged. We need to ditch the bus somewhere and its best if its not on our route to Memphis.

Why do we need to ditch the bus? Nikita asked confused. It was on the news too. Frost said impatiently. Theyre probably already looking for it. Well, then wed best be on our way. Jack said glumly.

A sharp pain jabbed and jarred her into waking but it faded away then Ruth realised it was just a broken rib healing itself. Her eyes were blindfolded and her writs were restrained, behind a pole and the rickety wooden seat she sat up on, with hand cuffs. Her wrists began to chafe and bleed as Ruth tried with all her might to break free of them.

She was so close to slipping her left hand free when pain blazed through her right knee. A cry of agony escaped her as Shroud removed her blindfold. The room was mostly bare except for a table displayed with horrifying looking instruments, a small fire was flickering in one corner and Shroud stood before her in one of his most impressive grey suits with a broad grin on his face. Ruth looked down to her right knee to see a large decorative knife protruding from the muscle just above it. I bet you wish you had the balls to have killed me yourself that night. He whispered playfully in her ear. It wasnt personal. Oh, I know, dear. But Im making it personal. Why? I gave you the offer of a lifetime and you you might as well have spat in my face. I didnt like that. I dont like being disrespected, so, Im going to teach you a lesson. You know my friends will be coming. Yes, Im sure theyre looking for you except they dont know where we are. Where are we? Oh, come on, how stupid do you think I look? Stupid enough for you to realise that I will heal and when I heal my strength will return. Unless, of course, I keep injuring you. He laughed. As long as I keep you weak, youll never be strong enough to break free and escape. Well, if you really believe that, it cant hurt to tell me where I am. Memphis. How long have I been out? Quite a while. The wife started to worry that you might not make it. You slipped out of reach once or twice.

Slipped? Youre heart stopped. James, you said I could play. Lola said, Ruth noticing her for the first time, crouched beside the fireplace. Very well, sweetheart, go ahead.

Shroud sounded and looked tired as he spoke to his wife. His face seemed to squirm a little as Lola pulled something from the fire a red hot poker. Strip her, you get her back. She said, speaking to someone over my head whom Ruth couldnt see.

Whoever it was had dark hands and slightly long nails as they grazed along her bare flesh. The person stripped her of her jacket and blouse leaving her with nothing but her skimpy black camisole. Please, dont! Ruth said, trying to keep the desperation in her voice. No!

Lola didnt hesitate, she descended up on Ruth and pressed the red hot poker onto her bare chest whilst someone pressed something freezing cold against her bare back. She screamed and fought and watched in horror as Shroud, looking terribly sick now, pulled the knife out of her leg and disappearing into the darker recesses of the room.

Ruth couldnt breathe. The poker scorched her skin whilst Lola pressed harder against her, cutting a fine line into her chest. The person behind pressed into her harder still but whatever they were using wasnt sharp enough to cut. Thats enough. Shrouds voice sounded like a whip from the shadows. You dont want to put too much on her all at once. Itll kill her for sure. You promised me! Lola retorted. You can torture her more later. Let her heal some. But, James Dont argue with me, Lola. Get upstairs. He bellowed.

Lola dumped the poker back into the fire the same time as the painful coolness was pulled from the flesh of Ruths back. Lola followed the stranger behind Ruth from the room and Shroud reappeared in front of the fire. He shook his head. Youre healing already. Isnt that incredible? he said, admiring Ruths chest as the scorched skin was replaced with new flesh. Leave me alone. Im sorry about her, but you did piss her off something awful.

Shroud picked up a cloth from the table and began blotting away the blood on her chest. Look at that. All better. What do you have to say? GO TO HELL! Ruth screamed.

The smile from Shrouds face fell and a look as icy cool as Ruths raw back replaced it. You really ought to have some manners.

Shroud got up to leave her alone but took his knife and stabbed her other leg before he went.

Chapter 16 The traitor MEGAN

Megan and Nikita were allowed some respite whilst the boys and Frost took turns at driving but the girls opted to take over for a while once theyd reached South Carolina. Frost directed them to a small forest like area, just on the outskirts of the state, where she had planned to dump the bus.

After unloading everything from the bus into the back of the black van, Uncle tossed them a packet of sterile wipes and they set to wiping off all traces of them from the bus. They worked from the inside out whilst Frost and Uncle pulled branches from trees and bushes and started piling them along and atop the vehicle as a camouflage. That ought to do the trick. Uncle mumbled as Frost meandered back to the van. How long do you think itll be before its discovered? Jack asked. I need to talk to you. Nikita whispered in Megans ear, pulling her farther into the thicket of trees. Slow down, Nikki. Whats going on? I need to show you something. Do you think she can hear us? Who? Frost! Nah, I doubt it. She went back to the van to take a call on her cell. Theres better reception out by the road. Whats up, Nikita?

Nikita took Megans hand in her own and pressed an empty clip into her palm. Megan stared at it quizzically wondering if the state of shock her friend had gone into had somehow addled her mind. What? Its empty, I took it from Frosts gun as I went to reload it at the hotel. So? Look closer. Megan looked at it again, still lost for any significance that Nikita could surely see. I dont know what Im supposed to be looking at. They were blanks. She hissed.

Megans brows went up in surprise, staring at the empty clip, Megan realised she was right. Both girls, wordlessly, started moving out into the clearing, where the boys were having a heated discussion about camouflage, past the bus and out towards the road. Dont tell her I know. I replaced it with another round of blanks. Nikita whispered. Im not going to say anything. I just want to hear who shes speaking to. Yes, Frost was saying as they hid behind a large bush bedecked in wild berries, I understand. I just dont want to believe all right, James, Ill take your word for it. Im just disappointed is all. James? Nikita asked. Shroud. Megan said in a quite growl. I wont be long. I dont know, Frost said impatiently, a few more hours at least. There was a pause before Frost rushed on. Whats she doing? Dont let her kill her, James. We could use her. Do you know how big an asset she could be? I know, I know, Im sorry. Theres no need to shout. Ready to go? Megan said, bounding forward with a false but bright smile on her face. Sure, hon. Listen I got to go, Ill speak to you real soon. Who was that? Nikita asked, following Megans lead. Oh, no one. Just an old colleague looking for Mama too. Hmm may be we can team up? Megan suggested. Yeah, may be. Frost said, her grin spreading. They live just outside Memphis so Im sure theyll be more than happy to help. What do you say we get this show on the road? Jesse said, followed by an angry Jack, Uncle and Mason. Dont tell them a thing. Megan hissed in Nikitas ear. We dont want her to know that were on to her. How stupid do you think I look?


How much longer do you think youll be? Ruth listened to Shrouds telephone conversation as her body healed itself from another battering. Shed lost a sense of time now. Had it just been a couple of hours since she was brought down here, or had it been more than that? She kept slipping in and out of consciousness so much that she wasnt sure if it was even the same day anymore.

Ruth gave another painful sob as Lola put a new knife into her right shoulder. Shes teaching her a lesson. Shroud was saying before he started shouting, I know exactly what shes capable of! But shes had her chance and she used it to attack us. Now shes going to know what it means to piss me off! he sighed then carried on in his usual nonchalance. Very well, Ill see you when you get here. Where is she? Lola asked. She wouldnt say, just a few hours. James, the closer her friends get here I know, Lola! Why doesnt she just kill them all now? Well, she doesnt want to kill them all for starters. Why not? She doesnt want to believe that the Rice girl is responsible for her sisters death and shes also taken a liking to that Cooley boy.

That was it for Ruth. She might not have been fully healed yet but her strength was already slowly returning and along with it her fighting spirit, the one that had kept her and her friends alive so far. Before she knew it shed broken free of her bonds and the little wooden chair, shed sat on, broke to pieces as it shattered against the wall, knocking out the mystery man who always stood behind her out of sight. He was no one important; shed seen him in Mamas files in passing. Just another renegade out to exact revenge.

Lola went down easily with a single back handed blow to the head. Shroud had another knife at the ready but so did Ruth as she took the one that Lola had just put through her right shoulder. It was coated in blood. Shroud tried to block his pregnant wifes body from further damage and pounced forward at the ready with his knife.

Ruth wasnt strong enough to take him on in a real fight, not yet any way. She sidestepped his attack and knocked him out with the butt of her knife. After that Ruth floundered her way upstairs, the feeble sounds of the mystery man stirring awake behind her.

At the top of the stairs was a white wooden door, she opened it up and locked it behind her, although it wouldnt take much, a good kick maybe, to get it open. Ruth recognised the gleaming kitchen right away they were at the Sutton manor, not far from Megans apartment. She only needed a distraction to get off this property without any of the guards stopping her. As luck would have it, there were no guards tonight.

Her cell had gone unnoticed and remained in her back jeans pocket. Frost couldnt be trusted and she needed to warn them. Should she call them? No, a text would suffice surely.

Alive and seriously injured. Just escaped. On route to Megans place. Dont trust Frost, shes working with Shroud.

She sent the message to both Megan and Nikita before the treacherous walk into town.


She and Megan stared at the message theyd just received from Ruth. Or was it from Ruth? Nikita started to wonder. Could it be a trap?

They didnt say a word for the rest of the journey which took about another four hours before they pulled up on a quiet street and Uncle departed leaving us an address where to find him should we need him again. He tipped his hat in thanks before disappearing into the night. Where to, ladies? Frost asked from the drivers seat. My place. I left something there that might help us rescue Ruth. Megan lied.

Whilst Megan leaned over to direct Frost on which route to take, the boys all looked at Nikita quizzically. She leaned farther back in her seat, out of Frosts line of sight, pointed at the driver, shook her head and drew a line along her throat with her index finger. She hoped it would be enough to let the boys know she wasnt on their side.

It didnt take much for Jack to realise she couldnt be trusted since he didnt care much for her in the first place. Jesse looked all kinds of confused but Nikita couldnt tell what Mason was thinking by the way he was watching Megan instruct Frost on how to get to her apartment.

Do you think shell be there by now?

Megan typed into her cell and flashed it Nikitas way. Thinking of how long it had been since they received Ruths text Nikita figured it was possible so long as Shroud hadnt caught up to her. In response, Nikita half shrugged, half nodded as her silent way of saying maybe. Were here. Frost said, pulling up to the curb outside Megans apartment.

Nikita quickly tapped a message into her own phone and flashed it for all, except Frost to see. Follow my lead. We got a message from Ruth. Shes inside. Nikita started, Megan gasping in surprise. I think its a trap though. Could be. Frost said thoughtfully. Whats the plan? I think the boys should stay down here just in case. But I- Just in case, Jack. Nikita added firmly. Jack nodded in defeat. Theres rooftop access from the other side of the building. Megan pointed down a small side street. Why dont you take the front entrance while Frost and I come in from the roof? If it is a trap, they wont be able to get past us if they try to make a run for it. Good idea. Frost nodded. Got your gun? Nikita asked. Im all set. Frost assured her. You dont have to do this, you know? Megan, pulling Nikita back, hissed in her ear whilst Frost dashed for the fire escape. I brought her with us. Shes my responsibility. Nikita Megan, if I had just let Ruth shoot her back at the hotel we wouldnt be in this mess. Be careful. Jesse said, pushing past Megan. Ill be fine. Are we doing this or not? Frost called back. Lets go. Megan started. Before she gets suspicious.

Nikita sent a quick reply to Ruths message. If its really you and youre really at Megans, hide!

Megan still had her keys and easily let herself in whilst Nikita and Frost climbed to the roof in silence. Nikita remembered a conversation with Megan when she said she had a rooftop garden and a grand view of Memphis from it. She wasnt wrong. The little garden seemed so peaceful and tranquil, to bad someone was about to ruin it by shooting their opponent. So what next? Frost asked, as she clambered up over the ledge. Excuse me? If we find Ruth, what happens next? We go after Shroud. Right, of course. Will that be a problem?

They both were inching towards the door, guns drawn, to the apartment below when Frost turned to glare at Nikita sceptically. What makes you ask that? I overheard your conversation with Shroud. Did you now? Frost asked, now removing the safety from her gun. What did you hear? Not much. Do you want to know what he told me, Nikita? Nikita removed the safety from her own gun, Sure. He told me you were responsible for Amandas death. Is that true? Thats what he told you? Is it true? Nikita gulped, literally gulped, Yes.

Nikita was grateful she replaced Frosts blanks with more blanks, she hadnt hesitated to shoot Nikita after confessing to kill her sister Sigma. Nikita dodged anyway and fired her own gun, only hitting Frost in the shoulder but it was enough to knock her on her ass. How? Frost gasped. It was a really big mistake to let me refill your gun. I know now that youre responsible for what happened to Ruth. You had blanks in your gun, Frost. You werent trying to stop Shroud from getting away with her. I still was unsure but I replaced those blanks with more. Just in case you turned on us. Very clever. I didnt want to kill your sister. In fact, I actually tried to save her in the end. But she slipped out of my grasp.

You murdered her. She was a target. Its not personal and you know it. I didnt know she was your sister. Youre still to blame. Yeah, well, you had my friend kidnapped and, possibly, tortured. I think were even. What are you going to do now? Well, that all depends on you. Me? If I spare you, will you come back for me? Or them? Nikita glanced down to where Jesse stood. Frost was shaking now and her face was turning a blazing red when she spat out, I will hunt you down and make you pay. Nikita sighed, So be it.

She walked past where Frost lay and wrenched the door open. Although her gun was useless, Frost still reached for it and Nikita didnt hesitate, this time, to pull the trigger. She didnt need to watch Frosts body crumple to the ground. Nikita had already seen the blood pouring from the whole in her old babysitters right temple.

Her apartment door was busted open, and ajar, as she pushed it open, the rest of the way, with the tip of the barrel of her gun. It looked just the way shed left it. Megan made her way slowly, silently from room to room before moving upstairs to check on the other rooms but there was nothing here. Shed just inspected the armoury room when Nikita appeared in the doorway that led to the roof access. Wheres Frost? Megan asked. Dead. Are you okay? Im tired of having blood on my hands. I know the feeling. Any sign of her? Not yet. I did tell her to hide. Sent a message right before I followed Frost up the fire escape. Where do you think she might be? Hang on, Nikita said, following Megan downstairs, I want to try something. What?

Ruth West! she shouted, Come out, its only us.

There was the sound of a thud and a groan from the kitchen and both girls leapt the last of the stairs to find Ruth huddled up inside the barren fridge. She spilled out onto the linoleum floor as they hurtled towards her smiles splitting their faces for the first time in days. Its really you? I think Ive been hallucinating. I almost didnt believe I was even here until I heard someone running up the stairs just now. It was only me. Megan said, squeezing the air out of her in a rib cracking hug. God, Ruth, I am so sorry. This is all my fault. Nikita said, throwing herself into the embrace. Its not, dont worry about it. Okay? Youre not to blame. Wheres Frost? Dead. Nikita answered. Good.

Megan helped Ruth to her feet and took in all of what Shroud had put Ruth through in the space of a day. Blood had spilled and dried up in various slits in her clothing, there was freshly healed flesh on her chest, back, arms and neck. But as Megan studied Ruths face, she noticed something a little shocking. Ruths blue eye was brighter than normal but it was barely noticeable over the puffy eyelid that was rapidly shrinking to its normal size. Ruth, your eye! Nikita gasped before she could stop herself. My what?

Ruth squinted and then blinked, as the bruising vanished as well, she was giving them a look that Megan wasnt entirely comfortable with. It was almost kind of sad but alien looking. Megan had a horrible feeling that Ruth confirmed with her next words. How come I can see your bones?

Without much further ado, Ruth passed out.


the birthday
Had she been dreaming it again? Or had her friends really came to her rescue? Or was she still in Shrouds basement?

Warm hands brushed the hair away from her face before something warm and wet replaced them. Gently, it worked its way down her neck, her chest which stung a little and her arms. Someone started stripping away her clothes that stuck to her skin and smelt, somehow, metallic.

Her whole body tensed at the sound of a males voice, some part of her expected it to be Shrouds cool, accented voice but it wasnt. It sounded almost like Jack. Please dont let it be a dream. Please, dont let it be a dream, she found herself wishing.

The fog in her head cleared at last and the weight that had kept her eyes shut was gone. Ruths eyes snapped open and they watched as Nikita stripped off her dirty clothes, cleaned the skin beneath and put on fresh warm clothes. Oh, youre awake. She smiled. Ruth croaked, Where am I? Were still at Megans. Hows your eye? What? Youre blue eye. Just before you passed out, it glowed brightly and you said something about bones. I saw them, right through your skin. Ruth remembered, as Nikita helped her sit up. Why is that? Megan and I have a theory. Do you want to hear it? Sure, Im all ears. Well, remember when I got hit by that bazooka and I was forcing my healing powers to work faster. You got that extra blue stripe in your hair. Right, we think its the same with you. May be you were forcing yourself to heal a little last night. But its not glowing so bright any more. And I cant see whats beneath your skin. Ruth moaned. So if I get hurt again and force the healing, itll do that again? Your guess is as good as mine. I thought I heard Jack. Hes just gone to make you some breakfast. Megans taking care of Frosts body for me. So shes dead? Yeah. Nikita said awkwardly, not meeting Ruths gaze. Where are Mason and Jesse? Ruth asked to change the subject. Theyre unloading the van. Looks like were setting up shop here. Shouldnt we be going after Shroud? Hell be coming for us, Im sure.

You need to rest first. No overexerting yourself, okay? Were taking today off. But We know, Ruth. Its been an intense couple of days to say the least were just having a time out before the big face off with Shroud and his crew. You know who we go after once were done with Shroud, right? How can I forget? She tried to blow us up, remember? Actually I wasnt talking about Mama. Then who? Oh. Yeah. Him. Exactly. What do you want to do about him? Why does it matter? Hes your Dad, Nikki. Its your choice. Jail or, you know the other thing. Kill him. How do I decide that? We cant leave him. Hes bad. How are we any different? Were not evil. Nikki, the man beat you and your Mom up for years. If thats not a good enough reason to put someone behind bars at the very least then search me. Because I dont know what to do about him. I thought youd opt for that other thing. Ive never been a fan of him, thats not news. But hes still your Dad. Exactly. Nikita got to her feet and moved towards the bedroom door. Wed be the biggest hypocrites, Ruth, if we caught him and sent him off to jail. We didnt have a choice. Yes, we did. Okay, fine we did. We chose to do what was necessary though. Your Dad is an entirely different story. Hes the bad guy, Nikki. Weve done a lot of good to the world by ridding it of his kind of people. Nikita laughed, it was a little choked but cold. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Ruth.

Nikita brushed past Jack on her way out as he entered with a steaming plate of scrambled eggs and toast. He gave her curious glance before turning back to Ruth with her breakfast. Whats up with her? Ruth sighed. Talking about her Dad. I dont know what Im going to do there.

Oh, I see. What are you girls going to do about him? Im letting Nikita decide that. I just dont want whatever she decides to come between us. I went completely the wrong way about it. Shes just upset. Nikita killed her childhood babysitter last night. Im sure shes in no mood right now to talk about her Dad. But you agree with me, right? He should be locked away. Oh definitely. Hes no better than Shroud or Mama, he doesnt deserve freedom. What about me and the girls? We arent exactly innocent either. Youre no angels, Jack admitted, but youre not evil either, Ruth. Thank you. Youre welcome. No, seriously, thank you. For always being there for me. Sticking up for me even when you probably shouldnt. Jack laughed. Eat your breakfast, West. Theres a surprise for you downstairs when youre ready. A surprise? Have you forgotten what day it is?

Jack leaned over and kissed her so gently as if he feared she would break at his touch. That brought back a memory. Weeks ago, when shed first met Jack and hed discovered who she really was, he made a promise that, once she turned eighteen, he wouldnt hold back on her any longer.

Ruth felt herself blush and a heated sensation started to creep up her neck and ears. When Jack pulled away he looked happy, really happy, which surprised Ruth as she wasnt too sure if she was happy herself. Only when she was in Jacks did she ever feel close to it. But today was her eighteenth birthday, shed better act happy if she couldnt muster true happiness. Ill be downstairs when youre ready.

The eggs and toast were eaten in a heartbeat. She still felt hungry as she checked herself out in the mirror, adjusting her hair and clothes before going downstairs. Her eye was only a shade or two brighter than normal but she still opted to put on a lens to cover it anyway. It was still a little alarming and it really drew the eyes attention towards it.

The grass green contact lens, which matched her other natural eye, didnt quite block out the blue any more. Shrugging it off, Ruth descended the stairs to find the living room bedecked with bunting and an ice bucket with a large bottle of champagne sat chilling on the coffee table. Another table had been set up with food and, at the end of it, a small pile of presents.

We snuck out last night when you passed out. Megan explained, pointing out Jack and Mason. Its not much. We bought the champagne, food and decorations before we left New York. Before you got kidnapped. Thanks, this is really sweet. Isnt it a little early for booze though? What time is it? Its almost two oclock. Nikita pointed to the clock they could all see in the kitchen wall. How long was I out? Well, when we found you, it was only around four. Youve been out ever since. Oh, man, Im so tired. May be you should sit down. Jack suggested. We dont have to open the champagne till later. Thanks. Ruth said, flopping down onto a leather couch. I wouldnt say no to more food though. She smirked. Okay, Ill make you up a plate. Jack laughed. And Ill go get the gifts. Mason leapt to her feet, followed by Nikita, walking over to the gifts. Did I miss anything while I was out? she asked, pushing herself up on her elbows as Jack returned with a plate piled high with party snacks. Nothing happened. Nikita and Megan took turns at watching out for trouble on the roof. Here you go.

Megan and Nikita dropped the parcels into Ruths lap. Considering it was a rushed, last minute job, Megan and the boys had gone all out. Ruth got some new clothes, music and books as well as some killer looking throwing knives to add to her collection. These are great, you guys. Youre the best. We also got you this. Nikita held out a small disposable cell phone with a bright silver ribbon. I had the idea after Megan made a confession to us last night. What confession? Ruth asked. Megan sighed and half closed her eyes before saying, I called home. WHAT?! When? In New York, when Mason and I went over to the grocery store he gave me some change and I used the payphone right outside. And I figured, Nikita rushed on before Ruth could retaliate, if were successful, it wont be long before we can all go home. Its your birthday, Ruth, you should call home. What about you? Ruth asked, looking at the disposable cell. Nikita laughed a little sadly, Who am I going to call? My abusive terrorist of a father? Or my Mother who disowned me? You could call your Gran. Ruth suggested.

Its not the same. These are your parents. Call them. Okay, Ruth felt subdued, Ill call them. Im going to go call from the roof, I need some space. They all nodded and agreed shed need some privacy. Do you want me up there with you? She sighed, No, but stay close. Why dont I wait at the bottom of the roof stairs? he asked. That would be great.

Presents and party forgotten, Nikita, Megan, Mason and Jesse all wished her well as Jack followed Ruth up one flight of stairs to be left at the bottom of another. If you need me, just call me. I will.

Ruth made her way upstairs and walked out into the garden rooftop. There was a small swinging chair by a very calming looking water feature so Ruth made her way over to the swinging seat. She crossed her legs before dialling her home number. As if they were waiting on it, the phone barely made one ring before it was answered. Hello? answered her Dad. Ruth cleared her throat to speak but, whatever words she wanted to say didnt follow. Ruth? her Dad asked. Its me. She answered. Hi. Oh, my god, Ruth! Where have you been? We thought you were Im alive. Im so sorry, for putting you through all this. Just tell us where you are and well come get you. I cant Dad. Is someone making you say that? No, Im alone and Im fine. I think Ill be home soon. Megans mom said you were coming home. She told us all about what the meteor did to you girls. She did? Yes. Are you still with them? Theyre downstairs just now. Are they okay? Theyre great. Theyre sad. We all want to come home. Then come home.

I cant, Dad, not just yet. Ill put you all in danger if I do. We can protect you all from whatevers after you. Sorry, Dad, but this is out of your depth. Not even the police can keep us safe. Were on our own. Ruth Please, Dad, this is really hard for me too. I didnt want to leave but we were tricked. Ill explain it all, I promise I will. But you have to let me be for now. When will you come home? I dont know but I dont think well be gone much longer. Okay. Does anyone else know about our powers? No. Does anyone else know why we havent come home? No. Good, because theyll all be in danger too, probably, if they knew. I promise we wont say a word to anyone. Thanks. Id better go now. No, Ruth, wait Dad, you know what I have to do. Just one more thing. I want you to promise me something. Anything. Ruth bit on her lip, wondering if she could keep this promise. Give em hell, darling. Give em hell. She smiled her menacing signature smile, My specialty.

She hit the end button and turned to see Jack standing just outside the door. Not caring how long hed been there or how much he heard, Ruth threw herself into his arms. Even though the tears started to stream down her eyes and onto Jacks shoulder, a smile lingered on her lips and her Dads voice rang in her ears. Give em hell.

Chapter 18 The night

The party was in full swing now. Ruth was smiling like shed never smiled in months and Nikita was happy for her. The champagne was almost gone as well as the beers and wine Megan had managed to procure the night before. Megans iPhone was plugged into a dock beneath the TV and party music was blaring out from the speakers. In fact, it was so loud that, at one point, when they were dancing on the roof they could still hear it with perfect clarity.

Luckily the night life of Memphis kicked in and you couldnt tell which building was responsible for the ruckus. They were well prepared for what tomorrow would bring. After Ruths call home, before they started to party, they all sat around and planned their next strategy. After that, they made sure the costumes were in good nick and their weapons well stocked and prepped before sitting down to a feast from the pizza parlour across the street.

Jesse was all over Nikita, not that she complained, and around midnight they went to bed. His breath was warm and sweet on her neck as Nikita started to tear of his shirt. Easy tiger. He breathed in her ear, a smile in his voice. Im in no rush. But what about tomorrow? What about tomorrow? Jesse asked. What if it doesnt work? What if we all just get massacred? Hey, dont think like that. I cant help myself. Weve had all these chances. All these nights weve had to ourselves, wasted. We couldve been taking advantage of them but we havent. Advantage being the key word here. I dont want to take advantage of you. Thats what youre afraid of? Thats what I know. Im scared, Jesse. I know you are but youre going to survive this. You always do. You havent known me very long. No, I havent. But I know that you are strong and brave and just all round amazing. Nikita laughed. You really think so? I know so. When you come back then we can take advantage of each other. Is there anything I can say thatll make you stay here? Where I know youd be safe. No, were a team. Wherever you go, I go. Nikita sighed. I dont want you to get hurt. I wont, Ill be with you. He kissed her sweetly.

I really care about you, you know. And Im crazy about you. Id daresay, Im falling for you. Yeah, well the feelings mutual. Then lets make a promise. If we live to see another sunset, and weve dealt with Mama and whoever else, we ride off into the sunset. Where to? Anywhere we want. The skys the limit. Well take the whole gang with us. One last adventure before you go home. Tempting. Nikita sighed. Lets just see how tomorrow works out before we make any solid plans. Fare deal. Jesse agreed.

After drawing the short straw, Megan got the early morning watch on the roof but was soon joined by an irritated Mason who brought coffee and croissants with him. Everything okay? Megan asked. You dont want to know. He said, blowing on his steaming mug of coffee. Just tell me. Nothing, its just a little loud down there. What? Theyre all in bed. Oh Megan said, the knowledge of Masons words hitting home. Eew. Yup. Well, my watch is nearly over so Ill have to go wake them in twenty minutes. Theyll wake up half the building the way theyre going. Mason joked. Honestly, you think theyd be a bit more I dont know, tactful about it. Living in an apartment with people you dont really know all that well I dont think they care, Megan. But we do know each other. I know it hasnt been long since we took you all away but, weve spent so much time with each other now Id think its safe to call each other friends. Well, in the short time youve known me what have you discovered? That youre a hopeless romantic. Goes without saying. Mason smirked. Youre generous and loyal. I know you really miss your family, especially your brother. Youre smart, a good student. You handle a crisis pretty well. I do?

Well, I think weve been through a fair share of them since I met you. She laughed. Very true. Youre such a good person. You are too. Oh, I dont know about that. You are, Megan. I didnt know you that well before the meteor hit and Mama took over your life, but, I see how much what you do troubles you. To know that youve gone through the ringer and still come out the same on the other end thats thats something.

Megan wiped at her brimming eyes and sipped on her scolding hot coffee some more. Megan nibbled on one end of the croissant, lacking an appetite as she contemplated the day to come. They were one step closer to Mama now and finally laying their demons to rest.

Ruth drifted blissfully in and out of sleep the following morning, until she started to feel the nagging muscle pain down below. It was tolerable for only a little while longer then she needed to get up and stretch.

She felt a pang of remorse as she realised Jack was not beside her in bed, nor in the bathroom or any other rooms on this level. Had something happened to him? Surely not Shroud? Or was it about last night? It was only her first time after all. Morning, sleepin beauty. Jacks voice startled her as she double checked the walk in wardrobe. I thought wed have breakfast in bed.

Jack was holding a loft a large black tray filled with delicious waffles and syrup, eggs and bacon, tea and OJ, even some toast. God! You scared me, Jack! I was worried something had happened to you. You werent there when I woke up. Ruth explained at Jacks questioning gaze. Sorry, I thought you might have slept in. Come back to bed.

Ruth dutifully followed him, inwardly sighing relieved. Hes okay, hes okay Ruth kept up this mantra till they were back in their room. For the first time she noticed he wasnt properly dressed. All he wore was a pair of pyjama bottoms; his chest and feet were bare. What a perfect sight! Slightly ruffled raven black hair, tired dark eyes and the corner of his beautiful mouth tilted up in a smile as he patted the empty side of the bed in an inviting gesture. Hes all mine!

Never in a million years had Ruth imagined this kind of relationship for herself. Shed grown with her two best friends, watching them constantly falling in and out of love or so they believed but never felt anything for anyone other than those girls and her parents. Its not that she didnt go wanting, she had plenty of boys who were attracted to her but most were intimidated by her strength and tenacity.

She was never afraid of love, Ruth only worried that it might change her. But Jack loved her for who she is and so Ruth still felt like herself. She wasnt turning into a girly-girl, like Megan or Nikki, and she wasnt a love-sick fool, either. Not much had changed.

Ruth couldnt help the grin that spread over her face at the first words Jack uttered her way. Well, I heard that a womans touch was powerful stuff but in all my years Ive never seen anything quite like you, sweetheart. What are you grinning at me like that for? Jack asked. I was just remembering the day we first met. Oh, yeah, the Keepers Inn. Can you believe that was only a few weeks ago? I know, it feels longer.

Clambering in beside him, Ruth quickly paces a small kiss on his cheek. What was that for? No reason. She said, smiling shyly. Okay I hope youre hungry. Starving.

Megan yawned loudly as Mason poured her another fat mug of coffee. She was drinking it black in hopes to keep herself awake. That last shift on the roof left her dog-tired. Nikita and Jesse were double checking everything for their next mission when Ruth and Jack arrived in the living room.

It was the first time either Megan or Nikita had seen Ruth flushed with shy embarrassment. Winking at Nikita, Megan made a silent agreement to tease Ruth when she was alone. Okay, I think were ready. Are you sure youre up for this? Nikita asked as Megan gulped down her third mug of coffee. Ill be fine once I get some Red Bull in my system.

There wasnt any trouble on the last shift? Ruth asked casually. None that I could see. What do you want us to do? Jesse asked. Stay out of trouble, preferably. Answered Nikita. You dont really expect us to sit this one out? We dont expect you to, said Megan, but wed prefer it if you did. You might want to consider sitting this one out, boys. Ruth began. Shrouds place is crawling with more guards and assassins. Since my escape hes probably redoubled his staff. If he sees any of you round and about, itll be shoot on sight. Megan explained. And none of you can recover from instances like that as quickly as we can. We cant exactly sit here and wait. Mason argued. Itd be torture. Sitting and waiting is not torture. Believe me. Ruth added darkly, rubbing at her chest.

There was nothing they could say to deter them. No argument would convince them to stay behind. In the end, they all left together. Two blocks over from the Sutton Manor, they were in the back of the van, double checking their weapons and pulling on their outfits. The boys agreed, reluctantly, not to follow the girls into the house but to take up posts around the edge of the property to keep lookout for any more arrivals.

Ruth didnt like her part of the plan at all. She was the one they were all after at Sutton Manor. Ruth would play the part of bait; she would keep Shroud distracted whilst Megan and Nikita took care of everyone else whilst Shrouds back was turned. It would most certainly mean more pain on Ruths part but she could take it.

The wall by the plum tree was deserted as she clambered down to her shadowy hiding spot. As soon as she stepped out into the light, Ruth would draw most of the security out of the little outhouse they shared, leaving Megan and Nikita to neutralise anyone who remained behind.

It worked out just as they had planned. About twenty men and women bolted from the outhouse to get her. She made a rather convincing attempt to fight them off but not so much as they wouldnt lose their grip on her. Shroud sauntered out from the house, smiling smugly, gloatingly at Ruth as he stalked towards her with Lola and the tall dark man not far behind. Well, now, what do we have here? And what are you wearing? he laughs. Dear me, I must admit, Miss West, you are a sight for sore eyes.

Lola shifts from foot to foot angrily behind her husband, staring at Ruth with blatant hatred. Who knew spandex could be so flattering. You can look but you cant touch. Im spoken for. Ruth hissed. Yes, youre boyfriend Jack, who is currently standing on the corner over by my east wing. Not very stealthy, I must say. Hes not doing you any harm. No, but, unless, you come quietly poor Jackie will end up with a bullet in his skull. So what are you going to do Ruth? Ill come quietly. She said, shaking off the security staff. Good girl. The rest of you, back to your posts.

As she was frogmarched into the manor by Shroud and Lola, Ruth saw, out of the corner of her eye, the outhouse light up brightly from within before being sent into darkness. The girls were in the grounds.

Chapter 19 The trick MEGAN AND NIKITA

That was easier than I thought it would be. Megan said, pulling her fist free of the mains box. They all dead? Yeah, it worked. But theyve got open comms. So? So, they know the boys are outside. Ill call them you keep an eye out.

Megan pulled her walkie-talkie free of the clip in her utility belt. Live Wire to the Lost Boys, come in. Roger, Live Wire. They said in unison. Keep your voices down. Virago is in the house. Meridian and I have fried the outhouse. You need to retreat, okay? Youre being watched. Retreat? hissed Jack.

Yes! Dont go back to the van, they might follow you. Go over to the bar in the hotel behind us. You want us to leave? Not now! Mason complained. Yes! Now do it. Megan hissed back, no-nonsense-like.

Megan found Nikita dragging all the bodies into the staff dressing room towards the back of the outhouse on the upper level. Eight of them rushed Ruth. Theres one at the back door and another at the front. One over by the plum tree two by the front gate and three more that I cant see. Not to mention the ones outside following the boys. You got enough energy to hold on time whilst we take care of these goons? Yeah, lets just make it quick though. We take care of these guys in the grounds then go after the boys, make sure theyre safe before we make our way in the house. Do you think Ruth will be okay? Shes been through the mill but I think she can hold her ground for a few minutes. Now lets move.

They worked together quickly, taking out their targets and stowing them out of sight. With time in Nikitas control, they were on the street in less than two minutes. Locating Jack, Jesse and Mason was easy and they only had one of the guards after them. Megan zapped him with a touch to his shoulder and he collapsed in her arms. They quickly deposited him with the other bodies before scrambling up the lawn to the back door.

The lights on the ground floor were all on and voices could be heard nearby. Nikita investigated the open basement door which stood ajar but it didnt look like Ruth was down there. Megan indicated she would move to the dining room whilst Nikita moved on towards the living room. It was empty except for a small cat sleeping on top of the grand piano.

Nikita jumped at the sound of a loud smack. Wherever they had Ruth she was being hit again. Nikita moved back towards the kitchen in hopes of finding Megan but she was nowhere to be seen. A floorboard creaked behind her and relief flooded through Nikita. For a second she thought something had happened to Megan.

She turned and jumped back in fright. Advancing on her with what looked like a cutlass was Lola. She was ushering Nikita towards the basement door. Before Nikita could raise her hands to defend herself, a boot descended on Lolas scull. Down, down, down she went where Lola cracked her skull on the basement floor.

Holy shit! Wasnt she pregnant? Megan asked, lowering her foot to the ground again. Well, that would explain the massive bulge protruding from under her shirt. I-I-I just panicked. She had you with a cutlass. A cutlass! I know; I couldnt believe it either. Lola, what are you doing? Shroud hasnt got any word back from the guards.

The dark mans voice made both the girls jump. Megan hid behind the door to the basement whilst Nikita ducked under the dining room table. The man jumped at the sight of Megan on the stairs and Lolas dead body at the bottom behind her. He didnt even make a sound when Megan shocked him. Two down Megan said as he watched the man fall down to join Lola. Nikita pulled herself free from chair legs and met Megan at the top of the steps. One to go.

Oh God, where are they? Ruth was losing her cool. Shroud was getting what he wanted but she wasnt tired yet. She still had plenty of fight in her. So what was your plan? You come here alone and outnumbered, hmm? You mustve had a plan. Not really, I just had a burning temptation to come here and spit in your eye. Shroud chuckled wryly, You beguile me. Hardly. Why not accept my offer? You and I could go far, you know. Im eighteen. So? So Im barely more than a minor. And make no mistake; Im no ones mistress. Ruth warned. You wound me again, Miss West. Im a family man. I mean only business between us.

Out of the corner of her eye again, she saw them. Megan and Nikita had located them in the spare bedroom just beyond the bottom of the staircase. They both nodded frantically at her. It was now or never.

Standing up right, Ruth snapped her cuffs as if they were merely dough and easily pinned Shroud to the wall. Now, were going to play things my way, dearie. Ruth said, impersonating his English accent. How? Lola! Lola, sweet Shes dead. Megan said, appearing alongside Nikita. So is your colleague. I dont believe you. We can show you if you like.

Ruth ushered Shroud out after Megan and Nikita stopping at the door at the top of the basement stairs. A pool of blood was starting to gather at the foot of the stairs and Shroud stared transfixed. My child Im sorry. Megans apology was genuine. She was going to kill Nikita. She was pregnant! he spat. And you killed her. Youd better get him under control Nikita warned Ruth.

It was too easy for Ruth to make her usual connection. Shroud had given up at the sight of his dead pregnant wife. Ruth was certain this wouldve angered him, even though their relationship was struggling, she never expected Shroud to surrender so completely. What do you want? he asked almost sullenly. We want Mama Goodys head on a platter. So go get her. You need to tell us where to find her first. Oh for you dont know yet? What? She never left. Mamas still in Sweetwater. She works in Knoxville but shes been staying in Sweetwater. So she was never in New York? No. That was all a rouse? To get Frost into our midst?

We did anything we could to get to you. We didnt want to kill you. We wanted you to work for us. Pretty funny way of showing it. Think what you want. Youre powerful and we aspire to those with power. Aspire? Megan asked surprised. You wanted to work for us? Not exactly, no. It doesnt matter anyway. You knew, the moment we caught up with you, it would end this way. Added Ruth. It doesnt have to. Yes it does. What about Will? Where does he come into this? Nikita asks. We follow his lead. Hes even more hell-bent on killing Mama than you all are. If you want that privilege youd best be going. No time left to lose. Ill go round up the boys. Megan said, disappearing. Ill take care of the bodies and place a mystery call to the police. Nikita said, following Megan. Just you and me now, sweetheart. Shroud said as Ruth broke the connection.

Theyd left her to deal with her target alone. Shed screwed this up once already, now she needed to make things right. Shroud was despicable. Hed done terrible deeds, mostly to Ruth herself. Well? What are you waiting for? You really want this dont you? Ruth said, noticing the desperation in his eyes. There was no anger or fear or sadness. It sickened Ruth more than anything. Do you want to die? Want? What does it matter what I want? Youre going to do it anyway. Im not a monster. No, youre a puppet. Mamas puppet. Youre wrong. Everyone seems to think because of my temper and violent tangents that Im a killer too. But you all forget that I havent killed any one of you. And thats how it should be. Im the one that leads the way and holds their hand. They may have taken lives and are prepared to take more, but Im not. Im the glue you see? What exactly are you getting at? I wont let Mama win, not again. Are you really that stupid? Youre going to let me live? Yes. Whose to say that I dont just hang myself after you leave? Ill make sure you wont. she said, taking his hand, readying the connection.

Whose to say I wont come, one night, and slaughter you all in your sleep. Then hear this. Ruth hissed, tightening her grip making the bond. When Im gone youll live on. Youll strive to survive. And youll take this message out to any of your friends still left out there. What message? he asked, eyes and voice soft. Dont come looking for trouble or trouble will surely find you. Mama is finished, soon she will be dead. Unless youd like to join her youd best go underground. Me and my friends are more than meets the eye. Two can only kill you but I will invade your mind and twist your thoughts till you dont see sense and punish yourself. Ruth stood up, brushing herself down as Shroud watched her in wonder. Are we clear? Why wont you kill me? I suffered, now its your turn. Clean up your mess. She said, pointing down to the basement. You said youre not a monster. This is so much crueller than death. Cruelty is not the word Id use to describe this. What word would you use? Justice. She hissed. Once youre done here, youll leave and never return. Understand? Yes, Hawkeye. Thats not my name any more. What is it? Virago. You might want to pass that along to your friends as well. Virago, Meridian and Live Wire are waiting. Pass it along.

In the back of the van, they were all starting to panic. Ruth had been gone longer than expected. Megan and Nikita had begun concocting a plan to retrieve her when Ruth came strolling casually around the corner. Trouble? Megan asked. No, its done. What now? Now we head to Sweetwater but well need to head back to the apartment. What for? Plain clothes, just in case. Nikita explained. Where do we start looking for her? The school. She might still be there. You dont think?

May be. I wouldnt put it past her. Besides, what if there are others like us? Some officials took the meteor away for tests. Is that possible? May be. Mama might be thinking along those lines. Megan added.

Chapter 20 The return

Leave no stone unturned seemed to become their motto these days. It was still early morning; they hadnt expected the battle to be over quite so quickly. By the time theyd made a quick trip back to Megans loft, it was not long after noon when the group found themselves arriving in Sweetwater.

Jack and Jesse sat up front while Mason and the girls hid in the back. Still dressed in the uniforms Nikita designed, the plain clothes they brought with them from Memphis were stowed in an old rucksack for safekeeping. They couldnt possibly walk around in these without being recognised at the time-being, nor could they stroll around in the costumes. Where do you want me to drop you off? Jack asked, pulling into the school grounds. Take us round back. Ruth instructed. Theres a delivery point for the kitchens well slip in there. It looks awful busy out there. Nikita noted, pointing out the large assembly taken place outdoors. Is there some sort of event or festival on today? I dont know. Shrugged Ruth. Whats the date? Oh my god! Megan shrieked, making them all jump as she consulted her cell. Its Graduation Day! Silencers at the ready! Ruth crooned, yanking out the readily equipped guns. You dont think shes in the crowd, do you? Nikita asked. We cant go after her if shes in there. Lets just check out the guidance councillors office first. Ruth said calmly. Jack, pull up here. Thisll do. Megan, you ready to blow the lights? Just one section at a time right? If I blow them all, Mama will probably know were coming. Whatever makes you happy, honey.

The lights to the delivery entrance went out at a wave from Megans hand. Jack pulled the car out of the grounds as soon as the girls were safely inside. Just outside the kitchen they stopped to make sure their weapons were concealed and their masks in place.

Ruth led the way, crouching low at corners to survey the path ahead, whilst Nikita brought up the rear. Each time they entered a new part of the school Megan blew the lights and returned the power to the previous section. They were getting deeper, closer to the crowd outside. There she is! Nikita called, as soon as Megan had set off another hall of lights.

Mama Goody made a break for it as soon as the lights went out. They chased her down unlit corridors until she got confused. The sound of more running footsteps seemed to startle her so she took off in the opposite direction. Its your Dad! Ruth shouted, pointing down another hall.

Will Rice and a couple other men were pursuing Mama as well. The girls were closer though and they could see Mama on her cell to someone as she panted, running down corridor after corridor. Nikita threw her hands out at her father and his colleagues. They seemed to freeze mid sprint. Mama was still running ahead of them, now entering the gym. Blow the lights, Megan! Ruth cried. Weve got her cornered! You can let your Dad and his friends go now, Nik. They wont catch up to us.

A second later they were dowsed in darkness. Mama was pulling at the locked doors leading out to the football field, rattling them as if they would give way. Sunlight still streamed in through a high up window but there was no way she could get up there without help. A car screeched to a halt outside and Mamas face sagged with relief as they worked the lock on the doors. Well, girls, I cant say it hasnt been fun. I didnt believe you were alive until I heard about the attack on Sutton Manor. Yeah, were just full of surprises. Ruth said, training her gun on Mama. Sorry, love, but youre out of time. Mama smirked.

The lock finally gave way and the door swung in slightly, bathing Mama in a pool of sunlight whilst the intruder stayed hidden behind the door. Mama turned to face the car driver and her face fell. What? No! You lied to me! Nikita freeze! Ruth cried. She was a moment too late. The drivers hands were all they could see but in them was a gun equipped with silencer. She didnt even hear it go off; it must have been a moment before Nikita raised her hands.

Mama stood slightly off kilter. Her long white heels looked ready to snap beneath her, hands splayed out protectively as her face blanched in terror. Blood had started to trickle from the hole in her forehead, Mamas eyes were still wide with sheer horror.

Were too late. Megan said, ashen faced. Might as well let her go, Nikki. Ruth said, equally upset. Lets go take down her killer.

With no preamble, Nikita let time slip idly by and the girls spared no time to watch as Mama fell to the gymnasium floor. They were already after the car driver. He was running out into the open. Plain clothes! Ruth shouted, hastily pulling the rucksack off her back.

Nikita recognised the retreating back. Of course, they all did. They thought they had outrun Will Rice. He was now at the top of their shit-list, just as Ruth knew he would be. The last target before their happily ever after. They couldnt be seen not by anyone, not by their parents or friends or neighbours. No one. So, Will did the worst.

Running faster than before, the girls tried to keep up with him but he led them round the side of the building, past the back where Jack and the boys had let them out and back through the corridors theyd been through not minutes ago. For a hopeful second, they thought they had him cornered. Wrong again. Hes just went through those doors! Nikita cried, no longer caring she was chasing down her own father. Quick! Megan shouted. Lets get him. Bellowed Ruth.

Through the double doors they went back out into the sunlight but Will was nowhere to be seen. How could he be? He was hidden somewhere in the crowd. Every person in the stands and the rows and rows of seats turned to see Megan, Ruth and Nikita standing just in front of the schools main entrance.

So much for their happily ever after.

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