Girls On Fire

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Chapter 1

The Meteor

Sweetwater was once just a quiet, quaint little town that wasnt famous for much. Until the day the meteorite came. Three girls, best friends, were walking home from school when it fell from the heavens.

Nikita Rice was an ambitious girl with high hopes of attending an Ivy League school after graduating from high school. She was the tallest of the three girls with a long pleat of dark hair dangling down her back and her deep set eyes were of mocha brown, flecked with hazel.

The second girl was Megan Archer, she had dreams of making a name for herself too, but not quite the same as Nikita. Megan dreamt of becoming a famous and loved actress. She had spent most of her youth flaunting her good looks, curly blonde hair, blue eyes and perfect smile in beauty pageants.

Whereas, the third girl, Ruth West, was nothing like her two good friends. Ruth was eccentric, wild and crude. Many thought that Nikita and Megan could tame Ruths personality, but they failed to see that it was Ruths eccentricities that they loved best about her. Her hair was brown, short and spiky, her heart shaped face was freckled and her eyes were grass green.

The girls often went Downtown, after school, to Megans aunt Loris restaurant for dinner. None of their parents were particularly skilful cooks and more often than not they called in Chinese or Pizza for dinner instead. It was one, clear Thursday afternoon when Lori sat down to take supper with the girls when they discussed the possible sighting of the meteorite. Newsmen on the radio claim well see it around seven tonight. Lori said, thumbing in the direction of the radio.

Ive never seen a meteor before. This will be so exciting. Nikita said enthusiastically. The only good that can come of this meteorite is if it falls down and wipes out this backwater town. Really, Ruth! Lori exclaimed. Youre scaring the clientele. Im really looking forward to it. I mean, we rarely see stars and now were going to see a meteorite! Megan said beaming. Were all going up to the roof top to watch it, do you want to join us? I cant, I need to get my homework done tonight. Its due in tomorrow. We can watch out for it on the way home. Megan added reassuringly. Well, I suggest you head down to Circle Park. It should be a lot less busy there. Most folks that have come in here Ive heard saying theyre going down to watch it from the Gazebo. Circle Park it is then. Nikita said, putting down money for the bill.

Although it was a clear night there was a chill wind running down Main Street and the girls pulled their scarves and coats tighter around them when they left. Thanks for the food, Miss Archer. Nik and Ruth waved goodbye to Lori. Ill see you this weekend, Megan. Youre uncle Marc is coming into town. Lori called back. Ok, see you later. Megan waved back. Wheres your uncle Marc from? Nik asked. Mississippi. Whats he like? Hes okay but not fond of kids. He kind of keeps to himself most of the time Guys, look up! Ruth interjected, pointing at the sky above Circle Park.

The sound of applause and cheers from nearby streets and buildings rent the air as a massive, fiery blue ball appeared in the air. Behind it was a thin, narrow trail of electric blue fire. The girls oohed and aahed as the blue fire got brighter and brighter until.

The air got warmer, humid, and blue sparks fell to the ground lighting up Circle Park with dancing blue waves of fire before the girls looked up to see the meteorite hurtling closer and closer yet to where they stood. The cheering, clapping and wolf whistles soon changed to screams and cries of outright terror but none compared to the chilling sounds coming from the only three girls in Circle Park trying to get away from the blue blaze and the ever nearer meteorite.

They stood near the middle of the circle and only turned to run when the meteor was less than a few miles above them. Megan stumbled on the hem of her trousers and fell to the ground as some of the flames snaked itself around her leg like lava hot, blue serpent. Run! she cried at the other two when they came to her aid. Get up. Ruth shouted back. Come on, were gonna die here! Nikita screamed. Im on fire. Ruth swatted at her coat all the while trying to pull Megan to her feet.

Smaller rocks from the meteor had started to fall like raining blue lava and Ruth shrieked as one flew over her head. Get outta here. Megan shrieked. Move it. Nikita cried as more rocks fell around them.

Dodging as best they could they saw the meteor was only a mile away. Ruth, move! Nikita shouted. Ruth fell to the ground as one of the smaller rocks hit her full in the face whilst another scraped Megans left eye. Both girls went down in shrieks of agony and left Nikita the only girl standing. She stood frozen to the ground when the sound of a nearby fire engine came shrieking down towards Main Street but stopped about two miles away.

Through tears in her eyes she could see the truck backing away down the street to keep a safe distance between them and Circle Park. Looking down at her now still friends, Nikita knew that they were doomed. Her sobs quietened as she tilted her head to the heavens and all she saw was blue.

Chapter 2

The Hospital

Her fathers voice was the first thing Ruth West heard when she awoke. She wasnt even sure she was awake, though. Her eyes were still closed but when she tried open them her lashes hit some sort of fabric. She raised her hand and the skin there felt strange, even a little rough. Her eyes and forehead were bandaged it seemed. Pulling it off she found that her left eye had been covered up with something else. It felt strange, the eye. It wasnt painful, but it just didnt feel right, it didnt feel normal.

There was another voice as well as her fathers, nearby she could hear her mothers sobs. Lucky. The mans voice had said. Over and over the man said it as if it was reassuring to her father. Then Ruth remembered. The fiery blue rock in the sky that fell to Earth. Circle Park was on fire and her friends were hurt, may be even dead. Ruth choked out a small sob of fear. Ruth? said the unfamiliar man. Are you awake? Ruth gulped back the tears and opened her eyes to see a kindly older man in a white lab coat leaning over her. Yes. She croaked Im Doctor Sinclair, weve been taking care of you and your friends here in Sweetwater Hospital. Do you remember what happened, darling? Mr West asked.

Doctor Sinclair was to her left and her father was on her right. Through the closed curtains, Ruth could see the silhouette of her mother bent over in tears. The meteor. The nodded, Wed just been to Lori Archers restaurant and she told us we could see the meteor from Circle Park on our way home. Wheres Nik and Megan? Youre the first to awaken, Ruth. The Doctor answered.

How long have I been here? Almost a week. Answered Mr West.

Ruth noticed how dishevelled her father really was. He was normally a very neat, thin man but she noticed that he had gained a little weight around his once handsome face, there were long lines beneath his eyes and his hair and moustache were dappled with grey. Is she awake? Is Ruth awake? Came her mothers voice. Shes awake Deirdre, come on and see. Said Mr West, opening the curtain for her mother.

Mrs West looked worse. Mascara tear drops stained her yellowish skin and the thicket of blonde hair was dishevelled and streaked with grey too. Oh, sweetie! she shrieked, running to Ruths side. We were so worried, honey. Where are Nikita and Megan? Theyre a bit further down the hall. Answered Doctor Sinclair. I want to see them. They are in Intensive Care and you really need to stay off your feet. Well, then get me a freaking wheel chair, you jerk , or youre gonna need some intensive care yourself. Ruth! Mrs West exclaimed angrily. I need to see them. You need to stay in bed. Said Mr West. Im fine. I feel fine. She argued. Please, Dad, just ten minutes?

The Doctor rolled his eyes and Mrs West buried her head in her daughters shoulder as more tears flooded her bloodshot eyes. Okay, ten minutes. Ill get you a chair. I really cant state how much your daughter needs to stay where she is. Argued Doctor Sinclair following Mr West in and out of the small room.

My daughter knows her own mind. If she says shes fine then I believe her, okay? We still dont know the whole extent of damage the meteor has done to your daughters body. Just let her see her friends. On your head be it, Mr West. Im only looking out for the wellbeing of your daughter. Has he been like this all week? Ruth asked her father once in the wheel chair and out of ear shot of the doctor. He tried to put you and your friends under quarantine. Yeah? How did that go down with Mr and Mrs Rice? None too well, as you can probably imagine. Ruth smirked. Any idea when I can go back home? No, they still need to examine your eye. Whats wrong with my eye? I dont know, no one will tell us. Were here, he said pushing her into a room with two occupied beds, ten minutes, Ruth. Thanks, Dad.

Megans bed was furthest away and all she could make of her was p ale cheeks and some bandages surrounded by her curly blonde hair. Rolling the wheels towards the closest of the two beds where Nikita lay, Ruth was shocked to find that she looked completely normal except for a long streak of violent, electric blue hair in her usual tangle of black. Nikita? Ruth whispered, placing a hand upon her friends.

There was no answer. Ruth turned to see Megan but was distracted her reflection on the glass panel of a small cupboard. She looked the same, if a little pale. Slowly she started to pull off the tape holding the bandage around her left eye in place. She blinked at the sunlight streaming in through the window next to Megan and was about to turn back to the glass when she saw Megans eyes were now open. Blinking hard to get rid of this strange blue blur from her eye she turned to look at Megan again, and Megan screamed.

Ruth turned at once to call for help when she caught her own reflection once more. Instead of the familiar grass green eye there was a startlingly electric blue that seemed larger than was normal and was incredibly bloody looking as well.

Then they were both screaming when the nurses came rushing in. Ruths father fell short at the sight of his daughters bloody blue eye. What the hell is going on in here? Came the booming voice of Will Rice, Nikitas father. Please, let us do our work. Doctor Sinclair announced shepherding Mr West and Mr Rice out of the room. These girls need urgent attention. Why isnt Nikita awake? Ruth heard Mr Rice shout. Where am I? cried Megan. What the hell is going on? Miss Archer, please, stay calm. Youre in Sweetwater Hospital, youve been here since the meteor struck. The meteor? Oh my god, it was real? It wasnt a dream? What the hell is wrong with my face? she cried, touching the bandage around head. Im sorry, there was some scarring. You got hit by the meteor, Miss Archer. Youve all experienced some burn marks also.

Ruth looked back down at her hand. She remembered that the skin there felt strange and rough, she saw that it had indeed been burned. Oh god, I thought I was gonna die! Megan cried. Whats going on? Ruths mother asked on approach. Megans awake. Mr West explained. Oh, poor child. Poor child? What about my Niki? Hell, she hasnt even awoken yet. Who the hell cares about the Archer kid? Mr Rice could be heard outside. Sir, please, could you lower your voice? Youre upsetting the girls. Said one nurse. No, I want to know why these two have awoken but my Nikita still sleeps. Sir, I will have you removed if you dont hold your tongue. Threatened Dr Sinclair.

Fine, fine, fine. Ill just wait in the cafeteria shall I? Yes, come on, Will. The coffee is on me. Mr West agreed. But, Nick, we cant leave Ruth now. Complained Mrs West. Come along, Deirdre. They know where to find us and Ruth will be fine. B-but Mrs West, I shall insist, that you go with your husband and Mr Rice. There is nothing either one of you can do for your daughter just now. Doctor Sinclair agreed. What happened to your eye? Megan whispered as the nurses helped her into a sitting position. Putting the bandage over it once more she turned to her friend, I dont know it must have been when that flaming rock fell on my face. A rock hit me too. Does that mean my eye will look like yours? she asked, pointing at her bandaged eye. Your damage is not as severe as your friends is, Miss Archer. Fear not. You do have a scar, however, that we cant see any progress in healing. It is an unusual scar, of course. Explained Dr Sinclair.

Removing the last bandage, Dr Sinclair gave Megan a small mirror and revealed the long, thin blue scar running vertically down from her eyebrow, over the left eye lid and onto her cheek. Bear in mind, Miss Archer, youre all lucky to be alive. Its a bloody miracle! Came Mr Archers voice. Hello, sweetie. How are you? Daddy! Megan cried. Its all alright, sweetie. Excuse me, Mr Archer. If you could wait outside until we attend to the girl, if you please. Right-o, sir. He said, backing out of the room, his eyes on his daughter. How is Niki? Megan asked, straining to get a good look at her. Shes mostly unharmed. Why do you say mostly? Her hair, Megan. Ruth explained. Shes got a streak of blue in her hair. Blue like my eye and your scar.

Blue like the flames on the meteor? Megan asked. It sure looks that way. Do you remember what happened that night? That night? Megan asked alarmed, How long have we been in here? Almost a week. Ruth repeated her fathers own answer. A week? Weve been in here a week? Youve technically been in a coma, Miss Archer. When can we go home? Megan asked. Soon, but well need you to come in for regular check ups. Weve never come across a situation like this before plus were very limited here in Sweetwater. But when can we go? Ruth asked. Dr Sinclair sighed. Ill run some blood tests and then we can talk about sending you home. H-how long will that take? A couple hours if Im lucky or may be longer. And if theres nothing wrong with them? Megan urged. Dr Sinclair looked the clock on the wall reading 11:20 am, As long as the results come in quick and theres absolutely nothing wrong with your blood Id say you could possibly be out in time for dinner. Any later then itll be tomorrow morning. Understood? Yes, sir. The girls chimed miserably.

Next morning at 10:30, the girls found themselves being wheeled out into the parking lot where a mass of TV journalists were awaiting to pounce them when they left. Megan, how do you feel to have survived such a horrible affair? screeched one woman. Ruth, is it true your eye glows in the dark now? Is Nikita alive or dead? one shouted as Will Rice stalked into the hospital entrance. My daughter is still alive you brainless morons. He shouted.

The reporters scrambled after the two girls shouting out more questions when their parents ushered them into Mike Archers people carrier. They were practically throwing themselves onto the car now and some had started taking pictures.

Ruth put a hand to her eye to make sure her new skin coloured eye patch was safely in place when Megans Dad honked hard on the horn before almost ploughing down half the reporters in his way. Get outta the way. He yelled. Something tells me we havent seen the last of them. Mr West moaned. Mike Archer took a detour, after leaving the hospital he headed downtown. Theres something you girls ought to see. Do you really think thats a good idea, Mike? Nick asked. They need to see it, Nick.

A minute or two later, the girls found the people carrier driving around Circle Park. Or what was left of it, it was completely ruined. There was a crater there almost twice the size of Circle Park itself. Some of the nearby buildings were gone, burnt down or severely damaged. Neither one of the girls knew what to say or where to begin, they were too shocked. If they hadnt known better they wouldnt have believed this was the same place they stood, facing surely inevitable death, less than a week ago. I cant believe we survived that. Megan murmured. Me neither. Lets hope Nikita can live to tell the tale too. Lets pray.

When Mike pulled up outside the Wests house, a couple miles away, there were more reporters milling around outside their home. Just pull into the drive, Mike. Were never going to get any peace from them.

Waiting to help them inside was Deirdre West, Kerry and Lori Archer. They did their best to keep the crowd of shouting reporters at bay as their partners helped get the girls in the safety of Ruths home. I dont understand why theyre still waiting to get word of us. Ruth said, two days later.

You girls were almost killed by that meteor. Youre the towns miracle girls. Everyone wants a piece of you. Megans father explained turning up the TV. It is reported that the two girls will be returning to school at the start of next week while their friend, Nikita Rice, remains in a coma at Sweetwater Hospital. Said the female reporter, standing outside Ruths home. Bloody pariahs. Ruth grumbled, looking out the window. This just in, announced the reporter excitedly, Nikita Rice has awoken. Less than thirty minutes ago, Nikita Rice, the third girl to survive the meteor crash has awoken from her coma in Sweetwater Hospital. WHAT?! Why the hell did Mr Rice not call us? Megan asked angrily. Dad, we got to go see her. Ruth said getting up and tossing Megans Dad his car keys. Please?

Both Nick and Mike glanced at each other before nodding in agreement. Come on, out the back door. Instructed Nick.

The reporters outside tried to get a few last licks before the car pulled out of the driveway. The girls ignored the reporters. They could hardly make out a single question now because they just sounded like angry bees. Ruth spotted a few get into cars or vans to follow them to the hospital. Try and lose them. Ruth said, pointing at the rear view mirror. Ill try. Answered Mike.

Theyre attempts were futile, there were more waiting for them at the hospital any way. Both fathers threw their coats over their daughters heads till they were safely inside the hospital and out of view of any cameramen. Up on the ward they could hear Will and Nikitas raised voices as soon as they stepped out of the elevator. Dad, I just want to call them. Mom, please let me have my cell! Really, Will, I dont see what harm it could do. Just let her have the cell. All she wants to do is let them know shes awake. Colleen, itll be all over the news now. Im sure they already know. Then why cant I have my phone?

Youre in a hospital. I just want to talk to them, Dad. Please! Stop being such a control freak for once. Do not speak to me in that tone of voice, young lady. I will not tolerate it. Wills voice said very darkly. Niki! Megan cried, bursting into the room. Oh my god, are we glad youre awake. Beamed Ruth. Im glad you guys are okay. I thought you were dead. Said Nikita through a stream of tears. Love the new look. Megan said, playfully tossing the blue streak aside. Yeah, at least youre not scarred or possibly losing sight in one eye. Ruth added pointing at her eye patch. Were all alive though, thats what matters. Nikita said reassuringly. Yeah, Monday will sure be interesting. Megan rolled her eyes. Monday? Were going back to school. Are you? Of course she will be. Shes missed enough as it is. Answered Will angrily. Sorry my near death experience and coma got in the way of handing my homework in on time, Dad. Im sure the teachers will be more understanding. Why dont we give the girls a few minutes to catch up? suggested Colleen.

Will looked like he wanted to argue some more but then Dr Sinclair came to the rescue. If you could spare a minute of your time, Mr Rice. There are some forms you need to fill out outside. He said as amicably as he could.

As soon as they were alone together, Nikita began to cry more than she had ever cried before. Holding them both close to her she sobbed, I th-thought we w-were gonna d-die. Hey, its okay. Were all okay now. Megan said consolingly. Yeah, miracles do happen.

You both looked dead. Niki cried harder. I heard the fire brigade. They came down the street and then backed away from us. They thought they couldnt save us. Hey, come on now. Its over, were all alive and were going to be fine. Sa id Ruth. Fine? Nikita shouted. How are we fine? Look at my hair. Look at your eye. Were not fine, Ruth. We will be. Megan added. The doctor wouldnt have released us from hospital if theyd found anything wrong with us.

Nikita sobbed herself into submission while the girls did the best to dry her tear stained face. I dreamed. Did you? she asked. No. No, I just remember the meteor in the sky. Said Ruth. What did you see? I dreamt the sky was on fire, blue fire. I dreamt the whole to wn was burnt to the ground. Thats why were arranging for you all to see a psychiatrist. Will Rice suddenly appeared with three sodas in hand. A shrink? complained Ruth. Yes, on Monday. After school all three of you will have a session with Dr Renee Childress and then youll have individual sessions also. Dad, did you know about this? Megan asked Mike. Sweetie, were all so happy that you survived. But the whole town heard you. Theres no way that you can come away from this completely unscathed. Not all scars are skin deep. Nick added. But Im fine. Ruth argued. Im not. Nikita moaned. Im not fine, Ruth. If it helps me move past this, Ill see a shrink. But you dont need to pay someone money to talk to about this. Thats what fr iends are for. You talk and we listen. said Megan.

Its not enough. The hell its not. Dont argue with me, Ruth.

Megan begun to cry before running from the room with her father in tow. No, Daddy! Please, dont make me see a shrink. I dont need a shrink. Sweetie, its for the best. Get away from me! Megan cried more. I dont need a shrink. She kept saying. Come on, lets go home. Dont touch me. I want to see Nikita. She said, shrugging from her fathers clutch. Nick, if you want a ride, Im leaving now. Were right behind you. Dad, no, we just got here. Said Ruth. I want to stay with Niki. Were leaving now. No, Dad! Please. Ruth, move. He said pulling her from the room. No! Nikita! Niki, Im sorry. Ruth!

Back in the main entrance, Nick and Mike blocked the reporters view of their daughters once more as they rushed them back into the car and back to the Wests home. I hate you. Megan cried to her father as she ran to hide in Ruths room. Ruth Get your hands off of me. Ruth said, shaking off her fathers grip and following Megan.


The girls hardly saw each other after that day. Nikitas father allowed her to call her friends once to let them know that she was being released from hospital and would be joining them on Monday for school. Ruth was fuming at her parents for setting them up with a shrink but Megan came round to the idea after some disturbing and frightening dreams about the comet. Tempers were rising, on Monday morning, as Ruth was the last to file into Mr Rices car. Nikita kept murmuring hushed apologies as her father ranted on about tardies and poor, ungrateful attitudes. Ruth pointed out to Mr Rice that she was more than grateful to be at school and away from his impulsive, repulsive tongue to which Nikita frog marched her away before her father could retaliate. What!? Hes so rude! Ruth barked as she broke free of Nikis grasp. If you piss him off more it means I get to handle his wrath when I go home tonight. Said Niki, extremely pissed off. What are they staring at? Megan wondered. Pointing at the other late arriving students, Megan had notice them pause on their way to the schools main entrance to stare at the three girls. Are you really that nave, Megan? Dont call me naive. She argued back. Knock it off. Nikita said stepping between the two. Lets get to class. Niki pulled her hair up into a bun before hiding it underneath a woolen grey and red hat. Its all right for you two, you can cover up your scars. Megan griped. Havent you heard of concealer? Ruth said snippily. Ive tried everything. Nothing covers it. Its like it wants to be seen. They quickened their steps when the bell screeched out over head and turned up another corridor to make one quick trip to their lockers. There was a humming sound nearby that they could hear and they realized it was their fellow students all chatting away happily as they filed into the class rooms up ahead. We better hurry. Nikita said, throwing her unwanted books into her locker before slamming it shut. The other girls caught up with her and soon hurled down the next corridor. The students werent in their class rooms at all. In fact they were still out in this corridor along with almost all the faculty members lined up and down each side. The humming stopped suddenly as the girls rounded the corner to come face to face with everyone they grew up with. The silence burned their ears as everyone drank in their appearance.

The principal, whom was nearest, started to clap and was shortly followed by the rest of the students and faculty until the girls were walking into their classroom being applauded and cheered on as if theyd just won the Nobel prize. What the HELL was that? said Ruth, as soon as she was inside the classroom. Were the towns new celebrities. Just go with it. added Megan, whom was beaming. It was a bit unreal, though, Megan. We almost died. Niki said, uncomforted. Some more students filed in for the lesson ahead. A boy their own age departed from the still applauding students to sit on Nikis desk. Welcome back, Nikita. He said friendlily. Thanks, guy Ive never spoken to before. She said, mock casually. Its Brent. Brent McGhee. Thanks, Brent. She yawned. So how was it? How was what? The comet. What was it like? Scary as hell. She answered agitatedly. Were you scared? What do you think she was hopping with joy? Ruth interviened. No one was talking to you, West. Brent said, barely glancing at her. Ruth jumped from her seat and smacked her hand in between Brents legs. Back off or lose a ball, McGit! Psycho. He whispered, stalking off to his own desk. Good morning, class. Said the teacher on his arrival. Good morning, Mr Weeks. The class chimed dully together. Well, were going to continue with our lesson from last week and I even found a video for us to watch. He said rolling in a video player and TV. The class chattered with excitement whilst Nikita sat straighter and more attentive with her notebook and pen at the ready where as the other girls slouched down into their seats so as to avoid being picked for the questioning that usually takes place after these educational videos. Mr Weeks, a plain older balding man went around the room switching off lights and closing blinds until the room was quite dark. Nikita felt her heart fall into her stomach when the video started. The screen was mostly black except for some sparkling spots here and there and one round glowing blue rock growing larger and larger all the time. Megan felt bile rise up in her throat as smaller, fiery rocks started to rain down on three terrified girls in Circle Park. Cries from the people watching the girls burn sounded distressed but none more so than the drawn out shrieks from the ground below. The sound of a fire engine stopped nearby before retreating and the camera turned back to the girls just as the comet struck Earth. Two of the girls were already down and unmoving but the last one standing was blasted off her feet and thrown about thirty foot away. What the hell is wrong with you people? Niki exclaimed, knocking over he r chair in haste to get to her feet.

Both Niki and Megan ran from the room leaving Ruth to pick up their bags. I hope youre proud of yourself. She spat at Mr Weeks on her way out. Out in the hall, Megan had her head ducked out the nearest window making the most horrible sickly noises while Niki sat further away with her head in her hands, crying. Why? Why? she kept asking. Why cant they understand? Are you surviving, Archer? Ruth asked the still sick Megan. Swell. She responded.

Ruth dropped Megans bag at her friends feet before walking down to check on Niki. Why would they do that? Niki asked looking up at Ruth. They dont understand what it was like for us. Ruth explained calmly. Common sense shouldve explained enough to tell them that we didnt want to relive it like that. Megan argued, coming up for air.

Ruth was about to argue with her when she heard a clicking noise nearby shortly followed by a flash. Alfie Higgins, the photographer for the school newspaper, was the most hated kid in the school. He was a weasel-y looking character; he had short, greasy brown hair, beady black eyes and a pointed, large nose. Yes, yes, smile for the camera. He said in his most unctuous tone. You little worm! Ill beat on you if you take another picture. Shouted Ruth, running to him, grabbing him by his dirty shirt collar.

Though he was hated by most of his fellow students it was Ruth that hated him most. Almost every time a new issue of the paper was released there were images of Ruth breaking school rules plastered over the pages inside. One more snap and Ill snap you. She growled. Youre fist wont stop these images from being printed in the next issue. He whined. Ruth, stop. Megan moaned.

Ruth took a tighter hold of his collar as Alfie struggled to break free. Put me down, put me down. He yelped. Ruth, what are you doing? yelled Niki. Put him down, Ruth. Megan chimed in. What are you talking about? she shouted back. Im hardly touching him. Please, let me go. Alfie whimpered.

Ruth looked back at him to see that beads of sweat were slowly pouring from his brow. She felt something softly kick at her shins and looked down to see that she had bodily lifted him from the ground. What? she blurted, dropping the pale faced Alfie. How?

Alfie quickly picked up his camera, which he dropped in the struggle, and rapidly begun to snap pictures of Ruths unnerved face. The flashing lights brought her back to what was going on in front of her and she growled. Alfie dodged Ruths fist, which was aimed for his nose and instead she hit the locker behind him. Ouch!

Alfie was given new cause for picture taking as Ruth had broken right through the lockers metal door and had her hand now stuck inside. What the hell happened to you girls? he asked in between snaps. Put that away. Megan roared. Did she really just growl? Nikita asked stunned. Forget the growl, I know Ruth is tough but I never thought for a second that she had super strength. I dont. complained Ruth. This is all very new to me too. Help her. Megan snapped at Niki.

Alfie stumbled to get to his feet when Megan advanced on him herself. Give me that. She pulled the camera from his grasp.

No, no! Dont break it, please. He cried. Youll get it back. She said, holding him at length. Hell what?! Ruth moaned, once she was released from the broken locker. Well strike a deal with him. What?! both girls roared. Listen, everyone in there wants to know what happened in Circle Park. Well, now is OUR chance to tell them what happened without an audience. Megan explained. What are you talking about? cried Niki. Interviews. Megan said, exhaustedly. Hell help us tell everyone about that horrendous event and once they see it from our po int of view, theyll back off. You think. Said Ruth. You dont know that for sure, Archer. Once that interview comes out, you cant put the genie back in the bottle. It will work. As long as he doesnt twist our words in the print. She spat venomously. Are you sure about this? Niki asked. No. Ruth complained. You cant seriously ask us to take that risk. Megan groaned. Live a little, West. This might work out better than we could hope. I doubt it. Ruth grumbled. Come on, all in or not at all. Megan urged.

Niki and Ruth looked anxiously at each other before saying in unison, In. I must be mad. Ruth sighed. Alfie scuttled away from the girls although he was still sitting on his rear end. He moved more fervently away when the girls rounded on him once more. No, please dont hurt me. He cried. Get up. Ruth said, pulling him to his feet with relative ease. Heres how this is going to happen, Higgins. Youre going to set up a time and a place for us to meet in private. Megan instructed. You will listen to what we say and print only what we say. No twisted facts and none of these pictures.

Y-you d-dont sc-scare me. He stammered. I on-only p-print the truth, any how. But you will be getting the truth. Nikita added. Yes, Higgins. All the gory details and straight from the horses mouths. Ruth went on. Why should I do this for you? he asked, inching away slightly. Because if you dont youll have me to answer to. Ruth threatened. You d-dont sc-scare me. He answered, shakily. Try saying that without the piss stain, mucous. Ruth sneered, pointing at his wet crotch.

The other girls looked disgustedly at him as Alfie straightened his back and looked up at Ruth indignantly. Im not gonna write your article the way you want. The original will be released with a few bonus extras.

Ruth grabbed him by the throat. Ruth, no! What the hell are you doing? Nikita cried. Ruth didnt once slacken the grip around his throat but a dreamy sort of look pa ssed over his eyes as if he didnt care. His hands stopped scratching Ruths and his feeble attempts to kick her off, ceased. What are you doing? Megans quiet voice asked.

Where her skin was in contact with his there was a golden, pinkish glow pulsing like a beat. Alfies face slackened but his mouth opened in a kind of lazy grin. Ruth looked into his eyes and somewhere behind his pupils she could see that strange, pulsating glow there too. Ruth. Alfie said it almost lovingly. Ruth. What the hell is going on? Niki muttered to herself. Ruth. He said it again like a loving caress. Stop it. she demanded. Stop saying my name like that. Id do anything for you.

Is he taking the piss? she asked the other girls. When the girls just stared at her in amazement she turned to Alfie, Youre not going to tell anyone what you saw here. Of course not. He said grinning still. Youre going to set up an interview so that we can tell everyone what really happened in Circle Park. You know I will. You wont print anything other than what we tell you. You wont twist our words or make up stories. Id never do that to you.

Ruth couldnt decide whom she was more disgusted with; herself or Alfie. She dropped him from her clutch like a spider and he landed hard against the locker doors. Once the strange glow vanished, Alfies slack face gradually changed from that lazy, happy grin to one of white, shock and horror. I wont tell! I wont tell! he yelped, scrambling to his feet.

Alfie ran all the way down the corridor, screaming, until he couldnt be heard anymore. Cmon, lets go before the teachers come to see what all the screamings about. Ruth advised, pulling the other girls by their elbows. What was that? Mind control? Megan asked. Not quite, more like some sort of manipulation. Nikita said, wisely. But it didnt last. Is this the meteor thats done it to her? To me? Whos to say it hasnt affected you two as well? Ruth pointed out. You mean we could be stronger too? Nikita wondered fearfully. Lets find out.

Megan sprinted the last few feet to the schools front doors. Outside the other girls found her in the parking lot, standing in front of a recycle bin next a very expensive looking car. Either this will hurt a lot or I can knock it over with just one kick. Megan, be careful Nikita began to say.

Megan made a strange hee yah noise before kicking the bin in its middle. It came completely free from the ground and collided with the window of the car beside it. Nikita gasped, Thats the Principals car! Lets get out of here. Ruth said, pulling the startled Nikita along with her. Did you see ? Did you see? Nikita kept repeating. Archer, move before we get caught. Ruth called as she and Nikita fled school grounds.

Your turn. Megan turned on Nikita, as soon as they were a good distance from the car park. What? No! You have to. No, I dont. But Shut it. Ruth threatened. Give her a break, this is just a little too much for her. This is just too much, too fast. Its okay, you dont have to do anything. We understand. Ruth said consolingly. No, I dont think you do. You treat it as if its one big joke but you keep forgetting how this has happened. We almost died. She began to cry. We were supposed to see that councillor. We have to go back. We cant go back. Well be in so much trouble if they find out what happened in the hall and to the Principals car. Megan added. No, I didnt do anything wrong, I can go back to school.

Is that really what you want? Ruth asked. To go back to the place where no one understands what happened to you? Like you two do? You cant take anything serious. Can too. Its Megan that made it into a joke. Ruth argued, proceeding to slap Megan in the back of the head. Well, its not my fault either. Megan argued hotly. Well, no one told you to wreck the Merc either, Meg. DONT call me, MEG! Megan roared. Would you two stop it! Nikita shrieked. I cant take it anymore, cant you see? Every day is hard for me. I need you to keep it together. Please.

Nikita sat down upon the pavement where she began to cry again. Her sobs came in quick, harsh breaths as she brought her knees up to her chest and cuddled them. Ruth and Megan sat down either side of Nikita, putting their arms around her and rubbing her back in soothing motions. Soon the tears and sobs subsided until Nikita was left with the occasional hiccup. Her face wet and make up a mess, she turned and said to Ruth, Whatll we do now? Well stay away from the school until the day is over, then well go see the councillor. If thats what you want? Nikita nodded. We dont have to do the interview, if you dont want to. Megan offered. No, we should do it. she whispered. May be itll feel better to talk about it. Niki, you know you can talk to us about it anytime. You dont have to worry about us getting upset. She nodded again.

Chapter 4

The Gifts

The girls wandered around town for the rest of day and Nikita managed to keep her cool till they were stood outside the office of where they were to meet with the councillor. I cant do this. Nikita said, taking a step back. What? Megan blurted. But you said you wanted this. I changed my mind. Nikita explained. Nikita Megan began to say Girls? came a purring voice from behind them. I believe we have an appointment. Wont you step inside?

The councillor was an older woman, dressed in a white and black pinstriped trouser suit with a string of pearls clutched closely around her throat and matching earrings pinned in her lobes. Her grey dashed hair, which held a touch of brown to it, was scraped away from her face and held neatly in a not at the back of her head. Her wrinkled olive skin bore the marks of spectacles beneath her violet coloured eyes. When the girls were seated in the office she spoke again in that deep purr, My name is Ms Childress.

She was quite thin and bony looking, the girls thought. But not frail nor fragile, though she looked to be in her late fifties if not older. So, lets get down to business shall we? Tell me, what can I do for you? The girls sat in silence, occasionally looking from one to the other. Come, come. Begged Childress. We dont have long together tonight. I-I uh Nikita began. Yes, dear? Youre Nikita Rice, I believe. Speak up. Id like to forget about that night.

Im afraid I cant do that for you, my dear. But I can help you move on from that night. Put it behind you. When the girls sat in silence a while longer, Ms Childress rolled her eyes and said, I cant help you unless you talk. Come now, speak. It was only Niki that wanted this session, not us. Ruth indicated herself and Megan. Well, then, Ms Childress got out of her chair and sat on the desk in front of the girls, lets hear it. Nikita opened her mouth to describe what she was feeling but all that came out was some nervous spluttering. I cant. she managed in the end. Well, well see how you feel after we take a look at this. Ms Childress said lifting a DVD box from the desk. This is the video that you girls ran out on this morning. I dont want to see that again. Nikita urged, vehemently. Please. We must face our fears so that we may confront them, Miss Rice. Ill only play it the once. She said, pulling another TV out from within the cupboard.

Nikita sat quite quietly as the councillor played the film of the meteor crashing for the girls whilst Ruth sat stony faced watching the councillor all the whiles. Megan turned her head away to look out the window and the girls could see a trace of tears in her eyes as the screaming began afresh. It would seem like youre not the only one holding back, Miss Rice. What the hell kind of councillor are you? Megan burst angrily, rubbing the sleeve of her shirt along her wet cheeks. I am exactly the kind of councillor you need right now. I wont coddle you, Miss Archer. If brutality is needed to help you push through these coming days, than I will do all within my power to help you. Even if you think it seems cruel and unfair. Now, she began again, who would like to talk about what happened i n Circle Park first.

The girls sat silent staring Ms Childress out whilst the tape came to an end behind her. Very well, shall I decide who speaks first? You, Miss I-dont-need-a-hero West, what were you thinking when you were on Circle Park that nigh t?

Ruth pushed past the lump in her throat and spoke thinking to herself all the while Im doing this for Niki. Im doing this for Niki..

I thought I was going to die. And you, Miss Archer? Indulge me. Same. Megan answered. Knowing it was her turn to speak Niki said, I was alone. No, you had your friends there. No, at the end, I was alone. I was the last one standing. I thought Megan and Ruth were both dead. I was all alone. You werent afraid that you were about to die? Of course I was. But when I saw them, Nikita choked on the lump in her throat, it was my fault. It was my fault that we were in Circle Park at that time. What? said Ruth. It wasnt your fault, Niki. Megan added. It was. Its my fault we almost died. My fault that were now scarred and burned. If it werent for me we wouldnt have left the restaurant so much earlier than normal. What happened is nobodys fault, Nikita. Ms Childress said kindly, taking Nikis hands in her own. No one knew that the meteor would crash. It is no ones fault. Niki tugged her hands away from the councillors bony grasp and pushed her chair back from her. Im done. She announced. I changed my mind. I dont want to do this any more.

Nikita threw back her chair as she ran from the councillors office shortly followed by Megan and Ruth. Niki, wait. They both called. Nikitas sobs could be heard quite clearly as they followed her all the way out into the parking lot. She only stopped once when she noticed that her fathers car was already there waiting for her. Get in. he said in a dangerous voice. Nikita barely spared her friends a glance as she got into the passengers seat. No, Niki, wait! Ruth called as the black BMW pulled out of its space. What do we do now? Megan asked exhaustedly. We have to go to Nikis house. Ruth said frantically.

Why? Shes with her Dad, shell be okay. Not with his temper. Megan, if hes found out that she skipped school and was with us when you trashed the Principals car hell go ballistic. Thats a very big if, Ruth. Weve got no choice. What if he hurts her? Hes her father. Yes, and he has a very bad temper, Megan. Besides, some fathers in the world have done much worse things to their kids than slap them around a bit. If he tries to hurt her shes strong enough to stand up for herself. We dont know that yet. Remember? She wigged out before she tried. You cant know that. Neither can you. We are not taking any chances, Megan. Ruth said, lowerin g her voice as the councillor came out looking for them.

By the time the girls had caught a bus that would take them to Nikitas home, shed beat them there. In the living room of her parents old townhouse home, Nikita was sat on the pale cream, leather couch. A fire was blazing in the grate and her mother was sitting quietly on the stool next to the black grand piano. Mr Rice was pacing the pale rug beneath him and rubbing his stubble chin whilst he kept his eyes on the floor. Daddy, I Nikita began. Quiet. He spat.

He sat on the reclining chair opposite her and took a sip from his glass of Scotch whilst her mother busied herself stirring an olive round her cocktail glass. Tell me, why you left school this morning without my consent? he started darkly quiet. They showed the video of the meteor. I felt sick. I had to get some air. Im sorry, Daddy, I just couldnt go back in there. Why not? I was frightened.

Thats why we brought in the councillor. She just made things worse. You will continue your sessions with her Daddy, no! And you will see her alone. Alone? Nikita asked taken aback. You will not see those girls again. You cant keep them away from me. Nor I from them. She said with more confidence than shed had before. If I say you are to stay away from them then you stay away. Dear, you dont need to keep her away from them. Interjected her mother. You keep quiet. You cant and you wont. Nikita argued. A little distance for a time or you could ground her and take away her cell phone. I said to be quiet. Sit down. He roared when Nikita got to her feet. It really isnt necessary. Said Mrs Rice. I said, Mr Rice turned and back handed his wife, be quiet!

Mrs Rice fell to the ground, weeping and covering her left eye. Her glass smashed and the drink poured down her dress. Mummy. Nikita cried, kneeling by her mothers side. Get up. Her father said, grabbing her upper left arm.

Nikita threw out her other hand to push him off but, instead, she seemed to hit a wall. Her father stopped moving and her mother stopped weeping. The air around her seemed to vibrate with tension and a sudden warmth filled Nikita through and through. She was stunned as her father started backing away slowly and the clock on the mantel turned backwards. She watched in horror as time rewound and pulled her hand away from the invisible wall as he descended upon her mother.

Things started moving normally again and Nikita, in the nick of time, caught her father by his jacket collar. She threw him as hard as she could from her mother and watched as he arced high in the air before falling hard and crippling his precious piano.

Her mother whimpered as she crawled over to his side, blood was pouring from a gash on his face and he barely even stirred. Its okay, Nikita said after surveying him, hes only unconscious. Nikita stood and offered a hand to help her mother up but she continued to sob over her husbands unconscious body. Dont. she moaned. Hell be okay, Mom. Come on, lets go. Go? Go where? she asked throatily through sobs. Anywhere but here. Away from him. No, I think you should go, Nikita.

Nikitas hand fell by her side and she saw, really saw, how her mother was looking at her now. Not with motherly concern, but as if she was staring at the creature from the black lagoon. Go! she said firmly, still weeping, lying over her husbands body almost protectively. Mom, please. I didnt mean to hurt him. He was gonna hurt you, I had to stop him. How did you -? What happened to you, Nikita? It wasnt my fault. Mom Go! Just get out. GET OUT! her mother wailed.

Nikita felt the vibrations in her hand once more. Yes! she thought, I can change this. Fix it.. But none of them moved when Nikita felt the wall once more. She stood quite resolute watching, waiting for time to go back. But instead she still looked upon the same scene. Her fathers grand piano ruined with her father lying unconscious and bloodied upon its crippled frame; her own mother, tear stained with

mascara, looking mutinous and frightened up at her only daughter. Time was still, paused, Nikita realised. She couldnt move it back again.

Out at the bus stop, just five minutes from Nikitas home, Ruth and Megan were still ringing Nikitas home and cell phone, with no answer. You dont think he ? Not a word, Megan. Ruth warned. Whos that? Megan asked, patting Ruths arm for her attention. Is that her?

Nikita had just appeared around the corner with a bag upon her back, a sleep over bag in one arm and she was pulling a case on wheels behind her. She held one of her hands up, as if she were waving, but there was a vibration in the air around her that said differently. What happened? Ruth called, as the two ran to her. Nikita shook her head, I dont mean to put you out but, do either of you know where I could stay for a while? Did he kick you out? Megan asked outraged. Not him. It was my Mom. Nikita answered, a new wave of tears started afresh. What the hell for?

Nikita looked back to her house around the corner and the girls followed her gaze. Taking a few tentative steps towards the house, to get a good look inside, Nikita stayed put as the girls surveyed her mess. Megan clapped a hand over her mouth when she saw her father still lying over his most prized possession, but now starting to wake. Did you -? Ruth began. He hit her. Nikita called defensively. She looks okay to me, except for the messy make up. Noted Megan. No, I stopped him from doing that. Then I did that. So he didnt hit her? No he did, but I went back and stopped him.

You went back? Back where? Megan asked nonplussed. In time. Nikita answered pressingly.

Ruths mouth hung open, gaping at Nikita disbelievingly whilst Megan begun to giggle hysterically at her friend. Nikita turned on her heel and started marching quickly away from them. Its not funny. She called over her shoulder. Of course its not. Said Megan, who now had tears of laughter at the corners of her eyes. This is mad. So you can travel in time. Ruth said, doubtfully. No. Nikita said, turning back to face them. I rewound time. Oh my god, that bloody meteor has addled her brain. Megan loudly whispered in Ruths ear. Im not mad! How do you explain our strength, Megan? Or my manipulation powers? You dont believe her do you? Do you want proof? Nikita shouted angrily, Ill give you proof.

Nikita threw her hand up in the air again, the two girls and the cars on the street stood still. She marched far away from them until she was almost a block over but still had them in sight. Now do you believe me? she called from the opposite street. Oh my god, she did it! said Ruth, excitedly, as they ran to catch up to her. No, no, I just dont believe it. No. Theres no such thing as time travel or time manipulation. Teleportation is more likely than time travel. Never in my life, Megan Archer, did I expect to hear those words come from your mouth. Said Ruth, who was now also in hysterics. Would you two cut out the manic laughter? Youre really starting to scare me.

The girls laughed even harder. Were scared ourselves, Niki. Why else would we be laughing like this? said Ruth, in tears.

Nikita scoffed and rushed onwards without them. Where are you going? Ruth called. I dont know. I have nowhere to go. Well, you cant stay with us, thats the first place your Dad will come looking for you. said Megan, who stopped to dry her eyes. Then where should I go? Ill take you to Loris. Shes got a spare room and your Dad wont go looking there. Do you think shed let me stay? Well, lets go find out. But just wait a minute tell I clean the mascara off my face.

The two girls stopped as Megan kneeled beside a car and looked disapprovingly at her reflection in the wing mirror. So much for waterproof mascara. She scoffed, looking up to the street light above their heads for light. She wiped away the smeared make up as best she could. The street lights above her blinked once or twice and once she straightened up she leaned against the car. Any better? she asked. You still got a little Ruth pointed to some messed up make up beneath her brow.

Megan rubbed at her skin and the light above blinked off again. What times the next bus? she asked again. Not for another ten minutes. Nikita answered, consulting her watch. Well, by the time we get to the bus stop we wont have long to wait. What is up with the lights? Megan asked a few minutes later. They were winding their way down the street until they got to the bus stop. Each light they passed seemed to flicker then die, pitching the streets behind in darkness. Do you think its to do with the meteor? May be. Said Ruth uncertainly.

Well, they did say there was an outage whilst we were still in the hospital. Added Nikita. Well, I hope they get them fixed. Megan said patting the one next to the bus stop.

It suddenly glowed bright again but died away once Megan removed her hand. Did you just -? Ruth began. No. said Megan, shaking her head disbelievingly. She leant against the street light and glowed once more. I think you just did. Said Nikita. No. Megan shook her head again, smiling uneasily. Stepping away from th e light it died once more. You did. Nikita and Ruth said in unison. Oh, look, here comes the bus.

The girls quietly slid onto the bus, paying their fares and picking a seat out at the back. Every light went out as Megan walked by and some of the passengers grumbled in complaint. No. she said once more as the light by her glowed bright again. It is you. said Ruth. Youre doing it.

All colour from Megans face paled then there was a horrible screech from the front of the bus followed by the drivers yell. What the hell?! Megan, come on. Pull it together. Nikita said, giving her a small shake. Whats going on. said an elderly passenger. I dont know. I cant get the bus to start. Megan, focus! reprimanded Ruth. We need to get to Loris place. Then you can freak out.

Megan closed her eyes and focused on getting the bus to start again. With a rumble it came back to life and the driver, nonplussed, drove it down the street to the next

stop where he got out and inspected the engines. Megan sat chewing on her tongue with her arms wrapped round her chest for the remainder of the ride. Dont, she warned once they were off, lets just go see Lori.



Lori was more than accommodating. But she would only let Nikita stay if she worked in her restaurant at the weekends, to help earn her keep, which was actually advantageous for the girls. The girls found themselves practising their gifts in the basement of her restaurant after dinner each night and some unsuspecting bus boys were lured down there on false pretences so that Ruth may hone her gifts.

It took Megan a little longer to get the handle on her own powers, considering she wasnt handling the whole ordeal to well at all. Nikita was filled with a sense of pride and wisdom when she learnt how to, not only pause time, but to slow it down and move it forward too. Moving backwards was the tricky part and seemed to sap all of the energy out of her when she tried.

They were still a long way of having them down pat but they sure came in handy at school. Especially when they discovered that Alfie Higgins had written the article they had warned him not to write. Nikita had to spend a whole day in bed, after rewinding time far enough back to stop him from publishing it leaving Ruth and Megan to deal with him themselves. What the hell, douchebag? Ruth yelled as the two girls entered the newspapers small office. We know what youre up to. So dont even bother denying it. said Megan.

Alfies wide and shocked eyes were all they could see over the computer and he started typing rapidly while still keeping a locked gaze on them.

Stop typing. Megan warned. Never, never, never. He said staring at her wildly. Ill tell everyone what you did to me. What the hell are you anyway? None of your damn business. Said Ruth. That meteor turned you into some sort of super freak, didnt it? Not just her. Megan smiled. Heres a little something I just found out yesterday.

She placed the index finger of her right hand to the computers monitor and the other one at his shoulder. Megan felt the electric buzz course through her in a non-lethal way before hitting Alfie with a small burst of the electric current. Ouch! he cried, falling from his seat. You cant stop me going to print. Ill tel l everyone about you you freaks! Listen up, said Ruth, taking him by the ear. She established a link with him right away and that same golden pink glow flowed between them once more. Youre not going to say a word to anyone and you will never print a piece on us for the rest of your pathetic miserable life. Got it? Yes, maam. The slack grin back upon his face. Never a word. Hurry up and get rid of that article. Being connected to him makes me wanna barf. Ruth whined. I got it.

Megan pressed her palm to the monitor and the lights around the room flickered once or twice before she felt the same electrical surge. Focusing on the open document, she watched as the words vanished along with the document and soon the back of the screen was eluding sparks and smoke. Done. Said Megan, quite pleased with herself. Are you sure? Positive. Youre certain he wont say anything? Positive. Youre not gonna say anything now, are you, Higgins? Never a word. I guess my idea of printing the real story wont happen now.

Its for the best, Megan. Come on, lets go check on Niki.

School gradually got easier, after a fortnight the excitement of the girls amazing survival seemed to wear off. Journalists stopped hounding them for a sound-byte eventually and life went back to normal for the girls. Well, as normal as life could be for them now.

Ms Childress attempted several times to get them to come back to have more sessions with her but none of them were remotely interested in going anymore. They especially didnt agree with her methods which was the real reason behind their choice. They were all very much aware that they probably should speak to someone about their experience but that would mean facing some ugly, frightening facts about themselves.

But Mr Rice was their main concern now. Luckily enough, both the West and Archer family agreed that they didnt think Nikitas father was stable and promised not to give him information about his runaway daughters whereabouts. Has he been back to your place? she asked. It was a fortnight after the session with councillor, the girls were huddled around their lockers one Tuesday morning. Not since Thursday. Informed Ruth. I havent seen him since then, either. May be hes starting to look else where. Ruth wondered aloud. Do you think hed come round Loris place?

When neither Ruth nor Megan answered, Nikitas face went white and she shoved her books into her locker hastily, slamming the metal door shut. I cant stay there, then. Ill just have to run away. Dont be such a pinhead. Said Ruth, opening her own locker. Besides, youre strong now and super powered. You dont have to be afraid of him. Nikita looked at Ruth and Megan as if theyd both had lost their minds before storming off.

Ruth scoffed, Go after her, would you?

Megan picked up her purse and sprinted after Nikita, whom was now rounding a corner without paying them any attention. Ruth opened up her back pack and pulled out her chemistry books to stow them away inside. When she withdrew her algebra text book a small sheet of paper fell out from beneath it. She bent down to pick it up to find it was a party invite.

It was printed to look like black lace, a charity event taking place in a club in Knoxville. Masquerade Ball, it had written at the top of the invitation. Upon it in exuberantly curly writing was, Goody inc., would like to invite Miss Ruth Olivia West to the Masquerade Ball at Club Inquisition on November 17th 2011 at 8pm. Formal wear and a mask is mandatory. There will be free beverage and food upon arrival and a meeting with the event director will take place later in the evening. Please bring your invitation with you. What the hell? Ruth muttered to herself.

Flipping the invite over, she found the clubs address and directions from a bus stop. She hastily shoved it into a pocket in her back and ran to catch up with Nikita and Megan. They rounded the corner just before she did, Nikita was looking quite upset, hugging her books to her chest, and Megan was patting her shoulder consolingly. Did you talk her down? Ruth asked. I think so. Megan said, eyeing Nikita warily. You dont have to be afraid, Niki. Yeah, were not gonna let him near you. Wed better get to class. Said Ruth. You go, Ill catch up. I need to check something in my locker. Nikita said, turning back to the lockers. Are you sure? asked Megan. Yeah, Ill just be a minute.

Both Megan and Ruth turned reluctantly towards their next class, careful to keep their voices low as they left Nikita. Why didnt you tell Niki you saw her dad at Loris restaurant last night? Megan hissed at Ruth. Why didnt you tell her that you saw him out in the parking lot less than an hour ago? Because, I didnt want her to freak out about him more than she already is. Same. Ruth hissed back. Do we tell her? No.

Nikita pulled out her cell phone from her jeans pocket and placed it at the back of the locker after turning it on to silent. She was just about to shut the locker door when she saw a small sheet of paper poking through the spokes of the locker door. It was the same black lace invitation that Ruth found in her locker. Goody inc., would like to invite Miss Nikita Mia Rice to the Masquerade Ball at Club Inquisition on November 17th 2011 at 8pm. Formal wear and a mask is mandatory. There will be free beverage and food upon arrival and a meeting with the event director will take place later in the evening. Please bring your invitation with you. Who the hell is Goody inc? she wondered.

Nikita slipped it inside her jeans pocket before shutting the locker again and running to catch up with her friends. They were already sat at their own desks in the computer room. Mrs Castle looked up from her desk as Nikita entered and checked her off the attendance list. The room was silent as the students worked on their programmes and the teacher begun writing up their homework on the whiteboard.

Ruth sat facing the front of the classroom, with the teachers back to Nikita and Megan sat opposite, facing her. With all her fellow students distracted by school work, Ruth brought up another window for the internet and typed in Goody inc. in the search engine.

Glancing up and out of the corner of her eyes she made sure that no one was watching her over her shoulder. There were a few different companies with similar

names, none of them stated whether they were hosting a charity event in Knoxville. Indeed, many of them werent in the same continent let alone the same country.

She searched for charitable events in Knoxville and only one cropped up. But it wasnt in the same club and it wasnt themed at all. It was a midnight walk to raise money for breast cancer. Ruth pulled out the invitation and inspected it once more. It didnt say anything about the charity it was raising money for. Weird. Ruth muttered to herself.

November 17th was only two days away; Ruth wondered whether she should risk attending the party. The invitation looked official but surely there would be information online if it were genuine.

Neither Nikita or Ruth spoke about their invites; neither knew that the other had received one. But they were both being quieter than usual which seemed to disturb Megan. What is with you guys? she asked at lunch, spearing a potato of her dish with a fork. Youve been acting all weird today. Nothing. Ruth muttered. Im fine. Niki answered. I didnt ask if you were okay. Why arent you eating? she shot at Ruth, who was now searching the internet on her Blackberry. I have eaten. Barely half a sandwich. Megan commented. Im saving myself for tonight. Im thinking Ill get the buffet dinner at Loris restaurant. What about you? Megan shot at Nikita. What about me? Youve barely touched your plate too. Im not that hungry. Megan sighed and took a bite from her potato.

At the end of the school day, Nikitas father turned up. They were stood by the lockers when Ruth spotted him. Uh oh, time for us to go. You both go, Ill slow him down. Megan said, continuing to remove things from her locker and fill her bag up.

No sooner had Ruth and Nikita vanished when Mr Rice spotted Megan alone by her locker. Where is she? he demanded. Who? Nikita. He spat. Havent seen her since lunch. She screwed her eyes up at a black lace printed invitation then threw it in with the rest of her books. Dont lie to me, Megan. He said, grabbing her arm as she tried to leave.

Immediately, he dropped his hand as if hed just received an electric shock. Now listen to me. Megan began darkly, I dont care who you are. If you touch me again youll regret it. Come near Nikita and Ill make you wish you werent born. Who do you think youre talking to? he lowered his voice. The same pathetic, sad sack thats bullied his own daughter all her life. Yeah, we all know, douchebag. She added when, for the first time, he looked frightened. Everyone here may think Ruth is the one with balls of steel but hurt the people that I love and you will pay.

Joe looked like he was struggling to find words to say, instead he just walked away. As soon as he was out of sight, Megan fell back against her locker. The current that ran through her to Nikitas father had taken its toll on her, just as turning back time took its toll on Nikita.

Megan rifled through her bag and withdrew the black lace print invitation and scanned it intently till her breath came back.

Goody inc., would like to invite Miss Megan Lily Archer to the Masquerade Ball at Club Inquisition on November 17th 2011 at 8pm. Formal wear and a mask is mandatory. There will be free beverage and food upon arrival and a meeting with the event director will take place later in the evening. Please bring your invitation with you. Just what I need, a party. Megan said smiling.

Megans phone buzzed as she walked to the parking lot to find that Ruth and Nikitas cars were both gone. Meet us at Loris Ruth xx it read. Megan failed no time to get into her car, tucking the invitation safely inside her glove compartment for later.

Ruth and Nikita were already at their usual seat, Lori was pouring them some iced tea and a small banquet was laid out on the table before them. Ruth was wolfing down a pear and walnut salad with a bowl of chicken noodle soup next to her and another larger bowl filled with cheesy looking pasta. Nikita had already finished her salad and had just begun spooning down her minestrone soup when Megan sat at the table. Hungry much? she asked. Starving. They said in unison, through mouthfuls. Anything for you? Lori asked her niece. Ill head over to the buffet bar in a minute, thanks. Megan said to her aunt. You should try the soup its really good. Ruth said, gaining a beaming smile from Lori. So did he speak to you? Nikita asked the moment Lori was out of earshot. Yeah, but I dont think youll see him for a while. Why? Ruth asked, shoving another spoonful of soup down. I shocked him. WHAT!? Nikita burst. I didnt mean to, it was an accident. He was threatening me and he grabbed my arm. It was kind of a self defence thing. Are you all right, though? He didnt hurt you? asked Ruth. No, Im fine.

Nikita didnt eat much after their discussion and blanched paler than ever before at the news Lori gave her five minutes later. Hey, I think youd better take your dinner at my apartment on Thursday night. Why? Nikita frowned. Your Dads booked a table for him and his friends. Him? Here? What time? About eight, I think. You girls are all welcome, course. Oh, Thursday, I actually have plans with my parents that night. Said Ruth. Yeah, and I have this huge essay to write so Ill just crack on with that. Megan lied. Nikita sighed. I guess I could get on with those college applications on Thursday.

Neither of the girls knew why they were lying to their friends and neither of them knew that the others were invited to the same mysterious benefit. All they knew was that they were all definitely going and for very different reasons. Nikita was curious because shed rarely ever donated to any charities and had never signed up to join one. Ruth, most inquisitive of the girls, was hoping to find out more about the seemingly non-existent company called Goody inc. As for Megan, she was so tired of the trauma and drama shed dealt with the past month and had decided that it was time to let down her hair and enjoy a good party with free food and booze.

On Wednesday, after school, the girls went down town to do a spot of shopping before dinner and entered a few of the nicest boutiques in town. Under the pretences of buying such things as candles, clothes and a perfume they found the perfect masks for the following evening.



The girls said very little at school on Thursday, they were all so excited, in their own ways, about the party that night. Nikita was walking around in such a daze that day that she didnt even recognise her own father when she walked past him out in the corridor at lunch. Right, said Ruth out in the parking lot after school, I guess Ill see you tomorrow? Yeah, tomorrow. Nikita nodded. Unless you need help with your essay? she offered Megan. No, Ill manage. You just concentrate on your application forms. I will. Right. Bye, then. They said in unison, climbing into their own cars. Luckily, for the girls, the Wests and Archers were all at work when they got home. Ruth dug out the one dress that she owned and had hardly ever worn. It was a deep chocolate brown, to match her hair, with a pleated skirt and sparkles here and there. She picked out a pair of cute, kitten heeled shoes to match and a small brown purse. Hidden, from her friends, within the folds of a cranberry coloured sweater shed bought in their presence the day before, she pulled out her mask for the party. It was quite a plain eye mask, painted brown but with brushings of a brass colour beneath and above the eyes. Removing her eye patch, the swelling was finally down and the eye itself was its round normal self, but still shockingly blue to her once pale green eye. Tying the mask neatly in place, she smiled smugly, as she surveyed her reflection in the full length mirror in her parents room. Megan had opted for her favourite indigo halter neck dress for the party with some blood red accessories which, surprisingly, matched the dress quite well. Her lips a violent shade of red and her eyes coloured also dramatically dark, she left a note for her parents to let her know that she was out and would probably be home late and not to worry because she was with friends then pulled on a pair of knee high, killer heeled boots before leaving. Last, but not least, out in the car she fixed on her mask, patterned with brightly coloured diamonds in blue, red and purple.

Nikita was also quite alone in Loris apartment. She had already left a message with one of the bus boys at her restaurant to let her know she was going out and would be out a while. Nikita had just pulled on a strapless, dark olive coloured, slim fitting dress. She put on some cute, black pearl earrings and matching accessories and a pair of high heeled black pumps. She tied her hair up in a neat bun with ringlets pouring from it like an ebony waterfall. Her mask was simply black and shiny with a

large black feather poking out from the corner of the left eye with a black ribbon to keep the mask in place.

Megan was in her car, getting quite close to Knoxville, when something in her engine gave out with a hiss and steam rolled out from beneath the hood. No, no, NO! she moaned thumping the car wheel. Slamming the door behind her, when she got out, she stormed to the front of the car, heels clicking loudly in her wake. Lifting the hood more steam rolled out and Megan leapt back so as not to stain her dress. Crap! Need a hand? called a voice from a passing car.

It slowed to a stop just a few feet from her car. Out came a boy clad in dirty jeans, a torn greasy shirt and heavy black boots. He was only about a year older than Megan, shed guessed, admiring his cute dimpled smile, crystal blue eyes and floppy blonde hair. Whats the matter? he asked. I dont know, its just an old car. Let me take a look. You know about cars? she asked, admiring his rear end when he bent over the engine. Yeah, I work in my Dads garage from time to time. Good way to save money for a place of my own. Hmm. Megan replied, interestedly. Where are you going dressed like that? A party in Knoxville. You travelled far? he asked. Sw-Somewhere nearby. Ive been staying with family. Sounds nice. Im from Memphis, originally, myself but we moved here almost three years ago. In Knoxville?

Just outside it actually. He smiled lopsidedly. Im Mason, by the way. Megan. So can you fix it? I really need to get to this party. I can fix it for now. But it wont be permanent, youll have to get it seen to right away. How long do you think itll last? May be for tonight. I dont know, it depends how far away youre travelling after your party. Not far. She said, leaning against the car. Well, lets see what I can do. He bent his head further over the engine, tinkering away at parts that Megan had no idea about or what they did. She liked talking to Mason, not to mention watching him work after removing his tattered shirt to reveal a skimpy mans vest beneath. But all too soon he was handing her a card with directions to his fathers garage and driving off into the darkness. Climbing back into her car she said, I think Im in love. Nikita was one of the few party attendees that arrived on time for it starting. There was a red carpet lining the outer hall with all kinds of booths and stalls set up around the walls. One had a table set up with name tags and gift bags. Invite number? screeched a woman in red at Nikita from behind a table. Um 473. She said, handing the invite over. 473, Hotshot. Here you go, babe. Whats this? Nikita asked, taking the name tag dubbed Hotshot along with a gift bag. Its just something we do here. Little nicknames. I thought this was a charity benefit. The woman cackled loudly, I like you, youre funny. So this isnt a benefit. Nikita muttered to herself. Oh, babe, wait! Youre appointment with the woman in charge will be at 9:30. Who? Youll see. She winked.

Did someone say Hotshot? squealed an excited male voice. Hi Im Anton, can I take your picture? My picture?

Anton rushed her over to a patch of wall covered with a green screen where he began rapidly snapping away with a camera shouting every now and then things like, Oh my god, your dress is to die for! and You have incredible bone structure. Thank you. she blushed. Here, doll, he said handing her back her gift bag and name tag, dont forget to put that on and help yourself to a glass of bubbly on your way through. Nikita did as she was instructed by the photographer and, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a girl in a brown dress enter. Invite number? the same woman in red screeched at Ruth. 471. Ruth recited. Here you go.

Ruth didnt even glance at the gift bag but turned vivid red at the name on her tag. Is this supposed to be a joke? What? screeched the woman, alarmed. HAWKEYE! Are you making a joke? Im just doing my job. She trilled, getting from her seat and running through a nearby door. Silently, Anton snapped an image of Ruth standing with haunch shoulders still by the registry table. Take another, I dare you. she spat at him. Antons hand dropped to his side and he shook a little out of fear, as she passed him by, angrily slapping on her name tag. She didnt even glance at the tray of champagne as she cruised on in to the dance hall. Megan arrived in time to find the entrance hall deserted except for a girl in a brown dress joining the party and a photographer stood with his eyes shut. Excuse me, is this the party?

I hate those damn rogues. Said the woman in red, as she emerged from the room with the distinct sound of a toilet flushing behind her. Good evening. She began brightly at the sight of Megan. Invite number? 472. Here you go. Have fun! she feigned a smile. Thanks.

Anton took a few pictures of her but not with as much enthusiasm as hed had with Nikita. Help yourself to some bubbly. He said, before disappearing into the bathroom himself. Oh, sweetie, wait! I meant to say, youll be meeting the event manager at 9pm. Why? Megan asked. Have fun. The woman smiled again.

Megan pushed through the double doors to find the party already in full swing. There was some loud band playing on stage, thumping out a melody that Megan had never heard of before. It was mostly filled with women, all with their own name tags. Some said Siren, Jinx or Silence. Looking down at her own tag, before putting it on, she saw it read Babydoll. Euch. She moaned.

At the bar, there were some men, shady looking characters Megan thought, best to avoid them. There was a couple of bar men working there; some pouring shots or beer for the men, another was serving up an elaborate looking cocktail to a woman in an olive coloured dress with a large black feather on her mask. Whatll it be? he asked Megan, when feather girl departed. Ill have what shes having. Coming right up.

Do you wanna dance? a woman asked Nikita, whilst she was admiring the band. Not one of them was wearing a mask.

Oh, no. Thank you. Dont be shy, come on. She took Nikitas drink and placed it on a nearby table before pulling her to the front of the dance floor. Im Misty. She pointed to her tag. Ni-Hotshot. Nikita smiled, gazing up at the front singer of the band.

He had short dark hair, a tattoo hidden just beneath his shirt collar and dark green eyes that matched the colour of his guitar perfectly. Good, arent they? Misty asked, dancing away. Yeah. Mama, thinks theyre gonna be the next big thing. Whos Mama?

The girl stopped dancing suddenly, really looking at Nikita for the first time. Oh, Im sorry. I didnt realise you were one of her new girls. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Nikita asked offended. Its recruitment night. I thought this was a benefit. Oh, youre too much. The girl laughed, walking away from Nikita.

The song came to an end and the crowd applauded the band as they prepared for the next song. A tall black man, wearing jeans and a tan leather coat took to the mic before the band could. If Hawkeye could make her way to the bar. Your escort will meet you there, thank you. Ruth was alone at a table near the exit in a dark corner. Some heads turned as Ruth made her way over and she snatched some whispered conversations as she went by. Theyre hiring again? a girl dubbed Delight asked another. Remember, Mama fired Flame, Sigma and Shroud. Said Liberty.



The tall dark man was waiting for Ruth, placing his tan leather jacket over a chair at the bar. When close to, Ruth saw that he had a well trimmed goatee, a very square jaw and dark brown eyes with gold flecks. Hi, Im Gunn. He offered her his hand. Hawkeye. She shook on it. This way.

He took her arm in his and lead her through a black velvet curtain and then to a black door. Just wait inside, he said, letting go, shell be there shortly. She who? Mama Goody. As in Goody inc? He smiled. I havent heard that name for a while. What am I doing here? The invite said it was a charity benefit. Just say yes. What do you mean? This woman, although a little weird, is incredible. She is going to give you an offer that will change your world. All you have to do is say yes. He opened the next black door for her then closed it quickly again, locking her inside with two other people. There were two desks, one larger than the other, at one sat a small woman with glasses, bobbed blonde hair and horsy smile. Her fingers lingered over the keyboard of a small laptop. In a corner, by another door, stood a balding man in a navy suit with a briefcase clutched in his right hand. He smiled at Ruth and then said, in an oily voice, Take a seat. Shell be here in a minute.

He pulled out a seat across from her, facing the door shed come in. Ruth saw that the man would not meet her blue eye as she crossed the room. Could you be any more obvious? she sniped, slumping into the chair.

The blonde woman typed all that Ruth said. It irked her but she ignored the womans lingering gaze. Seconds later the door behind her swung open and in walked a woman in a floor length, sparkling sapphire dress. She wore a sequin encrusted mask to match and when she spoke, Good evening, Miss West. Ruth knew the purring voice from behind the mask instantly. You! she spat. Is this some kind of joke!? Please, lower your voice. I dont want any of my guests at the party hearing this conversation. Your guests? she yelled. Yes, sit down, dear. She begged when Ruth got to her feet. Yes they are my guests. I am Mama Goody. You? What happened to Renee Childress? Thats not important. Whats important is your future. My future? Are you serious? Very much so. She said with a sincere face. Id like to offer you a job. Excuse me? Mama Goody began typing away at the computer on the desk before her. Let me show you a little video. I dont need to see that video again, okay? I lived it. She spat. Yes, I know, dear. She purred. But this is quite a different video which I think may pique your interests.

She turned the monitor around so that Ruth could see the images flashing across its screen. First there was a small clip of the school corridor, the three girls were there with Alfie who ducked out of the way in time as Ruths fist came flying at him. It broke through the metal of the locker door; after that was a clip of Megan destroying the Principals car followed by several scenes in the basement of Loris restaurant. Ruth was controlling bus boys into carrying the three girls above their heads or doing

somersaults even kissing each other. Megan was learning how to shock some of them while Nikita punched holes in the wall. The only one of your powers that cant be recordable is Nikitas. Im sorry, but are you trying to blackmail me? Ruth said, in a bitingly accusing tone. No, I just wish to utilise your gifts. I couldnt think of any other way of getting your attention. Utilise? You will be paid of course. What do you want me to do with them?

Mama smiled widely and, from within a drawer, she pulled out a large envelope. From the envelope she pulled out a glossy picture of a bald man in his thirties wearing a white suit with a pale blue cravat and handkerchief in his breast pocket. His name is Shroud. Shroud? Its a codename, so to speak. Just like Hawkeye. Why? Most of my agents use them, so that we may protect their true identities. Protect them from whom? Law enforcement. Ruth raised her brows in question. The job Im offering, Ruth, is very much questionable to the good men and women who keep our towns safe to live in. Why? They have their reasons. Technically, the task Id like you to perform is illegal, but it too is a service of protection. How do you mean? Shroud, is a former agent of mine. He is a very dangerous man and a thief. What do you want me to do with him? I want him dead. She said seriously. Excuse me? I may be many things, but Im not a killer.

No, but you will be, for me. What makes you think I will? Ruth asked, tossing the picture aside. Mama smiled and nodded at the monitor. Youve got to be kidding me. Ruth moaned. If you take the job, Ruth, life will become very awarding for you. And lets face it, youve already screwed up your future as is. I can offer you so much more than three or four years of college ever could. Such as? A six figure cheque for every job you take on. Are you serious? Im always serious. You know about all of us. Yes. So why havent you asked Niki and Megan? Here she looked uncomfortable. I do not wish to insult your friends, Ruth, but I will be honest. I dont think they have what it takes to work in my industry. Which is, lets face it, assassination. Point taken. But do you really believe they have it in them to do what you can do? Ruth didnt answer. Ill take your silence as a no.

Mama rifled through the envelope and produced a set of keys. If you say yes to this job, there will be others, you must understand. Your life will never be the same again and you will have to make a sacrifice. What sacrifice? First Ill show you what entails with this job. And she tossed her the keys. The keys are to a very new car and your own apartment. First thing tomorrow you will open up a new bank account so you can cash cheques such as these. To which she tore off a cheque from a book within another drawer.

It was addressed to Ruth with the grand sum of $75,000.

Thats just a small bonus. When you have found Shroud, she pointed at the image, and taken care of him, youll get another cheque with many more 0s. Why do I need an apartment? This is where the sacrifice comes in. You will stage a runaway. Your new apartment will be here, in Knoxville. Youll pack your things, leave your family a farewell note and drive to Knoxville, along the I-75 youll find an Audi on the side of the road. The keys you now have.

I have to leave my family? Yes, Im afraid so. Why? Ruth, you know Ill be honest with you but if it comes out a little blunt, please accept my apologies. Youre smart, but your test results say otherwise. Unfortunately, your record is awful. You wont get into a very good college, at least, not one that will help provide you into a successful career. But I can make that better. Now, Im not saying that you will never see your family again, but for the time being, you will have to let them go. If I take the job. Yes. What about my friends? Can I still see them, if they promise not to say anything? Im afraid not. But then when? Mama sighed. I tell you what, give me a year. A year? Yes. As long as you get the job done, and dont get caught. Ill let you get in touch with your friends.

Ruth felt a burning sensation in her eyes and Mama Goody, tactfully, turned away tell Ruth could rub them dry. Do we have a deal? she asked. Ruth shook her hand. You have a deal.

Megan sipped at her drink, thinking of the mechanic, Mason, when her name was called. At the bar she met Gunn who escorted her to the black door, like he had done with Ruth before her. Just wait inside, shes waiting for you.

Once inside the room, Gunn locked the door behind her. The horsy mouthed woman sat in one desk, the navy suited man stood in the corner, and a woman in floor length sapphire dress greeted her when she entered. I hope you are enjoying yourself, so far, Miss Archer. Ms Childress? she asked, scandalised. Is that you? Take a seat. She said, offering the one Ruth had vacated only minutes before. What are you doing here? This is my party. What? I invited you here to offer you a job. Excuse me? First, Id like you to see this.

Mama turned the monitor around once more to show her the same images that shed shown Ruth. Megans mouth fell open almost at once and tried hard to say something that showed she wasnt feeling at all threatened by Mama Goody. How do you have these? she eventually asked. Oh, Ive been keeping my eye on you since the meteor crashed. But why? I was already in town visiting family when it happened and then, I saw, on the news that you survived. I knew then that you must be something special to have survived such an ordeal. So I watched, I even had you followed. And then I saw the most amazing thing. You girls had gifts. Why do you care?

Id like to utilise them. Id like you to do a job for me. Id pay you of course.

From within the desk drawer she pulled out another large envelope, just like Ruths. Everything in here is for you. But, for the moment, Id like you to take a look at this. She said, pulling out an image of a woman with short, dark red hair, dressed in a black leather jacket, dark jeans and aviator sunglasses. She was an agent of mine until recently. What happened? Megan found herself asking. She killed my husband. Im sorry to hear that. Thank you. So why are you talking to me about it? Well, theres no gentler way of putting this so Ill be stark. I want you to kill her. I beg your pardon? She is a very dangerous person whom has hurt a lot of people, Megan. My agents are some-what like law enforcement, they just handle things differently. How? Well, if a certain individual was brought to our attention that they had performed unimaginable deeds then Id send one of my agents to take care of such a misdemeanour. Id like you to be one of my agents and Flame would be your first Hit. An assassin? Youre asking me to become an assassin? Yes. Do you even know me? Do you know what I want to do with my life after school? You want to become an actress, yes, I know. But do you know how hard it is to break into that industry? Do you know what desperate measures some young men and women must resort to, to get a look in nowadays? I can imagine. Yes, well, you can also understand where Im going with this. Your scar. What about it?

Well, its not easy to hide and from what Ive found out that make up cant cover it either. Youve never heard of photo shop? Not everyone will hire you, though. Youll find it harder than most to get the jobs you want. Where are you going with this? One of the many perks of being a famous actress is the riches. I can give that to you now, today.

She pulled out a cheque book and tore off one for Megan. It was addressed to Megan with the sum of $75,000. Megans mouth fell open. That is just a bonus. When you deal with Flame, they will be much grander, I promise. What do I have to do? Firstly, this new occupation will alter your lifestyle drastically. Tipping a set of keys from the envelope onto the table in front of Megan, she said, Tomorrow will be your last day in Sweetwater. On Saturday morning you will leave a note for your family saying you have run away from home, blah blah. You will find an address for somewhere in Memphis in here. She pointed to the envelope, That is your new home, there are directions inside. Along the I-40 youll see a Bentley sitting off the side of the road, the keys to which are on this chain. The address will lead to your very own apartment, the keys are here also. I have to leave home? Why? Do you really think you can stay home, doing your homework and working as an assassin? No. But I can offer you so much if you say yes, Megan. If you work for me youll earn everything youve ever dreamed of in less time than it would take to become the actress you wish to be. Ill have everything Ive ever wanted? And so much more.

The invite said it was a charity event. So why did that girl say it was Recruitment night? Nikita found herself asking Gunn. All will be revealed inside. He said, holding the black door open for her.

Nikita, dear. Greeted Mama Goody. You! she spat, turning back to the door to find herself locked in. What do you want now? I hope youre enjoying my party. Your party? Yes, mine. Please, wont you sit. She indicated the chair opposite her. Nikita walked around the desk but did not sit down. What do you want? Id like to talk to you about your future. She scoffed. Recruitment night. Mamas face fell, I beg your pardon? Thats what Misty said when I asked her about the benefit. Misty has an awful big mouth. She nodded to the man in the suit who departed through the second door which Nikita had not noticed before. Please sit. Just tell me what you want. Mama sighed then she pulled a thick envelope from her desk drawer and turned the monitor around to show Nikita the same images flitting across the screen that she had shown her own best friends before her. Nikitas stomach lurched and she soon found herself sitting in the chair opposite Mama Goody. You like your little films, dont you. I just want to get your attention.

Withdrawing from the envelope, she handed Nikita an image. This picture was a young woman in her late twenties. She had long, white blonde hair, creamy pale skin, a prominent chin, protuberant blue eyes and high, hollow cheek bones. She looked fit to be a Cover Girl model. This is Sigma. A former agent of mine. Why former? Shes opening up her own business with all the tools of the trade that I taught her. Why is that a bad thing? Shes also stealing some of my agents and clientele.

What exactly is your business? And why does it coincide with my friends and our new found abilities? It doesnt coincide with your friends. Just you. Go on. Id like to utilise your gifts. Ill pay you of course. She rushed on, producing a cheque for Nikita with the same sum she had for Ruth and Megan. This is just a bonus, an initiation fee if you will. What could you possibly have me do that would make me earn this kind of money? Assassination. Nikita shot out of her chair. Sit down, hear me out. When you came in I said I wanted to talk to you about your future. Sorry, I already have that all planned out. Your father had it all planned out for you but your free of him now. Have you given any thought as to what you would like to do with your life? I I I dont know. Exactly as I thought. Nikita, if you work for me I can provide you with a future. Granted, its not a role youd ever imagined yourself in but it will provide you with a future, I promise. What about my friends? What about them? Im not the only gifted one. Have you considered either of them? Well, Nikita, lets face it. Ruth is a wild cannon, I couldnt guide her like I could with you and all Megan thinks about is becoming a rich and famous actress. Shed freak out about broken nails and such. Theyre much stronger than I am. You have strength too, Nikita. You simply lack the confidence to pursue it. I havent even held a gun before. I couldnt take another persons life. Im not the girl you should be talking to. Nikita, you need to step out of the shadows of your friends and your father, and take control for once. Dont you want that? Yes. She sighed. What do I have to do?

Again, Mama withdrew a set of keys from the thick envelope and tossed them to Nikita. A new lease on life. You need to leave home, or, well, at least, Loris home. Leave a farewell note and head to the address in Nashville which youll find inside. When you take the I-24 West youll find a Jaguar sitting off to the side of the road. Its yours, take it and leave your old car behind.

At the end of each meeting the girls signed contracts, handled by the suited man in the corner, promising never to speak a word of their meeting and never to look back on their old lives until such a time that they were relieved of their duties.

Chapter 8

The farewell
Ruth, do you plan on getting out of bed any time today? Mrs West called as she left for work. Ruth snuck in just after one in the morning. She left the party almost immediately after her meeting with Mama Goody but she couldnt face going home. What was the point when shed have to leave it again the next again morning? The girls were allowed one last day with their friends and family but theyd have to leave bright and early Saturday morning before anyone woke up. Ruth found Megan and Nikita at her door just half an hour later with a cup of coffee and a box of donuts. Were taking a mental health day. Explained Megan. Well, arent you two feeling adventurous? she narked. Oh, shes in one of those moods. Moaned Nikita. No, Im sorry. Come in. I just didnt sleep well last night.

Ruth was still in her baggy PJs when she trooped through to the living room with others following closely. We thought we could just hang today. Started Niki. We could get out of town for a while. Sounds like fun. Let me go shower up and Ill be back in a few minutes. Ruth said, grabbing her coffee and swigging on it. I thought, may be, we could go to Engleman Park or may be head for the pool? Sure. And look what I snuck out from my Dads stash? said Megan.

From her handbag she pulled a large silver flask and waved it around so that, whatever liquid was inside, sloshed around noisily. Park, pool and booze. What is it, my birthday? Ruth asked. No, we just need to have some fun for once. When was the last time we had that? Nikita asked. Other than having the bus boys at our beck and call, thanks to you. Added Megan, appreciatively. Well, lets go. Said Ruth, grabbing her coat.

The girls went out of town, in the end, so as no one spotted them out of school. First they headed to McMinn for a spot of bowling and then on to Watts Bar Lake where the girls used to spend their birthdays when they were younger. Cant remember the last time we came here. Said Ruth, pulling up to the shore. Last time I can remember was Nikis twelth birthday. Megan said, climbing out the passenger door. No, it was my eleventh birthday. Six years? Wow! Ruth shrugged off her coat and tossed it back in her car.

The girls followed suit before removing socks and shoes and rolling up the hem of their pants. We could still go swimming. Suggested Megan.

Its too cold for that now. Ruth noted. Another time. Said Nikita.

Nikita strolled out into the water, picking up some pebbles and stones as she went. Megan pulled the ice box out of the back of the car while Ruth laid down two blankets. I came prepared. Megan grinned smugly, setting the cool box down next to Ruth. What have you got in there? she asked. Snacks and she dug inside her hand bag, pulled from it a bottle opener and then three bottles of beer from the ice box. Cheers. They chinked their bottles. Its not even noon, Nikita laughed, skipping stones over the water, and you two are already drinking. You cant talk, you finished the hip flask before we left Classic Lanes. Megan whined, shaking the hip flask out so that only a couple drops of whiskey fell from within. I was thirsty. She stumbled out of the water. Clearly. Ive got something thatll put a smile on both your faces. Ruth said, leaping to her feet.

From the boot of her car, Ruth pulled out a large wicker bag and another plastic one from their local store. Heaving the heavy bag over to the small picnic the other girls had arranged she dropped at her feet. This is for night time. Nikita opened the wicker bag, Fire wood? Mm hmm. Marshmallows? said Megan, searching the stores bag. Crackers? she gasped. Smores! Were gonna have a bonfire. Are we allowed to do that here? Nikita asked. Who gives a crap? Theres no one here to stop us.

Two hours to sunset. Megan said, checking her iPhone.

Night time fell sooner than the girls thought possible. It seemed that time was slipping through their fingers, getting closer to the inevitable farewell. The fire was cheerily crackling as the girls silently toasted their marshmallows or continued to skip stones over the water. Ruth only had one beer so that she could drive them all back to Sweetwater without being pulled over by the police.

Has it really been six years since we were last here? Megan asked, sleepy eyed and mouth slightly smeared with melted marshmallows. Yup. Unbelievable. Nikita mumbled. We should come back on our birthdays again. Megan said happily. I think the reason we stopped coming is because we grew out of it. Said Ruth. Yeah, we got older and other things started appealing to us. Agreed Nikita. But we could start. Begged Megan. Megan, were seventeen. Graduation is only months away and then college follows shortly after. Its time to get real. Said Ruth, getting to her feet. In a years time we might not have time for each other any more. Ruth, what are you saying? cried Megan. Im saying what we all know will happen. College, boyfriends and adulthood. That doesnt mean we have to stray from our friendships just because its what normally happens to others. Nikita reasoned. Ruth turned from them, as the sting in her eye crept and left a lump in her throat. Im not saying thats what I want. I just I just dont want to let you both down if that is what happens. You could never let us down. Said Nikita. Look, I know I never say this and, may be, its the beer butyou need to hear it. I love you, guys. Why does it sound like youre saying goodbye? Nikita asked, handing her a tissue from her pocket.

Im not. She dabbed at her eyes. You just need to remember that, even though I never say it, I really do love you both. We love you too. Megan got to her feet and wrapped her arms round Ruths shoulders.

The girls remained by the lake until the fires flames dwindled down to nothing before they packed up their things and drove back home. Ruth dropped Nikita off at Loris first who gave one wave back before the darkness of the apartment engulfed her. Megan climbed up to her bedroom window, in hopes of not waking her parents. She almost fell down again when part of the trestle she climbed broke off. Soon she was safely inside and Ruth was quite alone.

She didnt sneak in through her bedroom window like Megan but all the same kept as quiet as she could when walking through her dark silent house. Her parents were already in bed when she got to the upper floor. Should her parents walk in on her packing her bags, she placed a heavy wooden chair to keep it shut. Before she did anything, she went online and opened up a new bank account like Mama Goody had instructed her so that she could cash the cheque in their Knoxville branch the following morning.

She pulled out a suit case and bags from the closet in the corner of her room before tossing her clothes in hastily so that she could get out and get it over with as soon as possible. All her clothes and less fragile belongings, in bags, were tossed out the window to save many journeys back and forth between her car and house.

As soon as she was organised, Ruth sat down at her desk and pulled out some stationary from her drawer to write the hardest letter of her life.

Dear Mom and Dad, There are no words to express my love for you. No words to explain my gratitude for everything you gave and taught me in life. But, for now, I must part ways from you. I dont know when well see each other again, all I know is I need to go my own way. I wish I could give you better reasons for my departure but you must know that Ill be well. Really. Please, dont look for me. When the time is right, I will come back to you.

All my love, Ruth

Ruth sucked in one ragged breath and let it escape as she folded the letter neatly and placed it inside an envelope, leaving it to be found on her pillow. She was about to leave when she realised, she had one more letter to write.

Dear Niki and Megan, Sorry. I cant stay, Im sure youll understand my reasons even they dont satisfy you any. Dont worry about me, Ill be fine. You know how I cant even begin to express my love for you guys. The words are always there on my lips but Ive just never had the strength to speak them aloud. Im weak, but you make me stronger than youd ever believe. Need I say more? All my love, Ruth.

Ruth fought back the tears that threatened to take over her as she placed this letter next to the one for her parents on her pillow. With a ruck sack on one shoulder and her suit case in hand, Ruth gave one last sweeping glance of her small powder blue coloured bedroom before closing the door behind her. She was quieter than even a mouse when she snuck downstairs and out of her front door. At a run, she picked up the bags shed thrown from her window and threw them into the back of her car haphazardly. She didnt have the strength to look back at her house when she started the car. Ruth hit the accelerator and didnt dare look back.

Nikita was alone in Loris apartment; Lori was working late at her restaurant. She didnt have much with her after running away from her parents house so she was packed in no time at all. There was only one letter on her desk as she left the apartment in less than an hour after being dropped off by Ruth. Dear Ruth and Megan,

Im sorry if Ive disappointed you. I tried to stay strong but Im not as strong as you guys. My only wish is that you both can forgive me for leaving you like this. You both are everything to me. Everything I like about me is you two. Goodbye, Nikita.

Megan had used the same haphazard technique that Ruth had used to pack her bags. Sitting at her vanity table, with pen and paper before, she didnt know where to begin. Instead of concealing the truth neatly like her friends had done, Megan left a letter riddled with lies.

Dear Mom and Dad, Im sorry I couldnt be the daughter you deserved. Things changed in me after the meteor crashed. Im not going to write about them in a letter. But I need some time to get things right. Im not saying you wont ever see me again, but, I doubt itll be any time soon. Im sorry I cant give you more than that. Love, Megan XOXO

Megan found a lump in her throat when she turned to write a letter for her friends. She found it too difficult to write her feelings for them so she simply put, Sorry, Megan XOXO.

She tiptoed from her room and peered in at her parents as they slept. Her father stirred and turned to face her leaving Megan frozen in place. She breathed a sigh of relief as her fathers thunderous snores filled the house once more.

Heaving her luggage into the boot of her car, Megan shut it as gently as she could so as not to rouse her slumbering parents. Shuddering breaths racked her breath as she looked back at her home. She lithely crawled into her car, feeling cold all of a sudden she turned up the heat and then the volume on the radio. Singing along as heartily as she could she couldnt stop the flow of tears falling from her eyes.



Ruth was on her way to Knoxville when she saw the Audi, just as Mama Goody said it would be, on the side of the road of the I-40. Transferring all her luggage and the thick, heavy envelope given to her by Mama Goody to the new car, Ruth spared no time in getting into her new car. She noticed the fresh smell of new leather, which was a creamy tan colour, and the glossy look to the dials and buttons. She was so enraptured by the cars beauty that she didnt even look back at her old car still sitting on the side of the road.

For the first time in hours, Ruth had a smile on her face which soon evaporated at the sound of ringing coming from the envelope. Pulling over to the side of the road, she soon found a small cell phone inside with Gunn flashing across the screen. Morning, Hawkeye. Remember me? Yeah, you were at the party. Thats right. Listen, Im just calling to let you know Ill be swinging round your place later. Why? Im your trainer. Im going to teach you better combat moves and how to use a gun. Okay, what time should I expect you at? Not till later on. Ill swing by about five, if thats okay with you? Thats fine. Good, Ill see you tonight then.

Megans mind was still on that last image of her home. She was paying so little attention to the road that she missed to exits and her new Bentley. By the time shed turned around it was almost noon when she found the car again.

Transferring all her belongings to the Bentley she found the card for Masons garage in the glove compartment. Right away she knew shed found something to cheer herself up. Once she was settled into her new car, she took the next exit that took her back towards Knoxville.

Nikita couldnt believe her eyes when she found her Jaguar. She had never owned something quite as beautiful or expensive before. She handled the leather covered seats with great care as she placed her belongings inside. The car started with barely more than a hush compared to the old thundering noise her old car made when started.

Nikita entered her new address on the GPS situated on the leather clad dashboard and named the address Home. With a slight purr, she hit the accelerator and turned off in the direction of Nashville.

Joe West roused late that morning. He could hear his wife, already awake, moving around the house and soon passing the bedroom door to go wake his daughter, Ruth. He lay there, satisfied with the feeling Saturday mornings normally bring, when his wife uttered a terrible scream.

In Ruths room, he found Mrs West on her knees crying harder than hed seen her cry before. At first, Joe couldnt see what was wrong till he noticed the empty bed and empty closet with its door lying open. Mrs West was clutching a piece of paper to her chest and cried harder when Joe tried to take it from her.

Tugging it from her clutches, Joe scanned his daughters letter. Wave after wave of emotions rolled over him; anger, dread, guilt, sorrow. Soon he too was on his knees. He was at a loss, he didnt know what to do.

The house phone rang several times before he answered, Yes? Joe? Its Mike, have you seen Megan? Mike sounded like Joe felt. No, listen She left a letter, Joe. It sounds like shes ran away, but that doesnt make sense. I dont understand. Is she with Ruth? No, Mike, Ruths gone too. Oh, shit!

Have you called Lori? Is Nikita there? Ill do that now. Ill speak to you later.

Mr Archer hung up and immediately, with shaking fingers, began to dial his sisters number. Morning. She answered, yawning. Lori, is Nikita there? Still in bed I think. Why? Ruth and Megan have run away. What? Hold on, Ill go wake her. The sound of a door creaking came over the phone the, Oh my god, shes not here! Her bags are gone and theres a letter. Could they have run away together? Mike asked, fretfully. May be, I just dont understand why.

Less than three hours later, the police were involved and the Wests were now at home with the Archer family and news crews spilled over their front lawn. Both Mrs Archer and Mrs Wests hands were clutched round glasses of scotch while their husbands spoke with the police officers when there was a commotion outside. The cries of scandalised news reporters reached their ears as someone burst through the Wests front door. Nick Rice and his wife had just driven up the lawn, scattering the news crews to get past them. Where is she? Where is my daughter? he barked, pulling his wife along. Weve already started the search, began the officer in charge. Youre daughters behind this, I know she is. He yelled at Joe. Now, you listen to me No, you listen. No, you listen! My Ruth would never make Nikita run away. Besides, youve chased her off yourself. Mrs West piped up. I beg your pardon? Do not insult Nick began. Insult you? Ha! Never would I dare insult you, Nick Rice. But I will accuse you, yes I will. Wherever Nikita is now, I promise you, she is far better off there than under your roof. Stephanie! hissed Mrs Rice.

Thats enough from you. Mrs West hissed back. We all know it. We all think it. You are a horribly, emotionally abusive father. There was a collective gasp and Mrs West drew herself to her fullest height, I will not insult you, Nick Rice, and you will not insult my daughter. Mrs West slapped him hard round the face and Mrs Rice uttered a small shriek as Nick rounded on Stephanie. Joe placed himself squarely between his wife and Nick, Watch yourself, Joe. I dont put up with that from Fiona, theres no way Im taking it from your wife. Dont you dare threaten my wife. Youre not the only one whos lost a child. Get out, get out now!

Nick sneered at Joe before turning on his heal, dragging his wife in his wake as he left the West home. Joe followed him out to see that he got back in his car. Youll be paying for any damages to my garden, Nick! he called while Mr Rice backed out, spraying the news crew with mud and grass.

Just outside of Knoxville, Megan found the Wards garage. There was a battered old Cadillac parked out front and what looked like an oversized garden shed about fifteen yards behind it with a sign overhead with Wards written in black and white. There was someone bent over the engine of a Dodge at the front of the garage, tinkering away with a tray of tools by his side. Mason? Megan asked, tapping on the boys overall covered shoulder. Huh?

The boy looked round, he definitely wasnt Mason. Although he looked a lot like Mason he had a slightly younger, rounder face with wide eyes and stooped shoulders. Im Gareth. Sorry, my mistake. Can I help you miss? came another voice, deep within the shed. I was looking for Mason. Masons at college, he wont be home for a couple weeks. The man was well rounded, with a bushy moustache and quivering jowls. Im Masons father, Warren. Megan. She said, shaking his hand. I just wanted to stop by to say thanks for helping me the other night.

Are you the girl who wore the mask? he and Gareth laughed. Yeah, thats me. So is Mason in town? I could just swing by later. No, sweetheart. He goes to a college out in Memphis. Oh, really? she brightened. Thats great Im just heading out that way anyway. Warren and his youngest son laughed, Youre keen. Megan blushed, If you could give me the address Ill be out of your hair.

Chuckling to himself he wrote an address and directions to the campus she could most likely find him on. Should I let him know youre on your way? No, thanks. Itll take a while to drive through any way. I might not see him till tomorrow. Well, you drive safe now.

In her rear view mirror she could see Warren and Gareth falling about in fits of laughter. She rolled her eyes and turned off the small sloping road, away from the oversized garage shed.

Ruth had finally found the building of her apartment in Knoxvilles city centre. It didnt look like much, she thought. The black door was weather worn and paint chipped while the glass panels were grimy and hard to see through. She pulled her luggage through the door way and was met with an unpleasant odour like old socks and stale bread.

Screwing up her face she ploughed on determinedly up to the second floor where her new home, apartment 2B, was fronted with a teal green door and brass knocker. The paint was fresh and the knocker and handle were polished to a shine. Thats more like it. she said to herself. She pushed the door open a might to thrust her larger bags inside.

On her third and final trip, with the last of her belongings, Ruth closed the door behind her and finally took in the first glimpse of her apartment. Her jaw fell open. She couldve fit her bedroom in the hall alone. Immediately to her right was a wide, steep staircase to an upper floor she couldnt quite see, to her left was a bathroom tiled white, green and blue. In the centre of the room was a large shower with the shower head hanging from its ceiling in the shape of a large disc. Ahead of her was her living area. Soft leather sofas with plus, comfy cushions decked the room along with artwork shed never seen before.

There was a large plasma TV on the far wall a blu-ray player and PS3 were at its feet along with some shelves on either side filled with games and DVDs. On the arm of one of the sofas, Ruth found a Universal remote which she wasted no time to push its buttons. In each of the rooms corners were speakers which blasted out Cheap Tricks Just Got Back at her touch. Oh, sweet! she laughed.

Singing along she found the kitchen with an open plan dining room. The kitchen had all manner of utensils and gadgets that Ruth had never once used before. Dancing around as the song got closer to the end, Ruth ran up the stairs taking them two at a time. Into her room she ran, which was bigger still than the living area below.

The room was painted cream and lilac roses, here and there. Golden sheets and curtains covered the four poster bed and bay window. A very fleecy blanket lay at the bottom of her bed and she draped it around her like a cape as she jumped onto her new bed. The smell of lavender and jasmine lingered in the air, but she couldnt tell where it came from.

An en-suite bathroom was hidden behind a bold gold door and out in the hall were three more rooms. A guest room was the first on the left of the stairs, it too was plush and luxurious but a lot smaller than the master bedroom.

Opposite this was a large walk in wardrobe already filled with clothes, shoes and accessories. It was filled with colours Ruth would normally wear; blacks, greens and purples, but every now and then shed find a red dress, pink tank top or blue pants. Near the back of the racks were several leather or rubber outfits. In a small cupboard she found wigs of many colours and styles along with different coloured contact lenses, fake noses and jewellery for the nose, lip and brow along with some false teeth sets. Ouch. She said to herself, eyeing the false jewellery apprehensively.

At the end of the room was another door with a security dial pad to the right. Ruth pushed on the handle but the door didnt budge. She punched in her year of birth, experimentally, and wasnt surprised when the little light flared red momentarily.

Out in the hall she examined the other rooms where she found a second guest room and a small gym-like area. In here were yoga mats, tread mills, bicycle and weights. In a corner was a couple

cupboards and a small kitchenette where a small fridge was stocked heavily with bottled water, power bars and fruit. The cupboards held many supplements and vitamins as well as a few glasses and dishes. Again in this room were speakers in the corners and another plasma screen upon the wall too.

Back in the wardrobe, Ruth tried with all her might to open the second door. She tried kicking it in and throwing herself bodily against it yet it still wouldnt budge. Hesitantly, she punched in her date of birth on the dial pad, 9994. The flared green to her extreme astonishment, and the lock clicked loudly as it opened. Ruth pushed on the handle once more, it slid open easily to reveal a small dark room. Fumbling her hands over the wall, she found the switch and lights burst on before her eyes.

Her mouth fell open. Up against the walls were shelves with glass doors locking its belongings inside. They were filled with guns. Big and small, long and short; the cupboards were full to the brim of them. From hand guns to shot guns. In the middle of the room was a glass display case, almost like an island, which held grenades, tear grenades and smoke grenades. On a bare wall were deadly looking knives, swords and nunchuks.

Ruth stumbled backwards and slammed the door shut behind her. The lock clicked back into place and the light on the dial pad flared red yet again. Falling to her knees, she felt like she had just run a marathon by the frantic pace of her breathing. In and out, she drew ragged breaths of air and felt the familiar sting of tears at her eyes. Pull yourself together, Ruth. She grumbled to herself. I need to get out of here.

Catching her reflection in a full length mirror she stripped off her worn out clothes and pulled at random from the racks and closets in the walk in closet. A denim mini skirt, a black tank top, some lace patterned tights, knee high boots and a leather jacket. In the cupboard she reached for the dark brown contact lenses coloured dark brown along with a black bob wig. After touching up her make up she assessed herself in the mirror once more and almost didnt recognise herself.

Picking up her purse, she locked up her apartment and ran out into the city.

Nikitas eyes felt heavy and she wasnt even half way there. Nashville would be at least another hours drive and Nikita was certain she could not stay waken that long.

At the side of the road she locked her doors and climbed to the back seat of the car. In one of her bags she found a fleece and pulled it round herself tightly before laying her head on the bag and curling her legs up on the seat. What felt like only minutes passed and Nikita came to when an incessant ringing reached her ears. Fumbling for her cell phone she discovered the ringing was coming from the envelope within the bag she lay upon. Once she had discovered the cell phone inside she grumbled, Hello? Hotshot? This is Gunn. Do you remember me? From the party? Yeah, sure. Ive been calling for hours. Is everything all right? No, I just rested my eyes for a few minutes. I couldnt keep driving. What time did you come off the road? Around eleven. She answered. Its three oclock. What? No! I swear I only slept a few minutes. He chuckled. Sorry to break it to you. Nikita moaned. How can I help you? Im your new trainer, I was hoping I could come see you tomorrow. Trainer? For what? Just combat work and such. Ill be at your place at four, okay? Yeah, sure. See you tomorrow.

Nikita rubbed her eyes and pulled out her hairbrush to straighten the tangle atop her head. In the rear view mirror she could see a hole in the rode surrounded by some fencing with a sign for road works warning. There were few cars on the road and one white Dodge came zipping dangerously down the street and almost collided with an old Beetle. The Beetle turned to move out of the path of destruction only to smash into a large tractor by the side of the road.

Nikita watched as the car flipped onto its right side and recognised the driver behind the wheel. The car was skidding along its side towards the hole in the ground. Through the fences it burst, the driver screaming all the while. Nikita threw up her hands and the air around her hummed like before.

Everything on the street stopped moving at once, the Beetle was close to the edge of the hole. Nikita shot out of the Jaguar like a bullet to the Beetles drivers door. She struggled with the seat belt a while and eventually freed the driver from his doomed car. Nikita dragged him out of harms way, far past her own car before she let go of her hold on time.

The cars sped past, hardly any time to stop and check the safety of the Beetle driver. Yes, Nikita knew who he was. She recognised the small tattoo hidden beneath the collar of his shirt and those dark green eyes. He was the lead singer of the band that performed at Mamas party a few days ago. Hey, are you okay? she asked when his eyes fluttered open. Oh God, my head. He passed out.

There was nothing wrong with him that Nikita could see, other than a few scrapes and cuts. None of the passers by were paying them any heed other than those who spotted the car which had now nose dived into the hole.

Nikita cradled him her arms like a baby and placed him gently on the back seat of her car then tucked her fleece tightly around him to keep him warm.

Megan drove for hours before reaching Memphis. Her eyes werent weary, like Nikita, she had feverish urge to get there to see Mason immediately. It was nearly four in the afternoon. Classes would soon be over, surely?

On the campus there were many students lingering around or en-route to the dorms. Megan had pulled up to a part of the road where she could keep an eye on the students ambling by her. She had just pushed herself into a sitting position on the cars hood when Mason ambled out a set of double doors.

He was wearing clean, navy pants and a blue polo shirt with a rucksack over his left shoulder and a football beneath his right arm. There was a crowd of boys and girl his own age around him, all

laughing and joking as they past Nikita. Some wolf whistled at the Bentley but most of them were directed to Megan. Mason. She called. Hi, do I know you? he asked, eyeing the Bentley enviously. Yeah, Im Megan. He looked at her blankly. We met the other night, you helped me with my car. His smile stretched. Yes, I remember. What are you doing here? I got a job, Im moving through here. But I wanted to swing by and thank you for your help. How did you know youd find me here? I went to the garage, your Dad told me. I hope you dont mind. Not at all. So since were both in Memphis, she said, getting off the car hood, I was wondering if may be I could buy you a coffee or a drink sometime. That sounds great. He smirked. Tonight? Tomorrow, I have a study group tonight. Sure. Meet you hear at seven? Its a date.

They both smiled broadly as his friends cat called and wolf whistled while the girls looked on miserable and dismal. Megan clambered back inside his car, humming happily to herself as Mason began to play ball with his friends, glancing over his shoulder till Megans car was finally out of sight.

Ruth wandered round Knoxville till she found the bank which she had opened a new account with online. The cashier looked at her curiously after reading the cheque for $75,000 addressed to Ruth. She didnt trust Mama Goody so she withdrew $5,000 in cash just in case of emergency.

Stowing the bag of cash securely in the glove compartment of her car, Ruth drove down the street towards her apartment but turned abruptly around when she remembered the reason for getting out of there so quickly.

Around the corner there was an old bar with a grimy looking sign that read Keepers Inn. Ruth pulled in to park her car several feet from its door and stomped her high heeled boots inside. The bar was mostly empty except for a few older patrons sitting in the booths. At the far end of the bar a guy sat on a stool, mostly hidden by shadow till the open door spilled sunlight through the room.

Ruths heels clicked across the wooden floor till she heaved herself onto another high stool at the other end of the bar. She couldnt make much of the stranger, other than that he had short black hair, wore a leather jacket and was drinking what looked like Bourbon. Ill have a beer. She said on the bartenders approach. ID. He demanded. Give me a beer. She demanded irritably. ID. He demanded again, slapping his hands on the counter. Fine. She put one hand over his to make the usual connection. I am twenty two, you dont need ID so give me a freaking beer!

The bartender silently went for Ruths beer and returned with a resigned look on his face, Thatll be Free. Ruth said taking hold of his hand again. Free. Thanks, youre a doll. She smiled brightly. Now beat it.

The barman sauntered away. The stranger shifted in his seat till he was facing Ruth. Lifting his glass in a toast he said, Well, I heard that a womans touch was powerful stuff but in all my years Ive never seen anything quite like you, sweetheart. Ruth smirked. Im Jack Cooley. He said, pulling a stool up beside her.

His hair was darker up close, his eyes a blue-ish grey and he wore an impish smile upon his handsome face. He looked to be at least twenty five. Ruth, Ruth West. Nice to meet you. He shook her hand, Nice to meet you Ruth, Ruth West.

She giggled. So Ive never seen you here before. Did you just move? Yeah, around the corner. What about you? You dont sound like youre from Tennessee. California. He winked. Where are you from? Just down the road, about an hour from here. How long have you lived here? A couple years. My old man gave me money to go back to college and make a new beginning. You? Sorta the same, except I got a new job. So what are you studying? Archaeology. Ooh, thats interesting. Do you like it? Yeah, its been fun. So when did you move here? Um about an hour ago. They both laughed. So hows your new job? I havent really started yet. What is it? Its kind of dumb. She lied. I basically work for this rich guy, he sends me on all kinds of errands some as little as picking up the dry cleaning or dropping the kids off at school. But Ill get to travel a lot and most of the jobs are basically dropped on me at the last minute. Well, hey, if its a way of making money Exactly. She agreed. So who is this mystery rich guy? Oh, if I told you that Id have to kill you. He laughed heartily again, Well, I dont know about you but I think one Bourbon is enough for me. Im gonna go for a walk, care to join me? Sure. She drained her beer in one. I like you, Ruth, Ruth West. The pair laughed heartily as they left the bar, arm in arm.



Nikita had no time to explore her now home when she arrived. She couldnt return to the car to remove all her belongings because she was to busy caring for the bands singer who was now lying on her cream leather sofa. She took in, right away, the grandeur of the apartment but had no time to go exploring when the boy started to wake. Hey, are you okay? she asked. Where am I? Nashville. What am I doing in Nashville? You crashed your car. You almost went down a hole. But I got you out just in time. His eyes seemed to gain more focus, Whats your name? Nikita Rice. Whats yours? Jesse Bass. Why are we in Nashville? Sorry, I was in the middle of moving home when your car crashed. I couldnt see any injuries that would require taking you to the hospital for so I just brought you home with me. Thanks. No problem. Jesse laid his head upon the cushions and his eyes fell shut. Nikita was certain he had drifted off to sleep when she crept towards the door. Where are you going? came his voice. Im just going to get stuff from my car. Do you mind if I have a rest? No, not at all.

Since Nikita had very few belongings with her it only took one trip back to the car to pick them all up and take them to her room. She was so exhausted still that she flopped down onto her four poster

bed and didnt even notice the tall blonde woman, stood in the corner of her room with a long knife in her hand.


Wow! Jack said, upon entering Ruths apartment. Wow. Yeah, its something, huh? Yeah. So you got the car and the new apartment cause of the new job. Yes, I tend to think of them as company car and company apartment. I havent actually earned them yet. You could be worse off. He chuckled. Very true. Do you want me to take those? Keep a couple out for ourselves. Ruth took the six pack of beer he held under his arm.

In one of the kitchen drawers she found a bottle opener, after placing the other four bottles in the fridge. Jack followed Ruth into the question and left his leather jacket on the sofa to reveal a pale grey t-shirt beneath. So, I was wondering Hmm? I was wondering if you could show me what you did to the bartender? Jack asked. Oh, thats a bad idea. Come on. Wheres the harm? Okay.

She placed both bottles back on the table top. She took Jacks right hand in her own and felt the same sensations she normally did when she made the connection with another person. Feel that. Yeah. What does it feel like? she asked.

Feels warm and weird. Weird? Weird how? Like my attractions for you are magnified a hundred times more. Are you attracted to me? she giggled.

Only definitely. He laughed. So I guess you have supernatural powers then. Something like that. That is so cool. Not really. Its dangerous Im dangerous. How are you dangerous. These powers I can control people. I can make them do what I want them to do.

Withdrawing his hand from hers he handed her a beer and said, Sweetheart, Im pretty sure Id do anything for you anyway. How did you do that? she asked stunned. How did I do what? Break the connection. No ones ever been able to do that before! I guess that makes me special. He smirked. I guess so. She smiled back.


Megan heaved the last of the bags to her apartment at the very top of the building in Memphis. The rooms were mostly decorated in creams and greens except for the master suite and its bathroom. Her room was painted gold and black, which left a kind of gothic feel to it. She lay down upon the warm soft quilt and gave an aah of satisfaction. She had pulled herself upon her elbows to lie down properly on the pillow when she saw a glint of light coming from the door opposite hers in the hall.

The door revealed a set of stone stairs to an open door far above Megans head. She climbed to the top and glimpsed a rooftop garden. Wow! Above all the other splendours of the apartment below, she was most impressed with the garden and the view of the city far beneath her. Now, people would kill for a view like this. And all of a sudden something hard collided with the back of her head and Megnans last thought was, Who turned off the lights?, as darkness engulfed her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nikita rolled over onto her back, she could hear Jesse moving around the bathroom below before proceeding to the kitchen. Nikita wasnt happy at the noise and made to get up to tell him so when she realised that her legs were still fast asleep. Laying back down on bed the smell of freshly brewed coffee reached the upper floors jerking Nikita slowly awake. At the side of her bed there was the sound of a floorboard creaking and her eyes flew open at once. Directly above her chest she saw a pair of well manicured hands holding a dagger, ready for striking. Nikita threw out her hands as the knife descended but stopped midway to her chest. The air hummed and vibrated as Nikita rolled out of the bed to safety. She raked a nearby closet, trying to find something to defend herself with where all she could find was a hockey stick and a vase. The woman stood still as Nikita surveyed her. She had a sheet of white blonde hair, flowing long down her back, her eyes a piercing green and her face a feral glow. Nikita threw the vase at her as hard as she could when she let time slip through her grasp again. The woman stumbled, almost falling on her own knife. Getting to her feet again she turned on Nikita, slashing her knife as she approached. Nikita whacked her over the head but the blonde woman kept coming after her. She pushed her out of the way and scrambled to the bed, picking up the lamp of the bedside table. You must be Sigma. Nikita said breathless. You must be Hotshot. Yes. Im gonna enjoy this. She screamed, running at Nikita with her knife again. Nikita threw the lamp at her head, Sigma howled in pain when Nikita kicked her nose she screamed again. Whats going on up there? came Jesses voice.

Sigma ran for the open window, disappearing from sight just as Jesse burst into the room. It was a strange sight, for sure. A broken lamp and vase lay on the floor and Nikita stood on her bed, a hockey stick raised above her head and her leg still up in the air and her hair all over her face. What happened? Jesse asked. Panting heavily, in a croaked voice she answered, Pigeon got in. ______________________________________________________________ To new beginnings. Jack raised his bottle in toast. To new beginnings. They both drank deep from their bottles and Ruth went to put on some music. In the corner of her eye she could see Jack watching her. What? she asked, bashfully. I just wanted to try something. He answered, getting to his feet. Cupping her face in his hands they stared into one anothers eyes. He ran his fingers through her hair when her wig slipped. Ah oops. Any other surprises I should know about? he laughed. Im wearing coloured contacts. Really? She removed the wig, her brown hair fell before removing the lenses to reveal her different coloured eyes. Do you still like me now. She asked, twirling a strand. I like you more. He kissed her lips softly. Do you always know the right words to say? No, Im not perfect. Well, neither am I. He smiled his impish smile, Then I guess were perfect for each other. ______________________________________________________________ Megans skull ached. She was still on the roof, she could feel the gravel beneath her. The sun was still out but the sky was growing steadily darker as she got back to her feet. Somebody hit me. She said, accusingly to the wind.

There was a whooshing noise behind Megan shortly followed by the crunch on gravel as someone jumped from the roof door behind her. Megan recognised her from the picture Mama Goody had given her. This was Flame. She wore mostly cream and khaki clothing, a sword was protruding from its holder strapped to her back and her biker boots were dirty and scratched. She wouldve looked incredibly intimidating, to Megan, if it werent for the way she styled her short hair in cute, red ringlets. Now thats definitely out of a bottle. Megan commented on Flames hair colour. I had to come see, when I heard that Mama was sending one of her newbies after me. I thought shed send her Elite agents like Hellfire or Abaddon. She laughed, throwing her head back. Instead, I get you Babydoll! Yeah, well, may be youre too pathetic to get the Elite. Megan spat. The smile vanished from Flames face, Either way, Babydoll, Im gonna snap you like a twig. I wouldnt bet on it.

Flame withdrew her sword and swung it widely at Megan who bent back out of reach. The tip of the sword barely grazed her chin as Megan cart wheeled out of danger. One good kick at Flames right hand sent her sword out of reach and left Flame with three broken fingers. Megan got to her feet again, kicked and punched Flame wherever she could while Flame got a blow or two in herself. Blocking most of the destruction to her body, Megan gripped hold of Flames shoulders and pushed her hard at the door where her opponents head made a horrible dunk like noise. Flame fell to the gravelled rooftop garden floor where she laid still and quiet. Breathing deep, Megan checked for a pulse and found that she hadnt quite finished the job. There was an ugly gash on Flames forehead where the blood began to mingle with the dark red hair. Back inside her apartment Megan was looking for a weapon. Something which would put an end to Flames life. May be, she thought, if I finish the job I wont have to do it again and Ill get to go home. Though deep down inside she knew it wasnt true. Returning to the rooftop with a knife she got from the kitchen, she swung the roof door open to find that she was quite alone. There was a trickle of blood on the gravel leading to a set of ladders attached to the side of the building. There was no one in the alley below or the nearby streets. No one to be seen on the opposing rooftops and no one, except Megan, was in the apartment below. Okay, she said to herself, its not going to be quite that easy. ______________________________________________________________ A pigeon? Jesse asked disbelievingly.

Yes. Said Nikita, still stood on the bed, I have a terrible fear of birds. Oh, for a moment I thought What? I thought you were fighting someone. It sounded like rhinos stampeding round your room. He laughed. No, just me trying desperately to get rid of the bird. Theyre rats with wings to me. She lied. Do you need a hand? he asked, offering to help her off the bed. Thanks. She said, her feet firmly on the floor. No problem. He followed her back to the kitchen where she began to pour herself a cup of coffee. I hope you dont mind. I really needed one. He explained. Not at all.

Nikita went about her business, looking in cupboards for bread and butter to make herself some toast. Listen, Ive got to head off. I need to do something about my car. Oh, yes, of course. Said Nikita. Is there any way I can help? No, youve done more than enough. Thanks. He smiled. I was wondering if, may be, I could take you out tonight? Sure. She said, in her haste pouring coffee on her hand. Ouch. He begun to run cold water from the tap and placed her hand beneath it. The only thing is, is that Im playing a gig here in Nashville. I thought may be you could come and we could go out after? Yeah, that sounds like fun. Great! Well, I left the address on the notebook by your phone so you can find your way there. Thanks. Ill see you tonight. Yeah, but keep that under the water a while. Dont want you turning up with a swollen hand. No, we cant have that. They both laughed. Bye.

Jesse disappeared through the apartment door just as the plasma TV switched itself on. Are you there? came that familiar purr. Hotshot? Mama? Nikita called. Where are you? Just give me a sec! Ill be right there. Nikita wetted a few tissues in the cool water before applying them to her scorching hand. In the living area, the screen framed Mama Goodys weather worn and aged face. What happened? Mama asked. Err cute boy accident. Now is not the time for distractions, Hotshot. You have work to do. Yes, of course. What is it? Have you explored your apartment yet? Not properly, I was distracted. Mama sighed. On the upper floor is a closet to the left of the bathroom, there is a security pad next to it. The code is your birthday 1794. You were born January 7th 1994, correct? Yes. Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry up, I shall wait. Nikita darted from the room and up to the floor of her bedroom where she found the closet and the key pad which Mama had spoken of. Steel shelves lined the walls behind the door. Guns, knives and explosives littered the shelves just as they did in Ruths apartment. In glass casing upon one wall held the most deadly of weapons; things Nikita had only seen in horror movies. Returning to the living area, white as a sheet, Nikita found she had very little to say to Mama. She cleared her throat but still no words came to her. I know its a lot to handle. I havent even had my first combat lesson with Gunn, yet. As if you need those. Besides, youre not going up against Sigma just yet She was here. Nikita interrupted. In my apartment. I went for a little nap and when I woke up she was there with a knife. So shell still be in the area, good. Unless, of course, you got the upper hand on Miss Considine? Not quite.

Why? Distractions. Answered Nikita. Mama Goody looked like she was praying for patience when she closed her eyes. Opening them again she said, Get a pen and pad. Near the apartment door Nikita found the pad and pen Jesse had used and left the sheet by the phone. Write all of this down, I dont want you forgetting any of it. Youll need a disguise, youll find wigs and the likes in your wardrobe. And dress unlike how you would normally dress, Hotshot. If Sigma has come to you shell have an idea of how you tend to dress now. Take lots of weapons. Knives preferably, since you dont know how to use a gun yet. Anything else? Nikita asked, jotting all these notes down. There is a bar, just down the street from where you are, actually. Its called Lennys. In there youll find a man whom works for Sigma. Hes got a real weasel-ish look about him. Pointed nose and chin and he wears a black and red bandana. Got it. He has information about Sigmas now HQ. Get this information no matter what it takes. OK. Well, Ill leave you to it. Good luck. Nikita scrambled back upstairs to the walk in closet she had walked past on the way to the armoury room. Inside she changed into some tight leather pants, a really skimpy red tank top, killer heeled knee high boots and a leather jacket. In the closet of disguises she opted for a long, straight honey coloured wig, violet lenses and a facial prop which gave her a straight, pointed nose. Back inside the armoury, Nikita didnt know where to begin. She found pockets within her leather jacket and placed a few smaller knives in there as well as inside the small black purse shed picked up from the wardrobe. Within her left boot she hid a long, sheathed knife and in her right boot she hid a small gun just in case. From the display cabinet she picked up some smoke grenades, again, just in case. Ready or not, Nikita began, as she left the apartment, here I come.

Chapter 11

The changes

Ruth and Jack were still sat at the couch, Vampire Weekend playing in the background, as they continued to drink the six pack Jack brought with him. They were both laughing at a prank Jack had played on his room mate in his Freshmen year. What did you do after that? Ruth asked. Well, I ran for it cause the guy was easily a foot taller and twenty pounds heavier than me. Ruth laughed with mirth, And you were in your PJs? And I was in my PJs, running around campus with this buffoon at three in the morning. The two laughed at the picture, now playing in both their minds when someone knocked at the door. The smile vanished from Ruths face as she checked the time. Oh my God, its five oclock! Oh, I totally forgot. What? Whats wrong? Jack asked, concerned. I have an appointment. Sorry, Jack, I completely forgot. What kind of appointment? Its my personal trainer. Ruth lied as Gunns voice drifted through the door Ruth, you in there?, Coming. Ruth called. Wow, okay. Do you want me to leave? Jack asked, picking up that Ruth didnt want to ask and she didnt really want him to either. Its probably best, yeah. She said regretfully. Shall I come find you after? Yeah, he smiled, Ill be at the bar.

With one sweeping kiss, Jack departed and left Ruth standing alone with Gunn at her door. Do you want to tell me what that was all about? Gunn asked, striding through the doorway. That is none of your business. Ruth said closing the door with a snap. Gunn scoffed and rolled his eyes but Ruth noticed a slight smile starting to hitch at the corners of his mouth. Wheres your exercise room? Upstairs. Go get changed and Ill find the room myself. He instructed.

Ruth swapped her mini denim skirt for a pair of cropped sweat pants and a matching tank top. When she found Gunn in the small gym he was digging some props out of a small sports bag that looked almost like batons. What are those for? Ruth asked. Shroud is your target and he fights with knives. You need to learn to dodge. I know how to fight. I didnt say you didnt. I said you need to dodge or block. Lets get started then. Get yourself a bottle of water. I dont want you dehydrating on me.

Ruth bent down to the small fridge and pulled a bottle out for herself. Do you want one? Silence. Gunn?

Ruth was alone in the room, kneeling by the little fridge with two thick bottles in her grasp. In the reflection of the glass fridge door, Ruth spotted a shadow sneaking up behind her with a baton above his head, poised to strike. The shadow made to pounce and at the same time Ruth dropped the bottles and swung around wildly kicking as high as she could, making contact with her opponents chest. Dont go all ninja on me, man. Im not ready for that. Ruth panted. Gunn coughed. I dont think thatll be a problem. He rubbed his chest. Are you okay? Yeah, Im fine. Although, now you mention it, I think you may have cracked a rib. Ruth rolled her eyes, I didnt kick you that hard. Besides, serves you right for sneaking up on me like that. What? You think Shrouds just gonna mosey on up to your front door and demand a duel? Sorry, sweetie, hell stab you in the back when the opportunity appears.

He rose and immediately struck at her with the baton, Ruth successfully dodged and blocked another strike before hitting him in the chest again.

What the hell? Gunn yelled indignantly. What are you complaining about? Would you want me to treat Shroud any differently. He sighed, I guess not. Lets try something else. Follow me.

He got up, clutching at his chest and side, even though Ruth hadnt really hurt him anywhere else. Ruth followed Gunn, as instructed, through to the armoury where he lead her to another door inside. This one too had a dial pad to its side and Gunn, surprisingly, tapped in the code prior to the lock clicking open. How do you know the code to this door? she asked, though she hadnt even noticed it before. All these rooms are the same code. What do you mean all? Every agent has one of these rooms, Ruth struggled to see past Gunn, theyre all set with my birthday. Which is? 9475.

The other room was dark and small, with round patterns on the wall which Ruth soon realised to be targets. Gunn went back out to the armoury to pick up some guns for practice and picked up a couple ear muffs as well. Dont worry, he said smirking, this room has been sound proofed.

Gunn nudged Ruth towards the nearest target and gave her a hand gun to start with. . Ruth took a deep breath, stepped forwards and aimed at the target. Gunn quickly showed her how to take off the safety and told her, Take a breath and squeeze the trigger.

My finger squeezed tightly and the bullet took off with a mighty blast. A ringing began to pound in my ears as my hand started to shake. I fell back a step when Gunn caught before I hit the ground. He was laughing. It takes a bit of getting used to. Oh, that was horrible. Thats just the beginning. Youll get used to it. Though, Ive got to say, thats the first time someones been knocked off their feet from a tiny little hand gun. He laughed again. Wait till you start using shot guns.

I dont think I like guns that much. Well, get used to it. In your line of work, theyre required, trust me. Ruth stood and dusted herself down and scowled at Gunns back as he said, Come on, a couple more times till you hit the target then Ill be on my way.

Nikita found the man she was looking for easily enough. Mama Goody described him to have rather rodent-like features. And she wasnt wrong, thought Nikita. He sat in a corner of the bar, drinking Scotch and playing with matches. The short bursts of flames lit up his dark, watery eyes and pointed features. He smiled appreciatively at Nikitas appearance and blew a kiss her way.

A shudder rolled down her back as she turned away to hide the look of outright disgust playing about her young and pretty features. He had to be at least twice her age. Nikita felt sick at the thought of what she had planned to do to get him out of the bar away from prying eyes. Ill have what hes having. She said to the bartender, nodding at the man in the corner. Two. She told him when he sat the small glass down before her.

The bartender set down another glass, took Nikitas money and turned away to serve another patron. Nikita, tossing her hair to one side, crossed the room to where the man sat alone. Well, dont be shy. He said, in an oily voice. Take a seat. Cheers. She said, handing him the second glass. Cheers.

They both downed the drinks in unison. Nikita turned away to hide her face which she was sure would be showing that she didnt like her drink at all. So, sweet thing, do you have a name? Nikita cleared her throat. Danni, Danni Blake. She lied. Nice to meet you, the names Frank. Youre not from around here are you, Danni? Not originally, no.

Ever seen the sights? he asked, placing an arm around her shoulders. Nope. Well, the roof of this establishment has a very fine view of the city. Its also quite a nice spot for two people to get to know one another in private.

Nikita followed her target behind the bar and through a door whilst the bartenders back was turned. Through another door was a narrow staircase leading to the roof. By the time they walked through the roof door the man was panting heavily and leaned against the wall to catch his breath. So what do you think? Its okay. Nikita said, unimpressed of the view of this particular neighbourhood. Ive seen better. Youve got to be kidding! I have a rich Daddy, Ive travelled to Europe and all sorts. Fare enough. So, uh, what say you and I he begun grabbing Nikitas wrist. Hands off. She snapped. Ooh, feisty little thing. Lets get this straight. Theres only one thing that I want from you. she said, pushing him up against the door. And its not what youre hoping for. What the hell you crazy bitch! I wanna speak to your employer. Nikita said, kicking him down to the ground. Tell me where I can find Amanda Considine. She said, pressing her foot down on his throat. Who? he choked. Sigma, your boss. Tell me where she is. I dont know what youre talking about. If you dont get off me Im gonna Where is your boss? Nikita urged. You dont scare me, little girl. If you dont let me go, Im gonna carve your pretty little face up, do you understand?

Nikita panicked; she wasnt intimidating at all. What would Ruth do? she thought, and then it came to her. Listen up, lover boy. She said, crushing his wind pipe some more. I dont like repeating myself so you better tell me where she is or

Or what? he interrupted, Youre not gonna do a thing to me!

Grabbing him by the waist of his pants, Nikita dangled him over the edge of the building. If you dont talk the last thing youll see is the pavement. Youre bluffing. He said, although he sounded unsure of himself. Im not a liar. Tell me where Sigma is or youre gonna meet your maker. She said, shaking for extra measure. Oh, God! Dont! Ill tell you. Where can I find her? Shes in the Marriott hotel just down the street here. he started to whimper. Nikita shook him again, Which floor? Erm the third one I think. You think? Thats not good enough, Frank! The third floor! The elevator in the main lobby takes you up and her room is only a couple of doors down. Whats the room number? Erm I cant remember. Tears were now streaming from his bloodshot eyes. Put me down and Ill try to remember. No, give me the room number. I dont Tell me! Its the second on the riiiighht aaarrgh! Nikita shook him too hard and lost her grip. Frank plummeted to the sidewalk below where he landed, dead, with an awful crunching noise.

Nobody saw Nikita diving for a nearby fire escape or heard her muttered, Oh, shit!

Chapter 12

The violence
Megan was wandering around the apartment, knife still in hand, an hour later with nothing to do. Mama had called less than twenty minutes ago telling Megan all about the secret armoury room which she found easily enough. But there was a certain disquiet to it which made Megan extremely uncomfortable. Some of these weapons shed never heard of before.

The kitchen knife felt hot in her hand as she turned her back on the room, closing the door as she felt. In the walk in wardrobe she found the many disguises and other equipment shed need in her new career. She turned around and came face to face with a full length mirror where she stood and appraised herself for a short while.

There was something different about the girl who stood there. She was no longer a girl; she looked older already. They way she stood and held herself were different. Megan felt overwhelmed and ran for the bathroom where she threw up. After cleaning herself up, she checked all the doors and windows were locked up before crawling into bed and switching her laptop on. A couple hours of distraction would do her good.

Looking through her emails she found messages from friends and family asking where shed gone and to come home straight away. She didnt open any of them but none amongst them were from Nikita or Ruth. This she found strange and a little hurtful. If anyone should email her about her disappearance they certainly would. In fact she was positive, when she logged on, that there would be as many from them as there would be from their parents.

Searching through the local news she found a bulleting about Sweetwater. There was a video attached to the link which Megan clicked on to reveal one of the reporters she had seen sitting outside Ruths house after the meteor hit. The mans name was Mark Wells, he was tall with a slightly stubbly chin, greying hair and brows and he stood wearing a trench coat whilst holding an umbrella beneath the downpour outside Ruths house.

This morning at 8:30 the West family awoke to find their daughter missing with a letter from explaining that she had run away. A picture of Ruth at her parents New Year party just last year flashed across the screen as her fathers voice took over. Her room was empty. Her bed was made and upon it was a l-letter. Mr West appeared, tear stained and clutching his wifes hand. I just want to say, wherever you are please come home.

And, by coincidence, Ruths two best friends, Megan Archer and Nikita Rice, have also appeared to run away but not together. Police offers were baffled after reading each of the girls letters. They also confirmed finding the girls cars heading out of town in separate directions.

Megans father appeared onscreen as a Hotline number appeared in a red banner beneath him. I dont understand she was fine. I dont Mrs Archer sobbed into her husbands shoulder as Mr West continued to stutter and struggle for words.

If you have seen these girls, the reporter spoke again, if you know of their whereabouts then please get in touch on the number at the bottom of your screen. Im Mark Wells reporting from outside the Rice residence. Good evening.

Megan wiped away at the tears spilling from her dark blue eyes. So they had run away too, Megan thought to herself. It would explain their behaviour yesterday. Ruth was never this quiet in all the years Megan knew her and neither was Nikita. Megan didnt believe in coincidences; Mama must have hired them too, was her conclusion.

In her purse she reached for her cell phone where she promptly dialled Ruth. The phone rang out with no answer, only Ruths voicemail. Megan hung up and tried Nikitas cell with no luck either. Back at her computer typed a small message You need to watch this! Its urgent! with a link of the news clip and sent it both to Ruth and Nikita.

Once the emails were sent, she dialled their cells again expecting only their voicemails and nothing else. She left them both the exact same message, I know why your not answering your calls but youve gotta check your emails. Open up the one from me. Were all being deceived. Check your mail, watch your backs. Call me.


Once Gunn left Ruths apartment she quickly locked up behind him and went to take a shower before meeting Jack again. In her walk in wardrobe she pulled out a small black dress with red trimmings and a pair of strappy, high heeled, red shoes to match. In her new jewellery box she found a black chocker and large black hoop earrings. She contemplated painting her nails but by the time she was dried and dressed there was no time left to lose.

Finally in the bar she found Jack sitting at the same stools theyd sat on before whilst gazing intently at the small TV screen on the wall behind the bar. It was another report about the meteor; Ruth barely paid it any attention until a picture of her and her friends came on screen. The reporter started spilling Ruths dirty little secrets, especially the one about her only being seventeen years old. As the bar door swung shut behind her, Jack barely turned to see her over his shoulder. He grimaced, shook his head and turned back to his drink. Sorry, kiddo. He said under his breath, draining the glass whole. Barkeep, one more, please. Around her, Ruth felt the eyes of other patrons on her. One rustled his paper to get a better look at her from the corner. She swore loudly, spun on her heel and ran from the bar. The street outside was quiet and quite deserted when she raged at no one in particular. What a dick! Loser! Absolute cu Ruth was interrupted by the sound of a man laughing as he exited through the bars door. She recognised him right away but couldnt quite put her finger on where shed seen him before. It was the man whod been peaking at her over his newspaper in the corner of the bar. Up close she saw that he was actually quite handsome. He was dressed in a pale grey suit with a matching lilac striped tie. His chin was slightly stubbly, framing rather red looking lips and a dimpled grin. His eyes were a pale blue and his hair was a sort of copper-ish blonde, trimmed neatly but a little long at the back. A pack of cigarettes were sitting in his breast pocket and something metallic and shiny was glinting from inside his coat. Ruth thought at first it looked like a dagger but dismissed it from her mind as soon as the man began to talk. Love, its a cruel, cruel mistress, isnt it? the man said, with a crisp English accent. Ruth didnt answer. Cigarette? he asked offering the packet to her. No, thank you. she answered bluntly, turning to walk back down the street. Perhaps I should introduce myself. He said, sprinting to catch up. I am James Sutton. I dont care, Mister. She spat back, not understanding why her insides coiled at that name. Well, lets pretend for just one minute that you do. He said with an indulging little smile. Im here on business Id like to discuss an offer with you. James stopped Ruth before she could turn the next corner. Not interested. Give me a chance, love. Wait till you hear what I have to say before you decided if youre interested or not. Look, pal, I have more important things to be taking care of. What could be more important than saving your own soul?

Oh, so youre a Preacher. Is that it? No, love, only the man you plan to kill. He said, smile vanishing altogether. The man you know nothing about. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. At last the alarm bells were ringing in Ruths memory. She knew why his face and name was so familiar, this was Shroud. Her target had come looking for her instead. Youre Shroud. She said. Finally cottoned on have we? Good. I want you to send a message to my dear sister. Your sister? I dont know your sister. Yes, you do. Shes the one you call Mama Goody. Mama? Yes, now pay close attention. If I hear shes sent more of her amateur assassins after me or my wife again I shall have to return the favour in kindness. I shall retaliate and kill every single one of her precious band of freaks. Got that? Yes. Ruth answered. Also tell her that she will be an aunt soon and if she hurts my child Ill sell her out to the FBI; she is wanted in about twenty states so far if my calculations are correct. Will you tell her all this, Hawkeye? Yes, but I dont understand why youve come to me. You clearly know who I am and why Mama hired me. Dont you think this is a big risk to take? He laughed heartily. Oh, hardly. You young things oh. You do make me laugh. Mama wouldnt have hired me if she didnt think I could do it. Really? Then why not have a go? Here? In the middle of the street, in broad daylight? He laughed again. Oh, youve so much to learn, Ruth West. I could teach you, you know. Pass the message on to my sister and come work for me. I am far richer than my sister. Youre a murderer and a thief. I would never work for you. Oh, please, dont be so blind tedious. He muttered and sighed. Do you really think Mama is the innocent one here? If you knew of half the crimes shes committed it would make your hair curl, little girl. Either way. Youre my target and I promised Mama I would. And you should know - I never break my promises. Ruth kicked out hard, Shroud collided with a car behind him. He laughed, Is that the best you got?

She ran at him fast, her fist raised and ready to strike. Shroud was quicker; much, much quicker. Ruth didnt even feel it. She saw the flash of silver then a sheen of red blood decorated the dagger as Shroud pulled out from between her ribs. Let that be a lesson to you. He said, cleaning the dagger with a handkerchief before stowing the blade back inside his coat. Ruth was suddenly very cold and was struggling to breath. Shroud was retreating farther and farther away. Soon she heard footsteps and a cry for help. Jack was by her side.

When Nikita got back to her apartment, after checking that she wasnt followed, she got undressed and washed in a hurry so she could get back into a new disguise to get into the Marriott without raising any suspicion. She still wasnt sure if any one had seen her drop Frank from the bars rooftop.

Back inside the wardrobe she found a sort of long cream tank top that came down almost past her butt, tight black leggings and cute ankle boots. This time her wig was poker straight and violet, her contacts were the palest of green which she covered with a pair of Ray Bans shades. She removed all her jewellery but didnt replace them in fear that Sigma may use them to her advantage. Choked by her own necklace may be? Or just the simplest of tearing those hoops from her ears scared her from putting on any other jewellery.

She pulled on a thick, fleecy, cream coloured coat with fur around the rim of the hood and hid some of her weapons inside its many inner pockets. Nikita left the car behind this time and hailed a cab out on the street so that she wouldnt be placing the car she fled in near the scene of the crime.

The Marriot was only a couple blocks over from her apartment so it took precious few minutes for the cab driver to pull up out front the hotels entrance. Keep the change. She said, leaving a crisp fifty dollars in his sweaty palm.

Nikita went up the elevator in the lobby, just like Frank had said, up to the third floor. Outside the door, second on the right, was one of the largest and widest men Nikita had ever seen. He nodded upon Nikitas entrance. Im expected. She said to the door man, putting on a fake husky voice.

What for? the man asked in a throaty English accent. Dunno, got a call saying to swing by. Something important apparently. How come I dont know about this? Hey, youre just the doorman, pal. May be its just not your business to know. Got a mouth on you, havent you? he said, irritated. Go through, speak to Dragon. No one speaks with Sigma directly. Fair enough. Nikita sighed. Who are you? asked another man just inside the hotel room. Nikita thought he could be brothers with Frank he had the same pointed rodent-y face and oily voice. Word had obviously not reached his ears about Franks demise. Ive got an appointment. Thats not what I asked. Who are you? he repeated. None of your goddamn business. She spat. The big guy on the door told me to speak to Dragon. Fine. But Ill have to search you for weapons before you can see him. Whatever. Nikita moaned, spreading her legs and raising her arms for searching.

The rodent-like man took his time working his way up from her ankles to her torso. When he gave a squeeze around her left breast, Nikita pulled out her gun and pointed at the mans head. Hey, what do you think youre doing? Came a booming voice.

This man was tall and very dark skinned. His muscles made him look almost as big as the guy guarding the door and the dragon tattoo around his neck told Nikita that this was Dragon and that he was not the person to piss off. He tried to cop a feel, Nikita explained, kicking the boy to his knees, Ive killed for far less.

A disgusted look crossed Dragons face as he picked the man up of the floor by Nikitas feet. He tossed him towards the door. Go make yourself useful, you little creep. Shes hungry, get her some dinner. Yes, Dragon, sir. Spat the man contemptuously. My apologies, began Dragon, Hal has always had a weakness for beautiful young women like yourself. Im Dragon, how may I help you?

I got a call earlier. Sigma has a job for me. This is the first time Ive heard of it. What is your name? Electra. Nikita lied. May I ?

Dragon moved back in front of her to block her way to the other rooms beyond. Apologies, again. No one, at the moment, may speak with Sigma face-to-face except myself. Why not? Shes in danger. Sigma has been targeted by Mama Goody, do you know of her? Yes. Well, Sigma herself found the youngsters apartment this morning things didnt end well. What do you mean? Well, she didnt kill her. Oh. Her name is Hotshot. Ever heard of her? No, cant say I have. What does she look like? Brown hair, tall and pretty. You havent seen anyone like that in the building, have you? Cant say I have. Well, if youd like to wait here Ill speak with Sigma. See what job she wanted you to perform.

Nikita followed Dragon but only with her eyes till he revealed Sigmas hiding spot. She stopped time just as Dragon opened a door leading to a bedroom. Checking that there was no one else in the room she soon discovered an unarmed man heating up noodles in the kitchen. She locked him inside by pulling the nearest book shelf up against it.

She pulled Dragons frozen form out of the door way and locked him in the nearest closet which Nikita was sure wouldnt hold him for long once time started moving again. Well, I didnt think it would be quite this easy. Said Nikita locking herself and the frozen Sigma in the room together.

She let slip of time and things began to move again. Sigma was sat behind a desk in that same white suit; her white blonde hair was rather messy and a shining black eye was beginning to appear. Her head was bent over a folder on the desk before her and she didnt bother to look up as she spoke, Yes, Dragon, what is it now? Slight problem with security, maam. Nikita answered.

Sigma sprang from her seat, startled by Nikitas appearance and ran for another door to the side which Nikita hadnt noticed before. Youre supposed to be guarding me, you moron. She shouted after wrenching the closet door open and freeing Dragon from within. Get her. I dont understand. He mumbled. Sigma groaned, Shes Hotshot, for Gods sake! No, you called for Electra. This is Electra. Nikita groaned also and pulled the wig from her head letting her long brown and blue streaked hair drop around her shoulders. KILL HER! Sigma barked before running to free the other trapped man in the kitchen.

The floor beneath Dragons feet began to shudder violently as he ran for Nikita whom jumped and held onto the upper ledge of the door frame she stood behind. On his advance, Nikita kicked him squarely in the chest and, momentarily, forgot how strong she had gotten since the meteor crash.

Dragon flew backwards crushing the man whom had just been freed from the kitchen. At the same time the boy fired off a semi-automatic, killing Dragon instead of Nikita.

Then it was just the two of them, face to face over the debris of everything that Dragon had collided with. Sigma had no weapons near or at hand; she picked up a nearby chair and threw it at the hotels large window. It shattered instantly and Sigma took a running jump at the flag outside, hoisted up on a white pole in front of the main entrance. She slid all the way down to the bottom and with one last glance up she sprinted down the street.

Nikita wasnt going to let her get away so easily. She stopped time once more; keeping her eye on Sigma she followed her out the window and down the flag pole. Only when she was right on top of Sigma did Nikita let time move normally once more.

Get off! Sigma screamed, throwing Nikita over her in an arch till she landed on her back.

Sigma ran further down onto a quiet deserted alley where there were no prying eyes to watch their fight. She vaulted a fence as Nikita followed her and made her escape as a black limo pulled up down the other end of the alley. Nikita, still trying to catch Sigma, had to jump behind a skip as someone shot at her from within the car.

The car suddenly screeched down the road leaving Nikita hiding behind the skip covering the stinging graze that a bullet had left on her right shoulder.

Chapter 13

The surprise
Megan was pacing back and forth upon the carpet at the foot of her bed. Neither of her friends had called her back. Nor had they replied to her email. She doubted that Mama would post them in the same city that she was in. The girl in the mirror opposite her was starting to look even older as the hours passed. She was a wreck, biting her nails and waiting for her cell to ring. Of course the cell had rung, many times actually. But she didnt want to talk to these callers, her parents.

She stopped pacing and sat back down upon the bed. Turning back to face the mirror she said, None of this is real. Im having a bad dream is all. When I wake up Mom will complain that Ive not been studying enough for exams and Dad will talk about how thin I look and that I need feeding up. She closed her eyes and spoke again, raising her left arm. When I pinch myself, Im going to wake up in my own bed.

Megan gave a painful pinch on her left arm. Of course, she was still in Memphis. Her reflection looked at her as if to say, Well, what were you expecting?


Ruth breathed deeply. The scent of freshly brewed coffee reached her. Opening her eyes just the littlest bit she saw that she was in her apartment in Knoxville. There was someone moving around in the living room, his back was to her. He sat down with a bowl of something in his lap and began to eat whilst flicking the channels with the remote control.

Ruth groaned after running her hand down her side, remembering her meeting with Shroud and the stabbing. She wasnt really sore, mostly tender. At last, shes awake. Said Jack.

Getting up from his seat he moved over to Ruth who was lying on a make-shift camper bed. Jack looked like he could use some sleep himself. His eyes were bloodshot and heavy hooded, his clothes were dirty from sweat and Ruths blood and he was downing the coffee as if his life depended on it. What happened? Ruth asked. You were attacked. Do you remember? Oh, yes. Someone with a knife. I heard him talking to you. Do you know him? Not exactly. He seemed to know you. What arent you telling me, Ruth. Why are you here, Jack? I thought you werent interested after seeing that news clip. I had come out to apologise for the way I handled things. Then I saw that guy with the knife. What happened after that? I got you into my car to take you to the hospital but when wed got there you had already healed. I what? Your wound, is nothing more than a scar now. I dont understand how he started, showing her in a mirror where the knife had gone in.

It was a little pink and there was a very fine scar that looked like the stabbing had happened months before instead of only hours. Is there something I need to know? Jack asked. You saw the news. The meteor hit us. What was it like? he asked a little hesitantly.

Ruth shuddered, I dont really like to talk about it, Jack. Why not? Because I thought I was going to die. It was the worst day of my life, Jack. I dont want to talk about it. Of course, but has that got something to do with your super fast healing? he asked. Yes, I guess so along with a few other things. Such as? You dont want to know. Well, Im asking, arent I? Jack, you dont want to be a part of any of this. Why not? Ruth scoffed. For gods sake, Jack. You just gave me the brush off the second you learned something you didnt like about me. Yeah, cause youre only seventeen and it is still technically illegal for us to date for another year. Month, actually. I turn eighteen next month. Oh, Jack smiled, well, thats not so bad then. Look, being with me would be dangerous. How so? Just trust me on this. Get out now while you still can. Why would I want to get out? You ask an awfully lot of questions. Because youre not answering them. He replied hotly. Talk to me. Im a freak, Jack. Ruth sighed. The meteor radiation it did things to me and my friends. Like what? I can control people with one touch. Im stronger than you ever will be. Prove it. He demanded.

Ruth frowned and proceeded to lift the couch above her head before wincing at the pain between her ribs. She would have to rest a while more before she could go on the hunt for Shroud.

Okay, whoa! said Jack, stunned. Told you so. So has this got something to do with why that guy stabbed you? Yes, it does. Youre still holding something back, I can tell. Youre not going to like it. You just showed me you have super powers. If Im not freaking out now I probably wont freak out ever. I got hired by a woman Ive only met once before. She wanted me to track down someone whom stole from her. Someone that used to work with her and as it turns out is actually her brother. So what are you supposed to do when you find him? Hand him over to the police. No, not exactly. Jack frowned, Wait, youre not going to kill him, are you? Im not a killer. She started defensively. I was hired to do just that but But? I dont think Im capable of assassination. Dont get me wrong, Jack, Im capable of many things but not that. So why did you take the job? Look around you. Mama, I mean, Miss Goody offered me everything I ever wanted. Sure, all you have to do in return is sell your soul to the devil. Be serious, if someone offered you the world just how far would you go to get it? Fair point. So what are you gonna do? I dont know. But theres no turning back now. Ive made my bed now I have to lay in it. What about all your friends and family back in Sweetwater? They dont know if youre alive or dead. Theyre better off without me. Its too dangerous to go back home. Im dangerous. Youd be better off Now dont even start that talk. Jack warned Ruth. What if they come after you to get to me?

How would he even know that were together? Hes already seen you at the bar, he probably saw you coming to my aid too. Youre not going to scare me off. Jack, dont be stupid. Its too dangerous for us to be together. You were the one who wanted to be with me. And I was an idiot to even think that I could have a happily ever after. Besides, we dont know each other all that well. Then perhaps we should get better acquainted?

Ruth could see that no matter how many counter-arguments she gave, Jack wasnt going anywhere any time soon. She still stood by her beliefs that one or both of them would end up hurt, if not dead. Yet, secretly, she was glad Jack would be sticking around. Shed only run away from home a mere twelve hours ago but already she felt isolated and alone.

The graze on Nikitas arm where the bullet had just missed her had already half healed itself by the time Nikita got back to her apartment. She accepted this as part of her many freakish powers and begun to plot a new attack on Sigma before the night was out.

She wasnt able to remember the cars registration number or see who was driving but she caught the tiniest glimpse of the shooter after Sigma opened the car door. The sunlight had streamed in but the shooter was still sitting mostly in the shade.

If it werent for Sigma knocking him out of her way, Nikita might not have seen the man. She hoped her eyes were playing tricks on her or that she was being deceived some how. The familiar pale skin, dark greying hair and heart shaped face. The same nose and chin that Nikita had inherited from him herself.

Its not possible, she told herself, it was a trick of the light.

As if she could feel her presence in the apartment, Mama Goody appeared on the flat screen once more.

Did you find her? she asked Nikita, who let herself collapse on the couch. Yes, I had her cornered. But you didnt end her? I was about to till someone came to her rescue. They fired off a round off bullets and took off. Did you at least manage to see who was in the car or where they were headed? she asked sounding annoyed. Ive got a pretty good idea where theyre headed. Nikita answered, though it wasnt a complete lie. Well, what are you waiting for? Im injured. I need to heal fully before I can make another attack.

Mama sighed, folded her hands on her lap before looking up again. Very well. I doubt shell leave the country so Ill let you rest up tonight. Thank you. But I expect you to be on form as of tomorrow. Its only a matter of time till Till what? Till they locate me. You mean to say that they want you dead too? Yes, and theyre closing in. I fear that someone in my staff may have turned traitor. So keep your eyes peeled for anyone you saw at the party the other night. Or anything suspicious at all. Will do. Very well. Good night, Hotshot. Good night, Mama Goody.

Chapter 14

The mama

Megan was tantamount to hysterical by the time that Mama called later that evening. Appearing on the flat screen in the living room once more she found herself shaking in a cold sweat. Whatever is the matter with you? Mama asked perturbed. Youre shaking like a leaf. Did you hire them too? Them? Them who? My friends. Nikita and Ruth. Did you hire them? No, why on Earth would? Because theyre powerful and strong like me. Why the hell not? I have not hired them, Babydoll. So its just a coincidence that they run away from home the same day I do? They did? Mama asked surprised. I assure you, Babydoll, I have not been in touch with either Miss Rice or West since that meeting at the school. Then why? Im sure I dont know. If it makes you feel better Ill put my best man on the job to find them and make sure theyre safe. Really? Megan asked doubtfully. I promise. Now might we return to work? Megan shrugged. Shall I take that as a yes? Good. Well, it seems that Flame has been spotted entering a night club she owns in Memphis. Which I find rather surprising, after your encounter this morning. You think it is a set up? A trap? Perhaps. I believe the woman to have been spotted entering the night club is just a double. What makes you think that? The real Flame has a tattoo on her back of some sort of celtic design. And the other woman doesnt, I guess? No and she was wearing a rather revealing costume. Normally, after such an attack, Flame retreats until she has healed. But mostly she spends her time relaxing at a spa downtown. What if youre wrong? What if the real Flame is at the night club after all? Then check it out after youve been to the spa. Ill text you the whereabouts of the spa and club in a moment. Good luck.

Megan still shook violently as she moved onto the upper floor where the giant walk in wardrobe was filled with all sorts of disguises. She pulled on tight black pants, ankle boots and a dark purple shirt. After adding a long fake nose she pulled on a long dark, glossy wig that reminded her vividly of Nikita and a pair of grass green contact lenses that couldve been Ruths eyes. There was a blazer style coat which had a few secret inner pockets where she deposited a knife, a gun and a hand grenade.

She shook even harder as the small lump where the grenade lay rubbed against her chest. Hastily removing it, in fear shed set it off whilst it was still in her pocket, she swapped for some more ammo. You can do this. She said to her reflection in the full length mirror. She added a touch of make up, darker than she would normally go for and said, Youre tougher than everyone gives you credit for. And youre gonna find your friends.

Megan took several deep steadying breaths and found herself quite still and her heart rate back to normal. There was nothing left to lose. Here I come, ready or not.

Jack was pacing up and down the walk-in wardrobe whilst Ruth applied the finishing touches to her disguise. Mama had appeared on the TV, whilst Jack was in the kitchen frying up some dinner for them both, she had a location at last where Ruth could find Shroud and pay him back in kind. But her new beau was anything but keen about facing off with the very man whod almost punctured her lung not six hours ago. It was getting late, the sky outside was grey with a tinge of pink as the sun disappeared down into the horizon.

Jack had begun to bite his nails and tap his foot now as Ruth pulled out a selection of weapons and concealed them upon her person. I dont like it. He finally said. Youre not coming with me, Jack. Its not safe for you. And it is for you? Look, I already told you he caught me by surprise before. Now Im prepared, she said showing him a long, lethal blade she hid inside her leather boots, see? Just be careful. Dont be all guns-a-blazing. Be quiet and sneaky.

Ill do my best. And call me as soon as its over, Ill warm up dinner for you. Youre a saint. She said sweetly, patting his pale cheek as she left. Im not so sure about that. He smirked. You know what, on second thoughts, may be you shouldnt wait for me here. What do you mean? Well, Shroud saw you at the bar. What if he sends someone to finish me off and they find you here instead? You should go somewhere crowded, till you hear from me at least. You want me to go back to the bar? he asked in disbelief. Yes, please, it would put my mind at ease. You wouldnt want me distracted when Im going up against Shroud, would you? Jack shuddered, Fine, Ill meet you there then. Great.

Ruth watched Jack out of sight before driving her new expensive car out of its parked spot. Mama had informed Ruth that Shroud was holed up in his own home just outside town. She was already prepared for his security staff, which were mainly posted at the gate or the front garden.

The land, upon which his home stood, was sort of raised on a small rolling hill. There were a few rose bushes lining the cobbled path and apple and pear trees stood up against the boundary walls, blocking most of the view of the house. It was a very old manor changed distastefully into a more modern habitat.

One of the kitchen walls had been knocked down to be replaced by large patio doors and gleaming windows. The same could be said for the lounge. Every surface shined in the glow of the moon above and all their appliances, Ruth noticed, were black and chrome. The house looked strangely out of sorts with its new look which it didnt suit at all, Ruth thought.

There was a small outhouse about thirty feet from the back door where she could see several members of the security staff milling around inside and out as if it was their on special little haunt.

Avoiding the little outhouse like the plague she climbed over the far wall which was in almost total darkness as she crouched under the only plum tree in the garden, surveying the easiest way inside without detection. The front door was manned and the back door was in sight of the outhouse. But the back door stood ajar slightly, it was the only way in without setting off any alarms.

She was left with little choice but to distract the guards by the outhouse. Reaching up she scooped a few ripe plums from the tree branches above her she threw as hard as she could at the trees and wall by the outhouse. The branches rustled as if someone was perching in the tree and several other plums hit the wall which sounded almost like foot falls.

At once the guards started, darting from the small building to inspect the sound. Some pointed guns up into the apple tree; others launched themselves across the wall for further inspection.

It was now or never.

Nikita hadnt forgotten about her date with Jesse. And took her night off to go see his band play in a bar down town. She was familiar with it because she knew her father had been here once or twice when she saw the discarded match books in his ash trays back home.

So she did her best to make herself unrecognisable to her father should he be here but no so much that Jesse wouldnt know her when she joined the thronging crowd waiting to hear the band perform.

Before leaving she pulled on a darker wig, slightly shorter than her own hair and dressed warmly. The night was bitter cold so she pulled on a park of dark jeans, knee high boots and a large coat with fleecy lining to keep her warm. She tied a thick red scarf and left with barely any weapons upon her at all.

The end effect was a little odd she just hoped Jesse wouldnt say anything, if he even noticed a difference, and just went with it. The band had already begun playing before she turned up and paid to get in at the door.

Catching sight of Nikita as she entered, Jesse brought the song to a finish and turned whisper something to his other band mates and they all nodded in consent. Right, this one is dedicated to this very strange girl I met today. You know who you are. Jesse spoke briefly into the microphone.

The song they played wasnt quite as upbeat as the previous one but a bit more mellow. Nikita saw most of their audience swaying admiringly to the tune. Lay down, dear, and take my hand in yours. Ive been waiting for you to come by

Nikita had been enjoying the song till she saw someone with long blonde hair dashing from the corner of her eye. She was being led by a man that Nikita was all too familiar with. But Will Rice had eyes for no one but Amanda Considine as he led her into a quiet deserted corridor behind the stage. Here are the keys, you should be safe there. Nikita overheard him as she followed them out of sight. Youre not coming with me? Ill meet with you later. Blair is in trouble, shes been terribly wounded. Its only a matter of time before that Babydoll catches up with her and finishes what she started. But, I mean, the hotel is still under construction. Theres no security or alarms set up yet. Are you sure its the right place to be? No one suspects you to be in my company. Mama thinks Im still her business partner. As long as she doesnt suspect me of skulduggery; youll be safe at my hotel. When will you join me? Soon, once I know that Blair is safe. What about James? Hes gone Rogue. As long as he doesnt get in our way, he can do whatever the hell he pleases. And your family? Gone. Nikita has run away and my wife has moved back to her mothers house. Im well rid of them now. No regrets? Sigma asked doubtfully. I raised Nikita well; Im not worried about her. Shes a big girl, she can take care of herself. He pressed his lips on her forehead before pushing her to the exit. Go, find yourself a place for tonight. That room key wont activate till morning when they switch the power on at the hotel.

And what if the workers return to the construction site? Then youll be locked in. Hotshot wont be able to get into you there unless she climbs upon to the balcony. And what if she does? Sigma asked sounding more concerned. Its on the fourteenth floor, Amanda. Youll be just fine. Now, go!

Sigma turned heel and ran for the exit where there was a car awaiting outside for her. Will moved back towards where Nikita was hiding in the stage curtains. He strode right past her out to the bar area and out onto the busy street. Nikita never saw which way he went.

Megan stood in the foyer of the salon, drinking in her surroundings. Since it was very late there was hardly any staff about except for the ones giving treatments. Can I help you? asked a tired looking receptionist. No, thanks. Im just here to pick up a friend.

Megan moved towards the door of the treatment room when the receptionist called her back. Sorry, miss, unless youre a client you cant enter. If you tell me who your friend is I could take her a message. You know what? I think Ill have a mani-pedi and I could use your sauna, if you dont mind. Oh okay. She said, accepting the money Megan handed over. But youre not a client. You have to go through the whole registration process. I can do that after, right? Megan said moving towards the door again.

Something clicked behind her and she heard the receptionist pushing her chair back as she got to her feet. Dont move. She said, pointing a gun at Megan. You dont want to do that. No, I really dont but youre forcing my hand. The salon is for clients only.

Megan drew out her own gun with the silencer on the end. You dont want to go down this road, friend. See, Im a freak. Even if you shoot me, Ill just get back to my feet and shoot you back. The hand the girl held the gun in trembled slightly before steadying herself with the other hand.

Squeezing the trigger the bullet shot out with a bang and whizzed passed Megans left ear leaving her with a deafening ringing sound. Trying to shake it off she looked up to see that shes accidentally squeezed her own trigger herself. There was blood oozing from a hole in the girls throat; she clutched her hand to her neck and began to choke and convulse before hitting the ground dead. Oh, shit. Megan breathed.

Luckily, the loud serenity music playing in the treatment room deafened out the sound of two gunshots and Megan moved to hide the girls limp figure into a cleaners closet. A long bloody stain followed the girls body on the floor as Megan pulled her a long. She picked up an old cloth and cleaned up as much of the blood as she could find.

Behind the front desk she found a security screen and immediately turned off all the cameras. She couldnt see Blair anywhere but the camera in the sauna room was fogged up and all she could see was a few robed shapes sitting on the benches. On the front desk, Megan found visitors badges and proceeded to pin one to the front of her top before moving through to the treatment area with the gun tucked down the front of her pants so that it was always close at hand.

There were only a couple of women here enjoying their massages and didnt pay Megan the slightest bit of attention as she quietly snuck behind their beds into the next room. It was a changing area where there were more women here gossiping about the goings on of the salon. She only stopped to listen when she heard Blairs name being mentioned. Poor thing, she looks like she needs an ambulance not a massage. But she always retreats here after dealing with her business. Another woman said, her fingers tracing quotation marks in the air before her. Shh you know what happened the last time someone got caught talking about that? We pay to come here cause the staff keep their mouth shut about what their clients do for a living. Im a realtor. My job isnt that shady.

I didnt say it was but there are others who have certain jobs that the woman caught off as she caught Megans gaze. Can I help you? she asked sharply. No, maam. Megan said, flipping her hair and starting off into another room.

The sauna appeared empty at first till Megan turned a small corner to find a lone figure with her head in her hands. The tousled red hair lay lank over the womans face hiding her view of Megan as she approached with her gun held aloft once more. Get up. Megan whispered.

Flame looked up. On closer inspection, Megan saw that one side of her head her hair was matted with blood, there was a long large gouge beneath her purpling right eye. Blair spat blood out onto the floor before speaking. I havent the strength to stand. Well, youll think again before mocking an amateur now, wont you? She spat more blood out, As if Ill have the chance. Go ahead, get it over with. You should be at a hospital. Why the hell did you come here? Heat is good for me. It soothes me. You need a blood transfusion. Heat cant do that for you. What do you care for anyway? Im your target; youre supposed to kill me. Youre making it a little too easy for me. Why?

Behind her the sauna door swung open again and in marched three girls shes seen at Mama Goodys recruitment party. Babydoll, Flame sniggered, Id like you to meet some of my friends. This Nightstorm, Scandalous and Blaze.

Blaze, the tallest and meanest looking of the three girls stepped forth to speak with Flame. Shroud and Centurion are on their way. What do you want done with this one? she asked taking a hold of Megans upper right arm. Dispose of her. She had her chance to kill me. We wont be hiring her. She doesnt have the stones to do what we need done.

Get your freaking hands off me! Megan demanded.

The girls dragged her outside into an alley way where they proceeded to sock Megan hard in the gut to start with. Megan coughed and howled in agony as another girl drew back her fist to strike at her head.

Throwing the other two off of her she slapped her opponents fist away and pushed her up against a wall. Next to her was a street light that began to flicker on and off as Megan approached. Remembering how she zapped the creep Alfie Higgins she placed her left hand on the cool metal of the lamp and raised her other hand to Nightstorms throat.

She shook violently beneath Megans grasp as the electric pulsing through Megan shocked her worse than any of Megans previous victims. Blaze and Scandalous came to the girls aid but she was dead before she hit the ground. Freak! one of them called pointing a threatening finger at Megan.

Removing the gun from her pants again she fired off two rounds, killing the last two standing. There was a skip pressed up against the salons exterior and Megan hastily disposed of the bodies littering the alley way before her.

She was about to sprint down the street for her car when a dark limo pulled up to the salons entrance. Two men dashed out from the rear of the car and made their way through to the entrance. Megan made to follow them after the limo pulled away. Shes not answering her phone. Said a man with a British accent. If shes in treatment then shes probably left it in the changing rooms. Lets split up, Shroud. Be on your guard. The British man spoke again. If were too late Im sure Flame wouldve had some sort of protection around the salon, but I dont see any of the usual faces.

Megan clapped a hand to her mouth to muffle the scream she uttered in shock as she recognised the second mans voice to be Will Rice, Nikitas father. When she was certain that neither would return to investigate the noise, she left and ran to the safety of her car with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Chapter 15

The time

The gleaming kitchen of the Sutton Estate was alight from the ceiling lamp. Ruth moved into the cool dark corridor where she couldnt be seen from the guards outside.

Further into the house she could hear music playing from the upper floors. Slow jazz music with no lyrics but closer to she could hear the keys of a piano being tinkered with. Ruth swung round frightened with her gun pointing at the piano. A black and white cat was walking up and down upon its keys. With an angry hiss it took off up the stairs.

As she started her ascent to the upper levels she could hear a sudden hushing noise as someone turned on the shower. The first floor was like a labyrinth and yet Ruth never found anyone on this floor. Eventually she found the stairs again and made her way up to the second and topmost level, sliding along the walls with her gun at the ready.

At the topmost step, the floorboards creaked loudly in protest as Ruth made her way onto the landing. Luckily the squeak of the shower tap covered up the sound as someone turned the shower off. There were only a couple rooms on this level and the master suite was the first room Ruth checked out.

Standing outside the room she saw a pair of loose pants, a t-shirt and a red hoodie laid out on the bed. The bathroom door opened and an arm reached out for the clothes on the bed. Ruth pressed herself against the wall as the voice of a woman inside the room began to hum along to the jazz music.

The shadow of a woman moved through the room, opening a window and turning up the music. Ruth moved silently through the other rooms but there was no sight of Shroud anywhere.

She was just about to sneak back down the stairs when she came face to face with the woman of the house.

Who are you? she asked, eyes widening in surprise. How did you get in here? she too had an English accent. Im looking for James. Ruth answered.

The womans eyes slid to the gun in Ruths hand and Ruths own eyes took in the large bulge protruding from beneath her hoodie. Then she remembered, Shroud said his wife was pregnant. This must be the woman codenamed Freedom. Youre Freedom, arent you? Ruth asked. I expect you must be Hawkeye. So youre either here for the job my husband offered you or youre here to claim your target. Mama sent you here? Yes.

Freedoms hand shook as she pulled out a dagger from a pocket on her hoodie. You stay away from my husband. Hes a good man! He stabbed me and almost punctured my lung. Ruth started hotly, raising her gun defensively. Hes not that much of a saint in my eyes.

The woman slashed the dagger dangerously towards Ruth who sidestepped and caught the woman by the wrist. She tossed the dagger over the stairs where it fell with a dull thud. In the distance she could hear the guards coming back to the garden. Their yells were barely understandable and Ruth knew her time was up.

That same gold glow that often occurred when Ruth was controlling her other victims sprang between the two women and she led Freedom, still clutching tightly to her wrist, into the master bedroom. She forced the woman to sit on the bed before locking the door behind her as she heard the guards enter the house downstairs. Whats your name? Ruth asked as that same dazed expression took hold of the woman. Lola Sutton. She answered. Where is your husband tonight? Memphis, visiting a friend. When will he be back? Tomorrow.

The guards were now moving up the stairs and Ruth hastened to instruct Lola before her escape. You did not see me tonight. I didnt? No, and if the guards come up here and they tell you about a disturbance over by the outhouse tell them it was just the cat. It was just the cat. Thats right. Now, if your husband or anyone else asks you, who did you see tonight? No one except for the guards. Exactly.

She could hear their footsteps getting closer as they made their way to the topmost floor. Leaving Lola sitting silently on her own bed, Ruth moved to a small balcony area. The ground below was crawling with guards but none of them seemed to have noticed her perched on the ledge of the balcony yet.

There was only two ways out. One: climb down the tree and possibly get killed by the guards. Two: to use the grappling gun on the building opposite the house and flee to safety. The only problem was, Ruth wasnt sure if the line on her grappling gun was long enough to make it without falling into the road below. She could survive the fall but she could hear traffic zooming by even at this late hour. If she did fall, shed be killed by an oncoming car.

And so she left it all to chance, by firing the grappling gun. She darent look down but none of the guards heard or saw her fly over the boundary walls as she flew through a window of the building shed targeted.

Jesse had leapt from the stage at the end of the song hed dedicated to Nikita and found her sipping at a rum and coke by the bar. Hey, so did you like? he asked.

It was really good. I liked it a lot. Yeah? I saw you disappear. Are you sure you heard it? Im sorry about that. I saw someone that I used to go to school with. Someone I never really got a long with. She lied. I only hid till they left. Sorry about that. Oh, no. said Jesse, taken off guard. No problem. Is everything all right? Yeah, Im good now. Arent you going to play some more songs? Nah, Rob promised hed take lead vocals for the rest of the night. Do you fancy getting a bite to eat? Id love to.

Hooking his arm round Nikitas, Jesse led her out of the bar and a short distance down the street to where they came to a pizza place. They have the best pizza in town here. I promise you wont be disappointed. Great.

The little restaurant didnt look at all promising as Jesse made out. It was dark and dingy looking. The cream and gold wallpaper had begun to peel away in places and the only things to light the room was the small stubby candles placed in the centre of each table.

A waitress showed them to their seat and handed over two flimsy and, slightly, greasy menus. Pizza Roma beheaded the short list of food. You dont trust me, do you? Jesse asked, smirking at Nikita over his own menu. Um Believe me, I wouldnt bring a girl on a first date to a dive like this if I didnt know for sure that the food was amazing. Okay, Ill take your word for it. She laughed. Ready to order? the waitress returned speaking in a bored drawl. Drinks? Erm Ill have a beer. Said Jesse. Ill just have a coke. So what would you like to eat? Jesse asked. We could share a pizza.

Yeah, I like Pepperoni. Me too. One Pepperoni, please. Jesse said to the waitress, handing back their menus.

The waitress departed but returned a few moments later with their drinks. So tell me about yourself. Nikita began. Youre not from around here are you? No, Im English. Born and raised in London. Have you always been here in Tennessee? Yeah, I grew up in a little town called Sweetwater. Its not far from Knoxville. Have you ever been to Britain? No, Id love to though one day. May be Ill take you some time. Jesse said as their pizza appeared.

Nikita watched as Jesse tore his slice from the plate and bit into it, moaning appreciatively. Its a bit hot but its good. He told her.

Hesitantly, she reached and took a slice for herself but only biting off the very end. The base was warm and doughy, the sauce was fresh and Pepperoni was full of flavour. Oh my god. She said in disbelief, laughing a little to herself. Thats delicious. I told you. Its good, right? Taking another bite she said, I think thats possibly one of the best pizzas Ive ever tasted.

As the night went on, the couple got to know each other more and liked what they saw in one another. The only silence between them was at the end of the night when Jesse walked Nikita, hand in hand, home. It was only when they reached her door did the silence become a little awkward. So Jesse started. So? So I had a good time tonight. Me too. Id like to see you again. Can I call you tomorrow? Yeah, absolutely. Nikita said, feeling a smile creeping over her face.

Great, well, good night. He said, awkwardly holding his hand out. She laughed nervously and shook it. Good night, Jesse.

The pair turned away from each other and Nikita raised the key to her door but her hand froze. Jesse, wait! she called, turning to find him still there.

His lips barely grazed hers when he stepped back. Nikita pulled him back and pressed her lips against his a little firmer than before. With one hand, Jesse traced the length of her back before pulling away again. Good night. He said, a little drunkenly. Good night. Nikita breathed.

He waved once before turning a corner and disappearing from sight. Nikita made her way into her apartment above where she collapsed, exhausted, upon her bed.

Megan sat on her bed staring into space as she tried calling Nikita for the fourteenth time that night. Her suspicions surrounding Mama Goody and her two best friends were growing strongly.

She had to know for sure that they had run away from Sweetwater. Tossing her cell phone aside she walked in amongst her many disguises so that no one would recognise her as Megan Archer. Choosing mostly dark clothing she moved onto a long, dark red wig with slight waves hanging loosely. Dark brown contact lenses covered her otherwise sparkling blue eyes and a large pair of sunglasses covered the long blue scar over her left eye. After adding a fake nose piercing she felt she was good to go.

The drive wasnt a quick one; it was already late and Megan was starting to feel tired. She kept on ringing Nikita alternating every ring by calling Ruth too but to no avail. At long last she crossed the county border and soon she was back in her old home town. Nothing much had changed; it was exactly the same as she had left it.

Her first port of call was to check up on Nikita the Rice household looked empty but she already knew that. Nikitas father was probably still in Memphis but she didnt know where his wife could be unless she finally had the nerve to leave his abusive ass for good, Megan thought angrily.

It was getting close to six in the morning and some people were awake, lights were coming on in various windows in various homes. Driving by her own home she saw her father sitting in their front room with a mug of coffee in one hand. Her mother, she could see, was just rising from sleep and moving around getting ready to take a shower.

Then the light in the guest room came on and Lori appeared at the window. She wasnt as young and carefree looking as she normally did. From where she sat in her car, Megan could just make out bags underneath her aunts eyes and the skin their looked red and splotchy as if shed just been crying.

A lump formed in Megans throat and she moved on from her old street. Though she knew Lori was not at her apartment she had to know for sure that Nikita wasnt still living there. There was no answer as she rang the doorbell. She tried several more times but was frightened, if she persisted, that shed wake up Loris neighbours.

Megan pressed the palm of her hand against the door button console. She shocked it with her own electric current and the door before her clicked open. Keeping an eye out on the street below, in case Lori returned home, she moved up to her aunts apartment. There was no answer when she knocked the door and there was no console here that she could overpower to give her entrance.

She gave up and returned to her car. There was no sign of Nikita or Ruth anywhere in town. Even the school was deserted at this time in the morning. Her next port of call was Circle Park. All the memories of the night of the crash came flooding back to her. It had only been a few weeks since they awoke in the hospital but, since the day she ran away, it felt like a lifetime ago.

The meteor had been removed from Circle Park, to where it was now Megan didnt know nor cared why it had been moved. There was a large wire fence about twelve foot, tall to ensure that nobody would attempt to get into the crater like whole.

She was about to drive back out of town when a flyer attached to a mail box caught her attention. A picture of the three girls in black and white took up most of the flyer along with the title above it,

Have you seen these girls? Beneath the picture were contact details to get in touch with the police instead of contacting the families directly.

She didnt loiter after seeing ten more flyers. Without one glance back at her hometown, Megan drove back to Memphis.

Jack was truly relieved to see Ruth back and unharmed at the bar later that night. Its not over. He wasnt there. What does that mean? I spoke to his wife. She said hed be back tomorrow. Dont worry, she went on hastily at Jacks worried look, she wont remember seeing me there. He sighed. So what now? Now I rest and try again tomorrow. Again? he asked, following her from the bar. Cant you wait a couple days? No, Jack. The longer I leave it the more likely hell come after me first or you Hey, I can take care of myself. Against a knife wielding thug? I dont think so. You dont know me as well as you think you do. Jack, she turned, stopping him in his tracks. I can bench press an SUV if he can hurt me then he can most certainly hurt you. Okay, then Ill stay out of his way. He answered reassuringly. Thank you. Now lets go home its well past midnight and I am crazy tired.

Chapter 16

The deaths

Nikita woke in the semi light. The sky was still pink as she rolled over to look outside her window. She smiled appreciatively at the memory of last night and the feel of Jesses lips on hers. But there was one more thing that had to be taken care of before she could see him again and once it was done shed be reunited with her friends. For what was only days felt like months and their absence from her side weighed heavily on her heart.

And yet she was in no rush to do the deed. She lay in bed a while longer before showering and moving into the kitchen to make herself breakfast.

Sigma was as good as cornered she thought to herself whilst brewing some coffee. But that didnt mean things couldnt go wrong. Her previous plans blew up in her face and so she was determined to go in without a plan, just a bolt load of weapons, her unnatural strength and the weird power she had over time.

Before scrambling some eggs and frying her bacon, Nikita moved to the kitchen window to gaze onto the street below. She had to know for sure that her powers were there at her call, she hadnt used them for a while and she had to know they were still there.

Simply waving a hand the people meandering around on their way to work stopped still. Taking a sip of her coffee, she waved again and time rewound. They were there to her command. All that there was left to do was the deed itself.

Nikita jumped as the doorbell rang three times. Jogging to the telecom she answered, Who is it? Its Gunn we met at the party and spoke on the phone. I meant to drop by before now but things have been a bit hectic. May I come up? Sure. She buzzed him in. You ready for some training? he asked after being allowed in. No, theres not much time. I know where Sigma is, all I need from you is how to fire a gun. All right, well lets get to it.

Nikita showed Gunn the way to the armoury room beyond that to the secret room for target practice. Shed held guns before but wasnt all too sure how to work them. Even with ear muffs on she was startled by the loud noise they made.

No, Im gonna need something a hell of a lot quieter than this. The place will be flooded with construction workers. Then youll be needing a silencer. He said confidentally.

Walking back out into the armoury he returned barely a minute later. Here, try this.

The three muted shots instilled Nikita with confidence again. Thanks. My pleasure. Now if youll excuse me. Ive got a target to kill. Are you sure youre ready for this? Positive.

Megan flopped exhausted onto her bed when she eventually got back to Memphis. All she wanted to do now was to curl up for a few good hours beauty sleep but those hopes were dashed when Mama Goody appeared on her bedroom TV.

Where have you been? Ive been trying to get in touch with you for hours. I had things to do. What things? Personal. Babydoll. She started crossly. Look, Im really exhausted can I speak to you later? No. Megan groaned. Look, Flame has got all her buddies protecting her now. I dont see how I can get at her unnoticed. Dont give up now, Megan. Not when youre so close to seeing your friends again.

You said it would be a year before youd let me get in touch with them again. Because I thought it would take you that long to train you, prepare you for hunting down Flame. But youre ready, Megan. Finish Flame and you will see them again, I promise. Megan scoffed. Fine. Can you give me a couple of hours at least to get washed up? Very well, but dont take too long wont you? Where do you think she is now? Shes still at the spa. They wont risk moving her in her condition but it wont be long till shes healed. The heat of the sauna works wonders for her. Like electricity does for me? Are you saying that shes a freak, like me? Mama sighed. I dont like the term but I suppose yes. So Id better get myself ready. Any chance Gunn will be stopping by for a little one on one? Unfortunately, hes in Nashville just now. I dont think hed be able to get here in time. Fine, well, Ill go clean up. Ill find a fresh new disguise and Ill find away in without detection, Im sure. I have complete confidence in you. Im glad one of us does. Megan muttered after Mama vanished from her screen.

In the morning, Ruth left Jack asleep in bed. They both were still fully clothed, he swore he wouldnt try anything until Ruth turned eighteen whilst Ruth inwardly wondered if she would ever reach it.

She showered quickly, praying that the squeaking taps wouldnt awaken Jack then dressed and dried in the large walk in wardrobe.

This time she pulled on a bullet proof vest and her black shirt and leather jacket. Wearing a pair of dark blue jeans she pulled on a pair of lace up boots with fleecy fur inside to keep her legs warm.

The wig Ruth chose this time was one as long as Nikitas do and as blonde as Megan Archer. She put on a pair of false teeth, a false nose and fake tattoos and piercings. After covering her mismatched

left eye with a velvety black patch, she didnt look like Ruth West any longer. If it was convincing enough to fool herself then it would surely work on the Suttons, she thought happily. Come back to bed. She heard Jack moan. You know Ive got a job to do. She said, concealing weapons inside her jacket and the grappling gun down her back. Do you have to go this minute? I was hoping we could have breakfast first at least. The sooner this is done, the sooner itll all be over. Will it be over? I wont give Mama a choice. But then shell kick you out of your apartment wont she? he asked, casting an admirable eye around his surroundings. Id invite you to stay with me but my whole apartment is about the size of this room. She laughed, Well, first I have to do this. Then Ill decide what happens next. Ill call you from the road. Are you going to stay here? Nah, Ive got to get to class. I have exams coming up so I need to get some studying done. Well, good luck with those. Ruth, their not for a couple weeks yet. I know, Im just wishing you luck.

Finally he climbed out of bed and stopped her as she reached the door. Why does your wishing me luck sound like a goodbye? Just in case something goes wrong. You think it might? Id be nave, stupid and cocky to believe otherwise. So, how will I know if something has gone wrong? She sighed. Five hours. If you dont get a call or text from me in that time then you can assume the worst. Then lets forget the whole thing. Forget Shroud, screw Mama Goody whoever the hell she is. Come stay with me, itll be safer. It wont be. Unless I finish this, Shroud will come for me or Mama or both. I need to be done with this. Wipe my hands off them both.

Ruth moved towards the door but Jack blocked her way again. When she attempted to argue with him he just swooped down and kissed her full on the lips. Grudgingly, she parted with him but held tightly onto his wrist.

When she opened her eyes it was to see that golden pink beam linking them together. It pained her more than she put into words to see that sad vacant expression rolling over Jacks handsome features. This is something I need to do and I need you to understand that we wont be safe till I finish Shroud. She spoke clearly. Go to school, study hard and wait for a call or message from me. If you dont get either then Im done, dead. She choked on the last word. And theres nothing you or the police can do about it. So if that happens, just go on with your life and try to forget about me. It wont be hard; youve only known me a couple days after all.

A slight crease appeared between Jacks brow and his vacant expression dissipated. Stop that. He said warily. Dont you dare use those powers on me, Ruth. Dont you dare. He finished sounding much stronger than before. How are you doing this? she asked, releasing him. No one has broken the bond before. Because Im the one person you shouldnt try to control, Ruth. Im sorry, Jack. That was wrong, I know it, but I understand. You dont need to explain to me. Just finish him and come back to me. I will, I promise.

She stood on tiptoe and brushed her lips with his, when he didnt pull away angrily, like she expected him to, she moved in closer. Her arms wrapped around his neck and Jacks hands were in her hair, pressing her closer to his body.

Ruth relished in every part of Jack because she did not know whether she would get to kiss him like this again. She loved his musky scent, his warm lips and the rough skin of his hands on her neck. Every inch of Jack excited Ruth in a way no boy ever did because no boy shed ever known was half the man that Jack was to her.

This time Nikita hailed a cab instead of driving her own car to the site where her father was building a hotel. The front entrance was already done, Nikita could see. There were builders already milling around about to start work when Nikita gave a wave of her hand and they all stood still.

Striding confidently past them into the gleaming foyer where she found the elevators. Behind the silver doors was nothing, the elevator wasnt in operation yet and it sat inactive down by the basement. Nikita hastened to get her grappling gun out, she had a long way to go, Sigma was on the fourteenth floor. She wouldve done it outside where she could get to the balcony like Sigma expected her too but she wasnt sure if her power would hold up forever. It wouldnt do to let the public see her ascending to the upper levels on a grappling gun.

Nikita knew it wouldnt hold, it would take too much energy to do that and she needed all the energy she could muster to kill Sigma. The grappling gun wasnt long enough to do the whole fourteen levels at once and so she only dead seven at a time.

As she rushed upwards, her hair whipped out behind her and the cool dank air of the shaft stung at her eyes. Eventually, she managed to pry the doors of the fourteenth floor open and stepped out into the corridor beyond. The carpets were terricota, the walls and doors cream and one window sat open at the end.

All the doors were closed and Nikita, as quietly as she could, pressed her ear up against all of them listening hard for any occupants. There was nothing, all the rooms were empty or so she thought as she made her way back to the elevator shaft. May be she hadnt counted the floors right, she thought to herself as music suddenly flooded the corridor, loud at first before been turned down several notches. It was a song she was familiar with because her Mom and Dad always danced to it on their anniversary; Be My Baby by the Ronettes.

It was coming from the room on the far left next to the open window. Nikita listened harder than before and this time she heard the creak of a floor board, the rush of tap water and a woman humming along with the music beyond. Nikita flung the window open before her till it was wide enough for her to stick her head out. There was a small brick ledge running all the way round this part of the building just large enough for Nikita to shuffle along, round the corner and onto Sigmas balcony.

She shook violently as she brought her legs over the window sill and onto the little ledge beneath her. Pressing her back against the wall and moved the few feet there was to the corner of the

building. Waving her hand again, she paused the scene below in fear that someone might look up to see her whilst the music inside the room still played.

She felt bile rise in her mouth as she twisted her leg round the sharp corner almost toppling from the building completely. Luckily, she fell back against the wall, now only sever feet from the balcony edge. She reached out a hand as she neared it but suddenly the brick beneath her foot came loose and Nikita had to lunge towards the balcony edge letting out a large grunt as she dangled from the very edge of the balcony.

Nikita was just about to pull herself up when Sigma came out to investigate the noise. Shimmying around to the other side of the balcony, Nikita barely made it safely out of sight as Sigma peered over the balcony. The part of the decorative stonework that Nikita was gripping on felt like it was unsteady so shifted her weight to a more secure spot on the balcony as Sigma backed away back inside.

Sigma turned the music down a notch as Nikita swung herself over the edge into the safety of the apartment. She quickly ducked behind a sofa as Sigma disappeared into the bedroom. She was still dressed in that white pant suit that she appeared to like so much. Nikita reached for her gun and checked it was loaded before proceeding to follow the woman out of the bedroom and back to the balcony. This time Sigma had a weapon too.

That same long dagger was in her right hand, dangling casually as if it were nothing but a loofa instead of a sharp, narrow knife that Sigma had tried to kill Nikita with the first time they met. The clicking noise Nikitas gun made as she took the safety off alerted to Sigma there was an intruder right behind her. She swung round and threw the dagger but Nikita was faster by slowing it down so that she could move to safety.

With a metallic clang it hit the far wall and fell down behind a set of drawers. How did you find me? Sigma asked. Now that would be telling. Only one person knew my location. Yes, I know the man better than you do. She laughed, I doubt it. William Bruce Rice is my father.

A small o rounded Sigmas lips. Youre Nikita? I am. What the hell are you doing working for Mama Goody. Does your father know? No, Im done with him. But, then, you wont hurt me. He loves me. I doubt it. He cares about no one but himself. Youre wrong. And hes abusive. Hes hit me more times than Id dare to count. But my mother always got it worse. Believe me, Im doing you a favour. By killing me? If I didnt, youd still come after me and so would he. I promise I wont. I dont believe you. Nikita said, pointing the gun at Sigmas chest. You dont want to do this. Yup, youre right about that, I suppose. Then just put it away, okay? No. But you said I said I didnt want to. I didnt say I wouldnt.

Sigma kicked out, knocking the gun from Nikitas hands high above them. Nikita was watching the gun and made to catch it when Sigmas fist made contact with her right ear. She kicked back and saw blood bursting from Sigmas lip. Grabbing Nikita by the hair she shoved her back out onto the balcony where Nikita felt the barrier slide again.

Sigma returned for the gun and gave Nikita a kick in the gut as she tried to reach for it too. The two women stood trading blows on the balcony almost going right over a couple of times. But as fast and as strong as Nikita was it didnt stop Sigma from giving her a beating.

She was running out of energy again and Sigma had her pressed up against the barrier where Nikita knew it would not hold out for much longer. This is it, she heard Sigma say over the ringing in her ears, End of the road.

The expression on her face was that of a snarl, vicious and feral as she raised her fist for another strike. The faces of Ruth and Megan blossomed in Nikitas mind; the hope shed had to see them again was beginning to look more unlikely by the second. But then, Nikita saw Sigma move so slowly and realised she must be using her powers again, drained as she was she wasnt ready to give up yet.

Nikita snuck out under her arm and got safely behind Sigma who was now moving normally again. She gave a mangled scream of rage and pain as her first punched the balcony and not her intended victim. Without mercy, Nikita kicked out as hard as she could and Sigma fell from the balcony with the unsafe barrier.

Nikita didnt watch the fall and only looked over when she heard Sigma hit something far below. The scene of workers and the street below were still not moving and there lay Sigma on the roof of a red van. Broken. Dead.

Megan had slept for two hours in her car. She now had a chronic pain in her neck, several hairs pulled away from her scalp as her strawberry blonde wig got caught on her seat belt and she had a little drool at the side of her mouth.

She sat up straight and stretched a little then got out of the car after making sure her disguise was still in place. The place her car was parked was about half a mile from the spa under an old birch tree at the back of a dentist practice.

There were tears making tracks down her eyes and she wiped them angrily away from her face as she came around the building corner. The chiming of a bell reached her ears and she turned to see Mason walking out of the dentist practice. Her breath caught in her chest as he caught site of her and grinned. What on Earth are you dressed up like that for?

Umm fancy dress party last night. I was staying at a friends place last night. I was just going to go get my car and drive home. I had hoped Id got up early enough so that the streets would still be quiet and no one would see me but how wrong can a girl be? she lied through her teeth. Well, its an interesting look but I prefer the blonde hair and blue eyes to red and green. Thanks. She blushed. So are we still on for coffee tonight? Sure, cant wait. She said, feeling a little uncertain. Ill meet you back at the college and heres my cell number just in case. He said, writing a number on her palm. Ill see you tonight.

Laying a quick kiss on Megans cheek he departed with a big smile on his face. Megan felt herself blush happily again and wound her way around the streets till she found herself across from the spa. Walking back to the side alley where she killed and dumped the bodies of the three women Megan had killed the night before. There was a generator round the back of the building which Megan knew was the source of power for the spa.

Pressing her palms against it she felt the charge and surge as her power connected with the electric circuits turning out all the lights inside, purging the spa in darkness followed by shrill screams from the men and women inside. She sucked the generator of all its power boosting her strength, juicing her powers up and making her feel rested and alert. The power crackled round her whole being; nails, hair and even her voice seemed to crackle and spark. Okay, she said and there was a shudder to it, not a frightened or cold sound, but powerfully electrical, lets finish this bitch.

Above the skip was an air vent, Megan climbed upon it trying to ignore the smell of the bodies beneath her feet and hoisted herself into the vent as the sound of running reached her ears. Megan moved deeper into the vent, dark though it was she found her way around easy enough. When she came to another opening right outside the sauna where Flame was previously it was to find Will Rice and that British man standing guard over it. I cant stay any longer, Will. Lola is already two weeks late. She could be in labour right now for all I know. You owe Flame. If it werent for her, your wife might not even be alive right now. I know what she has done for me and she knows that I am grateful. But my priorities lie with Lola. Sir! Another voice called, appearing from the reception area.

What have you found? asked Will. Not the woman, sir, bad three bodies. They looked to be the girls that Flame had hired to protect her yesterday. Where? In a skip out back. Will, the British guy spoke, stopping him from following the other man, I must return to Lola. Then go. Dont waste my time any more, Shroud.

Both men left, the British man leaving a little sluggishly whilst Will stormed from the spa. Once it was safe to do so, Megan pulled herself from her hiding place and made her way into the sauna room. The steam was already beginning to dissipate and Megan could see Flame still sitting in the same spot as before. She looked a lot better.

Megan assumed instantly that she was different like herself. Whether she was born this way or cause of an accident, it really didnt matter to her either way. So you still think you can beat me? Flame spoke. I took on your three puppets easy enough. Where are they? Dead in a dumpster out back. Flame looked up in shock. You killed them? Uh huh.

Flame drew out her sword but did not use it against Megan, simply swished back and forth playfully. Megan watched her carefully and Flame took one swipe towards her. Megan jumped back, knocking it from Flames hands. She may look well but she still wasnt up to her usual strength Megan noticed. Youve got two choices. Either die standing or on your knees. So you kill a couple of morons yesterday and today you think youre a pro? Of course not. But Im the one wholl leave here alive today. Fire and heat may heal you, Blair, make you stronger and such. But Im pretty sure you cant use it against me. What makes you say that?

Because if you could, Id be dead by now. Id have been dead yesterday if you had the power to make the steam choke and smother me. But you dont have that kind of power do you? And how are you going to kill me? she asked, scanning around Megan. I dont see any weapons on you. I dont need a weapon. Okay, now youre just getting cocky. She laughed. No, Im not. You see, I have power too. The smile faded from Flames face as she said, Well, what are you waiting for? Get on with it. Are you serious? You wont even put up a fight? You took my sword from me. What do you expect of me? A little retaliation actually. Nope. Do it. You know what? If youre gonna give up so easily, may be you dont deserve to live after all. Hmm may be your right. She said casually.

Megan moved forward all the same with her hands raised, reaching out to Flame. All at once Flame sprang from her bench and seized her fallen sword. Megan crouched low as Flame swiped at her head, just missing Megans scalp by an inch. Swinging back the way, Megan caught it by the blunt side of the blade. She let a short burst of energy escape which rattled and shook the blade before shocking Flame enough to release it. Megan threw it out of reach and she saw fear in Flames eyes.

This was it, Megan told herself, its almost over. Flame was backing away into the wall and slid down to her knees praying for mercy. Striding over to the crouching Flame she made sure there was no way for her to escape or get to her sword. Flame didnt even flinch as Megan lay her hands upon her head.

It didnt take long. She let the power shed sucked up from the generator out back flow through her body, her hands into Flames head. She shuddered and moaned some before falling forward as Megan let go.

Megan sighed, as she rolled the womans body over with her foot as her empty eyes gazed upon the ceiling above. Putting a finger to her throat and a finger to her wrist, Megan felt no pulse and no breath escaped from Flames mouth. Shed done it. Flame was dead.

Ruth watched from her car as Shroud pulled into his drive in a car that was more flashier and expensive looking than her own brand new top of the line car. Lola greeted him at the front door, he had brought flowers with him and she looked so happy to have him back home. They embraced each other briefly at the front door before Lola pulled her husband into the privacy of their home.

What looked to be the chief of security was doing the rounds of the outer boundaries as Ruth got out her car. She snuck behind him and pressed him against the wall. Taking his hand, Ruth turned the man around to face her already linking them both with her power. Whats your name, mister? she asked. Charlie. Are you in charge here, Charlie? Yes, maam. Could you make the guards leave if you wanted to? Yes, I suppose so. Then heres what I need you to do. Youre going to tell half of them to take a break, send some of them out for food and the rest to search that building over there. Ruth said, pointing to the tallest and furthest away building on the street she could see. Why? Because, as you were doing the rounds, you thought you saw Hawkeye in one of the windows. Arent you Hawkeye? Yes, but youre going to tell some of them Im over in that building and they need to go search for me. And tell them to take their time doing it. But then, therell be no one to guard the Suttons. Exactly. Half the men will be over there and the other half will be with you in the outhouse. Do whatever you must to keep them from entering the main house. I will. Good. So which is the best way for me to get on the grounds undetected? By walking up the front path. Seriously?

Oh, yes, you cant see it from the outhouse. Excellent. Well, get on with it. She said, letting him go.

Jumping back in her car she waited with baited breath as she saw about fifteen men leaving the front gate looking agitated and heading over to the tall far away building. As soon as they were out of sight, Ruth left her car again and climbed the locked front gate.

There was no one around. Charlie had done as shed instructed him to and kept the other guards away. The front door was unlocked, it didnt make a sound as she closed it behind her and made her way into the living area with her gun at the ready. Mad About the Boy was playing throughout the house today and Ruth knew it was coming from the topmost floor again.

There was nobody in the living room but there was sounds coming from the kitchen. Lola had her back to the door as she made two sandwiches at the countertop. She didnt even scream as Ruth covered her mouth with her hand and led her to one of the kitchen chairs. Sit here, dont move or make a sound till Im gone. She told her through the bond and Lola nodded agreeably.

Moving back to the stairs, Ruth could hear Shroud humming and singing along with the song upstairs. Eventually she got to the top, avoiding the one that made the loud creaking noise, and was stood outside the master bedroom. Lola, babe, she heard Shroud shout, what do you think of Lucy if its a girl? I quite like Ruth actually. Ruth spoke confidently and saw Shroud drop the book of babies names. Withdrawing the same knife he used to stab Ruth with before he advanced. Ruth sidestepped him easily as they stood opposite each other. What have you done with my wife? Shes in the kitchen unharmed. And if you survive this fight do you promise she will stay that way? Do you really think I would hurt a pregnant woman? Be serious. Well, I dont know. You seem pretty intent on hurting me; Id understand if you went after her, Id do the same. Then its a good thing I dont have family or friends then.

Not even Jack Cooley? he asked, a little grin playing on his handsome features. You stay away from him. Ruth warned. Ooh, it looks like I struck a chord. The robot has a heart after all. He chuckled. Ive struck up an accord with the keeper of the bar that Jack tends to frequent. I can be very persuasive when I want. I dont know if you noticed the last time you were in. The bar tender keeps one of his prize possessions on display there. Did you see it? No. No, you were to busy playing footsy with the good looking chap to even spot it. A shot gun on a shelf with ammo by its side. One text from me, Shroud went on, pulling out his cell phone, and dear Jacks brains will be decorating the bar. Well, I can be persuasive as well. Ruth said, knocking the cell from his hand and grabbing his wrist. Youre not going to touch Jack Cooley nor will you order anyone to do your dirty work for you. She spoke in a rush once she saw the golden pink bond grow. What did you just do to me? Shroud asked, looking more drowsy than vacant when Ruth let go of him. Im special. No, he said and then he was laughing again, though he looked exhausted, youre one of those meteor girls. The ones from Sweetwater. How do you know that? Because, youre not the only one working for Mama Goody. Youre other friends, Nikita and Megan, were at the recruitment party that night Mama hired you. She hired them too. What are you talking about? No, she didnt! Of course she did. Three girls with amazing powers. Pheromone manipulation, electrical manipulation and another with the ability to stop time. With assassins such as yourselves shed be unstoppable. She didnt hire them. I would have seen them there that night. Not if it was a masquerade theme. Everyone wouldve been in masks so may be you didnt recognise them at all. Now, he said, looking much more alert than before, straightening and standing tall, Ill make my offer one more time. Come work for me, Ruth. Well put your powers to good use. Well overpower Mama Goody and save your friends. Ill give you things Mama never could. You and your friends will come work for me and Ill keep you safe from Mama forever. My powers are not for sale. Ruth stated boldly. And the answer is still no. I thought you might say that. Shroud said, pulling out a knife from within his coat.

Ruth dodged as Shroud slashed towards with the knife. Ruth kicked out and the knife went sailing over the banister. She made to kick at Shrouds chest as he ran for the stairs but he caught hold of her ankle and the two of them rolled down the stars to the lower level.

Shroud roared with pain as Ruth fell atop him. Straddling his torso, Ruth made to punch his head but he dodged and instead she hit the hard floor. Shroud rolled right over her and dived for the next set of stairs where he saw the blade lying on the floor below.

This time when she kicked, her aim was true and with a blow to the head Shroud went rolling down the next set of stairs. In a bold move, Ruth jumped over the banister, reaching the ground level before Shroud fell from the last step.

He was looking pretty banged up. There was a cut above his left eye and it looked as though his right wrist were broken the way it dangled limply by his side.

With one last kick the blade on which he reached for flew out of site down the hall towards the kitchen where Lola sat silent and immobile. Please. The word was barely more than a whisper but Ruth knew it had come from Shroud. Please dont let my child grow up without a father.

He was on his knees begging. Ruth cringed from him in slight disgust as he moved towards her pleading again. Its nothing personal, friend, just business. She said, taking hold of his outstretched hands.

Ruth pulled out a gun from within her own coat and put it into Shrouds free hand after making that same bond shed done so many times before. Im not going to kill you, James. Youre not? he asked, though his face was slack, his voice sounded joyful. No, youre going to do that for me. I dont understand. Take the gun. Yes?

And shoot yourself. Shroud gasped. Why? Because I told you to do it and, you know me, I can be very persuasive. Youre going to wait till after Ive left then youll do it. But my baby Will be better off without you, I think.

Ruth turned her back on Shroud, who didnt say another word, and moved towards the kitchen to check on his wife. When she saw that she was still sat in the chair she moved on to the back door. Is he dead? she heard Lola ask. Not yet, but he will be in a minute. If he dies, Ill hunt you down. Ill be waiting. Ruth said.

She could see the guards still inside the outhouse and made her way to the plum tree where she climbed over the day before. Shed just hoisted herself up onto the wall when a gun shot came from inside the house. Lola screamed and Ruth knew that Shroud was dead.

Chapter 17

The reunion
Mama was panicking she could hear shouts and gunshots from the alley below her office window. Someone was trying to get into her night club and by the sounds of it they had just shot dead her security at the front door.

The helicopter was on the roof waiting for her but she still had more security on staff that could take care of the intruders. She need not fear, theyd soon be dead.

Three more shots and a voice spoke through the radio on her desk. Mama Goody? Yes, whats happened?

Everythings all right for now. The intruders are dead but you might want to call in your top guns. Im sure therell be more on the way. They want the girls just as much as me. Then give them to your enemies. Perhaps, theyll spare your life if they do. How long till they get here? Hard to tell, maam. Could be minutes or hours. But I imagine theyll be doing the same as us. Calling in more help. Thank you, Cavalier. You will let me know if theres any sightings of them. Yes, maam.

Her hands shook slightly as Mama made to call Hotshot first. Switching the cameras at both ends on when she saw that Nikita was sitting in her lounge, holding a cool beer bottle to her head, looking exhausted. What? Nikita asked, not even looking up. What happened to you? Mama asked. Drained of energy. She said, taking a swig of beer before putting it back to her forehead. Sigmas dead. Youre certain? Positive. How? I kicked her off a balcony of the fourteenth floor. If the fall didnt kill her then the way she cracked her head open certainly did. Well, let me offer congratulations. Thank you, now what the hell do you want, Mama? Im afraid Im in terrible danger. Two men just tried to breach the night club to get to me. I have a helicopter to take me to safety but the pilot isnt here yet and there are more of my enemies on their way. So what do you want me to do? Come back to Knoxville, to the club where I offered you a job. Im calling all my best employees up and down the state. Itll take me a couple hours to drive through.

Just, gather up some weapons and come as quick as you can. She said, ending the call.

Babydoll was the second of the three girls she called. She wasnt there at first and Mama was beginning to wonder if she was even in the apartment. She was about to hang up to call Ruth when Megan appeared through the front door, slamming it behind her. Every hair on her head was standing on end as she stopped dead at the sight of Mama on her screen. Where have you been? Mama asked. Taking care of Flame. Shes dead? Shockingly so, yes. Megan said smugly. Good, then pack up some weapons and come back to the nightclub in Knoxville. Why? Whats going on? I am under attack. I have believed for sometime now that my enemies would no longer stay hidden in the shadows but start a full frontal attack. But Flame is dead. I have more than one enemy and they have others working for them, doing their dirty work for them. Besides, there are still some enemies I havent identified yet. I think I know one of them. What are you talking about? Ill explain when I get there.

Megan bolted for the stairs, disappearing from sight and leaving Mama with a horrible feeling in her gut. At last she called on Ruth who was only a few streets from the nightclub. She was pacing in front of the TV with a cell phone pressed to her right ear. She gasped at the sight of Mama, Mama, whats up? Who are you calling? No one important. Ruth lied. Really? Well, the way you were burning a hole in the carpet would say otherwise Honestly, Ruth said, tossing the phone from sight, its nothing. Is Shroud ?

Dead? Yes. Congratulations. Thanks but Im sure thats not what youre calling about.

There were more gunshot noises from outside this time and her radio went off again. Maam, theyve sent more in. You might want to tell them to hurry up. What the hell is going on? Ruth asked. The nightclub is under attack. This is the second time theyve sent their men over to do their work for them. My men can take care of the intruders but there will be more. Im calling you and all my top assassins in the state. Help me, Hawkeye. Ill be right over. Thank you.

Mama vanished from the screen and Ruth picked up her cell again before heading up to the armoury room. Pressing the redial button, Ruth pressed the cell to her ear again. Shed already tried several times before to get hold of Jack with no luck. Hello? he answered on the ninth attempt. Oh, thank god, I was worried when you didnt answer. Sorry, I was in the middle of a class. So is Shroud done? Yup, I didnt even have to kill him. I used my powers to make him kill himself. But Ive got to run over to help Mama Goody, shes in trouble. What kind of trouble. Someones trying to kill her. Im gonna go over there and get some answers. What do you mean? She hired Nikita and Megan too. Did Shroud tell you this? You know you cant trust anything that guy says. I know, but Ive got to find out. Ill call you when Im done, okay? Youd better. Good luck. Thanks, bye.

Ruth set about putting on her bullet proof vest on again and left her eye patch on in hope it might make her look more intimidating. She picked up explosives and smoke grenades as well as knives, guns and extra ammo. She was good to go.

Megan had already loaded her car with weapons as she hastened to leave for Knoxville. If she survived this and got back to Memphis in time, may be shed be able to still have that date with Mason. But she was only lying to herself; fooling herself into believing that shed get her happily ever after today.

Groaning she pulled over to the side of the road before digging out her cell phone and Masons number. Hello? Mason answered almost immediately. Mason, its Megan. Hey, hows it going? Not so good, um Im calling about tonight. Sure, whats up? Im going to have to ask to postpone it if thats okay? Um okay. He said disappointedly. I really want to, dont get me wrong. Its just I have to go through to Knoxville. I have a very demanding job. What kind of job do you have? You wouldnt believe me if I told you. Try me. She laughed sheepishly. Im a super powered teenage assassin. Pardon me? Mason choked. And I wish that I were kidding, Mason, but Im not. So its probably better for you to never see me again. Its a very dangerous profession and Stop, Megan! Just stop.

Im sorry. I just had to speak to you before Before what? Before I die. She sobbed. Im pretty sure Im going to die today. Holy sh youre not kidding, are you? I really wish I was. She said, fresh tears spilling over her cheeks. Mason groaned. Why are you going through to Knoxville? My boss is in trouble and shes the only person that knows where my friends are. So Im pretty certain that theyll be in trouble too. Oh my god Megan sighed, Im so sorry to have dumped this all on you like this. I just I needed to hear you just one more time. Do you have to? I really dont have much of a choice, Mason. Theyd do it for me. I understand. I dont know what Im going to do. Sure you do, youre going to keep going to Knoxville. I am? Yes and Im going to talk to you the whole way there. Okay, what should I do? Buckle up and put me on speaker phone.

Nikita wasnt going straight to Knoxville, she was half way out of town when she suddenly turned back around. It wasnt long before she found herself pulling up outside the bar where Jesses band had played the night before. His band was setting up for another gig that night when she entered. Excuse me, is Jesse around? she asked the drummer. Hes just went into the loo, pet. Thanks.

A man gave a small start at the sink when Nikita burst into the mens toilets. Uh sorry, long story. She said as pushed past her. Nikita, is that you? Jesses voice came from one of the cubicles. Yeah, its me.

The toilet flushed and out stepped Jesse, pleasantly surprised to find Nikita in the mens bathroom. What are you doing here? I have to go away to Knoxville today and I dont know when Ill be back so I had to come see you before I went. Why do you have to go to Knoxville? Its a work thing. I dont know how long this will take. Okay, well, hurry back. He smiled. Ill try but What? he asked concerned. I dont know if Im going to make it out alive and I had to see you before I went and give you this. She rushed on, not letting him interrupt before she kissed him.

It was better than the night before. Jesse was a little started at first, Nikita could tell, but eventually he kissed back with enthusiasm. Sooner than shed have liked, Nikita broke from Jesse and turned her back on him. Ive really got to go now. Ill see you around, Jesse. She said, rushing back out into the bar. Wait! she heard him call out but didnt stop or turn around, What did you mean make it out alive?

Ruths jacket was bulging with all her choice weapons as she stood opposite the club. There was no noise coming from within and she could see that the helicopter was still on the roof.

She thought she saw movement in one of the windows on the third floor but dismissed it almost at once. Whoever was there had a clear shot of her - if they knew she was there - but didnt take it so Ruth assumed it was someone working for Mama if not Mama herself.

A car with black tinted windows drew up at the back entrance and parked at the end of the alley way. Ruth heard a door open and close but didnt see the driver anywhere.

She wouldve been here sooner to help if it werent for Jack calling up every few minutes worrying incessantly about her. It took her a while to him calm him down and so delayed her by over an hour to get to the club.

Ruth had to duck down behind her car as heavily armed men moved around the side of the building, tossed something explosive in the side entrance and ran around to the front where they began their assault.

Where are the police? Ruth thought to herself. Unless someone is paying them to stay away it would be a wonder why they werent there. The street was deserted except for the last of the armed men outside the front door, waiting to get inside. There had been gun shots before and now an explosion. So where were the police?

There was nothing left to it, Ruth crossed the road and pulled out her semi automatic once she was down the side alley. The explosion hadnt caused much damage. There were a few small fires in the hall behind the door but something no, someone got in the way of the grenade.

Three men lay dead and charred to a crisp on the floor before her. Ruth muffled a yell of pity and disgust as she stepped over their bodies to find where the armed men had gone.

Nikita pulled up to a skidding stop at the end of the alley next to the club, she thought she saw someone watching her from across the road but dismissed them as she ran inside the back door.

There wasnt much here except for a door leading into the club beyond, an open door where three men stood guarding the side entrance, mens and womens toilets and a set of stairs. But before she could go much further, she was stopped by a man with a gun pointed at the side of her head.

Who are you? he asked. Mama called for me, Im Nik- Im Hotshot. The man sighed relieved, Thank god youve come. Ive lost half our staff already; and theres been more sighted down the street from here. Youd better get upstairs, Miss. Mamas on the topmost floor in the office opposite the stairs to the roof. Thanks.

Nikita climbed the steep stairs where she came to a fork in her path. Here she went left looking out the windows to see a horde of armed men, sprinting down the side alley, tossing what looked like a grenade at the side entrance.

Nikita bolted to the end of the corridor but still stumbled and fell as the explosion shook the floor beneath her. Part of the, where she had been standing seconds before, caved in revealing the three guards dead on the floor. She didnt loiter as she heard the guard in charge say to his fellows, Leave them. Theyre dead we cant help them.

Megan had barely managed to avoid a ticket when she flew into town. It shouldve taken her twice the time to get to Knoxville but she sped all the way there, almost causing several accidents along the way. Mason, Im here. She said, pulling into a spot opposite the front doors of the club. I guess you have to go. Yeah, I suppose so. Will you call me if, you know If I survive you mean? she tried to laugh. Yeah, try not to get yourself killed, please? I promise to try. Will you make me a promise in return? Sure. Forget about me. What?

If you dont hear from me by midnight, promise youll just get on with your life. I-I- he sighed. Ill try. Thats good enough for me.

Megan snapped her cell shut and tossed it onto the passenger seat as she got out the car and crossed the road. There were men already in there, heavily armed, moving out towards the bar area.

She snuck inside once the foyer was empty and crawled about out of sight. The men whod been guarding the entrance were dead on the floor all around her. Seven or eight or more, Megan didnt stay to count.

They held their guns aloft, looking behind the bar, in the cloak room and the managers office where Megan was given her job. The one closest to the back of the club opened a door revealing a half burnt down corridor with the side door blown off and a few dead men on the ground. What they missed, when they turned back around, was a slight figure dressed in black and red, a semi automatic in one hand and a patch over her left eye.

Megans breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight of one of her oldest and closest friends. Blinking away the tears in her eyes she watched as Ruth disappeared through another door still without being spotted by these rogue assassins.

Without really thinking about it or considering the consequences, Megan dug deep in her coat pocket, pulled out the grenade, fumbling with it before tossing it in a high arc over the rogues heads.

You here to help Mama? one of the men guarding the back door asked Ruth on her appearance. Yeah, I got a call to come help out. Top floor, office opposite the stairs to the roof. Thanks.

Ruth had just turned towards the stairs when an explosion lit up the night club behind her. Go check that out. The man in charge instructed three others. You go on, Miss. They wont get past us.

As instructed, Ruth carried up the stairs when the man called out to her, Be careful up there, Miss. We havent been here long. One of Mamas girls has already gone up but there might be more of those goons up there. Ill keep my eyes peeled. She called back, disappearing down the right hand corridor.

Ruth turned left down a shorter corridor and left again to find the next set of stairs. But her way at the bottom was blocked by one of the rogues standing guard taking a long draw from his cigarette. Her footsteps barely made a sound as she snuck up behind him. She reached out her hand to create the link she made with the touch of her flesh on others but the man burled around, pointing his gun some point between her eyes, looking livid. Okay, take it easy. Ruth said, going crossed watching the barrel of the gun. Who are you? he demanded. Im just here to

Ruth was to busy watching the gun that was still pointed at her face but she thought something move behind the man threatening her. A flurry of glossy dark hair with a streak of electric blue flashed by in a ripple before Ruths eyes.

A tanned hand with long dark red nails brought the hilt of a gun down on the mans head and there, as the man crumbled to the floor, stood Nikita.

Megan came out from hiding and walked cautiously onto the dance floor to see the extent of the damage she caused. If the rogues were still alive after that, they werent stirring so Megan carried on towards the door where Ruth went through.

Just as she pushed it open, three men appeared from behind it. Raising her hands right up she said, Im here to help, Mama.

Let her pass. A man said by the back door.

Megan carried on to the staircase where she turned down the left corridor. She had to run and jump to avoid going through the whole there that was steadily getting worse. She turned round a corner at the end to find a set of stairs and a man lying flat on his face there.

Unconscious, not dead Megan discovered after investigating the mans condition. Hed been stripped of a weapon and some ammo and just left there carelessly. Megan pulled him into the shadows beneath the stairs when she heard footsteps over head. So Im guessing Mama gave you a big fancy penthouse apartment and the keys to the sweetest ride imaginable like she did me? said a girl Megan knew all to well even though her voice was slightly muffled. Yeah, something like that. Came Nikitas quieter voice. She moved me out to Nashville. How about you? Still in Knoxville, only a few streets from here actually. I cant believe she hired you as well. She hired Megan too from what Ive heard, although, I heard it from an unreliable source. Ruth said. Where do you think she is? Im guessing Mama will have called her too. Nikita snickered, I shouldve known there was something fishy going on when I found out my Dad was involved. Wait What? Hes her partner or something So the real reason we were hired was to piss him off? Ruth asked. I dont know. May be. He was trying to overthrow her with three others. Sigma, the woman he was having an affair with she was also my target and a couple others. Who? Someone called Flame and Shroud. Ruth gasped. Shroud was my target. When you say was ?

Hes dead now. Ruth said deadpan. So is Sigma.

Megan found the girls easy enough by following their voices. They walked on quietly through the hallways and didnt even notice when one of the rogues walked out of a room behind them and silently walked up behind them. I wonder if Megan knows about us being hired too. Nikita said as the man raised his gun. She does. Megan said aloud.

She put one hand on the mans right shoulder and he dropped like a boulder after her electric touch. Megan! Nikita said breathlessly running into Megans arms.

The girls broke apart so that Megan and Ruth could hug. Howve you been? Ruth asked. Okay, I guess, considering Yeah, me too. Considering Im so glad youre both okay. Nikita said taking their hands in hers. You realise its only been a week, if that, since we left Sweetwater? Megan asked. Feels longer. Ruth and Nikita chimed. So is this one dead? Ruth asked, nudging the motionless Rogue with her foot. Nah, hell come around in a couple hours. Megan said. Better move him from sight though.

The girls hoisted the man onto a bed in a sick bay area just down the hall. Whats that noise? Nikita asked, pointing to the ceiling.

They all stood and listened to the swish swish of something far above them. Comprehension dawned on Ruth and she bolted from the room with the other two right behind her. Its the helicopter. Mama Goodys going to make a run for it. Why are we running after her? Nikita asked. I thought she called us here to protect her.

Yeah, right. Shell need protecting after Im through with her. What is she going on about? Megan asked Nikita. No idea. Dont you think its a bit weird that Nikitas dad is Mamas business partner? Yeah, I thought it was fishy but what does So thats how she found out about us; through your dad. Ruth explained. She had three Rogue agents who were plotting against her and wanted her dead. So what does she do? She hires three girls with power and strength beyond anyone else to take care of them. Im guessing your target was Flame? she finished, directing her question to Megan. Yes, but shes dead. So is Shroud and Sigma. Her three adversaries? Megan asked. Yes, all of them now dead. So who does that leave? Who? Nikita and Megan asked confused. One more enemy shes pretended not to know about, Im guessing. My Dad? Nikita asked. Yeah, he wants her dead too. Enter us three again. May be she did have a couple of assassins who had strength enough to off Shroud, Flame and Sigma. Then we wouldnt be needed. So why did she hire us? Nikita asked. To use us as bait? Or a threat? Ruth thought aloud. Im not sure but theres something going on with them and were stuck in the middle. But you still havent explained where were going? Megan called from the back. To get some answers at last.

They were on the top floor now and there was no one around except for a few dead Rogues littering the floors they walked on. There was a door with the sign Roof Access on it; Nikita tried the handle but it was Locked. Then Im guessing this is her office. Ruth said pushing another door open.

There wasnt much in here except for a desk with some stationary and a computer, a high backed chair turned away from them and wall bedecked in green fabric. Hard backed chair sat in front of

the green screen with a video camera on a tripod facing it. To the side of the green fabric was a plasma screen TV affixed to the wall. Mama? Nikita spoke turning the high backed chair around, there was no one there.

The girls tried the two other doors in the room but there was nothing in the closet or bathroom. Where do you think she is? Megan asked. Shes getting into that helicopter of course. Ruth said frustrated.

When they listened more closely they could hear the helicopter gaining speed and shortly afterwards they were certain it was moving far away from them. They were halfway through to the door when the plasma screen flickered on. It was Mama Goody. Good evening ladies. Mama, what the hell are you playing at? Megan burst angrily. Im sorry I had to lie to you all about your recruitments, it was for your own safety, I promise. We dont believe you. Ruth said. And I dont blame you, Hawkeye. My name is Ruth. You girls have been such a blessing and I cannot thank you enough for the deeds you have performed for me. I can understand that these tasks I set you werent easy for you at first but you came through splendidly. Then why dont you thank us in person? Because our time together has run its course. Is that so? Nikita spoke up. Or is it because we now know about my fathers involvement in your business? Your father and I go back along way, Hotshot. How far? To high school. But enough of history, lets talk about the present. Oh, please, youre not going to let us out of here alive, are you? Ruth spat. Mama sighed, It pains me so to say this but no. We did everything you asked. Megan shouted. How can you?

Im sorry, I truly am. But you see, if I let you leave here alive youd hunt me down and kill me. Very true. Said Ruth. Itll quick I promise.

Megan and Nikita had begun to cry. I am sorry girls. Mama said serenely. You can go to hell. Nikita screeched. Now, I think its safe yes, Im a good distance from the building now. What are you? Ruth began. If youd like to take a look under my desk. Im sure thatll be all the explanation you need. The girls crouched down to see a device hidden in the shadow the desk which had begun to sinisterly beep and a digital countdown clock appeared. Thank you for sharing your gifts with me girls. I think youll agree when I say our time together was explosive.

The girls were frozen to the spot where they crouched as Mama disappeared from the screen. Meanwhile the digits on the clock got ever lower and still the girls didnt move. Not till it read 5 did Ruth scream, Move! Run!

5 4 3 2 1

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