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Software Requirements Specifications



We would like to express deepest appreciation to our Professors who continually & convincingly conveyed a spirit of adventure in regard to the problem solving model and a path interceptor during the session of project along with maintaining an excitement in regard to teaching. Without his guidance & persistent help this dissertation would not have been possible. Thus, solely we would like to thank our professor who allotted us a developing project AIRLINE RESERVATION SYSTEM and solved our queries during course of development of project. Last but not the least we thank the Almighty God who makes everything happen.

The main purpose of this software is to reduce the manual errors involved in the airline reservation process and make it convenient for the customers to book the flights as when they require such that they can utilize this software to make reservations, modify reservations or cancel a particular reservation. This software provides options for viewing different flights available with different timings for a particular date and provides customers with the facility to book a ticket or modify a particular reservation but it does not provide the customers with details of cost of the ticket and it does not allow the customer to modify a particular part of his reservation and he/she can modify all his details. The system is developed such a way that anybody who want to check the flight timings they can do so very easily by logon to this website from their place or nearby cyber cafe. Also who ever interested to book the tickets they can book online. So it will help people to make booking very easily.

No technical experience is required basic knowledge of handling system is sufficient.

The application is portable which ensures its adaptability for use on different computer terminals with different operating systems and standards.

The software will be developed by implementing the concept of modularity which in turn reduces the complexity involved in maintaining it.

The factors needed to establish the software expected reliability are The user inputs should be valid and within the given range. Normal termination of the program.

It must be ensured that access will be provided to the authorized persons through user ID and password.

This project is developed using the tools, which are most suited for development of the Software. These tools are as follows: -

1. Java IDE (NetBeans)(For front end) 2. MySQL(For Database Storage as Back end)


1.Processor 2. Processor Speed 3.Hard Disk Space 4.Ram Memory Pentium-II or higher 533 MHZ 20 GB (min.) 32 MB (64 MB recommended)

5. Monitor Display panel (640 x 480)

6. Keyboard Standard 104 enhanced keyboard

1. Operating System 2. Database Server 3. Front end Windows 95/98/NT/2000/7 My SQL Java IDE(NetBeans)


A DFD is a modelling tool that allows us to show a s y s t e m a s a n e t w o r k o f processes (mini systems) connected to each other by paths of data. Data Flow: Each arrow in a DFD Represents a path (or pipeline of conveyer belt) of data, called the Data Flow. Process :A process represents an automated or manual activity that transforms incoming data flows to outgoing data flows. Data-Store: A Data-Store holds the data (for reference), which the system cannot remember. External events and system responses ate From/To Sources or Destination of thesystem. Components of DFD: The basic components of DFD are following Source/Destination

Source/Destination Process

Data Source

Data Flow Diagram


User Validation
User_id password


Log In DB
No Va lid use r Yes





Airline reservation System

Displa y

Check PNR

Reservati on Boo k ticke t Check availability

Read details



Get Fare

Display in Form

Database Design in most important in any project. We are using the following table to store the information of user.

Field Name ClassID ClassName Description int primary key Varchar(30)

ClassName may be business, economic or first class. CompanyMaster

Field Name CompanyID CompanyNa me Description int primary key Varchar(30)

CompanyName field contain the name of the company which flight is operated, like JetAirway, KingFisher etc. AerodrumMaster
Field Name AerodrumID AerodrumNa me City State Description int(10) primary key Varchar(40) Varchar(30) Varchar(30)

AerodrumName field contain the name of the Aerodrum from where the flight will be operate, like Indra Gandhi Internation Airport,Delhi etc DayMaster
Field Name DayID DayName Description int(10) primary key Varchar(30)

DayName field contain the name of the weekdays.

Field Name FlightNo FlightName CompanyId SourceId DestinationI d DepartureTi me ArrivalTime Description int(10) primary key Varchar(30) int(10) foreign key int(10) foreign key int(10) foreign key Time Time

CompanyId is map with the CompanyMaster table. SourceId and DestinationId is be mapped with the AerodrumMaster table. FlightFareMap
Field Name FFId FlightNo ClassId NoOfSeats Fare Description int(10) primary key Int(10) foreign key Int(10) foreign key Int(10) Int(10)

FlightNo field is mapped with FlightMaster table. ClassId field is mapped with ClassMaster table. FlightDayMap
Field Name FDId FlightNo DayId Description Int(10) primary key Int(10) foreign key Int(10) foreign key

FlightNo field is mapped with the FlightMaster table. DayId field is mapped the DayMaster table.


Field Name AdminID AdminNam e Password

Description Int(10) primary key Varchar (30) Varchar (10)

AdminName field contain the name of the administrator. And only the administrator can use the admin module. And the user module can be view to any of the user. CustomerDetails
Field Name PNRNo PassportId CustomerNa me Age Gender City EMailId ContactNo ClassId FlightNo Description Int(10) primary key Varchar (30) Varchar (30) Int(3) Varchar(10) Varchar(30) Varchar(30) Varchar(20) Int(10) foreign key Int(10) foreign key

ClassId field is mapped with the ClassMaster table. FlightNo field is mapped with the FlightMaster table.


This project includes the following modules for development of the project. These are as follows: 1. LOGIN PAGE This page shows the Login name and password when user enter a valid user name and password then he/she can do reservation. 2.REGISTRATION PAGE This page is for registration of any new user. New user registers here along with a user id and password which he/she will be needed for doing the resrevation. 3.CHANGE PASSWORD PAGE This page is for providing facility to change his password if he/she wants. For changing the password old password will be required to enter after which user can update his/her password. 4.FORGOT PASSWORD PAGE This page is for the case user forgots his/her login password and without which he/she cannot access the application. For retrieving his/her password user must have answer the answer of security question filled at the time of registration. Based on the answer of security question, if found correct, password is provided to the user. 5.BOOK TICKET PAGE This page is for booking the ticket if the user wants to do book his ticket. 6.GET FARE This page is for getting the fare between two cities based on the flight no and according to the travel class.


Nothing is perfect in this world. So, we are also no exception. Although, we have tried our best to present the information effectively, yet, there can be further enhancement in the Application. We have taken care of all the critical aspects, which need to take care of during the development of the Project. Points where extension can be made: 1.Information & booking facility of hotels at departure station. 2.Facility for Vacation packages. 3.Booking tickets through mobile. 4.Special membership for frequent travellers. 5.Facility for e-customer support. 6.Facility of car cab from destination.

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