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Alyssa Anstey followed the little red balloon down the street as it steadily sped away from her

and high above her. A familiar hand reached out, catching it before the breeze could carry it away from her. Looking up into her fathers face she had the grace to look contrite as she accepted the balloon from him. Alyssa, he started, but not sternly, dont run away like that. You scared the living daylights out of me. Well, it wasnt really my fault. She said, pointing to the balloon. Here, tie it around your wrist then it wont get away from you again. He said, wrapping the thin white ribbon around her tiny wrist before knotting it in an elaborate bow. Come on, lunch time. Do we really need to go back to that place? You dont like Sushi? Im not that hungry. Youve got to eat something. Cant I just have ice cream? she asks, pointing to the vendor at the corner of the street. Eric Anstey gazes at his daughter; she hadnt been eating well since her mother passed away almost a year ago. Shed gotten considerably thinner, her once rosy cheeks now pale, bright blue eyes so much like her fathers looked too big for her face and her favourite pink and peach dress was slightly baggy on her. He sighed. Just this once.

In a small apartment, just a couple miles from where the father and daughter were buying ice cream near Circular Quay, three women sat on their sofa staring at the TV. The girl in the middle was slightly short and curvy, with long dark hair, pale green eyes and alabaster skin. The woman to her right was curvy like her but tall and lean, the body of a professional dancer. Her hair was white blonde, her skin was extremely tanned and her eyes a dark blue. The third woman, on the first womans left, was an almost replica of the second woman but short and rather squat. They were known as Eileen Neave the first woman Hayley Kirsova and Keira De Lissa. The latter two were cousins. Eileen was always uncomfortable sitting with Keira. Actually she was uncomfortable with Keira whether she was sitting down or not. The woman had a strange obsession with Eileen. She wasnt sure why, but whenever Eileen walked into the same room as her, Keira would follow her around and ask her strange and sometimes invasive questions. Hayley, your cousin is weird. Eileen would say to her friend each time Keira upset her. Shes not my cousin. Shes my half cousin. Hayley would always answer. Thats still a relation. Why isnt she normal like you?

Sweetheart, even Im not that normal. Well, in comparison you dont make me want to put a lock on my bedroom door when youre around. Im sitting right here. Said Keira. Well, then, take a hint wont you? suggested Eileen. Did you wake up to find her watching you sleep again? Yes. Do you know how awful it is to wake up, hear her shallow breaths and know that no matter how long you pretend to be asleep you just cant knowing that shes standing at the end of your bed. Sometimes I sit in the chair beside your bed. Keira added. Keira, stop watching Eileen sleep. Hayley said, taking a sip from her beer. But she likes it really. No, no I really dont. How would you like it if you woke up to find me watching you? I wouldnt complain. Keiras head snapped around to face Eileen, her eyes alight with excitement. Forget it.
Keira sighed and turned to face the television once more. Theyd been waiting the past couple hours for a short advertisement about the centre they all worked in in hopes of promoting the different classes they coach. Riley said this would be on by two. Eileen said, checking her watch which read 2:15. I thought Rileys business was in agriculture or something. Said Hayley. It is but whenever I need something done he always seems to know someone who knows someone then he pulls a bunch of strings and favours to get me what I want. I dont know why he bothers. The boy is in love with you, thats why. What boy? asks Keira. Riley Osborne. Answered Hayley. Who? Hes that rich, cute sappy guy who owns the bar we live above. Does that mean he owns our apartment too? Of course it does. So why does he own this building if hes in agriculture? I dont know. Answered Eileen. He owns a couple of A-list clubs too. The drinks are supposed to be so expensive that only the rich and famous can afford to visit them. Which is exactly the clientele he originally wanted for this pub. But its just a grotty old pub. No one cool ever comes near here except for grotty old men and women. Argued Keira. So why doesnt he just sell it. Because Eileen started. Because Eileen lives here and he wouldnt want to put her out. Because he loves her. He does not love me! Oh, he so does. As the girls began to bicker among themselves they were interrupted by a knock at the door. Eileen paused the TV while Hayley leapt up to answer the door to find the bar manager waiting patiently. He was a thick set man in his late fifties with a bald head, thick moustache and beetle black eyes. Hi Jim, what can we do for you? Hayley asks. Sorry to be a pain, again. Im down a girl. Jenny called in sick and the boss is coming in tonight.

Oh, youll be wanting Eileen then. She says, turning to allow Jim in. No, no, not me. Eileen shook her head. Well, it cant be me. Said Hayley. Howie is introducing me to his parents tonight and Keira I wouldnt trust Keira with that amount of alcohol. Interrupted Jim. Neither would I. Hayley agreed. So, Eileen, what do you say? Oh, come on. Surely there must be someone else. Nope, at least no one who can placate the boss like you do. He is not in love with me. Ill leave an apron out for you, just wear something smart. Jim said before departing.
Eileen wasnt left with much of a choice. Even if she continued to refuse it would just mean that shed have to spend the night with Keira, alone. Shed rather spend the night placating Riley than watching Keira invade her privacy. At seven oclock that night Eileen descended the rickety wooden stairs to find her apron at the bottom of the banister already pressed by Jims wife. Most of the regulars drifted in shortly after, taking up their usual pews while a few younger patrons came in for a cheap pint before going out into town. Man, this place is dead. Riley said, breezing in around nine. I need to get this place more publicity. Evening, Riley. Jim said, pouring his favourite brew. Evening, Jim. Ooh, Eileen! And what are you doing down here tonight? Jenny called in sick. Jim explained. Well, its nice to see you out of your ivory tower. Oh, my ivory tower huh? That same ivory tower that I told you has damp about a month ago? Cut me some slack, babe. Im a busy man. She sighed. Riley, its spreading. Do you want the apartment to become inhabitable? Of course not. Ill come take a look at it tomorrow night and make some calls. I told you, Jim whispered, you placate him. Shut up, old man. Pour some beer. Hayley and Howie appeared just before eleven after having dinner with his folks, they took up a booth near the bar when Riley came back across to talk to both girls. I heard the studio and rink is closed for a couple days. He said. Yeah, its being refurbished. Hayley said, rolling her eyes. No classes for a whole week. Thats going to be pretty rough. What are you getting at, Riley? Eileen asks. Well, Im having a function up in the Osborne Suite and were in need of a couple waitresses. Are you two interested? Were not waitresses. I know that. But youre going to lose a whole weeks worth of wages with the studios shut. Id be willing to pay you the same amount you earn in a week for a couple hours bussing tables. Are you serious? Yes, well do it! Hayley said, leaping up to thank him. Wait, we have no real experience. You dont need experience, Eileen. Riley said, irritable. Its just taking dishes out to tables and bringing them back when theyre finished.

Come on, Eileen, we need the money. Hayley insisted. Plus, Riley continued, any tips you get, you keep. Think of it as a little bonus. All I want is to be rid of the damn dry rot. Eileen said angrily. Ill take care of that too. Come on, lets go look at it right now. Jimmy, you can handle the bar for five minutes right? Right. The bartender nodded. Come on, Eileen, Im desperate. Dont make me beg. Okay. She acquiesced. So whats the function for? Hayley asked. Oh, nothing exciting. A bunch of big wigs who want in on a project Im working on with my big bro.

Eric sat on the edge of his bed, after returning home, for the longest time just staring at the picture of Sabrina and baby Alyssa on the chest of drawers by his bed. His wifes death wasnt sudden shed been ill for a while and though a year had passed since Sabrina lost her battle with cancer, Eric still grieved for her as if it were only yesterday.
He hadnt heard Alyssa enter his room until she placed her little hand on his knee. She smiled a bittersweet smile at him. Shed grown up a lot since her mother passed. Too fast for a girl of eleven-years-old. I miss her too, Dad. I know you do, darling. Its been a year, dont you think its time we started getting some of her things out of here. No. he said sternly. Not all of it. Not the important stuff I know, but her clothes. Dad, how are you ever going to have a life without Mum if her things are here to remind you of her? Theyre here when you wake up in the morning and theyre the last thing you see before you sleep. What are you suggesting? Alyssa got up from the bed and found the empty box that she left in her Mothers old wardrobe almost a year ago. Well, we really dont need to hang onto her old gym gear, for starters. Her yoga pants, the dumbbells and the weird stuff down here in the corner. She laughed. What is that stuff? More weights. Eric smiled, joining his daughter by the wardrobe. See, you strap them around your wrists or your ankles, like so. He strapped one around Alyssas left wrist. Try raising your arm. Oh, right. Heavy. They sifted through more of Sabrinas belongings, tossing more unimportant items into the box to drop off at the nearest charity thrift store. What about these gowns? Eric asked Alyssa. These gowns are all custom made. I dont think your Mum would like to see these going to a thrift store. Why not auction them for and donate the proceeds to Moms favourite charity? Thats a good idea. But can I keep the green one? May be I could wear it when Im older and big enough. It was always my favourite one. Of course you can keep it, sweetie. Is there anything you want to keep?

Well, you know Ill hold onto her jewellery and such. Youll get that when youve grown up, of course. Or your kids when they grow up. But youre right, I cant hold onto any of this stuff. Do you ever think that maybe its time for you to get out there again? Out? Out where? You know getting back up on that horse. You want me to start dating? Alyssa, darling, I love you so much but youre all I need right now, okay? Okay, but you know if you meet someone new, Id be okay with that. Mr Anstey? the voice followed a knock on the door. Yes, Caleb?
Caleb Spence was a tall thin American with tousled blonde hair and bright friendly blue eyes. He was often the type to be underestimated which was one of the reasons Eric hired him. Most of the world knew Caleb to be Erics chauffer when in actual fact he was head of the Anstey family security detail. Miss Barclay is waiting for you in the lounge, sir, and youre step-brother will be here shortly. Thank you, Caleb. Could you take Alyssa to school when shes ready? Of course, will that be all? Yes, thanks. Go get dressed, honey. Paige Barclay was one of those typically beautiful blondes whod clearly grown in a wealthy family. She was perfectly groomed, perfectly dressed and always perfectly polite. Only her keen green eyes gave away her devilish ways beneath her breath taking, angelic features and, although most people were blind to it, Eric Anstey wasnt. Paige was ambitious and always got what she wanted because no one dared refuse her to suffer her wrath. Paige, good to see you again. Eric greeted her warmly, giving her a brief hug. Its good to see you too. I came as soon as I heard you were back in town. I was curious why the sudden decision to leave New York? It wasnt mine but Alyssas. You let your daughter run your life? she said, laughing a little to cover the judgement in her tone. She is the boss. Eric grinned. Can I interest you in a cup of coffee? Please. She said, following him into the kitchen. So, how is business? Booming, with thanks to you. You know Im always willing to lend a hand should you need it. Well, I was hoping to get an invite to your brothers function tomorrow night. I heard tale that Mr Miyamoto is attending. Ive been trying to arrange a meeting with him for months but he never has the time for me. Eric smiled to himself while Paiges back was turned before pouring her a cup of coffee, And you want me to twist little brothers arm to give you an invite? Oh, please, Eric. Im at my wits end. She said, sounding truly desperate. All I need is two minutes of Mr Miyamotos time so I can pitch an idea his way. He has some very rare tech that I think could revolutionise my new ecosystem. A greener way to provide Paige, Paige, please stop. Eric interrupted. I get the idea. We could make a fortune. Mr Miyamoto is more interested in the wealth of the planet, not his back pocket.

Well, I guess you found a real kindred spirit in him, havent you? And you wont take me up on my offer either? she said, bitterly. No, I wont. Look, Ill talk to Riley but Im not making any promises. I know and I appreciate it. She sighed. You know she started, her tone changing seductively, you never got back to me on that other offer I made. What other offer? Eric asked, frowning. You know which one. Oh, Paige, please. Were friends and Im a widow, Im not ready for anything like that. Well, she said, gulping down the last of her coffee, you know where to find me if you change your mind.
Paige Barclay sauntered from the room, sashaying so her hips swung playfully from side to side not noticing that Eric was paying more attention to the urn above the fireplace that held his wifes ashes.

Riley was true to his word. A day late, Eileen noted, but true nonetheless. A few minutes before his function began he came to the apartment above the bar and looked at the dry rot that had appeared just outside the bathroom door. After making a few phone calls to find someone to take care of it he stopped in his tracks as Eileen came out her bedroom door. She was only wearing a plain black dress with spaghetti straps, her small white apron tied around her waist and a pair of black ankle boots that shed given a good polish. Eileen frowned at the look Riley gave her and felt quite uncomfortable until he composed himself. Thats all set. Ready to serve up some steak? Yeah, of course.

Eileen and Hayley flowed with the rest of the waiters around the hall, serving out the dinner while the guests discussed the business theyd all gathered to talk about. It wasnt anything of any real interest to Eileen other than the fact she thought most of them seemed to be a bunch of do-gooders while the rest of them were out to earn a buck off the others back.
Whenever he wasnt playing host to his guests, Riley filled Hayley in on what was going on whenever there was a lull in the kitchen. She seemed real fascinated with his business and spoke animatedly with several others when they discovered her grandfather had a wind farm outside the city. You look so bored. Riley said, as she poured a glass of wine for the blonde woman sitting opposite him. For the benefit of the others at the table Eileen smiled at him, Im working. Do pardon Miss Neve, waitressing isnt her day job. Anything to pay the bills, sir. She smirked. Shes actually a figure skater, a very fine one at that. A former Olympic champion. He said, not letting her leave the table so easily. Really? asked the blonde woman. You competed in the Winter Olympics for Australia? No, Great Britain actually. She said, her voice accentuated with her Scottish lilt. Ah, ever win a Gold medal? Once a long time ago. Would you like another glass of white wine, sir? she said, directing her question to the gentleman on Rileys right to halt any further conversation about her past career.

Oh, no thank you. Im fine. Riley shook his head. Get him another one, Eileen. You have got to live a little once in a while. He said to his guest.
Sighing with relief, Eileen returned to the kitchen for a fresh bottle of wine. For the rest of the night she wasnt interrupted from her duty and kept refreshing wine glasses every few minutes to keep herself busy. When Riley took to the make-shift stage where a microphone, screen and projector were set up, Eileen, Hayley and the other waiters served coffee and after dinner mints before retreating to the kitchen. When all the dishes were done they were free to go. Im going to stay at Howies tonight. Keira is at her sisters. What have you got planned? Nothing exciting. Eileen said, whipping off her apron as they entered the apartment. Ive got some Buds in the fridge, Im going to sit on the balcony and kick off my heels. Well, Ill see you tomorrow. Good night. Good night. Finding her small ice box underneath the sink, she took the ice packs from the freezer and placed them into the box along with a few Buds and her bottle opener. Kicking off her boots, she sauntered into her bedroom and out onto the small balcony where she perched on the ledge. She could hear Rileys voice in the distance, barely more than a vague murmur until the doors at the next balcony opened and the man whom had sat on Rileys right during dinner appeared. Tossing his drink over the balcony, before placing the glass at his feet, loosening his tie, he hadnt realised he had company.

After surveying the street below he looked left and then right where he saw Eileen sipping on her beer trying not to look like she was staring at his handsome features. He smiled genially at her. Hi. She said; her face flushing. Evening. He smirked. Not a fan of the wine, huh? she asked, indicating the drink hed tossed away. Ive had better. Beer? she offered, picking a bottle up from her ice box. Sure. He said after a beat. Youre the figure skater. I was. An Olympic champion turned waitress thats Tragic? she said. Not the word I would have used. She smiled. Im not a waitress. Riley is my landlord Im just doing him a favour. So what are you? I teach figure skating, and sometimes dance, at a rink just down the road. Why here? What do you mean? Why teach it here in Australia? I like it here. Do you have family here? No. Friends?

A few. I dont have a big family anyhow. Just my parents and my gran. No cousins, aunts or uncles. My folks never had siblings. That sounds awful. Do you have a big family? No not really. I have a few cousins and my daughter, Alyssa. No wife? Widow. He said by way of explanation. Im sorry. Thank you. Do you have any children? No. Married? No. Youre single? he sounded doubtful. Yes. Hard to believe. Thanks. She flushed again. Do you live alone? No, I live with my friend and her psychotic older cousin. He laughed, Interesting living situation. Yes, especially since the nutcase is supposedly in love with me. Youve never entertained the idea of dating him? No, the psychos not a man you see. Oh? Oh he laughed. May be not then. No. she laughed, taking a sip from her beer. Oh, please, forgive me. I havent formally introduced myself. Im Eric Anstey. Getting up from her ledge she strolled over to shake his hand, Im Eileen. Eileen Neeve. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Eileen.
He turned his head to the side when Riley called out his name. I better go. Thank you, for the beer. Any time. Eileen returned to her ledge and opened another beer when she turned to find Hayley standing in the doorway. Her mouth was hanging open as she looked completely stunned. You all right? Eileen asked, worried. Do you have any idea who that was?

Hayley spent days pulling up articles online about Rileys famous step-brother Eric. Eileen was clueless to who he was but wasnt that surprised that Riley would have a famous brother considering Riley was quite wealthy and well known himself. It only frustrated her friend further when Eileen didnt treat it like a big deal.

I dont understand why youre making such a fuss. Eileen complained. It was just one time. Ill probably never see him again. But this is Eric Anstey. Hayley, please drop it. Come on, were supposed to be getting these posters out round town. The more publicity we get the more business well receive when the Studio reopens.

Dad! Dad! Come look. What is it, Alyssa? Theres something on the TV I want you to see. Alyssa led her father out of his office out into the lounge where the TV sat paused on an advert. I saw it last night too. What is it? he asked. In answer Alyssa hit the play button for Eric to discover himself. The exterior of an old run down building played across the screen before being replace with a newly refurbished version of it with the sign The Studio above its front doors. Fully equipped dance, art and drama studios and ice rink now open for business. Said the narrator. Professional teachers include the British Olympic Gold Medallist, Eileen Neve. A short clip of Eileen on the rink teaching adults and children screened briefly and Eric was enraptured by her grace on the ice. Can I go, Dad? Alyssa asked as the commercial came to an end. To The Studio? Yeah, I want to learn how to figure skate. Well, Ill look into it, but this is on the other side of town, Alyssa. Im sure therell be someone closer No, didnt you listen? Shes an Olympic Gold Medallist! Yes, I know. I met her. When? Last week at your uncle Rileys function. Even better! Dad, you have to call her. No need, theyre having an open day. Eric said, rewinding back to the commercial. This Saturday. Do you want to go? Yes, please.

Theres quite a gathering out there. Said Keira, peeking through the curtains of the staff office. The usual lot? asked Hayley. Them and a lot of new families too. Good. Said Eileen. That means the advert was worth the money. Lets go open the front doors. The crowd outside was almost twice as large to what they were used to. Eileen saw many of her old students novice and professional returning along with some new members and amongst them The blonde god! Hayley gasped in Eileens ear.

What? Eileen asked, irked by her friends reaction. Eric Anstey! Hes here! Yes, I see that. Lets get these doors open.
When the clerk who often manned the front desk was at her station, waiting to assist the newcomers, the girls opened the front doors before returning to their own studios. Eileen listened to Vanessa the clerk direct the students and their parents to the correct studios as the crowd entered the newly furbished and state of the art studios. Art and drama on the second floor. Announced the wizened clerk. Dance on first and down the hall to the ice rink. Some of her best students some close to her own age were waiting on the rink to join her in a short demonstration of what the new students will be learning. As she loped around the ring towards them, she unzipped her hoody to reveal a costume matching their own. Emerald green Lycra with black and silver rhinestones glittering all over the bodice. When almost all the seats were filled and no more appeared through the door Eileen took stock off the promising amount of students that would be attending her sessions this year which she found rather encouraging. Good morning and welcome to the Rink. Eileen greeted the crowd. There was a small chorus of hello or good morning to this. My name is Eileen Neeve and I am here today with three lovely ladies from my previous classes here at the Rink before we closed for refurbishment. They came to my classes last year and joined me in the annual AFSC thats Australian Figure Skating Championships and took the top spot. A round of applause and, with a flourish, the girls bowed their appreciation. Now if we might have your attention for a few minutes, the girls and I are going to give you a brief demonstration of what you can expect to learn in this years classes. Afterwards well have time for some Q and A. Eileen gave their latest recruit Jodie, a boy fresh out of college to man the lights and sound system, to start the music up. Before it could get in full swing she sped forth towards the audience to explain her choice of music. Now normally we do skate to classical music, Tchaikovsky and the like. But, just for fun, we do work with some classic rock, modern pop and so much more. But what these poor girls learned for themselves last year is that I am a HUGE fan of The Heavy. The crowd laughed as How You Like Me Now started pounding out over the speakers. Girls, lets hit the ice. Concentrating hard on her routine, Eileen couldnt help occasionally searching the crowd to see if Eric Anstey was in her group or not. What is he doing here? Is he alone? She hadnt even noticed his daughter by his side. After landing her second axel jump she spotted him towards the front of the crowd on the far left benches. She followed her students round the rink once more before the music changed to 4th of July by Amy Macdonald. Three more times Eric caught her eye and Eileen couldnt explain the light hearted feeling that he was here to see her. She knew it couldnt be true but she let herself believe because every time she saw him, he was only watching her perform.

But all too soon the second song was over and it was time for Eileen to face the crowd again. Her students slipped off the rink into the dark corridor that led to the dressing rooms leaving Eileen to speak once more but this time she felt more unsure of herself now that she knew that Eric Anstey was watching her most vigilantly. She bowed after a short round of applause and stepped towards them. Any questions? she asked. Several hands shot up, parents and potential students, but Eileen pointed to the little red haired girl in the very front row first of all. Whats your name, sweetie? Carrie Oliver. Hi Carrie, whats your question? Do you take students of all ages? I take anyone between the ages of three and eighteen. Anyone older than eighteen will join the likes of Alice, Macy and Jenna whom have just performed for you. Yes, lady in the green shirt. Hi, Martha Preston mother of Collette, how many classes do you hold for each age group per week? Two but as we get closer to competitions we tend to add on an extra hour per week but dont worry, we are sympathetic towards your childrens timetable. We do arrange our lessons at suitable times for everyone. Eileen glided further left where she saw the little girl seated next to Eric raise her hand. Who might you be? Eileen asked the girl. Im Alyssa Anstey and I was just wondering if the junior students get to compete in any competitions as well? Trust me, Alyssa, you wont be a junior under my tutelage for long. The crowd laughed again. No matter how old you are if you have surpassed your current grade you can join my advanced classes. With the permission of your parent of guardian, of course. Most of the morning passed with more questions like this and a couple others from Alyssa herself but never her father. But he kept watching Eileen as she glided from each side of the rink to the other, her voice carrying around the vast rink so no one missed a word she said. She didnt want to be caught staring at him but Eileen enjoyed catching sneak peeks of Eric every now and then. She appreciated his fine bone structure and straight nose. The way his hair looked golden in some light but sandy in another. The way his shirt clung to him in all the right places showing off his abs and toned body. But most of all Eileen loved the way his blue eyes seemed to glow in the dimmed light. After the Q and A, Jodie took them all on a guided tour of the refurbished Studios whilst Eileen went to change her clothes. Stupid Eileen. She muttered to her reflection. Typical of you to take a liking to a guy so out of your league. You dont stand a hope in hell. In the main hall Eileen found Hayley, Keira and the drama teacher, Kirsten, already waiting for the touring groups to come back. At once Eileens eyes snapped to Eric the second he and his daughter returned to the hall with the rest of the group. She hated the fact that he seemed so at ease while she became acutely aware that she was slouching and hastened to

stand tall and straight. Without realising it she had mirrored his every move and, as soon as he was close enough to realise this himself, she went straight back to slouching.
He waited patiently at the back of the crowd to get his turn to talk to her whilst the rest spoke about the classes or signed their children up before filing out into the parking lot. At last it was Erics turn and he took her hand in his, as Eileen automatically offered it to anyone who approached her, and gave it a brief squeeze before shaking it genially. That was quite a performance. He smiled. Eileen blushed and smirked proudly before saying, Thank you Mr Anstey. Judging by her tone she had gleamed more information about him since last time they met. Back then of course, he thought it was strange that she did not react to his name the way most would. If I recall correctly, I did introduce myself as Eric. Yes, you did. But my friend over there has given me a great deal of reading to do lately when she discovered me drinking beer with the globally acclaimed Green Hero on my balcony. Hmm, Green Hero! he tutted. I think I prefer Eric still. Good, I think Green Hero is a bit of a mouthful, anyway. They laughed. So this is my daughter Alyssa. He said, as Alyssa skipped away from the other girls. Yes you raised some very good questions in there. I did? Yeah. Are you thinking of joining? I want to, if my Dad will let me. As if youd give me the choice, sweetheart. Alyssa laughed, I have him wrapped around my little finger. Eileen laughed as Eric gaped. Just be sure not to repeat that in front of him again otherwise you might not get pudding tonight. No, Daddy, no! Well, I look forward to having you in my class. Is there anything else you want to talk about? Im afraid of embarrassing myself and falling over. Well, you dont need to worry about that. The first few classes well cover all the basics. Dont forget, in your class theyll all be learners too. I didnt think of that. Thanks, Eileen! Youre most welcome. So when is Alyssas first class? asks Eric. Tuesday night at six for orientation. When we have a permanent time slot Ill send you all the necessary details. That sounds great, thanks. See you on Tuesday, Eileen. Alyssa waved goodbye. See you then, Alyssa. Good evening. Eric said formally kissing her hand. Good evening, Eric. He smirked and, following Alyssa, briefly waved goodbye also before joining his chauffer by a sleek black car.

Eric couldnt shake the feel of Eileens hand in his own for the rest of the day. Warm, soft and smooth. But the thing that stayed with him most was the shade of her eyes; they were practically the same as Sabrinas if only a shade or two darker. Dad, you havent touched your ravioli. Alyssa broke through his reverie at dinner. You know Im not really hungry, sweetie. I think Im going to go for a run instead. Anything wrong with the dish, Mr Anstey? No, Mrs Robson, its fine. Save it for later? Of course, sir. Would you like a water bottle for your run? Yes, please. Poppy Robson, Erics maid and cook, always put him in mind of Mary Poppins. She was about ages with his mother and came from Cambridge, England. She had one of those proper accents and was very well spoken. Her mousy brown hair had a few wisps of grey and her prominent brown eyes bore plenty of lines beneath them as well as round her little thin mouth. Alyssa, I want your homework done before I get back. Yes, Daddy. Can we watch a movie when you get back? As long as Daddy has no homework himself. Sir, would you like Mr Perry or myself to accompany you? No, Caleb, that will not be necessary. I wont be gone long and Ill keep my phone with me should I need you. Very well, sir. Sydney Heights was a state of the art estate built up of condos and plush penthouses like the one the Anstey family owned. Everything was run on green or solar energy so their carbon footprint was the lowest estate in Sydney. This is what attracted Eric to his property, that and it was within twenty minutes walk of just about anything in the city. Including one of Rileys bars. The one where he held his function the previous week was a bit further out of the way but still in the city. The quieter the roads had become he found it easy to get near the bar than it would be during rush hour. Slipping his earphones in he turned his iPhone on to play some Rolling Stones music while the sky became darker as he continued to run around the city.

Eileen was surprised, out on her own run, to find the enigmatic Mr Anstey on her route and around the corner from the bar she lived above. Was he here by chance, or was he here for her? The heartening thought didnt last long though when she noticed some local miscreants start to tail her handsome millionaire.
Sure he was muscular, tall and about twice as big as some of them but if they jumped him from behind and took him by surprise then hed lose any advantage hed worked hard to gain in a gym. Eileen kept to the shadows whilst she tailed his followers till they rounded the corner to her street.

An aluminium baseball bat she kept hidden behind a dumpster next to the ladders that led up the fire escape to her balcony in case of emergencies, she stopped as Eric finally caught sight of the miscreants.
Swinging her bat wide she caught two of the four men by surprise, taking one down over the head clipping the other one painfully on the shoulder whilst Eric chased off the other two. Still in the shadows she watched as he tossed the slumped forms of those shed attacked into the dumpster behind her. Whose there? he called. Its just me. Eileen said, stepping out from the shadows. I was out for a run and I saw them follow from down the way. Why didnt you say anything? Well, you were listening to your music and I didnt want to draw their attention on to me when you couldnt hear anything over your earphones. Fair point. He agreed. Thank you, for coming to my rescue, Miss Neeve. Well, to avoid needing rescued again, can I give you some pointers? Pointers? Yes, if you are going to go running alone at night dont go out wearing so much bling. Im not wearing any bling. I left my watch and such at home. Thats not what Im talking about. Dont come out with all that designer gear on. You need to go to a thrift store and get yourself a pair of shorts for five or ten dollars. Really? And a hoody to cover up your well groomed head. Theres something wrong with my face? he asked confused. No, but thats partially the problem. Do you like my face? Eileen blushed, I never said that. When Eric smirked, Eileen leapt for the ladders by the dumpster and started to climb to her balcony when Eric followed her with a bemused look upon his handsome features. Where are you going? Home. I live here, remember? Are you trying to avoid me? Why would I do that? Why do you answer a question with another question? Let me answer that by asking you this; why not? she said, smirking to herself as she climbed on to her balcony. Why are you so Socratic? Why are you following me? Was that another question? he asked, stopping on the last step of the ladder. I could ask you the same thing you know. Why did you run away from me just now? I didnt run away. I was just going home. Can I come in? he asked, still hovering on the last step. Sure. She said uncertainly. Is that a yes or is that a no? Yes, you can come in. He smiled gleefully and followed her inside. Eileen led the way out of her bedroom into more comfortable confines of the kitchen where she pulled two beers out of the fridge.

Do you only drink beer? Eric asked. Its all Ive got in, Im afraid. The cupboards have been pretty bare while the Studio was getting fixed up. In that case can I buy you a drink downstairs? Sure. She said, again uncertainly. Yes or no? he repeated. Yes.
Eileen felt all the hairs on her neck rise and goose-bumps tickle her arms when Eric placed his hand on the small of her back in a motion to lead the way. Trying not to react to his touch she showed him out of her apartment and down to the bar below. The usual crowd lingered round the bar and the booths while the barkeeper worked on cleaning the glasses and pouring drinks. Eric led the way to a more private booth at the very back of the bar whilst Jim poured them each a glass of wine. Do you drink in here often? Eric asked when they were both settled. No, I actually dont drink that much. You? Only at special events and functions. Im not a lover of it. My grandfather passed away due to liver failure. Oh, Im so sorry. It was a long time ago. I know how you feel though, my Dad died because of something stupid he was doing too. Oh, really? Such as? His secretary. Eric choked on his wine. I beg your pardon. He died in bed with her. Oh, Im sorry. Your poor mother. Yeah, my poor mother couldnt care less since she was sleeping with my boyfriend at the time. Eric gaped. After that I moved in with my grandmother. How old were you? Nineteen. About a year after that I moved to Canada to prepare for the Winter Olympics and I moved again four years later for the one after that. I came here after I retired; professionally of course. Is teaching something you wanted to do after competing? Actually, no. I always saw myself going back to my Gran and taking over her farm. Really? I cant picture you as a farmer, if Im honest. What do you picture me as? No, Im not going to say, youll just laugh. No you can tell me. I promise I wont laugh. Well, I think you have a beautiful smile. Eileen blushed. Thank you. You know those toothpaste commercials with the really pretty models? You think I could be a model? Oh, Eric, you are just too kind! But I dont think I could be a model. Im not that pretty. No, Im not nearly kind enough. Youre not pretty; youre beautiful. Eileen blushed yet more furiously before biting her lip and averting her gaze, crossing her legs so she wasnt tempted to brush up against him anymore. Am I making you uncomfortable? Eric asked.

No, not at all. She answered truthfully. Im just not used to guys telling me that Im beautiful. Well, I find that surprising. Really? Well, I know my step-brother is head over heels for you. Surely you must see that. I try not to. Rileys a nice guy, dont get me wrong, but hes just not the guy for me. Handsome, smart, wealthy; these arent important factors to women? Some women, Mr Anstey, but not me. Eileen said curtly, standing to take her leave. Have I said something to upset you? Eric asked confused. Youre shallow insinuations upset me, yes. Shallow? Eileen, I really didnt mean anything by it, I swear. He said sincerely, Please, stay and finish your drink. Okay, but just this one drink. I have to teach my juniors tomorrow. Very well. Eric smirked. I apologise again. As it happens, I dont think that you are shallow. You dont know me that well, though. No, but Im a good judge of character, most of the time. So why arent you interested in Riley? Hes my landlord for starters. And the other reasons? I know how he is with girls. Ive worked enough Friday nights here to see him leave with a girl and it never lasts. He has intimacy and commitment issues. The list goes on. Hes a great guy. Eric said, speaking his step-brother up. Eric, Eileen smiled, there are lots of great guys but good men are hard to come by.
For the first time its Erics turn to blush as Eileen moves closer to him. Her hand rests on his knee and she gives it a gentle squeeze before moving close enough to raise her lips to his. But its still too soon for the widower and he cant help but pull away. I miss my wife. Sorry? Eric sighed, Im still not ready Im lost without her. Tell me about her. Eileen said composing herself once more. You dont want to hear about Sabrina. Sure I do. She must have been pretty special. She was. I imagine you need someone to talk to. Like an adult, I mean, not just your daughter. I have my brother. Yeah, like he listens. Eileen laughed. Theres always Dr Anderson. An overpriced shrink? What makes you think shes overpriced? Eric laughs. Arent they all? Absolutely. So tell me something about her. Sabrina had this sick sense of humour. Shed just laugh at the most terrible things and at inopportune moments. She turned a snort into a gasp when my uncle Jon almost broke his hip at my cousins wedding a couple years back. She didnt? She did! We didnt get invited back to any special events for ages because of it. What else?

Hall and Oates were her favourite band, although they were before her time. Them and Elvis Costello. I often thought she had an old soul. But she was my old soul.
Eileens hand moved from his knee to his hand. I am so sorry for your loss and for Alyssas loss too. Shes a nice kid. Thank you. And Im sorry for trying to make a move on you just there. I dont know what I was thinking. Thats okay. I really dont mind. Eric? Both Eileen and Eric looked up to see Riley standing by the bar staring at them both in surprise. His eyes shot to Eileens hand in Erics, their fingers now entwined. On his approach they subtly broke apart and put a short distance between them so they werent touching or brushing against one another. What the hell are you doing here? Riley asked, a false smile playing on his face. I was just out for a run when Miss Neeve here saved me from a mugging. We came down here for a quick drink afterwards. Down here? You were in her apartment? He followed me up the fire escape. Eileen explained. You didnt have security with you? Riley asked his brother. No, wanted some privacy. Can I offer you a ride? Sure, Riley, Id appreciate it. Eric said the words with no meaning behind them. Good night, Eileen. Good night, Eric.

The two rose from their booth with Riley watching as Eric stooped to bestow another kiss upon Eileens hand like the gentleman he is. Eileen felt the sensation of his lips on her skin spread like wildfire and she had to resist the urge to bring his lips to her own. Hes not ready! She kept telling herself. Eileen. Riley said, curtly dismissing her as he and his brother left the bar.

Riley hadnt said anything the whole ride back to Sydney Heights. His eyes remained focused on the road ahead and his lips remained tightly shut while the vein in his temple flicked wildly. Youre upset with me. Eric finally said, dreading his response. No. Riley lied. Its okay, youre allowed to be angry with me. I know Im allowed to be angry with you Eric. Riley said hotly. Dont talk to me like Im a child. Im sorry. I didnt mean to sound condescending. Well, you did. Riley glared at his stepbrother crossly. Their journey was short and silent punctuated only by the odd angry outburst from Riley and muttered apologies by Eric. They rode up the elevator together in more silence when they came into Erics penthouse apartment to find no one around. The security team were in their office and Alyssa had long since gone to bed when Riley followed Eric over to the bar in one corner of the spacious living room.

Congac? Eric offered. Im driving. Riley mumbled, depositing himself in his preferred armchair. He sighed, Go on then. Ill get a cab home. Youre welcome to stay in the guest room. Dont kiss my ass, Anstey. Would you stop snapping at me, Riley! I have apologised countless times already. How many more times must I say it? he said, thudding a glass tumbler down on the bar top. Dont get your panties in a bunch, Im the one who should be pissed. You are pissed. Here, drink, cheers. Eric pushed a glass into his brothers hand before taking a seat next to him. I crossed a line, I get it. But Eileen did come on to me. It doesnt matter who made the first move, Eric, I saw the way you were looking at her. How was I looking at her? The same way you used to look at Sabrina. Shes not Sabrina. I know that. He said in a kinder tone. That doesnt make her any less special. Agreed. Riley sighed. This is the first time Ive seen you take any notice in a woman since she passed. Though its not like you havent had others making advances your way since. That airheaded nympho friend of yours included. Paige? Eric asked and Riley nodded. Yup, shes hell in high heels. He said, making himself more comfortable as he slouched back and removed his jacket. I have no interest in Paige outside our business relationship. Shes barely even a friend. Are you sure she knows that? It doesnt matter what she thinks, Riley. Its never going to happen. I dont think of her that way. But you think that way of Eileen.
Eric didnt answer, he just watched Riley warily waiting for him to get angry with him again. Instead Riley finished his drink then got to his feet and refilled both of their glasses before sitting back down in the armchair, kicking off his shoes this time and loosening his silk red tie. I get it, I do. Shes beautiful and smart and kind, whats not to like? Eric still didnt answer but drank his cognac, smacking his lips appreciatively. Theres been no other girls? Eric sighed and shook his head. Riley bit his lip, considering before he spoke in a hushed voice, You have feelings for her and so do I, but I think we can agree this is going to be trouble for both of us. Yes. But youre my brother and you know I love you, even though you piss me off. I know how heartbroken youve been over Sabrina and I recognise this must be all so new and possibly scary for you. Eric nodded. So heres what I propose. I will give you a month to win her over. Eric sat up straight and tried to argue but Riley quieted him with a look. Ill stay out of the picture, for Eileen Ill just be her landlord and friend. I wont flirt with or woo her in this month and if she does choose you, Ill stay away permanently. If you start a proper relationship, I will mind my own business. I cant ask you to do that.

Youre not asking me to do anything, this is my decision. He said almost crossly but he smiled in the end. Youve been through hell and back in this last couple of years, Eric. You raising Alyssa on your own whilst still holding on the reins of your own business, I think you deserve a break. Youve had feelings for her for God only knows how long. Five years, but whos counting? Why would you just give up and let me swoop in to possibly take her away from you. Its been five years, Eric. She made no move toward me. He said sadly. You go after her. She likes you too, I saw that tonight. Dont let me or anyone else stand in your way. Eric felt lost for words, Youre a good man, brother. He raised his glass to Riley, who chinked his own against it. To your health and happiness. Cheers. Neither of them heard the creek of floorboards or had noticed little Alyssa Anstey eavesdropping on them since theyd arrived. When they said no more but turned on the sports channel and filled their glasses once more she smiled to herself and slipped away to her room, silent as a mouse where she began to concoct a plan.

EILEEN Eileen hadnt seen Eric out running in her streets for the nights to come. She barely even saw him when he came to drop Alyssa off for her figure skating lessons down at the Rink. Riley had suddenly taken on the role of responsible landlord and set out to fix every broken object in the apartment and hired professionals to take care of the damp patches that had started to appear.

She wasnt sure who he was trying to impress since he spent less time flirting with her and more time talking to Hayley. Especially since her boyfriend, Howie, broke up with Eileens friend the night Eric was almost mugged behind the bar.
Only Riley seemed to be able to keep Hayleys mind off of her distant beau. When the apartment became almost unliveable due to the amount of repairs being made, he moved them to a more stylish condo closer to town. Now its just for a couple of weeks. He says, grabbing Hayleys bags from the back of the cab. A month tops. He leads them in through the rotating front doors. The main lobby is bedecked in marble walls and floors whilst large vases of exotic flowers sit on little glass and silver units in the corners and between the elevators. The elevators themselves are lined with mirrored walls so all three girls and Riley can see themselves to infinity. Eileen lurks in the back of the lift with Keira, whose standing too close for comfort, whilst Hayley chats animatedly with Riley at the front, her arm hooked through his in a playful notion. He hasnt made any move to help Eileen with her cases and isnt tripping over himself to gain her attention like he normally does but Eileen doesnt mind. May be hes finally taken the hint? Wow, Riley! This is swanky. Hayley says as they step forth into a grander living room than their own.

Everything is neutral, painted ivory with black and white portraits of the Outback that look stark and bold but blend in well with the creams and golds of the room. Riley leaves Hayley and her belongings by the first bedroom they come across decorated in turquoises and teals before dropping Keira off in a smaller room decorated much like the main living room.
Finally picking up some of Eileens bags he shows her to the room at the very end of the hall across from the spacious blue and white bathroom. Its painted with silvers and dark purples, a colour that sits well with Eileen as it reminds her of her own room at home. A set of double doors open up to a longer balcony than her own with little pot plants dotted here and there. I know how much you like your balcony so I figured youd like this room. Riley said by way of explanation. Its great, thanks.

He wasnt his usual self, she was well aware of that already, but today was the first time shed ever seen him dressed in t-shirt and jeans. He pulled the baseball cap from his head and ran his fingers through his hair ruefully before approaching her by the balcony doors. Listen, about last week he started, with a guilty expression on his face, I wanted to apologise. For what? Eileen feigned ignorance. You know, when I interrupted you and my stepbrother. Oh, yeah, you dont have to apologise for interrupting, Riley. No, I was rude and curt and Im sorry for that. Its okay. She smiled kindly. I hadnt really noticed. Well, I just wanted to say my piece so he started to back away out of the room. Hows he holding up since the mugging? It was the lamest thing she could possibly ask at the moment but it was the only round-about way she could ask Riley about Eric without sounding needy or clingy. He hasnt spoken to you? No, I rarely speak to him and the only time I see him is when he drops Alyssa off for my class and even those occasions are few and far between. Huh, I couldve sworn he told me he was going to call you. Well, maybe he changed his mind. She said, feeling forlorn turning back to her balcony. You really like him dont you? Riley asked, a curious smirk wrinkling the corners of his eyes. No offence, but thats not really your business, is it? she said brusquely. Sorry. Riley said softly, flushing with embarrassment before turning to leave. Riley. She said, feeling suddenly shameful and guilty, she stopped him. Im sorry, I can be a real bitch sometimes.
She sauntered over to where he stood with his hands on his hips and embraced him briefly. When she released him, Eileen placed both her hands on his shoulders and looked him squarely in the face. Now we need to talk about Hayley. Hayley? he asked confused. You two have been getting awful friendly since she and Howie split and I just have to warn you. Eileen he said in a warning tone. I have to say, she repeated, her voice soft as a whisper almost but her tone was deadly serious as she maintained eye contact with him, if you hurt her Im going to shove my boot so far up your fucking perky little ass youll be shitting leather till Christmas.

I hear you. He said, both brows raised to show how shocked he truly felt and he gulped deeply when Eileen removed her hands from his shoulders.
After that Riley left her room quickly and without a backwards glance whilst Eileen smiled proudly to herself.

Are you coming in? Alyssa asked when their car pulled up outside the Rink. You could say hello to Eileen. Eric frowned at his daughter and pulled out his phone when it started to vibrate in his pocket. I cant, sweetie, I have a big meeting that Im already late for. Next time, may be. Okay, Ill just tell her you said Hi. Sure. He said frowning at her again. Off you go, you dont want to be late for class. See you in a couple hours. She opened the car door. I hope they dont give you too much trouble. Eric laughed, It keeps me from getting bored. He winked at his daughter. Outside the car, Alyssa followed the steady stream of kids her age inside the front doors and down to the dressing rooms where she changed from her school uniform into her navy Lycra dress. Picking up her skates she followed her own classmates down to the Rink where she sat in the front row to change out of her shoes whilst watching Eileen and her senior students prepare for the youngsters fourth lesson since Alyssa joined. The first few lessons were all about the basics mostly. Balance, flexibility, speed and stamina. They wouldnt move on to some of the more daring challenges until they could skate around the rink without wobbling or falling over. But Eileen was pleased with their progress, smiling proudly round at them all, her eyes landing on Alyssa once or twice whom she winked to. When eight oclock rolled around all the girls dressed in the same navy outfit as Alyssa trudged on off the rink where they put on their sneakers before carrying on up to the dressing rooms and then out to meet their parents. They all milled around outside, some were whisked away since their parents were already there waiting for them whilst others remained and waited a few minutes before their family members showed up.

It was almost half an hour later before the last girl in her class was picked up and Alyssa was left by herself, sitting on a bench outside the front doors watching the roads for her fathers Mercedes to pull up in front of her. But there was no sign. She sat there for another twenty minutes, as night drew in and a chill wind followed it whilst little Alyssa Anstey remained out in the dark cold night without a jacket and in her school issued pleated skirt. Alyssa? the voice came followed by the sound of a closing door. It was Eileen. Class has been out for almost an hour now. Why are you still here? My Dad is late. She said, almost on the verge of tears. Oh, sweetie, have you tried calling him? Every ten minutes with no answer until my battery died.

How about I walk you home then? Do you know how to get there from here? No. she shook her head. But may be you know it. I live in Sydney Heights. Sydney Heights, huh? Thats a real nice place. Yeah, do you know the way? Sure I do. Its only twenty minutes or so. Come on now, take my hand. Ill make sure you get home safely. Thank you.
When the girl got to her feet Eileen noticed how she kept her arms wrapped around her chest to keep warm and offered her coat at once. Wont you be cold? Alyssa asked, slipping it on where it almost fell to her knees. Nah, Im from cooler climes. Its always warm to me here.

Alyssa and Eileen spoke little but they walked in a comfortable silence as the figure skater navigated the streets till they found the high rise luxury yet economically friendly apartments.

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