Brochure Ftic 2013

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Convegno organizzato dalla Facolt Teologica dellItalia centrale e dallAccademia di Studi Teologici di Volos

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Pagina 3


ORE 9.30: Preghiera, saluti e discorsi introduttivi Canto del Veni Creator Spiritus Saluto di S.E. il Card. Giuseppe Betori, Arcivescovo di Firenze, Gran Cancelliere. Saluto di S.E. il Metropolita di Demetriade. Saluto dellAvv. Stefania Saccardi, Vicesindaco e Assessore al Comune di Firenze. Saluto del Preside della Facolt Teologica di Firenze: prof. Stefano Tarocchi Saluto del Direttore dellAccademia di Studi Teologici di Volos: prof. Pantelis Kalaitzidis ORE 10.05: I SESSIONE DI STUDI. Presiede il prof. Carlo Nardi PROF. STEFANO TAROCCHI, Faculty of Theology, Florence, The Canon of the New Testament in Roman Catholic Tradition. D.SSA AIKATERINI TSALAMPOUNI, Lecturer, School of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, The Canon of the New Testament in Orthodox Tradition. PROF. CHRISTOS KARAKOLIS, School of Theology, University of Athens, Patristic Tradition, Orthodox Theology, and the Importance of the Bible in the Orthodox Church. PROF. ROBERTO FILIPPINI, Theological Studium, Camaiore, Holy Scripture and Tradition in Roman Catholicism. ORE 15.30: II SESSIONE DI STUDI. Presiede il prof. Giulio Cirignano PROF. MILTIADIS KONSTANTINOU, School of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, The Divine Inspiration of the Bible in the Orthodox Church.

DR. ALESSANDRO BIANCALANI, Faculty of Theology, Florence, The Roman Catholic Doctrine on Biblical Inspiration. PROF. GRARD ROSS, Sophia University Institute, Loppiano, Hermeneutical Methods of Biblical Exegesis in Roman Catholicism. Discussione


ORE 15.30: III ED ULTIMA SESSIONE. Presiede il Prof. Basilio Petr PROF. JOHN FOTOPOULOS, St Marys College, Notre Dame, USA, The Present and Future of Biblical Studies in the Orthodox Church. PROF. KONSTANTINOS ZARRAS, School of Theology, University of Athens, The Canon of the Old Testament and the Study of Judaism in Orthodox Biblical Studies. PROF. LUCA MAZZINGHI, Faculty of Theology, Florence, and Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, The Place of Biblical Studies in the Catholic Church after the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum of the Second Vatican Council. PROF. PETROS VASSILIADIS, School of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki The Liturgical Use of Modern Translations in Contemporary Greek speaking Orthodoxy. Conclusioni e prospettive per il futuro. Saluti e ringraziamenti finali da parte dei proff. Tarocchi e Kalaitzidis

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